
elfyknome: thoughts on this - bug 126603205:59
ubottubug 1266032 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Xubuntu - post install testcase for power options" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126603205:59
elfyNoskcaj: are we? "We're discussing changing to libreoffice"06:14
elfylast I saw we'd discussed it and weren't doing anything06:14
Noskcajelfy, We'll end up discussing it for 14.10, but i doubt we'll do anything for 14.04. It's what the guy wants to here, rather than "we might fix this, eventually"06:18
ali1234well i think we should switch sooner rather than later07:46
ali1234abiword and gnumeric just don't cut it07:46
ali1234otoh i don't use them often anyway and could probably manage without any off ice stuff on the install cd07:47
elfypersonally I'm in the meh stands - I'm not worried about abiword/gnumeric being there - I install -calc when I install - all I need07:48
Unit193-calc -gtk -writer07:48
elfyoh yea - I usually end up with writer as well07:49
Noskcajlibxfce4ui is getting uploaded now, i'll be safe to drop it from my ppa for trusty08:49
Unit193Should wait for it to filter down to release of course.08:58
Unit193But yeah, that's the plan.08:59
ochosiNoskcaj: nice, who's doing the honors?09:00
Unit193Noskcaj: Could update xubuntu-docs' d/changelog to format 1.0 if you were bored. :P09:33
slickymastermorning all09:43
ochosihave any of you used xfburn recently?09:45
ochosispecifically, for burning dvds09:45
slickymasterochosi do you have 5 minutes to discuss something about eric_the_idiot views on xfdesktop09:46
ochosislickymaster: sure, shoot09:46
slickymasterochosi: eric points that the gtk_file_chooser in folder mode can be confusing and the user might try to pick the individual files rather than hitting open once they are in the desired folder09:47
slickymasterbut the user has to click at the desired image, right?09:47
slickymasterochosi: thing is, I don't see any 'open' button09:48
ochosiclick the folder-combobox -> other09:49
ochosii'm pretty sure that's what he's talking about09:49
ochosipart of the problem is that the window-title says "open file"09:49
slickymasterochosi: ok, that one is covered09:49
ochosiwhich is really misleading09:49
ochosinot sure how easily that can be fixed though, as it's a dialog straight from gtk09:49
slickymasteranother thing, the “Chronologically” option. He mentions something about that you both worked on. What is this?09:50
ochosiwhat he refers to is that you can change the background at certain times/intervals of the day09:53
ochosiso theoretically, you could show them based on when they were taken (timestamp)09:54
ochosiwhich could be quite cool, so e.g. around 4 o'clock you'd only get pics that were taken around that time of the day09:54
slickymasterbut that's already covered in the usage section09:55
ochosiyeah, but this hasn't been implemented09:55
ochosichronologically just goes through the images, but not based on their timestamps09:55
ochositry it, it goes through them in their sort-order09:55
slickymasterI'll try it09:56
slickymasterone last thing, the removable devices expander09:56
ochosiso if you have e.g. a folder with 5 pics, named pic_05.jpg, pic_20.jpg ..., it'll sort them according to filename and then spread them equally over one day09:57
slickymasteris this also related to the backdrop gtk_file_chooser in folder mode?09:57
ochosisry, i don't understand09:58
slickymasterhe mentions that the removable devices expander isn't covered?09:58
ochosithis is just an expander that let's you distinguish between different types of devices: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-01082014-105917am.php09:59
slickymasterah, now I see to what it's related10:00
slickymasterochosi: that coverered everything10:00
slickymasterI'll ping you when I'll get everything done10:01
ochosislickymaster: thanks a lot!10:06
ochosiali1234: mind if i ask you a quick question wrt the background pixmap in the greeter?10:40
ochosii think drawing the bg pixmap correctly behind the login_window won't be a problem, but somehow getting the reference to the background pixmap doesn't work10:43
