
belkinsaslickymaster, good luck on your app.20:41
slickymasterhey, thanks belkinsa21:36
belkinsaI was planning to do it myself but I can't find time during this cycle to apply and come to the meeting because of school.21:36
slickymasterthere's still time until April21:37
belkinsaI know but I'n still in school in April.21:38
belkinsaI end in April and I'm not sure what I will do in the summer, but it will most like be undergrad research since I'm a Biology stsudent.21:38
slickymasterwell it took me almost a year and a half for me to finally set my mind to it21:38
slickymasterwell, getting your graduation is surely more important21:39
belkinsaYeah, it is.  But that is next fall.21:40
belkinsaWell, this upcoming fall.21:40
slickymasterhopefully everything will run smoothly21:41
belkinsaThank you!  Same to you.21:41

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