
BillyZanei want to start a new GUI session. i pressed ctrl+alt+F2 and logged in, i typed startx and it puts me in to cinnamon. does anyone know how to start the login session so i can choose which desktop environment i want00:00
chemist^hitsujiTMO, is there a space between 1a\ and the text?00:00
PublicStaticVoidBillyZane: you can change the preferred DE in your ~/.xinit00:01
BillyZaneohhh hmmm00:01
glitsj16PublicStaticVoid: disable it in edit > plugins00:01
PublicStaticVoidNot sure how to start another instance of lightdm or whatever dm you are running though00:01
BeldarBillyZane, I believe you have to stop that one easier to just log out, if you have to use the tty run stop there then start to get to the login.00:01
PublicStaticVoidglitsj16: There is no edit00:01
BillyZaneBeldar, but i have a bunch of stuff running that i don't want to shut down00:01
PublicStaticVoidat least not when launched from the shell extension00:02
glitsj16PublicStaticVoid: that might be in the global menu, right next to the dash icon00:02
PublicStaticVoidie right clicking on an iso and clicking open with brazero00:02
chemist^BillyZane, i don't believe you can switch between DE while not logging out00:02
BeldarBillyZane, What ever is on all your desktops is available on all of them, what is the reasoning here?00:02
BillyZanewhat do you mean00:02
BillyZaneBeldar, are you saying i can log out of one DE and load another and still have firefox loaded00:03
glitsj16PublicStaticVoid: you'll have to open brasero once in that case to set plugin prefs00:03
chemist^no he doesn't :)00:03
chemist^he isn't :P00:03
BeldarBillyZane, No, what I was saying that all apps of any de should be available on the others, and what is the reasoning for this.00:03
BillyZanebeldar, oh i see00:04
BillyZanei can't find ~/.xinit00:04
chemist^BillyZane, i'm telling you...you can not just switch desktop env. without logging out00:04
Beldarmmm questions not answered my favorite00:04
BillyZanectrl+alt+F2 , i loaded cinnamon00:04
BillyZaneno problem00:05
BillyZanei was running 2 simultaneously00:05
BillyZanethey were independent of each other00:05
BillyZane2 workspaces00:05
hitsujiTMOchemist^: the \ is immediately followed by a newline.     the \ escapes the newline so its inserted as a newline character00:05
chemist^hitsujiTMO, how do i do that in terminal... shift+enter?00:06
hitsujiTMOchemist^: just hit enter00:06
hitsujiTMOyou'll see the prompt change to > thrn00:07
chemist^hitsujiTMO, i didn't understand you well..but i tried it and figured it out :) thanks00:08
PublicStaticVoidglitsj16: thx00:09
glitsj16PublicStaticVoid: no trouble, i noticed disabling all plugins makes brasero much more stable, not  a single issue since..00:10
chemist^BillyZane, do you have all windows in one of the 2 DE available in the other?00:11
chemist^you said you had 2 running at the same time00:12
chemist^BillyZane, are you able to access a window opened in one of them from the other?00:12
chemist^BillyZane, if yes, there maybe is a solution to your problem... if not, i'm afraid what you're asking can't be done ;) at least i have no idea00:13
PublicStaticVoidglitsj16: Will pulling the DVD out while it is "Generating Checksum" mess the disk up? I mean it has already ben finalized right?00:17
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: i got the new chipset, i am putting it into the machine. I will keep u posted. :)00:18
Exploithow many btc does 0E-8 = ?00:18
Exploit!calc 0E-800:18
Exploitwrong room00:18
glitsj16PublicStaticVoid: it it was me i'd wait for it to finish, then again i have a huge collection of missburn-coasters, not sure what would happen exactly to the DVD00:18
PublicStaticVoidYa Ill wait00:19
PublicStaticVoidIts just Windows haha00:19
PublicStaticVoidDOnt wana wait for that shit to burn again00:19
IdleOne!language > PublicStaticVoid00:20
ubottuPublicStaticVoid, please see my private message00:20
PublicStaticVoidHoping this OEM non cracked Win 8.1 ISO will actually pull me Win key from the firmware00:20
mr-jackif i installed 13.10 on my uefi board and i can select and run kubuntu in grub, but it only appears a black screen with the underscore blinking. what could be the problem ?00:20
PublicStaticVoidSo I dont have to pay Toshiba 65 dollar for them to send me proper media installation00:21
hitsujiTMOPublicStaticVoid: win8 oem key is pulled from the secure boot cert00:21
PublicStaticVoidI know this00:21
chemist^PublicStaticVoid, thought of making a bootable usb instead of burning discs?00:21
hitsujiTMOPublicStaticVoid: as long as its the right version it should work00:21
PublicStaticVoidTried that, tried 3 different linux programs and followed 3 guides with no luck, alway get a blinking cursor00:22
PublicStaticVoidhitsujiTMO: Actually no, It cant be retail00:22
chemist^unetbootin worked well with me every time00:22
hitsujiTMOPublicStaticVoid: nope, retail works. your thinking of xp00:22
PublicStaticVoidmr-jack: press e or tab (cant remeber for grub 2) over the version of Ubuntu you are trying to boot and delete quiet and splash00:23
PublicStaticVoidthen pres ctrl x00:23
chemist^or startup disc creator00:23
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PublicStaticVoidhitsujiTMO: No I am not. I have tried retail. Retail doesnt check for embedded keys just tkes them from the user00:23
PublicStaticVoidThis is well documented on mny sites including microsoft lmao00:23
protodo you guys know where i can download cs5 photoshop for ubuntu00:23
PublicStaticVoidyou cant00:24
PublicStaticVoidYou can run it through wine00:24
AceFacecan i get iphoto for ubuntu terminal?00:24
chemist^proto, try: sudo apt-get install gimp00:24
protohow do i run this through wine00:24
chemist^it's not photoshop but has many features00:24
mr-jacki will try PublicStaticVoid , ty00:25
PublicStaticVoidchemist^: Unetbootin wont work for Win 800:25
protoi need photoshop sorry00:25
PublicStaticVoidHave tried mny times00:25
HeaderFileproto: sudo apt-get install gimp00:25
PublicStaticVoidJust blinking cursor00:25
HeaderFileproto: PS works under wine00:25
hitsujiTMOPublicStaticVoid: copy the contents of the iso over to a fat32 usb00:25
ROPAproto use gimp, ot takes allot to learn it, but my faughter went through it and she won't even touch photoshop anymore.00:25
PublicStaticVoidhitsujiTMO: Done thats as well, as stated00:25
HeaderFileproto: on playonlinux00:25
protowhere can i install cs5 photoshop?00:26
PublicStaticVoidJust get a blinking cursor00:26
PublicStaticVoidtried Fat32 and NTFS00:26
protoi need a link right?00:26
protosorry bit of a noob00:26
chemist^proto if you have the latest stable wine installed (not from the repo) then you just right-click on setup.exe and run with wine00:26
PublicStaticVoidproto: There is no PS for Linux you can emulate with Wine or run Gimp00:26
PublicStaticVoidGimp is a fully featured phote editing software suite for linux with PS file support00:27
protoyes i need a download link00:27
HeaderFileproto: go to the software manager - and search: playonlinux or wine00:27
PublicStaticVoidno download link00:27
chemist^proto, you'll have to download the windows version and install it like you'd do on windows00:27
protoi dont know where to download it from00:27
chemist^LOL download link00:27
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: i put in the card, restarted the system..and its still hanging on waiting for networking configuration on the system startup00:27
chemist^proto, try buying it00:27
PublicStaticVoidsudo apt-get install gimp from a terminal00:27
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: did you set a config?00:27
Psil0Cybinno hitsujiTMO00:27
protopublicstaticvoid whats this gimp00:27
chemist^proto, adobe photoshop is not for free, you can't just download it from their homepage00:27
protois it photoshop00:27
PublicStaticVoidproto: I told you above00:28
PublicStaticVoidno its not00:28
PublicStaticVoidThere is no Photoshop for Linux00:28
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: sorry, did you set a config for the onboard card?00:28
PublicStaticVoidYou can run with latest version of wine00:28
chemist^proto, gimp is a program that's similar to photoshop in many ways...00:28
chemist^try it00:28
PublicStaticVoidWe have all told you this 3 time now00:28
Psil0Cybinno i did not, i just put the card into the computer and noticed that the lights turned on when the ethernet wire wwas inside00:28
Psil0Cybinso i attempted to just turn on the machine00:28
protook il try gimp00:28
chemist^proto, open your terminal and type: sudo apt-get install gimp00:28
PublicStaticVoidthere ya go00:28
Psil0Cybini think its still etting the eth0 settings from the old card.00:29
PublicStaticVoidDon't get sponburn00:29
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: i mean, yesterday ... did you set a config... in /etc/network/interfaces00:29
chemist^proto, after that find it in your applications menu00:29
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: i did but for eth0 being the motherboard card.00:29
Psil0Cybini do not know what this new card is called.00:29
ikoniawhy are you using the interferfaces file and not network-manager00:29
PublicStaticVoidomfg its still building a checksum00:30
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: cool. first, try disabling the internal card in the bios00:30
chemist^Psil0Cybin, ifconfig ?00:30
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: tone down the language00:30
protono sorry dont like it lol00:30
hitsujiTMOikonia: its a server00:30
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: so restart the computer, go in bios and look for ethernet settings/00:30
protohow do i unistall00:30
PublicStaticVoidomfg isnt bad language, thanks.00:30
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: it is - everyone knows what it means, hence "please tone it down"00:30
chemist^proto, wow you really checked it out...00:30
PublicStaticVoidOh My Fudgng God?00:31
chemist^sudo apt-get remove package00:31
PublicStaticVoidNo it isn't thanks.00:31
protodidnt like the first impression :D00:31
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: please don't be silly, we know what it means, it' a polite request to tone it down00:31
protohow do i uninstall it00:31
chemist^proto, you can't tell a book from it's cover00:31
PublicStaticVoidAnd, there isn't anything to tone down...00:31
protohow do i install it anyway?00:31
PublicStaticVoidIt is an acronymn hat means many things.00:31
zacariasHi. I installed Ubuntu (DreamStudio Unity flavour) on my wife's Macbook. When she plugs the earphones, she hears nothing. The system identifies she's using the earphones, but.. she hears nothing. Tried with difrenet earphones, both low and high-end. Any idea?00:31
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: i am in bios settings, looking in Peripherals...but i cannot find anything to turn off the eth0card.00:31
chemist^proto, i told you.. sudo apt-get remove gimp00:31
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: the most common meaning is not nice - hence tone it down,00:31
protooh i c00:32
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: do i turn off the Onboard LAN Controller?00:32
Psil0Cybinis that it?00:32
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: what board is it?00:32
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: this is getting outside of "ubuntu"'s scope00:32
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protothanks guy00:32
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: sorry - not you that was for Psil0Cybin00:32
Psil0CybinGIGABYTE 970A -DS3P00:32
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: this is getting outside of #ubuntus scope00:32
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: you seem to have zero idea how to run the hardware/software of your machine00:32
HeaderFileproto: try using the software manager, you can install & uninstall from there00:32
PublicStaticVoidPsil0Cybin: It is fine to ask about that here.00:32
PublicStaticVoidThis guy needs to calm down.00:33
chemist^proto downloading copyright software is illegal...you won't get any advice on how to do that here...00:33
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: we are not going to start checking bios settings for you on how to enable/disable hardware i nthe bios00:33
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: I suggest you stop trying to setup the OS for a while and try to learn/understand how to use your hardware00:33
PublicStaticVoidI will help you here.00:33
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: no - you will not,00:33
Psil0Cybinikonia: well usually i never had an issue, that i can not get a networking eth0 card set up...usually everything works fine, I have been using linux and building machines and I have never had this issue before with a server.00:33
UserErrorThree questions: Is the kernel still different on the Ubuntu Server ISO? Is any build RC of 12.04.4 downloadable? How do you install minimal from the server iso?00:34
ikoniathe channel is for ubuntu support - the OS - not hardware bios settings00:34
PublicStaticVoidHe is using Ubuntu.00:34
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: yes, and can't use his bios00:34
PublicStaticVoidSO what.00:34
ikoniaso setting up bios settings is not this channels purpose00:34
PublicStaticVoidYpu need a hobby.00:35
PublicStaticVoidPart of the reason this community get such a bad rap.00:35
PublicStaticVoidChannel is absolutely dead, people are helping him.. and you feel the need to but in.00:35
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: your welcome to send him a pm and help him with his offtopic support00:35
chemist^calm down now00:35
PublicStaticVoidNo I am welcome to help him here.00:36
ikoniaPublicStaticVoid: no - you're not, as I've just explained the channels topic00:36
KI7MTUserError, at the boot menu, server ISO .. have a look at F5 or F6 one of then should do what you want I think.00:36
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: okay i turned off the onboard lan controller, going through the waiting up to 60 seconds for network config, and then i should reconfigure /etc/networking/interfaces?00:36
PublicStaticVoidAmnd I disagree with your interretation.00:36
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ikoniaPsil0Cybin: why do you need to reconfigure the interfaces file00:37
PublicStaticVoidSo I will help him, feel free to op up, big man.00:37
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: lspci | grep Ethernet00:37
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hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: what devices show up00:37
Psil0CybinETHERNET CONTROLLER: inteel corporation 82574L ggabit network connection00:38
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hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: sweet. what interface names show up under ifconfig?00:39
