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KI7MTkeithzg, did you add a pass phrase to your keys ?00:20
keithzgK17MT: Nope. Hence my surprise.00:27
keithzgIt works fine with just normal ssh, and via ansible.00:27
keithzgKI7MT I mean.00:29
KI7MTkeithzg, so you not using pw-less log in with keys .. I know on 12.04, each session, where I had a pass-phrase on a key, Im asked for it the first time, not after, so was wondering if ssh was seeing the vm's as a new session each login attempt.00:46
keithzgKI7MT, nope, I most definitely am using keys without pw, and yet virt-manager is prompting me for passwords nonetheless.00:47
sarnoldkeithzg: any idea what it is using the passwords -for-?00:48
sarnoldif the keys aren't encrypted, I'm curious what it intends to do with the password you might give it :) hehe00:49
keithzgsarnold: Oh, when I then use the respective passwords for the remote accounts I'm using, they work. So it's basically just ignoring that I have keys defined in .ssh/config and just asking for my credentials instead.00:49
sarnoldoh, I see. hrm. that's not cool.00:49
keithzgAnd it doesn't remember them either, of course, so I have to type them repeatedly.00:50
keithzg(I imagine it'd play nicer that way if I had the gnome keyring installed; KDE and Qt applications always seem to play nicely with GNOME keyring, but GNOME and GTK applications never seem to bother using KWallet, the lazy buggers). But of course that's besides the point!00:53
SiliconGHello All -- I just built apache 2.4.6 -- I have it up and running but PHP is not working00:53
SiliconGI keep getting an error /opt/httpd/modules/libphp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:53
SiliconGhow do I get php to work with apache 2.4.600:54
* keithzg finds it somewhat perplexing that all the virt-manager documentation seems to just say "you can use ssh keys, it's all cool!" without any technical discussion of where it's pulling what keys it should be using from or what might go wrong...it's all supposed to "just work", which as usual is a recipe for it NOT doing so for me ;)00:55
sarnoldSiliconG: did you compile and install php?00:55
SiliconGI did not - I used apt-get to install php00:55
SiliconGdo I have to build that from source also?00:55
sarnoldI suspect yes00:55
SiliconGhmm -- there has to be a way to get it to use the other package00:56
keithzgSiliconG: if you built apache from source, you'll have to have either built PHP from source into where it expects it to be, or to have compiled Apache against the existing PHP installation in the first place.00:56
sarnoldapache modules are built for specific versions of apache, right? I think even if it worked, it'd be bound to break somewhere or else..00:56
keithzgSiliconG: Out of curiosity, why did you build apache from scratch yourself anyways, instead of just using the packages for it too?00:58
keithzgIt's great fun to compile stuff from source, but for something like Apache I'd worry about keeping it easily up to date for security reasons . . .00:59
SiliconGI could not find packages for apache 2.4.6 or greater00:59
keithzgSiliconG: What version of *buntu are you on?00:59
SiliconG12.04 LTS01:00
keithzgAh. One release before apache2 2.4.6 entered the repos.01:01
keithzgIn that case, you're definitely better off just compiling the PHP module yourself, you've got a radically newer stack you're trying to use.01:02
SiliconGok then I will do that01:03
keithzgI'm a bit confused that you're using 2.4.6 instead of 2.4.7, but ;)01:04
SiliconGdo you think I should also compile my own version of mysql?01:04
SiliconGI am using 2.4.701:04
keithzg(I just compiled that myself to replace the apache version on a server that was, terrifyingly, exposed to the internet...while running 2.0.59, yikes)01:05
SiliconGdid you remove the other version of apache?  how did you setup your box?01:08
keithzgIn this case it was a replacement, but it's really quite another story.01:08
keithzgThe box was running a Linux distro that hasn't existed for about 6 years ;)01:09
SiliconGI am wondering did you put apache in the opt folder or what?01:09
SiliconGwow - that is awesome01:09
sarnoldkeithzg: hah, cool, which one if you do'nt mind? :)01:09
sarnoldah the loyal opposition :) hehe01:09
sarnold(I came from Immunix, back in the day, hehe :)01:10
keithzgahhh, haha, I see I see01:10
