
Kilosmorning all and sundry05:16
Kiloshi nlsthzn 05:16
ThatGraemeGuymorning everyone06:12
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:12
Kilosmorning superfly 06:18
inetprogood mornings06:51
inetproKilos: you ok?06:52
Kilosmorning inetpro yes ty and you06:52
* inetpro is good thanks06:52
Kilosi was watching dragon wars06:52
inetprojust noticed you going to sleep at half past midnight06:52
Kilosfound one solution for ian06:53
Kilosya man i tried everything with that zte06:53
Kilosim using it now but it cant be seen with any windows06:53
Kilosso now he will take my arab modem which works anywhere and ill his zte here and keep investigating06:54
Kilossomething is wrong in the software in it06:54
Kilosinstalls in xp but dont work06:55
Kilosbut works too kiff with ubuntu just slower than e220 but same about as the arab modem06:56
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:15
=== plustwo_ is now known as plustwo
Kiloshi plustwo 07:31
plustwo:) good morning Oom07:31
plustwoo/ all07:31
KilosVince-0, hui=human user interface???07:31
plustwoKilos: whadup?07:32
Kilossame old- different day07:33
Kilosi see what peeps with uncapped net do07:47
Kilos379G of movies on external07:47
theblazehenmorning guys07:50
Kiloshi theblazehen 07:51
theblazehenhey Gotango 07:55
GotangoHey Kilos , i got the DVD07:55
GotangoHey theblazehen07:55
GotangoI tried the live cd and ubuntu seems to run smoothly07:56
GotangoI clicked on an icon for installation. I got stuck with the partition thing. Should i create a new partition, since i dont wana lose windows ?07:58
GotangoDevice for boot loader installation :07:58
Gotango/dev/sda ATA WDC  WD1600BEKT-6 (160.0 GB)07:58
Gotango/dev/sda1 Windows 7 (loader)07:58
Gotango/dev/sda2 Windows 7 (loader)07:58
Gotango/dev/sda3 Windows Vista (loader)07:58
Kilosif you gonna run alongside dont partition08:00
GotangoI mean partition table08:00
Kilosjust let ubuntu do its thing08:01
Kilosyou should then get an optiong to resize how much space each os uses08:02
GotangoIt didnt gave me that option to run it alongside windows08:02
GotangoIt gave only 2 options 1: Erase disk and install ubuntu 2: Something else . I chose something else08:03
GotangoWhich brought me to the partition table 08:03
Kilosok now i know where you are08:03
Kilosbut its shoulda given the option to run alongside08:04
GotangoIt didnt08:04
Kiloshave you got a large usb stick or an external drive08:05
GotangoI installed from the icon on the desktop. Should i rather do it from ubuntu boot menu08:05
charlgood morning all08:05
charlMaaz: coffee on08:05
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:05
charlhi Gotango 08:05
charlhi Kilos 08:05
Gotangohi charl08:06
charlhi plustwo, theblazehen 08:06
charlhi Vince-0 08:06
theblazehenhey charl!08:06
Kilosoh wait08:06
Kilosyou let it boot up and didnt go with the install option08:07
Kilosyou went the try option08:07
GotangoI left it and it started the live cd08:07
GotangoShould i choose the installation option in that menu ?08:08
Kilosya reboot and go with the install option08:08
Kilosthen you should get the run alongside option08:08
GotangoOkay will try that08:08
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!08:09
theblazehenMaaz: coffee on08:11
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:11
charlMaaz: thanks08:14
Maazcharl: Okay :-)08:14
MaazCoffee's ready for theblazehen!08:15
GotangoKilos i tried again and again, it still gives only 2 installation options08:32
Kilosok wait a bit08:32
Kiloslemme think08:32
Kiloseasier if i was looking at it08:33
Kiloshow important is all the win7 stuff?08:33
charlKilos: what win7 stuff?08:33
GotangoWhen i try create a new partition it wants to delete the windows partitions08:33
charloh sorry i missed a part of the conversation08:34
Kilosas in have you got a backup and can reinstall08:34
GotangoWell i need some windows programs still, and got lots of files 08:34
Kiloshe has a remastersys dvd but it dont give the option to run alongside windows08:34
GotangoAtleast until i get to replace the windows versions of those programs with the linux equavilent08:35
GotangoNope i dont08:35
GotangoDo you mean windows OS backup08:35
Kiloslets hear what charl says but i would backup all windows stuff to somewhere then reinstall windows but only give it a certain size of the drive to use08:35
Kilosas i have on here, i install windows to the first 20g of the drive and ubuntu on the rest08:36
GotangoI cant backup windows i dont have a windows cd08:36
charljust read the earlier conversation08:37
Kilosoh my08:37
charlso you are running both vista and windows 7 on there?08:37
GotangoThats why i want ubuntu incase windows crashes08:37
GotangoAtleast then i will have a backup OS08:37
GotangoNope charl only windows 708:37
Kilosi coulda sent you a windows dvd as well08:37
Kilosbut now broke08:38
Kilosoh wait08:38
charlGotango: can't you backup all your files and applications without needing a windows cd?08:38
GotangoNah Kilos i wana ditch windows, but thanks though08:39
charlhow much free space do you have on that drive?08:39
Kiloscharl, he can run live buntu and use gparted to resize the windows hey08:39
charlhe should be able to, but be *very* careful resizing drives08:39
charlpartitions i mean08:39
charlfirst make sure you have *everything* you need off that partition backed up08:39
