
perois there any reason why i wouldnt want to remove the src repos?00:06
ikoniapero: for the same reasons you where told in #ubuntu00:09
perogee thanks00:10
douglSo plymouth is not supposed to work yet?/01:44
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perois there a firefox nightly ppa for trusty?05:18
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BluesKaj'Morning all12:39
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rrvahi!. whats the best desktop to use for retina displays20:07
rrvaunity, xfce, gnome 3.10+ ?20:08
glitsj16rrva: ubuntu still isn't ready to deal with retina imho, at least not at full resolution .. there's talk of changing that but nothing solid yet as far as i know20:42
glitsj16rrva: this is generally the case for many if not all linux distros i believe, not exclusive to ubuntu20:43
glitsj16rrva: so for now i think the best you can do is drop down to 1920 x 1200 (16:10) works well for me. It's not as crisp but certainly livable....20:44
alfonsojonWill 14.04 have a way to remove smart scopes entirely?22:10
alfonsojoni.e. apt-get remove unity-smart-scopes22:10
k1lyou can disable the online searches in the privacy settings right now22:11
alfonsojonI know, but my local searches are still slower than in 12.10 and 12.0422:11
alfonsojonI want to remove it /entirely/22:11
alfonsojoni.e. the package for it22:11
alfonsojonI currently have it disabled in privacy, but it still feels slower than usual.22:12
k1lsee http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=saucy&section=all&arch=any&keywords=unity-scope&searchon=names22:13
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Daekdroomalfonsojon, it's because now scopes are loaded as they are needed.22:15
DaekdroomThe same thing happens in 13.1022:15
alfonsojonDaekdroom: I know, I don't like 13.10's behaviour22:16
alfonsojonWhat would be neat is a unity-scope-online metapackage22:16
k1lyou can disable single scopes, too22:16
alfonsojonI'm aware, but if I ever want to put Ubuntu in a school environment, that won't be fun22:16
DaekdroomI don't, either. Having to wait 15 seconds so I can have an app search result is not the best feature.22:16
alfonsojonMy school is trying to get away from XP and I really can't suggest any Ubuntu except 12.0422:17
alfonsojonBut Unity is very easy to use otherwise.22:17
bekksalfonsojon: Then suggest 12.04, which is supported until 2017.22:17
alfonsojonI know22:17
alfonsojonThing is, what happens when 2017 is here?22:17
bekksAnything else rather an LTS would be - no good choice for large deployments.22:17
alfonsojonThat's not my point, we're not actually on Ubuntu yet22:17
bekksalfonsojon: In 2017, you have to update to 14.04 or 16.0422:18
alfonsojonI mean if 14.04 comes out, we can't use it22:18
alfonsojonThe kids will play with the scopes22:18
bekksThen configure/disable/uninstall the scopes. Where is the problem with that?22:18
alfonsojonThere's a ton of scopes.22:18
alfonsojonNevermind, it's fine I guess22:19
=== ThomasB2 is now known as ThomasB

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