
greg-gfrom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lykov_family00:23
greg-g" The scientists reported that Lykova spoke a language “distorted by a lifetime of isolation” that sounded akin to a “slow, blurred cooing.”[3] This unusual speech led to the misconception that Lykova possessed little intelligence. Later, after observing her skill in hunting, cooking, sewing, reading and construction, this original misconception was revised.[3]"00:23
greg-gie: she's more hardcore than anyone you've met.00:23
greg-gfrom today's cabinporn00:30
rick_h_gamerchick02: congrats!00:57
gamerchick02thank you rick_h_01:07
gamerchick02i'm so glad i could move my car. :)01:07
rick_h_yea, erica used hers for the first time today with a new battery01:07
gamerchick02she didn't start?01:07
rick_h_she was glad to to get going again01:07
rick_h_nope, it went dead yesterday01:08
gamerchick02i'm lucky that mine started up. i started it on Monday and Tuesday even though i didn't go anywhere01:08
rick_h_so I've been driving her around01:08
gamerchick02i'm sorry.01:08
rick_h_all good, it was almost 5yrs old01:08
gamerchick02hah time for a new one01:08
rick_h_so she was due, and like I told her, I can feel all manly changing a battery outside in -30 wind chill01:08
rick_h_next time I do something wrong I've got a brownie point to pull out01:08
cmaloneyrick_h_: I take it you're not at CHC tonight?01:09
rick_h_cmaloney: no, wife had to go check on a patient and I got child duty :(01:09
rick_h_she's still there waiting on a test result01:09
cmaloneyNo worries.01:09
cmaloneylmorchard23 is here01:09
rick_h_send my apologies please01:09
cmaloneyas is a new face for CHC01:09
cmaloneysays he met you in Clarkston's Caribou01:09
rick_h_hah, I should get called away more often01:09
gamerchick02ooooh, i forgot about CHC. i was on the phone with my mom and i'm already in PJs. oops01:10
rick_h_heh, well sorry I missed a good CHC it sounds like01:10
rick_h_husband of a doctor...01:10
cmaloneyYeah, duty calls01:10
rick_h_after doing more driveway duty today though I'm beat anyway01:11
gamerchick02i like you guys. i gotta get my butt to more actual IRL activities. the Penguicon thing didn't work out last year because of a baby shower i promised i'd attend the same weekend. :(01:11
rick_h_the plows came by which means there was 500lbs of frozen crud at the end to clear01:11
gamerchick02ugh my mom and brother dealt with that too01:11
rick_h_on the one hand it's nice the plows come by a couple days later, but man that frozen end of the drive stuff is heavy and a pita01:11
gamerchick02i know :(01:12
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yeah, when I came home from the MUG board meeting I got the car stuck in the driveway.01:12
gamerchick02ugh, not cool!01:13
gamerchick02k, switching to the mac so i can watch Nature and have a cup of tea i think! see everyone in a bit.01:13
wafrick_h_: i think you would enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShEez0JkOFw03:11
wafit was given at a clojure conference, it's not really related to clojure03:11
wafthe guy talks about his outlook on woodworking, and how it relates to his outlook on software and automation03:11
jcastrorick_h_, https://github.com/itchyny/calendar.vim03:40
jcastroTHANK ME LATER03:40
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_
=== daemoneye is now known as DrDaemonEye
cmaloneyjcastro: Dude, that's AWESOME!12:30
rick_h_waf: he's got a nice looking workbench13:05
cmaloneyHad a great CHC last night13:14
cmaloneymostly because I finally put to bed one of the projects that was hanging over my head.13:14
cmaloneyWhen I moved the episodes of OMC from Linode over to archive.org, I didn't add the rewrite rules for the old files13:15
cmaloneyso I got a bunch of 404s in my logs from bots and other assorted things pinging those files13:15
cmaloneyUp until last night I've been doing a few batches by hand and frankly it was onerous enough that I kept putting it off13:16
cmaloneyAsked if Les and Rick (new Rick) knew of a tool to do this automatically.13:17
cmaloneyWhich I knew they probably didn't but it expressed what I really wanted which was "I don't want to do this by hand".13:17
cmaloneySo I got the idea to scrape my site for links using urllib2 and BeautifulSoup413:18
cmaloneyand since I knew the pattern (uploads/yyyy/dd) I could then do a scrape of omc.com/yyyy/dd and then munge that into a redirect13:19
cmaloneyby the end of CHC I finished something that had been hanging over my head for about a year or so13:19
cmaloneyAll because I asked the question that expressed what I really wanted.13:20
cmaloneyI think there's a profound blog post in there somewhere.13:20