Psil0Cybinonly lo :(00:40
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hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: lspci -knn | grep Ethernet -A 2            whats the krnel driver?00:41
LvMisesHello everyone.  I'm having problems getting the lights on my plug and plug ditital microscope working in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  I can launch VLC and stream the microscope and sort of make out the image when I add my own light but there are two LEDs on the microscope itself and I was hoping someone could tell me where in these instructions I've located online I'm going wrong.  http://oyhus.no/Microscope.html00:41
Psil0Cybinkernel driver in use: e1000e hitsujiTMO00:41
chemist^LvMises, there is no hardware buttons for the 2 LED?00:42
LvMisesMore specifically: https://listserver.risc.jku.at/pipermail/cpia/2001-December/001139.html00:42
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: sudo modprobe e1000e00:42
LvMiseschemist^, no sir.00:42
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: ran the command00:43
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: ifconfig00:43
Psil0Cybinifconfig just displays lo00:43
chemist^LvMises, does it give out any error at any point?00:44
LvMisesecho bottomlight: on > /proc/cpia/video000:44
LvMisesbash: /proc/cpia/video0: No such file or directory00:44
Ben64LvMises: does /proc/cpia exist?00:45
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: wipe /etc/network/interfaces                  then reboot00:45
chemist^first you need to find out where is your device located00:45
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: completely remove everything even lo?00:45
LvMisesI'm slowly working on doing an online tutorial about the shell and bash so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing in nix yet.00:45
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: yup00:45
ikoniawhy would /etc/network/interfaces stop the ethX device being created00:45
UserErrorwhere can the 12.04.4 iso be downloaded from?00:45
LvMiseschemist, I'll work on that and let you know00:46
nashantReally need some help with nfs. Whenever I try and copy a large(ish) file the transfer stops after about 10 seconds and just whacks the iotop right up.  the export options are (rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,crossmnt)00:46
hitsujiTMOikonia: it wouldn't ... but his config causes a 2 min delay while it waits for the non existent network to come up00:46
ikoniahitsujiTMO: ahhh00:46
chemist^LvMises, have you tried using the second option on the link you provided?00:46
Ben64UserError: does not appear to be out yet00:46
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: i restarted, and it still says wiating for network configuration....00:47
chemist^LvMises, use the utility made by a guy... http://sourceforge.net/projects/webcam/00:47
UserErrorapparently it is because LXLE testing is using 12.04.400:47
LvMisesI downloaded that.  It launched my Ubuntu Software Center00:47
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: did anyone have you change any network related setting outside of /etc/network/interfaces ?00:48
chemist^If anyone has any experience with TOR and Android phones please PM me :)00:48
Ben64UserError: lxle is not ubuntu and not supported here00:48
chemist^LvMises, i'm here00:48
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: honestly, not that i remember...all i did was add the eth0 and stuff like that..and enable it00:48
zacariasis there a channel for ubuntu on mac?00:48
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: "add eth0"00:48
Psil0Cybinifconfig still only displays lo00:48
UserErrorBen64 : It is under the ubuntu domain00:48
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: how did you add "eth0"00:48
UserErrorWhere do I go for projects directly on the ubuntu domain00:48
LvMisesIt tells by dependency not satisfiable: python-gtk-1.200:49
Psil0Cybinikonia: " auto eth000:49
Psil0Cybiniface eth0 inet dhcp"00:49
FireMedic UserError: Feb 6 via https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-December/037909.html00:49
LvMisesDoes this mean I need to launch my synaptic package manager00:49
Ben64UserError: you'd have to see if lxle has a support channel, this channel is for canonical ubuntu releases only00:49
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: yes, but if eth0 doesn't exist why are you adding it to the file00:49
Psil0Cybinikonia: it did exist, yesterday00:49
UserErrorFireMedic, there was a kernel freeze in december, i'm looking for a beta or rc00:49
Psil0Cybinits the motherboard ikonia .00:49
chemist^LvMises, no00:49
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: what's the motherboard ?00:49
FireMedicUserError: Ah, ok00:50
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/6718115/ set this as your /etc/network/interfaces00:50
chemist^LvMises, open your terminal...go to the path where you downloaded the file... probably just cd /Downloads00:50
chemist^LvMises, and type: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb00:50
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: someone told me to run sudo /proc/net/arp00:50
Psil0Cybinif that maeters.00:50
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: that shouldn't00:51
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: ty let me tr00:51
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: I have to ask - what is going on here ?00:51
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: I've watched you make a mess of setting this machine up for approx 3 days00:51
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: you don't really appear to understand what you are doing and there is no clear goal/problem beyond "please set this server up for me"00:51
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: copied, that file inside, retarting system now give me a second00:52
hitsujiTMOikonia: his onboard nic is a r8168      which doesn't work well with linux.     he's now replaced it with a e1000e based card which should work immediately with kernel driver00:52
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: copied, t efile as specificed...restarted system00:53
ikoniahitsujiTMO: he said it was working before00:53
Psil0Cybinbut no internet no ifconfig00:53
chemist^LvMises, ok, you see in that output which packages are needed in order for your package to work00:53
Psil0Cybinifconfig just displays lo00:53
chemist^LvMises, install them with: sudo apt-get install package00:53
hitsujiTMOikonia: it was showing before, but refused to acuall transmit or receive data. common issue with rt8168 cards it seems00:53
delthere's a good one: how do i remap the windowz-logo key to alt_L? xmodmap seems to "half work" for this task.....00:54
delti mean, it works with, say, the Z key... why not with the winlogo key?00:54
LvMisesSo dpkg -i a command that tells me that which I need?  Dependencies?00:54
Ben64chemist^, LvMises: that shouldn't be necessary00:54
deltie. xev reports it as alt, but winlogo+f4 for example, doesn't close current window00:54
LvMisesFor anything that is a .deb?00:54
Ben64LvMises: cpia is included in ubuntu00:54
ikoniahitsujiTMO: I've been watching this for days - the raid array, it's all "basic" server stuff and it just appears to be going nowhere00:54
jeekWinLogo is Ctrl-Esc00:54
chemist^LvMises, no... dpkg -i installs a .deb package downloaded from the internet00:54
LvMisesHow does it know where to find it?00:54
chemist^while apt-get install installs from the ubuntu repo00:54
LvMisesI love linux.  I really do.00:55
chemist^LvMises, you pointed at it.... when you issued your command00:55
nashantReally need some help with nfs. Whenever I try and copy a large(ish) file the transfer stops after about 10 seconds and just whacks the iotop right up.  the export options are (rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,crossmnt)00:55
Ben64LvMises: could you pastebin the following for me? "ls /proc/cpia/; lsmod"00:56
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: maybe i need to configure the networking interface file like i did with eth000:56
Psil0Cybinbut for this new ? card?00:56
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: ifconfig should at least be displaying eth0 down00:56
chemist^I'm gonna go now to smoke a big j**nt ;D be back in 5 - 15 minutes :P00:56
LvMisesI remember using that command to find out if it was recognizing my device.  I think it is.00:57
Psil0Cybinifconfig does not display eth0 ifconfig is just display lo now, could it be becasue we tried to blacklist something previously? or was that just the driver00:57
ikoniahitsujiTMO: maybe worth clearing out the persistant net rules form udev00:57
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: dmesg | grep e1000e                 anything interesting there?00:57
ikoniahitsujiTMO: it shouldn't make a difference00:57
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: just says its an intel pro 1000 network driver 2.1.4.k00:57
chemist^LvMises, you can pastebinit directly from your terminal using the command like this: ls /proc/cpia/; lsmod | pastebinit00:57
Psil0Cybinsays its eth000:58
chemist^LvMises, anycommand | pastebinit00:58
LvMisesThats awesome00:58
Psil0CybinPCI Express25GT00:58
chemist^yes :D00:58
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: what exactly is the ifconfig command you are running00:58
Psil0Cybinikonia: "ifconfig"00:58
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: so not "sudo ifconfig -a"00:58
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: sudo ifconfig eth0 up00:58
chemist^LvMises, if you don't have pastebinit installed install it via apt-get install :)00:59
LvMisesDoing that presently.00:59
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: that command says eth0: EEROR while getting interfaces flags: no such device00:59
Psil0Cybinsudo ifconfig a01:00
Psil0Cybingave eth101:00
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: come on !!!!!!01:00
Psil0Cybineth1 but still no IP address just like eth0 was displayed.01:00
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: it's eth1 because of persistant udev rules01:00
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: ifconfig doesn't show everything01:00
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: do you have reasonable linux experience ?01:00
Psil0CybinSorry ikonia ! Yes with working systems! that work right off the bat, and need to be configured after the internet is working01:01
Psil0Cybini do!01:01
Psil0Cybinif no internet01:01
Psil0Cybini am lost.01:01
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: ifconfig is a basic tool,01:01
LvMiseschemist^: http://pastebin.com/dVxS7YRY01:01
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: so i would go back to interfaces/network01:01
Psil0Cybinand configure it for eth101:01
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: is this server for home user/business user01:01
Psil0Cybinbut it still does not display a ip address.01:01
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: you've not configured it !!!! why would it display an IP01:02
administratortest smuxi01:02
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LvMisesNooo, my operating system if falling apart.  What does backend_helper.py The package system is broken error mean?01:02
Ben64LvMises: see if this turns on the lights... run this when vlc is running ... "v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=lights=3"01:02
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: you understand you need to configure a card with an IP address before it will display an IP address yes/no01:02
Psil0Cybinikonia: okay added the right fields to network/interfaces, trying it now01:02
zacariasHi. I installed Ubuntu (DreamStudio Unity flavour) on my wife's Macbook (5,2). When she plugs the earphones, she hears nothing. The system identifies she's using the earphones, but.. she hears nothing. Tried with difrenet earphones, both low and high-end. In my own Macbook (2,1) with Elementary OS Luna (based on the same Ubuntu 12.04) it just works out of the box.Any idea?01:02
Psil0Cybinyes ikonia you are correct.01:02
hitsujiTMOPsil0Cybin: so as ikonia suggested, sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules                        this will bring it to eth001:03
Psil0CybinhitsujiTMO: it works01:03
Psil0Cybinikonia: thank you guys01:03
LvMisesBen64: v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=lights=301:03
LvMisesunknown control 'lights'01:03
Psil0Cybini had to set up eth101:03
Beldarzacarias, Have you checked the right click on the sound icons sound settings?01:04
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: i strongly suggest some sort of basic linux research01:04
Psil0Cybini owe ikonia and hitsujiTMO WINE but mostly hitsujiTMO !! he stuck with me by the store, and everything...you guys are amazing01:04
Psil0Cybinikonia: ON THAT! right now, buying a textbook or something01:04
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: get some basic background before going forward01:04
Ben64LvMises: hmm.... how about "modprobe cpia2" and then seeing if /proc/cpia appears01:04
Psil0Cybinikonia: i have experience, administration stuff, not configuring systems01:04
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: you can't run a server like this where you expect people to give you every exact command and flag01:04
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: you can't have admin experience, you don't know how to display network cards01:04
LvMisesFATAL: Error inserting cpia2 (/lib/modules/3.8.0-35-generic/kernel/drivers/media/usb/cpia2/cpia2.ko): Operation not permitted01:05
Ben64LvMises: oh sorry, need sudo modprobe cpia201:05
nashantReally need some help with nfs. Whenever I try and copy a large(ish) file the transfer stops after about 10 seconds and just whacks the iotop right up.  the export options are ((rw,nohide,no_subtree_check,crossmnt,fsid=0,insecure,async). It seems like it get to about 700mb and then dies01:06
LvMisesBen64, it did nothing.01:06
Psil0Cybinikonia: you may be correct ikonia but i am a 23 year old dude that knew nothing about linux a year ago, and fully switched from windows.and learned everything by dealing with it first hand.01:06
LvMisesIm at a new cmd line01:06
Ben64LvMises: nothing is what you want from the modprobe command. now you check to see if /proc/cpia exists01:06
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: but you don't know the basics01:06
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Psil0Cybinikonia: so where can I learn, if I am teaching my self everything from scratch..01:06
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: so I don't so "learned everything" when you can't run the basics of a box01:06
