
tencGood afternoon everyone.17:53
wrsthowdy tenc17:54
wrstdoing well?17:55
tencDoing great thanks; and you?17:56
wrstwarming up looks to be heading above freezing mark today17:56
tencYeah I thought I escaped this moving down from Maine. I guess this year there's no escape.17:57
wrstha ha :)17:58
cyberangertenc: you can take the man/woman out of the north, but you can't take the north out of the man/woman17:59
wrstwell I think he was atleast hoping to take the -10 out of something :)18:00
cyberangersounds like it's better there though18:00
wrstwe are up to 3018:00
cyberangerI-90 reopened, but a ton of travel bans still18:00
wrstsounds like loads of fun18:01
cyberangerwell, return to work, bbl18:02
cyberangerwrst: surely is, for the same reasons it isn't18:02
* cyberanger logs out and continues migrating cloudstack18:02
tenc /away20:29

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