
=== stokachu_ is now known as stokachu
jtv2bigjools: should the test results (maas-test.log) also go to /var/log?  We currently write them to the config/state dir before submitting.07:23
bigjoolsjtv2: yes07:24
=== jtv2 is now known as jtv
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
gmbHmm. Importing PXE files seems to have gotten a lot slower overnight... it's now been running for ~30 minutes. That's weird. Oh, mind you, the proxy cache has moved, hasn't it? That might be part of why.07:46
jtvHi gmb.07:46
gmbHi jtv.07:46
jtvYes, it may need to re-initialise.07:46
jtvWell, to be technical about it, it *will*.07:46
jtvBut if for whatever reason it wasn't working at all, then this will not present a noticeable cost.07:47
gmbThis is my first run of the day — trying to resolve the LP problem. Proxying is _on_ so it should be initialising the cache... I've never seen it take this long, but it's <9am so there's a bit more contention for connections here in sleepytown.07:48
gmbOnce all the kids get off their PS4s it'll speed up.07:48
bigjoolskids playing at earlier than 9am?07:55
bigjoolsoptimisitic :)07:55
jtvbigjools: the ones that don't have hangovers can.07:57
* jtv is all faith in kids today07:57
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
allenapjtv: Out of interest, why does maas-test have to run as root all the time? Was it just simpler?10:40
jtvallenap: it may have been the dhcp check.10:42
jtvOr any place where we need to run our own (or library) python code as root.10:42
jtvFor maintenance, testing & debugging it makes more sense to call that code directly than to externalise it and then call it by shelling out to sudo.10:44
gmbRunning tcpdump *and* strafe to debug maas-import-pxe-files... now I feel like a hacker.10:48
gmbstrafe? No. strace.10:50
* jtv stops googling for this tool new tool gmb was seemingly introducing him to10:53
jtvcool new tool.10:53
jtvnot tool new tool.10:53
rvbagmb: I think I found the problem.10:53
gmbrvba: Pray tell.10:54
rvbaThe proxy is started with: pidFile=/var/cache/maas-test/proxy.pid10:54
rvbaBut then we try to kill it using /run/maas-test/proxy.pid10:54
gmbAh, of course.10:54
gmbWait, what?10:54
rvbagmb: in fact, that problem is fixed in trunk.11:03
gmbOh, good.11:03
rvbagmb: if you merge trunk you'll get the fix, you where just unlucky to branch off trunk at the wrong time.11:03
gmbrvba: Cool, thanks.11:03
rvbagmb: yeah, probably.11:25
gmbThat does seem to make more sense.11:26
gmbUnless we want a flood of happy customers.11:26
rvbaStill nice to store the report on disk but I don't think we want to encourage people to upload stuff to LP in this case :).11:27
gmbYeah :)11:27
gmbrvba: Okay, I'll make that change shortly.11:28
rvbagmb: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas-test/+bug/126743411:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1267434 in maas-test "maas-test gives a link to report a bug on LP even when the test was successful." [Critical,Triaged]11:30
gmbrvba: Okay, thanks.11:30
allenapjtv: It’s not worth it now, but http://pythonhosted.org/python-prctl/ might have been a better way to do it, rather than going all in for root.11:33
allenapIt’s in universe, not in main though.11:36
gmbWhoops. Helps if you fix the tests, Graham12:07
* gmb -> lunches12:10
gmballenap: Are you free at the top of the hour to talk about the HWE stuff as we discussed this morning?14:44
rvbagmb: time for a real quick review? https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas-test/get-log/+merge/20102014:58
gmbrvba: Sure14:58
gmbrvba: Swapsies? https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas-test/dont-report-successes/+merge/20101914:59
rvbagmb: deal14:59
gmbMine's a bit longer than yours.14:59
gmbI mean...14:59
gmbnever mind.14:59
rvbagmb: btw, I've reviewed your dry-run branch, not sure if you've seen it.14:59
gmbrvba: I did, thanks; I'll sort that out in a minute.15:00
allenapgmb: I is here.16:13
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away

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