charlbecause it *can* (shouldn't, but can) go wrong08:39
KilosGotango, there is a cure for windows problems08:40
GotangoYes i can charl on a few dvds, but only media files 08:40
Kilosall of them08:40
charlbut yes, if you don't have enough free space left, resize with gparted http://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=help-manual#gparted-resize-partition08:40
GotangoI got 77 GB free space08:41
Kilosi have use gparted for that and didnt give probs08:41
charlthat should be plenty enough, just install ubuntu on that then08:41
charldon't resize unless you must08:41
GotangoSo charl , do i have to create a new partition then08:41
charltwo partitions - ext4 and swap08:42
charland then you still need to install a boot loader08:42
GotangoHmm, okay, but how do i backup the windows partitions08:42
Kilos2 parts /root and /home08:42
charlthe configuration of the boot loader should automatically detect your windows partitions and allow you to boot into them08:42
Kilosoh and swap08:42
Kilosso 308:42
charlGotango: external hard drive, drive clone, etc08:43
charlif you want to fully backup the partitions08:43
GotangoOkay i think i understand08:43
charlKilos: you don't need separate partitions for / and /home, that's optional08:43
Kilosya but good to have separate home08:44
charlback in the day we used norton ghost but now there are tools like http://clonezilla.org/08:44
Symmetriaheh I find myself in the unique position of arguing that someone is overspeccing something ;p08:44
Kilosunless you just install to the spare and let ubuntu decide08:44
Symmetrialol, we're building a mirror server, for the love of all things holy I don't need an entire equilogix storage system for it08:44
charlwhat's that, a san?08:45
charlhere we used a nexenta but the thing wasn't performing the way it should08:46
GotangoThanks guys , i think i will try backing up as much needed personal files as i can. Then install ubuntu and create a new partition for it. If windows breaks i dont care08:47
KilosGotango, listen08:49
Kilosfirst backup what you can08:49
Kilosthen boot from that dvd08:49
Kilosthen ask here and ill explain the resizing thing08:49
Kilosyou boot like you did first time into the try ubuntu option08:50
GotangoYip Kilos thats what i wana do. Any idea why ubuntu dont give the run alongside windows menu option ?08:50
charlif he has 77gb free space he should be fine08:50
charlwhat i am worried about is exactly that - why does ubuntu not detect it08:51
Kilosno maybe its something in the remastersys design08:51
charland if ubuntu does not detect windows then will it configure grub correctly08:51
charlyou might need to manually mess around getting grub sorted later :(08:51
Kiloswhat is important on win7 there Gotango ?08:51
Kilosmedia only?08:52
Gotangohmm what is a grub charl ? Is that like a command line thing08:52
Kilosgrub is the boot loader08:52
Kiloswhat lets you decide to boot from ubuntu or win 08:53
charli said "he" - Gotango is that he or she08:53
GotangoYip Kilos and programs i use in web design like mysql, php runtimes, appengine, java python etc, I will have to replace that with the linux equavilent 08:53
Kilosubuntu has mysql08:54
GotangoOh thanks08:54
charlyeah you should be able to run all of that under linux fine08:54
Kiloswhile you looking08:54
charlinteresting that you work with appengine - i used to do appengine development a number of years ago08:54
KilosMaaz, google web design apps for 12.0408:54
MaazKilos: "webapps - WIll Web Apps be backported to 12.04? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/190922/will-web-apps-be-backported-to-12-04 :: "Web Development in Ubuntu 12.04, I don't want to go back to ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/136822/web-development-in-ubuntu-12-04-i-dont-want-to-go-back-to-windows :: "php - Setting up web application on Ubuntu08:54
MaazServer 12.04 results in ..." http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18000400/setting-up-web-app…08:54
GotangoBut i wanted to run windows alongside ubuntu until i got all those programs replaced 08:55
Kilosyou can man08:55
Gotangoand then finally trash windows 708:55
Kilosboot from dvd08:55
charlGotango: what you can also consider is running ubuntu inside a VM, if your hardware is up to it08:55
GotangoThats nice charl :)08:55
Kilosthen go the partitioning way08:55
charluse virtualbox or something, then you can run linux and win paralell08:55
Kilosnope old lappy charl 08:56
charlok nvm then :)08:56
charlappengine is awesome but it also makes you dependent on google08:56
GotangoJust the partition thing got me worried now. I still need windows08:56
KilosGotango, just boot from dvd then get to partitioning08:56
Kilosthen charl  will help you make the partitions08:57
GotangoThats true charl. I mostly use appengine to store data from mobile apps via ajax08:57
Kilosso you will install only to that free space and not touch win08:57
Kilosand dont need to worry about saving windows stuff08:58
GotangoSo if i create a new partition then what do i enter. Ubuntu got /home instead of C:\08:59
charli would just make two partitions, one swap and one ext4 partition and mount it to /09:00
charl(root partition)09:00
Kilosycan you come online same time09:00
charlyou *can* do a separate /home partition but personally i never bother09:00
