
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
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pittithomi: hm, what's the official way to run an autopilot test in-tree now?05:52
pitti$ PYTHONPATH=. python -m autopilot.run run autopilot.tests.functional.test_introspection_features.IntrospectionFeatureTests.test_window_geometry05:52
pitti$ python3 -m testtools.run discover autopilot.tests.functional.test_introspection_features05:52
pittiboth of these fail05:52
pittiand there is no bin/autopilot any more which DTRT05:52
thomipitti: yes, that test fails, veebers found that today, and he's looking at it :)05:52
thomipitti: DTRT?05:52
pittithomi: no, I mean it doesn't even start running the tests05:52
pittithomi: I wanted to see what's wrong with it as I recently touched it, but I don't know how to run a test05:53
pittithomi: "autopilot" uses the system-installed ap, that doesn't work as it's way too old in trusty05:53
pittiI need to run it from within the tree05:53
thomipitti: well, you don't need to set PYTHONPATH, but aside from that, what you're doing is correct05:53
thomipitti: also, the system autopilot in trusty should work fine05:54
thomipitti: I think maybe there's something funny happening on your system?05:54
pittithomi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6719045/05:54
pitti$ autopilot run autopilot.tests.functional.test_introspection_features.IntrospectionFeatureTests.test_window_geometry05:54
pitti    from autopilot.testresult import AutopilotVerboseResult05:54
pittiImportError: cannot import name AutopilotVerboseResult05:54
pitti^ that's a change in trunk which isn't in trusty yet05:54
thomipitti: oh wait - sorry - I forgot I built & installed it from source :-/05:55
pittithomi: trusty has 20131125, that's fairly old05:55
thomisorry :)05:55
pittithomi: np; hence I wonder how to run it out of the tree now05:55
pittithomi: i. e. the equivalent of bin/autopilot [...]05:55
thomithis works for me:05:55
thomipython3 -m autopilot.run run autopilot.tests.functional.test_introspection_features.IntrospectionFeatureTests.test_window_geometry05:55
thomias does python 205:55
pittiI get above pastebin error (AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'functional')05:56
pittiwith both py 2 and 305:56
thomiand your CWD is inside the lp:autopilot checkout location?05:56
pittithomi: yeah, that's the error I wanted to get and investigate05:56
pittithomi: yes, I'm in the root dir of the lp:autopilot checkout05:57
pittithomi: ok, but that's the official command?05:57
pittithen I'll investigate what's wrong with that05:57
thomipitti: yeah05:57
pitti(we should add that to README)05:57
pittithomi: even tox.ini says "autopilot run", which again uses the system installed ap, right?05:58
thomipitti: no, because tox installs into a virtualenv05:58
thomipitti: but the tox config is broken on trusty for some reaon05:58
thomiif you happen to find the problem.... you know what to do :)05:58
pittithomi: yeah, I just wanted to make sure I'm actually using the right command this time; thanks05:59
thomiyeah. generally, 'tox <test_id>' should do what you want05:59
pitti$ sudo apt-get install python3-fixtures python-fixtures06:00
pittiof course that error message made it *absolutely clear* that the "fixtures" module was missing06:01
thomiisn't that a dependency on python-autopilot & python3-autopilot?06:01
pittithomi: it is apparently fairly recent (not in trusty yet)06:01
pittithomi: anyway, the test_window_geometry WFM06:02
thomipitti: the failures are specific to desktop configuration06:02
* pitti looks at code to get some ideas what could go wrong06:02
thomithe test assumes that the desktop starts at 0,006:02
thomiand also assumes that there's only one screen configured06:03
thomiand further assumes that applicaiton geomentry will always be wholly within the desktop area.06:03
thomiall in all, not a great test :)06:03
pittiI enabled my internal monitor, still works06:03
pittiI moved it to the left of my primary monitor, still works06:03
pitti(I tested these cases back then)06:04
pittibut I guess it's related to that, I'll have a closer look and follow up to the bug06:04
thomiif you can't reproduce, then veebers or I can take a look - at least we have a reproducer already :)06:04
pittithomi: followed up06:09
pittithomi: so apparently I don't understand what the window geometry says, or there is actually a bug somewhere that it sometimes ends up being negative06:10
thomiyeah, me too06:13
thomithere's something screwy going on, for sure06:13
thomianyway, I gotta go eat dinner.06:13
thomimight be on later, but probably not06:13
thomitalk to you tomorrow!06:14