ochosiwhat i tried so far is adding a global_var that holds a copy of this pixbuf: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/lightdm-gtk-greeter/trunk/view/head:/src/lightdm-gtk-greeter.c#L168710:43
ochosithis would be the most minimal diff to illustrate what i'm trying: http://dpaste.com/1541422/10:44
ochosiwhen i then try to gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, background_pixbuf, 0, 0); in the draw-callback, the greeter shows itself for a splitsecond, then crashe10:44
ochosi(and oddly my logs are pretty empty, so i'm a bit stumped)10:44
ochosii might be trying things the totally wrong way though...10:45
ali1234X11 pixmaps are reference counted inside the server10:45
ali1234when you XFree it, it really decrements the counter10:46
ali1234actually which pixmap are you talking about?10:47
ochosisorry, line fail, i meant this one http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/lightdm-gtk-greeter/trunk/view/head:/src/lightdm-gtk-greeter.c#L168610:47
ali1234ok so notice that p *might* get unrefed10:48
ali1234where exactly did you copy the variable?10:49
ochosidirectly after 168710:49
ali1234right so that's absolutely wrong :)10:49
ochosiline 16 here: http://dpaste.com/1541422/10:49
ochosiok :)10:49
ali1234look at those "g_object_unref" calls10:50
ali1234look at line 170110:50
ochosiyeah, it gets unrefd there, which is why i thought i have to copy it before that happens10:51
ali1234right but you can't just copy the pointer (lol)10:51
ali1234what you have to do is ... not unref it until you are done10:51
ali1234so line 170110:52
ali1234replace it with this: if(background_pixmap) { g_object_unref(background_pixmap); } background_pixmap = p;10:52
ali1234and make sure that background_pixmap is initialized to null10:52
ochosiyup, did initialize that to null10:53
ali1234and then g_object_unref(background_pixmap); before exiting the greeter10:53
ali1234hopefully you see why this works, if not i'll try to explain it10:53
ali1234also you have to do this at line 1701 because those imageops above create a new image, and then delete the old one, and assign the new one to the old pointer10:54
ali1234you'll need to switch between pixmap/solid background somehow too10:55
ochosiyeah, the pixbuf loading and modifying is a little complicated at this point10:57
ali1234nah, it's not that complicated :)10:57
ali1234also i simplified it a bit10:57
ochosiso i never unref p? or does it later get unrefd via the background_pixbuf10:59
ali1234yes, it gets unref'd the next time you go through the loop10:59
ali1234p is just a pointer to some arbitrary memory, the pointer itself is not ref counted11:00
ochosiyay, works now11:01
ochosithanks :)11:01
ali1234np :)11:01
ochosiali1234: rounded corners transparency without the xshape extension: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-01082014-123542pm.php11:47
ali1234looks good :)11:47
ochosithanks for helping me sort that out :)11:53
ali1234found a bug: http://imagebin.org/28568812:53
ali1234the menu opens in the wrong place12:53
brainwashali1234: the dream is over, after applying the latest trusty updates (incl. kernel 3.13) I now got the black screen flicker on login12:58
ali1234that is your graphics driver12:59
brainwashabiword completely refuses to start, apport points to some issue with the restricted AMD driver libraries12:59
brainwashthe driver did not change13:00
brainwashUnit193: were you using kernel 3.13 since early RCs? you were the one noticing the black screen flicker, right?13:03
ali1234what creates thumbnails in xfce? it's broken apparently on my machine13:12
ochosiand the menu-position bug is known to some extent with gtk3 indicators13:12
ochosiat least i have heard of it before, but never saw it like this13:13
ali1234i saw xfce have problems like this before a long time ago13:15
ali1234right now though i really need to fix tumbler :/13:15
ali1234all the services are running correctly13:16
ochosiwhat's wrong with it?13:16
ali1234i don't get thumbnails in thunar or xfdesktop background selector13:16
ochosii mean does it not do anything at all? or crash at startup?13:16
ali1234i used to, but now i don't13:16
brainwashdid you check the folder permissions?13:20
ali1234it looks ok13:21
ochosienough free space?13:23
ochosi(weird question, i know, but...)13:24
