
=== map is now known as Guest91954
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MooDoomorning all07:04
foobarryAlanBell: what does rooting it give you? i have one on the way07:10
MartijnVdSyou can read books with extra privileges?07:35
foobarry"press this button to find out whodunnit"07:37
MooDoopress left button to go to page 45 and go down the tunnel, press right button to go to page 25 and see who picked up the glass ;)07:41
MartijnVdSMooDoo: choose-your-own ebook adventure?07:41
MartijnVdSnow that I'd pay for :)07:41
MooDooMartijnVdS: new business venture :D07:43
foobarryaren't they called hyperlinks now?07:44
AlanBellfoobarry: I can telnet into it and do stuff07:44
MartijnVdSfoobarry: sure you could use hyperlinks to get the effect..07:45
popeyi "rooted" my nook, then put it back to normal once I realised I didn't need it rooted but it worked just fine without rooting08:03
diploMorning all08:05
MooDoomorning diplo popey08:05
diploColder but drier this morning! yay08:09
diploHow're we all ?08:09
MooDooNot to bad to be honest, replaced hard drive in laptop the other day, re-installed all went ok08:12
MartijnVdSMooDoo: lost any data from the old one?08:21
MooDooMartijnVdS: I backed up to my server before replaced, not a failure just a replacement 160gb to 1tb08:23
MartijnVdSMooDoo: so it's still spinning rust? :)08:24
MooDooMartijnVdS: I've gone from dual boot win8/ubuntu to pure ubuntu08:25
diploMy laptop at home is pure ubuntu, want to check whether I can stick an SSD in it but not sure how to find out yet08:29
MooDoodiplo: it should, it's still the same connector.08:30
ali1234unless the laptop is IDE08:34
MooDooali1234: wow laptops still have ide?08:34
ali1234i have one with IDE yeah08:34
ali1234if it had IDE when it was made chances are it still has IDE now :)08:35
MooDooali1234: old laptop?08:35
ali1234yeah it's a second generation netbook08:35
diploSorry guys, phone08:58
MooDoodiplo: god dammit ;)08:59
diploNah it is a Sata interface, I tried a hybrid I bought for someone in there08:59
diploDidn't recognise it, not sure if a hybrid would cause any different issues08:59
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:10
foobarryi would like a non-kindle ereader to be able to read kindle books without having to strip drm09:15
bigcalmYou want the moon on a stick, that's what you want09:16
foobarryis that too much?09:16
bigcalmA little early 90s reference there09:16
foobarryit could be android with teh kidnel app09:16
popeyfoobarry: nook can run the kindle app09:17
foobarryyeah, i heard that was the case09:18
popeyi ran it on mine for a bit, not optimal though09:18
mappsurgh cant get rid of this cold/flu ..wakeup still got this sore throat =[09:19
foobarryi suppose it will teach me to strip drm from my kindle books straight away, which uis good practice anyway09:20
foobarrymy problem is that i wanted a kindle but i'm a cheapskate09:20
foobarryeven then, kindle can't open epub..09:21
JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D09:22
diplofoobarry: Calibre -> Strip DRM -> Library -> Sync to device ( Auto converts ) no issue ?09:24
popeydiplo: does it convert to epub?09:27
foobarry"strip DRM" is not a simple step AFAIrecall09:29
foobarryit wasn't a single button09:29
dwatkinsif only it were always that simple09:31
Myrttifoobarry: that's the reason I haven't gone and gotten the kindle or any other 'branded' eReader that has a lockdown to Kindle09:32
MyrttiI do have an old Sony eReader but I've not used it for years really09:32
dwatkinsI e-mail myself PDFs of books to my Kindle.09:33
dwatkinsGenerally when I already have the paper version, of course.09:33
foobarrypdf reading sucks doesn't it? unless on a tablet09:33
dwatkinsDepends on the book, sometimes they convert fairly well (put 'convert' in the e-mail subject)09:33
foobarryprobably my vmware book will not..09:36
foobarryactually thats already an amz...it sucks :)09:36
dwatkinsI was considering buying the C bible, got it on Kindle but it was still pretty expensive.09:37
MooDoogot my online vmware course come through finally :D09:38
Myrtticome on little charger, come to mama09:44
MartijnVdSif only laptops could charge from USB :)09:46
MyrttiI forgot the EU plug of my two-way usb charger to UK09:47
MartijnVdSMyrtti: you can plug EU plugs into UK sockets, or do you need the other one?09:48
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I had one of those travel ones that you can take the prongs out and switch - I took the UK plug off, left it into my bedside drawer and forgot to check I had packed the EU one into my backpack09:49
Myrttiso I now have a charger without prongs in Finland, and three or four different kinds of prongs in UK09:49
shaunosounds like a great excuse for new toys ;)09:50
MartijnVdSMyrtti: ah, the worst possible "combination" of parts (except for "just the prongs", maybe :)09:50
Myrttishauno: well, a) the Anker one uses the standard cable instead of proprietary prongs, and b) at worst times I have three phones and a tablet to charge09:52
Myrttiso yes, I recon it was a good reason to get new toys, because even with the two way charger I had to make a judgement call every evening which device to charge09:53
shaunoyeah, I spotted the figure-8 plug there.  I always look for those, very handy - it means if all else fails, I can jam it together with a spare plug off any of my apple toys, and turn it into a wall-wart09:53
MyrttiI wish I had known those exist a year ago, would've ordered one then09:54
