
* jtrucks is lost.00:13
LjLwell you were klined, and so was ldunn!00:16
LjLbut you came back00:16
LjLthen again, ldunn is staff so if he can't un-kline himself, i don't know who could00:16
ubottudrunkloser called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()01:17
=== LjL is now known as drunkloser
=== drunkloser is now known as wobblywu
=== wobblywu is now known as ZarroBoogs
bazhanghe's back!02:49
elkyit is some silly kid who is copying l j l's stealing of the nick03:07
LjLit's not stealing if wobblywu never registered it in the first place03:10
LjLi registered that nickname in like 200803:10
LjLgave him the password, too, but he didn't care03:10
elkyi'm not sure the kid realises this03:11
bazhangRaid 3?03:41
IdleOne@mark Psil0Cybin sent a PM letting him know tha he triggered the floodbots 32 times and that if he didn't control his usage of the enter I would ban him.04:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:16
elkydid he actually hit 32?04:44
IdleOnehe did04:44
somsipCould I raise a minor issue?06:28
Flannelsomsip: Sure, what's up?06:29
somsipFlannel: I'll flag this and see what you think. For the last few days Psi0cybin has been asking for support in #ubuntu. He's gone from not being able to install the iso to a USB, through raid setup, and now is needing help on setting up an NIC06:30
somsipHis requests are contiunous and I've stopped trying to help others in the channel because it's so spammy. He repeatedly ignores requests not to use enter for punctuation, from the bot and others06:31
somsipHe;s not really doing much wrong, but I wondered if someone could have a word...06:31
Flannelsomsip: I'm not entirely sure how to respond to you, other than to tell you that unfortunately, we've already had a word with him.  But we'll continue to keep an eye on him and take additional action as necessary.06:32
somsipFlannel: that's fair enough then. As long as it's been noted, that's all I was checking on06:32
Flannelsomsip: Thanks. We appreciate you bringing it to our attention!06:33
somsipFlannel: no worries. Back into the fray then...06:33
FlannelIdleOne: Are you around?06:34
IdleOneI already gave him a public warning just a minute ago06:34
Flannel(Because I'd like to ping him again re: enter as punctuation, but I think it'd be more effective coming as a followup from you)06:34
FlannelAh, ok.06:34
IdleOneif he triggers the bot again I'll ban06:34
IdleOneor you can, whoever gets to the hammer first06:34
IdleOneit's over there on the wall next to the sign that says Saw06:35
FlannelIs that above or below the "In case of Zombies, Break Glass" chainsaw?06:35
IdleOneThe bat is above06:36
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1613 users, 1 overflows, 1614 limit))07:01
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1606 users, 0 overflows, 1606 limit))07:02
=== elky_ is now known as elky
ikoniaAngel_Of_Sorrow1: hello08:34
ikoniajust signed in and saw you, how can we help today ?08:36
Angel_Of_Sorrow1been banned from #ubuntu still for no reason08:37
ikoniafor no reason ?08:37
ikoniathat seems unlikley08:37
Angel_Of_Sorrow1well it's beyond me08:37
Angel_Of_Sorrow1how is your day?08:38
ikoniahang on, let me see if I can see why you where banned08:38
ikoniaI won't be a moment08:38
Angel_Of_Sorrow1afk brb08:40
ikoniaAngel_Of_Sorrow1: let me know when you're back please.08:41
Angel_Of_Sorrow1im back08:43
ikoniaAngel_Of_Sorrow1: have you been using any other nicknames ?08:43
ikoniais there any history / other problems you've been spoken to about in the #ubuntu channels08:44
Angel_Of_Sorrow1no..i dont understand it08:44
Angel_Of_Sorrow1ive been banned all of a sudden.08:44
Angel_Of_Sorrow1when i come back it leaves me in the chan for several minutes then kicks/bans me08:45
Angel_Of_Sorrow1without reason08:45
ikoniaI can see you being a little bit annoying by aking the same question over and over in a space of a few days08:45
ikonia"how has linux improved since 2007"08:45
ikoniabut I'm just trying to put together the events that lead to your ban as there are multiple ones against on on the same day08:45
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i just want a reason08:46
Angel_Of_Sorrow1it just says #ubuntu unable to join08:46
Angel_Of_Sorrow1im helpful to people08:46
Angel_Of_Sorrow1it doesnt bother me anymore\08:46
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i will be using OpenSuse anyway08:46
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i just wanted to hang out there incase08:46
ikoniaok, well I'll look into it and get back to you (I'll send you a private message so you do'nt have to wait in the channel)08:47
ikoniabut it looks like (at the moment) because you keep randomly asking the same question over and over08:47
ikoniabut I'll need a little bit of time to confirm that08:47
Angel_Of_Sorrow1thanks very much08:47
ikoniagood luck using suse08:47
ikoniaout of interest is the nickname CosmikDaniel you ?08:47
Angel_Of_Sorrow1yes.. its my favourite. ubuntu was my first love08:48