DanChapmanGood Morning06:17
pittihey DanChapman06:28
DanChapmanpitti hey :-) how are you?06:28
pittiDanChapman: I think only ints and strings are matched on the server (libautopilot-gtk/qt, inside the application) side; any other properties (like float) are matched on the client (i. e. autopilot) side06:29
pittior more complicated selects06:29
pittiin those cases, the whole widget (set) is transmitted over D-BUS, and ap filters the result06:29
pittiDanChapman: quite fine, thanks! and you?06:30
DanChapmanpitti, ahh  ok I see, that makes sense. I mentioned to jibel yesterday about how in the autopilot log of the failed tests that there is an "atk_object_set_parent: assertion 'ATK_IS_OBJECT (accessible)' failed" right before the segfault. COuld it be a Gtk/Atk bug causing our crashes?06:34
DanChapmanpitti, awesome, Yes I'm really good thanks06:35
pittiDanChapman: in principle, yes; if something before that code corrupts the stack, then anything is possible06:35
pittii. e. we need to find out what calls set_parent() and why it's calling that on an invalid object06:36
pittiDanChapman: oh, is that really an assertion failure, or a CRITICAL?06:37
pittiDanChapman: an assertion failure should terminate ubiquity, with SIGABRT06:37
pittiCRITICALs are merely printed out and then the program continues, unless you run ubiquity with G_DEBUG=fatal-criticals06:38
DanChapmanpitti its a CRITICAL06:38
pittithat's useless for debugging where a critical happens, but of course inconvenient if there are lots of other criticals before that06:38
pittisorry, s/useless/useful/06:38
DanChapmanpitti, I see so it might not be that then, I just find it strange it being the last thing that occurs before the segafult.06:54
pittiDanChapman: oh, it certainly might be that06:54
pittiDanChapman: i. e. it's well worth investigating why that critical happens06:54
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pittijibel: hm, wazn unhappy again? I already retried on i386, amd64 works fine (http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/trusty-adt-shotwell/ARCH=i386,label=adt/61/console)11:35
* pitti logs in and check11:35
pittijibel: indeed, I can reproduce with "./auto-package-testing/bin/run-adt-test -sU -a i386 shotwell"11:38
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jibelpitti, there is no particular activity on this machine11:38
pittiwith -a amd64 it works11:38
jibelpitti, I'll reprovision the base vm11:38
pittibroken i386 base image?11:38
pittijibel: OOI, how do you do that? run prepare-testbed, or trigger the jenkins job?11:39
jibelpitti, either trigger the job trusty-adt-setup-testbed or run $HOME/auto-package-testing/bin/prepare-testbed -r trusty $ARCH11:40
pittijibel: ok, I can do the latter (unless you already do)11:40
jibelpitti, it is running11:42
pittijibel: I see you started prepare-testbed for amd64 (but that's the good one)11:42
pittijibel: ack, thanks; I'll retry shotwell and spamassassin after that11:42
jibelpitti, I'll redo both11:42
jibelpitti, vms have been rebuilt and shotwell is running on i38611:58
pittithat's http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/trusty-adt-shotwell/ARCH=i386,label=adt/61/console ?11:59
pittilooks fine11:59
pittijibel: merci11:59
* pitti kicks spamassassin, too12:00
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elopiogood morning QA.15:03
cgoldbergmorning elopio15:04
elfyafternoon :p15:11
balloonsxnox, ping15:18
xnoxballoons: hey!15:18
balloonsxnox, so playing with the emulator finally :-) I noticed a few things.. 1) It's REALLY slow for me 2) The core apps don't seem to be a part of the base image you are using15:19
xnoxballoons: 1) emulator is slow, it's a single core 700 Mhz cpu 2) like what ?15:20
balloonsI'm mostly concerned about #2. Should I need to install them? Your run script runs things like weather and calc, but they aren't on my image15:20
xnoxballoons: i'm still confused what you are missing. my scripts as posted latest are to do automated autopilot testing.15:32
xnoxballoons: for general instructions of using emulator see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Emulator ; which is ./build-emulator-sdcard.sh & ./run-emulator.sh15:33
xnoxballoons: you should have mostly everything as a normal device, with same sets of apps etc.15:33
xnoxballoons: what's missing? what's different?15:33
balloonsxnox, sorry, got dc'd for a min. I followed your instructions.. I'll try again from the top. The resulting images were simply missing the core apps and I don't know why15:44
rvrelopio: Good morning15:44
balloonsbrowsing, dialer, friends.. all there.. no core apps like weather or calc tho15:44