charlbut you should be able to do all of that using the standard ubuntu partitioning tool during the installation09:01
Symmetriacharl heh the equilogix is more than just a san09:01
GotangoOkay, any tuts on creating a new partition ?09:01
Symmetriaits a rather high specification network storage system09:01
Symmetriaand it costs a fortune :)09:01
Symmetriaits 10gig ISCSI based 09:02
charlGotango: a little old, but: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/05/04/manual-disk-partitioning-guide-for-ubuntu-11-04/09:02
Kilosif you tick all the goodies on the right of the parting tool you will see options for mount points etc09:02
charlhere's another http://athurion.hubpages.com/hub/Installing-Ubuntu-1204-LTS-with-customize-partition09:02
charlSymmetria: sounds nice, and expensive :)09:03
GotangoThanks charl i will try that 09:03
GotangoSo will i be able to boot both windows and ubuntu after this partition create process?09:04
charlthat i can not guarantee, because that has nothing to do with the partitioning itself, but with the grub configuratio09:04
charlwhat normally happens is that ubuntu automatically detects your windows partitions and sets everything up for you09:05
charlbut in your case we already know that doesn't happen09:05
charlwhat *could* happen is you could boot up and the next moment you can only boot into linux09:05
charlthen you have to manually configure grub to boot into your windows partitions09:05
GotangoYeah i dont know why it dont detect windows. And how will i be able to manually configure grub to boot into windows09:07
charlideally, it should work like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJDcyAncmRY09:08
charlit should just autodetect everything09:08
charlbut since it hasn't done that already, maybe you will have to do it manually09:08
Kilossuperfly, you the gsm man. my e220 i have installed huawei's mobile partner on and it works. but in win it still opens the vmclight option and you can open the folder to see all thefile but cant delete them09:08
Kiloshe cant watch videos charl 500m data a month09:09
charlif you do it manually you do it like this: http://superuser.com/questions/401331/how-to-add-windows-7-to-grub-menu09:09
charlbah that is the suck09:09
charlhow do you people manage down there09:09
Kilosso if you can help without links thats better09:09
charlit's a little complicated to explain09:09
Kilosmet moeite they say09:10
charlGotango: you have a tool called update-grub09:10
Kilosno man if he runs live and comes on here it should be easy to explain how to part09:10
charlyou execute it as root09:10
charlyeah exactly09:10
charlfirst get to that point and then let's help you09:10
KilosGotango, when peeps say execute as root they mean use sudo at the start of the command09:11
Gotangolol , yeah hopefully my unemploed status will change soon :)09:11
GotangoAah i see Kilos09:12
Kiloscharl, he is where i was when i started.  no linux experience i think09:12
Kilosso if you give a command that needs root then use sudo for him09:13
charlheh i have been doing this for too long :)09:13
GotangoWil have to see if ubuntu can run my usb modem first before i can use the internet there09:13
charlwhat if you can't get onlie and you can't boot into windows09:14
charlyou only have one pc? that's risky09:14
GotangoYes charl. I will backup the stuff i need on dvd and then do the whole partition thing. If windows dont work anymore i'm fine with that. Hopefully ubuntu wont let me down09:15
charlno i meant if you can't get online using 3g under ubuntu09:16
charlit should work, but yeah everything should work, until it doesn't09:16
charlok i am holding thumbs for you :)09:16
GotangoThanks charl :) 09:17
GotangoAnyway i will do all this in a few days time when i get a few dvds09:18
Kilosjust remember the upside down triangletop right is the network manager for mobile09:18
GotangoSo can i test to see now if ubuntu works with my usb modem in live cd ?09:18
GotangoThanks Kilos , i will look out for that :)09:19
charlthat's a great idea09:19
charldo that first09:19
Kilosyes boot from it and right click that triangle and add new mobile connection09:19
charlsorry i have to get some work done bbl09:20
GotangoNice , i try that :)09:20
GotangoThanks again charl enjoy09:20
Symmetriacharl lol, regarding cost, like, 60 thousand pounds worth09:22
Gotango1Yay! it works :)09:41
Gotango1It ran my usb modem no problems09:41
Gotango1Even detected cell c09:41
Kilosnormally everything in ubuntu just works09:42
Kilosonly here where murphy visits one struggles at times09:42
Gotango1Now i know the primary thing works . Just the Other stuff i have to sort out and i will be a full ubuntu user :)09:42
Kilosyou can do everything in ubuntu apart from game09:43
SymmetriaI disagree :) 09:44
Symmetria(sorry but I do)09:44
Gotango1Kilos is there a way to visually show the network is active , like when the internet is busy. I have that in windows and it helps me know when a program is using the web09:44
Symmetriayou can do a LOT in ubuntu (way better than in windows), but what you can't do isn't limited to gaming :)09:44
Kilosya Symmetria but you do other stuff09:44
Symmetriakilos lol, so do a lot of people though :) 09:45
=== georgl_ is now known as georgl
Kiloshe is a web designer09:45
Gotango1I dont play much 3D games do ubuntu is fine for me09:45
Kiloslinux has lotsa web design tools09:45
