
MangaKaDenzaoh right00:15
MangaKaDenzaanybody here who knows the maintainers of the kubuntu image?00:15
MangaKaDenzaI have a broken file to report00:15
valorieMangaKaDenza: ask in #kubuntu-devel00:17
MangaKaDenzaactually it isn't broken anymore .-.00:20
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douglwhere do you talk about 14.04?01:25
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tertucould anybody help me with my archaic USB ethernet box? It causes kernel panics when I try to use it.02:16
pnunnHas anyone managed to get bluetooth tethering to work with 13.10? It seems to have vanished all together from the bluethooth setup.04:32
Jeffro_How do I get to the ubuntu room04:43
Jeffro_Is anybody here?04:46
pnunnYess Jeffro_04:47
Jeffro_Thanks man04:47
Jeffro_I was trying to install Kubunto on my laptop, but Startup Disk creator Will not work.04:48
pnunnWhat "Startup Disk creator"? What's on there now?04:48
Jeffro_I am using ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  I am having alot of problems with it.  Trying to use a USB mem stick a startup disk/04:50
pnunnOK, 10.04 is pretty old? Any reason for that?04:52
Jeffro_The directions say "Creating a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from Ubuntu  Install and run usb-creator" but it is for Kubuntu 13.10 which is what I am trying to install on my laptop.  When I try to create a usb start drive I get an error message saying "Operation Failed"04:53
Jeffro_my first Linux experiance.  It has, up till recently, fairly stable.04:54
Jeffro_I am a Linux, Ubuntu neophyte, just an enduser.04:55
pnunnOK, so your running 10,04 Ubuntu and you want to go to 13.10 kubuntu? Do you have a DVD drive?04:55
Jeffro_yes, but I do not have any blanks here at the moment.04:56
Jeffro_But I do have a blank 16Gib USB drive.04:57
pnunnNot sure if that works or not.. but.. was going to say, get a DVD, burn it and it will just work. Never had a lot of success with usb devices myself I have to say.04:59
Jeffro_BTW, I cannot upgrade ubunto to a newer version.  That's why I and trying to install kubuntu. That04:59
Jeffro_s what several users here recommended I do.05:00
pnunnkubuntu is good, its what I'm running.05:03
Jeffro_I am wanting to, but cannot get it installed.05:06
pnunnAs I said.. I'd be getting a DVD. That way pretty much always works.05:07
soee_pnunn: and ust stick wont work for you ?05:07
soee_Jeffro_: ^05:08
Jeffro_soee, I cannot get startup creator to configure the me stick bootable05:09
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Torch_where do i get taskset for 12.04 i can't find a package in the repos09:04
valorie!info taskset09:06
ubottuPackage taskset does not exist in saucy09:06
valorieTorch_: what is taskset?09:07
Torch_valorie: binds a process to a ginen cpu core09:07
Torch_valorie: makes lazily coded programs run09:07
valorie       The taskset command  is  part  of  the  util-linux-ng  package  and  is09:07
valorie       available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux-ng/.09:07
FloodBotK1valorie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
valoriefrom the ubuntu manpage09:07
Torch_oh, thank you09:08
Torch_going to install this package09:08
Torch_E: Unable to locate package util-linux-ng09:09
Torch_ahh, wrong package name09:11
Torch_util-linux is already the newest version.09:11
valorieapt-cache search finds nothing either09:12
lordievaderTorch_: What happens when you run "taskset --help"?09:12
Torch_No command 'tasket' found, did you mean:09:13
valorieha, that gets me output09:13
Torch_ Command 'basket' from package 'basket' (universe)09:13
Torch_ Command 'taskset' from package 'util-linux' (main)09:13
lordievaderOn this 14.04 install it is installed by default.09:13
valoriecheck your spelling09:13
valorieoh, basket, how do I miss thee09:14
lordievaderBasket? What is that?09:14
Torch_wasn't that some stticky nots on desktop app for KDE3?09:15
valorieit was a note application, but not the stickies09:16
valorieI never found those useful09:17
valoriebut basket WAS useful to me09:17
valorieuntil I lost all my notes, and was never able to recover 'em09:17
valorieanyway, it never made it to kde409:18
valoriethe devel got a family instead of an application09:18
valorieand no one ever picked it up09:18
pnunnvalorie: I agree with you. I used Basket for quite a number of years too.09:36
valoriewe even had a GSoC student who wanted to work on finishing the porting09:36
valoriebut there was no mentor to be found09:37
fokaHello!  Is Howard Chan (smartboyhw) around?  I saw that he would like to revive zh_HK in KDE http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=137311277131368&w=1 and would like to get in touch with him.09:40
