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sgo11hi, I haven't installed ubuntu arm yet. I would like to know what packages and which versions are supported by current ubuntu arm release. can anyone tell me where I can check? what is the repo url? thanks.13:59
ogra_the same packages that are on x8614:04
ogra_the archive is at ports.ubuntu.com14:04
sgo11ogra_, thanks. the latest arm release is 12.04. when you say the same packages to x86, do you mean the same packages(version) as 12.04 x86? or latest 13.10 x86? thanks.14:10
ogra_the latest arm release is 13.1014:10
ogra_arm is built in parallel since 9.04, since then you have the identical package versions to x8614:11
sgo11ogra_, thanks. I come from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM. it shows 12.04 release. what is the official site for ubuntu arm? where to get 13.10? thanks a lot.14:12
ogra_oh, dont trust the wiki ... it is always outdated :)14:12
sgo11ogra_, thanks. but where to get the latest arm release? thanks.14:13
ogra_there is no official site specific for arm anymore ... it is just another architecture14:13
sgo11ogra_, ok. so how can I install 13.10 to my board? can you show me some guideline/tutorial? thanks.14:14
ogra_which board is that ?14:14
sgo11ogra_, cubieboard (cubieboard3 also named cubietruck)14:15
ogra_installation images are very device specific since kernels and bootloaders vary massively on arm ... there are only images for a few devices/boards14:15
ogra_ah, well, there is definitely no official cubieboard image, so google is your friend ... i'm sure there are some third party howtos to get ubuntu running on that device though14:15
sgo11ogra_, yeah. I am a newbie to arm. I am very confused on how to install them.14:16
sgo11ogra_, the official cubieboard team release ubuntu 12.04. I just want to get latest packages. maybe I should think switching to archlinux-arm even if I never use archlinux before. but archlinux-arm provides official release to cubieboard.14:17
sgo11installation to arm world becomes very different. installation in archlinux becomes much easier than ubuntu.14:17
ogra_just use theirt image then, you can always just upgrade to 13.1014:17
ogra_huh ?14:18
ogra_i highly doubt that14:18
ogra_if there is an existing ubuntu image, just install it ... most likely you just need to dump the image onto an sd card and are good to go14:18
ogra_arch means you will have to know how to build your own stuff from scratch etc ... it will definitely be a lot harder than using a binary distro like ubuntu debian or fedora14:19
sgo11ogra_, archlinux-arm provides a specific image to my cubieboard. that's why I thought that might be easier. haven't tried it yet. I can use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in ubuntu arm to upgrade to 13.10? thanks.14:19
ogra_unless you are already good at linux in general and in arch specifically14:19
ogra_sgo11, http://cubieboard.org/download/14:20
ogra_just grab the lubuntu image from there and be happy14:20
ogra_(first hit on google btw)14:21
sgo11ogra_, sorry about my bad memory. that is 12.10 instead of 12.04. but the team does not provide 13.10. how to uprgrade to 13.10 once I have 12.10? thanks.14:21
ogra_sudo update-manager-core14:22
ogra_that will upgrade you to the next ubuntu version14:22
sgo11ogra_, cool. I will do that and stick with ubuntu. thanks a lot for your help.14:22
ogra_err, sorry14:22
ogra_update-manager-core is the package14:23
ogra_it is sudo do-release-upgrade14:23
sgo11ogra_, no problem. what is the command? if you can tell me, it will save my time to google. :) thanks.14:23
ogra_sudo do-release-upgrade14:23
sgo11ogra_, oh. it's always that command. never really use it in x86 world. I always did fresh install in x86. but arm is different. thanks a lot.14:24
ogra_arm is the same :)14:24
ogra_the only things that usually differ on arm are the bootloader and kernel which are board specific14:24
sgo11ogra_, that's very cool. thank you very much! ^_^14:24
sgo11ogra_, since you are here, may I ask another question related to kernel rebuilding? can I use the same new way (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel) to compile the kernel in arm? "fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic" thanks.14:27
ogra_only if your kernel source has a package dir (which it is unlikely to have)14:28
ogra_the guys in #ubuntu-kernel might be able to give you more hints, but generally if you have a non official board you just build the kernel without packaging and maintain it separately14:29
sgo11ogra_, i have a driver which requires rebuild the kernel to work. that's why I asked this question in advance.14:30
ogra_well, best to ask in a cubieboard forum tzhen14:30
sgo11ogra_, sure. I will do that. thank you very much. ^_^14:31
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