* Angel_Of_Sorrow1 nods08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i was frustrated a while back08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i apologise\08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1it was me08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1it's true08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1im sorry08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1but it wasnt me08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1my little brother08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1got on my machine08:48
Angel_Of_Sorrow1sorry about that08:49
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i was actually banned from the network08:49
ikoniait was you....you where frustrated, but now you're saying it wasn't you08:49
ikoniain the space of about 8 seconds08:49
ikoniaseems to be a little dishonest08:49
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i'm sorry08:49
ikoniaapologies I don't understand08:49
ikoniayou just admitted to it being you and being frustrated and saying "sorry" then less than 5 seconds later change the story to "it wasn't me it was my brother"08:49
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i am here to help08:50
ikoniawhat's going on ?08:50
Angel_Of_Sorrow1ive been behaving better now08:50
ikoniaI didn't ask that08:50
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i just dont want to be banned agian08:50
* Angel_Of_Sorrow1 nods08:51
ikoniawhy did you just admit it was you, and say sorry (that's great, thank you) but then lie and say it was your brother in the space of 5 secods08:51
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i have problems ok?08:51
Angel_Of_Sorrow1im sorry08:51
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i have been dealing with cyber bullying08:51
Angel_Of_Sorrow1im sorry08:51
Angel_Of_Sorrow1it wont happen again08:51
ikoniaok, well, I wish you well resolving your personal issues, but while there is this level of dishonesty and you seem to not add any value/help to the channel, just problem/noises I suggest you don't use the channel any more08:51
Angel_Of_Sorrow1if i get into #ubuntu or not08:51
ikoniaand as you are going to be using Suse, access to #ubuntu doesn't seem to be needed any way08:52
ikoniaso it sort of kills two birds at once while you resolve your personal problems08:52
ikoniabut I can see now by your behavrious (and hopefully you do) why you where banned and that puts your query to rest08:52
ikoniaso you're welcome to /part this channel, and I hope you resolve your personal issues and enjoy a better experience with suse.08:53
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i just thought changing my nick would help08:53
Angel_Of_Sorrow1i will behave08:53
ikoniatake care, bye08:53
Angel_Of_Sorrow1sorry for lying08:53
ikoniano problem,08:53
Angel_Of_Sorrow1should i leave this chan;/08:53
ikoniayes please.08:53
Angel_Of_Sorrow1peace out all08:53
AlanBellany #lubuntu ops around at the moment?10:02
cprofittcongrats hggdh15:54
hggdhcprofitt: thank you dear sir16:02
ikonia71/join ##hardware16:07
Pici@mark #ubuntu-offtopic cantstanya 'randomly' hilighting people16:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:18
ikoniaI was looking into BT - that's a better idea16:18
* phunyguy takes notes16:25
neglesakssomeone please ell user Maxuma in #ubuntu to stop spamming users on join, quoting: <Maxuma> */server irc bahane net "17:45
k1li didnt receive a message when rejoining17:50
Myrttinope, can't replicate17:51
Picime either, but someone else in #freenode just reported the same thing.17:51
hggdhneither could I17:51
Picithey aren't in #ubuntu either.17:51
Picithe other user, not maxuma17:51
Myrttithat almost...17:53
hggdhbut there is a new message from Maxuma in #u17:53
MyrttiI wonder if there is a trigger word17:56
ubottuIn #xubuntu-devel, sergio-br2 said: !br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:27
ubottuIn #xubuntu-devel, sergio-br2 said: !br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguesa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:27
knome^ can somebody look into that18:27
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:28
Piciknome: Whats wrong with the current factoid?18:29
IdleOneare they not the same or am I missing something?18:30
IdleOneObrigado. instead of Obrigada18:31
IdleOnehggdh: Does that edit look correct?18:33
IdleOnethe one from sergio-br218:33
knomenothing wrong, just some minor edits18:37
knomei don't know br/pt, so...18:37
=== drunkloser is now known as Guest29148
ubottuGuest29148 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()18:39
Pricey                  Guest29148 Hey18:42
Guest29148whats up dude18:42
LjLhi price18:43
LjLIdleOne: seriously though, not right in the channel where he is! how did that feel like a good idea ;(18:45
IdleOneit was meant to be a /msg18:46
LjLoh well18:46
IdleOneI messed up. it happens to the best of us too you know :/18:46
LjL*cough* jrib *cough*18:46
IdleOnePricey: can't you send a plasma surge to his work station18:47