Myrttithis is what I've had so far http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0063EBPXS/09:55
shaunothat said, I wish I could find adaptors that use the round-style eu plug. sticking the narrow one into a round hole always feels very flimsy09:56
MartijnVdSshauno: the round-style plug is only for devices that need ground and require more power09:57
Myrttiwe bought from Lidl an extension cord that has slots for both the round grounded ones and the slim ones09:58
MartijnVdSshauno: I'm assuming you mean "the narrow one" is "europlug" and "the round one" is Schuko09:58
shaunoyeah, that's the ones09:59
Myrttiif D would change the input plug to a UK one then I could be happy with all my Finnish kit09:59
Myrttiwhich reminds me of the need to pack my SAD lamp09:59
MartijnVdSMyrtti: you could install one or two UK sockets in Finland, and/or several EU sockets in the UK :)09:59
shaunohaving my laptop's brick hanging off a europlug just doesn't feel like it's going to stay there09:59
MyrttiMartijnVdS: no need to install UK sockets to Finland, I'm moving out :-/10:00
MartijnVdSshauno: really? guess it's down to what you're used to :)10:00
shaunowell, I'm used to the UK sockets which were clearly designed to outlast the human race :D10:00
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MartijnVdSshauno: I've had bad connections with those too though10:02
foobarrynever...must be a problem with the wall :D10:02
foobarryunicycle for the modern era10:04
shaunoit's a shame it's getting harder and harder to find bare plugs though.  my old trick was to pick up the cheapest power strip I could find, cut the foreign plug off and pop a fresh one on10:05
shaunoI have 6 US outlets and 4 schucko outlets screwed under my desk for a surprisingly low price that way10:07
directhex... 230 volt US outlets?10:09
foobarry!info calibre10:09
lubotu3calibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0+dfsg-1build1 (saucy), package size 17507 kB, installed size 35782 kB10:09
shaunoheh, yes :)10:09
shaunoalmost everything uses switching supplies that are okay with that these days.  anything that does - well I was probably going to blow it up sooner or later10:10
shaunoer, anything that doesn't, rather10:10
ali1234switch mode power supplies are basically magic10:18
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:21
diploshauno: Electrical Wholesalers have them in bucket loads ( I work inside of one ) andused to work for one10:22
diploPlugs that is10:22
bigcalmdiplo: you work inside a bucket?10:25
MartijnVdSbigcalm: pronounced "Bouquet"?10:28
bigcalmMartijnVdS: oh my god, you didn't have to suffer Keeping up Appearances, did you?10:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm: we did10:30
diplobigcalm:  :)10:31
MartijnVdSMooDoo: what are you pirating now? ;)10:33
MooDoolol :) I don't pirate.....10:33
MartijnVdSyet you talked like one there :)10:34
MooDooI'm not wearing my eye patch so it doesn't count10:34
foobarrywhats the accepted way of installing recent version of calibre ?10:40
MartijnVdSapt-get install calibre ?10:40
foobarryold version10:40
foobarryno ppa10:40
MartijnVdSno idea.. get the deb from a newer Ubuntu?10:40
foobarrystill old :P10:40
foobarrysudo python -c "import sys; py3 = sys.version_info[0] > 2; u = __import__('urllib.request' if py3 else 'urllib', fromlist=1); exec(u.urlopen('http://status.calibre-ebook.com/linux_installer').read()); main()"10:40
foobarryand updates?10:41
MartijnVdSWhat's wrong with the package?10:41
MooDoonot this one?10:41
foobarryi'm on 12.0410:41
foobarryjust checking if this works10:41
popeyyeah, get it from upstream10:41
popeyhe updates really frequently10:41
popeynice chap10:41
foobarrylatest is 1.18 i think10:42
foobarryhe has 1.14...10:42
* foobarry reads chagelog10:42
foobarryonly 1 month old10:42
foobarryta, i'll do that10:42
foobarry1.15 has some intereesting new features10:44
foobarryA new book editor, capable of editing files in the EPUB and AZW3 (Kindle) formats10:44
foobarryRight click on any book in calibre and choose 'Edit Book', to edit e-books in the EPUB and AZW3 formats.10:44
foobarryi wonder what kind of income the guy makes10:44
popeyhe quit his day job10:45
popeybased on donations alone10:45
foobarryargh no precise ppa10:47
foobarryah he has another one, thats a bit (too) older10:48
bigcalmIs there an imprecise one?10:48
bigcalmI should go back to my code10:49
MartijnVdShmmm code10:49
* MartijnVdS writes some more tests10:50
* foobarry does more battle with IBM10:52
bigcalmpopey: so, you like cats eh?10:54
foobarrywow calibre interface is still ugly10:55
foobarryneeds complete overhaul10:56
foobarryhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10153723789980204 wake skating in surrey11:00
MooDoofoobarry: looks good not impressed that people want to risk playing in that kinda water :S11:01
foobarrysure they know what they are doing11:01
MooDooyeah I guess11:02
foobarrysurrey is just wet with puddles rather than cornwall type floods11:02
foobarryalthough the river overflowed in town centre of guildford11:02
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bigcalmI imagine that it improved Guildford11:03
bigcalmI don't have the best of memories from there, sorry11:04
foobarrymust be a super snob if you are snobby about g'ford11:04
foobarrybecause g'ford people are snobby about everywhere else11:04
foobarry(in my experience)11:04
popeyfoobarry: we asked the author when we interviewed him about the UI11:06
