
valorieand check whether or not that list is up-to-date00:00
valorieI wrote that ~6 months ago00:00
sgclarkahh ok, is there an easy way for me to see package list?00:00
valorieprobably not finalized yet, but there should be something....00:01
valoriedarn it, what was that called....00:02
sgclarkI will add a being edited tag to software page then till I get it figured out00:03
valoriemanifest is the word I forgot00:05
valorieshouldn't change too much00:06
valorieshadeslayer: I know you are still awake -- how much will that change ^^^00:07
shadeslayerhmm, atleast pm-utils will be dropped00:08
shadeslayerprobably early next week00:08
shadeslayerif I survive the flight and my cousins bachelor party00:08
valorieok, I think that will not affect the docs00:08
valoriewhich is all we care about atm00:08
shadeslayerthe most important thing affecting docs will be my driver manager00:08
valorieoooo, bachelor's party00:09
shadeslayerwhich I really really should finish off00:09
valorieyes, please00:09
sgclarkhmm, anyway to get that manifest without system level stuff?00:09
valorieand ping us when you are ready with it00:09
shadeslayerwill do, first thing to do is write installation support00:09
shadeslayerI've spent too much time thinking about what the UI should look like00:09
valoriesgclark: I just copied it to a kate file and x-ed off stuff I didn't want to list or was done with00:10
valorieand asked here about the rest00:10
sgclarkcool, I can do that00:10
Riddellbusy evening :)00:10
valorienow that you have inducted sgclark into ninjas, we're working her to death in the Docs mines00:10
sgclarkhey Riddell, I got my stuff sorted. do tests normally take hours? lol00:11
shadeslayeryou can also look at the seeds00:11
shadeslayerwhich usually have a shorter list of packages00:11
shadeslayerspecifically the desktop seed00:11
Riddellsgclark: which stuff? which tests?00:11
sgclarkRiddell, my flood of emails to list, disregard. the package I am building has been stuck on a test forever00:12
Riddellsgclark: stuck on the same test?00:13
sgclarkshadeslayer helped me out a ton :)00:13
Riddellsgclark: that probably means the test is broken, are you running it in a pbuilder or something?00:13
sgclarkno just a VM with daily build00:14
shadeslayerif you think that's long try compiling firefox ... 00:15
shadeslayeror Qt ....00:15
valorieshadeslayer: do you have a link to desktop seeds?00:15
Riddellhmm, well I guess there's something the test work with about the build if it really is stuck00:15
Riddelloften they expect X which is hard to get during most package builds00:15
sgclarklol yeah, I use Gentoo so firefox updates are overnight thing lol00:15
shadeslayervalorie: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.trusty/view/head:/desktop00:15
shadeslayeroh oh00:16
valoriedanke schon00:16
shadeslayervalorie: touchpad kcm00:16
Riddellsgclark: pst, I have this really good distribution you should try where they compile the programmes for you, it's called ooboontoo or something similar00:16
shadeslayerthat's another thing to be replaced00:16
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the deal with qt 4.8.5? is there something I should be testing?00:16
shadeslayerRiddell: I heard the developers are pretty kickass people00:16
valorieI don't think we list that fine-grain stuff in Docs00:16
shadeslayerRiddell: I'm reviewing 4.8.500:17
sgclarkRiddell this computer is Kubuntu :) just don't dev on it, my stable "social"  box00:17
shadeslayerRiddell: along with mitya5700:17
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental00:18
sgclarkI can figure out from that file what normal users would be looking for with a software page, thanks!00:18
shadeslayerRiddell: feel free to check runtime stuff, I'm still reviewing patches and doing cleanups00:18
Riddellshadeslayer: what's so hard about kimageformats copyrights? it all seems to be LGPL00:19
shadeslayerRiddell: all of them? I don't think so00:19
Riddellshadeslayer: all I can see.  some 2, some 2.1 and some unversioned00:19
shadeslayerfeel free to do it, I just don't want to bother with that stuff, makes me want to rage00:20
sgclarkI am not a fan of copyrights heh00:20
shadeslayerit's annoying how one has to do it00:21
valoriethe hard thing with foss copyrights is keeping everything up-to-date00:23
