
annerajbhas anybody been succesfull on porting ubuntu touch to cm-11.0 based devices?? rsalveti00:14
rsalvetiannerajb: working on it00:15
rsalvetiannerajb: ping me back next week :-)00:16
annerajbrsalveti, any pointers to which branches is it being worked on and for what devices so i can help or learn?00:16
rsalvetiannerajb: the core porting is still local, want to get at least one image working before getting that somewhere00:16
rsalvetibut basically doing a rebase of our current patchset and doing some additional changes00:16
annerajbhmm ok ill stop what i am doing them so i don't spend a week going crazy :P00:17
annerajbrsalveti, thx00:17
rsalvetihaha, no worries00:17
* rsalveti dinner00:17
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mhall119beuno: starts early Feb02:11
egrep_https://i.imgur.com/RzyPiV3.png , yet afterwards my nexus 4 (mako) boots fine into cwm-ubuntu recovery. any way to get it to either ignore that, or to (myself/get-it-to) do the stuff that it does afterward?02:19
egrep_Oh. It's just python. I can probably pluck out what I need.02:35
mhall119beuno: starts early Feb02:36
egrep_Or can I...02:36
egrep_Bah. I'm too lazy.02:36
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egrep_I think I might know the problem...03:00
egrep_apparently this is a hardware problem -.-03:30
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egrep_I hope this script that's I found works...03:40
egrep_...It's working...03:44
egrep_Riiiight. Seems to work... except for the touch screen.03:49
egrep_Or any buttons at all.03:49
egrep_In fact, it seems frozen.03:50
egrep_Well, it's better than Vista.03:50
egrep_IT WORKED!03:52
egrep_Your silence was awesome! THANKS!03:52
egrep_Right... there's only QWERTY?03:56
RAOFegrep_: I don't know; possibly at the moment.03:59
egrepAt least I have Ubuntu!04:00
egrepI wonder if it's possible to create my own keyboard...04:01
egrep...but I'll figure out later.04:01
egrepProbably is.04:01
RAOFShouldn't be too hard; it probably requires nothing more difficult than editing a text file somewhere.04:02
egrepSo far, it's pretty awesome.04:05
egrepDo you know if the recent apps are still running when I go to the home screen, or if they close?04:06
RAOFNeither; they get stopped, then (possibly) killed in such a way as they restart at their previous point.04:07
RAOFExcept for baked-in apps; we don't yet have the lifecycle + multitasking APIs fleshed out.04:07
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Mirvchriscoulson not online anymore :(04:45
vp7is ubuntu sdk installable in ubuntu 12.04?05:34
vp7not able to install ubuntu sdk in Ubuntu 12.04.. I would like to develop applications for Ubuntu moblie. please help with installation05:40
pittirobru: FYI, I manually uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot-gtk/1.4+14.04.20140107-0ubuntu206:48
pittisecond time I had to do it, it seems the daily-release PPA has an xpathselect stuck in it which never gets released06:49
pittirobru: thanks for landing ap-gtk06:49
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robrupitti, hummm, maybe there should be a landing ask for xpathselect? not familiar with that component.07:42
pittiit's a library for autopilot (and not much else)07:43
pittiI suppose trunk finds its way automatically into the PPA, but then it never gets released07:43
pittibut packages get build against PPA libs and then binary-copied into ubuntu07:43
robrupitti, yes, the current scenario of 'manual publishing mode' results in everything built in the PPA frequently, but only released to distro when asked for. makes the PPA a real mess.07:44
pittiright, and apparently we don't have an installability/dependency check there07:44
pittisupposedly it doesn't happen too often07:44
robrupitti, well apparently it got held up in -proposed, so I guess there was some kind of check.07:44
pittiright, in britney (and after failing its and shotwell's autopkgtest)07:45
pittithe no-change upload fixed it, so no actual harm done07:45
pittiI was just wondering why xpathselect isn't being released07:45
robrupitti, well, nobody told me to release it ;-)07:45
pittinow, I'm not really familiar with the release bureaucracy behind it, but if it helps I can add something to the landing spreadsheet07:47
* pitti does07:47
robrupitti, well do you know who develops xpathselect? make sure upstream is ready for a release. would be bad if trunk was not releasable and we made a release...07:48
pittirobru: it's thomi07:49
robrupitti, ok07:49
pittirobru: and yes, as all our tests and builds run against the PPA version it's fine to release; we also have an autopilot PPA with daily releases07:49
robrupitti, oh ok07:49
robrupitti, so if I do a release of xpathselect, will it require another no-change rebuild in distro?07:50
pittino, should be fine; it doesn't break ABI07:50
robrupitti, ah ok. I'll just release it then...07:50
pittibut building against a newer version causes a binary dependency to the newer version, so it's uninstallable agianst the older ubuntu lib07:51
pittirobru: cheers07:51
robrupitti, ahhhhhh07:51
robrupitti, ok, i hit the publish button. should hit proposed within half an hour.07:52
pittinice, that avoids running into the same trap again on the next ap-gtk upload; thanks!07:52
robrupitti, you're welcome ;-)07:52
puppoohow is it going everyone?08:00
puppooi wanted to get info about Ubuntu?08:00
dholbachgood morning08:04
snakerockHello everybody. Is Canonical team porting UT to Nuxus 5?09:00
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popeyxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/671389109:40
popeyfollowing your emulator email to the letter (I didn't install any pre-requisites)09:40
xnoxpopey: interesing. What's the output of: dpkg-query -W android-emulator xvfb xinit phablet-tools09:52
xnoxpopey: (my script hides it unfortunately)09:52
popeywell, I have installed android-emulator now.09:52
xnoxpopey: basically one needs those packages installed, but it takes time to pointlessly do it each time, hence the basic check like that. I guess it fails if you had some RC removed packages =/09:53
popeyits possible I had it installed and removed it, certainly09:53
popeyxnox: also, ran "run-tests" and now I have an empty emulator window and a login prompt.09:54
popeyahhh! its failing (partly) because I have a phone attached too09:55
xnoxpopey: patience09:55
popey"more than one device and emulator"09:55
popeybecause my phone is charging09:55
xnoxpopey: oh, yeah, i'm expecting one thing and one thing only =)09:55
xnoxpopey: disable adb / usb debugging on the phone.09:56
popeyits ubuntu touch09:56
xnoxpopey: i guess i could filter for "emulator-*"09:56
popeythat would help09:56
seb128Mirv, hey, did you see chrisccoulson's question about qt5.2 landing yesterday? (I didn't see you replying)10:00
xnoxpopey: sorry about that =) Filed a bug #1267044 will try to fix.10:01
ubot5bug 1267044 in Juju Charms Collection "jemjem charm fails with a phone attached" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126704410:01
xnoxa bug in a different place, but i have no bugtracker yet.10:01
Mirvseb128: yes he wasn't online in the morning. so chrisccoulson see ubuntu-phone before Christmas for steps, and links inside the red box at https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjuCdq68GSyVdFI4QzNQdWpfME5aMEV2VXo0cUpOMkE#gid=19 - a lot of build failures need to be fixed, and then the image built with the PPA validated10:05
seb128Mirv, k10:06
seb128Mirv, thanks10:06
Mirvabout 80 source packages in addition to Qt itself need a rebuild, for about 55 of which I've done a LP build recipe10:06
Mirvyou're welcome10:06
Laneyseb128: what sets silent-mode in gsettings?10:10
seb128Laney, nothing, mpt never provided us an UI to do that (I think he said he was assuming that it wouldn't be an UI thing but an hardware button)10:10
seb128Laney, why?10:12
LaneyI'm doing the AS stuff for the sound panel10:13
ogra_which hardware button would that be ?10:13
seb128ogra_, I guess volume down when hitting 0 ?10:14
ogra_vol down -1 ?10:14
Laneyso it's not a boolean flag10:14
seb128Laney, it should, why?10:14
Laneyit's volume == 010:14
ogra_you will still want to have a switch to en/disable vibration in that mode10:14
seb128ogra_, vibration != silent mode I guess10:14
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#Phone like that?10:14
ogra_seb128, i probably dont want vibration if i turn my phone to silent10:15