xnoxballoons: which instructions?15:45
balloonsfrom your email15:45
xnoxballoons: can you give me a link to the post?15:45
* xnox sent many emails with different instructions.... =)15:46
xnoxballoons: or title of the email post.15:46
xnoxballoons: none of that should be used to "play with emulator" or "use it"15:46
xnoxballoons: that's only for automated, hand-off, execution of autopilot tests.15:47
balloonsI'm trying to run core apps tests.. I tried the steps to do that and it failed.15:47
xnoxballoons: if you want to start emulator and use it, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Emulator#Instructions15:47
balloonsxnox, right.. I don't care about using the emulator, I was looking to reproduce test runs.. then run my own15:48
xnoxballoons: do you have logs of the failures?15:48
balloonsxnox, do you build the sdcard before you run your tests?15:48
xnoxballoons: it does everything.15:48
balloonsok, that's what I did then..15:49
balloonsif I provision again, will it wipe the old stuff..15:49
* balloons looks15:49
xnoxballoons: calculator autopilot tests can crash the emulator at the moment, what else have you tried. friends pass, dialer partioally passes. weather should be ok as well, let me run that one now.15:50
balloonsxnox, after taking a boot to boot, the loop checking for unity status goes on forever.. that's how every test ended15:52
balloonsanyways, trying again.. let's see what happens15:52
rvrelopio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-credentials/+bug/124857615:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248576 in ubuntuone-credentials "StateNotFoundError running autopilot tests" [High,Incomplete]15:52
xnoxballoons: i should add watchdog for that. basically sometimes some click hooks fail in the emulator and thus unity8 never starts =(15:53
rvrelopio: I'm getting a similar bug in another test. Did you discover why StateNotFoundError happens?15:53
elopiorvr: in that case, it seems QML doesn't find a module.15:54
elopioso the window is actually missing the component you are looking for.15:54
elopiotake a look at the QML errors to see if that's your case.15:54
balloonsxnox, ok, same thing happens. Here's the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6721438/16:00
balloonscurrently, the emulator displays unity with the intro screen16:01
xnoxballoons: the log does tell you what's wrong.16:01
xnoxballoons: "error: more than one device and emulator" over and over and over again =)16:01
balloonsyes :-)16:01
balloonslol.. I do have a device plugged in16:02
xnoxballoons: maybe you want to fix that =) as raised in the email thread....16:02
balloonsit was the tablet, didn't even notice.. I'm sorry16:02
xnoxballoons: <testsuite errors="1" failures="0" name="" tests="15" time="613.245">16:11
xnoxballoons: so weather app does work.16:11
balloonsxnox, seems to be running.. is there an easy way to get logs, or should I simply redirect output?16:12
xnoxballoons: just wait for it to finish.16:12
xnoxballoons: you will have logs, as done by phablet-test-run in the "clientlogs/" folder at the end.16:12
balloonsperfect, ty. I ran the full run-tests.sh so this looks like it's going to be quite a bit16:12
xnoxballoons: and will most-lickely fail a lot and get your emulator stuck =)16:17
balloonshah.. maybe I should quite while I'm ahead16:17
elfyor be quiet or quit :p16:18
elfygood day to you  balloons :)16:18
balloonshowdy elfy and knome16:24
knomexubuntu people, they come in numbers16:26
balloonsalways in a pack :-)16:27
elfyballoons - we hunt in packs16:42
elfyslickymaster is sneaking round the back to catch you out16:42
* balloons looks around nervously16:43
pittihey balloons16:45
* slickymaster thinks that balloons should always be afraid... very afraid16:45
slickymasterand looking over his shoulder16:46
balloonshey pitti16:46
pittiballoons: your prodding sufficiently convinced me about bug 1033932, I just committed a fix :)16:47
ubot5bug 1033932 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "Error alerts appear on login for problems in previous session" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103393216:47
balloonsoO pitti !16:47
balloonsthat's excellent news!16:47
pittiI really wasn't aware that we have so many "crash on logout" cases; I almost never get those16:48
balloonslast cycle was especially bad for me.. this cycle hasn't been so bad. not seen many16:48
balloonsit seems like the longer I run the same install the more buildup I get, the more I see them :-)16:49
balloonsso pitti plans to SRU this at all? This should hit trusty at least soon16:50