PriceyWhat've I done?18:48
LjLis this another case where people think freenode staff is magical?18:48
IdleOneyou mean staff can't mildly electrocute users?18:48
LjLi suspect not18:48
IdleOnethen what is the point of being staff18:49
LjLIdleOne: but you can research that with emma and alexbobp18:49
IdleOneI'm good18:49
PriceyMaybe we just disagree with you.18:49
LjLIdleOne: they were working on a shock collar for her to wear for her irc highlights to actually have any effect18:49
PriceyReally though, what's up?18:49
LjLPricey: disagree on being able to electrocute users?18:49
IdleOnePricey: nothing, just playing18:49
PriceyLjL: Disagree on who should be electrocuted.18:49
LjLPricey: well, this was hfsplus / ntfs18:50
PriceyThat the bible guy?18:50
LjLor whatever other ton of nicknames he's had18:50
LjLi've stopped even banning him18:50
LjLbesides, i seem to have learned how to make him ragequit18:50
LjLthe bot ignore was also quite effective18:51
LjLthat's a long nickname this time18:51
LjLthank god for the tab key18:51
LjLMethamphetamine: uh you're still on 24* you know18:51
Methamphetaminethanks for letting me know18:51
LjLMethamphetamine: try leaving your router off for more than 5 minutes or so maybe18:52
Methamphetaminebut i dont care right now18:52
LjLah, okay18:52
LjLi'm trying to put my thoughts down into words18:52
LjLbut it's hard18:52
PriceyI love that our ubottu ignore works.18:53
LjLfor a while, at least18:53
LjLhe does get the first octet changed, eventually18:53
LjL(oh and, i'm pretty sure he doesn't actually *need* the 5-minutes-router-cooldown tip, in case anyone's thinking i'm actually giving him "useful" info...)18:55
Dextrodo you think Tom Brady is hot?18:58
IdleOneI do.18:59
DJonesWho's Tom Brady when he's at home?19:07
ikoniathe diving guy19:08
PiciIsn't he a football player?19:09
ikoniaahh maybe19:09
Pici(american football)19:09
ikoniaI guessed or you'd have said "soccer"19:09
IdleOneI believe he is a father and husband when he is at home19:10
DJonesyay for wikipedia, explains who he is and that 'home' is a $14,000,000.00 house19:12
ikoniaah Tom Daly is who I was thinking off19:17
hggdhIdleOne: I am guessing the change wanted was to make a gender change on the "thank you" at the end of the string: "Obrigada" is female form, "Obrigado" is male form.19:20
hggdhIdleOne: I see no need to change19:21
IdleOneI already changed it19:21
IdleOnenot a big deal I guess19:21
hggdhno prob, both forms are valid19:21
DJonesAs ubottu is female, I guess thats why it used the female form19:22
IdleOneah, that makes sense19:22
hggdh(pt_pt sometimes uses "Obrigada" (female form) no matter the gender; pt_br will respect the gender of the speaker)19:22
IdleOneshould change it back19:22
hggdhno, the gender is for the person "speaking"19:23
DJonesShssh, don't say that I said something that made sense too loudly19:23
IdleOneand ubottu is a female bot19:23
IdleOneshe is the speaker in this case, no?19:23
hggdhah! Now it is obrigada indeed!19:23
hggdhyes, indeed19:23
DJonesIdleOne: Agreed19:23
IdleOnebr is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:23
IdleOne!no br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:23
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne19:23
* hggdh goes for lunch19:24
IdleOnethere we go.19:24
DextroRepent for the Kingdom of God is at HAND!19:37
IdleOneright or left?19:37
ikoniadoes it matter, he's god19:38
Dextro"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Luke 13:319:38
ikoniaok, I repent19:38
ikoniajob done19:38
Myrttibut my knees19:38
IdleOneikonia: good point19:38
Myrttimy knees hurt when I repent19:38
ikoniaMyrtti: there is no need for you to repent19:38
DextroBut if that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My [a]master [b]is not coming for a long time,’ 49 and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards; 50 the [c]master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know, 51 and will [d]cut him in pieces and [e]assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Footnotes:19:39
ikoniaDextro: I agree, I repent, job done19:39
ikoniathank you for guiding me.19:39
Myrttinext next next next agree install19:39
ikonianext next next repent, next next19:39
ikoniaalready done19:41
Myrttibut I haven't finished my macaroni and cheese19:41
ikoniaare you not reading this ?19:41
ikoniaI've just repented, job done, box ticked, thank you19:41
ikoniaI've repented, I've turned to god. I now feel free and clean, thank you Dextro19:41
ikoniaI like the new way of dealing with him19:43
IdleOneseems more effective19:43
ikoniait's much more fun19:43
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
ikoniadarmok and Dextro at #ubuntu-ops when the troll fell19:48
ubottuShaka, when the walls fell.19:49
ikoniatember, his bible open19:49
* hggdh has to be very careful with these missionaries19:54
PiciIdleOne: I nearly spit my cookie out at that.20:00
IdleOnethat would have been a waste of cookie, sorry.20:00

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