
UserErrorHow is LXLE using the 12.04.4 ?00:47
UserErrordoes that include the T HWE?00:48
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
bkm_i have a two-head video card running two monitors. xrandr and a virtual display line in an xorg.conf file gets me two screens, but one is lxde and the other is openbox. very confusing!! where is X-window learning which window manager / desktop environment to launch? thanks.04:36
jonathanwallace /b 114:48
jonathanwallacehello, i've recently upgraded from an older version of lubuntu to 14.04 and when i attempt to login on the login screen it redisplays the login screen14:49
jonathanwallacei'm able to ssh in with no trouble14:49
jonathanwallacei want to say i started on 12.0414:49
jonathanwallaceokay, removing the .Xauthority file allowed me to login and it seems like it is running openbox but i have no dock and attempting to dpkg-reconfigure anything doesn't seem to work15:05
SonikkuAmericaIs there a particular reason why there isn't a #lubuntu-devel channel?19:34
holsteinSonikkuAmerica: the #lubuntu-offtopic doubles19:35
SonikkuAmericaOK. :)19:38

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