seb128Laney, I'm not convinced that volume = 0 is a right assumption10:15
Laneythen there needs to be a control for it10:15
seb128ogra_, see the drawing on the wikipage Laney pointed10:15
seb128Laney, well, volume down can do the toggle when it hits 010:16
seb128Laney, then later we can maybe add stuff like "keep the power button pressed for 3 seconds" (what android is doing)10:16
seb128or an UI somewhere10:16
seb128Laney, I think it needs to be a bool flag, the fact that we don't have UIs atm to toggle the value doesn't change that10:17
seb128we might get some later10:17
Laneycurrently it does nothing10:17
Laneythat needs to change or having the flag is useless10:17
seb128it displays the warning in the UI10:17
Laneynothing ever sets it10:17
Laneyso you will never see the warning10:17
seb128but that's orthogonal10:18
seb128you are arguing that we should throw the backend away because we don't have an UI yet?10:18
seb128that seems backward, we are just ready for when we get the frontend part10:18
seb128we don't have kinectic/vibration support in the toolkit yet either10:19
seb128though that should land this week from what I read10:19
seb128(or maybe next)10:19
Laneythere is no design for any explicit way of enabling silent mode10:19
Laneyindeed mpt just said it was 'hardware' controlled10:19
seb128well, that's a design issue10:19
seb128it still makes sense to have the backend side and UI ready10:20
seb128it means you can enable silent mode from a command line atm10:20
seb128which is better than not at all10:20
seb128(omitting that it's not actually implement because the kinectic stuff didn't land yet)10:20
Laneyso maybe indicator-sound could set this10:21
Laney(or something else)10:21
Laneyare volumes and the silent state a global property?10:22
seb128mpt, do you envision silent-mode to be equivalent to "volume=0" or to me a bool state which is orthogonal to that?10:23
mptseb128, orthogonal. Some sounds aren’t muted by Silent Mode (alarms, for example), and the volume setting would continue to control those.10:24
seb128Laney, ^10:24
Laneyso how do you enable silent mode then?10:24
seb128mpt, so you think we are going to get a physical "silent mode" button on the hardware then?10:24
seb128mpt, wouldn't it make sense to have an UI on the software side as well? (e.g android let you enable flight mode or silent mode when you press the power button for some seconds)10:25
mptseb128, that’s my working assumption. Unfortunately Silent Mode is one of the things that was forgotten in the PRD, so there are no definite requirements for it. If it turns out that there isn’t a hardware button, I’ll add it to the menu.10:25
seb128mpt, just curious, is there any phone out there with a such button?10:30
Rienzilhaapple will probably have patented it :)10:31
Rienzilhabecause a hardware button is a revolutionary new invention :P10:31
seb128oh, ok10:32
seb128my android phone only has power/up/down10:32
ogra_an we dont plan for other hw buttons at all on the lower system level10:33
timpI like silent mode when you put your phone face-down on a surface10:39
timpstill it would be handy if there is a way to make it silent in your pocket10:40
chrisccoulsonMirv, thanks. i'm waiting on the qt5.2 stack to properly test oxide on touch10:59
chrisccoulsonis there any chance of me using the qt5.2 PPA for building oxide? :)10:59
davmor2Morning all10:59
ogra_davmor2, hey ...11:00
ogra_davmor2, disabling swap is sadly not that easy since it happens from the initrd ... you would have to hack up the script to disable the swapon in there and re-build the initrd11:00
davmor2ogra_: I'm not talking to you, fancy not being online hours after your EOD ;)11:01
davmor2ogra_: ah11:01
davmor2ogra_: so is this a case of making a separate build for testing before rolling it out to the general public then?11:02
ogra_(and additionally remove the swap line from fstab)11:02
ogra_no, i think we can test that manually11:02
ogra_let me try to disable it here, then i can give instructions ...11:03
ogra_need to upgrade to 118 first though11:03
ogra_no wifi on my maguro11:03
ogra_ah, was just slow11:04
Mirvchrisccoulson: sure, you can use it to build oxide most probably. because of the ABI breakage and resulting forced unity removal, I'd just suggest you do it inside chroot. apt-add-repository ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta211:11
ogra_davmor2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6714261/11:14
atyahi all11:14
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davmor2ogra_: just slow hpfff welcome to my world @P11:15
davmor2:P even11:15
atyacan anybody tell me, where can I see, what is the last QA passed 14.04 Touch?11:15
davmor2ogra_: I'll give it go for the day then and let you know what dies :)11:15
atyawhat is the build number and date, I mean11:15
ogra_atya, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/11:16
atyaogra_, tnx11:17
davmor2ogra_: I'm there trying to touch /userdata/.... and wondering why it wasn't working I hadn't done adb shell first, it's going to be a long day isn't it :D11:17
ogra_asac, so testing maguro with swap disabled here ... opening 4 webapps works but after a few times switching between them two of them are dead11:18
ogra_davmor2, ^11:18
ogra_try what you get (once you are there)11:18
davmor2ogra_: yeah will do11:19
taiebotHi all. Am i the only one getting a crash with unity8 when scrolling through the music section?11:20
ogra_works fine here11:21
seb128Laney, rvr: hey11:21
rvrself.assertThat(background, Equals(None))11:21
seb128Laney, did you have issues with only one test for u-s-s autopilot on the device?11:21
seb128Laney, or anything using the pointer?11:21
rvrthat test fails because is not None11:21
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LaneyI think it was basically all of the storage tests at least11:22
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Laneybecause it couldn't click on the item11:22
rvrLaney: Aha11:22
rvrLaney: Maybe the objects were renamed?11:23
seb128rvr, no, those works on desktop fine, the issue is only on the device11:23
davmor2ogra_: I think I'm done is there a way to confirm there is no swap now, just run mount or something?11:24
ogra_davmor2, free11:24
ogra_the bottom lline should only show zeros11:24
davmor2ogra_: yeap11:24
LaneyYeah, indeed, it's on the device only11:24
Laneyprobably best if someone tries to run it so that they can see themselves11:24
davmor2ogra_: osk seems slower11:25
ogra_oh, havent tried osk11:26
ogra_i definitelly have two of four screenshots blank though11:26
ogra_and swiping trough the apps doesnt seem to work properly11:26
ogra_(first one comes up, cant flick to others though)11:27
davmor2ogra_: hmm what happens if I open the camera that used to slow the system to halt as it was :D11:27
* ogra_ tries11:27
ogra_works for me11:28
ogra_i can even take pics11:28
rvrLaney: Ok, will try to check it as soon as my device comes from the death and get updated11:28
Laneynod, thanks11:28
ogra_heh, but swiping it away to get back to the home screen is so delayed that i thought it hangs11:28
davmor2ogra_: haha11:29
ogra_and i definitely cant swipe through the running apps anymore11:29
ogra_hangs on the first on11:29
davmor2ogra_: yeap I got that11:29
dednicksforshee: ping11:34
davmor2ogra_: I get a load of flashing from the camera app11:37
ogra_yeah, i got that too, but only after taking the first pic11:38
davmor2ogra_: not for me it was flashing like crazy before that11:38
chrisccoulsonMirv, oh, that's not really what I meant :)11:43
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chrisccoulsoni was actually asking if i could build it in that PPA ;) (i need an arm build, which already takes nearly a whole day on these builders)11:43
chrisccoulsoni have another shared PPA for building on arm, but I'm not sure whether people would like me adding other random PPA's as a dependency11:44
davmor2ogra_: I thought knocking swap on the head was meant to make the system faster  or am I dreaming that is what was said11:44
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
ogra_davmor2, i dont see how it would ...11:45
davmor2ogra_: because it isn't off loading to swap all the time?11:45
ogra_it has a very low swappiness, it will only offload stuff you dont read/write a lot anyway11:45
ogra_so you shouldnt even notice11:46
Mirvchrisccoulson: is that lp:oxide?11:46
ogra_chrisccoulson, use canonical-arm-dev, it is native and will be 10x faster11:47