LvMisesBy typing modprobe again?01:07
LvMisesor navigating to the directory?01:07
Psil0Cybinikonia: I suppose you are right, if i could not configure this...so how could I start learning more in depth like you guys know?01:07
Ben64LvMises: no, "ls /proc/cpia" or however you'd like to check for the directory's existence01:07
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LvMisesls: cannot access /proc/cpia: No such file or directory01:07
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: actually researching problems rather than ask "what is the commands and flags I need"01:07
Psil0Cybinikonia: but alot of research leads to outdated solutions, that people on IRC suggest to stay away from.01:08
Ben64LvMises: then sorry, i'm not sure where to go from here01:08
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: then your research is poor/bad01:08
LvMisesThanks anyways man.01:08
LvMisesThis stinks.01:08
LvMisesI really want to stay with linux but Eve Online and my microscope wont work.  This makes me a sad panda.01:09
Ben64LvMises: from what i can see online the directory should exist and the "cat blah blah > /proc/cpia/video0" should turn the lights on01:09
Ben64LvMises: eve online however should work fine01:09
LvMisesI drank a wine bottle after messing with trying to make wine bottles for eve to work in wine all night.01:09
Psil0Cybinikonia: do you recommend, i buy an ubuntu textbook?01:10
zennistanyone familiar with 'calc' program?01:10
Beldarikonia, This user does not seem to reason through some basic issue, not even following the bots auto warnings. They have as you said been on the channel for three days, I doubt any reasoning is going to change them, it does not seem to be part of their congnitive development or vocabulary. And we have others continuing to enable this, take them off please. ;)01:10
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: not really no, there are solid documentation for ubuntu and linux in general on the web01:10
ikoniaBeldar: I can see your point01:11
zennistI have some statements in my CALCRC but unfortunately every time it starts up it prints useless output for those statements in my rc file. How to block that output?01:11
Psil0Cybinikonia: okay thank you, can you give me a topic that I should focus on at the moment...as you can see the issues I have been facing? How can I advance my linux knowledge, and stop being a paracite of knowledge on this channel.01:11
Psil0Cybinbecause no joke if it wasnt for hitsujiTMO I would have been in the dark ages, I owe this guy a very expensive botle of wine01:11
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: there is no "topic" research the things you need to do BEFORE doing them01:12
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: pay attention to the information that's been giving to you01:12
ikoniapay attention to what you read01:12
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: it's basic common sense stuff01:12
Psil0Cybinikonia: okay thank you guys, for putting up with me. ikonia thank you, you are right.01:12
psusiPsil0Cybin, did you get that server sorted out?01:12
entrerihello, how difficult it is to download, install and run VMware on Ubuntu ?01:15
psusiLvMises, eve online sucks your life force ;)01:15
bijoo_entreri: it's very simple; google "vmware ubuntu downlad"01:16
psusibeen what?  3 years now since I quit eve and got rid of windows and I still have dreams about the bloody game sometimes...01:16
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entreribijoo_: it gives me the ubuntu wiki, and it seems a lot complicated, it's a long text of commands, etc...01:17
entreriwould it run out-of-the-box ?01:17
psusidon't have time for that with the wife and kid, let alone if I want time to improve ubuntu, hehe...01:17
entreriI'm looking for someone with experience running VMware on Ubuntu01:17
Ben64!vmware | entreri01:18
ubottuentreri: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware01:18
bijoo_entreri: Okay, I don't know what is so complicated about searching Google; but here it is after 10 seconds: go to Software Central and search for VMware01:18
bijoo_ubottu: I can see teh VMWare View Open Client in Software Central01:19
ubottubijoo_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:19
bijoo_entreri: I can see teh VMWare View Open Client in Software Central01:19
Ben64read what ubottu said, vmware is not available in the ubuntu repositories. virtualbox is01:19
bijoo_Ben64: how come it shows up in Software Central then?01:20
Ben64i don't know what software central is01:20
bijoo_Software Center*01:20
hitsujiTMOentreri: vmware doesn't run in ubuntu as it is a company and not software. what vmware product are you specifically on about?01:21
entrerihitsujiTMO: not sure, the Virtualbox alike I guess ?01:21
entrerithe main product for consumers01:21
hitsujiTMOentreri: so eith vmware player or workstation?01:22
bijoo_entreri: you mean to run a virtual machine01:22
entrerihitsujiTMO: that's right01:22
entreribijoo_: yeah, for my college class... problem is I'm not on Ubuntu right now, I won't install Ubuntu is VMware is not available or if it's a pain in the *ss01:23
bijoo_entreri: so did you search for vmware there yet? Check in "Ubuntu Software Center" then01:23
nashantnobody has any idea what's the problem with my NFS transfers? at the moment the rsync process I had to kill is stopping me from unmounting the nfs share, and the only thing I can do when it does this is hard power off. Any help?01:23
bijoo_entreri: plus as people have said, you can use VirtualBox to open VMWare virtual machines as well. Definitely not a pain and worth it.01:24
entreribijoo_: my college class requires VMware : S01:24
hitsujiTMOentreri: both work well. there can be issues with some of the kernel modules that they provide as they tend to not work with kernels > 3.2 without patching. (this is the case with esxi's client tools at least). but they are not needed for the basic operations01:24
bijoo_entreri: hitsujiTMO obviously knows more about this than I do, but if it's for general use, then yea, it's simple and very straightforward.01:25
bijoo_entreri: and you can run VirtualBox and the VMWare Open View Client with 1 click in Ubuntu through the out-of-the-box Software Center.01:26
bijoo_entreri: it should suffice for a college homework ;)01:26
entreribijoo_: ok I'll take a look, thanks01:26
entreriwell it's funny, they're teaching Linux but they require Windows and VMware to run Linux networking OS inside... omg01:27
bijoo_entreri: sure, I've been using Ubuntu for a few years now and haven't look back; I switch from Windows 95~7, then Mac 10.x, and finally Ubuntu01:27
bijoo_entreri: it's impressive how much better this is;01:29
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bijoo_entreri: that is very backwards; but their IT department probably is hook on Windows for now.01:29
bijoo_entreri: nothing in their power to do, so yea.01:29
hitsujiTMOentreri: what exactly are the reasoning for requiring vmware? are they proving you with images, or is it, just because its what they use?01:29
bijoo_entreri: and they're probably expecting most students are Windows users;01:30
richardstallmanwhy is ubuntu full of amazon adware?01:30
richardstallmanalso why cant you move the unity bar01:31
hitsujiTMO!ot | richardstallman01:31
ubotturichardstallman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:31
bijoo_richardstallman: if you're really Mr. Stallman, I agree with you 100% percent, but like the fact that you can turn thouse off.01:31
psusientreri, they *require* it or support it as an option for those who don't actually want to install Linux and dual boot?01:31
richardstallmanubuntu doesn't respect the user's freedoms01:31
psusithat reminds me... how do you turn that crap off again?  I'm getting sick of searches taking forever while it hits 547 web links when I'm just trying to search for an app to open01:32
xangua!adlens | psusi01:32
ubottupsusi: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ01:32
bijoo_richardstallman: no software is perfect, but seems they try.01:32
psusixangua, thanks01:32
hitsujiTMOrichardstallman: if you want to discuss such things, try #ubuntu-offtopic. but this is a support channel01:32
psusixangua, hrm... strange... I don't have that package installed01:33
richardstallmangive me some support on how to remove this proprietary non-free shit01:33
xangua!language | richardstallman01:33
ubotturichardstallman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:33
richardstallmanshuttleworth has probably already sold my personal info to the NSA by now01:34
bijoo_richardstallman: obviously, you're impersonating. As I don't think he's in rochester, right?01:34
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entrerihitsujiTMO: I have one networking class and one Linux class... the networking class the teacher is a Windows sold-out and he wants to do the networking stuff in VMware... I don't get it since we need to register an account with VMware, etc... The Linux class I just can't follow the class because the teacher explains everything from a Windows perspective, leaving me on my own : (01:34
psusiRMS would not come on IRC and troll... he would send a gnupg signed email...01:35
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entreriSo I'm thinking about buying a used netbook so I can follow what other people do01:36
hitsujiTMOentreri: in that case, virtualbox should be just as good as vmware player, if not better. but if needed, you can always install it along side01:36
entreriso far the Linux class is easy since I'm a Linux user, but soon the Linux teacher wants the students to install Linux in a VM in VMware... lol, so if I want to follow the group, I will need to do that too01:37
hitsujiTMOentreri: virtualization on a 64bit platform requires intel vt-x (or amd equiv) for best performance. Most netbooks will not come with a capable processor. If you'r purchasing a system, please ensure the processor supports the feature first01:38
bijoo_entreri: fun stuff, I never got to install that. It's so easy to install Ubuntu; now building it from scratch is another...01:39
entrerihitsujiTMO: what about 32-bit ?01:40
entrerimost netbooks are 32-bit01:40
entrerifirst gens01:40
psusientreri, same thing... for virtualization that has good performance, you need vt-x01:41
hitsujiTMOentreri: no, they're 64bit capable cpus. just run 32bit os.      they "can" run 32bit guests, but the experience can be diminished compared to a vt-x capable system.01:41
psusihitsujiTMO, actually there seem to be a number of netbooks coming out that use intel Atom cpus that are only 32 bit capable01:42
hitsujiTMOa 64bit host can also run 32bit guests without vt-x.01:42
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psusihitsujiTMO, not if you don't want it to be slow as heck01:42
hitsujiTMOpsusi: atom going back to 32bit only? whaaaa?01:42
robzolkosI'm having trouble resuming from sleep on ubuntu 13.10.  nvidia driver.  googled and tried everything.  no change.  monitor just doesn't wake (computer does).  any ideas to check next?01:43
psusiAtom always has been 32 bit only AFAIK01:43
hitsujiTMOpsusi: i think i pointed that out earlier01:43
hitsujiTMOpsusi: no. only early ones. they just only officially provide 32bit support01:43
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psusihitsujiTMO, ahh, thought you were saying that 32 bit guest on 64 bit host didn't need the extensions to run full speed01:44
psusihitsujiTMO, I thought that they were always 32 bit only... but it seems that a number of devices are now using them and are UEFI only, which is a problem for Ubuntu since it doesn't support UEFI on 32 bit systems01:45
hitsujiTMOpsusi: http://ark.intel.com/products/59683/Intel-Atom-Processor-D2700-1M-Cache-2_13-GHz ones like this are 64bit, but they only provide 32bit drivers01:46
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MaynardW1tershi I have an eeepc and ubuntu 12.04.3 live usb02:02
MaynardW1tersI am getting udevd time out killing02:02
MaynardW1ters20:45 < MaynardW1ters> '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdd1'02:02
MaynardW1tersany suggestions how to debug?02:03
donaldduckmaybe I can help you02:04
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change the current sent print job's pritner? I want to change it from a real printer to 'print to a file'02:05
donaldduck@mojtaba thinking of switching from hardware printer to a software pdf-printer?02:06
mojtabadonaldduck: Yes02:06
Stanley00mojtaba: I don't think you can do that. But how about cancel that, and re-print the file?02:06
mojtabadonaldduck: I just would like to change the printer of the current job02:06
mojtabaStanley00: the problem is that, the website do not give me the option to print to a file.02:07
donaldduck@mojtaba you have to give more details02:07
mojtabaStanley00: It is a flash like book02:07
mojtabadonaldduck: What do you want to know?02:07
Beldarmojtaba, Here is a thread that might give you what you need, personally I just choose that option when needed. http://askubuntu.com/questions/118862/how-can-i-set-print-to-file-as-my-default-printing-option02:08
Stanley00mojtaba: that's strange, I did that before. Can you give me the url?02:08
donaldduckwell a few things. trying from xpdf locally, web etc.02:09
mojtabaStanley00: I really would like to give you that. but the problem is that it just needed the university subscription or could be done in the University network.02:09
donaldduckyou can also manage a few things from localhosy02:09
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Stanley00mojtaba: OK :)02:11
donaldducktried http://localhost:631/02:11
donaldduckfew settings via cups02:11
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MrJeromeI'm getting errors after trying to install printer drivers, how can I found out what's wrong?02:13
nashantNobody out there at all that has nfs working correctly??02:14
BeldarMrJerome, Two things, drivers from where and the errors.02:15
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MrJeromeBeldar: I got them from the official Brother website. I used them with success on 12.04 but haven't got them to work on 13.10. In trying to get them to work, I tried various methods to fix the problem. I tried install gutenprint drivers, and then uninstalled them and started getting errors.02:17
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BeldarMrJerome, Ah, have you tried the printers gui and seen if they are in the ubuntu repos?02:18
uronuubuntu dhcp server is there a way to block a unit if it static?02:18
MrJeromeI can't remember them exactly but one had to do with man-db and I don't know I'll try to get them up. I'd like to figure out how to get everything back to original and then retry02:18