pittiballoons: let's let it bake in trusty for a bit; the bug has a precise task16:50
pittiballoons: yes, stgraber is working on fixing apport for containers, then we'll land this in trusty (by next week)16:50
balloonsofc.. not rushing anything out, heh ;-)16:50
balloonsstill, that's very good news. This should really help out trsuty16:51
slickymasterballoons, DanChapman, can I ping you guys in something offtopic?17:04
DanChapmanslickymaster, sure :-)17:04
* DanChapman waves to balloons 17:05
* balloons waves back17:05
slickymasterI'm applying for ubuntu membership so I would like your testimonials if you think I'm worthy17:05
slickymasterballoons, DanChapman ^^^17:06
DanChapmanslickymaster, I'd be more than happy too :-)17:06
slickymasterthanks, DanChapman. I sure appreciate it17:07
slickymasterDanChapman: my wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/slickymaster17:07
DanChapmanslickymaster, cool I will get that done :-)17:08
slickymasterDanChapman: once again, thanls17:08
balloonsxnox, ok, so last question :-) If I wanted to run an arbitrary lp branch in the emulator, can I do it? If not, can we get it added?17:28
xnoxballoons: there is no support for that at the moment, so patches welcome.17:29
balloonsxnox, k, I'll give it a whirl17:29
xnoxballoons: it will most-likely be patches to phablet-test-run17:29
xnoxballoons: or options to run-test.sh17:29
balloonsI want to let phablet-test-run do it.. so with that it should be simple on your end eh?17:30
xnoxballoons: right, yeah anything that phablet-test-run supports is easy.17:30
cgoldbergslickymaster, nice work on wiki page.  I want to get mine together and apply also18:08
slickymasterthanks cgoldberg. I trully hope that you'll manage to be successful18:09
slickymastercgoldberg: if you'll need any help, just ping me18:10
DanChapmanjibel, you still about?18:12
elfyballoons: slickymaster is going for membership - he might not mention it to you ;)18:13
balloonselfy, indeed. I'm on it :-)18:13
cgoldbergif most of my contributions to Ubuntu (besides being a fanatic user since Warty) are as a Canonical employee, do those count?18:14
slickymastercgoldberg: I think elfy would be the best person to address that question18:15
slickymasterelfy: ^^18:15
* elfy read the question and has no answer - balloons might have, being one 18:16
elfynot sure I could think of any reason why not - but I've never had anything to do with the membership boards18:17
balloonscontributions are contributions :-) The keys are sustained contributions and testimony from people about said contributions :-)18:17
cgoldbergfair enough18:18
DanChapmanxnox, does the size of a disk image affect whether you get the auto-resize options. I'm using a 40G win7.qcow2 image and I only have the options to erase it or 'something else'18:36
xnoxDanChapman: auto-resize option is tricky, it depends on many things.18:37
xnoxDanChapman: so first the drive needs to be big enough for two fit two OS, second the original OS needs to be "defragmented enough" to be able to shrink, then shrinking should be possible (so Windws may not be suspsended / hybernated / mix hybernated / quick start disabled), there should be enough primary partitions left if MBR is used (some OEM configurations use up all primary partitions).18:39
xnoxDanChapman: so there are plenty of reasons why auto-resize may not be offered.18:39
xnoxDanChapman: at the moment there is no good logging in ubiquity to log why autoresize was not available.18:39
xnoxDanChapman: also we at times fail to detect Windows 7  / WIndows 8 which also leads ubiquity into believing there "is a large data partition of unknown stuff, not sure what to do with" ===> wipe&install or "advanced" ? =)18:40
popeyxnox: related: http://askubuntu.com/a/401543/612 - saw this on AU recently. check out the screenshot of his partitions..18:42
xnoxpopey: well bdmurray wants to remove all upgrade options from inside ubiquity =)18:43
xnoxpopey: as "upgrade manager is the only support option"18:44
DanChapmanxnox, ok I see thanks, it seems this could be quite tricky to get an image to work with the ubiquity tests then. THis image has sda1 -> ntfs MBR and sda2 -> ntfs, It detects its windows 7 ok i'll try a larger disk image18:47
popeyxnox: makes sense18:47
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balloonsLetozaf_, evening to you20:29
Letozaf_balloons, hello20:29
Letozaf_balloons, howzit ?20:33
balloonsLetozaf_, getting into using the emulator to run tests20:33
balloonssince it runs so much slower, it can show finicky tests20:34
Letozaf_balloons, but is it better to test on a device or on the emulator ?20:34
