
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
hyper_chwhy does dpkg-reconfigure locales on 14.04 desktop just regenerate the languages but not offer the selection of what languages to use?06:21
Beldarhyper_ch, You have to download the languages, if you install a dvd version there are there.06:22
hyper_chBeldar: dpkg-reconfigure locales should present that normal blue selection screen where you can tick off what languages you want to install and which one should be default06:22
hyper_chhowever when I run it, it just re-generates the languages but no selection screen is offered06:23
hyper_chsomething like this should appear http://vberry.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/install26.png06:24
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hyper_chwhy does dpkg-reconfigure locales on 14.04 desktop just regenerate the languages but not offer the selection of what languages to use?10:39
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BluesKajHiyas all11:39
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hyper_chhi BluesKaj11:47
BluesKajhey hyper_ch11:56
hyper_chBluesKaj: you're Mr. Kubuntu, right?11:57
BluesKajI do run kubuntu, if that\s what you mean11:58
hyper_chI have a problem.. my root terminal has vor some reason this in it when I rune locale:  LANGUAGE=en_US:de:en11:58
hyper_chthis seems to cause all the text in german.... very unused to me11:58
hyper_chhowever when I run   dpkg-reconfigure locales11:58
hyper_chit just regenerates the locales instead of presenting that nice screen in which you can select what languages you want to install11:59
BluesKajhyper_ch, try the GUI in system settings > locale> country and language tabs12:02
hyper_chBluesKaj: for my user it's fine... but sudo/root has issues12:03
hyper_chactually, also for me the terminal is in german... ieeeks12:04
hyper_chI remove german now from the languages in systemsettings12:05
hyper_chI'll see tonight if that changes a thing when I re-login :)12:05
BluesKajsorry i have no experience with that , seems like an admin / group thing12:06
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randomcppI've seen linux kernel has been updated to 3.13, does it include radeon.dpm=1 or is this disabled by default?18:35
hyper_chrandomcpp: how to find out :)18:36
hyper_chI'm running it already18:36
hyper_chcat config-3.13.0-1-generic | grep "radeon"18:38
hyper_chlooks like it's disabled18:38
randomcppit doesn't matter actually, just to know if I could remove the flag from the kernel boot line or not..18:39
hyper_chfor the 19 minutes (according to uptime) that I've been running kernel 3.13 it's been an awesome experience :)18:40
randomcppdo you have an amd gpu?18:41
hyper_chno, nVidia Optimus18:41
hyper_ch3.12 was the reason why I already re-installed to tary18:42
BluesKajoptimus running ok , hyper_ch ? how are your graphics ?18:48
hyper_chcolourful :)18:48
hyper_chnot really sure how to test it :)18:48
hyper_chI just thought the kernel does it now automagically18:48
sergio-br2hyper_ch, do you use bumblebee for your card?18:49
hyper_chBluesKaj: removing german from systemsettings -> languages helped18:49
hyper_chsergio-br2: doesn't kernel 3.12 make that obsolete?18:50
sergio-br2hum, i don't know18:50
sergio-br2is it using nvidia-prime?18:50
hyper_chno idea how to find out18:50
hyper_chI just thought kernel handles that automagically18:50
hyper_chlike everyting else18:50
sergio-br2i know that my optimus card is not working with 3.12 kernel + bumblebee18:51
BluesKajsystem settings > desktop effects> advanced tab> OpenGL 3.1, Qt graphics=raster18:51
sergio-br2hyper_ch, but you are using nouveau?18:52
hyper_chBluesKaj: and then?18:52
BluesKajhyper_ch, yeah too bad is's restricted to the nouveau driver , altho nouveau is quite good now18:53
hyper_chusing nouveau18:53
hyper_chBluesKaj: after setting to raster, what to do then?18:53
BluesKajclick enter18:54
BluesKajat the bottom right18:54
hyper_chok, I foudn that :)18:54
hyper_chwhat else?18:54
BluesKajor apply18:54
hyper_chhow to test it now?18:54
BluesKajtry some fancy desktop effects like cube amination or wobbly windows etc18:55
hyper_chI have those deactivated18:55
hyper_chand glxgears just slows down to my screen refresh rate18:55
BluesKajthen activate them18:55
hyper_chand then?18:55
BluesKajgood quick test18:56
hyper_chI activated wobbly windows18:56
BluesKajgrab a window in the titlebar and move it back and forth18:56
hyper_chbut still, how to know if it uses nvidia for that?18:56
BluesKajsee if wobbles :)\18:57
hyper_chit does18:57
BluesKajit does18:57
BluesKajnouveau is the default nvidia driver18:57
hyper_chbut it does it also with opengl 2.0 and native18:57
BluesKajyeah try glxgears with full screen18:58
hyper_chworks all fine18:59
BluesKajshould get at least 60fps18:59
hyper_chyes, I do on 24"19:00
hyper_chor rather 2x 24"19:00
BluesKajgood, then you're good to go19:00
hyper_chyey, I rock :)19:01
hyper_chthx blues19:02
hyper_chbtw, did you know about a super awesome feature in kate?   code map scroll bar?19:02
BluesKajthis laptop doesn't have nvidia , just the intel onboard gpu with i915 driver but it's working nicely here19:03
hyper_chsaw that yesterday in that Seigo video with the cute cat in it19:06
BluesKajdon't see that in kate configure , what does code map scroll bar do ?19:07
hyper_chBluesKaj: Kate -> Settings -> Configure -> Appearance -> Borders Tab and check "Show scroll mini map"19:08
hyper_chand then open some code19:08
hyper_chso, deactivated wobbly windows again19:09
hyper_chfound it?19:11
BluesKajyeah , but the font's too small to read so it doesn't help much19:11
hyper_chbut you recognize the code pattern more easily19:12
hyper_chI think it's awesome19:12
hyper_ch<-- laptop with 2x 24" external19:12
BluesKajmight fine for the desktop which uses the TV as monitor19:13
hyper_chwell, I think it's awesome feature :)19:13

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