MrJeromeYes I've been through the printers gui several times, as well as the Cups localhost web-thingy02:19
BeldarMrJerome, What form is the download in a tar or what?02:19
MrJeromeit's deb I'm going to try uninstalling those packages I haven't done that yet02:20
BeldarMrJerome, Try using gdebi, it will tell you if any dependencies are missing, gdebi needs a install is all.02:21
donaldduck@nashant if you mean NFS-server then yes02:21
BeldarI would think dpkg would to02:21
Beldardonaldduck, Tab complete nicks or type them @ is ot used here to notify the user02:22
MrJeromeBeldar: Ok. Is it also possible that if certain services are running and I try uninstalling them that it could cause problems? I'm pretty new to linux02:22
uronuis there a dhcp server which block if it use fixed ip02:24
MrJeromeBeldar: I got the drivers installed fine, I think I screwed something else up. Also Even after everything seems to be installed ok after I send a job to the printer it looks successful but nothing happens on the printer02:24
BeldarMrJerome, Hmm, my guess is they have to be stopped or will be at some point of you are removing, are you sure what you bare removing is the answer or just a theory.02:24
MrJeromeBeldar: I know how to uninstall the brother drivers themselves, but not so sure on the gutenprint stuff02:25
donaldduck@Beldar I know that already but thanks.  I'm very tiered here and I might miss/misstype a few letter here and there02:26
MrJeromeBeldar: I have to crash files... cups and man-db02:26
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Beldardonaldduck, really so you are going to disregard the way the channel runs for your own needs.02:27
MrJeromeBeldar: *two02:27
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BeldarMrJerome, Have you done a reboot since setting this up to see if this clears itself up?02:28
MrUnagianyone have a solution for remote wiping a ubuntu box......maybe a distro that i can pre set a static ip address so when it is done i can still access it?02:28
MrJeromeBeldar: I'll reboot now and try to come back with more details02:28
nerdtronMrUnagi: you can also boot a live cd02:29
donaldduck@Beldar I'm not sure what you mean exactly02:29
nerdtronthen set static ip on the live cd02:30
nerdtronthen you can do remote wiping of hard drive\02:30
sakter12i just started having a weird issue, every time i reboot unity resets, like the desktop background, things locked to the launcher are back to their defaults...  mouse behavior is defaulted and won't change now.02:30
sakter12I recently was installing things like glib, GTK+ and babl from source files, that was the last thing i did.02:31
donaldduck@sakter12 what ubuntu are you running? 32 or 64-bit kernel?02:31
IdleOnedonaldduck: most irc clients will change the color of the text when a users nick is mentioned at the start or within the sentence. When you add an @ in front it breaks that highlighting and the user you are trying to address doesn't see it. right now it is a little slow but when it gets busy in here it is difficult to keep up with the traffic.02:31
sakter12donaldduck, ubuntu 12.04 64-bit02:32
donaldduck@IdleOne yeah I know. Trying to keep up though :)02:33
donaldduck@sakter12 PM instead?02:33
IdleOnedonaldduck: So, it is best to just get in the habit of doing it the "irc" way and not be a huge dipstick about it.02:33
Beldara diehard blockhead wonderful02:33
IdleOneBeldar: that wasn't helpful02:34
Beldarsorry, my bad02:34
BeldarI tried b=nicely explaining seems like an accurate description02:35
sakter12donaldduck, ok02:36
donaldduck@IdleOne well I'm not sure where you're getting at all. My english is not my primary language and therefore I'm having some trouble following along02:36
shreezbotI'm trying to copy about 150GB from one hard drive to another, it is taking a really long time (like 8 hours or more).  Is there a way to figure out why it is taking so long?  I would have thought with both drives being 6GB/s SATA drives, it would be much faster....02:36
Beldarshreezbot, how are you copying?02:37
glitsj16donaldduck: it translates to: drop the @ :)02:37
donaldduck@sakter12 drop me a PM. I've had the same issue as you. Can explain via pm02:37
Beldarshreezbot, These both internals?02:37
shreezbotBeldar, I'm just using 'mv' to move the data.  Yes, they are both internal SATA drives.02:38
donaldduckglitsj16, you mean I should drop the @ before nickname?02:39
glitsj16donaldduck: correct02:39
donaldduckI'm not used to this client at all. It has graphics!! I prefer just text-based applications. Used to run irssi02:40
sakter12donaldduck, did i send a pm or did i do it wrong..  isn't it /msg un message?02:41
glitsj16donaldduck: that's what people were trying to point out, now you've got that things are back to normal, no worries02:41
sakter12donaldduck, do i have to re-install compiz?02:41
Beldarshreezbot, Not sure on checking you might run man mv02:41
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:42
robertdalinHi - I am trying to remove ruby.  to reinstall it with rvm,02:42
nashantdonaldduck: You couldn't paste your export and mount lines could you? With mine reading is working (slowly... ~10Mb/s) and write, after copying at about 40Mb/s, just dies after approx 720Mb every time. Cpu utilization drops and iowait shoots up, sometimes high enough to cause my system to hang.02:42
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__raven13.10 64 on asus eeepc 1225c with intel atom n2600: extremely bad video performance with hd AND non hd videos. am i missing something/how to find out?02:46
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ROPAwhere should I post screen capture files showing a technical problem??02:47
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Beldar!imagebin | ROPA02:48
ubottuROPA: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.02:48
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eschneidmy laptop wont suspend anymore on the latest 13.10.  anyone else see this?02:55
Beldareschneid, Have you had a chance to look on askubuntu or the web using your computer model in the search?02:58
eschneidthere are a ton of different compaints over the years.  i cant find one fitting my issue.02:59
Beldareschneid, Additionally has it been suspending?02:59
eschneidpm_suspend doesnt even work02:59
eschneiddont see anything unusual in the logs02:59
eschneidwas hoping others have seen it due to an upgrade03:00
Beldareschneid, I use the menu for mine does yours have a suspend?03:00
eschneidthat doesnt work either.  same effect as suspend03:00
eschneidas pm_susend03:00
eschneidmight just log a bug03:01
JeffryI'm still having my issue with grub not being the default boot manager could someone PLEASE help me resolve this?03:02
Beldareschneid, That command here says "No command 'pm_suspend' found, did you mean:Command 'pm-suspend' from package 'pm-utils' (main)pm_suspend: command not found" however the menu shut down suspend works.03:02
eschneidah, yes.  pm-suspend...sorry03:03
BeldarJeffry, What is defaulting and is this a uefi?03:03
Beldareschneid, That is what I tried03:03
Jeffryyes its uefi and it just boots into widows skiping grub03:04
BeldarJeffry, Have you tried the bootrepair app?03:05
BeldarJeffry, What was last installed or reloaded?03:06
Jeffrywindows was preinstalled than i installed ubuntu03:06
Jeffrywell i installed it alongside it03:07
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BeldarJeffry, try this it ask you to save the bootinfo summary makes sure to do so to diagnose if needed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:07
Jeffrycan i put this on usb?03:08
BeldarJeffry, YOu would run it from a live ubuntu03:08
Beldaror the install03:09
BeldarJeffry, There is a ubuntu download with it onboard if needed.03:09
donaldduckJeffry did you install03:10
donaldduckfrom usb or cd/dvd?03:10
systemfishcan I run a script in the background when the system starts?03:11
Jeffrynot yes i  have to figure out how to get into ubuntu now03:11
systemfishI want a while-loop to run in the background (a bash script)03:11
Jeffryoh wait03:11
donaldducktried a live-version and mount your disc via /dev/sda and run grub-install?03:11
Jeffryi installed from dvd03:11
Beldardonaldduck, It;s a uefi the mbr is not used03:11
Jeffrycrap my unet bootenb is acting up again03:14
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__raven13.10 64 on asus eeepc 1225c with intel atom n2600: extremely bad video performance with hd AND non hd videos. am i missing something/how to find out?03:18
loki_for example i have archive chat.tar.gz03:19
loki_i try againg pack my files with command tar czf chat.tar.gz chat/03:20
loki_what will happened?03:20
somsiploki_: file chat.tar.gz will be overwritten03:20
loki_old archive will be deleted?03:20
ROPAI'd like to upgrade to a wireless mouse, is there a more appropriate irc channel for asking tech questions and for asking which models are best????03:20
loki_so there no append right?03:20
loki_just owerwrite03:20
somsiploki_: not unless you use tar command line parameters to append03:20
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PhysicistI would like to upgrade my system to 13.10. Just thinking about install everything again drives me crazy..03:21
somsipPhysicist: and your question is...?03:21
PhysicistIf I upgrade my system to 13.10, I will have to reinstall all programs, codecs, etc?03:23
BeldarPhysicist, You can make a app list and just run it on installs with and extra repos and keys added before run.03:23
ROPAPhysicist 13.10 is a downgrade, buggy.......keep 12.04 or 12.04........I wish I had never deleted my 13.04!!!!!03:23
BeldarPhysicist, Once installed that is.03:23
BeldarROPA, Not here and that is a biased opinion.03:24
somsipPhysicist: if you upgrade, they should all be fine unless you have any manually installed packages in there, and PPAs can be problematic. If you wipe and reinstall, then you need an applist to reinstall.03:24
PhysicistI'm running 13.04. I read today about the end of the cycle.03:25
ROPABeldar it's very biased, but not untrue or exaggerated........is dissension allowed here???03:25
BeldarROPA, Proper support is.03:25
BeldarROPA, dissension is welcomed in #ubuntu-offtopic though03:26
jcabbFresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit server on inspiron 1525 laptop. -- eth0 doesn't appear with an IP unless I type these commands. sudo modprobe e100 && sudo ifconfig eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0 --03:27
jcabbI don't understand why the OS doesn't detect/config the card on boot.03:27
ROPABeldar OK, I shall endeavor to make recommendations, not negative comments...........ty Beldar.03:27
packetscaperjcabb: do u see your card in lspci ?03:28
PhysicistI want to try xbva driver and I've got already the catalyst 13.12, newest, installed. Will it be replaced?03:28
BeldarPhysicist, I been doing this long enough, that I find fresh installs the quickest way, but I do not do any extras that cannot be done beyond a app list being run.03:28
jcabbyes, 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 12)03:29
jcabbpacketscaper, it does work... after I type the command above.  Just when I reboot I need to re-enter that03:29
BeldarROPA, It happens, running a OS can be frustrating. ;)03:29
ChogyDanjcabb: there is a file that you can add to to have stuff modprobed by default03:30
PhysicistBeldar: I will continuing using kwheezy rather. I will, sadly, forget ubuntu when the cycle get over...03:30
jcabbChogyDan, im over my head with your question. :/03:30
ROPAPhysicist I'd suggest trying the prerelease version of 14.04 LTS or running 13.04 until something else is available. I am very seriously considering trying 14.04.03:30
packetscaperguys I m having trouble installing Vmware workstation 8.0.4 even after running the patch03:30
jcabbpacketscaper & ChogyDan , could I not manually change my /etc/networking/interfaces to what i want it to do?03:30
ChogyDanjcabb: I think you can add e100 to /etc/modules and then it will be set up automatically03:31
jcabbChogyDan, so just vi that file and add e100 at the end?03:31
PhysicistBeldar: About the driver, does it will be replaced if I install xvba from repositories?03:31
ChogyDanjcabb: correct.03:31
BeldarPhysicist, I don't know.03:32
PhysicistROPA: I will consider too.03:32
ROPABeldar yes, frustrating.....but I've learned so much about ubuntu technical issues lately, and frustration should decrease as knowledge ramps up.03:32
somsipPhysicist: ROPA 14.04 is only just in alpha and not recommended for any production usae. Discussions in #ubuntu+103:32
Physicistsomsip: SOON03:33
ChogyDanjcabb: and then in theory, you won't need to run those DHCP commands, since the card will setup at boot, and the various network things will actually work automatically03:33
jcabbChogyDan, i rebooted and this time ipconfig sees eth0... still no IP.  prolly because dhcp isn't being called03:33
Physicistsomsip: Not now..03:33
jcabbChogyDan, nope. i got no IP :)03:33
jcabbim getting closer tho03:33
PhysicistI will wait.03:34
jcabbChogyDan, im ok with adding sudo dhclient eth0 to an init script.  where would i add that?03:34
ROPAsomsip I can't comment regarding the usefulness of 13.10....but 14.04 alpha might be a step upwards............ty for info about ubuntu+1.03:34
PhysicistIs anybody using xvba driver?03:35
ChogyDanjcabb: sorry, not my thing03:35
jcabbChogyDan, no prob.  I might just assign static IP anyway.. thx for the other help tho03:36
PhysicistI'm installing xvba driver as well.03:37
packetscaperjcabb: try and run sudo dhclient eth003:37
quotemstrIs there a channel for libunity dev support?03:38
jcabbpacketscaper, yeah that already works... but i wanted it in an init script if possible03:38
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wolfzrathi is there anyone who can lend a hand, I and attempting to dual boot with two HDD and am stuck03:42
zacariasHi. In my wife's macbook one can't hear sound from the headphones, just from the speakers. I tried to change things in ALSA mixer, but no luck. Any idea?03:43
Physicistzacarias: Macbook with ubuntu?03:44
Beldarwolfzrat, Very likely help is available, name the installed os and your issues.03:44
wolfzrati have the primary HDD running windows 7 and I installed ubuntu 13.04 on the other, i wanna boot the 2nd HDD and I get error no such device grub rescue03:44
wolfzratthere you go Beldar03:44
Beldarwolfzrat, Ah, have you tried booting from either HD?03:45
Beldarand which gives you this error03:45
PhysicistBeldar: He must install grub in the  2nd hd03:46
zacariasPhysicist: yes, 12.04.3 customized with DreamStudio03:46
wolfzratwell after installing ubuntu on the 2nd HDD i get thiis error03:46
wolfzrati reboot the computer and this error03:46
munzzacarias: nice :)03:46
Beldar!boot-script | wolfzrat, run this script and pastbin it.03:47
zacariasmunz: It gives me 003:47