RiddellI find it interesting, I guess that's why I maintain the KDE licence policy00:24
shadeslayer^^ :)00:24
shadeslayerI'm sorry I find it insanely boring to do that :P00:24
shadeslayerI realize its a very important aspect of KDE, but really, it's super boring00:24
shadeslayerRiddell: fyi : Now that multiarch support is available in the package manager (dpkg 1.16.2 and above; apt 0.8.12 and above), converting your runtime library package to Multi-Arch: same makes it possible for users to install your package for more than one architecture at the same time. This has several benefits: 00:26
shadeslayerso makes sense for libs that are installed into /usr/lib/arch/00:28
Riddellsgclark: oh it's probably dbus00:40
Riddellthe dbus server isn't running in the packaging00:41
Riddellsgclark: just disable the test00:41
Riddellshadeslayer: you don't need the default %: rule if you're using dhmk00:41
shadeslayeroh huh, didn't know00:42
shadeslayersgclark: alternatively, override dh_auto_test , run export `dbus-launch` and then launch dh_auto_test00:43
* valorie goes off to dinner00:44
sgclarkok thank you!00:45
shadeslayerRiddell: https://fosdem.org/2014/schedule/track/distributions/ < empty?00:47
Riddellshrug, dunno who runs that room00:50
sgclarkworked like a charm, thanks shadeslayer00:53
shadeslayercheers :)00:53
Riddellclever shadeslayer 00:59
* Riddell snoozes01:00
* sgclark is really away now02:09
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shadeslayersgclark: lintian is a tool to check for common packaging issues02:24
shadeslayersee man lintian02:24
sgclarkyeah, I just don't have a clue of what that particular error is02:24
shadeslayergoogle it02:24
sgclarkyeah tried that02:25
sgclarkI will keep trying02:25
sgclarkstuck on symbols atm02:25
shadeslayerah we live in a weird age of communication, you email with a issue, I reply on IRC02:26
sgclarkyeah I found that page, I don'r see anywhere what I need to do to fix02:26
shadeslayerplease read the error carefully :)02:26
shadeslayerdo you have a libkf5dbusaddons in debian/control02:26
shadeslayeror is it libkf5dbusaddons502:26
shadeslayeror something like that02:26
shadeslayerok, good night02:28
sgclarkooh has a 502:28
sgclarknight, thanks for all your help!02:28
shadeslayernow read the error :P02:28
soeegood morning08:57
lordieva1erGood morning.08:58
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BluesKajHiyas all11:39
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe we should bring back the proper language-pack-kde- for kubuntu stuff?11:56
Riddellapachelogger: why? there's only a few files aren't there? they can go in language-pack-xx no?11:58
apacheloggerthat's what I thought, they are somehow getting more12:04
apacheloggerlattest addition: kdesudo12:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: when apol checks in please tell him that AbstractResource.h in muon has whitespacing issues12:05
soeeany idea why muon loads like 1 minute ?12:07
=== jacky is now known as `dd
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=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu new year | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.5 WIP http://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs https://tinyurl.com/ovfcj78 | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | ISO testing http://goo.gl/cRAawa `
=== jacky is now known as elonmusk
apacheloggersoee: install muon-dbg; start muon with `gdb --args muon-discover --nofork`; type 'r' and hit enter in the resulting prompt; muon will start an the terminal will have a wall of text; wait until the terminal has a bit clamed down (~10 seconds) and hit ctrl+c; type 'set logging on' and hit enter; type 'thread apply all bt' and hit enter (possibly multiple times until you are back at a prompt); type 'set logging off' and hit enter; type 'c' and 12:18
apacheloggerhit enter'; wait a bit more; repeat ctrl+c... 12:18
apacheloggerdo this until muon has finished starting, then ctrl+c and type 'quit'12:18
=== elonmusk is now known as jacky
apacheloggerthen `kate gdb.txt` paste the information from that file12:18
* apachelogger should totally blog about these things at some point12:18
apachelogger1 minutes sounds a lot like dbus timeouts though12:19
soeei have to install ~520 mb :D12:20
soeethis packages require it: kdelibs5-dbg libqt4-dbg muon-dbg qapt-dbg  12:20