ochosioh noes, we've got a libreoffice thread again on x-d ML13:30
elfyyep - but you can probably bet your last euro that those wanting it will want others to deal with it for them13:31
brainwashstill better than dealing with abiword :)13:31
elfynot for me it isn't ;)13:32
ochosiyeah, ppl usually want others doing the work for them13:34
ali1234hmmmm i think i know why13:37
ali1234could someone with working thumbnails run this for me: ldd `which thunar` | grep tumb13:40
ali1234does it output libtumbler?13:40
knomeochosi, didn't i tell them "no way" already? :P13:40
knomeand elfy ^13:40
ochosiali1234: i don't get any output there13:43
ochosiand tumbler works here13:43
ali1234are you sure?13:43
ochosiknome: yeah, i received your mail a bit later than when we discussed13:43
ochosiali1234: yes, i just moved a pixmap over to a new dir to check, tumbler is still working13:43
ali1234so what is happening is that the queue function works and it queues files to be thumbnailed, but then it never happens13:49
ali1234so it doesn't use the built in fallback13:49
ali1234hmm... i did rm -rf ~/.thumbnails ; killall tumblerd and now it works again13:50
ali1234it definitely wasn't a permission issue though13:51
ali1234but maybe a corrupted thumbnail in the cache or something13:51
ochosihmm, not nice though13:52
ochosii mean it's an easy-enough workaround for ppl, but it would be great if tumbler were more solid in that respect13:52
ali1234yeah. unfortunately i can no longer reproduce the issue13:54
ochosiyou should've just moved the thumbnail-folder to trash ;)13:54
ali1234i'm pretty sure it broke while i was using xfdesktop and not thunar13:55
ali1234i think it tried to display an icon for some huge file13:55
ali1234maybe i can reproduce it that way13:55
brainwashochosi: does sound only stop playing after a vt switch if pulseaudio is being used?14:37
ochosibrainwash: it doesn't stop for me here...14:37
ochosii don't really have an explanation for that though14:38
brainwashjust switched to tty1 and sound stop playing after like 5sec14:38
ochosii guess some consolekit fun14:39
brainwashstrange delay14:39
brainwashconsolekit is gone14:39
ochosieh, policykit14:39
ochosii tend to mix the different *kits up14:39
brainwashmaybe polkit14:39
ochosithat's what the guys in ubuntu-desktop suggested at least14:40
brainwashbut that is a general issue then, why does pulseaudio stop playing sound in this case? the X session is still running and not locked in any way14:41
ochosiwell another seats becomes active and that gets the priority (for audio-playback, in this case)14:42
ochosiit's really logical, if you ask me14:42
brainwashanother seat becomes active when switching to tty1?14:45
brainwashoh, you are not talking about logind seats14:48
ali1234ochosi: so from what i gather from the chat the other day, the fact that audio stops is entirely cooperative and not enforced in any meaningful way15:05
ochosiyeah, i think so15:07
ochosibtw, we put two new items on our light-locker roadmap that'll help with that15:08
ochosii mean indirectly, by locking the session without vt-switch15:08
ochosiactually it's a two-step plan15:11
ochosifirst, introduce an option to only switch the vt when the mouse moves15:11
ochosiso as long as your screen is blank, i.e. you're not intentionally doing something, the music will keep on playing15:11
ochosithen you move your mouse -> vt-switch -> music stops -> login -> music continues15:12
ochosinot ideal, but a step ahead (and easier to do than loading the greeter) ^15:13
ali1234yeah that would work15:23
slickymasterochosi: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:usage is all set taking in consideration eric's opinions on http://dpaste.com/1534821/16:03
ochosieric_the_idiot: ^16:04
ochosithanks slickymaster 16:04
ochosicurrently in the middle of something, but i'll get to it later16:04
slickymasterochosi: I just haven't covered the spanning screen because it deals with a multidisplay setup which I'm not able to provide :( 16:05
ochosino problem, we'll fix that later16:05
knomebluesabre, pingading16:06
elfylderan: can you get where we are with autopilot up together for tomorrow's meeting if possible?17:59
jameesAlguém me ajuda?18:17