popeyhe said basically you're not target audience11:06
foobarry"windows 98 users"11:07
foobarrynot being ungrateful but poosbily hes a coder rather than a UI designer11:08
MartijnVdSseparate frontend vs backend would work for me.. I can write my own frontend ;)11:09
diploMy dad uses it without issue, so it works I guess and dad has never complained, I don't mind the UI11:09
foobarryits the worst UI i can think of11:09
Myrttipopey: who's the target audience then11:11
diploI guess people like my dad, he isn't technical at all and just got on and used it11:12
foobarryit's unintuitive11:12
diplonot complained what it looks like, but as per you guys it wasn't a wow factor when I first used it11:13
diploWell it must be fairly intuitive otherwise the non techical wouldn't be able to use it, it doesn't work how a technical person expects it to is probably a better case11:13
popeyyeah, exactly11:16
popeynon-techy people, many of whom bought an e-reader before a pc11:16
MartijnVdSI still think the interface could be better for both techies *and* non-techies11:18
popeyi agree ☻11:20
davmor2Morning all11:22
foobarrylike this mockup http://dribbble.com/joshkennedy11:23
MooDooAlanBell: going for code club community manager? ;)11:23
foobarryalthough if there's an ibooks app it probavbly already looks like this11:23
AlanBellMooDoo: nope, I am too grumpy :)11:25
MooDooAlanBell: ha ha ha ha11:25
MartijnVdSalso, you don't say "community" often enough I guess11:25
MyrttiI thought that was mr. Bacon's line11:26
bashrccommunity community community...11:26
davmor2MartijnVdS: I thought jono said it enough for everyone11:27
MartijnVdSMyrtti: isn't that because he's the community manager ?11:27
MyrttiI assume he didn't get the job just because sabdfl likes his face11:27
AlanBellit was the beard11:28
* popey can't help but think codeclub saw my tweet this morning ☻11:28
AlanBellyeah, I think you have been inspirational11:29
MooDoopopey: apparently you like cats :)11:31
AlanBellpopey hugs all the phablets11:31
mappshope this escape plan's better than arnies other recent film11:33
neurolast stand wasn't *that* bad11:34
neuro(morning all)11:34
mappshey neuro11:34
mappshmm i didnt enjoy it at all..maybe i expected too much11:34
neuroi didn't :)11:34
mappswatched lone survivor yesterday and wolf of wall st both were good:)11:35
MooDooI watched the history of mojang/minecraft, which was quite interesting, clever man, rich man :D11:38
mappslone survivor was very good..wolf of wall st's pretty long 2hrs44!!!!11:38
mappsid have hated to be in the cinema for that long11:38
mappsuncomfortable seats..cant pause it etc ugh11:38
neuroi think someone has just revealed how they consume content ... :)11:39
mappsnetflix or lovefilm clearly11:39
mappsalthough perhaps that excuse wont fly in this case:)11:39
neuroindeed :)11:40
mappsbeen having terrible sleep recently..got this annoying cold/flu i reckon i must be coughing and waking up sleep 1/2hrs wakeup etc managed to sleep for i think abou 5hrs continuous 430-930am then wokeup and cant get back to sleep!!11:41
neuronight nurse11:42
mappsgonna get some nytol / strepsils / some other stuff and just hope that fixes it :D annoying thing is you cant buy too much of that stuff they limit it..so i never have any left when i need it11:42
mappsah yea11:42
mappsnight nurse good idea too11:42
diploGo into one shop, then go to the next and buy the extra, or... go to tescos.. go to one line and then walk back in and go to another11:46
diploI've had to do that before11:46
diploOr just go to a proper pharmacy11:46
mappsyea il have to do that..just a bit annoying :) else il need some nytol and have none left;/11:50
bigcalmRackspace have a sense of humour, who's have guessed it?11:52
bigcalmSMTP -> FROM SERVER:250 Great success11:52
bigcalmCLIENT -> SMTP: quit11:52
bigcalmSMTP -> FROM SERVER:221 See you later. Yours truly, Mailgun11:52
mappslol what are you trying to do11:52
bigcalmNot trying, succeeding - Rackspace cloud accounts have access to Mailgun. Giving us 50,000 emails per month11:54
knightwi1ehey everyone11:57
mappshey knightwi1e11:58
neurobigcalm: o rly11:59
knightwi1ehey MooDoo mapps11:59
bigcalmneuro: rly11:59
neuroi'm annoyed we're not a rackspace customer now12:00
neurothat would be useful12:00
bigcalmIt even has full logging of outgoing emails in the web interface12:01
bigcalmYay for debugging12:01
neuroyeah, i've been looking at it to replace our existing mailshot infra12:01
mappswhat do you use mailgun for12:01
neuroiirc it's cheaper than mailchimp12:02
bigcalmmapps: in this instance, sending email from one of our test servers12:02
mappsbut couldnt you do that without mailgun12:02
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bigcalmThings have a tendency to fall over until you use a recognised mail server12:03
bashrcexim worked for me12:03
shaunosending mail is easy as pie, but most the planet will refuse it until you meet a checklist as long as your arm.  Using a relay that's already jumped those hoops saves a lot of trouble on ad-hoc servers12:04
bigcalmSure, but the server you're sending from might end up in a spam list for some reason. Or a new server uses a recycled email address that is already in a black list12:04
bigcalmWhat shauno said12:05
shaunoI had a mess a few months ago when gmail started requiring rdns on ipv6 connections, where it hadn't previously.  so even once it's working, it can still explode12:07