apacheloggersounds about right12:20
soeeapachelogger, gdb --args muon-discover --nofork12:22
soeemuon-discover ?12:22
apacheloggeror muon12:22
apacheloggeror muon-update12:22
soeeill go with muon12:23
apacheloggerwell, whatever GUI takes so long to start :P12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: so... regarding l10n .... lightdm needs new release, usermanager needs new snapshot, synaptiks is being replaced by new software from upstream which should be i18n'd correctly, qapt has a legit i18n issue, otherwise it's launchpad/langpack madness12:28
soeeapachelogger, yes: http://pastebin.kde.org/psub8yn4s ?12:32
Riddellapachelogger: good diagnosing!12:32
apacheloggersoee: yes12:33
soeeapachelogger, http://pastebin.kde.org/puwccc4bw12:34
apacheloggersoee: you're supposed to repeat that a couple of times :P12:35
apacheloggerfrom what you pasted there is no reason for it to be stuck though12:36
soeeapachelogger, you wrote: muon will start an the terminal will have a wall of text12:36
apacheloggersoee: or is it only stuck for 2 runs?12:36
soeebut there is only few lines12:36
apacheloggersoee: depends on the app12:36
soeeapachelogger, no its loads long each time i try to run it12:37
apacheloggerright, so get more output please :P12:37
apacheloggercurrently I see two ctrl+c loops12:37
soeeso repeat ctrl+c , than logging etc. ?12:38
apacheloggerjust do it as often as possible until the application is usable12:38
soeehe ?12:38
soeeapplication is usable ?12:39
apacheloggerwell, until startup has finished12:39
soeewith this terminal command it starts quick12:39
soeeone sec12:39
apacheloggermuon --nofork12:40
apacheloggerdoes that also start quick?12:40
apachelogger(i.e. without the gdb --args)12:40
soeeif i run muon from terminal and close it i have this: Couldn't find the releasechecker script 12:46
soee/usr/bin/python3: can't find '__main__' module in ''12:46
soeebut muon starts in 1 second12:46
soeeif i try to run it from krunner it takes ~1 min12:46
BluesKajsoee, sudo updatedb , every once in a while 12:50
apacheloggersoee: start from krunner, then check ~/.cache/upstart/startkde.log for output regarding muon or the releasechecker12:50
apacheloggeralso if there is no release checker you likely broke something :P12:50
soeeimpossible its pc @work i do not mess with it here :)12:51
Peace-apachelogger: 12:53
Peace-apachelogger: can you try palava.tv with firefox , chromium , which don't work , and with chrome that works ?12:54
Peace-apachelogger: i have tried to change phonon backedn from vlc to gstremer and i got the issue 12:54
apacheloggerneither firefox nor chromium use phonon12:56
Peace-apachelogger: there is an issue btw 12:57
Peace-apachelogger: i have tested 2 times12:57
Peace-if i change pphonon backend i have that problem 12:57
Peace-apachelogger: i am here https://palava.tv/mio12:59
soeeapachelogger, from start till close http://pastebin.kde.org/pen6o79cu13:00
soeealso i tried again and i have: 13:03
soeeCouldn't find the releasechecker script 13:03
soee/usr/bin/python3: can't find '__main__' module in ''13:03
apacheloggervery peculiar13:03
Riddellsgclark: yo, you had some packaging done?14:14
Riddellovidiu-florin: hey if you want a tutorial in packaging kf5 I'm happy to do that too :)14:37
apacheloggerRiddell: I am waiting for kdesudo and whoopsie to actually get accepted form the translation import queue and then I'll file a batch of bugs for all the templates we currently don't have in a language pack15:14
apacheloggeralso we really need someone to look at :S https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/123410615:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234106 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "qt ui files are not extracted into pot" [High,Confirmed]15:14
Riddellapachelogger: do we?  I don't think any strings are actually used from the ui file15:15
shadeslayerRiddell: sgclark to speed up things http://pastebin.kde.org/pow6r17ey15:51
shadeslayeroh oh oh15:53
yofelmake the version a parameter, use $DEBEMAIL and you can add that to the tools15:53
shadeslayeryofel: better idea :D15:53
shadeslayerI'll just make a template for dh_make15:54
shadeslayerand boom15:54
yofelthat can use templates? cool15:54
RiddellI downloaded all the tars already to batch it up15:54