foka(But it appears that his account on Launchpad is deactivated?)09:41
fokaThanks for your help!09:41
valoriefoka: he's focussing on his studies right now09:43
lordievaderfoka: Last I heard was that he wanted to spend more time on school/study.09:43
valoriebut he might still have his g+ or blog?09:44
fokavalorie and lordievader, thank you very much for your help.  That makes sense, supposing he is in Form 3 in secondary school in Hong Kong.09:46
valorieI think he's still interested09:47
valoriebut just extremely busy09:47
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valorieand focused09:47
fokaYes, Howard does seem like a very focused and dedicated person, seeing how he became a Kubuntu developer at such a young age, and how you speak highly of him.  I suppose competition in Hong Kong's education is really cut-throat these days, perhaps much more so than when I was in school in Hong Kong.09:51
SpellanserHello everyone. I have some trouble with kubuntu install. I cant start installing system from livecd, only kubuntu logo on screen 30 min.09:51
valorieSpellanser: did you verify the iso after burning?09:52
valoriefoka: we were his second desktop too!09:54
valoriehe was already working on Ubuntu Studio before he came over to Kubuntu as well09:54
valoriewhat a great kid09:54
lordievadersmartboy was the release manager for Ubu Studio, wasn't he?09:54
valorienot sure what his job was09:55
opi99shadeslayer: Hi, I updated my Kubuntu 13.10 to the 'KDE Backports' PPA which have the newer KDevelop 4.6.0, which do you uploaded to the PPA, but it crashes on application start: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329717 ... Do you have any help on this?10:48
ubottuKDE bug 329717 in general "KDevelop Crash on startup" [Crash,Unconfirmed]10:48
shadeslayeropi99: I'll have a look in some time10:52
opi99shadeslayer: Ok thx ... as I understand documentationProviders seems to be null ... so something is missing ... but I'm PHP and no C++ developer ;)11:01
shadeslayeropi99: try running kbuildsycoca411:03
shadeslayerand then running kdevelop11:03
opi99shadeslayer: This doesn't change anything11:10
shadeslayerack, worth a try ...11:10
opi99Yes :)11:11
yossarianukis kubuntu compatible with a  l2tp/ipsec PSK VPN client11:12
yossarianukI have tried opensuse/fedora20 none seem to work out the box11:13
yossarianuki.e the gnome/kde clients do not work11:13
opi99shadeslayer: Ok, with kdebugdialog I got more information (and also got the missing backtrace line) ... it was an old self compiled plugin which crashed. :-(11:40
shadeslayeryossarianuk: try it from the livecd to check?11:41
shadeslayerusually if the KDE client doesn't work it'd mean that it's a bug in KDE11:42
shadeslayerand is not distro specific11:42
shadeslayeropi99: plz close the bug report as well11:55
opi99shadeslayer: I don't think the bug report should be closed, as the problem persists. KDevelop crashes couse of malfunction plugins.11:59
shadeslayerbut then if the plugin is doing evil things, then kdevelop will crash anyway right?12:03
opi99shadeslayer: If KDevelop doesn't handle it correctly ... yes12:04
BluesKaj'Morning all12:39
douglBluesKaj, good morning...13:19
BluesKajHi dougl13:24
douglhow are you today?13:24
BluesKajok , and you ?13:24
douglwell you knolw me... install 14.04 and messed up my grub and my plymouth on my 13.10 install... but the good news is they both boot...13:26
douglno plymouth yet in  14.04 so I am a bit disappointed but it ships with firefox = about time.13:27
BluesKajthere's a big update on 14.04 today, that causes boot problem , but running the recovery mode fixes it13:27
douglnice to know = thanks for the info... was it today or last night... last night's update was alot I thot... cant wait to see what comes down the pipe today13:28
BluesKajssh'd into the trusty partition on the htpc ,and it looks like I'll have to run it there as well13:29
douglssh all you got for the tv = no keyboard?13:30
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BluesKajwireless KB and mouse fro my easy chair13:30
douglBluesKaj, ok... same here... just a little crappy one the size of a remote with a track pad - got it somewhere off the net for 50 bucks but saves alot of head ache when it comes to logging int netflix.13:32
BluesKajthe HTPC ued to be my main computer , til I got this laptop, ssh is easy to update and upgrade from here rather than hauling out the KB , mouse and turning on the TV and switching inputs13:33
BluesKajnetflix not my cuppa tea , didn't find anything there that I wanted to watch13:35