SiliconGthat is impressive -- ok so I am building libxml first -- I guess I have to build that also before building php01:15
SiliconGdo I need to do ./configure --prefix=/opt/  for everything I build -- what is the best practice for building custom stacks?01:16
sarnold--prefix=/opt/ or /usr/local is nice. /usr/local/ won't be touched by packages (well, shouldn't be) but whatever works for you01:17
SiliconGso will I have to rebuild apache?01:19
SiliconGor just build php?  how should I deal with the old versions that are installed via apt-get01:19
sarnoldSiliconG: I think you build php5 after you've built apache01:22
SiliconGyea that is what I thought01:22
SiliconGshould I remove apache using apt-get the other version?01:23
sarnoldSiliconG: from http://packages.ubuntu.com/apache2 and .../php5  you can find the .dsc files, which have Build-Depends: lines. That's a decent indicator of which order things ought to be compiled.01:23
sarnoldSiliconG: if it makes it easier for you to keep track of rather than having two installed versions side-by-side, sure01:23
SiliconGanyone out there do a ultra new stack and document it ?02:04
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makarahi. I want to setup moinmoin wiki. I'm following this guide: http://moinmo.in/HowTo/UbuntuQuick#Nginx_Installation07:13
makaraI've been convinced that Python virtualenv's aren't a good idea, so I'm not using them07:14
makarainstalling to /srv/moin/07:14
makarabut when I do `start moin` then error 'unknown job'07:15
makara`service moin start` same error07:15
makarahow does upstart identify services? It looks like its just by the name of the conf file07:17
makarain another tutorial, uwsgi is made the service: http://www.projectlense.com/LowEndBox/MoinMoin/07:45
jeeves_mossI'm running into this issue when I'm trying to setup Bind9.  http://pastebin.com/NRgEkuQE  what am I doing wrong?08:14
punapantteriI can't authenticate myself in posfix from a remote machine. Ithink there is some problem with sasl. what should I do?08:23
yolandajamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/charm-helpers/rabbitmq_ha/+merge/19945309:22
jamespageyolanda, not quite09:23
yolandai misunderstood that?09:24
jamespageyolanda, I can't remember tbh09:24
jamespagelemme grab the branch and look at the entire code path09:24
yolandaok, just saw your comment about the MP and executed it09:25
jamespageyolanda, yeah - I'm not always right09:25
yolandayou are!09:26
jamespageyolanda, don't we want to set rabbitmq_hosts if clustered is not true?09:26
yolandajamespage, actually we need to set it for active-active09:31
jamespageyolanda, yeah - but that's not clustered09:32
jamespageclustered == active/passive with pacemaker et al09:32
yolandayes, so that's not ok09:32
yolandai think it makes sense to check for the reverse condition, and also send that if there are more than one09:33
yolandait doesn't make sense to send if we only have one rabbit_host anyway09:33
jamespageyolanda, sounds good10:57
jamespageI think10:57
jamespage(brain still in dormant mode after christmas break)10:57
yolandai'm just testing10:57
yolandajamespage, that also happens to me, hard to be back from so long holiday10:57
yolandajamespage, tested with cinder: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/charm-helpers/rabbitmq_ha/+merge/19945311:03
jamespageyolanda, OK - that looks better11:03
jamespageis this covered by existing unit tests?11:03
yolandai need to add some test cases11:04
yolandalet me do it before merging then11:05
jamespageyolanda, please do - I pasted test failures into the MP11:05
jamespageI think they just need updating tbh11:05
yolandaok, we talked also about using persistence for rabbit, there had been some work in a helper, do you know if there has been any update on this?11:07
RoyKwhat would be the best tool to graph traffic from apache logs?11:13
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ikoniaRoyK: awstats ? mrtg ?11:31
yolandajamespage, i updated tests to match our results11:55
jamespageyolanda, OK _ merged - just for future reference 'make lint' is a good one to check as well12:11
jamespageI tidied that up on merge :-)12:12
yolandaoh, sorry12:12
yolandai feel very slow today12:12
yolandai'm just looking at unison for rabbitmq-server now12:12