ogra_iirc you are a member there11:47
Mirvchrisccoulson: I now created a recipe to building into that PPA from lp:oxide11:48
MirvI don't mind having the PPA even not-yet-in-use sources that need to eventually build against Qt 5.211:48
Mirvchrisccoulson: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+recipe/daily-qt52-oxide - accessible whenever Launchpad feels like not giving a timeout11:49
tvosspitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/qtubuntu-sensors/cmake-setup-take-211:50
Mirvchrisccoulson: right, a debian/ directory would help in getting it built, so please use another PPA until you have packaging11:50
Mirvbut it'll auto-build when it's there11:50
chrisccoulsonogra_, i need to build it against the qt5.2 stack11:52
chrisccoulsonMirv, ah, the recipe won't work, as it's missing the chromium checkout ;)11:52
ogra_cant you set up the qt5.2 ppa as a dependency ? i thought LP had an option for that11:53
chrisccoulsonogra_, i can, if people don't mind me doing that11:53
ogra_well, disable it later again :)11:53
ogra_i doubt anyone minds if thats a temporary thing11:53
chrisccoulsonheh, i guess i could do that. as long as other users of it are happy for me to do that, then i'll do it :)11:53
ogra_tell them to complain to me if they feel like complaining ;)11:54
pittitvoss: \o/ did you get your cleanups branch merged? (that was a prerequisite, right?)11:55
tvosspitti, one of it, yes11:56
tvosspitti, other one is proposed, too11:56
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asacogra_: hmm. not sure who would really understand why disabling swap has bad impact12:00
asaci am sure we still have free mem when you see those issues?12:00
* ogra_ checks 12:00
asacogra_: maybe kernel team might understand what exact effects disabling swap has?12:01
ogra_let me install htop, thats easier to read12:01
* asac steps out for lunch12:01
ogra_asac, well, i thought tvoss evaluated that when designing the whole system12:02
ogra_apps also dont save their state, they just die and start afresh ... i thought the platform api was supposed to make sure they start where they stopped12:02
tvossogra_, its up to the app to save their state12:02
ogra_tvoss, ugh12:03
tvossthey receive a signal from the platform api12:03
tvossogra_, we obviously don't store complete memory snapshots12:03
ogra_tvoss, so that means when flicking through my apps with more than two open i always end up on their start page12:03
ogra_i thought that was the design (saving whole mem snapshots)12:03
asacogra_: yeah, but since you said we see issues even though we are not out of memory makes me think12:03
asacthat there is some side effect of disabling swap12:04
tvossogra_, of course not, we always argued against saving memory snapshots12:04
ogra_i think the kernel frees up stuff (or tries to)12:04
tvossogra_, we keep the apps in memory as long as possible12:04
ogra_well, seems like sonething kills them randomly12:04
tvossogra_, so we usually resurrect only a stopped process, not a killed one12:04
tvossogra_, are we talking usual apps or webapps?12:04
ogra_tvoss, both12:05
tvossogra_, how can I easily reproduce the behavior you are seeing?12:05
ogra_i currently have four webapps open though ... two of them (totally random which ones) die after i flicked through them via the right edge12:05
tvossogra_ can you try with non-webapps, please?12:06
ogra_tvoss, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6714261/ disable swap like this ... then just start apps and use the system for a while12:06
ogra_(this is on maguro atm, since the low mem will most likely expose the issues earlier)12:06
ogra_tvoss, why would it make a difference ? the webapps are just standalone qml apps too (just using a webview inside)12:07
tvossogra_, @random killing: at some point, the OOM kicks in, the android one that is12:09
tvossogra_, @webapps: we have seen "interesting" behavior with the web runtime before and I'm not sure all known issues have been fixed12:09
tvossdbarth, ^, can you shed some light here?12:09
ogra_tvoss, well, i dont get any such issues with 6 webapps open when i use swap on the same device12:10
ogra_without swap and only four of them two of them die reliably12:10
tvossogra_, well, I would suspect the apps run out of memory ... and that an allocation just fails12:12
tvossogra_, but that's only a wild guess12:12
tvossogra_, how does it behave on the n4?12:12
ogra_tvoss, no idea, its my main phone and i wont do hackery on it12:16
ogra_i would test on grouper but Mir misbehaves there12:17
ogra_and i guess running SF will get me different behavior12:17
ogra_tvoss, htp shows me 170M free btw (which means really free memory)12:18
ogra_and dmesg has no trace of OOM12:19
ogra_logcat neither12:19
ogra_stopping all open apps frees up 200M though12:20
ogra_(4 webapps)12:20
davmor2ogra_, tvoss: I have 5 non webapps open, (dialer, contacts, gallery, friends, messaging) the system is running so slow it is unreal but all 5 apps are still currently live12:22
tvossogra_, webapps are quite resource intensive as they have a web runtime each12:23
tvossogra_, and I wouldn't assume that they are very "no more memory" robust12:24
tvossdavmor2, ack, slowness is "fine"12:24
ogra_davmor2, 6 apps here, flicking through them five times or so now two thumbnails are empty .... and the swiping is stuck12:24
ogra_i can go back to the shell but cant flick through them12:25
ogra_ram is at the edge now12:25
ogra_(about 50M free)12:25
tvossogra_, is that with webapps?12:25
ogra_thast with 6 native apps12:26
ogra_same behavior12:26
ogra_just later since they seem to eat lless ram12:26
ogra_no OOM traces anywhere12:26
Rienzilhathere was a time, not so long ago, my desktop computer didn't even have 50M of ram :)12:27
davmor2ogra_: yay killed top12:27
ogra_tvoss, and that behavior didnt change for me since we talked about the same 6 months ago12:27
tvossogra_, might be, do we have a bug open to log the issue?12:27
ogra_oh, wait !12:28
tvossogra_, would you mind filing one against unity-mir?12:28
davmor2ogra_: don't forget that maguro has the bug with mir that means it randomly locks up if the frame buffer dies at any point12:28
ogra_androids oom doesnt have "oom" in the log message anywhere12:28
asacoSoMoN: did we ever get to tweak our webkit settings for low memory profiles?12:31
sergiusensogra_, this is not good, right? [  165.347108] SysRq : Emergency Remount R/O12:31
tvossogra_, yup, was just about to say that12:31
asacoSoMoN: i remember this being discussed, just not sure if we did it12:31
ogra_sergiusens, argh ...12:31
ogra_sergiusens, sounds like a filesystem error12:31
sergiusensogra_, finally joined the bandwagon and bought a Nexus 4...12:31
asacoSoMoN: see discussion about no-swap above12:31
ogra_sergiusens, heh and already hit issues ?12:32
sergiusensogra_, I tried bootstrapping over the OS it had; I think it would be fine if I factory over it instead of the stock OS it came with12:32
sergiusensogra_, yeah, today I saw on the back of it: Made in Argentina `:-P12:32
sergiusensthat could be it12:32
oSoMoNasac, no, we never did12:34
oSoMoNreading the backlog now12:34
asacoSoMoN: but we know what to do, right?12:34
ogra_tvoss, bug 126709212:35
ubot5bug 1267092 in unity-mir (Ubuntu) "apps die randomly when the system hits 100% RAM usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126709212:35
sergiusensasac, tvoss no swap? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6714588/12:35
ogra_sergiusens, lol12:35
sergiusenswe do have a swap file created it seems12:36
ogra_sergiusens, we do12:36
asacsergiusens: right. thats the point12:36
asacwe want to kill that12:36
ogra_sergiusens, but we want to disable it asap12:36
ogra_but first need ot make sure it still works fine ... which it doesnt12:36
sergiusensah; then nvm!12:36
asacits fine if it doesnt work perfect as long as we have ideas and hopes that we can fix it :)12:36
sergiusensit didn't 12 months ago either12:37
ogra_as i mentioned in the bug12:37
oSoMoNasac, not specifically, we know where to look for stuff to tweak, but I don’t think we ever tested those options12:38
ogra_in fact the bug desxcription is wrong ... i dont actually hit 100%12:38
asacoSoMoN: right. what are those tweaks?12:38
* ogra_ wonders if those tweaks have to happen on webkit level ... 12:38
asacoSoMoN: does webkit even implement memorypressurehandlerlinux.cpp?12:38
ogra_that might cause issues for deskrtop12:38
asacin a reasonable manner?12:38