ThatGraemeGuyyeah, /usr/bin/vim09:46
KilosGotango1, it should shows lines of signal strenght in that triangle09:46
Gotango1I need a icon that will flash everytime the internet is busy09:46
Gotango1Nope not that Kilos09:47
Kilosyou want to see stuff09:47
Gotango1It should flash when downloading web page 09:47
Kilosok sudo apt-get install iftop09:47
Gotango1A network indicator type of program09:48
Kilosctrl+alt+t opens a terminal09:48
Gotango1What is iftop09:48
Kilosit shows data flow in and out and where to/from09:48
Gotango1oh ok , is it big09:48
Kiloslook at the bottom of your launcher on the left, the should be ablack and white block with 4 sections09:49
Kilostick there and you can choose to run other things in a separate workspace09:50
Gotango1It says iftop is already the newest version09:50
Kilosi run iftop full time on my first desktop09:50
Kilosok then type in09:51
Kilossudo iftop -i ppp009:51
Gotango1It  shows a data usage window09:52
Kilosgood way to watch data if you arent uncapped09:53
Gotango1Can it be put at the top where the battery icon is , so it flashes everytime the network is busy09:53
Gotango1yeah true09:54
Kilosyou have more than one desktop so give it one09:54
Kilosi use 10 workspaces09:54
Gotango1How do i do that09:55
Kiloslook up09:55
Gotango1Just see 4 screens09:55
Kilosyes tick on second one09:55
Gotango1And then09:56
Kilosthen you have a clean workspace with no apps running there09:56
Gotango1Then should i open iftop in there again09:56
Kilosthen you open something else on each one and dont have to minimise all the time like windows09:56
Gotango1oh Okay09:57
Kilosi leave iftop and another terminal on my first desktop everytime09:57
Gotango1I wouldve liked a graphic at the top though that flashes everytime09:57
Kilosand to go check what you have running you click on the black square that opens on the left when there is a terminal open09:58
Gotango1but its okay i will search for a replacement in time, its not that important09:58
Kilosthere must be apps for that as well09:59
Kilosthere are cpu usage apps and lotsa stuff i dont use09:59
Kilosonce you have ubuntu installed you install synaptic and you can see millions of apps10:00
Kilosthousands maybe10:00
Gotango1The terminal icon wont open 10:01
Gotango1When i click on it10:01
Kilosif you are on another window then you will switch to the desktop with terminals running10:03
Gotango1Btw why cant i scroll up in xchat to the top messages10:03
Kilosalso on the left you can right click remove all the libre office apps so your launcher isnt crouded10:03
Kilosyou need to set it to scroll back so many lines10:04
Kilosbut dont forget you are running off a dvd not a drive10:04
Kilosso everything wont work as well as a running system10:05
Kilosthe dvd hasnt got logfiles on it10:05
Gotango1oh okay i understand10:05
Gotango1will cross those bridges when i get there10:06
Kilosonce installed you get the full benefits10:07
Gotango1lol 10:07
Kilosthe dvd is to grab you10:07
Gotango1I cant find the black square thing to view system diagnostics10:08
Kilosi dunno what that is10:09
Kilosyou are on the dvd not the drive10:09
Gotango1oh lol, right sorry :)10:09
Kilosthere is no system stuff and other funny things on it10:09
Kiloshi drussell hows you?10:10
Gotango1Well i like how smooth 12.04 feels. I thought my cpy fan will go crazy lol , but it blowing a bit softer than on windows10:11
drussellKilos: good thanks, and yourself?10:11
Gotango1Hi drussel10:12
Kilosgood ty drussell 10:12
Symmetriawater cooling ftw!10:17
Symmetrialol my pc wouldnt function without liquid cooling, lol, infact I actually had to upgrade the liquid cooling system because the smaller one couldnt keep up10:18
Gotango1lol Symmetria that must be a hardcore gaming block you got there10:19
SymmetriaGotango1 heh, my pc is a little bit of an aberation ;p 10:20
Kiloscpu=central processing unit10:20
Kilosthe pcs brains10:20
SymmetriaGotango1 heh, I have a 6 core 3960K socket 2011 cpu, and those things run hot at the best of times 10:20
Symmetriathen add to that the 3 x GTX790 Ti video cards 10:21
Symmetriaand some fairly heavy OC'ing 10:21
Symmetriaand then in the case 6 x 4 terabyte disks generating a fair amount of heat10:21
Symmetriathings get warm :)10:21
Gotango1Kilos, sound and videos plays well :)10:21
SymmetriaGotango1 http://www.alstonnetworks.net/temp/screens.jpg10:22
Gotango1Aah that explains it Symmetria10:22
Gotango1I dont have a browser here Symmetria. I'm sure your pc must be very hungry :)10:28
Gotango1oh shoot , what is the command for iftop again Kilos10:33
Squirmhey all10:33
SquirmGotango1: I think it's iftop10:33
Kiloshi Squirm 10:33
Gotango1Hey Squirm10:33
Kilossudo iftop -i ppp010:34
Gotango1Aah thanks :)10:34
Kiloswrite it down10:34
SquirmSymmetria: that's just unfair :/10:34
Gotango1I am :)10:34
Kilossave all commands you are given10:34
Squirmbut your TV is scew10:34
Squirmit's annoying me10:34
Gotango1I will Kilos, maybe i can find some more commands online aswell10:36
Squirmiftop is fantastic10:36
Squirmuse it dailt10:36
Kilosthere are many Gotango1 but dont just jump in and go mad10:37
Kilosi keep the important ones10:37
Gotango1lol i'm always carefull10:38
Gotango1Yeah the important ones are fine for me10:38
Kilosand anything you want to install thats not in synaptic ask here first10:39
