
=== Aaron is now known as Guest41483
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
=== Guest41483 is now known as Aaron
TheLordOfTimeI have a question.  In Ubuntu, is a package allowed to create /root/.somefolder/ during installation in the root user's "home" directory?03:56
TheLordOfTime(this also applies to any standard user's home directories)03:56
TheLordOfTimeor does it violate policies03:57
RAOFThe application doesn't create those directories on first run?03:58
RAOF(No, is the answer, btw)03:58
TheLordOfTimeRAOF: supposedly, bitcoind in precise creates /root/.bitcoind/ on install04:00
TheLordOfTimebut i haven't tested that to confirm04:00
TheLordOfTime(initially reported/seen in the #bitcoin general discussion channel)04:00
RAOFI'd guess that it runs the daemon on install, right?04:00
RAOFWhich would then create the directories...04:01
TheLordOfTimeit shouldn't, there's a billion security exploit risks in bitcoind on precise when its run as root04:01
RAOFAlthough it sounds like bitcoind should probably run as a non-root user.04:01
RAOFRight :)04:01
TheLordOfTimethe question was, though, is a package allowed, on installation, to create a directory in /root/04:01
TheLordOfTimeat all04:01
TheLordOfTime(since the daemon wasn't even running yet)04:01
TheLordOfTime(since the daemon wasn't even running yet according to the user that saw this)04:01
TheLordOfTimeRAOF: my question is a general policy one04:01
TheLordOfTimenot specific to this package04:02
TheLordOfTime(if it were within my power, I'd wipe bitcoind from the repos and versionbump them all up to latest stable in all versions of Ubuntu, but meh)04:02
TheLordOfTimes/wipe bitcoind/wipe the current bitcoind/04:02
* RAOF is pretty sure the policy answer is “No”, but I've not hunted the precise section down.04:03
RAOFTheLordOfTime: They're wrong, too; bitcoind in Precise (and, indeed, Saucy) does not create /root/.bitcoind on install04:05
TheLordOfTimeRAOF: hmm.  does it autorun the daemon?04:09
TheLordOfTimeRAOF: having said this i still want to know the packaging policy on this04:10
TheLordOfTimeRAOF: then i'll have to educate people in how things work and tell them that they have failed epicly04:10
TheLordOfTimeeither way, though, i still want to know the policy about this: is a package, during installation, allowed to mess with any user's "home" direcotyr.04:10
* TheLordOfTime shrugs04:11
RAOFTheLordOfTime: As I said, I'm pretty sure the answer is “no”04:12
RAOFAmong other things, it's moderately difficult to actually do.04:15
Logan_xnox: Mind if I disable -Werror on sphinxsearch to fix the FTBFS on rebuild?04:44
Logan_(And the current FTBFS on ppc64el?)04:46
Logan_Hi Jackson.05:40
Noskcajhey Logan_05:54
Logan_Noskcaj: I'm sure you have something for me to do.05:55
NoskcajLogan_, Sponsorship queue in general, but there's a few high priority ones, let me check05:55
michagogo|cloudTheLordOfTime: actually, Ubuntu has stopped including Bitcoin05:55
michagogo|cloudUnfortunately, that change is only in effect starting with Trusty05:56
Logan_Noskcaj: I plan on going to sleep at a reasonable-ish time tonight, so make it quick.05:57
Logan_Although it appears that I have already failed at that, considering it's almost 1 AM.05:57
NoskcajLogan_, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/gauche/ppc64el/+merge/20026605:57
NoskcajIt should fix a heap of your PPC64el issues05:57
Noskcajhttps://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/menu-cache/ppc64el/+merge/200244 also unblocks a heap05:58
Unit193Logan_: Psh, 1am _is_ reasonable. ;)05:59
michagogo|cloudThough I'm told that it could be effectively removed through the SRU process, by creating an "update" that simply makes the software unusable -- if anyone wants to do that, it'd be great05:59
Logan_Noskcaj: Looking at gauche.05:59
Noskcajubuntu-dev time =/= normal person time05:59
Logan_Believe me, I'm far from a normal person.05:59
michagogo|cloud(I don't know how that would be done, both from the standpoint of Ubuntu policy/procedure and from the standpoint of the actual update itself and how it would work)06:01
Logan_Noskcaj: Did you do a test build of gauche?06:06
NoskcajLogan_, On amd64, yes06:06
Noskcajbuilt fine06:06
Noskcajyeah. pbuilder-dist06:06
Logan_No, you didn't.06:06
Logan_Because you would've noticed that the autoreconf failed with 16 missing header warnings.06:07
NoskcajI did, i'll try and build it again06:07
Logan_Tsk tsk.06:07
Logan_In any case, there's a simple fix if you don't know how to do it.06:08
TheLordOfTimemichagogo|cloud: oh good, may I ask the reasons for them not including bitcoin anymore? :)06:08
TheLordOfTimemichagogo|cloud: (that does not, however answer my question about general packaging policies)06:09
TheLordOfTimei could go poke debian about that, but meh06:09
NoskcajLogan_, Just give me a minute to branch it06:09
michagogo|cloudTheLordOfTime: read the ML archives06:10
TheLordOfTimemichagogo|cloud: ehh, i'm lazy, besides it's 01:12 and i'm tired, i'll add that to my todo list06:12
TheLordOfTime... which ML archive though06:12
Logan_Noskcaj: Actually, my quick-and-dirty fix doesn't appear to have worked. So let me know if you come up with something.06:23
NoskcajLogan_, My internet is being more broken than normal. Any chance you could fix and upload?06:23
NoskcajI'll look into it tomorrow06:24
Logan_Still playing with it, though.06:24
michagogo|cloudTheLordOfTime: ubuntu-release06:25
michagogo|cloudAnd actually, maybe also ubuntu-motu06:25
Logan_Noskcaj: Do you have router problems or something?06:30
NoskcajLogan_, Internet below ADSL speed, plus 4 brothers06:35
Logan_Noskcaj: I'm sorry to hear that you have brothers06:36
NoskcajShould i delete the menu-cache branch06:37
Logan_wgrant: Is it possible for MultiDistroTools on UbuntuWire to compare Trusty to Sid instead of to Jessie?07:01
wgrantLogan_: The next update will use sid07:05
Logan_Sweet. When will that come out?07:05
Logan_Or are you referring to 14.10? :P07:05
wgrantIt's updated hourly.07:06
dholbachgood morning08:14
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xnoxLoganCloud: Logan_: well I did try to make sphinxsearch actually pass all of it's autoreconf errors =/12:37
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=== Rh0nda is now known as Rhonda
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NoskcajLaney, You around?19:49
Logan_Noskcaj: End up figuring out that FTBFS?20:05
NoskcajLogan_, gauche? No, i was just getting around to it now,20:08
Logan_Okay. Let me know.20:09
NoskcajWould the autoheader issue just need another b-dep or do i need to make some patches?20:13
Logan_I'm not sure. I tried adding AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4]) to configure.ac, but it didn't appear to work.20:14
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away

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