
KI7MTNevermind ^^^, found several examples of multiple authors / editors.00:48
phillwKI7MT: I'm sure others here will complain, but the main argument I have? well, it's because it is a team and no one wants to make a decision, we muddle along, we do what we can; but we do really sure do need a 'Whoppi Goldeberg' in her cast of http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105417/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_114 to put this and manual up....04:15
KI7MTphillw, As th old saying goes, ( .. there is no "I" in "Team" ..) personally, I'd be ok with the the credits in each file merely stating Ubuntu Documentation Team  or something, but that's just me. At least with the current methodology, you can contact the previous author for any questions, which is a ++.11:18
dsmythiesshaunm: For this one: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=709951  how does one determine when that upstream change is included in Ubuntu? ...16:54
ubot2Gnome bug 709951 in yelp-build "yelp build ignores conditionals when creating file copy list" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:54
dsmythiesafter loing a day due to VM 14.04 desktop issues (Grrr...), I fainlly got my VM Ubuntu desktop working this morning....16:55
dsmythiesI compiled ubuntu-docs, but still get the missinf file error messages, as per the bug report///16:56
dsmythiesI have:  yelp-tools 3.10.0-1 on my up to date 14.04 Ubuntu Desktop VM.16:57
dsmythies"loing" meant to say "losing"16:58
godbykdsmythies: Per the yelp-tools git repository, that fix was committed just prior to version 3.11.1 being tagged: https://git.gnome.org/browse/yelp-tools/18:30
godbykdsmythies: The yelp-tools package in trusty is currently 3.10.0: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/yelp-tools18:31
godbykSo the fix hasn't made its way to Ubuntu yet.18:31
godbykdsmythies: It looks like it's still version 3.10.0 in Debian unstable, too. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/yelp-tools18:33
dsmythiesgodby: Thanks very much.18:58
dsmythiesgodbyk: Thanks very much.18:58
godbykdsmythies: No problem.18:59
godbykdsmythies: Unfortunately, I don't know much about the process of getting packages into Debian or from Debian to Ubuntu (or directly to Ubuntu, for that matter).18:59
godbykOn the Debian package page, I see a list of maintainers on the right. Perhaps one of them can help get the updated yelp into Debian and then we can pester people on the Ubuntu side to pull it in to 14.04?19:00
dsmythiesgodbyk: Re process: I don't know much either. Re debian upstream aminatiners: I'll think about asking them to get the updated yelp.19:33
dsmythiesshaunm: godbyk: Confirmed, this one is fixed: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70995819:34
ubot2Gnome bug 709958 in yelp-build "yelp-note-advanced.png is wanted but is not there" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:34
godbykdsmythies: Ah, good.19:34
godbykdsmythies: I think the platform-detection bug is fixed now, too.19:35
godbykdsmythies: At least within the Yelp viewer and libyelp. I'm not sure if that fixed it for yelp-build, too, or not.19:35
dsmythiesgodbyk: I normally compile on a 12.04 server, so needed to make my VM work to test 14.04, and that turned into a saga.19:36
godbykdsmythies: Ah, gotcha.19:39
godbykdsmythies: I did my testing under 13.10 at the time.19:39
dsmythiesgodbyk: In the end I'll have to remember to use a 14.04 computer for the final compiles for help.ubuntu.com19:47
KI7MTHello all, can some point me to info regarding the usage of: <if:choose> <if:when test="platform:unity"> tags with Mallard?19:54
KI7MTwow that didn't come out right ... lets try that again.19:54
KI7MTI guess it did, on my screen, was all messed up, refresh fixed it :-)19:56
godbykHi, KI7MT. Check out <http://projectmallard.org/if/1.0/index>.20:00
KI7MTThanks !20:01
dsmythiesshaunm: the other day, I fogot to ask about https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70994120:05
ubot2Gnome bug 709941 in yelp-build "html looks for yelp-code.png which is not there" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:05
shaunm__dsmythies: yeah, I'm tending towards getting rid of the code watermark images. I should just finish them off for good to fix bugs like that21:27
shaunm__KI7MT: did you get the info you need on conditionals? the pages on projectmallard.org are a good reference, but not necessarily a good intro or tutorial.21:28
KI7MTshaunm__, Yes I did, thanks. Yutorials would be nice though. I'm mainly after looking for conditionals for gnome-shell and untiy, but need to look at android as well.21:34
shaunm__agreed. I've been meaning to add a tutorial about conditionals to projectmallard.org/about/learn/21:34
KI7MTAre you the author of the whole Mallard deal ?21:35
KI7MTI've not used it allot, but, it sure seems allot easier than standard DocBook21:36
KI7MTshaunm__, I was mainly trying to understand why there would be an if:choose + if:when conditionals in a file, without a fall back to either say gnome-shell or andoid content.21:43
dsmythiesshaunm: Thanks for the reply. Yes, it would be my preference to just get rid of the code watermark image entirely. Note that is the 13.10 cycle, and as a workaround, I did experiement with making a fake yelp-code.png file with nothing but blank in it.22:44
dsmythiesKI7MT: Note that the only way to ever access the ubuntu-doc help files, the .page versions, via built in help is when running the default Ubuntu desktop...22:52
dsmythiesIf you are running GNOME desktop it's "help" uses different files...22:53
KI7MTdsmythies, Ok, so there's really no point to have the i:choose conditionals in the .page files then Yes?22:53
dsmythiesMyself, I do not undertand why we even have the conditionals. However, I defer to godbyk and shaunm on this subject.22:54
KI7MTdsmythies, well .. if you were to write one doc, that would cover say, gnome-shell + unity . and a launcher or something was different between them for a particular app, you could if:choose if:when one of then and if:else the other for the directions to launch or whatever.22:55
KI7MTIf however. ubuntu-doc is only for Unity, aka Ubuntu Desktop, then, I've not ran across a conditional need for it yet. Im still reading all the files though.22:56
dsmythiesKI7MT: ubuntu-doc uses a huge bunch of stuff from GNOME. Even though they end up in different places on your computer, one place for Unity help and another place for GNOME help, many files are identical, and so conditionals help (I suppose)...23:18
dsmythiesFor example compare these two files: diff /usr/share/help/en_CA/ubuntu-help/display-dual-monitors.page /usr/share/help-langpack/en_CA/ubuntu-help/display-dual-monitors.page they are the same, but one if for unity help and one if for GNOME help.23:19
dsmythiesNote you might have a different language on your computer, not en_CA.23:19
dsmythiesNote 2: I have GNOME also installed on the same (virtual) computer as untiy.23:21
KI7MTdsmythies, I just set up a workstation for 14.04 .. I've not installed gnome-shell yet, but will get to that today for sure.23:22
KI7MTdsmythies, That's a pretty good example .. I guess it comes down to the topic being written as well as the application across both DE's.23:31

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