
Go|dfish_Pici: !ops00:22
Go|dfish_איך לעזאזל כולם עושים פה אני עושה לא טוב מזוין00:24
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell: ping, is there any objection to maybe a +q on that guy retroactively?  he seems to only join and post things that aren't relevant, or in this case try and call !ops and spam00:41
AlanBellTheLordOfTime: can do, but I consider it relatively harmless for them to join here and tell us that they are online and in a silly mood rather than spouting stuff in random channels :)01:05
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell: okay, well, if it happens continually then maybe it's time to consider it, I bring it up because that's the second time they've done some randomness and asking offtopic questions (17:00 GMT-05:00 was the first instance, same host too)01:06
hggdhwell, we are expected to be more resistant to them. Even when swearing in Hebrew..01:06
TheLordOfTimehggdh: might be because my day has been filled with drama I'm on edge about pointing out such things >.>01:07
hggdhTheLordOfTime: goldfisch has been around for a while now. At least here he is not disrupting an user channel01:09
TheLordOfTimemeh, sorry i bugged you all01:10
* TheLordOfTime disappears01:10
AlanBellheh, it is always good to point out patterns :)01:10
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell: i've been on edge all day, tons of drama does that to a person >.>01:59
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MooDoohello all07:04
LjL-Awayhggdh: uh, are we "expected" to be more "resistant" to them?12:54
LjL-Awaythis might actually be a trend i've started, that of not banning him or anything12:54
LjL-Awaybut that's not the message i wanted to send through12:55
LjL-Awayreally, it's useless to ban him because he knows how to change hosts well enough12:55
LjL-Awayand he's been trolling horribly since i remember being around12:55
LjL-Awayso, for at least 7 years12:55
LjL-Awayyou don't solve this people with bans12:55
Myrttiespecially since that's what he often requests12:56
Myrttibans, quiets and klines12:56
LjL-Awayi'm not saying i know *how* you solve it, either12:56
LjL-Awayi'm just trying various "psychological" approaches12:56
LjL-Awaychances are, i think, none will work12:56
LjL-Awaybut oh well12:56
Myrttiand tries to hasten to get what he wants with the alarm calls12:56
Myrttihis ultimate goal is to waste our time12:57
LjL-Awaywell, he wastes my time anyway when i "playfully" reply to him, i suppose12:57
LjL-Awayexcept well12:57
LjL-Awayi kind of enjoy it12:57
LjL-Awayso maybe if he actually ends up realizing i enjoy it, that'll be a dealbreaker for him12:57
LjL-Awayi'm not sure12:57
LjL-Awayi don't even mean i enjoy it in a mean way... i'm a bit sorry for him at this point12:57
LjL-Awaybut i can't think of anything else than playing along12:58
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hggdhLjL: this is probably a good approach bans/quiets only really work for the casual/non-expert IRC user13:25
LjLhggdh: right, it can be i suppose - i just don't want to be passing on the message that we're actually not supposed to try getting rid of a persistent troll, though13:26
hggdhLjL: oh, no, that thought never crossed my mind :-)13:26
hggdhand I do not see troll control as a 0/1 game; but I still think that if the troll bother *us* instead of the at-large user channels, it is a gain for the community13:28
LjLoh he bothers both though13:29
LjLand i suppose i can see how an #u-o user, for instance, could start being puzzled about how i (or another op who's around) may seem to be "doing nothing" about him13:29
hggdhin some ways, better a known troll13:30
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AlanBellhi Aaron, here is best to discuss your request23:46
Aaronnow you tell me that?23:47
Aaronwell i want to request the channel.23:47
Aaronsince m4v  is a lamer...23:47
joseAaron: what channel is that?23:49
joseand what's the actual reason behind it?23:49
AlanBellsorry, I have been popping in and out with other things going on and it is end of day for me now, you want some access to #ubuntu-es?23:49
Aaron<m4v> como gustes, que me amenaces con hablar con "Ubuntu" te descalifica aún más.23:50
joseI don't understand why would you want access to a core support channel23:51
Aaronbecause i am a helper, and i just think that channel it's dead...23:53
Aarondoes it matter that he codes the bots?23:53
Aaronand plus, he took over my ex channel #Kubuntu-es23:54
joseAlanBell: ^23:54
joseAlanBell: mind a quick PM?23:54
AlanBellsure jose23:54
Exio4i don't think the channel is dead23:54
AlanBell!canibeanop | Aaron23:58
ubottuAaron: If you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.23:58
AlanBellhmm, that doesn't quite apply to team channels like the -es channels but it is a start23:59

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