ubot5bugs.webkit.org bug 123532 in WebKit Gtk "Implement MemoryPressureHandler for Linux system" [Normal,New]12:39
asacseems its not implemented12:39
asacprobably could be ripped out of androids webkit?12:39
ogra_though i think we have a general problam with the "keep apps alive even if they dont run" setup12:39
asacwell. we dont see thos issues12:39
asacuntil we kill swap12:39
tvossogra_, I think we are not aggressive enough in killing apps12:39
asacjust want to check if webkit work is possible in reasonable time12:40
asacseems there are some patches for memory pressure available12:40
ogra_tvoss, i think apps that are really dead should not have a thumbnail as a first step :)12:40
asacwithout that it clearly makes sense that webkit isnt good at low memory12:40
oSoMoNasac, I don’t know, I’d need to investigate12:40
tvossogra_, well, talk to design ...12:40
asacoSoMoN: i feel we would need at least something liek this: https://bug-123532-attachments.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=21787112:40
tvossogra_, and on top: why would a user have to care12:40
ogra_and then we should start trying to fix the reason they die and put the thumbnail back12:40
tvossogra_, they die because we run out of memory12:41
asacoSoMoN: you think that might apply cleanly to our code so we could try?12:41
ogra_tvoss, an early adopter would file a bug if the app goes away12:41
ogra_a user shouldnt even use such a system ... i'm just tryingto find a way to track the issue a bit better12:41
tvossogra_, don't know what you mean. So you are saying if an app dies involuntarily, the thumbnail should go away?12:41
ogra_tvoss, for now, yes12:42
ogra_so people will file bugs12:42
ogra_currently it looks like the shell behaves weird12:42
ogra_while it is the app12:42
oSoMoNasac, no idea, it has to be tried, but since the plan is to switch to oxide is it really worth investing time in tweaking our current setup now?12:42
asacso yeah. if we dont even have memorypressure in webkit i think we can ignore that and focus on non-webapps to evaluate12:42
ogra_tvoss, i just mean as a temporary thing while we try to track this down12:43
tvossogra_, how would that help?12:43
ogra_it wouldnt make the flicking through apps non-functional for example12:43
tvossogra_, then we are only hiding the issue from my pov12:43
asacoSoMoN: where is oxide?12:44
ogra_asac, i think we should ask QA to come up with a test for ... say .. having 10 apps open and making sure they keep running12:44
asacoSoMoN: isnt that webkit either? can you check if the code has memorypressure implementation?12:44
ogra_(and swiping through them etc)12:44
asaci am sure we need that in all code12:45
sergiusensogra_, flashing a factory image and then doing the bootstrap worked fine btw ;-)12:45
ogra_great ... so it was the preinstalled system then12:45
asacogra_: well, if it clearly doesnt work, then we just need an owner who fixes that until he believes things are fine12:45
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asaconce we dont se big issues landing and having tests makes sense for even better quality12:45
sergiusenswith apport taking over my cpu :-P12:46
ogra_sergiusens, haha12:46
oSoMoNasac, yeah, I’ll check12:46
ogra_sergiusens, apport was fixed yesterday, cant be :P12:46
tvossogra_, we shouldn't test if the apps are running, but if they can be flicked through12:46
davmor2ogra_, tvoss: man it does really odd things when you swipe with less than 50 MB left12:46
asacdavmor2: without webapps?12:46
ogra_tvoss, well, at least as long as we can detect if the app is actually displayed12:46
tvossogra_, sure, the important bit is: the apps might not be running when they are in the background. We just need to make sure that they run when they are in the foreground12:47
ogra_tvoss, on mako i get a weird "fade out" animation for the dead apps (iirc from last time), on maguro the flicking completely stops working12:47
tvossdavmor2, sure, we need to tune our memory limits to make sure that we have more memory reserved to the system12:47
ogra_davmor2, yeah, it does12:48
asactvoss: who owns taking the current device and tweaking the limits until its ready for rolling to our images?12:48
ogra_asac, doesnt matter12:48
ogra_asac, webapps just make you hit the threshold earlier it seems12:48
davmor2asac: Yeap, currently I have (notes, shorts, gallery, weather, friend and clock)12:48
ogra_for qml 6 seems the limit before it starts12:48
tvossasac, no one, yet. need to find someone12:48
ogra_for webapps it is 412:48
ogra_(on maguro)12:48
ogra_i guess mako might allow twice the amount12:49
davmor2confirming ogra_ 's assessment 6 normal apps 4 webapps and crazy things happen12:49
ogra_hmm, no kernel guys around ...12:51
ogra_i wonder if it would help to disable swapping at kernel build time12:51
ogra_i.e. it might do things differently then12:51
davmor2swipe between apps and it skips apps, then the skipped app overlays the current app, if you swipe again it then goes passed the app you wanted, swiping back the the apps lens and a random app will suddenly come to the front, some apps holder on the apps lens show as blank, if you click on it it opens the app.......etc etc12:52
ogra_for me at some point swiping doesnt work at all anymore12:53
ogra_ah, speaking of the devil ...12:53
ogra_hey rtg12:53
rtgdevil, huh ?12:53
davmor2ogra_: ah for me it worked but kept showing the notes app12:54
ogra_rtg, so we are trying to disable swap on the phones and get odd behavior ... i was wondering  if ... when swap is disabled in the kernel config ... there are different codepaths that could cause more sane behavior12:54
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ogra_i.e. does the kernel try to swap (or raise OOM) if swap is enabled but there is no swap in use etc etc12:55
rtgogra_, not sure, I'm not really familiar with that part of the kernel.12:56
ogra_who do we have that is ?12:56
rtgmaybe apw12:57
ogra_he is hiding from here :P12:57
tvossogra_, so I will write down steps to adjust the android OOM killer behavior such that we keep more memory available to the shell12:57
rtgits not something we have to deal with very often12:57
tvossogra_, can we just try with an adjusted kernel?12:57
ogra_tvoss, as long as we dont need to change modules, replacing the kernel binary isnt an issue12:59
ogra_we even ship  developer scripts for that12:59
tvossogra_, would be great if you could try a custom kernel, I will look into the oom killer stuff12:59
davmor2ogra_: man htop uses a lot of cpu13:01
ogra_6-8% constantly13:01
ogra_but it is the most accurate tool to see free ram13:01
davmor2ogra_: agreed it's much nicer to look at :)13:02
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tvossdidrocks, Mirv, pitti https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/qtubuntu-sensors/add-position-plugin-in-preparation-for-dropping-qtlocation-distro-patch13:19
tvossand https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/qtubuntu-sensors/cmake-setup-take-213:20
dbarthtvoss, ogra_: sounds like a leak in the webkit runtime; i see that oSoMoN is looking into the memory handler of the runtime13:20
dbarththat should be part of the solution, and be a todo for oxide as well13:20
ogra_dbarth, well, i dont think webkit is the actual cause here ... it just exposes the symptom earlier due to being ram hungry13:23
ogra_tvoss, ^^13:23
tvossogra_, yup, but we still should fix the leak13:28
dbarthogra_: have the use case for reproducing the leak? ie which webapps are so prone to making webkit loose control?13:31
ogra_dbarth, bug 126709213:41
ubot5bug 1267092 in unity-mir (Ubuntu) "apps die randomly when the system hits ~80% RAM usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126709213:41
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ogra_dbarth, i'm using a few apps from the store: heise, golem, n-tv and tagesschau (some typical german news apps)13:42
ogra_tvoss, hmm, so i cant easily build a kernel since trusty does not have the compiler used for building it13:47
janimobregma hi, can  Unity8 with mesa drivers on a regular x86 desktop be tested at the moment?14:13
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bregmajanimo, Unity8 "runs" on XMir but has very limited functionality14:23
janimobregma, are the platform-api or other touch specific bits present in some form in the XMir version?14:30
ogra_janimo, unlikely14:32
ogra_all that stuff hooks into Mir itself, not XMir14:33
