
saiarcot895Something in the builders doesn't like the 1.1-GB source file (https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/flightgear-edge/+build/5436966)00:24
saiarcot895Neither this version nor the previous version (which I've retried 3 or 4 times) succeeded, and all failed within minutes00:24
wgrantThe build farm is really not designed to commonly build packages that large, but it should work.00:28
cjwatsonensurePresent seems to be synchronous00:28
wgrantI suspect things are just a bit too heavily loaded atm to fetch all the relevant files within a minute.00:28
wgrantcjwatson: It is, deliberately.00:29
wgrantAnd it has a 60 second timeout atm.00:29
cjwatsonWhy deliberately?00:29
wgrantcjwatson: So we know when it's done.00:29
cjwatsonWell, right, I didn't mean it should be fire-and-forget00:29
cjwatsonBug 241646, I guess00:30
ubot5bug 241646 in launchpad-buildd "Downloading files from librarian should be asynchronous" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24164600:30
wgrantMm, it doesn't really matter too much.00:31
wgrantThat was mostly from back in the days when it blocked the master.00:31
wgrantWe'd otherwise have to introduce a new call to check if a file existed in the cache, and poll it.00:31
wgrantWhich doesn't seem like an improvement at all.00:31
wgrantThe problem here is just that we set a 60 second timeout, and that's not enough.00:31
wgrantEven if it were async, we'd still have a timeout, and it would probably still be 60s.00:31
wgrantI'll increase the timeout to 5 minutes like we have in most other places.00:33
cjwatsonI was thinking of some kind of "still going" callback from the slave, but OK00:37
cjwatsonthere does have to be a timeout somewhere, but I would've thought it would be better phrased as "slave download from librarian stalled"00:37
saiarcot895Perhaps a check to see if the downloaded size has changed?00:38
cjwatsonThat's unnecessarily roundabout given that the slave knows what it's downloading.00:38
wgrantcjwatson: I'm not sure I see the benefit of polling.00:43
cjwatsonI wasn't advocating polling00:45
cjwatsonI don't know quite how to phrase what I want in the buildd slave architecture00:46
wgrantUnless we radically change the communication architecture, requests have to be initiated by buildd-manager.00:47
cjwatsonBut there are two things that might time out: one is master<->slave (e.g. slave falls over), the other is slave<->librarian.  I'm saying those should be independent timeouts; if slave<->librarian times out then it should fail the ensurePresent call (or analogue), but otherwise I'd like it to be able to refresh the master<->slave timeout as long as it's still in progress00:47
wgrantWe probably don't want an unlimited timeout on master<->slave, as slaves more than occasionally break in terrible ways and need to be killed.00:48
wgrantBut it would indeed make sense to have a smaller timeout on the slave<->librarian call00:49
wgrantAnd in the normal case terminate it from there.00:49
cjwatsonI get that it's hard with the master using xmlrpclib though, since AFAIK we can't stream a response00:49
cjwatsonWe could break the xmlrpc spec and send a response without content-length, and push a byte every so often ... not sure that's the best option :)00:55
cjwatsonit'd require bodging both sides, since neither twisted.web.xmlrpc nor xmlrpclib supports that extension (though it's not unheard of elsewhere)00:55
cjwatsonxmlrpc can't be the best protocol for this00:57
lifelesss/ for this/./01:00
=== stokachu_ is now known as stokachu
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
FourDollarsHi, I want to register a new project for ibus-chewing, but Launchpad told me that ibus-chewing is already used by another project. And then I open https://launchpad.net/ibus-chewing, there is no such project. Do you know how to fix this?03:24
TheLordOfTimeFourDollars: If it says it exists but you can't see it it *could* be a private project.  If you read the error page: "This page does not exist, or you may not have permission to see it."03:26
TheLordOfTime(just a thought)03:26
FourDollarsTheLordOfTime: Yes, but it should be a open source project. And should not be a private project.03:27
FourDollarsTheLordOfTime: Is there any way to know who owns this project?03:27
wgrantFourDollars: I've freed up the name for you.03:27
TheLordOfTimeFourDollars: ask wgrant, who already fixed the problem :)03:28
FourDollarswgrant: Thanks a lot. :D03:28
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
apacheloggerwgrant: can I get a size bump to 10gib on https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/kf5-snapshot-weekly please :)12:23
wgrantapachelogger: Done12:24
apacheloggerwgrant: thank you12:24
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=== Guest26569 is now known as Kyle
KI7MTHello, noob question, but I'm trying to locate bugs for a package called yelp-tools  particularly, upstream bugs, but I can seem to fins any bug rpts at all  .. am I not looking in the correct location: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp-tools19:00
dobeyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp-tools would be where any bugs opened against the package in ubuntu would be, it's not the upstream19:08
dobeythe upstream is probably bugzilla.gnome.org19:09
KI7MTdobey, Ok, thank you.19:20

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