douglSo... err... um... what are the chances you'd be interested in explaining what I am missing with my grub config... and I think plymouth will fix itself once I figer out grub (plymouth's aspect ratio is messed but works - wrong resolution tho)13:35
douglssh is the way to go... and netflix and xbmc is good for us - apple tv for netflix and the raspberry pi for xbmc13:36
BluesKajdougl, pastebin your /etc/default/grub file so we can have a look13:36
jackyhttp://paste.kde.org  :)13:36
BluesKajis that all ?13:38
douglI have another link ... but that is all for that one... sec13:39
BluesKajhere's mine , http://pastebin.kde.org/pd93c096a13:39
BluesKajBB in 5 mins13:40
douglhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6711948/ is the one from the repaired 14.04 install13:40
douglBluesKaj, if this ain't no fun now - lets chat about it another time?13:49
BluesKajdougl, the question is if your grub menu is readable then that's really all that counts , putting it ina high res like 1920x1080 makes the fon very small in my experience13:54
BluesKaji used 800x600 in the grub menu when the tv was the monitor13:55
douglyeah - it never did do 1920x1080 it was 640x480 and that was fine but there was a background on the menu adn the plymouth animation was 1920x1080 and that is controlled by grub but I dont know how... did you check out my boot repair logs?13:56
dougl...on the grub menu and plymouth andimation...13:57
douglsheesh... my fingers are not doing what they are told.13:57
douglI was trying high res so plymouth would behave13:58
douglBluesKaj, did you see http://paste.ubuntu.com/6711948/ ?13:59
douglthat's a mess of info13:59
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douglout of ingnorance and desperation I want to delete that windows boot partition but I am afraid it will bugger configs that rely on linux being on sda214:01
BluesKajdougl, how's your login page res-wise, i don.t mean to be dismissive but the grub menu and the login page a re most important in my view, plymouth etc are just window dressing14:03
BluesKajdougl, if it ain't broke, don't fix it :)14:04
douglBluesKaj, auto login buit after plymouth splash everything goes back to good... you are right it is perfectly functional... just missing a bit of eyecandy but that is what I like - lol14:05
BluesKajyour windows boot is exactly correct , the mbr is fine14:05
* dougl pitches a fit and gets sent to corner by BluesKaj - "you cant have your eye candy and eat it too"14:06
douglI don't run windows = not installed14:07
BluesKajyes the mbr is used by grub, that's where it installs by default14:08
douglthat first grub config is not what is applied to my grub tho... can you humor me a bit and let me get to 14.04 err wait I have it mounted will show you 1404 grub14:08
BluesKajif you had windows that's where the windows boot would install and wipe out grub , then another boot-repair run would be requiered14:09
BluesKajhave you run sudo update-grub since installing 14.04>14:11
douglhave you run sudo update-grub since installing 14.04> I am sure I did14:13
douglhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6714983/ is what is applied to current grub14:15
douglknew I shouldn't have let 14.04 mess with 13.10 drive14:16
BluesKaji still have grub installed on the W7 HDD mbr (a totally separate hard drive from the main HDD with kubuntu installs) , since it has to be first in the boot sequence , and ait all works fine14:17
BluesKaji always use manual partitioning with the <ubiquity installer , even after setting up the partitions with gparted ahead of time.14:19
BluesKajdoes your grub menu show 14.04 ?14:20
douglBluesKaj, oh yeah - everything works except the eye candy :)14:28
FloodBotK1dougl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:29
BluesKajwindow dressing14:29
dougland no worries just thot I chat you up a bit and get another perspective14:29
douglerr... has nothing to do with enjoying your company and patience :)14:30
douglgee FloodBotK1 has no sense of humor14:31
BluesKajno , but i was concerned about your autologin choice, not good practice on a devel OS in case stuff breaks at boot, then you casn stuck in limbo14:31
BluesKajcan be14:31
douglBluesKaj, good to know will change it up14:31
BluesKajwell it happened to me :)14:32
dougland this is why we stick together14:32
binaliHi People)14:53
binaliCan you help me?14:56
douglBluesKaj, you still here - I just bricked my box again I cant even get into the bios after deleteing an efi partition any suggestions?15:02
BluesKajefi partition?15:14
yossarianukdougl: deleting a efi partition will make no difference to your bios15:14