janimoogra_, so this is a blocker for any device without an available android port that just has working mesa right?14:34
ogra_janimo, is that on arm or x86 ?14:34
janimoogasawara, x8614:35
* ogra_ hugs leann14:35
janimoogra_, for instance on a regular x86 tablet that regular Ubuntu works14:35
ogasawaraogra_: ahhh, my first steal of 2014 :)14:35
janimoone of you really should yield, be wiser and change your nick :)14:35
ogasawarano way!14:35
ogra_i already grew a tail to make us more distinguishable ... what more do you want14:36
janimoogra_, grow a prefix, that is what causes the mess :)14:36
ogra_janimo, well, i think you would actually need Mir to run to make use of the unity-mir and platform-api bits properly14:37
ogra_(not XMir)14:37
ogra_and i dont think there is any mesa support in Mir yet14:37
ogra_iirc there was a bug open for SW rendering support, ask on #ubuntu-mir14:38
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cwaynedpm, ping, do we have a standard process for missing translations?14:56
cwaynei.e., do we have a catch-all bug for apps, or do we have bugs by missing strings, etc14:57
ogra_rsalveti, do you know if the original android kernel config usually has swap enabled ?15:07
ogra_tvoss, asac, davmor2, so disabling swap in the kernel config does not change a thing i still have two out of four webapps die15:09
tvossogra_, ack15:10
rsalvetiogra_: nops15:10
rsalvetiogra_: that's something we enable by default15:10
ogra_and it feels a lot slower over all (if thats even possible on maguro)15:10
rsalvetibut did you check to see if swap is really being used with maguro?15:11
ogra_rsalveti, yeah, i know ... i just wanted to know if the system behaves any different with it disabled ... i.e. if the kernel has different code if that option is off15:11
ogra_right, just proven that15:11
ogra_not actually easy since you cant build our kernels on trusty anymore15:11
rsalvetiogra_: why that?15:12
ogra_(gcc4.6 is gon from the archive)15:12
rsalvetioh, I guess I have a pending fix somewhere for mako at least15:12
ogra_well, this was maguro :)15:12
ogra_which is even 3.015:12
rsalvetiright, but I know we have issues with all of them15:13
ogra_we havent had a build under trusty yet15:13
rsalvetiright :-)15:13
ogra_the others accept 4.7 though i think15:13
rsalvetiwhy did we remove 4.6?15:13
rsalvetimaintenance issues?15:13
ogra_no idea, ask doko15:13
ogra_or infinity15:13
ogra_or whoever is in charge of such decisions15:13
rsalvetiI know that only 4.6 worked fine for most of our kernels15:14
ogra_in any case i know that the odd behavior doesnt change kwhen it is disabled in the kernel config15:14
rsalvetiwe also had issues with 4.715:14
ogra_jdstrand, i see a lot of http://paste.ubuntu.com/6715324/ (for random apps) on todays image (might be there longer, i havent looked at syslog for ages)15:26
jdstrandogra_: that's been there a long time. that is bug #1260491 and should be fixed15:28
ubot5bug 1260491 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "please explicitly deny access to /run/shm/lttng-ust-*" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126049115:28
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# dpkg -l |grep apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu15:29
ogra_ii  apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu                              1.1.0                                       all          AppArmor easyprof templates for Ubuntu15:29
ogra_well, seems it isnt15:29
ogra_seems there is a line for each app i opened today15:30
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# system-image-cli -i15:30
ogra_current build number: 11815:30
jdstrandogra_: can you paste the profile: /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar_0.4.17215:30
ogra_jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6715356/15:32
ogra_line 286 it seems15:33
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jdstrandogra_: is it possibly that these errors are from before you rebooted with the image that has 1.1.0?15:35
jdstrandcause, the rule is there15:35
ogra_jdstrand, no, i upgraded early this morning and still get these messages15:35
jdstrandogra_: can you reboot, then tail -f /var/log/syslog and then launch the app and see if it gets the denial?15:35
jdstrandogra_: what kernel is that?15:36
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mhall119sergiusens: looks like there's a unicode bug in phablet-flash that makes it fail if the user's locale is chinese (and probably many other languages): https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/122525715:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225257 in Phablet Tools "phablet-flash "UnicodeEncodeError"" [Undecided,New]15:36
ogra_jdstrand, maguros 3.0 (right now not the archive kernel, but at the time the log was created it was original) (and my rebuild with swap disabled has no other changes)15:37
jdstrandogra_: can you reboot and try again?15:37
sergiusensmhall119, if the locale is in chinese or if the filepath contains these elements?15:37
ogra_jdstrand, sure15:37
ogra_jdstrand, but i rebooted several times today, it wont change :)15:38
sergiusensmhall119, heh; the logger bails :-/15:38
mhall119sergiusens: I'd think language, since it's the logger15:39
mhall119unless it's the filepath triggering an exception that the logger tries to report and then also fails (dropping the original exception)15:39
mhall119but it looks like it ran into an error downloading a file, and tried to report that error, then failed at that point15:40
ogra_jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6715397/15:40
ogra_no change after a fresh boot15:40
sergiusensogra_, is one of our mirrors?15:41
ogra_sergiusens, uh, no idea, IS would know15:41
sergiusensogra_, cdimage redirects there it seems; I'll ask, thanks15:42
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/touchfhem/click$ host cdimage.ubuntu.com15:42
ogra_cdimage.ubuntu.com has address
ogra_not for me15:42
sergiusensogra_, it was a 302 ;-)15:43
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jdstrandogra_: can you stop the calendar, then do: sudo apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar_0.4.17215:43
jdstrandogra_: then try again?15:43
popeysergiusens: can we get a calculator update pushed to the store pls?15:44
sergiusenspopey, sure15:44
ogra_jdstrand, completely quiet15:44
jdstrandthat means that your /var/cache/apparmor files were newer than your /var/lib/apparmor/profiles files15:45
jdstrand(well, should mean that)15:45
ogra_jdstrand, hmm, all files in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/ have a jan 1st 2000 timestamp15:47
jdstrandthat is odd15:47
jdstrandseems the clock was off when you upgraded?15:48
ogra_ /var/cache/apparmor looks fine15:48
ogra_though i notice that some apps have 3-4 profiles in there for older versions15:48
ogra_wont that eat our disk at some point ?15:48
ogra_jdstrand, well, on the UI it definitely showed the right time this morning15:49
ogra_before i upgraded from system-settings15:49
kaimasthi all. are there any known glitches with mir on maguro. I have a weird flickering when I scroll a listview fast15:51
jdstrandogra_: please file a bug on profile removal. it is known and we are actively leaving it in place atm15:52
jdstrandogra_: that would be against click-apparmor15:53
ogra_though that doesnt help with the timestamp issue15:53
ogra_stgraber, are we sure the rtc and clock are set properly when the mount stuff in initrd runs ? looks like i have a writable dir with borken timestamps (jan. 1st 2000 for all files)15:54
greybackkaimast: there may be glitches with mir on maguro, it would help greatly if you'd log a bug on it please15:59
ogra_"might be"15:59
kaimastgreyback: if i think more about it maybe it is just because of the overall slowness of the system16:01
greybackkaimast: that's https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1182930 then16:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1182930 in Mir "Galaxy Nexus rendering performance is too low" [High,Triaged]16:02
kaimastoh cool thanks greyback16:02
kaimasti wonder if support for galaxy nexus will be dropped in the near future16:03
ogra_kaimast, it will be the first device we drop *if* we drop one16:04
kaimasti really hope not :)16:04
ogra_well, it would really need a lot of love on the speed side16:05
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oSoMoNdidrocks, hey, webbrowser-app trunk has some debian packaging changes that could use a review before releasing, do you know who could do that review?16:14