Beldarwolfzrat, http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/03:47
bilegti'm writing something like automatic screen brightness adjuster. I'd really appreciate if you test it and tell me how was it? https://github.com/bilegt/autobrightness03:47
munzhas the sount ever worked?03:48
wolfzratrun it on the grub rescue>03:48
zacariasmunz: It works well from the speakers03:48
Beldarwolfzrat, Boot the live cd and download it unpack it and run the command on the webpage.03:48
munzbut never from headphones?03:48
Physicistzacarias: You should change the device in the sound menu. Example: Speaker - headphone. Or increasing the volume in the another card #2 using alsamixer.03:48
joshsmy update manager is telling me there are updates to install but when i do i get an error message03:50
iratedFor server to not start on boot03:51
wolfzratbeldar i PM you03:51
spearheadjoshs: what error message?03:52
Beldarwolfzrat, I have pm off, best to do all this in the channel.03:52
joshsit is a long one should i post it here?03:52
iratedWhat do i need to do to for a service to not start?03:52
wolfzratalright i understand03:52
spearheaduse paste.ubuntu.com03:52
Beldar!pastebin | joshs03:52
ubottujoshs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:52
wolfzratlet me get the live cd up03:52
wolfzratso i run that command and paste it on pastebin right03:53
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Beldarwolfzrat, I'm going to mtake off for about 45 min to an hour to get a flu shot, if I don't answer that is what's up.03:53
zacariasPhysicist: It changes automatically.03:53
Physicistzacarias: do it again.03:54
munzzacarias: what macbook ver do you have? sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name03:54
Physicistzacarias: do it again. try alternate between the cards.03:54
Beldarwolfzrat, Have you tried both HD's first by setting them in the bios?03:55
joshsi posted the url03:56
Beldarjoshs, maverick is end of life03:57
MrJeromebeldar: got my printer working and all is well03:57
wolfzratno i dont know how to do that03:57
joshshow do i get rid of this?03:57
BeldarMrJerome, Cool, good job.03:57
Beldarjoshs, Are you running maverick?03:57
zacariasmunz: A Macbook 5,2 (2009). I have another Macbook with Elementary OS (also based on Ubuntu 12.04), a 2,1 model (end 2006) in which everything works out of the box03:57
xanguajoshs upgrade to a supported ubuntu release, either 12.04 LTS or 13.1003:57
Physicistjoshs: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 6AF0E1940624A22003:57
BeldarPhysicist, Heh, the repos are closed for that release the key is not the issue.03:59
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zacariasPhysicist: How can I alternate between cards?03:59
joshswhat is the best way to upgrade?04:00
packetscaperhaving trouble running vmware workstation 8.0.4  in ubuntu 12.0404:00
PhysicistA clean installation.04:00
Beldarwolfzrat, I gotta take off but this may be as simple as making sure the HD is the first HD in the bios. On the bios splash it gives you the key prompt to get to it, mine is f2.04:00
munzzacarias: red led on the jack?04:00
Beldarwolfzrat, HD meaning the one ubuntu is on.04:01
packetscaperI ran the patch still I am getting a messag " Kernel Headers no found " what does it mean ?04:01
iratedWhat do i need to do to for a service to not start?04:02
wolfzratbeldar, ill try04:02
Beldarwolfzrat, I'm still here it's raining out here not biking weather.04:03
wolfzratok, well in stuck, ill try to go to bios now04:04
glitsj16irated: what version of ubuntu are you using? you probably need to put an override file for the service at /etc/init04:04
luckyuserwhat is the smallest ubuntu based distro04:04
iratedecho > disabled into it?04:05
Beldarluckyuser, lubuntu probably, but you can do a net install and have a more customized setup.04:05
glitsj16irated: try sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/SERVICE.override" (SERVICE being the name of the service as it appears in /etc/init)04:05
Beldarluckyuser, as far as canonical releases, that is what's supprted here.04:06
glitsj16irated: no trouble, if you decide to go back to autostart, remove the override file04:06
wolfzratok beldar im in my bios04:06
zacariasmunz: on the jack socket yes, not on the jack itself04:06
luckyuserim new to linux04:06
wolfzratwhere do i go to do this04:06
iratedi figured as much04:06
iratedi did an accidental rm -rf * blah*04:07
iratedwhen i ment04:07
iratedrm -rf *blah*04:07
iratedso rebuild my system04:07
iratedClassic reason to backup files people04:07
glitsj16:) lesson learned i guess04:07
iratedI did this once 10 years ago04:07
Beldarwolfzrat, Just toggle till you get to the HD's listed and follow the instructions to move the HD's up or down on the list, the highest is the one called for boot.04:07
iratedwhen i was 1504:07
wolfzratwell look at this, i see HDD boot sequence and boot sequence04:08
wolfzratin HDD boot sequence i see this04:08
munzzacarias: check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/44608/no-sound-out-of-macbook-speakers-red-led-in-headphone-jack04:08
munzi dont have the issue im 13.10 on a 5.504:09
munzbut it looks like what you have04:09
wolfzrat1. SATA-0 : ST316081AS04:09
wolfzrat2. bootable add-in cards04:09
munz...maybe.... :)04:09
jeffrey_firated:  Try to keep as much as you can on a single line.  1658 people in here, it can get out of hand and ideas tend to get missed if there is too much scrolling04:09
luckyuserwhat is the smallest ubuntu based distro 13.10 ?04:10
Beldarwolfzrat, Just make sure the HD with ubuntu is above the one with W7, not every bios is the same, so.......04:10
Beldarluckyuser, This is ubuntu support I answered you on the lightest of canonical and the option of a net install. Ubuntu based is not a channel option.04:11
poleslavHey guys, i've got a question. I've got two of the same computer, one which runs ubuntu perfectly the other which the graphics are slowmo. The drivers are different, i found a fix, but it says to save a file to "/etc/x11/xorg.conf" but when i try to it says that it cant find the file, any advice?04:11
poleslavhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2072420 is what im using for how to solve this04:12
luckyuseri know lubuntu and xubunyu sucks04:12
Beldarluckyuser, Then we are done.04:12
packetscaperanyone using vmware workstation 8.0.4 in ubuntu 12.04 ?04:14
munzno packetscaper i used to run vmware but now only virtualbox, its free and opensource04:16
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munzwhats up tho?04:16
luckyuserwhat is the smallest ubuntu based distro 13.10  64bit  ?   im new to linux04:16
glitsj16poleslav: so you're stuck at step 4 of that page?04:16
somsip!minimal | luckyuser04:17
ubottuluckyuser: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:17
wolfzratbelgar i got it to work i just had to turn it on, now how do I use the windows boot manager instead of the ubuntu one?04:17
poleslavyeah, glitsj16, any advice on how to make this work? or another way to get the Intel 945GM x86/MMX/SSE2 graphics drivers?04:18
poleslavCurrently it says the graphics drivers are "Gallium 0.4 on NV46" and everything moves kinda slow mo, its hard to explain04:18
glitsj16poleslav: let's try what's on the page first, it is the last step, shouldn't take long .. try "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" from a terminal04:19
Beldarwolfzrat, So you get a grub menu now and ubuntu boots?04:20
glitsj16poleslav: do you have an editor opening after running that command?04:20
poleslavyeah, a text editor opens and i write what i need to but when i hit save it says that it cant find the file04:21
luckyuseris this a good place to gate help with linux im new to linux04:22
somsipluckyuser: I answered your last question. Is there something else you want?04:22
packetscaperguys have u faced any such problems: screen goes into black.. with some random memory messages.. and at last u get msg. like "kernel panic: not syncing : fatal exception in Interrupt"04:22
glitsj16poleslav: that's because the file needs to be made, it isn't there by default .. try to save as .. point it to the correct location (/etc/X11) and name it 'xorg.conf'04:22
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glitsj16poleslav: just to double-check, you did do step 3 and installed xserver-xorg-video-intel yes?04:25
poleslavits weird because it says that a file named xorg.conf already exists04:25
poleslavand then when i press replace it says that it cant find the file04:25
wolfzratbelgar yea this is correct but i dont want the grub menu i want the windows one04:25
glitsj16poleslav: okay, lets pastebin the output of "ls -lh /etc/X11" on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url if you please, we need to make sure about this04:26
luckyuseri'm looking for a good linux distro for netbooks04:27
Beldarluckyuser, Here is a list of ubuntu based releases, you will have to do the research on which fits your needs, just consider support relevancy is all.  http://distrowatch.com/search.php?basedon=Ubuntu04:28
bhldevexpect a different answer? lol04:28
somsipluckyuser: you are in a ubuntu support channel, so the recommendation here will be ubuntu or one of the supported derivatives04:28
wolfzratyea ubuntu is what I have on my netbook04:28
wolfzratworks great I love it04:28
ChogyDanluckyuser: if it is an older netbook, try xubuntu or lubuntu04:28
somsip!flavors | luckyuser04:29
ubottuluckyuser: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.04:29
possum_hi how can i add / install a source package from launchpad?04:29
possum_can you help me?04:29
somsip!PPA | possum_04:29
ubottupossum_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:29
possum_i dont understand what to do04:29
possum_should i download the tar.gz?04:29
possum_somsip: i could not find any ppa: link04:29
somsippossum_: well, as they're not supported here...04:29
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details04:30
possum_somsip: the problem is i see no ppa: link04:30
wolfzratbelgar any luck for me to choose the windows boot manager over the grub04:30
possum_please help04:30
somsippossum_: mmmm....the problem is you're asking for help on something that is not supported04:30
possum_but i dont know where to ask04:30
possum_launchpad is for ubuntu04:30
glitsj16poleslav: did you get the message about the paste request?04:30
somsippossum_: the home page on launchpad will be the best place to start04:31
possum_it even has the ubuntu logo04:31
possum_somsip: i read the doc, it said i should copy the ppa: link04:31
poleslavYeah i did im working on it since im working off of two computers04:31
possum_but there is none for a source package04:31
possum_should i just compile?04:31
somsippossum_: and PPAs are not suported here. Nor is compiling from source.04:31
luckyuseri like xfce04:31
eN_Joyanyone had success remotely dist-upgrade ubuntu? for months i have been debating whether or not i should do this...04:32
possum_somsip: so where should i ask?04:33
glitsj16poleslav: next, paste the contents of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf please, looks like you indeed have one already04:33
Beldarwolfzrat, Yes, you did not answer my last question, do you get a grub menu now and ubuntu boots?04:34
ChogyDanpoleslav: try cat   :)04:35
glitsj16poleslav: my bad, i should have been more clear, we need the content yes04:36
Beldarwolfzrat, Windows will not boot ubuntu without a 3rd party boot app, which only dumps you to grub anyway, making it a longer process.04:36
ChogyDanpossum_: what is it that you are trying to install?04:36
poleslavwhat do you mean the content?04:36
poleslavwhat should i put into the terminal?04:36
somsip!pastebin | poleslav04:36
ubottupoleslav: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:36
glitsj16poleslav: content, as in what's inside the file :)04:37
somsippoleslav: sorry - meant to do !pastebinit - it might help you04:37
nitkhow  to restrict access to drives in ubuntu from remote connection04:37
somsipnitk: what sort of connection?04:37
nitksomsip, Remote desktop connection04:38
poleslavi opened up the xorg.conft and its what it said to write in on the guide, should i try to restart it and see if it works?04:38
nitksomsip, remote desktop connection to ubuntu from windows..04:38
somsipnitk: I suppose it depends on what user is running the RDP server, if that's what you mean. Maybe it shoudl run under a user with lower permissions than it currently does04:38
wolfzratbeldar i answered it, the grub menu comes up and ubuntu boots04:39
glitsj16poleslav: if you have that yes, try what's on the instructions and reboot04:39
poleslavtheres the contents, it seems right to me let me double check jsut incase04:39
glitsj16poleslav: yes it looks good04:40
nitksomsip, I am connecting to root user in ubuntu from windows04:40
poleslavok im restarting now04:41
somsipnitk: like I said, maybe you should be running the RDP server under a user that is not root, so the windows client doesn't get root access04:41
Beldarwolfzrat, You spelled my nick wrong, I did not see it, use tab complete with nicks. The grub menu will boot windows. Is it that you want to be able to boot straight to windows by booting bthe drive it's on.04:41
glitsj16poleslav: just return here if things didn't improve graphics wise, best of luck04:41
poleslavit didnt seem to work, let me check what driver its using04:42
wolfzratbelder i must go, i figured out the 3rd party app i will use, thank you for all your help, God bless you.04:42
Beldarwolfzrat, Cool, have fun.04:42
wolfzratthank you =)04:42
poleslavIt says its still using the Gallium one, glitsj1604:43
glitsj16poleslav: do that and look at the /var/log/Xorg.0.lof too for info of what might have gone wrong04:43
nitksomsip, i have another problem after connecting to remote desktop when i press keyword d it is minimizing the window04:44
somsipnitk:  What desktop?04:44
somsipnitk: looks like you might need to look at /etc/init.d/xrdp for the other issue. The USERID seems to be specified in there. But I'm looking at an old version so maybe not04:45
glitsj16poleslav: run   lspci -k | egrep 'VGA|use' | grep VGA -A 1    to confirm the driver is use04:45
poleslavis what i saw whn i opened the xorg log file04:45
nitksomsip, how to increase max concurrent sessions to xrdp04:46
somsipnitk: maybe that's in the same logfile04:46
somsip*config file04:46
glitsj16poleslav: yes i'm going over it04:46
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nitksomsip, How to solve d keyword problem04:46
somsipnitk: answer my question - what desktop04:47
wadUbuntu 13.10 64-bit desktop edition: I edited the clock settings a bit, to have the option of seeing times in other time zones, and that seems to have exposed a bug. Anyway, now it doesn't show any time info in the bar at the top-right of the screen. The checkbox to "show clock in menu bar" is checked, but greyed out. Ideas on fixing this?04:47
poleslavhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6718835/ is what i got back when i typed in the command04:47
nitksomsip, ubuntu04:47
somsipnitk: what desktop environment, hint: unity, lxde, xfce04:48
nitksomsip, i am not sure  i am using 13.0404:48
glitsj16poleslav: i see, you have an NVIDIA GPU, so instructions for Intel don't apply04:49
poleslavTheres a sticker on the computer that says intel centrino duo04:49
poleslavwhich is exactly the same exact computer that im on now which has 0 problems with ubuntu04:49
glitsj16poleslav: did you install the nvidia driver in both machines?04:50
poleslavDunno, i did a dual boot on this one and used the same instal disk for both, over writing what was previously on for both04:50
poleslavworked fine for the one im on right now and it was running slow mo for the other one04:51
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somsipnitk: then you're probably on unity and I have no idea about that as I don't use it04:51
nitksomsip, how to find it .04:51
somsipnitk: find what?04:52
glitsj16poleslav: well, might be worth checking if you have nvidia drivers installed .. what does    apt-cache policy nvidia-*   output, paste that if you would04:52
nitksomsip, which environment i am using04:53
somsipnitk: if it lokos like this, it's unity http://arshpreetsingh.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/ubuntu-unity1.png04:53
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:55
nitksomsip, mine is unity04:55
somsipnitk: like I say, I've never used to can't help you with that04:55
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glitsj16poleslav: could you run the same command on the other box as well04:56
poleslavon the computer im on right now?04:56
glitsj16poleslav: yes04:56
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glitsj16poleslav: confirming that both machines are not using NVIDIA drivers .. are you sure they have exactly the same hardware? let's run   lspci -k | egrep 'VGA|use' | grep VGA -A 1  on the machine that works best05:00
poleslav00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) Kernel driver in use: i91505:01
glitsj16poleslav: well there you have it ..05:02
poleslavAs far as i know they both have the same hardware but im not 100% sure, they were both old laptops from my brother-in-laws work he gave to me, same model so i figured theyd be the same05:02
grahamsavage_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller (rev 09)05:02
grahamsavage_my graphics perofrms really badly05:02
poleslavSo what would be the best course of action to get the graphics on the second computer to run how they should?05:02
glitsj16poleslav: looks like the one you are one has Intel GPU, the other one NVIDIA, so you need to look at installing the nvidia driver on that one05:03
grahamsavage_i have the same problem05:03
glitsj16poleslav: first, nuke the edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf on that other machine05:04
glitsj16sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:04
poleslavok, done05:04
grahamsavage_i get lots of graphical glitches on my machine (horizontal lines) occasinally slow rendering.. but it looks like i've got the correct driver? any idea what i can do?05:04
glitsj16poleslav: in you pastes i saw that you have the x-swat PPA active, so you could go for the latest nvidia driver available by running   sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 .. that can take a few minutes as it will be building the driver .. ping me if that's finished05:06
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__raven13.10 64 on asus eeepc 1225c with intel atom n2600: extremely bad video performance with hd AND non hd videos. am i missing something/how to find out?05:10
packetscapertrouble in installing vmware in ubuntu , I know there is a patch for it , but even after run the patch no luck05:16
gij0einstall virtualbox05:16
poleslavglitsj16 i believe its done now, should i restart the computer or are there more steps?05:17
ATsname diagnostics24705:17
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packetscapergij0e: ya but to learn about vmware technology, later on I'd like to learn esx vsphere. so isnt is better to chose vmware over virtualbox ?05:18
=== ATs is now known as diagnostics247
gij0eDon't think vmware runs in linux05:21
TeslaTonyI'm trying to set up a dual-boot system with Windows 8, but it appears that my C:\ drive is right in the middle of several partitions and am wondering if it's best to shrink C and move the other partitions, or leave the other partitions where they are05:22
gij0erm win and just install linux05:23
diagnostics247I just did that tonight... Made the jump from Windows 8.05:23
Beldargij0e, This is support not your soapbox05:24
poleslavglitsj16, are you there?05:24
BeldarTeslaTony, Have you imaged W8 and made a recovery disc?05:25
TeslaTonyBeldar: That's running now05:26
BeldarTeslaTony, Cool.05:26
gij0ebeldar p iss off05:26
Beldar!ops | gij0e05:27
ubottugij0e: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!05:27
Flannelgij0e: Please be polite, thanks.05:27
BeldarTeslaTony, Here is a thread besides the uefi worth reviewing. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 Personally I like my partitions following a numerical order.05:28
TeslaTonyBeldar: Thanks. Yeah, me too. Thing is, under Win7 and XP, the C drive was always the last partition, so it was just shrink-->install. Now I'm confused...05:29
Beldaruefi wiki that is05:29
BeldarTeslaTony, With windows in general you don't want to move the front of the OS partition, funny thing is your the first dualbooter to ask this question in a W8 dualboot05:31
MalsasaHello, my friend affected by a problem of "ImportError: /usr/lib/libwebkit-1.0.so.2: undefined symbol: sqlite3_prepare16_v2" after he installed Eric. The error message comes from terminal when open Eric, USC, and Qt Creator. His complete question is in here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/402613/after-installing-eric-cant-open-ubuntu-software-center-and-get-error-undefin. Now he can't open his USC. Any suggestion? Thank you.05:33
BeldarMalsasa, That shows running in root, and gnome 2? What release is this?05:35
MalsasaBeldar: thank you, Sir. But he didn't specify his release yet. Any suggestion for technical issue with the error message? I am sorry.05:36
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BeldarMalsasa, Not really, just that gnome 2 is not running on any supported ubuntu release, they should be here really for help.05:37
BeldarMalsasa, Nor should that command be run in root to open the software-center05:38
MalsasaBeldar: hm, thank you. It is new information for me. Any clue sir, for the error message? Pointless here, I have google this but no specific answer for the error.05:38
TeslaTonyBeldar: After exhausting my google-fu, I'm coming to that conclusion. My setup seems to be a 1gb system partition, C drive, system restore D drive, and another system partition. Oh well...I guess I get to play guinea pig! muahahaha05:39
TeslaTonyBeldar: Thanks for the help05:39
BeldarMalsasa, Not being run in the correct environment makes it a moot point really. All the info is a bit off being in root and the mention of gnome 2.05:40
MalsasaBeldar: okay, thank you, Sir.05:41
MalsasaBeldar: sir, he said: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) 32 Bit. Any suggestion, Sir?05:42
BeldarTeslaTony, No problem, good luck.05:43
kostkonMalsasa, upgrade to 12.04. 10.04 is not supported any more on the desktop05:43
Malsasakostkon: thank you, Sir. But is there no trick at all? Just a fix for the error message?05:43
BeldarMalsasa, What happens if they run the command not in root?05:44
MalsasaBeldar: sorry for long time, Sir. It seems the same error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6719019/05:47
BackgammonIs the LiveCD properly configured to be ssh'ed into?05:47
MalsasaBeldar: same message: ImportError: /usr/lib/libwebkit-1.0.so.2: undefined symbol: sqlite3_prepare16_v205:48
vanishingBackgammon: I dont believe so..05:48
BackgammonStarted X in chroot like an idiot and now I have no keyboard05:48
gambihi all, how can I change the sensitivity of my wacom in the xorg conf?05:49
poleslavugh, well, my problem is fixed but it caused another problem lol. Is there a way to open the display settings without having the top or left bars? i can open the terminal05:49
poleslavwell, actually scratch that guess thats not the problem, my screen is really zoomed in to the point where i cant see the dock on the left nor the bar to the top, and the mouse is a bit bigger, any way to fix this?05:50
BeldarMalsasa, Not sure to be honest. Problem here is that 10.04 is not supported here nor does it even have access to the ubuntu repos. Seeing that command run in root has me wondering if this has been done regularly how much permissions might be broken. I would tell them to install 12.04 at the least, and do not run in root use sudo in the correct place.05:51
vanishingpoleslav: sounds like a graphic driver issue05:51
poleslavyeah i installed a new one as glitsj16 instructed me to to solve my other issue (everything was basically in slow motion)05:52
MalsasaBeldar: thank you, Sir. I understand. I will give our chat to him.05:52
vanishingpoleslav: check your xorg.conf05:52
BeldarMalsasa, Cool, hope you get it worked out.05:52
poleslavbut glits is away right now so yeah lol. How do i do that without being able to click around?05:52
vanishingcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:53
MalsasaBeldar: thank you, Sir.05:53
vanishingbtw, are you using nvidia?05:53
poleslavyeah i am05:54
vanishingas expected..:D05:54
poleslav"cat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: no such file or directory"05:54
vanishingdo this: sudo nvidia-xconfig05:54
vanishingafter that reboot, and you should have a happy desktop05:55
poleslavstill really zoomed in lol05:56
poleslav"could not apply the stored configuration for monitors, none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:"05:57
poleslavand then it says trying modes for CRTC 83 and has a list of CRTC 83 trying mode with a bunch of resolutions and Hzs and oututs, as well as (pass 0) or (pass 1) at the end05:58
vanishingchoose the resolution and refresh rate that suits your monitor :D05:59
poleslavnot sure which that would be05:59
vanishingor you can edit xorg.conf manually05:59
poleslavor how to do that :P05:59
poleslavim pretty new, especially when it comes to ubuntu05:59
vanishingI'm thinking..dual monitor?06:00
gij0epico xorg.conf06:00
gij0eor nano xorg.conf06:01
vanishinghe doesnt have xorg.conf...06:01
poleslavits all sorts of messed up lol06:01
gambipoleslav: the xorg config is in a different place now06:01
Ben64the xorg conf is not needed on recent ubuntus06:02
poleslavi think ill just get around to installing ubuntu fresh again later and coming back here for help, my battery is running low on both my computers and i only have one charger06:02
gambipoleslav: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ...06:02
gambithey all get combined into a single file - as far as I understand06:03
Ben64gambi: not really06:03
gambiBen64: thats where I put all my custom stuff and it works ...06:03
poleslavill just come back whenever i get time and another flash drive and retry from new06:04
vanishing /etc/X11/xorg.conf still works though06:04
gambiBen64: am I doing something wrong?06:04
Ben64yeah, you should use /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you really need one06:04
Ben64most computers will not need one06:04
vanishingmy laptop uses a nvidia card...doesn't function well withought one06:05
gambiBen64: for hacks and custom settings for wacom and synaptic?06:05
poleslavCause its 1am here and ive got to get some work done so see you all whenever i come back, and thank you all for the help! It's much appreciated06:05
vanishingthinkpad t520 to be exact06:05
gambipoleslav: good luck :)06:05
vanishinggood luck06:05
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KI7MTI should know this but I don't. In the Unity Top Bar, what's the name of the icon to the right of the Calendar, used for Logout, Shutdown, Lock etc?06:18
tozenKI7MT: what for?06:21
KI7MTOn the Unity Service Panel .. the Cog at the far right, used to shutting down, switching users etc.. just need the proper name for it.06:23
soupnaziHello, my computer overheated and restarted. When I rebooted it the GUI (Ubuntu) seemed off06:24
soupnaziWhen I open a program the UI Looks like something way out of date, as if it were from 8-10 years ago06:24
soupnaziWhat the hell happened?06:24
MarkDaviesIs it possible to comment a range of lines in vim?06:26
Apollohey, so im having problems trying to manually unmount this external hdd i have. Its telling me it does not know the unmount command? and id prefer to not have to install other software to get the job done until i know the base tools06:26
RavenHi how can I make an app from a command? I want to make an icon in the launcher out of a command06:27
Apolloright now im trying to unmount from the point which im assuming is in the /media file system.06:28
tozenApollo: not an <unmount> but <umount>06:28
Apollohaha, great stuff.06:29
malkaunsin 13.10 how do u get empathy to popup a new chat window when someone sends a message?06:32
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tozenmalkauns: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22292/get-chat-empathy-to-pop-up-when-people-are-talking-to-me06:35
malkaunstozen, thx, checking...06:36
malkaunstozen, ah i was just there and it seems that this version of empathy does not have that option :(06:36
BackgammonMarkDavies: Enter visual block mode, select the first characters of each line you want commented in a column, <I>, type your comment symbols, <Esc> will insert before each row selected in visual block06:37
tozenmalkauns: emmm...no ideas im not using it, sorry06:37
BackgammonThere are also a variety of scripts that do it more elegantly but that's the "pure" way06:37
MarkDaviesDoes somebody by chance use Ubuntu with a pure textual environment?06:39
malkaunsMarkDavies, u mean Ubuntu server?06:39
MarkDaviesmalkauns: not necessarily a server, but if you use it often and heavily, then yes. I mean just if somebody use Ubuntu without the desktop balast.06:40
BackgammonYou might as well use a different distro that isn't crippled and maimed then.06:41
BackgammonI mean, if you don't want GUI, why even bother with Ubuntu06:41
joshsi have upgraded to 13.10 and am having a problem with repositories06:42
Backgammonit doesn't even have su for crying out loud06:42
MarkDaviesBackgammon: Ubuntu suits me just fine, but usually I don't need the graphical environment.06:43
Backgammons/have/have proper06:43
somsip!text | MarkDavies06:43
ubottuMarkDavies: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:43