Kilosimportant to always try use what is in the repos10:39
Gotango1I think i will have issues with mysql, php, python, java, netbeans kinda programs. Cause linux uses different system configurations for them10:40
Gotango1But i'm sure you guys know all about how to make that process easy :)10:41
Kilosnot me10:42
Kilosbut others here work with all that stuff daily10:42
Kilosi can get noobs going in ubuntu10:43
Gotango1And you do it perfectly Kilos. thanks everything man :)10:44
Gotango1Dont call the mafia if my network cuts out for too long though10:44
Kilosyou welcome man :-)10:45
Kilosnets dont go down for more than 2 days10:45
Kilosbut ive been there at the 500m a month so understand10:46
Gotango1Yeah true, well i'm happy to be part of the ubuntu team10:46
SquirmI don't know if Ubuntu does netbeans10:51
Squirmbut everything else would be similar10:51
inetproKilos: Gotango1 is online with Ubuntu? 10:52
inetproWell done!10:53
Kiloslol, makes me happy10:53
inetproMaaz: what is for lunch?10:54
Maazinetpro: How about some soup?10:54
Kilosai! voda wrote read only stuff on the e22010:54
KilosMaaz, whats for lunch10:55
MaazGoats cheese on crackers and a bowl of salad for you fat people10:55
Gotango1I think so Squirm , but there are loads of IDE's out there10:56
Gotango1Hey inetpro , yeah i'm runnig ubuntu from live cd. I'm glad the usb modem worked perfectly :)10:57
Gotango1Kilos how do i check which programs are running. Something is downloading i dont know what it is i never clicked download anything10:58
Kiloshasnt there been a popup thats says additional drivers are available?11:00
Kilosdont click anything till you have read it11:00
Kiloswhat does iftop show11:01
Gotango1I never clicked anything like that11:01
Kilosya man you windows peeps are so used to clicking to close stuff thats in your way11:01
Gotango1Hmm now it stopped downloading 11:02
Gotango1Well i was at the software center  looking if a default browser was in there . Then closed it , after a while it started downloading stuff11:03
Kilosya then it looks whats available11:04
Kilosdont go there till you have installed11:04
Kiloswhat you install from dvd goes away on reboot11:04
Gotango1Okay cool11:04
Kilosso wasted data11:04
* Kilos goes to eat11:05
Gotango1Aah enjoy lunch :)11:05
Kiloshi georgl mazal 12:32
mazalMirrag oom12:32
mazalEk het goeie nuus en slegte nuus12:32
Kiloswat is gebreuk12:33
mazalNee , is reg. Ek het toe uiteindelik ge-reinstall12:33
Kilosis die goeie nuus dat jy dit reg gemaak het12:33
mazalUnity is nou weer reg12:33
mazalDis die goeie nuus12:33
Kiloso o12:33
mazalDie slegte nuus is , ek is terug op unity nou lol12:33
Kilosnee man 12.04 unity is lekker12:33
mazalWel hy moet reg bly vir 3 maande tot 14.0412:34
Kilostot 14.04 stabiel is12:35
mazalSal so einde Mei hom install12:36
Kilosek gaan wag tot support ophou12:36
Kilosek het niks van unity 13.04 gehou nie12:36
mazalNee sjoe , wil nie so lank sit met ou software nie12:36
mazalEk hoop net my 3rd party goed werk met 14.04 , baie het nie gewerk met 13.04 nie12:37
Kilosas 14.04 nie my pas nie gaan ek dan net kde en ou maverick gebruik12:37
Kilosmaar kde 13.10 is lekker en baie vinnig12:37
Kilosnlsthzn, wassup man you didnt even say hi12:38
KilosGotango, just install it man and forget about win12:40
Kilossave media only12:41
GotangoKilos i wana do that , but i got alot of icons graphics files and python , php , java software files , plus the media. I will have to back those up first on dvd. 12:43
GotangoAm am compressing them all now in zip files so its easy to save 12:44
Kilosgood man12:47
mazalBye everyone12:49
Kiloswith 7zip or winzip13:02
Gotango7zip , winzip removed itself one day lol , had to install a new one13:03
GotangoThis win7 is buggy13:03
Kilosall windows are buggy13:04
Kilosyo somaunn where you been13:04
somaunnHi Kilos, was turning arround13:10
somaunntoo much Job to achieve13:10
somaunnbut now i'm back on the road13:10
somaunnHAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL13:10
Kilossame there ty13:10
somaunnso what's new here13:10
Kilosmeeting dates changed to last tuesday of each month13:11
Kilosthis next meet will be interesting13:11
Kilosall about the net in za13:12
somaunnKilos: not getting you right, i was out for so long i'm totally lost here13:12
Kilosmonthly meetings 13:12
Kilosused to be mondays13:12
somaunnOh yeah, so it now switched to every last tuesday of each month if not wrong !13:13
somaunnkilos, is it a bad things things if i say i'm actually using Fedora and not Ubuntu ?13:14
Kilosbad if you say you using win7 only13:15
somaunnWin7 !!!  i stopped the use of that system on my laptop since almost a year13:16
Kilosgood man13:16
Kilosi use it13:16
somaunnfor work purposes i'm using Win8.1 but on company unit not my personal13:16
Kilosto fill the first 20g of my faulty drive13:17
somaunnon my personal laptop runs fedora only 13:17
Kiloswith work one doesnt have much choice13:17
Kiloswhy fedora?13:17
somaunni swtiched because i felt in love with gnome 3, was really in with unity but it never worked like a charm on my laptop13:18
Kiloswith rpm and yum13:18
Kilosya unity upset many peeps13:18
somaunnbut there are also few reasons, like you said YUM and RPM yeah i found it easy to understand and maintain13:19
Kilosgood. wherever you are happy13:19
somaunnin fact i'm learning a lot with that distro13:20
Kiloslearning is good13:20