didrocksoSoMoN: I'll ask ken to do them, just file the landing ask mentionning them please16:15
didrocksoSoMoN: the release is to fix the flaky tests?16:15
oSoMoNdidrocks, no, the release is because there hasn’t been one in two months :)16:15
didrocksoSoMoN: fair enough, there is no flaky tests in it as well :)16:16
didrocksoSoMoN: gallery-app doesn't have any landing ask, that's on purpose?16:16
oSoMoNdidrocks, there should probably be one, let me see with bfiller16:17
bfillerdidrocks, oSoMoN : I added one earlier16:17
didrocksbfiller: oh? did I miss it?16:18
* didrocks looks16:18
bfilleronly did it like 30 mins ago16:18
didrocksah ok!16:18
didrocksI'm not *that* crazy then16:18
didrocksthanks bfiller :)16:18
sergiusensballoons, popey just got an n4 here, autopilot test run twice as fast it feels16:18
balloonssergiusens, oO.. I'll bet. I've been on manta recently16:18
oSoMoNdidrocks, regarding the packaging review, wouldn’t it make sense to do it prior to requesting a release? just in case it needs changes…16:20
didrocksoSoMoN: yeah, the issue right now is that we are all max out. If it's something trivial, I can have a look now16:21
oSoMoNdidrocks, yeah, the changes are rather trivial, give me a sec and I’ll produce a diff for you16:23
oSoMoNdidrocks, not a contained diff, but the changes are in those two revisions: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/revision/405 and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/revision/420, the changes themselves are big but changes to the debian/ directory are rather minor16:25
sergiusenspopey, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/154/16:25
oSoMoNdidrocks, we’re basically splitting the webbrowser-app binary into two separate executables, thus two binary packages16:25
didrocksoSoMoN: ok, you are missing a Replaces:16:27
oSoMoNdidrocks, for which package?16:28
didrocksoSoMoN: I would bump the release version in debian/changelog16:28
* didrocks looks at the version16:28
didrocksoSoMoN: so, bump to webbrowser-app 0.2316:29
popeysergiusens: ta16:29
didrocksthen, in debian/control:16:29
didrocksin the webapp-container stenza16:29
didrocksyou need to add (below Dependencies most of the time): Replaces: webbrowser-app (<< 0.23),16:29
didrocksoSoMoN: oh actually, let me check something16:30
oSoMoNdidrocks, it doesn’t actually replace anything, right, it’s just a new package that depends on the existing one16:31
didrocksoSoMoN: yeah, I was misled by your "split"16:31
didrocksoSoMoN: ok, no assets have moved, so everything is good, +116:31
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oSoMoNdidrocks, cool, does it make sense to bump the version manually to 0.23, or should we let the automatic versioning do its job?16:33
didrocksoSoMoN: it's more of a matter of taste for you. As you changed it quite significantly, I would say bump it, but it's not that important16:33
oSoMoNdidrocks, yeah, that’s what I thought, let’s bump it manually, it’s quite a big change after all16:34
didrocksplease do, then just add to the landing ask :)16:34
oSoMoNwill do, thanks16:34
oSoMoNdidrocks, if I add a new changelog entry and leave it UNRELEASED, the release script will use it and fill it with all the relevant commit messages, right?16:37
didrocksoSoMoN: exactly16:37
oSoMoNas awesome as I expected it to be :)16:37
didrocksthe only commit that you won't see is the one with the changelog bump16:38
didrocksas in that case we decide "ok, manual entry in debian/changelog, we don't touch for *that* commit"16:38
oSoMoNmakes complete sense16:38
popeysergiusens: approved (and tested)16:39
oSoMoNdidrocks, is it ok to push such a change directly or does it have to go through the normal MR/CI/autolanding process?16:40
didrocksoSoMoN: it's ok for those trivial changes16:40
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mhall119is rotation broken? it doesn't seem to work on mako right now17:19
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mhall119bzoltan: cjwatson: are you guys going to keep the SDK version and click platform version in sync?17:24
cjwatsonmhall119: I don't see that anything is needed here17:26
robrursalveti, sergiusens: how would I test that a new release of qtubuntu-sensors is working? what steps can I take to verify that it works?17:26
mhall119cjwatson: well we're adding new APIs and stuff, if an app is using them we don't want it installing on an older install of the OS17:26
cjwatsonmhall119: that's what the framework version in the SDK is for; it doesn't need to be kept in sync with click though17:26
mhall119also a move to Qt 5.2, which I hear is going to have binary compatibility breaks17:27
cjwatsonthe SDK owns that version declaration17:27
cjwatson(this was discussed pretty extensively at UDS, maybe you could review that)17:27
mhall119cjwatson: so the string in the click manifest should match the SDK, but click itself doesn't need to be told what the available ones are?17:27
cjwatsonclick is told that by the SDK; it doesn't live in click's own source code17:27
mhall119cjwatson: do you rememeber the meeting name?17:27
cjwatsonbut it had some really obvious name17:28
mhall119is the click scope aware and able to filter available apps for install and update based on that?17:28
cjwatsonask a click scope dev :)17:28
mhall119beuno: ralsina_ ^^17:28
ralsina_mhall119: yes it is17:29
mhall119ok, great, thanks17:29
ralsina_mhall119: or rather it can be made to do so easily, not sure if it does at this point since there has only ever existed one version17:29
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ralsina_mmcc: are we sending the framework version on queries?17:30
mhall119we should check that, because I think we're going to have a new version of the SDK soon17:30
ralsina_mhall119: yes, doing that right now :-)17:30
mmccralsina_: reading back. which queries? scope queries to click server for app results?17:31
mhall119mmcc: yes17:31
ralsina_mmcc: IIUC yes17:31
mhall119mmcc: so that if I have 13.10 installed, but an app needs 13.10.1, it won't be available to install17:31
mmcchere's what the query looks like: https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?q=,framework:ubuntu-sdk-13.10,architecture:i38617:32
mmccso, yes17:32
mhall119mmcc: and on the server, does it use that as a minimum version, or does it have to match exactly?17:32
mhall119or maximum version, I suppose17:33
mmccmhall119: I don't know - maybe we should ping beuno on that17:33
mhall119beuno: ping ^^17:33
beunofor the sdk version?17:34
mhall119if a query sayd framework:ubuntu-sdk-13.10.1, will I get results for apps that target just ubuntu-sdk-13.10?17:35
beunothe plan, IIRC, is for that field to be exact, but with multiple entries17:35
mhall119multiple entries in the click package?17:35
beunoyes, in the manifest file17:35
pmcgowanmy proposal was its a minimum within a major version17:36
mhall119+1 to that17:36
pmcgowanso 13.10.0 will work on 13.10.1 for example17:36
pmcgowanbut 14.04 would not17:36
beunoright, although the current naming sucks a bit to do min/max/etc17:36
mhall119as long as the version name/number convention is enforced going forward17:36
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mterry_stgraber, I wanted to modify the files from the system phablet image (like add some debugging comments to a qml file).  I edited the tar.gz inside the final zip used during a manual install.  But it didn't seem to take.  Is there a further trick?18:54
stgrabermterry_: I'm only doing system-image and with system-image there's no such thing as .zip or .tar.gz so I don't know what you're talking about :)18:56
stgraberif you are trying to manually patch system-image .tar.xz files before pushing them to your device, that won't work as the gpg signature won't match anymore18:57
mterry_stgraber, hmm.  Maybe the manual instructions at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install are out of date?18:57
stgraberall system-image updates need to be gpg-signed by the system-image server18:57
stgraberyeah, "Manual Download & Installation" covers the old style cdimage images, not the read-only system-image18:57
annerajbDoes Ubuntu Touch Support any device that has LTE? Specifically sprint LTE?19:17
thomitedg: Any ideas about the gir for upstart-app-launch? If you were able to give me a rough timeline, I can communicate that to the people who are asking me for upstart app launch support in autopilot :)19:23