Backgammon...That's silly.06:43
MarkDaviesBackgammon: why?06:43
BackgammonUse a different distro if you don't need the graphical environment.06:43
BackgammonUbuntu's meant to be configured via GUI.06:44
somsipBackgammon: different users have different needs from you. Please avoid name calling. It's not productive or friendly06:44
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BackgammonIdeas are silly, people may or may not be.06:44
BackgammonIn a pluralist society we kill the ideas, not the bigots.06:44
marandihey guys , i have a huge problem with my keyboard and ubuntu 13.10 , i have wireless keyboard and bunch of hotkeys to make things easier for me ( for example : switching between languages , open terminal and etc ... ) but someday it wont work well , and when i start ubuntu , its seems left alt wont work well , because i cant switch with ( LShift + LAlt ) and i cant open terminal with ( CTRL + ALT + T ) and i should restart several times to make it right .. wha06:44
somsipBackgammon: time to calm down and get back on topic please06:44
Backgammonno, 's cool06:45
MarkDaviesBackgammon: I use text tools heavily here and I'm quite happy with them. The problem is that I'm not fluent in them yet, so I can't do everything what I want to do freely. Some features offered by Ubuntu I find advantageous.06:45
BackgammonBut text-only Ubuntu just doesn't seem to make sense.06:45
joshsmy update manager keeps telling me that there are updates but when i try to install them it fails06:46
somsipjoshs: which ones?06:46
Backgammon(I use Ubuntu as a rescue LiveCD for systems with no way to disable secure boot so I'm pretty ignorant of it)06:46
BackgammonUsually I'm just mildly irritated at having to use sudo -i instead of su, heh06:47
marandiany suggestion ?!06:47
tozenjoshs: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade??06:48
joshsthe list is long but it involves meerkat maverick and i upgraded to 13.1006:48
somsipjoshs: did you use any PPAs for maverick?06:48
joshsi don't think so06:49
tozenjoshs: 13.10 is unstable version of ubuntu linux distros so it's developed for finding new bugs06:49
somsipjoshs: paste the output showing the error06:49
somsip!fud | tozen06:49
ubottutozen: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt06:49
somsip!paste | joshs06:49
ubottujoshs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:49
MarkDaviesis it possible to have the mouse working in real terminals?06:50
somsip!gpm | MarkDavies06:50
somsip!find gpm06:51
MarkDaviesdoesn't know anything about gpm06:51
ubottuFound: libgpm-dev, libgpm2, claws-mail-pgpmime, gpm06:51
tozensomsip: 13.10 is too buggy and it's true. ive tried to use it with all my expirience. was really dissapointed, pal06:51
somsipMarkDavies: so maybe it's confused. Pretty sure gpm is the server you want, though many years since I've installed that on anything06:51
joshshere it is W:GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A220, W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 13.10 _Saucy Salamander_ - Release i386 (20131016.1)/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:52
joshs, W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 13.10 _Saucy Salamander_ - Release i386 (20131016.1)/dists/saucy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:52
joshs, W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-backports/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]06:52
joshs, W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-backports/restricted/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]06:52
joshs, W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-backports/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]06:52
FloodBot1joshs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:52
joshs, W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-backports/multiverse/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]06:52
somsiptozen: that's a fair opinion, but it is only your experience. Please do not misrepresent it as an unstable version06:52
somsipjoshs: use paste.ubuntu.com06:52
=== Devil is now known as Guest99616
Guest99616How do you register your name?06:52
somsip!register | Guest9961606:52
Guest99616ahh ok thanks06:53
ubottuGuest99616: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:53
tozensomsip:  really wont to argue. it isn't lts. thats it.06:53
Guest99616so I just type !register | [CHOSEN NAME] etc?06:53
somsiptozen: no, it's not LTS06:53
BackgammonGuest99616: No.06:54
somsipGuest99616: read that link06:54
Guest99616ok thanks06:54
somsipjoshs: yes, hang on06:55
somsipjoshs: so I would suggest you edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the lines that refer to those out-of-date repos. Then try again. Do you know how to do that?06:56
joshsno sorry06:56
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Backgammonyou guys could make your job so much easier by setting mode +R06:56
BackgammonThat would make this channel boring, though06:56
=== Raven is now known as Corvette
somsipjoshs: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # at the front of each of those. You may need to do some searching, but gedit should be easy enough to use06:57
joshscan i do it from a terminal?06:57
somsipjoshs: yes, use the command I gave above06:57
somsipjoshs: or any editor of choice, but gksudo gedit is perhaps the easiest06:58
wh-hwhi, guys07:00
wh-hwhow to reinstall intel graphics card driver?07:00
bingo Hello. The task-bar is not showing an icon for an active VPN connection. How can i fix this? Thank you07:00
joshshere is what that came up with http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:01
somsipjoshs: (empty)07:01
packetscaperhello does anyone work in gns3 ?07:02
Backgammonwh:hw: sudo apt-get install --reinstall [relevant packages]07:03
somsippacketscaper: the gns3 forum is probably the best place for support07:03
somsippacketscaper: irc on here at #gns3 too07:04
packetscapersomip: thanks07:04
=== catalyst is now known as Guest47469
somsipjoshs: ah - have a look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d as there may be some old repos in there too. use 'sudo mv {file} {file}.bak' to disable those. I think...07:05
Backgammonwh-hw: sudo apt-get install --reinstall [relevant packages]07:05
wh-hwBackgammon, i'm using ubuntu 10.1007:06
somsip!10.10 | wh-hw07:06
ubottuwh-hw: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.07:06
somsipwh-hw: so you either need to find something unofficial somewhere, or upgrade to a supported version07:07
Backgammonmight wanna upgrade then07:07
wh-hwyeah, but i can not enter desktop07:07
Guest99616It appears that GNOME 3 and Compiz dont get on very well07:07
BackgammonUse a LiveCD07:07
Guest99616GNOME 3 would be alright if it had some of the features of Compiz07:07
wh-hwcan not insert password on gdm menu07:07
BackgammonYank your data off from within the LiveCD, and install over it.07:07
Backgammonwell that's somewhat simpler to solve07:08
BackgammonLike, did you forget your password?07:09
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Backgammonor is your graphics driver broken and you have no GUI07:09
joshsi have no idea how to do that07:09
wh-hwno, it doesn't have an password enter menu appear07:09
wh-hwhave gdm07:09
BackgammonIs it just a black screen? Does gdm partially load but no password entry shows up?07:10
wh-hwbut when i click my username , it  no password menu appear07:10
JeffryI am back after finallty getting bootrepair running07:10
wh-hwBackgammon, yes07:10
Jeffryso who wanted the log?07:10
somsipjoshs: cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d && grep -nir 'maverick' . (then paste the output)07:10
wh-hwno password entry shows up07:10
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=== for is now known as shapow
Jeffryok i guess there not on could somone else help with my grub not being defualt boot manager?07:12
Backgammonwh-hw: do this for me07:12
Backgammondo you have that computer handy?07:12
BackgammonBoot it up07:12
Jeffryim useing a efi system07:13
Backgammonwhen you get to the screen where things are broken07:13
Backgammonhit ctrl-alt-F107:13
BackgammonYou should get a text prompt07:13
wh-hwand ?07:13
Backgammonand enter "sudo gdm --version"07:13
Backgammonwhat's it say?07:13
wh-hwBackgammon, GDM 2.30.507:14
Backgammoncould be any number of things causing that, then07:14
shapowAnyone know how to set a default sound output device (13.10)? Changing set-default-sink [index] at cli works, but setting it in /etc/pulse/default.pa the change has no effect on reboot07:14
BackgammonYou might as well upgrade now, you can do it via that text prompt you're looking at without signing in07:14
joshsi am kinda new to this ubuntu thing so i am do not really know how to do much on here yet07:15
MarkDaviesHow can I change GRUB2 menu so some systems listed here would disappear?07:15
wh-hwBackgammon, i can not upgrade it , it end of life07:15
somsipjoshs: that's why I'm trying to tell you exactly what to type...07:15
joshsdo i type it in a terminal?07:16
somsipjoshs: yes07:16
MarkDaviesI've read about the possibility of adding new entries, but is it possible to delete the unecessary ones?07:16
somsipMarkDavies: what do you want to remove?07:16
MarkDaviesUbuntu apart from Xen inside.07:17
Backgammonwh-hw: that won't prevent you from upgrading to the latest version of Ubuntu07:17
MarkDaviessomsip: ^07:17
Jeffrycoluld somone check my bootrepair log? and see why grub isnt the defualt boot manager?07:17
somsipMarkDavies: ah - I have no experience of xen.07:17
wh-hwBackgammon, you mean dist-upgrade?07:17
MarkDaviessomsip: it isn't necessary to have the experience of Xen, I just want to know how to modify GRUB2 menu.07:17
joshsi did and i didnt do anything07:18
Jeffryhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6719260/ this is my log07:18
glitsj16shapow: pulseaudio defaults to a per-user setup these days, so you need to add it to ~/.pulse/default.pa07:18
MarchJoinsTosssend me the code07:18
somsipMarkDavies: and it depends on what you want to remove. If it was old kernels, remove them and update grub. If it's another OS, remove it and update grub. Hence my question 'what do you want to remove'07:18
somsipMarchJoinsToss: do you have a support question?07:18
BackgammonNo, I mean like upgrade from 10.10 to 13.1007:18
Jeffrymarch are you talking to me?07:19
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MarchJoinsTosssend me the code for pastebin simple http server07:19
MarkDaviessomsip: first, I can't do it, but regardless of that, I want to delete *entries*, not real kernels.07:19
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r
somsip!pastebin | MarchJoinsToss07:19
ubottuMarchJoinsToss: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:19
somsipMarkDavies: I'm not sure what you mean then. I'll leave it to someone else.07:19
MarchJoinsTosssend the code07:20
glitsj16shapow: and you don't need a reboot after doing the edit, pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -D should restart it07:20
somsipMarkDavies: unless this will help you 'info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration''07:20
joshsi typed it in and nothing happened07:21
somsipjoshs: and that earlier paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/6719269/ was the full file was it?07:21
Jeffrymarch if you talking to me just click the link i posted07:21
joshsi believe so07:21
wh-hwBackgammon, how to do that ?07:21
anewwhat is -|07:21
MarkDaviesDamn. Why did they do it so difficult?07:21
Backgammonwh-hw: see http://lawrit.lawr.ucdavis.edu/it-help-center/how-to/upgrading-ubuntu-via-command-line07:22
shapowglitsj16: thanks for the tip07:22
somsipjoshs: just seen it at line 4. edit the file again and put a # on line 407:22
joshsok i'll try07:22
somsipanew: it's usually called 'pipe'07:22
anewwhat does pipe do ?07:22
somsipanew: sends the output of one command to another, eg: ls -la | less07:22
Backgammonanew: feeds whatever is before it as stdin to whatever's after it07:22
wh-hwBackgammon, this update 10.10 to 11.04 or 13.10?07:23
shapowglitsj16: no chance to reason with global default.pa? whats the limitation? if you know / it is known?07:23
MarkDaviesSeems like I should disable grub-mkconfig, but then the system will not be able to do automatic updates after I download the security downloads that replace or modify the kernel.07:23
BackgammonI presume 13.1007:23
Backgammonsomsip: will do-release-upgrade upgrade to latest available version?07:23
somsipMarkDavies: seems messy, but I suppose it makes sense07:24
somsipBackgammon: why me???? :) Just looking...07:24
BackgammonI'm not too familiar with things specific to Ubuntu rather than to Linux, but you look pretty experienced?07:25
somsipwh-hw: Backgammon: looks like you have to reinstall from 12.04 http://askubuntu.com/questions/227803/how-to-ubuntu-upgrade-from-10-10-to-12-10-32-bit07:25
somsipBackgammon: I'll pick up answers I can...if I can07:25
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BackgammonOh, huh, no upgrade without reinstall from non-LTS?07:25
joshsi hope i got it07:26
somsipBackgammon: first result I found, not many upvotes. Maybe more research is required by the OP07:26
BackgammonYeah, you probably just want to get the latest installer and reinstall07:26
somsipjoshs: and will it update now?07:26
glitsj16shapow: it all depends on how your pulseaudio is configured (and the syntax needs to be correct ofcourse) .. check what's in /etc/init/pulseaudio.conf, that has it all explained07:27
somsipwh-hw: this might help you too given you only want to reinstall one driver http://is.gd/8iFd5z07:27
shapowglitsj16: pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -D caused a crash and didn't want to restart. adding local ~/.pulse/default.pa (with only set-default-sink) caused no sound cards to be detected.07:27
joshsit says it was last updated 8 days ago but doesnt list any to install07:27
somsipjoshs: what says that? did you 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'?07:28
MedicalJaneParisis ufw + fail2ban the best way to block hosts after repeat attempts or is there something built into ufw?07:28
joshsupdate manager says that07:28
somsipMedicalJaneParis: f2b merely triggers ufw IIRC07:28
JeffryI dont think anyone can help can they?07:28
somsipjoshs: try the line I just posted, in a terminal. It might give you more error info it there is any07:29
shapowglitsj16: basically have an HDMI audio output and a stereo duplex on the same card. wanting to tell the HDMI audio output to take a hike and disappear.07:29
glitsj16shapow: okay, first thing to check: is your pulseaudio configured per-user ? that should be easy enough to tell by looking at the /etc/init/pulseaudio.conf .. paste it if you're not sure07:29
joshscommand not found07:30