jameesHelp me please?18:17
elfyjamees: #xubuntu is the support channel18:18
jameessorry i'm novice in xubuntu18:18
jameesand speak a little english18:19
jameesI can not estratir a file18:19
knomejamees, this is not the support channel18:20
knome!br | jamees 18:20
ubottujamees: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:20
jameesThanks! Sorry!18:21
sergio-br2hey, there is no 'ê' in portuguesa.18:23
sergio-br2and it is "Obrigado", not "Obrigada"18:24
knomesergio-br2, say "!br is <reply> Correct text" without the quotes and it'll be fixed.18:25
knomei guess that might be an alias for !pt, but that's easily fixed..18:25
knome(it'll be fixed == somebody will look at it)18:26
brainwashsomebody: please fix it!18:26
sergio-br2hum, let me try18:26
sergio-br2!br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:27
sergio-br2!br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguesa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:27
knomesergio-br2, it's forwarded. cheers18:28
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:28
knome(it's not automatically changed)18:28
sergio-br2hum, someone take a look and do the change?18:29
sergio-br2i don't know irc things18:29
sergio-br2knome, thanks18:30
elfysergio-br2: someone will - it's an irc op thing - they'll get around to it when they stop playing :)18:30
sergio-br2haha, ok18:31
brainwashlooks like there are some issues with the new trusty kernel (3.13) and the restricted AMD driver18:31
elfythat sucks 18:31
elfyfor you :)18:31
brainwashthey should use the proposed repo18:32
sergio-br2only amd driver? i had trouble with nvidia 331 in trusty today18:32
brainwashmaybe nvidia too18:32
brainwashthe AMD one does not build properly against kernel 3.1318:33
brainwashso you are not able to start the Unity session at all :D18:33
brainwashin Xubuntu some apps refuse to start and act slow/weird18:34
elfyrunning the new kernel on nvidia here18:34
brainwashopen source or restricted driver?18:34
elfysergio-br2: I had trouble with -331 yesterday and about 2 weeks ago - same issue18:34
elfybrainwash: nouveau here atm18:35
elfyNOT trying nvidia again - though I might see if -331-updates fares better18:35
sergio-br2nouveau works well, proprietary don't18:35
elfysome issue with nvidia-prime failing - and it appears to do something with the lightdm.conf too18:36
elfynot had time to dig a bit more tbh18:36
elfysergio-br2: I get this with nouveau http://i.imgur.com/VPyW1RS.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/mIU9sQZ.jpg18:37
sergio-br2hey, same problem here18:42
sergio-br2elfy, the 2º image, if i boot in windows first and then boot to xubuntu, then i have this strange behavior, with peaces of windows...18:43
elfygood - at some point I'll do a bug report 18:43
sergio-br2the 1º is if i turn on computer, and choose xubuntu18:43
elfysergio-br2: is that a cold start or restart - I get the artifacts from another session on reboot/restart18:43
elfythe first from a cold boot18:44
sergio-br2yeah, same here18:44
elfygood 18:48
elfyNoskcaj: just quickly - I'm not here - libxfce4ui came though in updates here - nothing has blown up :)19:17
elfythanks :)19:17
Noskcajelfy, no problems? Yay19:17
lderanelfy, sure thing with the autopilot :)19:20
NoskcajUnit193, I assume you mean d/copyright? d/changelog seems fine. Also, why is it cdbs?19:34
lderanelfy, i might have to leave my autopilot findings in an email, i can't gurantee i will be there for the meeting tomorrow19:50
Noskcajlderan, What autopilot findings?19:53
lderanthe current state of the progress19:54
* jarnos pushed development of xdg-screensaver (package xdg-utils) https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42776 I hope we get an updated package for the next Xubuntu.19:57
ubottuFreedesktop bug 42776 in xdg-utils "xdg-screensaver could be simplified" [Enhancement,New]19:57
lderanhave you had any fuirther luck with the introsepction bits Noskcaj?19:57
Noskcajlderan, gthumb introspects fine, as does simple-scan and all of blusabre's programs, i'm just really bad with python so nothing has happened19:59
elfylderan: yea - that's fine :)20:01
lderanNoskcaj, woo sounds good to me :)20:02