TwistedLucidityHmm...myself and some friends are in the process of setting up our own email servers. Even using a realy (VirignMedia, run by Google) isn't reliable. Emails get silently dropped.12:09
* neuro just did a mailgun quote12:10
neurocheaper than mailchimp though12:11
bigcalmneuro: see if SuperMat1 can get you a discount ;)12:15
=== SuperMat1 is now known as SuperMatt
SuperMattI won't be able to get discounts for anyone but myself12:20
neurocop out :)12:20
SuperMattpeople keep asking me for discounts :(12:21
SuperMattI haven't even started yet!12:21
Seeker`SuperMatt: what is it you will bedoing?12:23
SuperMattI will be a Linux Adminstrator Level 112:23
neuroLEVEL 1 ... FIGHT!12:23
Seeker`SuperMatt: does that mean "someone who gets coffee"?12:24
SuperMattmeaning I'll be helping people with their problems, and helping design their infrastructure12:24
SuperMattI hope not12:24
neuroit means you have to automate the coffee making and retrieval process12:24
MooDoohttps://major.io/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/boromir_rackspace_job.jpg hee hee12:26
MartijnVdSHTCPCP ?12:26
MartijnVdSneuro: RFC 232412:27
neuroRFC UR MOM12:27
SuperMattMooDoo: turns out that was wrong ;)12:28
MooDooSuperMatt: ?12:29
SuperMattone does simply get a job there12:31
shaunoMartijnVdS: that's horrible - far too specific to pots.  how american.  I need properties for shot time, pre-infusion, temp, etc ..12:31
MartijnVdSshauno: it has a response code for teapots12:31
shaunobut .. but .. my espresso machine.  my precious!12:32
MyrttiMoka pots ftw12:32
* MartijnVdS just has a kettle and a tea pot12:33
shaunothere's actually a lot of people mating arduinos to the machine I have.  <3 toys12:33
neurooutput from the world's most childish browser extension: http://www.flickr.com/groups/cloud-to-butt/12:37
neuroa chrome extension that changes all instances of "the cloud" in a page to "my butt"12:37
MartijnVdSneuro: why yours?12:38
neuronot mine, "mine"12:38
bashrcis your butt in the cloud?12:38
neurois yours?12:38
bashrcyes, I do all my back end stuff there12:39
wheels123hi hi12:40
shaunoneuro: I have that installed at work.  it's fantastic when I've been away for a week and it slips my mind12:40
foobarrywhy can't tradesmen ever turn up on the day you ask them?12:54
popeyoriginal bungle was creepy12:55
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Get better tradesmen12:55
foobarryi saw ep1 of rainbow other day12:56
foobarryi said bungle is scary12:57
foobarryfather in law walked in room. said "bungle is scary"12:57
foobarryson stopped dancing and looked at us12:57
foobarry"bungle is scary"12:57
bigcalmFor czajkowski http://cheezburger.com/798469913613:01
Myrttiih ♥ http://professorfonz.tumblr.com/tagged/my+sherlockian+knits13:12
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popeysyncthing is todays discovery13:17
popeytis quite nice13:17
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MartijnVdSpopey: what does it sync?13:21
popeywhatever you put in the sync folder13:21
popeybetween machines13:21
popeylike btsync13:21
MartijnVdSah, that kind of sync :)13:21
popeyyeah, replacement for dropbox etc13:22
wheels123how do i auto accept java's EULA from the terminal im trying to automate the install of some pkgs13:23
wheels123http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720696/ is what im putting together13:25
TwistedLucidityDoes it have to be Oracle Java? Would openjdk (or whatever it's called) suffice?13:26
wheels123as long as java plugins for firefox work im not fussed13:27
TwistedLucidityopenjdk installs icedtea (plugin for Firefox). They should work OK, so long as you have no speific requirement that demands Oracle Java.13:29
TwistedLucidityDunno if this is still valid: http://www.tikirobot.net/wp/2009/01/12/how-to-automate-installs-of-sun-java-6-on-ubuntu-using-cli/13:29
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TwistedLuciditywheels123: And this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/190582/installing-java-automatically-with-silent-option13:30
diploJust looked at syncthing popey, did you try it yet ( I see it's in early stages )13:31
diploMight give it a go tonight at home13:31
popeyi am running it now13:31
popeysynced a few GB between 3 machines just fine13:31
wheels123http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720696/ also this is what im working on surely i dont need to sudo for adding every repo?13:31
popeyalthough it can slow the machine down a bit when it's going nuts13:31
TwistedLuciditywheels123: you do I think; I've always seen in expressed that way. Not sure if sudo can accept multiple commands.13:32
TwistedLucidityYou will, however, only be challenged for the password the first time.13:33
popeyrun the script under sudo13:33
TwistedLucidityOr that13:33
popeyand remove all the sudo's from the file13:33
popeygiven you need sudo for every single line13:33
wheels123im sort of a noob13:34
popeyout of interest why do you need oracle-java7-installer ?13:34
diploI want to sync my parents Windows PC, was going to try rsync under cygwin - tested at work and works ok13:34
shaunoif you're interested in some back-seat-driving, I'd look into 'mktemp' rather than naming /tmp/newfile.  it probably won't make an ounce of difference to you now, but it's a good habit to get into13:35
wheels123popey: some of the websites i visit use java for chat rooms ect although im sure openjdk will work fine13:36
