
swissman, i fucked up my system76 laptop battery00:17
swissand I don't think they still sell replacements, as they don't sell the lemu4 anymore :/00:18
SonikkuAmericaAnd... why are you telling us this here?00:21
SonikkuAmericaHave you contacted System76 about it?00:21
darkxstswiss, just because they don't sell the laptop, doesnt mean they won't have parts01:31
swissSonikkuAmerica: just general complaining02:41
SonikkuAmericacarry on02:42
swissSonikkuAmerica: also, sys76 is a ubuntu lappy, half wondering if someone here would end up saying "Oh! I have that lappy too!"02:42
swiss"Don't worry, you just need to run this script and everything works again without spending money!"02:42
SonikkuAmericaI was almost gonna buy 102:42
UallasGood Morning04:08
darkxstparin, hi07:25
parindarkxst: hey07:25
parindarkxst: I read your mails07:25
darkxstabout to email you some patches07:25
parindarkxst: okay07:26
darkxstparin, they should build the displayconfig independtly of mutter (although still in the mutter tree)07:34
parindarkxst: I'll apply the patch and I'll see how it works today07:35
darkxstthough not tested yet other that build...07:36
darkxstnext step is to add code in main.c to actually initialize and load the interface.07:36
parindarkxst: meta_monitor_manager_class_init() does that. I'll add it to main.c07:52
darkxstparin, yeh. was just trying to get you unstuck ;)07:53
darkxstparin, obviously you will atleast need to add a mainloop to it so it keeps running also!08:08
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cyberalex4lifedoes anyone know how to read/write/change config file values?12:29
cyberalex4lifefrom command line12:30
parindarkxst: I added meta_monitor_manager_initialize() to main.c . On running the executable I get this error - Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay: assertion 'GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed12:36
parindarkxst: GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY is failing12:44
parinshows the above error and exits with a segfault12:44
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
parindarkxst: this is happening because gdk_display_get_default() is returning null14:00
parindarkxst: funny, mutter uses the same GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gdk_display_get_default ()); in meta_ui_get_display in core/ui.c, but it doesn't face the problem14:46
parini changed that code of our displayconfig directory to XOpenDisplay(NULL), and it doesn't return NULL anymore, but I'm still getting segfaults14:48
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
robert_ancelldarkxst, online?21:19
darkxstrobert_ancell, hi21:20
robert_ancelldarkxst, hey, I'm working on the unity-control-center fork (going through MIR now). The next step will be to upload a unpatched version of gnome-control-center.21:21
robert_ancellI've tested with lp:~robert-ancell/gnome-control-center/vanilla - can you have a look at it and see if that will work for you guys?21:21
robert_ancellIt's 3.8.621:22
robert_ancell(or who else should look at this)21:22
robert_ancellI'm assuming long-term g-c-c will be maintained by the Ubuntu GNOME team and will move from main to universe21:22
robert_ancellIn particular I'm not sure if you will want some of the existing patches, or to move closer to Debian21:23
darkxstyes I was going to look at that, we have an existing 3.8 package on gnome3/saucy, which has some patches we would probably keep, like external panel support21:24
robert_ancelldarkxst, would you prefer to do the upload when the time is ready?21:25
robert_ancellI can do a smaller upload which works with the new u-c-c21:26
darkxstwhen are you planning to upload?21:34
robert_ancelldarkxst, once u-c-c is in main21:36
robert_ancellprobably next week21:36
robert_ancelldarkxst, which external panels do you use? Because u-c-c has a different library name so we'll have to compile panels for both if we want that21:37
darkxstgufw if installed21:38
darkxstmaybe ubuntu one I think21:39
robert_ancellDoes GNOME have a solution for backup yet in control center yet?21:40
robert_ancellminus one yet there :)21:40
darkxstno we don't show activity-log-manager21:42
darkxstno they don't have any backup yet21:43
darkxstI think we also show ubuntu online accounts (if installed)21:45
robert_ancelldarkxst, do you need the online accounts?21:46
darkxstthere are certainly people that use it21:47
darkxstsince it supports a different set of apps compared to GOA21:47
robert_ancellwe'll have to see what those upstreams want to do I guess21:49
robert_ancellunfortunately it doesn't seem easy/possible to run u-c-c from inside GNOME or vica versa without the icons showing up in both21:49
darkxstoh right, because of the desktop files21:52
robert_ancellyeah, it's a really out-of-date solution21:52
darkxsthacky, but could override XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP when launching?21:53
darkxstalthough probably won't help the desktop files will it...21:54
darkxstalthough It would be possible to patch the  loader again21:56
darkxstyou will need the following patches from gnome3/saucy g-c-c:21:56
darkxstmaybe 92_ubuntu_system_proxy.patch?21:57
darkxstrevert_* except ibus patch22:09
darkxstand the 2 ubuntu_region patches22:11
darkxstrobert_ancell, will g-s-d be forked also this cycle?22:31
robert_ancelldarkxst, that's the plan, it seems a little bit harder though22:31
robert_ancellI have it working locally, needs some cleaning up22:31
darkxstok cool22:34
robert_ancelldarkxst, what version of g-s-d/g-c-c do you guys prefer for 14.04?22:34
darkxsthoping to get 3.10 in22:35
darkxsthowever that needs the gnome-desktop3 update22:35
robert_ancellI haven't looked at that (yet) - do you think we can patch that to run both unity and gnome 3.10?22:35
darkxstyes, I am working to split out the display Config interface (which is the main issue)22:37
darkxstnot sure where to put it though, it can't go in Unity because of the CLA22:37
darkxstand beside other DE's that use g-s-d will need it also22:37
darkxst(display config dbus interface from mutter)22:38
robert_ancellyay for the CLA22:38
robert_ancellit can go into a new library I guess22:38
robert_ancellhow complex is it?22:39
darkxstnot very, it just a bunch of xrandr calls, that are abstracted behind the dbus interface22:39
darkxstpretty much self-contained, i.e. no real dependency on mutter itself22:40
darkxstI think it ended up in mutter, since that is the first library in the stack that is forked for wayland22:42
darkxstgnome-desktop no longer has any dependency on direct X/Wayland calls22:42
robert_ancellit makes sense in mutter, with the window manager becoming a compositor it is the appropriate place to request all graphical information from22:46

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