
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
Arcdoes anyone know where bzr is on python3 support?23:33
SamBI don't think it's gotten anywhere really23:33
Arcits odd that while almost the entire python community has finished migrating now the vcs tools are still lagging23:34
SamBbzr is pretty dead-ish23:34
SamBdid you see jelmer's blog post?23:35
rozzinArc: Is Python 3k really supposed to entirely supersede 2.x?23:35
maxbThat's the intent, as I understand it23:36
Arcrozzin: yes. 2.7 was released to aid in migration, but no more features will be added to 2.x23:36
SamBrozzin: they dropped the k, and I assume they were hoping to stop doing security updates to 2.7 at some point ...23:36
Arcthere will never be a 2.8 so says guido, and i agree with that.23:36
Arcive been using py3 as my /usr/bin/python for years just fine23:37
Arcand with both gnome and kde making the switch, and the major python web frameworks, etc... its only a matter of time before /usr/bin/python2 becomes unnecessary23:37
Arcim trying to trim down a raspberrypi image and looking at the things that rely on python2, it'd be a boon to be able to cut it out entirely23:38
rozzinIt's like hearing "C++ is expected to replace C. All C developers are expected to migrate to C++", for me.23:38
maxbIt's not really comparable, IMO23:39
maxbAlthough I have to admit I haven't even started writing Python 3 myself yet23:39
Arcrozzin: more like "Perl5 is expected to replace perl4.  All Perl developers are expected to migrate to Perl5"23:39
maxbPartly because I have to still deal with some ridiculously old installations at work23:39
Arcmaxb: the differences are so subtle as to be almost ignorable.23:39
Arcits akin to going from python 2.4 to 2.623:39
Arca bigger jump than a minor, but no more than 2 or 3 minor revisions23:40
rozzinArc: I don't know. Never knew Perl4.23:41
maxbAt some point I'm probably going to have to sort out backported packages for Debian oldoldoldstable, if I'm going to use it at work :-/23:41

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