somaunnyeah u right13:20
somaunnis frotzy arround these days ?13:21
Kiloson #glug.za13:21
Kiloshasnt been here for a long time13:21
somaunnokay i see13:22
somaunndid someone here tried Polari ?13:22
Kilosnot that ive heard, but not everyone tells what they doing13:22
somaunni'm currently testing Polari the new gnome irc client and found it useful13:28
Kilosi use xchat and konversation13:31
Kilosdont need anything else13:31
Kilosi had a short look at centos but didnt enjoy it13:32
Kiloswb ThatGraemeGuy 13:34
ThatGraemeGuyquick reboot after updates13:35
ThatGraemeGuyhoping a weird issue is fixed13:35
Kiloswow that was fast13:35
Kilosoh 2 mins13:36
ThatGraemeGuyyeah, SSDs rock :)13:36
Kilostoo expensive13:36
ThatGraemeGuyactual reboot is something like 20 secs13:36
ThatGraemeGuyexpensive yes, but i didn't pay for this laptop, so.... :)13:36
Kilostakes 25 secs here just to get through bios13:36
Kilossmile and enjoy it13:37
somaunnKilos: i've tried CentOS also but wasn't so impressive13:54
Kilosill stay with ubuntu. if unity gets worse ill just use kde, that at least is getting better13:56
somaunnon the other hand i was charmed by Zentyal 3.3 which brings a lot of good stuff into linux/opensource world13:56
* nlsthzn just got home and says:15:32
theblazehenhey nlsthzn 15:32
nlsthznhow are you theblazehen ?15:32
theblazehengood and you nlsthzn ?15:33
nlsthznflu'ish but kicking while the meds are taken :)15:33
theblazehenah kk:)15:34
theblazehenwest europe! finally!15:37
charlhi theblazehen 15:38
charlwhat about us? :)15:38
nlsthznwrong channel|15:38
nlsthznoh and by the way - http://thepaperwall.com/wallpaper.php?view=2de5fce00671de8d611fdf7f9a58127556e2f9f915:38
charloh, you are skindering about us15:38
charl"those b@st@rds"15:39
theblazehennlsthzn, yeah || charl playing pandemic2, finally spread there :)15:39
charland you are happy about it15:39
charli don't like the sound of that one bit15:39
theblazehenI got the whole world!15:40
charloh we manage to resist you for the longest15:40
nlsthznI can't remember which of those games I had on my phone... loved killing off the human race... not sure why :p15:40
charlnlsthzn: seek.help.15:41
theblazehencharl, nope :p you were just 2nd..15:41
theblazehennlsthzn, http://pandemic3.com/pandemic3.swf15:41
charlyou are all sick in the mind15:42
nlsthznthanks for the link theblazehen ... yet     another            time                        sink                                    *sigh*15:42
theblazehencharl, pride myself on it ;) || lol nlsthzn 15:42
nlsthznif you can't beat them, join them...15:43
nlsthznI make a mean bacteria...15:43
theblazehennlsthzn, parasite 4 lyfe!15:43
charlplease remind me to reconsider hanging out here... :)15:44
charlsomebody said you are defined by the company you keep15:45
theblazehenChanServ, lol15:45
nlsthzncharl, stay it is happy hour in a moment15:45
Kilosso Gotango how far are you?17:26
Kilosevening everyone17:26
Kiloswe just had a storm and 8mm rain yay17:26
GotangoEvening Kilos. Well i reviewed all my files and it got to about 3 GB compressed. I can still reduce that to about 1.5GB i think. I dunno when i will be in town again to get a blank dvd. 17:28
GotangoThats nice Kilos ,  :)17:28
GotangoYou sure need that rain17:28
Kilosyeah we smile at any rain up here17:29
GotangoThen i wish more rain for you up there17:29
GotangoWell in this lappy HP got a HP_TOOLS drive. When i run ubuntu live cd i can view all the files in that drive. I am thinking if i put my backups in there will i be able to get all my files again from the HP drive after ubuntu installed17:31
Kilosyou can also use gparted to add a 5g partition at the end of the drive17:33
Kilosthen drag drop all files to there 17:33
Kilosall from the live cd17:33
GotangoHmm sounds interesting but dunno how to do that17:33
Kilosyou can name that partition backup or storage or whatever17:34
Kilosyou in it now?17:34
GotangoI need to do that from windows ofcourse17:34
Kilosthis is the official ubuntu help channel17:34
Kilosyou do everything from the live cd17:34
GotangoCan i view all the drive C:\ files from live cd ?17:35
Kilosyou should be able to see everything in windows from the cd17:35
Gotangooh great 17:35
GotangoBut when i try to install ubuntu i wants to remove all the partitions17:36
Gotangoit wants*17:36
Kilosyou leave the last new partition you make and can always save stuff there17:37
Kilosi have a 40G /storage partition at the end of the drive17:37
Kiloswith ubuntu you decide what you want where17:38
Kilosjust never rush and click things without reading17:38
Gotangoif i make a partition with gparted from the live cd, will ubuntu still see that in the installation process17:39
GotangoYeah i always look before crossing the road17:39
Kilosyou must just use gparted with care17:40
Kilosi will need to run it here same time as you to see whatsup17:40
GotangoI understand thanks17:41
GotangoWhen do you wana do this17:41
Kilosi cant visualise stuff17:41
Kiloswhen it suits you17:42
GotangoI will read a bit more on google. I see 1 GB swap is enough for 1GB ram , and 20GB for /home partition17:43
GotangoI can still increase the /home size at other times right ?17:44
Kilosyou have 77G17:44
GotangoIts now 80 GB i deleted some files17:44
Kilosminus 5 for /storage17:44
Kiloshow bid is the drive?17:45
GotangoBut i will lose windows anyway.17:45