Letozaf_balloons, saw the email about emulator but was wondering to use it as I have a device20:35
balloonsLetozaf_, device is much faster testing if you have it :-) But if I can't reproduce the issue, the emulator might be helpful20:35
Letozaf_balloons, so it's better to have it just in case of need20:36
balloonsLetozaf_,right.. and for example I'm looking at these failures; http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/114:20140106:20131223.2/5905/ubuntu-clock-app-autopilot/642628/ and http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/114:20140106:20131223.2/5905/calendar-app-autopilot/20:36
balloonsthey seem to only happen on the slow maguro device20:36
Letozaf_balloons, oh I see, so if one does not have that device he can use the emulator to reproduce it20:38
balloonsLetozaf_, potentially yes :-) That's the idea20:38
* DanChapman has just come across 'indicator-pitti', haha BRILLIANT!20:40
Letozaf_balloons, well maybe I can try this emulator too, then :)20:41
balloonsLetozaf_, give it a whirl: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg05784.html20:42
balloonsJust make sure you unplug any devices from your pc first20:42
balloonsor it won't work and you'll scratch your head like me20:42
balloonsit will take 5 mins or so to boot20:43
Letozaf_balloons, thanks for telling me, had my device attached just now :P20:43
balloonslol.. trust me I spent awhile confused20:44
NoskcajDanChapman, lolwut. Was that his fanclub again?20:48
Letozaf_balloons, the emulator started, but suppose I will have to wait for it to boot20:48
balloonsLetozaf_, yes, it takes a bit.. no worries20:49
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:49
Letozaf_balloons, I get a ubuntu-phablet login:  but no tests start :?21:02
balloonskeep waiting21:05
Letozaf_balloons, ok :)21:05
balloonsLetozaf_, it work?21:12
Letozaf_balloons, I'm a bit confused.. after some logs on the screen got another ubuntu-phablet login: now21:13
balloonswhat did you run?21:13
Letozaf_balloons, but in the emulator screen is still black21:13
Letozaf_balloons, I ran ./scripts/run-tests.sh21:14
balloonsrun-all takes 1.5 hours21:14
Letozaf_balloons, what ?21:14
balloonsyes, looks like it iterated21:14
balloonsyou can find the logs in the clientlogs subfolder of the directory21:14
balloonsso, now to run something specific do it like this21:14
Letozaf_balloons, wow I better stop it and try to run just one test21:14
Letozaf_balloons, ok tell me21:15
balloons./scripts/run-test.sh click com.ubuntu.calendar calendar_app21:15
balloonsor even just one test: ./scripts/run-test.sh click com.ubuntu.calendar calendar_app.tests.test_monthview.TestMonthView.test_monthview_go_to_today_prev_year21:15
balloonsthat's a 10 min task, hah :-p21:15
Letozaf_balloons, but now first I must shut it down and restart it with that script, right ?21:16
balloonsjust end the current process21:17
* Letozaf_ is running the calendar test now21:18
balloonsit fails :-)21:23
Letozaf_balloons, yes the emulator closed and got emulator-arm: no process found21:24
Letozaf_balloons, ended just now21:24
balloonsohh.. that's no good21:24
Letozaf_balloons, :( what a pitty was curious to see it21:25
balloonsit can fail, it's still wip.. but I've had good success21:25
balloonstry again21:25
balloonsif the emulator itself died you mena21:25
Letozaf_balloons, ok21:25
balloonsthe test should run, just fail to pass is all21:25
Letozaf_balloons, I will try it again, didn't see anything on the emulator21:25
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
Letozaf_balloons, the test does not run on my box:21:32
Letozaf_Removing directory /tmp/tmplRjlEL21:32
Letozaf_+ /home/letozaf/autopilot-tests/touch-emulator/scripts/run-autopilot-tests.sh -s emulator-5554 -a calendar_app.tests.test_monthview.TestMonthView.test_monthview_go_to_today_prev_year -Q -S21:32
Letozaf_error: device not found21:32
Letozaf_balloons, my device is not attached to my PC :)21:33
* Letozaf_ is trying agai21:35
Letozaf_balloons, sorry same error :(21:41
Letozaf_balloons, it's late for me now, be back tomorrow21:46
balloonsLetozaf_, sorry to hear that21:46
balloonsthanks for trying.. but you got to see the run-all work I suppose :-)21:46
balloonsso it's another option21:46
Letozaf_balloons, what, where ?21:47
balloonsLetozaf_, the initial run output stuff21:47
Letozaf_balloons, how do I do that ?21:47
balloonscheck clientlogs21:47
balloonsthe 1.5 hour run you did.. run-tests :-)21:47
Letozaf_balloons, ooooh!21:48
Letozaf_balloons, well maybe tomorrow I will try that and start early :)21:48
Letozaf_balloons, bye see you tomorrow21:49
balloonsLetozaf_, ciao21:49

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