brainwashochosi: do you plan to add a light border to more things? first the new terminal icon, now the greeter panel, what's next? :P20:08
ochosiyeah, more light to the world!20:08
brainwashI like it20:09
brainwashhopefully we get even more visual improvements for trusty 20:10
ochosiphew, finally i've done something you like!20:10
brainwashcan the height of the active tab be changed via the theme files?20:11
ochosiin gtk3 you have fine-grain control ove that20:12
ochosiin gtk2 i think there might be a setting too20:12
brainwashjust wondering, pcmanfm does it already although I'm using greybird20:14
ochosidoes what?20:14
ochosiand how20:14
ochosiscreenshot plz20:14
brainwashthe active tab is 2 pixels bigger20:14
ochosithe same is true in greybird everywhere20:15
ochosiif standard tabs are used20:15
brainwashso thunar behaves differently?20:16
ochosii have no idea how pcmanfm works, so...20:16
brainwashyou mean thunar?20:17
ochosino, i don't know how tabs look in pcmanfm or how they're packed20:17
ochosiso how would i know the diff?20:17
ochosiand true, i've never used tabs in thunar20:17
brainwashpcmanfm tabs looks like those in the screenshot20:18
brainwashso it's the normal behavior20:18
ochosidepends on how you look at it20:18
ochositerminal also has tabs like thunar20:18
brainwashright, thunar's tabs are different20:19
ochosi(and anyway, i can't see how those 2px really matter)20:19
brainwashyes, these tabs expand and fill the whole bar20:19
brainwash2 px :(20:19
brainwashconsistent look20:20
Unit193brainwash: Nope.21:01
Unit193Noskcaj: Right, was really late, thought I typed that one.  No idea, but changed that locally.21:03
Noskcajknome, Mind if i change xubuntu-docs from cdbs to dh?21:25
knomeno, if it works (tm)21:25
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/AolMw4gUSgz3Sb14wE7G what I had for that.21:32
NoskcajYeah, looks like that's all that's needed. I'll just debdiff to check i didn't break anything21:33
Unit193I didn't change the copyright though.21:34
Unit193knome: It'd be pretty easy to package in the other translations, but when you click help from the menu it'd still go to the English one.  Not looked extensivly into how to do that.21:37
knomeUnit193, one of the options, probably easy one, is to create a simple link to the startpage (not the desktop-guide start) saying "see here for the translated docs"21:40
knomeand another page that listed them all21:40
slickymastergood night all21:45
ochosislickymaster: it's looking more realistic now that we'll get versioned docs21:46
ochositalked to NSchermer and he approved the idea21:46
slickymasterthat's terrific21:47
slickymasterreally good bewa21:47
slickymasternews ^^21:47
slickymasterlet's hope eric_the_idiot agrees and likes the alterations made to the Usage section21:48
ochosiany trusty testers here?22:49
ochosiquick question, are you using the shimmer daily PPA?22:50
brainwashI do use git22:50
slickymasternopes, just testing it out of the box22:50
ochosithere is one thing i'd like ppl to test22:51
ochosii recently removed gnome from the inherits-line in elementary-xfce22:51
brainwashhopefully a new border :)22:51
ochosia new border?22:51
slickymastershoot ochosi, I'll set up a new vbox tomorrow22:51
brainwashso it's icon theme related?22:51
ochosiso you need to use elementary-xfce from the shimmer daily PPA for the test to make sense22:51
ochosibrainwash: indeed22:52
ochosiyou're a keen observer ;)22:52
brainwashand you want us to look for missing icons now?22:52
ochosii want to know whether we suffer (many) regressions from dropping the gnome-icon-theme22:52
ochosithis can most easily done in a system that you *use*22:52
ochosiso in case any of you do, this is very harmless22:53
ochosito the worst, you'll see a broken icon22:53
knomethough you need to be running trusty, you say ;P22:53
ochosiyeah, i'd rather22:53
ochosii mean if you notice stuff in saucy, then yeah, i wanna fix that too22:53
ochosicause it'll most likely affect trusty22:53
knomei'd imagine running trusty gives you more headache than missing icons...22:53
slickymasterI can do it tomorrow in my trusty box, at work, ochosi 22:53
ochosibut i'm testing saucy all the time anyway22:54
ochosithanks slickymaster 22:54

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