yossarianukyou can take you HDD out and still get to your bios...15:14
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BluesKajefi isn't a partition , it's the replacement fot thr bios on machines since 201015:17
BluesKajfor the bios15:17
BluesKajpartitions are still ext or ntfs etc15:18
Guest68168hello all can you please help me with equalizer on kde? pulse. i've tried pulseaudio-eq but he have some troubles15:18
Guest68168want try another packet15:18
Guest68168or maybe i can setting up pulse? but i don't know where in pulse eq...15:20
yossarianukBluesKaj: you do get efi partitions also...15:20
yossarianuk(they are really fat32...)15:20
yossarianuki.e - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI_System_partition15:22
BluesKajyossarianuk, he doesn't have any windows OSs installed15:23
yossarianuki know - nor do I - but a have an EFI partition....15:23
yossarianukgdisk shows it as code : EF0015:24
yossarianukparted shows as fat32...15:24
yossarianukyou need to mount that as /boot/efi in order to boot ...15:25
yossarianukthe debian/ubuntu, etc installer sets it up for you nowadays...15:26
yossarianuk(I set mine up manually via arch linux install disk.)15:26
BluesKajthat's boot partition which should be removed in a lot of cases if you want to install linux without any hassles, so i used legacy mode15:27
yossarianukie - MBR?15:27
yossarianuk(and bios boot partition)15:28
yossarianukWhen I first tried UEFI it was a nightmare - its now pretty usable with modern distros/nvidia drivers, etc15:30
yossarianuk(nvidia drivers did have issues a while ago with some UEFI setups..)15:30
yossarianukThe main bonus though is protection against cold boot attacks...15:30
yossarianukSteamOS also requires UEFI (the 'offical' beta does)15:31
BluesKajwell. legacy mode works here , without ant efi boot15:31
yossarianukyes - I originally went back - then I thought that UEFI is the future so may as well get used to it...15:32
* BluesKaj shrugs , not a gamer :)15:32
yossarianukKubuntu 13.10 .iso is still broken for UEFI installs unless you have networking during install....15:33
yossarianuk(i,e  you need to run updates whilst installing or you will have an unbootable system...)15:33
yossarianukShould have re-mastered the iso IMO)...15:33
yossarianuki.e - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/124241715:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Saucy) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:34
BluesKajmanaged to install 14.04 and W7 using the uefi legacy mode15:34
yossarianukits fixed in 14.04...15:35
yossarianukAlso if your using legacy it means you not using UEFI..15:35
yossarianukyour using GPT.15:35
yossarianukGPT is the main bonus...15:35
yossarianukUEFI does seem to be an enormous amount of hassle...15:36
BluesKajbut i had to make the distinction since it's not really the bios any more15:36
yossarianukthat's true ... Can you use something similar in Winblows - i.e  GPT without EFI?15:37
yossarianuk(not that I care about windows...)15:37
yossarianukI was in the verge or re-setting back to legacy+bios boot (system has never been quite as stable with UEFI..) but then SteamOS happened...15:40
yossarianukAlso rEFInd is a really lovely boot loader.....15:41
yossarianuksorry - boot manager.15:41
BluesKajin my case i had 6 bloody partitions withW8.1 when i bought this laptop , so I had to repartition the drive anyway and the legacy mode was the only method that worked15:43
BluesKajto install any OS15:44
yossarianukBluesKaj: Ah were you ptentially trying to install a 32bit os?15:47
BluesKajnope, W7 and kubuntu 14.04 64bit15:47
yossarianukw8 not too your liking then ?15:48
yossarianuk(that was a  joke....)15:48
BluesKaj14.04 nvidia graphics are acting up with the latest kernel upgrade on my desktop pc15:48
yossarianuknot tried it yet...15:49
yossarianukAlthough latest kernel + nvidia driver are fine in Arch linux...15:49
yossarianuk(now arch linux and UEFI - that is a head fuck to install...)15:49
BluesKajcan't get 1920x1080 reolution with the 331 or 304 drivers , haven't tried any others yet15:50
yossarianukbut after installing arch linux I now (semi) understand how the UEFI boot process works.15:50
yossarianukrunning - 331.20 + kernel 3.12.something....15:51
BluesKaj3.13 kernel here15:51
yossarianukah - that's likely to be the issue...15:52
yossarianuki'm sure the next nvidia release wll sort it.15:53
BluesKajyeah the kernel modules aren't up to it15:53
yossarianukyou mean the free nouveau one  - like a loss of 60% fps...15:53
BluesKajhaven't tried nouveau yet , dunnom if it's even available15:54