makarahi. we've got suspicious traffic on our network. I want to setup an Ubuntu server between the gateway and the outside world. No squid or anything. It must just receive any connections, iptraf must be able to see them, and then they should be forwarded on. Can this be done?12:23
rbasakmakara: yes, and it is straightforward. A bridge will just transparently forward everything, and tcpdump or anything else that uses pcap will be able to see all the traffic. But using a server like that seems overkill. Why not just a switch that can give you a mirror port?12:44
rbasakI say transparently, but of course LAN machines will see a MAC address change. With a switch mirror port, that wouldn't happen.12:45
makararbasak, I'm unsure of the topology here. We don't have an admin and I've got to sell this idea to the monkey in the control room12:46
makarait's all Windows server here12:46
rbasakYou'll need to understand the topology either way.12:47
rbasakA switch is more transparent.12:47
rbasakYou'll still want a machine to take and analyse the data, of course. Ubuntu can do that as well as anything else.12:48
makarareading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_mirroring12:49
makarasounds good12:49
makararbasak, how would ubuntu be setup to do that, without interfering with it's own connections12:50
makarai mean, do you send all traffic to a certain port on the listening server?12:51
rbasakmakara: you'll either need to filter out its own connections on any analysis that you do, or you could use a second port on the server.12:52
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plmHi all13:32
plmpeople, how I do to create a openvpn tunnel for each ppp interface? I already has one tun0 running, but I have ppp0 and ppp1, So I would like one tun1 using ppp1, how I do?13:33
KartagisI am trying to install !xen, but I get errors 'socket:/org/xen/xend/udev_event': No such file or directory14:12
Kartagisany ideas?14:12
yolandajamespage, do you know if something has changed in serverstack? i'm using the serverstack_dnsmasq script but it isn't recognizing my names anyway14:13
smbKartagis, That is harmless. The systemd udevd does not support socket as a target14:13
jamespagenot that I know of14:13
smbKartagis, In doubt you can comment out those rules in /lib/udev/rules.d/xend14:14
Kartagissmb: I also don't think Xen is installed properly14:14
Kartagissmb: I even updated grub, but still I can't boot to it14:14
smbKartagis, Did you use the xen-system-amd64 meta package to install?14:15
Kartagissmb: I used xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd6414:15
Kartagiswas I wrong?14:16
smb4.1.. erm which release are you basing on?14:16
RoyKKartagis: out of curiosity - why not KVM?14:17
Kartagisno reason14:17
KartagisI remember now14:19
KartagisI couldn't find out what replaced python-virtinst14:19
smbKartagis, Ah Yeah, 4.3 sounds better14:23
smbKartagis, Have you configured your system to show the grub screen? That should show a section with Xen hypervisor on reboot14:24
plmanyone can help me to say how I create multiple openvpns tunnels in ubuntu? I already has the tun0 running between two ubuntu boxes14:24
plmI not understand. I need one client.conf for each tun (tun0, tun1, .. tun10)? or in just the client.conf I put all?14:25
Kartagissmb: http://paste.debian.net/75017/14:28
Kartagisthese are my options14:28
smbKartagis, You should check the default line. It most unlikely contains "Xen 4.1". Check /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:32
smbKartagis, "Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Xen hypervisor"14:34
KartagisI have just realised14:36
KartagisI have 4.314:36
Kartagisthat line contains 4.114:36
smbKartagis, This may help to fine-tune grub options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/Xen14:38
smbHm, I guess I should make a note about the default line14:39
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zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/ftbfs-jan1/+merge/20084714:50
jamespagezul, I don't think that makes much sense - maybe I'm being dumb14:51
zuljamespage:  yeah i agree...14:54
zuljamespage:  im going to wait until the kombu issues are sorted and resubmit14:54
garbagegodHello, I'm in charge of instantiating a LAMP stack on 20-30 virgin Linode servers in the coming months16:01
garbagegodI'd like to perhaps make an image of a single installation and copy it onto other servers16:01