Gotango160GB i think17:45
Kiloswhew 17:46
GotangoI dont have a windows cd17:46
GotangoThe ubuntu wont dual boot 17:46
Kilosthen why not make a 10g /storage part at the end save everything you want to there then install only ubuntu17:47
Kilosit will dual if you want to man17:47
GotangoIt wont. Its gona delete the windows partitions when i install ubuntu17:48
GotangoSo that space will be wasted 17:48
Kilosonce ubuntu is installed in the freespace grub the bootloader will see windows is also there and give you the boot options17:48
Kilosno space gets wasted man17:49
Kilosits windows peeps that leave inactive free space that waste space17:49
GotangoKilos the windows bootloader partitions will be deleted by ubuntu, it wont see windows on the boot options17:49
Kilosgrub installs and still leaves the windows boot option there17:50
Kilosi can boot win7 and ubuntu here17:50
GotangoBut windows wont have partitions assigned to it17:50
Kiloswindows sorts itself17:51
GotangoYou got the dual boot option i dont17:51
Kilosyou installing in the free space doesnt affect how windows runs17:51
Kilosi made a 20 part for windows and installed there then installed ubuntu in partitions on the rest of the drive17:52
GotangoOkay nevermind. if it breaks it breaks , if it works it works. 17:52
Kiloswhatever windows wanted is still there17:52
GotangoI'm willing to take the gamble17:52
Kilosfirst save your stuff17:53
Kilosthen try gprated to change how much windows can use17:53
GotangoThats with gparted right 17:53
Kilosthen use gparted to resize17:54
GotangoI wana do it without backup to external device17:54
GotangoYou said gparted will create a place for my files on the drive, then i can reach it with ubuntu when it  installed17:55
Kilosok then use gparted to make a /storage partition at the end of the drive and drag/drop everything there17:55
Kilosthen no externals or dvds necessary17:55
Gotangookay i will do that, and for extra help save half my files to the HP_TOOLS drive aswell17:57
Kilosi dont understand what that drive is17:57
Kilosis it and extra storage place in hp lappies17:59
GotangoIts like a mini drive HP uses to backup windows type files. Helps with system recovery17:59
Gotango1.8 GB17:59
Kiloscan you see whats on there?18:00
Gotangoyeah i can put and view anything there18:01
Kilosyou cant mess in there if windows wants to see stuff there18:01
Gotangolike a memory card18:01
GotangoDid you include gparted in the dvd, i see its 52MB size18:03
Kilosi cant remember 18:03
Kilosbut gparted you can run from the dvd18:04
Gotangookay , if gparted is'nt there , i will go the HP_TOOLS way18:05
charloh wait a minute18:06
charlwhen you said free space18:06
charli was meaning unpartitioned space18:06
charlnot free space on a partition :)18:06
charli only realise now that was ambigious18:07
charli was like why do you even need to repartition then18:07
Kilosgparterd isnt on the dvd?18:07
charlafaik it isn't, you get a separate iso that only has gparted on it18:07
charlor you need to install it inside the live environment18:08
Kilosno man ubuntu cds have gparted on18:08
charloh maybe the new ones do in fact18:09
charlit's been a while sorry :)18:09
charli usually just go for a clean instal18:09
Kilosthats the partition tool that does you install partitioning18:09
charlduring the installer? ah i see18:09
charlproblem is i usually just do a clean install and let ubuntu do all the worrying so i don't know these things anymore :P18:10
Kiloswell if he can save his stuff and do a clean install im sure ubuntu will have everything he needs18:11
charlfor a guy like him probably yes18:12
charlassuming it's a guy, i never asked, could be a girl for all that i know18:12
Kilosaqnd as a last resort run some windows thing in wine18:12
charlnah wine is for drunks :P18:12
Kilosbut what do you use gothats isnt available in ubuntu18:13
Kilosoh my he be gone18:13
Kilosmost likely booting from dvd18:13
charli still need to use microsoft office18:14
charland one other tool called beyond compare18:14
Kilosif the remastersys dvd wants to make partitions then gparted must be there18:14
charlthat's it18:14
Kiloswhat does ms office do that libreoffice cant18:22
Kilosnever been an office user so i dunno18:24
Kiloswb Gotango1 18:25
Gotango1Thanks Kilos18:26
Gotango1How do i check if gparted is installed18:26
Kilostick top left launcher18:31
Kilostype in gparted18:31
Kilosthat white circle with the black ring in it18:32
Kilosdoes it show below?18:32
Gotango1I dont see a white circle with a black ring below, but gparted is open now18:34
Kiloswhat do you see there at the top18:34
Kilostick on partition18:35
Gotango1It gives a list of partitions on the disk18:35
Kilosfirst what does it show18:35
Kiloshow many partitions18:35
Gotango1It shows the main drive plus HP_TOOLS Plus SYSTEM Plus another HP_RECOVERY drive. 4 partitions18:36
Kilosif you tick on one of the partitions then tick partition then resize you can drag the edge to what sixe you want18:36
Gotango1Should i choose the biggest drive ?18:37
Kilosthe large main part with the free space is the one you want to resize18:37
Gotango1I cant find where to edit the resize 18:40
Kiloswait a bit lemme see18:40
Kilosi think you drag the edge of it in the top bar18:40
Kilosyes hover mouse to end of the partition and it will show 2 arrows looking either way18:41