Riddelland I just copy and adapt packaging from threadweaver or something known good15:55
shadeslayerRiddell: wait, I'm writing a dh_make template, to use15:58
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QuintasanDo I hear some packaging?16:01
RiddellQuintasan: you know you want to!16:02
QuintasanI guess I can go one or two Tier 1 if they are not done yet16:02
Riddell!ninjas | KF5 takes you back to raw packaging16:02
ubottuKF5 takes you back to raw packaging: Ninja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy16:02
QuintasanRiddell: For next release I believe it would be wise to split them Tier-wise16:03
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RiddellQuintasan: who split?16:03
QuintasanRiddell: split as in on the EtherPad16:04
QuintasanInstead of throwing all the names into huge list16:04
RiddellQuintasan: oh feel free to do now :)16:04
yofelfor the next release you should be scripting that16:04
yofelshould work mostly the same as kde sc16:05
QuintasanAny bzr branches?16:10
RiddellQuintasan: not yet, still to do that16:11
QuintasanOkay, I'll gotta upgrade muh tools first.16:11
Quintasanshadeslayer: Where is muh dh_make template?16:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: 5 minutes16:12
RiddellQuintasan: just copy an existing one in the archive16:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kf5/16:17
shadeslayerthere we go16:17
shadeslayerjust for libs though16:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: you'll need to edit debian/rules16:19
shadeslayermy sed is wrong in new_kf5.sh16:19
Quintasanshadeslayer: Unable to find the customization directory, ./debianl16:23
QuintasanCannot find rules file for rules format "dh7".16:23
shadeslayerI have a /tmp/debianl/rules.dh716:24
QuintasanIt needs a absolute path16:25
QuintasanI guess16:25
shadeslayerI suppose16:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: new_kf5.sh updated16:25
QuintasanExtra parameters on command line16:27
Quintasannvm, forgot bash doesnt have zsh variables16:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: new_kf5v updated16:29
shadeslayerwhut, dh_make doesn't write a changelog16:30
Quintasanwe also should consider using Kubuntu Developers as DEBFULLNAME and respective address as DEBMAIL :P16:31
utusanso what exactly is kde version in trusty?  am seeing 4.11.5 and 4.12.0.  is this a feature or not?16:32
shadeslayerutusan: that's fine16:32
shadeslayerKDE Workspace is at 4.11.516:32
utusanrun time and kde libs are 4.12.016:32
shadeslayerutusan: it's fine16:33
utusanif you say so, will check16:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: update template16:36
utusanbut why mix?  16:36
yofelbecause kde-workspace is frozen at 4.11.X16:37
shadeslayerask upstream16:37
yofeland they didn't want to version it 4.12 just for the heck of it16:37
utusanyofel: shadeslayer ok thanks for the info.  somehow I think kde has lost it.  it became a monster bloat that got blindsided by the tablets16:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: no copyright as well16:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: can't be templated16:41
QuintasanI think -r dh7 -t /tmp/debianl could work16:41
shadeslayerwell, just copy it over from the default dh_make templates16:41
QuintasanThat's not automatization :P16:41
Riddellyou can't automate much of this16:43
Riddellthey're new packages16:43
Riddellall unique16:43
Quintasan pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy : Depends: extra-cmake-modules which is a virtual package.16:43
shadeslayeradded the experimental ppa?16:43
shadeslayerand dafuq just happened there ^^16:43
* Quintasan copies the pbuilder for ninja16:43
apacheloggerRiddell: you haven't read my report :'<16:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: update16:48
apacheloggerQuintasan: build16:49
Quintasanapachelogger: build what?16:49
* apachelogger did not know Quintasan was a builder, fancy tho16:49
Quintasanthis sucks16:49
QuintasanCould not find a configuration file for package "Qt5Core" that is16:49
Quintasan  compatible with requested version "5.2.0".16:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: build codeine-phonon5_0.0+git20140109.dsc16:50
shadeslayerQuintasan: add Qt ppa16:50
shadeslayerthe one that the experimental ppa depends on16:50
