
Go|dfish_whats up whats up whats up00:09
Go|dfish_whats up whats up whats up00:11
mr-jackif i installed 13.10 on my uefi board and i can select and run kubuntu in grub, but it only appears a black screen. what could be the problem ?00:12
Picimr-jack: you might get faster help by asking in #ubuntu, kubuntu and Ubuntu should be the same in these regards00:18
Whiskey`WonkaI need a trivial way to disable my touch pad. this laptop does not have a hardware switch and i find that it was a feature i overlooked.00:36
valoriedo you have synaptiks installed?00:38
valorieyou should be able to tell with alt+f200:38
valorieif not, install it00:38
James0rhow can i get the username@systemname part of the console to show in a different color in Konsole?00:49
tsimpsonyou can set the PS1 variable (in your ~/.bashrc) with ansi color escape codes00:50
tsimpsonfor example, I have PS1='\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '00:51
UserErrorI just saw this on your wiki https://wiki.kubuntu.org/lxle-12.04.4-beta00:52
UserErrorWhere did they get the 12.04.4 testing with kernel freeze and HWE?00:53
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Whiskey`Wonkavalorie: yes it is installed, its called kde-config-touchpad and in the sys config there is no disable option02:12
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:55
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soeegood morning08:57
lordieva1erGood morning.08:58
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eagles0513875hey lordievader:)09:54
BluesKajHiyas all11:39
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Whiskey`Wonkaany solutions on how to turn a touchpad on/off at will?14:44
tsimpsonthere seems to be ktouchpadenabler14:49
tsimpson!info ktouchpadenabler14:49
ubottuPackage ktouchpadenabler does not exist in saucy14:49
tsimpsonor there was..14:49
tsimpsonin raring at least14:49
Whiskey`Wonkathanks, ill ask the great google14:49
Whiskey`Wonkayea it looks to have been renamed or dropped14:51
Whiskey`Wonkaand all the other methods look to be the same14:51
Whiskey`Wonkareally frustrating14:51
Whiskey`Wonkaid like to auto disable the pad when i use a usb mouse but that option doesnt exist in the config app now14:55
aboudreaulthey, how can I see the list of other desktop environment in the login menu?15:00
BluesKajWhiskey`Wonka, do you touchpad management installed - synaptiks ?15:03
Whiskey`Wonkait does not have the features15:03
Whiskey`Wonkathey look to have been removed from 13.x15:03
BluesKajlook in the system tray15:04
Whiskey`Wonkanothing present15:04
Whiskey`Wonkaand when i run synaptiks it jsut loads the system control applet15:05
BluesKajtype synaptiks in the kickoff search, do you have 2 choices there?15:06
Whiskey`Wonkayea ran both15:07
aboudreaultgot it. switched to the other login screen.15:08
BluesKajWhiskey`Wonka, do you have touchpad management option in synaptiks15:09
Whiskey`Wonkait loads the same applet as system control, no options there15:10
BluesKajWhiskey`Wonka, so you don't see any setup like this http://wstaw.org/m/2014/01/09/snapshot2.png15:15
Whiskey`Wonkano sir. i will reinstall synaptiks15:17
Whiskey`Wonkalike i said, its the same as running touchpad from the control center15:17
BluesKajWhiskey`Wonka, ok it may be fixed in 14.04, because that's what I'm running15:18
BluesKajnot may , it is fixed :)15:18
BluesKajkde 4.12.0 here as well15:19
Whiskey`Wonkaya im still 13:1015:20
Whiskey`Wonkaer .15:20
BluesKajBBL...stuff to do15:38
Whiskey`WonkaBluesKaj: ok having muon reinstall it fixed it. nfc what that was about.16:27
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ilir1hello from greece20:05
lordievaderHey ilir120:07
ilir1realtek alc662 crackling microphone pls help20:09
vankataHello all i have problem: I use kubuntu 13.10 and install latest apache with cgi mod enabled.  But i have  problem - apache download cgi file instead of execute it.20:40
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Dave__Wie gehts hier weiter ich hab keine Ahnung.....22:20
Unit193!de | Dave__22:20
ubottuDave__: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:20
Dave__ok danke22:21
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