garbagegodWhat would be the best way to go about something like that? Is there a better way?16:01
rbasakgarbagegod: look into juju16:05
rbasakgarbagegod: but whichever way you do it, don't do it by hand. Creating an image is going in the right direction, but really you want to automate the entire setup of each instance and the connections between them. Then apply that automation to each instance you start. No need for an intermediate image then.16:06
garbagegodThank you16:07
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change the current sent print job's pritner? I want to change it from a real printer to 'print to a file'16:15
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rbasakgaughen: you can see all server bug triage activity here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server-bugs/17:07
rbasakThis covers all packages that the Ubuntu Server Team is subscribed to, which should include everything in main that our team has committed to look after.17:07
TheLordOfTimei knew there was a bug i forgot to bookmark xD17:08
TheLordOfTimebug list*17:08
garbagegodCan I use Juju with ubuntu server as opposed to ubuntu cloud? :/17:26
jpds_garbagegod: Yes.17:39
garbagegodWhat if my host doesn't appear to be on the initial list of supported hosting environments for juju?17:42
jpds_garbagegod: You have to use the maas provider.17:46
jpds_garbagegod: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/17:47
jpds_garbagegod: maas/local/manual are your options.17:47
garbagegodOkey dokey… Is this preferable to say, having a shell script that installs everything?17:50
garbagegodTaking into account that the servers don't need to be connected in any way17:50
jpds_garbagegod: Choice is entirely yours.17:51
garbagegodIn your opinion, which approach is more efficient / flexible / easy to manage?17:53
garbagegodI'm assuming Juju17:53
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ironhalikI'm wondering is it worth upgrading my server from 13.04 to 13.10, considering my main use is serving dynamic sites?19:06
TheLordOfTimeis there a way to jail users when they connect via SSH so that they can't `cd` out of their /home/$USER/ directory?19:12
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: have fun! :) http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Pam_apparmor_example19:25
TheLordOfTimeewww.... >.<19:25
sarnoldironhalik: it is worth making sure you are on a supported OS release, beyond that, it's up to you...19:25
* TheLordOfTime gives up without an attempt :P19:25
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: aww. :~(19:25
TheLordOfTimesarnold: i don't have the energy just yet to jail users, the only users I'm concerned about are the others on this network, but none of them have sudo so i'm not sure I should be scared.19:26
TheLordOfTimesarnold: nginx security stuff and annoying people from askubuntu have drained my energy for the day :/19:26
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: d'oh :/19:27
ironhaliksarnold: I was mainly wondering if there were any significant changes to performance - nginx, php, mysql19:27
sarnoldironhalik: oh. I'd assume more or less inconsequential changes.19:27
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: as compared to what19:27
ironhalikTheLordOfTime: to packages in 13.0419:28
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: there shouldn't be any substantial speed changes in terms of server responsiveness19:28
TheLordOfTime13.04 -> 13.10 wasn't a *huge* delta for nginx, php, or mysql AFAICT19:28
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: maybe two milliseconds difference which is negligible19:28
* TheLordOfTime does, however, recommend you rely on the nginx PPAs instead of the packages in Ubuntu for nginx, as the PPAs are newer and usually kept in sync with what Debian has19:29
TheLordOfTimeand sarnold knows why i push those PPAs so hard :p19:29
ironhalikI'm having some performance issues and I plan on upgrading my server (hardware wise). I can do it from a snapshot, or, what the hell, install 13.10 on it :>19:29
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: are the performance issues from the hardware or the software?19:30
TheLordOfTimeif they're hardware then you'll have the same issues with 13.10 or others19:30
TheLordOfTimeif they're software, then we need to do some diagnostics19:30