popeyi thought webupd8 had to remove oracle from their ppa13:37
popeyor did they add a script which download and installs it?13:37
wheels123shauno: so how would i implament mktemp into the script im still a bit of a newb at scripting13:40
shaunousually I'd do something like MYTMPFILE=$(mktemp), and then pipe to $MYTMPFILE, mv $MYTMPFILE to the destination, etc.  it's just a tidy habit because it means you don't have predictable names that could lead to intentional or accidental collisions & such13:42
popeyanyone want a laser http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Oxford-Lasers-CU10-Copper-Vapour-Lasers-x2-one-working-one-for-spares-/171211877471?13:45
TwistedLuciditypopey: All you need now is a couple of sharks....13:49
popeypew pew13:49
wheels123http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720797/ made some of the edits relating to tmp file usage but idk if i wrote it correctly13:50
shaunoit looks convincing :)  but feel free to completely ignore me if it's cleaner to deal with one complication at a time13:52
wheels123hehe the running under sudo bit confuses me13:53
davmor2TwistedLucidity: yes then world domination will be popey's........wait no bond always arrives and messes up the bad mans plans right13:55
MooDoohello davmor214:03
davmor2MooDoo: hello14:03
MooDoodavmor2: how am ya geezer?14:07
davmor2MooDoo: good ta, you cockney pearly king you.  How am ya?14:08
MyrttiI totally misread that14:08
MooDoodavmor2: I'm fine :D14:09
davmor2Myrtti: I don't know how that could possibly be misread :D14:09
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daftykinsoh Sony, why do you do the things you do?14:50
MartijnVdSdaftykins: because Japan?14:51
daftykinstheir VPCCA and VPCCB laptops use the Atheros AR3011 bluetooth chipset, only the *only* way to install the driver is before *anything* else at all (under Windows)14:51
daftykinsany other point in the process and it won't work14:51
MartijnVdSreally? wow.14:51
daftykinsyep, it's a quirky one14:52
foobarrya user is asking me for a server's portal number. what's that? port number?14:52
daftykinsamusingly i wrote it up on my own site and even provided the correct driver (Sony's website gives you the wrong one)14:52
MartijnVdSfoobarry: probably.. what are they tring to do14:52
daftykinsbut i didn't realise i was working on practically the same laptop model :>14:52
foobarryeither use ssh or opennx, either way, ports are the default ones14:53
MartijnVdSdaftykins: how hard can it be to provide a proper driver package.. most vendors do that now14:53
daftykinsMartijnVdS: not sure, they give a broadcom driver instead XD14:53
daftykinsi should edit my post to reflect both models really14:53
MartijnVdSdaftykins: doesn't the driver install through windows update? :)14:53
MartijnVdSdaftykins: Broadcom's driver does14:54
daftykinsnah it has no idea14:54
daftykinswhopping 100+ MB driver too14:55
MartijnVdS"Let's ship an entire custom bluetooth stack" then14:55
bigcalmA Rackspace person replied to my ticket with "Thank you for reaching out to us." - made me feel sorry for them15:08
foobarryfor talking in american?15:09
MooDoobigcalm: they wanted to get together and touch base ;)15:10
* bigcalm grumbles15:11
bigcalmI forgotten how to unsub from a mailman list. Anybody remember?15:12
popeylook at the header15:12
popeyit has the subsub email address in it15:12
bigcalmTa :)15:12
bigcalmYay, let there be fewer emails in this world15:15
bigcalmRemoved myself from a LUG I attended once about 2 or so years ago15:17
bigcalmWow, 201015:17
dwatkinsJust reply-to-all with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the body, it won't unsubscribe you, but the responses will be fun...15:19
dwatkins...then an admin will probably take you off the list anyway15:19
bigcalmdwatkins: seen a lot of that over the years15:26
dwatkinsbigcalm: yeah, I'm also thinking of the recent Cisco and Microsoft (iirc) incidents of exponeitially increasing e-mail due to read-reciepts, reply-to-all and out-of-office automation15:27
dwatkinshttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/09/19/cisco_reply_all_email_wastes_tons_of_man_hours/ and http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/10/23/reply_all_email_storm_strikes_twice_at_cisco/15:28
shaunonot entirely sure why that hits el reg; that happens *Everywhere*15:31
BigRedSI'm amazed each time there's a story like this. Do people really use their desktop mail clients to email propaganda to their customers?15:31
shaunoanywhere it can happen, it has & will15:31
dwatkinsI think because of the sheer size of these incidents.15:32
BigRedSwell, and the expectation that MS and Cisco know how to use a computer15:32
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=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
mappsall stocked up16:27
mappsstepsils/night nurse/nytol16:27
mappsso if i can sleep tonight il just take everything :D16:27
mappsobviously..i wont really :)16:27
daftykinstut tut!16:34
dwatkinsI tend to put whisky in my lemsip.16:34
mappshm my battery on my old dell 1501 finally given up completely..red light indicator and unplug it..dies i8nstantly16:37
mappsbeen dyinbg a slow death for years..it'd charge to like 3% LOL16:37
dwatkinsI'd replaced the battery in my Eee 901 with a larger capacity one, so when that died, I just put the original back in.16:38
dwatkinsHaving a netbook as a server works quite well - it uses minimal power, and has a built-in UPS.16:38