brouschWell done13:21
brouschSo rick_h_ has been replaced by New Rick?13:22
cmaloneyrick_h_ shall now be referred to as Rick Classic.13:23
=== ColonelPanic002_ is now known as ColonelPanic001
brouschEnough geospam!14:11
cmaloneybrousch: I GOTTA LET YOU KNOW14:11
cmaloneyIt's a fucking imperative14:11
cmaloneyI guess telling them "I'm not interested" isn't enough14:12
brouschAnd control your animal. You are the pack leader. Make sure your pet knows it14:13
cmaloneybrousch: I am the pack leader, but her claws are the enforcer. ;)14:14
brouschIf she uses them on you, you are not the master14:15
cmaloneyNo, but I'm smart. :)14:28
rick_h_waf: good talk, <315:14
rick_h_got me all "I really should look at clojure" and then he talked about maven and classpaths and I ran away15:14
cmaloneyClojure is all sexy-like until you realize there's the hairy underbelly of Java lurking beneath.15:16
brouschThe solid history and performance, you mean15:17
cmaloneyThe moustache really doesn't help the illusion.15:17
cmaloneyNor does the foot-long ZZ-top beard.15:18
rick_h_more the "wtf is it doing? Why is this traceback 1000 lines long? What tool am I supposed to install now to make me not slit my throat"15:18
cmaloneyThere's only two ways I'll ever touch Eclipse ever again15:19
cmaloneyhttp://eclipsephase.com and http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/72125/eclipse15:19
brouschWhat if someone added an extra 0 to your paycheck to use Eclipse?15:20
cmaloneyThey'd probably add a leading zero if they were using Eclipse15:20
cmaloneyand then I'd be paid in octal15:21
cmaloneyand that would make me sad15:21
cmaloneyActually, I think I might make more if I were paid in octal15:22
cmaloneyNope. It'd be a paycut15:23
cmaloneyso that's a sad15:23
cmaloneyNow if I were paid in hexadecimal that would be awesome15:24
cmaloneyI'd hire someone to do my taxes to make that work.15:24
wafhonestly, i never have to touch maven and classpath ugliness, they're hidden away, just like most python devs never really need to write custom setup.py files.15:36
wafalthough that's exactly the sort of ignorance he's railing against :)15:37
* rick_h_ looks at his hand written setup.py files and cringes15:38
rick_h_waf but good call, <3 the talk15:38
brouschwaf: Anyone releasing a module does setup.py. Maybe it is more analogous to people not having to mess with PYTHONPATH15:47
wafi think it's probably analagous. i've never released a python module, though.15:50
wafbut you basically copy some boilerplate, fill in your custom package values, and specify dependencies, right?15:51
rick_h_waf: ?!15:51
rick_h_waf: right, defined your new bin/xxxx you provide, versioning info, pypi search/classifier info15:51
rick_h_waf: more that you've never uploaded something to pypi15:51
rick_h_was the ?!15:51
wafah, ok. most of my python is little server scripts / automation, or maybe small little web apps15:52
wafhere's the equivalent of a setup.py in clojure: https://github.com/weavejester/compojure/blob/master/project.clj15:54
wafthe closest you get to maven is requiring those dependencies, which hits maven servers to download15:55
cmaloneyrick_h_: I've never released anything to PyPi either16:07
cmaloneyNothing is in a releasable state.16:07
rick_h_release early/often16:08
brouschcmaloney: I'm disappointed16:08
cmaloneyI do... to github. ;)16:08
brouschrelease something!16:08
brouschgreg-g: http://www.dvice.com/2014-1-8/bluetooth-cassette-jacks-your-car-radio-21st-century16:25
brouschDisappointing that is uses a battery instead of generating power by spinning the gears16:26
cmaloneybrousch: On some decks it might cause enough resistance for it to try to flip the tape.16:29
greg-grick_h_: was there an article about how LP does schema change?17:24
rick_h_greg-g: hmm, you don't want to know17:25
rick_h_greg-g: it's crazy17:25
rick_h_greg-g: https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/DatabaseSchemaChangesProcess has some of it17:26
rick_h_greg-g: http://rbtcollins.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/minimising-downtime-for-schema-changes-with-postgresql/ seems to have some info as well17:27
rick_h_greg-g: it's complicated enough that if you want happy to setup a call to walk through it, but basically db related changes happen in their own tree, must be safe, get their own reviews, and had things that kept db changes were required to take < 4s or something17:28
greg-ghah, k, on call, but thanks :)17:31
greg-gwhat's the point of a twitter account retweeting the same story but reported by different people over an over again?18:12
greg-gsee: @internetarchive18:12
brouschgreg-g: Did you see my link earlier?18:16