ironhalikTheLordOfTime: it's mainly CPU load due to PHP hits19:31
ironhalikfunnily enough19:31
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: I'd set up caching if it's a big issue, should lower CPU load a little, however if it's solely because of network traffic hits, then you should consider doing some tweaking of PHP's memory usage and settings19:32
TheLordOfTimeand restrict what it actually can use.19:32
* TheLordOfTime doesn't have a guide for that though, he always uses pretty-much-default settings because they just work for the hardware he has around19:32
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: TL;DR, though, 13.04 -> 13.10 won't resolve your "number of site hits" issues.19:33
ironhalikI tried that, but considering I'm not that proficient with administration, with all the tweaks, it would quickly become unmaintainable for me19:33
TheLordOfTimesarnold: how well do you know PHP's settings, perhaps you can point them at suggestions for limiting PHP's mem usage19:33
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: IIRC, the settings are set-and-forget19:34
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: not at all. I detest php and everything about it. :) hehe.19:34
TheLordOfTimesarnold: heheh19:34
TheLordOfTimesarnold: explains why everyone hates php :p19:34
TheLordOfTimesarnold: their packages are PAINFUL to revise >.<19:34
TheLordOfTimemy patch changed the php5-fpm socket handling but meh, that was painful to create too19:34
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: owww.. thanks for the warning. :)19:34
TheLordOfTimesarnold: in 5.4 i think it was (old patch, already in Ubuntu)19:35
TheLordOfTimesarnold: here's the old debian bugreport that caused nginx users a headache for a while :p http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65020419:37
TheLordOfTimesarnold: but yeah that's basically all i did, some bug closures because php5 fixes got in but were never autoclosed19:38
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: groan, that looks horrible ;)19:38
TheLordOfTimesarnold: FINDING that file was a pain >.>19:39
rostamHI for 12.04 update 3, I need to get vmlinux with debug info and Linux source tree. I want to use it for jtag debugging. Do you know where I can get those? thx19:39
TheLordOfTimeit still haunts me >.<19:39
TheLordOfTimeironhalik: usually the php settings changes are set-and-forget, same for nginx caching unless your sysadmins were crazy enough to use the default conf file and web root path19:40
sarnoldrostam: I think the linux-source package ought to suffice for the source; don't know about the debug info, though, sorry19:41
rostamsarnold, thanks a lot,19:44
ironhalikTheLordOfTime: I am root! :P19:44
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change the current sent print job's pritner? I want to change it from a real printer to 'print to a file'19:44
ironhalikTheLordOfTime: I already use pagespeed for caching, and I tweaked PHPs memory usage a bit19:45
ironhalikbut I dont trust myself, i prefer to use defaults for the settings I dont entirely understand :P19:45
TheLordOfTimethen ask questions :P19:46
TheLordOfTime'tis how one learns :P19:46
ironhalikIm more of a coding guy :P I lack the background in networking and stuff19:47
ironhalikI maintain the server out of necessity19:47
hazmaton a server with multiple nics/network interfaces, can apparmor limit process access to a subset of network interfaces?20:04
jjohansenhazmat: not atm20:05
hazmatjjohansen, ack, thanks20:05
hazmatjjohansen, re not atm, does that mean roadmap for trusty? or backburner?20:05
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change the current sent print job's pritner? I want to change it from a real printer to 'print to a file'20:06
jjohansenhazmat: its not scheduled for trusty, but likely the release afterwards20:06
sarnoldlikely u or v at earliest..20:07
jcastrohallyn, heya, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6716934/20:27
jcastroso I ran into this problem with juju, and I tried just running lxc-ls20:27
jcastrosudo lxc-ls seems to work20:27
jcastrois this normal?20:28
thumperjcastro: juju runs lxc as root20:28
jcastrois the juju error20:29
thumperjcastro: does 'sudo lxc-lx' work ? what does it return20:29
jcastroit returns nothing20:33