mappsi use my netbook mainly for irc and when i go abroad..cba taking my 15inch laptop16:39
mappsi only travel with hand luggage too..so netbooks better16:40
mappsive got the samsung nc10 - had it years and it's pretty much run 24/7 since i got it:P16:40
Azelphurhigh score! \o/16:59
daftykinspackets: rejected16:59
daftykinsis it actually functional?17:00
daftykinsfor say, IRC17:00
Azelphuryea, I'm talking to you through it now17:00
daftykinsjust some amazing throughput? :D17:00
daftykinsright lets see if i've waited too long to accept this new boiler quote17:01
daftykinsooh yes just about :)17:02
daftykinsdon't really want to drop 2 grand on a boiler =/17:02
daftykinsbut i should get it sorted17:03
dwatkinshooray for tcp/ip17:03
AzelphurI switched speedtest.net to kbits because I was interested to see what the actual number was17:16
Azelphuranswer: 8 and falling.17:17
Azelphuranswer: 6 and falling xD17:19
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
TwistedLuciditydaftykins: If it's a decent brand of boiler and trustworthy installed; yes you do.17:34
daftykinsTwistedLucidity: it'd be a Vaillant condensing boiler installed by the local company with the imaginative name - Guernsey Gas17:35
TwistedLucidityNever had a Vaillant unit, only ever Vokera and Worcester.17:36
TwistedLucidityGetting a local trader is good; they want to keep people sweet.17:36
TwistedLucidityUnlike large companies who just run a numbers game.17:36
daftykinswell they're the local gas supplier too17:36
daftykinsi'm getting rid of a Vokera!17:36
TwistedLucidityI will avoid talking about British Gas as this is meant to be a family friendly channel17:37
daftykinsit's not holding pressure at all and i'd been advised to give up on it17:37
TwistedLucidityVokera are OK, but everything ages out in the end.17:37
TwistedLucidityHow old is it?17:37
daftykinssome peeps i've had out claim 10-15yrs17:37
daftykinsi've only been in this place since last March so i have no definite record17:37
daftykinsit's a Vokera Linea 2417:37
TwistedLucidityThat's not *that* old, but not that unusual either. And you have no way of knowing how badly it's been treated.17:38
TwistedLucidityMy Vokera died after about 17 years I think.17:38
TwistedLucidityIt would have been fixable *if* the parts will still made and all the mechanical/boiler parts were fine; it was just the PCB.17:39
daftykinsah, expansion vessel is gone here and after that probably the pressure release valve too17:39
daftykinsso given what that'd cost for labout, easier to give up17:39
daftykinsplus i don't even have any controls inside the house at the moment17:39
TwistedLucidityYeah - sounds it. Do you qualify for the scrappage scheme/green subsidy; whatever it's called?17:40
daftykinsi'm not in England so if that's a government thing nah, can't get it17:40
TwistedLucidityAh - didn't know if it worked out there or not.17:41
daftykinswe have LPG here too D:17:43
daftykinsnone of that real gas like in England :<17:43
TwistedLucidityWell with the way things are going, England might not have "real gas" for much longer.17:44
daftykinso rly17:44
MartijnVdSwe have a huge deposit. Want some? :)17:45
TwistedLucidityIf the reports are true (and I don't see any real reason to doubt them) then we are running perilously close to the wire. Add to that a chronic under investment in energy security (e.g. nuclear) and the plan to privates the security-critical fuel supply pipelines....perfect storm anyone?17:45
TwistedLucidityMartijnVdS: If we eat enough beans, we'll ALL have huge deposits! :-)17:46
MartijnVdSTwistedLucidity: they can always fire up the coal mines again :)17:46
TwistedLucidityMartijnVdS: I'm not totally sure of the lead time to bring a coal station back on line. We should have been investing in nuclear. Not a great solution I grant you, but the least bad (until we find a better one).17:50
AlanBellTwistedLucidity: there are several different kinds of running out, and we have more gas than other stuff really17:50
AlanBellespecially if we start fracking at scale :/17:50
MartijnVdSand you can always re-nationalize ;)17:50
TwistedLucidityMartijnVdS: You are Ed Milliband and I claim my £5.17:51
AlanBellI think during our lifetimes there will be gas/electricity blackouts17:51
AlanBelland petrol stoppages again17:51
MartijnVdSborrow some from the US17:52
bashrcsadly, I agree.  There is little foresight on that stuff17:52
TwistedLucidityAlanBell: I think you are right. It's one thing to have the gas/petrol, it's another to be able to generate from it.17:52
TwistedLucidityOh no...I just created a slew of project tasks and they have vanished into the ether. :-(17:52
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
bashrcthere is often a belief that "the market" will somehow solve geological problems17:53
bashrcmagical thinking17:53
Azelphurdaftykins: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2014/Jan/2014-01-09-175244_1047x660_scrot.png in kbits, lol17:53
TwistedLuciditybashrc: Outsource the Earth! Then we can set an SLA. Problem solved.17:53
Azelphurbeen running about 40min now17:53
TwistedLucidityWhat really grates my carrot is things like "Going green will ruin the economy!" Well, if you are a gas supplier; yes, it might ruin your business. If you refuse to change; yes, you might have problems. If we don't invest in the tech; yes, it can't meet demand.17:56