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Poisoned_Dragonum, isn't nouveau always available? XD It is the xorg driver for nvidia.15:55
BluesKaji haven't checked , running 13.10 atm ...i'll reboot into 14.04 when I'm finished upgrading15:57
yossarianukif you install the binary nvidia driver is prevents nouveau running.15:58
yossarianuk(blacklists it)15:58
BluesKajyeah I'm aware15:58
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BluesKajnot here16:53
apb1963is it safe to remove pulse audio?17:48
lordievaderapb1963: If you have faith Alsa will work for you. Yes. Personally I wouldn't do it.17:51
apb1963lordievader: right now pulseaudio is taking 15% of my cpu, and making my voip calls "warble".17:53
lordievaderapb1963: If you let it resample, it will consume a lot more. Is 15% that big of a deal?17:54
apb1963lordievader: I don't know what you mean by 'resample' or why I'd want it to consume more, but yes 15% is huge.17:55
apb1963lordievader: ever used a cell phone that broke up sound every other second?  That's what "warbling" sort of sounds like.17:56
apb1963lordievader: it makes the call comletely useless17:57
lordievaderapb1963: Resampling means converting something from 44kHz to 48Khz (or something). Anyhow this might help you: http://linux.die.net/man/5/pulse-daemon.conf17:57
apb1963lordievader: right now I'm looking at disabling it17:57
lordievaderapb1963: It should be possible. Though I don't recommend it.17:58
apb1963lordievader: and what would you recommend?18:00
lordievaderapb1963: Sticking with PA. Googleing for similair problems and seeing if they have fixed it.18:02
apb1963lordievader: The fix that seemed to work for most people was removing pulseaudio18:02
lordievaderapb1963: Bypassing PA is not an option?18:04
apb1963lordievader: if by bypassing you mean disabling, that's what I'm attempting to do now18:04
lordievaderapb1963: No, you are talking about removing. I'm talking about bypassing. Can your voip program talk to Alsa directly.18:06
apb1963lordievader: again, I'm talking about disabling... not removing.  There's a difference.  The softphone is in fact set to use ALSA.  I don't know why pulseaudio is interfering with it.18:09
apb1963lordievader: in fact, that's an interesting test I could try had I not already disabled pa while we were talking.18:09
lordievaderapb1963: Configure PA not to respawn when killed. Kill PA. Use voip with Alsa and see if it still has the problem.18:11
apb1963lordievader: exactly what I did18:11
apb1963lordievader: and now i get no sound at all18:12
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lordievaderapb1963: Does alsa function properly? You can check with aplay (supports only wav, for as far as I know).18:14
BluesKajapb1963, after removing -purging pulseaudio, reboot and then in the terminal run, alsactl init18:14
apb1963lordievader: aplay works18:15
apb1963BluesKaj: have not removed it, only disabled it18:15
apb1963lordievader: i'll try restarting the softphone18:16
BluesKajalsactl init restarts alsa , if you only disabled pulse you won't have any audio , you need to purge it18:16
apb1963lordievader: restarting softphone did the trick.  Sound is back, no more warble.18:18
apb1963thank you :)18:19
BluesKajapb1963, I'm running with out pulse due to the intel driver working with alsa and flash audio on websites, some versions of the hda driver need pulse for some reason , <i haven't figured that one out yet18:19
lordievaderapb1963: So now it is using alsa? Still you got PA installed right, or did you purge it?18:19
apb1963lordievader: still installed... but killed.. no respawn18:20
lordievaderapb1963: Ok, well this is a workaround. Not very clean. But hey, if it works...18:20
apb1963lordievader: I can remove it at any time....  and may do so since I'm not sure why I need it....  I've had nothing but problems with it.18:22
apb1963BluesKaj: no idea18:22
BluesKajpulse isn't really required in some cases, and in others one can play mostly any audio files without it, website audio that uses flash sometimes will require pulse for reasons that ares till a mystery to me18:23
apb1963BluesKaj: I guess i'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  If hulu and youtube work, that's 90% of what I need.18:24
BluesKajon our 2 amd pcs we need pulse for webaudio, this laptop intel cpu and intel audio driver don't18:24
apb1963BluesKaj: this is a Dell... it uses Intel18:25
BluesKajapb1963, then experiment without pulse , if it won't play flash audio like youtube, then you can always enable or reinstall18:26
apb1963BluesKaj: exactly.  However up until now I thought I was in fact using only alsa... not sure how or why pulse got into the picture.18:27
