=== waltman_ is now known as waltman === jackson_ is now known as jackson === jackson is now known as Guest43594 === Guest43594 is now known as jack === jack is now known as Guest84819 [10:14] Morning [10:18] Morning rmg51 [10:18] o/ [10:22] Morning. [10:22] Mornin JD [10:23] Morning. [10:23] So one of my co-workers was hit by a van while stopped helping a stuck car out of the snow. [10:23] I think he's getting out of hosp today. [10:28] holy crap [10:28] Sorry to hear that [11:43] JonathanD: yow :( [11:56] yeah [11:58] good morning [12:43] I thinks we have a keynote [12:57] yay! [13:07] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else [13:13] are they airtight [13:13] alright [14:45] yay! [18:11] waltman: I think I broke the mac. [18:23] :( [18:23] JonathanD: Or did the Mac break you? [18:24] waltman: it crashed yesterday and deleted some keychain file, now it asks for a pwd I don't have for... almost everything. [18:27] so just restore from your most recent time machine backup :) [18:28] I fixed it. [18:29] waltman: yesterday it went to sleep, I hit a key, it semi-woke-up but never displayed anything and sat there with the backlight on. [18:32] yay! [21:21] http://embedded.lowerbucks.org/node/6