TwistedLucidityBut the "We're all doomed!" argument only holds if you flap around and don't fix the issues. "Oh look, wind power fluctuates; if only we could store it....make methanol from the excess production? Then burn that in a turbine? Or batteries? Hmm...our batteries are really terrible; let's fix batteries first."17:57
TwistedLucidityIf a company is willing to adapt/invest, I'd say going green offers many opportunities over and above PR.17:58
TwistedLucidityTesla, for example, probably won't make much money from their cars. But their batteries? Kerr-ching!17:58
bashrcthe problem is that companies don't think long term17:59
daftykinsAzelphur: cor!17:59
TwistedLuciditybashrc: That's true. This kind of "blue sky, long term, holistic gains" type thing is probably best done by governments. I give you the Internet as but one example.18:01
bashrcif there is an achilles heel of the economy it's short termism in the face of problems requiring long term changes18:01
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
bashrcnuclear energy is one manifestation of that (i.e. there are no immediate profits to be made)18:01
daftykinsnow now everyone, converse in short-hand so Azelphur's connection can keep up! ;)18:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
TwistedLuciditybashrc: The other things is, you have to through about 20 solutions at a problem to get (maybe) one that sticks. That's a lot of failure. Of course, knowing 19 ways to not do something isn't exactly a failure, but it will be spun as such for short-term political gain.18:04
* TwistedLucidity has found his project tasks. One has no idea why they got filed there, but at least one doesn't have to re-create them!18:09
TwistedLucidityAnd, of course, the IT should be run on F/OSS so the entire planet can benefit!18:09
MooDooevening all18:13
TwistedLucidityAnd that's why it's all MooDoo's fault.18:13
TwistedLucidityOh, hello.18:13
MooDooTwistedLucidity: always my fault, but then it's fixed with a sudo apt-get --purge remove TwistedLucidity  ;)18:13
TwistedLucidityPfft. :-D18:14
MooDooquiet this evening?18:16
TwistedLucidityProject management. :-(18:16
MartijnVdSMooDoo: almost gym o'clock18:16
TwistedLucidityTrying to estime how long it will take to do a thing when we don't have have a back-of-the-envelope design for it. I hope they like the range "2 days - 5 lifetimes"18:17
MartijnVdSTwistedLucidity: I know those estimates :)18:18
MartijnVdSit's why I love that at my current job we actually do 2-week sprints and *everything* is incremental :)18:18
MartijnVdSwith 3-month releases18:18
TwistedLucidityNot too different here, slower cadence though. But it's bigger/breaking changes so that's not a bad thing.18:19
MartijnVdS! http://i.imgur.com/OE0kWMt.jpg18:19
lubotu3MartijnVdS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:19
TwistedLucidityAnd I'm a stickler for unit tests. If there is no unit test, it's wrong. If you can't unit test it, it's designed/written wrong.18:19
MartijnVdSTwistedLucidity: exactly. Though old code doesn't have as many tests as I'd like18:20
TwistedLucidityAh, but if you touch a class you make yourself responsible for it. It's kinda nasty but is seems to be working. What's scary is the amount of "stuff" that creeps out.18:21
MartijnVdSTwistedLucidity: yeah. except it doesn't really work like that when clients are paying for your time :(18:21
TwistedLuciditySupport calls are a cost, we don't want support calls.18:22
MooDoowe don't do telephone support, all done via a ticketing system18:22
TwistedLuciditySo we sometimes decide to take a hit on the dev and make it back elsewhere. "£1 here will save £2" there kinda thing.18:23
MartijnVdSyeah, so do we. But some of the old code is *really* hard to test :)18:23
TwistedLucidityMooDoo: We have a ticketing system too, but when production goes down you get calls.18:23
MartijnVdSas in: no proper frameworks, ad-hoc object creation everywhere18:23
MartijnVdSwe're fixing it, slowly18:23
TwistedLucidityMartijnVdS: Which is why it's getting torn apart and re-written.18:23
MartijnVdSyes! :) exactly.18:24
MooDooTwistedLucidity: only sales have the telephone so they do take the hit occasionally18:24
TwistedLucidityI'd say now we're about 20% new code, 50% old code and 30% "shim" code gluing it all together. As the old code goes, the shims get dropped.18:24
TwistedLucidityOh, and a fair few comments like "Yes, we know this is broken - DO NOT FIX IT!"18:25
MartijnVdSheh, I know those 8-)18:25
MooDoolol and a let's not fix bugs but release new features18:25
MartijnVdS"The javascript frontend expects it like this, and the frontend guy is too busy fixing more urgent things"18:26
TwistedLucidityPretty much18:26
TwistedLucidityMooDoo: Don't start me on that one, just don't. I have maintained for years we should issue "Engineering Releases" that contain nothing but bug fixes/stability updates.18:27
MooDoolol :D18:27
MooDooor lets release updated to live, and not tell any one, until customers complain it's not working18:28
daftykinsthat's ok, you just stop the ticketing system so they can't tell you!18:29
TwistedLucidityAnd we could do it too. In fact, it would make many things soooooo much easier. Engineering Release, Feature Release, Engingeering.... This would also give the as^H^H^Hpeople in marketing the time to decide on what it is they actually want.18:29
TwistedLucidityAnd not change their minds part way through delivery18:29
MartijnVdSTwistedLucidity: that actually sounds like a great idea18:29
MooDoomake it up as you go along is the best way18:29
