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directhexis something weird going on on akateko and sagari? build log looks like it should be finished/uploading, but it's been sat at the end of the build not updating the build log for a good 15 minutes now. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/3.2.3+dfsg-5/+build/5435125 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/3.2.3+dfsg-5/+build/543512413:40
cjwatsondirecthex: that usually means that buildd-manager is downloading the binaries13:44
cjwatsonsometimes that takes annoyingly long on large builds13:44
cjwatsonthough not seeing that in the log13:46
cjwatsonlet me see if I can find out13:48
cjwatsonbuildd    1712  0.0  0.0   2352   624 ?        S    12:19   0:00 sh -c MONO_PATH=/build/buildd/mono-3.2.3+dfsg/mcs/class/lib/net_4_5 MONO_SHARED_DIR=/build/buildd/mono-3.2.3+dfsg/runtime MONO_CFG_DIR=/build/buildd/mono-3.2.3+dfsg/runtime/etc ../../doltlibtool --mode=execute  ../../mono/mini/mono --config tests-config --optimize=all --debug monitor.exe 2>monitor.exe.stderr 1>monitor.exe.stdout13:53
cjwatsonbuildd    1713  100  0.0  30692 11528 ?        Sl   12:19  91:51  \_ ../../mono/mini/mono --gc=boehm --config tests-config --optimize=all --debug monitor.exe13:53
cjwatsondirecthex: ^- stale processes caused the build to hang on cleanup13:53
directhexi'm beginnig to think just skipping that test is best13:54
cjwatsonwell, either skip it or make sure you don't leave stale processes around afterward by some other means13:55
cjwatsondirecthex: I've asked sysadmin to kill those processes, but it'll just reoccur on the next build unless the root cause is fixed13:55
cjwatsonbuilds in uploading state now13:56
directhexcjwatson, do you remember whether it was monitor.exe on both boxes?13:58
cjwatsonbuildd   11042  0.0  0.0   2332   580 ?        S    12:20   0:00 sh -c MONO_PATH=/build/buildd/mono-3.2.3+dfsg/mcs/class/lib/net_4_5 MONO_SHARED_DIR=/build/buildd/mono-3.2.3+dfsg/runtime MONO_CFG_DIR=/build/buildd/mono-3.2.3+dfsg/runtime/etc ../../doltlibtool --mode=execute  ../../mono/mini/mono --config tests-config --optimize=all --debug bug-10127.exe 2>bug-10127.exe.stderr 1>bug-10127.exe.stdout14:00
cjwatsonbuildd   11043  196 11.2 1657524 1383460 ?     Rl   12:20 180:13  \_ ../../mono/mini/mono --config tests-config --optimize=all --debug bug-10127.exe14:00
cjwatsonwas the other one14:00
cjwatsonsorry, didn't notice that difference14:00
cjwatsonthe latter was akateko14:01
directhexok, both bugs disabled in master-experimental. i won't do a -6 upload just for this though14:04
directhexcjwatson, that's acceptable for now? otherwise, a full set of binaries is in trusty-proposed NEW now. yay, etc14:11
cjwatsondirecthex: yep, should be, thanks14:13
cjwatsonthough it may cause trouble for the test rebuild14:13
directhexhow often do those happen?14:13
cjwatsonbut I guess we can deal with that when it comes14:13
cjwatsonthere's one due soon, doko is organising it14:13
directhexi'll feel better about minor-change uploads when i get the experimental/armhf build i've been waiting a month(!) for in debian14:14
cjwatsonNEWed, hopefully approximately correctly14:14
directhexcjwatson, if i sync another package into -proposed, it will use the mono package in there, right?14:16
cjwatsondirecthex: after the next publisher cycle, yes14:17
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cjwatsondirecthex: you can wait for the version you care about to show up in the output of "rmadison -s trusty,trusty-proposed mono-devel", and then it's safe for builds14:18
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ZoohouseHello everyone18:49
ZoohouseQuick question. Is there a general convention or what not on how to organize a project release? For example, how do you use trunks/series/milestones to organize a project in launchpad? I'm looking https://launchpad.net/do/+series and it seems that there's one trunk with each 0.x being it's own series. At https://help.launchpad.net/Code/QuickStart#Set_your_project.27s_trunk_branch it says you can set which of the 'branches' focus of development, so18:57
Zoohouse it seems that you should have more than one branch? Perhaps a stable trunk and a development trunk? I'm a bit turned around with this topic if someone can clarify or point to a doc. I'm new to CVS in general.18:57
ZoohouseScratch my question: https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases is helpful.19:00
ZoohouseAnother question: https://launchpad.net/bzr series 2.7 comes from series 2.6. 2.6 is still being worked on, fixing bugs I suppose. Say someone fixes a bug in 2.6.1, would not the same bug be in 2.7b1? How does the workflow take care of this?19:21
dobeyit doesn't necessarily mean the bug exists in 2.7, no. how projects are structured and managed is left pretty much entirely up to whoever owns the project19:29
dobeyif you want to ask about bzr, #bzr would be a better channel for it19:30
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
=== caktux_ is now known as caktux

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