Kilosyou drag it till you get the size you want18:42
Kilosthe freespace is in that large one hey?18:42
Gotango1The mouse cant find any place that shows a hover with two arrows on the green border lines of the main drive18:43
Gotango1yes free space is there18:44
Kilosat the right of it hey?18:44
Kiloshover mouse in the top bar of the popup window18:44
Gotango1Yes the main drive selected , it dont show anything when i hover 18:45
Kilosdoes that top bar have an arrow at each end?18:46
Gotango1Nope no arrow18:46
Gotango1Is it cause its ntfs that ubuntu cant resize it18:47
Kilosok close the popup18:47
Kilosthen tick once in the large partition so it lights up18:47
Kiloswhere it says /dev/sda or whatever18:48
Gotango1The arrow only lights up for the HP drives , not the main drive18:49
Kilosmine shows the black arrow at each end of whatever partition i tick on and then partition resize18:49
Gotango1Its disabled when i choose the main drive where the free space is on18:49
Gotango1Not on mine18:50
Kiloslemme just boot other pc from a cd18:50
Kiloswhy you got a 1 after nick18:54
Kiloswas it always there18:54
Gotango1Gotango is a registered nick, so didnt wana type in the password here 18:55
Kilosyou dont have to man18:55
Kilosoh well sort that when you got ubuntu installed18:55
Gotango1Okay, Can i disable these glowing effects in ubuntu 2D 18:56
Kilosmine show the arrows even when booting from cd18:56
Kiloswait with that18:57
Kilosyou can enter the new size you want in text too18:57
Gotango1Okay. But mine dont show an active arrow18:57
Kilosso take off80g18:57
Gotango1It dont wana resize that drive18:58
Kilosthat is make it 80g less18:58
Gotango1What do you mean18:58
Kilosthat should then leave the freespace as a partition18:59
Gotango1I cant delete any more stuff18:59
Kiloswhat you see there as size of large partition18:59
Kilosyou said you have 80g freespace18:59
Gotango1yes 19:00
Kilosso make the large partition 80g less than what it is19:00
Kiloswhat size does it give19:00
Gotango1131.75 GIB19:01
Kilosso 131.75 minus 8019:01
KilosMaaz, 131.75-8019:01
MaazKilos: 51.7519:01
Kilosthats the size you type in there19:02
Gotango1It does not show me a place to do the resize19:02
Kilosthen you should have 80g unused19:02
Gotango1Only the small HP drives works19:02
Gotango1yes 81.32 GIB unused19:03
Kiloscant you delete the 131.75 and type in 51.7519:03
Gotango1When i right click on that drive the delete option and all the others are disabled19:04
Kiloswhy right click19:04
Gotango1There is a key icon on that drive19:05
Gotango1So i guess its locked19:05
Kiloslook again for the drag resixe function19:05
Kilosi wonder if thats a hp thing or win719:07
Kilosi can resize all partitions19:07
Kiloshi psychicist 19:07
Gotango1Nothing.  Only Unmount , Manage flags , and Information menu items are enabled19:07
Gotango1maybe windows locked the drive19:07
psychicisthi Kilos 19:08
psychicisthi Gotango1 19:08
Kilosubuntu should over ride everything19:08
Gotango1hi psychicist19:08
Kiloslike im using an old ubuntu cd to do gparted on win7 and ubuntu19:09
Gotango1It does'nt , still a lock icon on the drive19:09
Kilosoh wait19:09
Kilosclose gparted19:09
Kilosopen terminal19:10
Kilossudo gparted19:10
charlhi psychicist 19:10
Gotango1What will that do19:10
psychicisthi charl 19:10
Kilosgive you root powers in gparted19:11
Gotango1Nope , still the lock icon , all options disabled19:12
Kilosif that dont work you need help from one of the clever guys19:12
Gotango1Its ok i will use the HP_TOOLS drive19:13
Kilosthats too small19:13
Kilosoh and dvd19:13
Gotango1Dont wana break the main drive to save a few files19:13
Gotango1I can remove more stuff, and compress it to 1.5GB19:14
Kilosok save them then we go try the install partitioning tools19:15
Gotango1I'm sure the ubutnu install wont touch the HP_TOOLS drive19:15
Kilosdo you have office installed19:15
Gotango1Which office19:15
Kilosiif its like a spare drive there and shows in gparted you decide what happens19:16
Kilosthats large19:16
Gotango1Nope i dont have MSOffice19:16
Kilosi was hoping for more space19:16
Gotango1lol why is that an issue19:17
Kiloswe can go through the install partitioning once you saved the stuff you want19:17
Kilosi used to squeeze windows tiny19:17
Kilosbut honestly i would now save what i want then let ubuntu use the whole drive on install then you dont have to do any partitioning19:18
Gotango1Wait the HP_TOOLS shows in /dev/sda4 partition. Ubuntu will delete that partition19:18
Kilosthen with a running ubuntu we just need to get you all the tools you need to work with19:19
Kilosoh ya19:19
Kilosget dvds19:19
Kilosif you compress to 3g 1 dvd is fine19:20
Kilosthey take just under 419:20
Kiloswhat eish19:20
Kilosid you want windows well go with the partitioning in the install setup man19:21
Gotango1Still i need a dvd to save my stuff on 19:22
Kilostomorrow is fine19:22
Kilospast my bedtime already too19:23
Gotango1okay cool. 19:23
Kilosand you need to rest from all the stress19:23
Gotango1Lol true :)19:23
Gotango1Sleep well 19:23
Kilosyou too19:23
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:24
charlnight Kilos 19:24
Kilosnight charl19:25
Kilostomorrow is another day19:25
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theblazehennight guys23:12

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