BluesKajpulseaudio is installed by default , apb196318:27
apb1963oh ok18:27
apb1963but again... softphone is configured to use alsa... so I don't know why pulse would stick it's nose in the middle.18:28
apb1963quite possibly the reason for the warbling... the two may have been fighting with each other.18:28
BluesKajno apb1963 , pulse runs as a sound server layer on top of alsa18:29
BluesKajmost users don't even know it's there18:29
apb1963BluesKaj: well, I don't know... all I know is that my sound sucked until I removed it... and 99% of the posts I've seen on google say the same.18:30
BluesKajwhat's your audio chip , apb1963?18:30
BluesKajalsamixer shows it in the top left18:31
apb1963Analog Devices AD198018:31
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BluesKajok and the card?18:33
apb1963Intel ICH618:34
BluesKajok , for safety's sake run , sudo modprobe snd-ad1980 , if there's no output the driver will have loaded correctly18:36
ctinhello! help please18:37
ctincan not launch any application18:37
ctinctin@ctin-kubuntu-PC:~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin$ ./qtcreator.sh18:38
ctinQOpenGLShader: could not create shader18:38
ctinyesterday all works fine18:38
apb1963BluesKaj: considering that things actually work now, I'm kind of nervous about running that command18:38
BluesKajdon't be apb1963 , it just loads the driver18:38
apb1963BluesKaj: exactly.  And that's what has me nervous18:39
BluesKajctin, try a different app18:39
ctinBluesKaj: .wine/drive_c/Games/Diablo 2$ err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly (using GL renderer "AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series ", version "1.4 (2.1 (4.2.12217 Compatibility Profile Context 12.104))").18:39
ctinerr:dbghelp_msc:pe_load_debug_directory Got a page fault while loading symbols18:39
ctinany app crashes instantly18:40
BluesKajctin, just i wine or ?18:41
ctinBluesKaj: about a half of my applications18:41
apb1963thanks for the help guys, I'm going to leave well enough alone for now.18:41
BluesKajapb1963, why would loading the correct driver make you nervous18:42
apb1963BluesKaj: because if it ain't broke, don't fix it :)18:42
* BluesKaj shrugs ..okaaaay18:43
apb1963BluesKaj: I have sound.  I can make calls.  I'm happy.  When I have time to test hulu and friends I'll worry about alsa if I don't get sound at that point.  Right now I have to deal with other stuff.  I appreciate your efforts.18:44
BluesKajapb1963, ok , have fun18:44
apb1963thanks :)18:44
BluesKajctin, have you updated upgraded lately ?18:47
ctinBluesKaj: yes, i have18:48
apb1963I just tried a call and they're hearing a delay.18:49
ctinBluesKaj: does kubuntu contain app like "fixit"18:49
BluesKajctin, there's the recovery kernel in grub, that brings up repair broken packages dialog, which can work sometimes18:51
BluesKajctin, also look in /var/log/syslog for erors that can give clues to wahat's going wrong18:52
ctingrub says: Error 8: Kernel must be loaded before booting18:53
ctinBluesKaj: thank you, i think i will reinstall kubuntu. Too much creepy shit i did last month :)18:55
lordievaderapb1963: If you want to have multiple programs play sounds you need PA.18:55
apb1963lordievader: you mean simultaneously?18:55
lordievaderapb1963: Yes, that. Say have a music player playing and a browser running some flash video or something.18:57
apb1963lordievader: right now I need to eliminate possible causes of this audio delay19:10
lordievaderapb1963: I'm just mentioning it.19:10
apb1963lordievader: 'k.  thank you19:11
apb1963BluesKaj: so I'm more ready than I was before now.19:35
apb1963BluesKaj: FATAL: Module snd_ad1980 not found.19:35
BluesKajapb1963, cat /proc/asound/cards19:37
apb1963and ya... hulu isn't working... nor is youtube.   hulu freezes after a little bit... youtube doesn't bring up the video19:38
apb1963 0 [ICH6           ]: ICH4 - Intel ICH619:38
apb1963                      Intel ICH6 with AD1980 at irq 2319:38
apb1963dont' forget... I disabled pa19:39
BluesKajhave you rebooted ?19:39
BluesKajthen do so19:40
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apb1963BluesKaj: that seemed to do the trick... stuff is working again.  ty19:57
BluesKajyeah, when pulse is disabled it sometimes unloads the the audio driver, ap20:01
apb1963though I haven't done the modprobe20:04
BluesKajno need , it obviously loaded at startup20:05
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Picino ops here, just us chickens.21:14
Go|dfish_.how about21:24
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=== MangaKaenza is now known as MangaKaDenza

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