MartijnVdSMooDoo: OK mr sales guy. Here's a git clone and a command line :P18:31
TwistedLucidityIt's not even that, it's when you get a requirement in, ask what a certain bit means and get the answer "Don't know; but can you make it work?"18:31
MartijnVdSMooDoo: we'll expect your pull request before the sprint closes ;)18:31
MooDooi'm management....delegation18:31
daftykinsemployees able to pick up the phone to request others do their work \o/18:32
TwistedLucidityMartijnVdS: Our Pre-Sales and Sales teams can pull from what are if the nightlies should they so choose. However it has been explained to them in rather graphic detail what will be done to them should they ever call for support.18:32
MartijnVdSTwistedLucidity: we're a 10-person company.. everyone knows almost everything :)18:32
TwistedLucidityUnless, of course, we've agreed to it before hand. Which often happens for big flashy demos. The whizzo feature lands in first or second build to meet the deadline, then the rest of functionality comes in later.18:33
gcjhi all, I'm seeing some very weird wireless behaviour. My card is capturing traffic for channels it's not supposed to be on. It's like it's going into scanning mode without me telling it to. Anyone know if I can see which programs are sending commands to the kernel to change channel?18:36
MartijnVdSgcj: how are you seeing that?18:42
gcjMartijnVdS, when I create a monitor interface with "iw", and listen on it with wireshark, I see beacons occasionally for a different channel (channel 11 instead of 36)19:07
gcjmeanwhile the card stays associated with the AP on 802.11a channel 36 the whole time19:07
MartijnVdSwell the card does scan all the time19:08
MartijnVdSwpasupplicant makes it19:08
MartijnVdSit does that to see if there's a stronger AP to connect to (preferably one that's part of the same network)19:08
gcjah interesting, I will check wpasupplicant then19:09
gcjthe problem is that it interrupts live communications such as Skype and SSH when it goes to scanning mode19:10
popeyodd, never seen that19:11
gcji can see it every few seconds with mtr19:11
MartijnVdSwhat kind of wifi chip is it?20:31
* daftykins nudges gcj ^20:36
gcjMartijnVdS, it's an Intel(R) Centrino(R) Ultimate-N 6300 AGN20:52
MartijnVdSusing the iwlwifi driver? or something older?20:53
gcjiwlwifi in 12.0420:53
MartijnVdSgcj: you might be able to teach wpasupplicant to only scan 11a channels, so it isn't "off-channel" for so long20:54
gcjthe 2 minute channel switch is definitely wpa_supplicant20:54
MartijnVdSbut then you'll lose some roaming features20:54
gcji wish I could make it do it less often, but it's not the main problem20:54
gcjI'm seeing pauses every 10-15 seconds, most of them are not wpa_supplicant20:54
gcjdisabling WMM makes them go away, but then I lose all control of QOS20:55
MartijnVdSmaybe network-manager is doing its own scan?20:55
gcjhow would I tell if it is?20:55
MartijnVdSgcj: open the network menu thingy, check how often it updates :)20:55
MartijnVdSmaybe easier to monitor dbus to be sure?20:56
gcjany idea how I can do that? dbus always confuses the hell out of me20:56
MartijnVdSgcj: dbus-monitor --session20:57
MartijnVdSuh.. --system more likely20:57
gcjthanks :) i'll give that a try20:57
gcjthe iwlwifi driver is also built with CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING enabled, so I should be able to see everything the card is doing, if I can find out how20:58
foobarrygcj: turn off power saving20:58
MartijnVdSgcj: probably by fondling some file in /sys/module/ or /sys/devices21:01
gcjthe pauses don't seem to be connected to dbus events21:01
MartijnVdSgcj: foobarry's suggestion could help21:02
gcjiwconfig says "Power Management:off", is that enough?21:02
MartijnVdSiwconfig is old & busted21:03
MartijnVdStry "iw wlan0 link"21:03
MartijnVdSor get power_management21:03
MartijnVdSlet me check the syntax21:03
MartijnVdSiw wlan0 get power_save21:04
gcj"Power save: off"21:04
MartijnVdSmaybe the devices decides to scan all by itself? I have no idea :(21:05
MartijnVdSmaybe ask some linux-wireless experts on their mailing list?21:05
gcjok i'll try that :)21:07
gcjthanks for your help21:07
popeynexus 4 supports wireless charging out of the box doesn't it?22:47
Myrttiqi charging22:51
daftykinsyip i've got a cheapy wireless charger from amazon22:52
popeyyeah, found some cheapo ones on ebay22:52
daftykinspopey: are you after one? i don't really use mine and so it could do with going to a new home22:52
popeyi need two22:52
daftykinsah :(22:52
popeywell, ideally i need two22:53
popeyone is better than none ☻22:53
popeyneed to think about this22:53
popeyfact is I'll need to have the charger plugged in (just like I have the phone plugged in)22:53
popeybut also have a cable for doing adb debugging22:53
popeyso might actually be more annoying having wireless charging22:53
popeymany thanks for the offer though!22:54
popeyvery kind22:54
daftykinsnp :)22:54
Myrttistill kinda want http://www.mobilefun.co.uk/qi-wireless-charging-alarm-clock-with-bluetooth-speaker-light-wood-p42423.htm22:57
popeyMyrtti: i reckon you could make one of them22:58
MyrttiI'm sure22:58
bigcalmMyrtti: that's lovely22:59
popeypi insde22:59
MyrttiBut How much value do I put on my own time22:59
popeywell, there's time and there's investment22:59
popeyi bought a couple of toys today ⍨23:00
Myrttianyway silly late, gn23:00
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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