Quintasanshadeslayer: Why is that not in trusty yet? links to ppa pls16:50
apacheloggershadeslayer, Riddell: out of interest ... why not require libqtcore5-dev >= 5.2.0?16:50
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=== greyback|away is now known as greyback
Quintasanshadeslayer: also, source/format would be nice to have there17:11
Quintasanand qt5-default as well17:16
* Quintasan hides17:16
shadeslayeridk about qt5-default17:23
shadeslayerbut yeah, it'll take a bit of time to get small kinks worked out :)17:23
shadeslayerlike right now the dev package has a 5 in the name17:24
shadeslayerneed a description for kguiaddons17:27
Riddell"Qt widgets for colours, fonts and text" ?17:31
sgclarksorry I was up late and slept in... I delete the symbol file and run debuild -S again?18:01
sgclarkRiddell: ^^18:01
Riddellsgclark: yeah18:02
sgclarkok now I have the key issue18:03
sgclarkwhat do I upload to where?18:03
sgclarkand packaging is fun btw :)18:04
Riddellthe .dsc .debian.tar.gz and .orig.tar.xz18:04
Riddellto whereever I can get them :)18:04
sgclarkubuntu-bug? I can't see a way to create a bug on launchpad18:11
sgclarkor maybe I can create a project on launchpad?18:12
Riddelloh maybe you need magic permissions for that18:13
Riddellsgclark: I'll give you an account on the kubuntu server, what username do you want?18:13
sgclarkscarlett or sgclark18:14
Riddellhmm no I won't, it's full18:18
sgclarkubuntu one?18:20
Riddellyeah if you have them18:20
shadeslayersgclark: fyi I have templates and scripts to work with 18:23
shadeslayersonnet packaging took me ~5 minutes :)18:23
shadeslayerRiddell: are we using Multi-Arch:same across all packages?18:23
shadeslayersgclark: not including copyright files :P18:23
Riddellshadeslayer: I am yes18:24
sgclarklol, I got that sorted finally18:25
shadeslayerRiddell: and that's just for the main lib itself correct?18:25
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
shadeslayerso like under libkf5guiaddons5 , I have Multi-Arch: same18:25
shadeslayerthe dev and dbg don't have it18:25
Riddellshadeslayer: now that I'm not too sure18:29
Peace-Riddell: can you help me with palava.tv and firefox on kubuntu ?18:29
Peace-Riddell: on fedora seems it works fine 18:29
Peace-instead on kubuntu it doens't18:29
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, to me it sounds fine18:29
Peace-but firefox it's the same 2618:30
shadeslayerRiddell: thoughts on splitting out sonnet plugins into a separate pacakge18:32
Riddellshadeslayer: depends on the dependencies they bring in I'd think18:33
shadeslayerbrings in enchant and libenchant1c2a18:34
sgclarkRiddell: did that send you an email for ubuntu one share?18:34
shadeslayer~300 KB installed size18:34
Riddellsgclark: got it looking18:35
sgclarkok :)18:35
* shadeslayer ships with sonnet18:35
shadeslayerbah, there's two libs :(18:39
shadeslayerlibKF5SonnetCore5 & libKF5SonnetUi518:39
Riddellwill they be used separately?18:40
RiddellI've just put kconfig together18:40
Riddellbut maybe I shouldn't18:40
RiddelllibKF5ConfigCore.so and libKF5ConfigGui.so18:40
Riddellsgclark: good stuff, found these issues http://pastebin.kde.org/puqarg1l218:41
Riddellshadeslayer: README.md has handy description of some packages18:43
sgclarkI used copyright helper, tests passed for me, how do I fix this stuff?18:44
Riddellsgclark: fix which one?18:46
sgclarkI don't know what #2 means18:47
Riddellsgclark: oh the version number in debian/changelog is wrong18:47
Riddellshould end in 1 not 318:48
Riddellit's still the first version18:48
yofelshadeslayer: one dev package and 2 lib packages no?18:48
sgclarkRiddell: number 3, that is the only info I could find on this package, I need more? less?18:56
sgclarknumber 4 I used copyright-helper, it is incorrect?18:57
Riddellsgclark: Description: lines need a 1 line short description18:57
Riddellthen a multi line long description18:57
Riddelllook at another package if you're unclear18:58
Riddellalas copyright can only be automated so much, src/kdbusinterprocesslock.cpp is LGPL2+ as approved by KDE e.V.  but you don't mention that18:58
Riddellprobably others are too18:58
sgclarksorry, still stumped on copyright, I thought * meant all files unless othwise noted19:18
Riddellsgclark: yes it does19:19
sgclarkmy first entry is * LGPL-2+19:20