* greg-g looks18:17
greg-gwhy not just use the 3.5mm jack versions?18:18
greg-gbut I agree, should be self-powered18:18
brouschwires are so 1990s18:19
greg-gpeople and their hate of wires, never understood :)18:19
greg-gyou can take my ethernet cable from my cold dead hands18:19
brouschActually I plug into my stereo with a wire18:19
brouschBut it gets tangled up in the car. Wireless might be nice18:19
greg-gI do need a new casette adapter though, mine is making noises18:23
cmaloneygreg-g: My favorite are the RTs I get for posting an episode on Metal Injection for OMC.19:41
cmaloneyI swear there's 6 or so accounts that do nothing but tweet RSS feeds19:41
greg-gyeah :/19:41
cmaloneyOK this is the difference between O'Reilly and other publishers.20:11
cmaloneyHad a problem with the Nook downloading a book. They made me call so I could get a refund because their file was screwed up.20:11
cmaloneyHad to wait 30 minutes to sort it out.20:12
cmaloneyI had a problem with a coupon code for 50% off of an O'Reilly book20:12
cmaloneySent them an email. They reproduced the problem and gave me the book for my trouble.20:12
cmaloneyGuess which one will be getting more of my money.20:12
cmaloneyI've got some customer service venting and praising that I need to do20:14
brouschnook will get more of your money because now you get everything free from o'reilly?20:38
rick_h_I can almost see!20:39
rick_h__stink_: ping20:47
brouschYou learn to see and the first thing you do is look at stink?20:49
rick_h_I look at recent bookie bookmarks and want to warn/save a friend20:49
brouschBig Brother!20:49
rick_h_pretty much, all that data to go through20:50
_stink_rick_h_: pong21:29
_stink_i bet this is about migrations21:29
_stink_let's see if i win the prize21:29
rick_h__stink_: yea, you know to never ever use models in your migrations right?21:32
rick_h_just sql expression language21:32
_stink_i have never done so21:32
rick_h_never ever ever pull/use a model to change data/etc21:32
_stink_then i aw that link and wanted to think about it21:32
_stink_right, i see thepoint is that your models will change21:32
rick_h_right, and when you git clone $recent release21:32
_stink_and your migrations will break21:32
rick_h_and run migrations, they won't work21:32
_stink_ok cool21:32
rick_h_but if you stick with SqlE, you'll be ok21:32
rick_h_or raw sql statements21:32
rick_h_since they're running against the table structure at the time of the migration21:33
_stink_i did see the one about writing existing model state in as sqlalchemy models right inside the migration script21:33
rick_h_which is still at an old state21:33
_stink_instaed of importing from project.models21:33
_stink_which i think makes sense21:33
_stink_but is overkill21:33
rick_h_use autoload and a table and you're peachy21:33
rick_h_it'll always work and you'll be safe21:33
_stink_ok cool21:33
_stink_thanks for the heads up21:33
_stink_at least i can save the time thinking about it now, heh21:34
rick_h_not to get nosy based on your bookmarks, but learn from other's bone-headed mistakes21:34
_stink_oh yeah21:34
_stink_this migration is at an early stage in development, but i told myself to just do it the right way21:35
_stink_so when i have to do it for real i will at least know hojw.21:35
rick_h_right, some things are big no-nos that will bite you one day in a production deploy on a friday...and this is one of them21:35
rick_h_and it's such an easy trap to fall into that works at first and you don't see the cliff coming up21:36
rick_h_heh, well this one is new. Linked in recruiter email...from linked in21:48
rick_h_linkedin I guess21:48
brouschisn't there a linkedin scam going on right now?21:53
rick_h_they knew I was currently at canonical21:53
* rick_h_ goes to look around21:53
brouschI am thinking of http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-01-08/linkedin-sues-unknown-hackers-in-an-attempt-to-find-out-who-they-are21:54
greg-ggnome-do seems slower recently, for whatever reason22:55
greg-gI'm routinely only getting the second character recognized by it22:56
greg-gie: ctrl+space "lo" enter brings up "open files" because the l isn't registered22:56
rick_h_greg-g: do you use it for anything other than launch apps?23:00
greg-gnot really23:00
* greg-g just disabled a bunch of plugins23:00
cmaloneyrick_h_: so what about alembic's magic model matching code? :)23:01
rick_h_cmaloney: that's fine for generating the add/remove of columns23:04
rick_h_but even then, it's just creating ops against the tables to alter them aside from the model itself23:05
cmaloneyok. I just didn't want to get the "ire of rick_h_" award23:06

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