tedgthomi, So I've got it building the GIR but some of the annotations seem to be off.  Mostly need to debug.19:24
tedgthomi, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/upstart-app-launch/gir-support/19:24
tedgthomi, That works to start and stop applications, but the observers don't work yet.19:24
thomitedg: cool - it's a pity that the thing I need most is the thing that doesn't work yet :)19:25
thomiany ideas how long that debugging takes? I have no clue about gir stuff, so I really don't know how hard debugging this stuff is... are we talking hours, days, weeks?19:26
tedgI'm hoping just an hour or two, just need to get it scheduled.  I'd hope to have it done by the end of the week.19:27
thomitedg: awesome, thanks. Once it's done, are you able to release to distro wihtout too much pain?19:27
tedgthomi, Ha!  You need to figure out how to mark it as a "regression" -- that's how things get to distro :-)19:28
thomitedg: I only need it in trusty :)19:28
tedgthomi, Frankly, saucy is easier than trusty.  Gotten SRUs landed weeks before they got into trusty.19:28
thomitedg: I know... it makes me sad19:29
thomibut we can at least try. Let me know when you have the code in trunk and I'll try and help get it landed19:29
mterry_stgraber, is there a way at all to edit files before first boot?19:30
tedgCool thanks19:30
cwaynethomi, tedg: i'm happy to try and help get stuff into the image if i can as well19:33
* cwayne is pretty dependent on this fix from thomi :)19:33
thomicwayne: I was about to point you to that conversation :)19:34
thomicwayne: sorry the fix turned out to be more complicated than it seemed at first :)19:34
cwaynethomi, no worries, i generally assume that'll happen :P19:34
cwaynebut for sure let me know when stuff's in trunk and I can try and help push it through19:34
sergiusensmterry_, you would need to modify the recovery image for that19:58
sergiusensor do a manual deployment of what's in http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery.git;a=blob_plain;f=system-image-upgrader;hb=refs/heads/phablet-trusty19:59
stgrabermterry_: not easily, no. It's usually much easier to boot the system, apply your changes, then wipe /userdata/ of everything but system.img and SWAP.img, then reboot (which is effectively equivalent).20:08
cwaynecyphermox, hiya, do you think that bluetooth-touch MR will make it in this week?  (just trying to get a plan/timeframe together) :)20:13
annerajbsergiusens, are you guys planning on supporting any devices with LTE (specially sprint lte)??20:16
cyphermoxcwayne: ah! let me get that done RFN.20:18
sergiusensannerajb, that's a question for awafaa20:20
awe_annerajb, we will eventually, but not until we officially support an LTE-based device...20:24
Stskeepsfwiw lte should work fine20:25
Stskeepsat least from ofono ril/capabilities pov20:26
annerajbawe_, what is required to get LTE support done, development on what project/library or side?20:26
awe_Stskeeps is partially correct, our existing ofono code isn't that far off.  In fact it might work as is, but no promises until we've committed to officially supporting a device20:28
awe_I can't work on it, if I don't have a mandate, nor an actual device to work with...20:29
annerajbwould it be possible for me to help on that code or does it require any special hardware? NDA knowledge or anything like that?20:29
awe_that said, if someone needs help with a port, I'd be glad to offer assistance, encouragement, ...20:29
awe_annerajb, do you have a device that Touch has been ported to, that support it?20:29
annerajb:( not yet20:30
awe_then no20:30
annerajbso all i need is a working ported device?20:30
awe_and familiarity with ofono and RIL20:31
awe_and LTE20:31
annerajbwell i will have to wait for cm-11.0 be supported in ubuntu touch20:32
awe_annerajb, we will get to this, it's just there are more important basic features still being worked on20:32
annerajbill guess ill have to sit idle while cm-11.0 is supported I started yesterday and noticed libhardware was a mess and needed merging badly20:34
annerajbcan we run android apps from ubuntu touch or do you have to boot back to android for that?20:41
cyphermoxsergiusens: can you help with a bit more review?20:42
cyphermoxsergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/ubuntu/trusty/bluetooth-touch/bluetooth-touch_lp1266859/+merge/20069920:43
cyphermoxcwayne: sorry, it doesn't work reliably on the Galaxy Nexus, I'm trying to fix it..20:49
sergiusenscyphermox, I have a coment that can fix it20:49
cyphermoxabout when the properties service gets started?20:50
cyphermoxsergiusens: it works fine started manually, the problem is that it fails on boot at least half the time, at least here on my maguro20:51
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sergiusenscyphermox, added comment; you prbably haven't waited for the android container to fully start20:55
sergiusenscyphermox, best choice is to wait for the socket bridge or the lxc container20:55
cyphermoxsergiusens: that should affect any and all bringup of bluetooth on the maguro though, and it doesn't seem to be20:55
cyphermoxit's the exact same code as bluetooth-touch :D20:56
sergiusenscyphermox, is the job being logged? if the property system isn't up; response would be empty20:56
cyphermoxthere is nothing to log there20:56
cyphermoxyou'd never get any bluetooth working on the maguro20:56
cyphermoxbrcm-patchram-plus wouldn't get started20:57
cummsengwhat is ubuntu-touch? Is it linux + android/java on top or is it pure linux + some sort of touch interface with xorg etc20:57
sergiusenscummseng, none20:57
sergiusenscummseng, it's ubuntu + mir + small android running in lxc for driver support20:57
sergiusenscummseng, the last + slowly goes away as hw support comes20:58
cummsengcan i install xmir and compile xorg apps and run them on the phone or is there more involved?21:01
cyphermoxsergiusens: the issue has nothing to do with the property service or android21:04
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cwaynecyphermox, yeah, i was figuring started bluetooth would've been fine, as bluetooth-touch does it on starting bluetooth21:04
cyphermoxit's because bluez is slow to start, and overwrites the change21:04
cyphermoxthis is partly why I was suggesting to do it in bluez directly21:04
cyphermoxI added a sleep 10 just before hciconfig and it's working great now21:05
cwaynecyphermox, the pretty-hostname would've worked as well, but i was trying to not have to patch systemd (which i'd have to get /etc/machine-info properly writable)21:06
cyphermoxtoo bad it doesn't work on maguro, it was a pretty simple solution21:07
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cwaynecyphermox, yeah :/21:08
cwaynei really thought if i did start on started bluetooth bluez would be fully up21:08
cyphermoxI can write you a quick plugin for bluez21:09
cyphermoxor you're welcome to ship the config anyway yourself if you're only really interested in the Nexus 421:11
cyphermox(as a temporary solution)21:11
sergiusenscyphermox, is there any reason yet to hook up to the device through bluetooth?21:12
cyphermoxthe what?21:12
sergiusensreason is, I'd do it properly; it's to hard to undo hacks21:12
cyphermoxthis one isn't really hard to undo21:12
cyphermoxbut that's what I'm saying, I'll write a plugin for bluez to do this, that's the "right way", if libandroid-properties is something available to the world21:13
cwaynei'm fine with doing it 'the right way', and i'm happy to help test cyphermox's plugin21:14
mhall119is there some place where we're tracking the copy/paste functionality?  I have yet to get it to work21:15
cyphermoxsergiusens: I mean, a plugin that asks android-properties for the value and apply it if say, Name = %a or whatnot would be reusable by other people who try to run Linux on formerly android devices, assuming that it's fine to link things against hybris.21:17
sergiusenscyphermox, I would abstract this somewhere else if possible; platform-api'sh; rsalveti ?21:18
cyphermoxerm, abstract that how, why?21:18
cyphermoxthis is low-level bluetooth bringup stuff, not application stuff21:18
* rsalveti reads backlog21:18
sergiusensrsalveti, the question is if we should use libandroid-properties directly21:19
sergiusenscyphermox, then again, I missed the plugin part; so I take back my comment21:20
cyphermoxoh, ok?21:20
sergiusenscyphermox, I think you should be fine21:20
