
c_smithwhere would I put a theme to install it System-wide? it's a neither an Icon theme nor a cursor theme02:50
c_smith/usr/share/themes, right?02:51
=== swiss_ is now known as swiss
parindarkxst: Hi. I tried printing g_getenv("DISPLAY") and both the displayconfig code and mutter recognize :0.005:37
parinthere is no backtrace. GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gdk_display_get_default ()); gave an assertion error that it wasn't fed a valid display. Changing it to XOpenDisplay() removed that error but the program crashes with a segfault in meta_monitor_manager_xrandr_read_current()05:39
UallasGood Morning07:06
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez
darkxstparin, hi11:05
darkxstparin, can you send a patch with your changes (or push it to github and I will take a look)11:08
parindarkxst: okay11:42
darkxstparin, and as soon as you get a seg fault you should be firing up gdb and getting a backtrace ;)11:55
parindarkxst: I've pushed the changes to https://github.com/parinporecha/mutter-compiz/tree/gnome-3-1012:54
parindarkxst: I do know where the segfault occurs12:54
parinit's all due to the null display we're getting from gdk_display_get_default12:55
darkxstmaybe you need Xopendisplay there as well?12:57
parinwhen I replace it with XOpenDisplay (is the replacement okay ?), we don't get null, but I get this error - X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)12:57
darkxstI don't think you can just replace it!12:58
darkxstyou may need both12:58
parinboth, how ?12:59
darkxsthmm no I was thinking of XopenScreen i suppose13:02
parindarkxst: I think we're using gdk_display_get_default in a wrong way13:03
parinin the mutter code, I replaced meta_get_display()->xdisplay with GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gdk_display_get_default ());, and it's giving the same error13:03
darkxstpossibly there is some initialization missing?13:05
parinmeta_get_display() calls the same function GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gdk_display_get_default ()) in ui.c But, yes there maybe some initialization missing. I'm looking into it13:05
darkxstparin, whats with all the whitespace cleanups?13:08
parinsome problem with Geany13:09
darkxstchange editor then, it bloats the patches13:09
parindarkxst: okay, I'll see that it doesn't happen again13:10
darkxstalso I don't really need to see your debug statements ;013:13
darkxst^ that is what gdb is for anyway13:13
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parindarkxst: i was wrong. mutter does get the display from gdk_display_get_default (). Doesn't matter when it's called. The same line when replaced in our displayconfig code, it doesn't work. GdkDisplay doesn't have any function to set default display or something also. I'll ask this on gnome-shell mailing list, see if I get anywhere13:43
darkxstok, I'm off for the night, will have a look at it in the morning13:45
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=== Guest35401 is now known as bakc
roastedhello friends23:21
roastedby chance has anybody ever done an in-place upgrade of say 13.04 >> 13.10 while having PPAs installed to bring in the newest Gnome?23:22
darkxstdon't do it23:31
darkxstppa-purge PPA's, upgrade, then re-install PPA's23:31
roastedah, alright23:33
roastedI was hoping for a clean break from 13.04 to 13.10, but ppa-purge is a small price to pay I suppose.23:34
darkxstPPA's are disabled (not purged) when you run an upgrade, from there any packaging changes from the ppa that are not in 13.10 will just confuse the do-release-upgrade23:36
roastedah, that's the part I mixed up then.23:37
roastedpurge vs simply disabled.23:37
roastedso I'd effectively bring 13.04 down to 3.6 before the upgrade then.23:38
roastedare you the only core dev at this point darkxst?23:39
darkxstricotz as well23:39
darkxsthey I gotta run23:39
roastedtake it easy!23:39

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