jcastrobut appears to execute correctly20:33
jcastrolet me spawn a container to make sure ls works20:33
jcastrothumper, sudo lxc-ls lists the container20:40
hallynjcastro: you ahve to run lxc-ls as root now20:53
hallynjcastro: however, it shouldn't give you a backtrace like that, just a nice error msg20:53
hallynso that's bug-worthy20:53
hallynjcastro: if you have unprivileged containers you can list those yourslef :)  the problem otherwise is that there may be setuid-root binaries in the container which we don't want host users to use to exploit the system20:53
hallynso /var/lib/lxc is not world-readable20:54
stgraberhallyn: I had a quick look and I'm not sure how to better handle errors from list_containers... the exception currently being emitted seems reasonable to me.21:02
rtyuiophello what is the default ftp server on ubuntu 12.04 ?21:02
bekksrtyuiop: there is no default, just install the one you want.21:03
rtyuiopunfortunatelly i can't21:03
stgraberhallyn: arguably lxc-ls should catch it and print an error instead of crashing but that issue will vanish with the next milestone as it'll instead list the user's containers21:03
bekksrtyuiop: Why not?21:03
hallynstgraber: cool, it can wait then, certainly not high prio21:04
jcastrostgraber, I filed a bug on that21:04
jcastrowrt printing an error21:04
jcastrohallyn, is there any other changes in lxc that you think might affect juju?21:04
jcastrosince we have thumper here21:04
rtyuiopthis is the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6717135/ i got21:05
stgraberjcastro: ok, thanks21:05
sarnoldrtyuiop: vsftpd is in main21:05
rtyuiopso what to do ,21:05
rtyuiopi won't install IT21:05
jcastroskype has broken your package manager so you can't really install anything21:06
stgraberrtyuiop: vsftpd is the one we support (sarnold beat me to it ;)). That installation error isn't related to vsftpd at all but to you having force installed a broken package earlier on21:06
hallynjcastro: I can't think of anything21:06
bekksrtyuiop: Read line 5 of your paste :)21:06
jcastrohttp://askubuntu.com/questions/140246/how-do-i-resolve-unmet-dependencies should help21:06
zulsarnold: ping21:17
rtyuiopok perfect21:20
rtyuiopbut can't system can't access on ftp server21:20
rtyuiophave i need to create ftp list of user access ?21:21
bekksrtyuiop: First, please define "access system".21:21
rtyuiophave i need to create a file called allow user where i have to put user can access on ftp server ?21:22
bekksrtyuiop: No, you dont have to do that. What do you mean by "access system"?21:23
KI7MTrtyuiop, you can setup anonymous or user restricted / pw authentication: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FtpServer21:24
KI7MTGA bekks .. hows goes it21:24
sarnoldzul: hello :)22:33
zulsarnold:  sorry to nag can you have a look at the beanstalkd MIR, the openstack builds in the lab are broken because of it23:17
sarnoldzul: sure :) I suspect I'll start it tomorrow afternoon, likely conclusion on friday23:18
zulsarnold:  k23:18
ironhalikHello again23:32
ironhalikso... Im fighting with postfix. And during some blurry moments of enlighment, I managed to, more or less, set it up23:32
ironhalikI can properly send mail from the box, the aliases I needed work properly and get forwarded to their reciepents23:33
ironhalikbut no incoming mail is forwarded23:33
ironhalikfrom outside the box23:33
ironhalikmy domain is configured with MX 10 MX.MYDOMAIN.TLD.  and  MX.MYDOMAIN.TLD has an A record with my IP23:35
ironhalikfrom what I understand, this should work23:35
ironhalikpostfix has virtual_alias_domains mydomain.tld23:36
ironhalikany ideas?23:36
sarnoldironhalik: anything in the log messages? can you send messages to it by hand by just typing smtp?23:38
ironhalikhmm, sec23:39
ironhalikI tried to send mail to root@mydomain.tld23:40
ironhalikfrom my personal gmail account23:40
ironhaliksince I had a catch-all on the domain, the logs say it smtp'd back to my account23:41
ironhaliknothing in mail.err23:42
ironhaliksarnold: and mail.log says it was sent23:42
sarnoldironhalik: so it -looks- like the mail made it to the system correctly, but it just wasn't delivered correctly? o_O odd :)23:43
ironhaliknow I sent mail to different domain (that seems to work from the box), and therwes no trace of it in the logs23:44

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