cyphermoxI expect that would be a few thousand lines of codes only21:21
cyphermoxjust kidding :)21:21
rsalveticyphermox: sergiusens: well, we could for sure move the properties calls to platform-api21:21
rsalvetibut not something for the next few days for sure :-)21:22
rsalvetinot hard to move though21:22
cyphermoxideally I'd like to write something that I can just ship to bluez upstream though21:22
rsalvetibut we might want to have a different api21:22
rsalvetiright, using our platform-api would be more ubuntu generic21:22
cyphermoxhence why I'm saying hybris or whatnot, to be as generic as possible21:22
rsalvetiuse libandroid-properties for now, and let's schedule a discussion during our next sprint to have this as part of platform-api21:23
cyphermoxoh, are you planning to do away with android-properties, that's why?21:23
rsalveticyphermox: no, but just thinking a more generic approach21:24
cyphermoxthis really isn't something people will change directly as such, but rather via bluez dbus calls later.21:24
cyphermoxyou mean ubuntu-specific21:24
cyphermoxplatform-api isn't generic21:24
rsalvetiwell, it's generic for ubuntu21:24
rsalvetithat's our goal21:24
cyphermoxwell, in this case it's something that shouldn't matter at all21:25
rsalvetiif we can make it more distro generic later on, would be awesome, but meanwhile we need at least something generic for us21:25
cyphermoxwell, it would be distro generic from the start21:25
cyphermoxanyway, I'll write it, and propose it upstream, we'll see21:25
cyphermoxbbl, dinner21:30
bfillertedg: what's the equivalent of Qt.openUrlExternally("application:///gallery-app.desktop") in the click world? converting gallery-app to click and need to update call from camera-app21:53
cummsengis the community version of ubuntu-touch just the hackable version?21:53
tedgbfiller, Not sure of the package name, but it'd probably be "appid://com.canonical.gallery/gallery-app/current-user-version"21:53
tedgOh, I guess I'm not sure of the desktop file name either.  But I'm assuming it's staying the same there.21:54
tedgIf you changed it, that'll need to change as well.21:55
bfillertedg: here is the click info for gallery http://paste.ubuntu.com/6717401/21:55
tedgAh, so you should only need "gallery"21:55
tedgSo "appid://com.ubuntu.gallery/gallery/current-user-version"21:56
bfillertedg: thanks, what is the "gallery" represent?21:56
tedgbfiller, It's the item under "hooks" in the manifest.  In theory there could be multiple entries there.21:57
bfillertedg: got it, thanks21:57
popeycummseng: there's only one version really. the one you can download.22:02
cwaynebfiller, do you have an ETA on the gallery-app as a click?22:02
tedgbfiller, Just FYI, you could do "appid://com.ubuntu.gallery/first-listed-app/current-user-version" and that'd choose the first item.  Not sure if that's useful for your use.22:02
bfillercwayne: hopefully this week - in process of testing and fixing tests, etc22:02
cwayneah, great!22:02
bfillercwayne: will do gallery and camera together22:02
bfillertedg: ok22:03
cwaynethomi, ^^ that may just get you off the hook for that autpilot fix :P22:03
cwayne(obviously it'd still need to be done, but that'd make it less urgent for us)22:03
sergiusensbfiller, package name, app name, version, that's the tripplet22:10
greybacktedg: if I did "application://com.ubuntu.gallery", would it just work? My app should not care about galley app version22:10
sergiusensbfiller, in an ideal world we could put camera and gallery nin the same package; but that's not supported yet22:10
tedggreyback, Nope, application URLs are more specific than that.  appid:// URLs allow you to put in a detectable version.22:11
greybacktedg: so there are 2 prefixes: "appid://" and "application://" ?22:11
tedggreyback, Correct.  One we inherited from ZG and the scopes.  The other more reflects click symantics.22:12
sergiusenstedg, couldn't bfiller just use com.canonical.gallery and com.canonical.camera in his calls?22:12
greybacktedg: if I'm an app developer, making my funky app, which wants to open gallery and have it show a picture of mine, what do I do? Qt.openUrlExternally("appid://com.ubuntu.gallery?file=mysharedfile.png")22:14
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thomicwayne: yeah, thanks22:21
Nicnmanyone know what the root password for the tablet is?22:22
cwayneNicnm, phablet22:22
Nicnmlol rly, thanks22:22
mhall119where should I file bugs against the Unity 8 theme?22:31
kaimasthey all. is wireless encryption (WPA2) working? i seem to not be able to connect22:31
mhall119Saviq: ^^ ?22:31
mhall119kaimast: works for me, never really had a problem with it22:31
mhall119on Nexus 4 anyway22:32
mhall119greyback: why in the gallery and not in your app?22:32
Saviqmhall119, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/files/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/22:32
Saviqmhall119, so ubuntu-ui-toolkit22:32
mhall119Saviq: thanks22:33
mhall119Saviq: are the colors on the welcome screen determined by the theme?22:33
tedggreyback, We don't support additional data on a URL.  If you want to do something like that you should probably use content hub.22:33
Saviqmhall119, you mea infographic?22:33
tedggreyback, There are some custom URL formats for different apps that can handle different data, but not the generic ones.22:33
kaimastnevermind now it is working. last time it (re)asked me for the password all the time22:33
mhall119Saviq: let me just get to the point, I want to file a bug about the orange color on the infographic looking terrible on non-purple backgrounds, and suggest it auto-adapt with the wallpaper22:34
greybackmhall119: is just a theoretical question. Say I've made something like instagram. My app made the photo, but I'd like to save it to the image gallery, which gallery app does nicely22:34
Saviqmhall119, ubuntu-ux first, then22:34
mhall119greyback: ah, I think ContentHub can do that22:34
mhall119thanks Saviq22:34
Saviqmhall119, we're re-working the infographics system22:34
Saviqmhall119, but just to pre-empt your issue - automagically adapting colors is not something that's really doable22:35
Saviqmhall119, we'll provide a few colour themes for the infographics most probably22:35
Saviqmhall119, and we can try and select one that fits the wallpaper somehow22:35
greybackmhall119: then I wonder what's the real value of Qt.openUrlExternally for an app developer....22:35
Saviqmhall119, but ultimately we'll allow users to select the theme most probably22:36
mhall119Saviq: my thought was that we provide a table of base-color/highlight-color pairs, then best-match the wallpaper's "chameleon" color to a base-color22:36
Saviqmhall119, 16M values? ;)22:37
mhall119no no no, far fewer22:37
Saviqmhall119, but anyway, that's not enough, we need multiple colours22:37
mhall119we don't need *every* shade or purple, just bluish-purple, purple-purple, and red-purple22:37
mhall119really it can be based on hue, ignoring brightness and saturation22:38
Saviqmhall119, we need a small (4-5) palette of colours for visualizers to use22:38
mhall119oh right, because different info uses different colors22:38
mhall119forgot about that22:38
mhall119we could use the same idea though, if the backround is "purple-ish", then use these two shades or orange and these two shades or purple22:39
Saviqmhall119, but yeah, we know the problem - not a solution, though, yet22:39
Saviqsomething along those lines, yes22:39
mhall119I'll propose it in the bug report22:40
kaimastbtw, how awesome is ubuntu touch? :)22:40
kaimast(tried it for the first time on my phone today)22:40
mhall119kaimast: pretty damn awesome :)22:41
kaimastran into some bugs but I was expecting a lot more22:41
mhall119kaimast: stay on the stable channels (not -devel) and you shouldn't have many problems thanks to all the QA work22:49
mhall119Saviq: do we have bugs for tracking features from Unity 7 that are missing on Unity 8?  Things like count indicators on the launcher, progress bar on the launcher, etc22:51
kaimastis -devel like the -proposed stuff on the desktop?22:53
kaimasti have no idea what channel i am on :D22:53
RAOFdevel-proposed is like the -proposed stuff on the desktop :)22:55
kaimastso devel is like ubuntu+1?22:55
ds2for a device flashed with an image, is there a easy way to get the hash and repo of the kernel sources running?23:56
ds2this is a Galaxy Nexus running "Trusty Tahr" per /etc/issue23:56

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