Riddellsgclark: so you're saying all are "LGPL-2+" when there are some which are "LGPL-2+ as approved by KDE e.V."19:20
Riddellcompare src/kdbusinterprocesslock.cpp and src/kdbusconnectionpool.h19:20
Riddellfirst is later as approved by e.v.19:21
Riddellsecond is just 2 or later19:21
sgclarkoh hrmm, this copyright helper is wrong... ugh19:25
Riddellthis is probably why shadeslayer hates copyright files :)19:26
sgclarkGPL2+ was same as in package we did, can you clarify what I did wrong there?19:27
Riddellsgclark: that's all fine19:29
Riddelljust the "LGPL-2+ as approved by KDE e.V." was missing that I can see19:30
sgclarkand tests pass here using shadeslayer method19:30
sgclarkyeah fixing that19:30
Riddellgreat put that in debian/rules19:30
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell i don't know re sonnet20:04
shadeslayereach framework is supposed to be super modular as I understand it20:05
shadeslayerso maybe we want to not split it up further20:05
yofeluh, as I said, one dev package20:06
yofeland one binary package per lib with symbol file20:07
yofelor are you doing it differently?20:07
RiddellI agree with yofel 20:10
shadeslayerI haven't done anything yet20:10
shadeslayerso where do the plugins go now20:11
Riddellsounds good20:11
Riddellor split them up if we're likely to not want to install them all20:11
Riddellhow's it going sgclark?20:12
* shadeslayer points out that templates and scripts have been updated20:13
shadeslayer4 things you have to do : make a symbols file, fill out copyright, make sure libs are correct, and check the watch file20:14
shadeslayeroh and build deps20:14
sgclarkRiddell: sorry still fighting with copyright20:15
Riddelloh watch file,I've been forgetting those20:16
Riddellsgclark: I'm away now, ping shadeslayer if you get it done or if you are struggling, I know how he loves to fill in copyright files20:17
sgclarkRiddell: ok, thanks for you help20:18
shadeslayerI'll be heading back soon too20:20
shadeslayerand then I have to pack20:20
shadeslayeronce I'm done with sonnet20:21
BluesKaj14.04 suffered a setback yesterday for those using the 331 and 304 drivers after the 3.13 kernel upgrade. Had to revert to nouveau to enable 1920x1080 resolution 20:36
BluesKajnvidia drivers that is20:36
shadeslayerplease report bugs against the drivers?20:40
BluesKajI'm content with the nouveau driver atm, if the problem persists for more tha n a couple of weeks I shall.20:54
Riddellsgclark: how did you get on?23:06
Riddellsgclark: with the packaging?23:07
Riddellah you e-mailed23:07
sgclarkoh, check the list, I am stuck at the rules23:07
sgclarkfor dh_auto_test23:07
Riddellsgclark: I suspected that might not work, dbus needs lots of things working in the enviroment and I guess something isn't set up as it wants when building the package23:08
Riddellyou can either patch the code to not run the test or just override the rule to not run the tests23:08
sgclarkRiddell: I got it working with the tests :)23:22
sgclarknow the only thing I can't seem to get is descrption, it insists I have article, but I have one sentence then the next line contains more info.23:23
Riddellsgclark: ooh? how?23:29
Riddellsgclark: pastebin what you have paste.ubuntu.com23:29
sgclarkI mailed the list with my final solution23:29
Riddellawesome, well done :)23:30
sgclarkbaffled on descrption though23:31
Riddellsgclark: pastebin and I'll tell you how to fix the description23:32
Riddellsgclark: "Description: a " remove the "a"23:37
Riddelland you're all good23:38
sgclarkRiddell: new files are up23:42
Riddellsgclark: where?23:43
sgclarksame place as earlier, sec23:43
Riddellubuntu one? got them23:44
sgclarkwhat does needs watch mean on the ninjas-frameworks notes23:46
Riddellsgclark: a watch file is a nifty file which points to where upstream put the files for download so we can do things like automatically check for new upstream versions23:47
Riddellsgclark: I've entirely forgotten to add them to any packages so I'll be doing that tomorrow23:47
Riddellsgclark: kdbusaddons looks like a work of perfection, I'll upload23:47
sgclarkRiddell: ok23:48
sgclarkRiddell: great :) I will start another23:48
Riddellsgclark: uploaded!  you are a ninja master!23:48
sgclarkerr Riddell: I boo boo'd and forgot to debuild -S should I reupload?23:59

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