somsipjoshs: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'07:30
glitsj16shapow: if you see something like "#start on runlevel [2345]" in the beginning of /etc/init/pulseaudio.conf that means it is per-user07:31
anewwww-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www07:32
joshsagain command not found07:32
shapowglitsj16: [016]07:32
anewdo i have to specify a file for this?07:32
anewin sudoeers07:32
anewor can i just specify the dir ?07:32
shapowglitsj16: woops, sorry thats stop :)07:32
somsipanew: NOOOO!!!! What are you really wanting to do?07:32
shapowglitsj16: see the paste http://p.pomf.se/243107:32
anewyes i have to do this07:32
glitsj16shapow: indeed, so confirming that pulseaudio is configured per-user, which is what you want07:32
anewis this correct or do i need to specify a dir07:32
Backgammonthree obscure memes crammed into one homepage07:33
somsipjoshs: without the quotes? sudo apt-get update (let it finish) then sudo apt-get upgrade07:33
somsipanew: putting www-data in sudoers does not seem to be a correct thing to do at all. What are you trying to achieve?07:33
shapowglitsj16: its commented out, is it still per-user?07:34
anewplease just answer if the syntax is correct !07:34
Backgammonanew: you really don't want to do that, correct or not07:34
anewis the syntax correct07:34
anewthat's all i want to know07:34
Backgammonthat aside visudo will not let you save if the syntax is incorrect so if it saved it is correct07:34
glitsj16shapow: now you need to make sure you have a fully configured ~/.pulse/default.pa .. which is more than the oneliner about the default sink you mentioned before, you can copy the content from /etc/pulse/default.pa as an example07:35
Backgammonyou did use visudo right07:35
anewno i did not07:35
anewwhat is visudo07:35
Backgammonholy fuck what are you doing07:35
Ben64watch the language please Backgammon07:35
glitsj16shapow: the start stanza is commented out yes, meaning pulseaudio will not start at those runlevels07:35
somsipanew: if you dont know to use visudo, you should also question if you know what you are doing putting www-data in sudoers. Last strong hint from me07:35
Ben64and it would really help if you'd explain your goals anew07:35
Backgammondid you just sudo vi /etc/sudoers07:35
somsip!language | Backgammon (you should know better)07:35
ubottuBackgammon (you should know better): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:35
hipitihop_glitsj16, thanks for dropping a note, appreciated, no rush07:36
shapowglitsj16: the idea is to have a system-wide change07:36
BackgammonOh, it is the official support channel.07:36
BackgammonMy bad.07:36
anewthe line is in the file... so i must have edited it properly ...07:36
glitsj16hipitihop_: hi mate :) no trouble, i'll drop by in a few07:36
Ben64anew: please explain what it is you're trying to accomplish07:37
glitsj16shapow: okay, so you can edit the default.pa file in /etc/pulse to add the sink07:37
hipitihop_no drama, I have no more details or expriments beyond what I have noted on answers/bug07:37
shapowglitsj16: been doing that lately to no avail07:37
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wh-hwsomsip, Backgammon : thanks , i will have a try07:38
somsipjoshs: ok - edit it again and comment out lines 38 and 3907:38
glitsj16shapow: do you still have a default.pa in your ~/.pulse ? if so move that out of the way07:38
joshshow do i comment out?07:39
somsipjoshs: both of those refer to maverick-backports, just so you know which ones to do07:39
glitsj16hipitihop_: yeah i took a quick peek on the bug, i'll explain later 'as it is rather off-topic)07:39
anewauth.log is 0b so i guess it www-data is not running as sudo07:39
somsipjoshs: add a # to the beginning. Using gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
Ben64anew: please explain what it is you're trying to accomplish07:40
shapowglitsj16: its out, would starting pulse in system mode allow me to set the default sink? strange because that global default.pa file gets parsed say if i add module-loopback to load. its only setting the default sink that is giving trouble07:40
anewi am trying to allow www-data to run as sudo07:40
somsipanew: to allow PHP scrips to run commands that need root access?07:40
anewshould i change www-date to apache in apache ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www07:40
Ben64anew: thats not a goal, thats a bad idea07:41
anewthats my goal07:41
anewnow how can i do it07:41
Ben64that is what you see as a solution to a problem, what is the actual problem07:41
glitsj16shapow: like it is explained it is not recommended to run pulseaudio in system-mode, but let's try to add the sink .. can you paste /etc/pulse/default.pa please?07:41
joshsi have no clue how to edit sorry07:42
somsipanew: http://is.gd/JKRQ4e http://is.gd/IgPYGL07:42
jnhghyI have some content on my website that I need to be able to prove that was available between a certain period, is there a "time server" service? is there an acredited site/company that can offer such an accreditation? anybody know about something like this?07:42
anewthe problem is i cannot run anything as sudo from www-date07:42
somsipjoshs: you did it earlier and I've told you 3 times now. gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (in a terminal)07:42
Ben64anew: that still is not the real actual problem07:43
JeffryGuys in the grub file should i set GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to 1?07:44
anewthat is the problem07:44
anewi dont know how many times i have to say it...07:44
anewi want to run www-data as sudo07:44
anewi tried changing www-data to apache07:44
Ben64there is no reason to ever have that07:44
anewit still didnt work07:44
shapowglitsj16: its stock from 13.10 install with no changes. i'm copying it now lmk if you still need it07:44
BackgammonI dunno, he's a volunteer and isn't really obliged to help you.07:44
Ben64so what are you really trying to accomplish?!07:44
somsipanew: here's a third link for you http://is.gd/gUyKiA07:44
* hipitihop_ reboots as mouse has just got lag, never seen that before07:44
BackgammonSo you can say it as many times as you want.07:44
Ben64www-data never needs and should never have sudo access07:45
anewthat looks good somsip will try that07:45
anewthe only useful answer in here07:45
jnhghyanew: why do you want to give www-data sudo access?07:45
Ben64if you'd ever explain your actual problem, maybe someone here could help you07:45
glitsj16shapow: i'm still on 13.04 so not sure what came with 13.10, a paste would be welcome so we can stay on the same page on the issue07:45
shapowglitsj16: http://p.pomf.se/243207:45
somsipanew: the useful answer is *dont do it*. I'm just shutting you up, I'm sad to say07:45
glitsj16shapow: thanks, having a look07:46
Backgammonalso, has anyone looked at either coreboot or kernel.org's Secure Boot System pre-bootloader?07:46
shapowglitsj16: sure!07:46
anewobv this guy had a reason to do it also07:46
shapowBackgammon: I'm a proud owner of a c720 with seabios (coreboot)07:46
Ben64anew: what you're asking for is going to get you hacked07:46
somsipanew: it's possible for more than one person to have a bad idea.07:46
BackgammonHow's feature coverage of coreboot at this point?07:46
shapowBackgammon: the latest (7 i think) x86 chromebooks are almost entirely libre machines with exception of bluetooth07:46
shapowBackgammon: Can't relay specifics, don't know them atm, but reports have it that they run pretty much any OS you throw at it... openbsd is being ported. but who uses that anyway ;)07:48
glitsj16shapow: okay, looks clean, but no default sink is present currently .. do you have the sink info you would like to become default?07:48
BackgammonHuh, pretty good07:48
BackgammonI'm hearing things like how suspend to RAM doesn't work on some boards, etc07:48
shapowglitsj16: basically just the penultimate line would be `set-default-sink 1' to specify the stereo-output instead of index 0 which is the hdmi output07:48
BackgammonI don't have an external flasher, though, so sadly I can't see for myself07:49
shapowBackgammon: yeah, the trackpads on these latest machines only work after adding patches... and suspend is finicky... the report comes from arch linux. i don't know about ubuntu07:49
Jeffryhey backgammon wernt you helping mywith my problem earlyer today?07:50
joshsi put #'s in front of them07:50
somsipjoshs: so save and do the sudo apt-get-update thing again07:51
glitsj16shapow: i would love that being possible too, unfortunately pulseaudio devs are not sharing our wishes heh, let me have a minute to check on something and i'll get back to you07:51
shapowglitsj16: i've tried specifying the full name and the index, no effect on restart/killing pulse. but the commands work fine live07:51
glitsj16shapow: can you show what works on the commandline?07:51
shapowglitsj16: sorry, i meant no effect on reboot, not restarting pulse.07:52
Jordan_UJeffry: Are you able to boot Ubuntu at all?07:52
shapowglitsj16: pactl set-default-sink 1 -> works07:52
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Jeffryyes i am07:53
shapowglitsj16: pactl set-default-sink 0 -> also works, sets back to dread hdmi output07:53
glitsj16shapow: i believe the issue is that you can't be sure which card gets set with what index on a reboot, but we can try to do something about that, please hold07:53
glitsj16shapow: that's probably why on reboot the other card is assigned index 1 .. does this make some (weird) sense?07:54
shapowglitsj16: awesome ok :) [background music plays]07:54
glitsj16shapow: cool :) i'll dig up something07:54
shapowglitsj16: makes perfect sense. although the cards are in the same order on every reboot07:54
Jordan_UJeffry: Please pastebin the output if "sudo efibootmgr".07:55
shapowglitsj16: hdmi always first -.- wish i could just disable it permanently07:55
glitsj16shapow: it is actually alsa that gives the cards a different (unpredictable) index07:55
shapowglitsj16: oh well that makes more sense07:55
somsipjoshs: you need to comment out line 4 with the reference to cdrom. I thought you did this the first time. Sorry i I missed it. Edit and update again07:55
BackgammonJeffry: ...I was? I don't think so.07:55
joshsit is my first time trying any of this07:56
somsipjoshs: and it's still showing errors for the backports, so make sure lines 38 and 39 are commented out07:56
somsipjoshs: well this is your last chance as I'm going out in a minute07:56
JeffryJordan_U: It just says Command not found07:56
glitsj16shapow: just to confirm .. are both cards onboard or do any usb cards come into play?07:57
shapowglitsj16: onboard07:57
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glitsj16shapow: okay, i'll prepare a quick paste so you can have a look and prepare a test, 1 minute07:58
joshsi thought hash tags took care of those07:58
shapowglitsj16: cool07:58
somsipjoshs: you have the file. You can check it07:58
glitsj16shapow: in the mean time, can you check if you have /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and paste that if you do?07:59
joshsif i put a hash tag in front it should take care of it right?07:59
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MedicalJaneParisanyone have an idea why rsyslogd wouldn't be logging file changes to syslog? I have it pointing to nginx error log, but it isn't making it to syslog07:59
somsipjoshs: yes. Did you save it? When you open the file does it stil have a hash in front of it? Remember you can use up and down arrows in terminal to repeat teh same commmand quickly08:00
Jordan_UJeffry: Are you sure thst you didn't make a typo?08:00
KarmahackerHi guys! enyone can suggest how to protect vncserver from brute force attacks?08:00
shapowglitsj16: http://p.pomf.se/243308:00
Backgammon>[02:59:27] <joshs> if i put a hash tag in front it should take care of it right?08:00
Backgammon>hash tag08:00
BackgammonI have no words08:00
JeffryJordan_U: What do you mean?08:00
somsipKarmahacker: fail2ban maybe, but it could be a big solution for a small problem08:00
Backgammonyou are forever lost to the forces of darkness08:01
Karmahackerit would be best solution08:01
Karmahackerbut  i have no idea how to add  vnc protocol in there08:01
Ben64Karmahacker: you should be using vnc over ssh anyway08:02
somsipKarmahacker: if vnc outputs to a log, you create a new filter to watch the log. Read up on F2B website08:02
Jordan_UJeffry: Please pastebin the full contents of your terminal after running "sudo efibootmgr".08:02
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Karmahackersomsip  vnc write to  it own log08:03
shapowJeffry: If you typed `sudo efibootmgr' in a command line terminal and it still says Command not found, then run `sudo apt-get install efibootmgr', it should prompt you for your user password after you hit enter. After it will ask you to confirm installation. Type `y' and hit enter. After installation, try `sudo efibootmgr' again, and copy this into a paste website08:04
Ben64Karmahacker: vnc is not a secure protocol to start with, you should really do it over a ssh tunnel08:04
JeffryJordan_U: I'm going to restart and see if sudo efibootmgr eill work then ok?08:05
Jordan_Ushapow: If efibootmgr isn't installed then something seriously odd is going on.08:05
shapowKarmahacker: VNC out in the wild is a very very dangerous endeavor and while fail2ban might help you, it is much better and safer for you to use VNC over SSH as mentioned before. Read up a bit on SSH and ask any questions.08:05
shapowJordan_U: Does Jeffry have a Windows 8 machine / certain EFI installation?08:05
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shapowJeffry: You shouldn't need to restart for the program to appear, just try copying and pasting verbatim `sudo efibootmgr' without the quotes into terminal08:06
glitsj16shapow: turns out your alsa-base.conf looks good, so i believe you can use 'set-default-sink alsa_output.analog-stereo' in /etc/pulse/default.pa (near the bottom) and try restarting pulseaudio08:06
shapowJeffry: If not, try what I said before08:06
Jordan_UJeffry: No. Please do exactly as I asked and run "sudo efibootmgr" the pastebin the complete contents of your terminal. No matter what error message you get, I want to see the full contents of your terminal.08:06
KarmahackerBen64, shapow,  im  using  vnc with  " guacamole"   to share screen on public   : (08:07
anewif i su - www-data as a test ... it still wont work08:07
shapowglitsj16: ok will give a try!08:07
Ben64anew: stop trying to do the wrong thing and explain your goal so we can help you do the right thing08:08
glitsj16shapow: we can try another option if this doesn't work first time, i hope it does though :)08:08
anewi have to run a script remotely!!!!08:09
anewwhat is so difficult about that to understand08:09
shapowglitsj16: I'll restart my machine to see if i hear the drums on bootup :) IRC is on my other synergy machine so it won't close08:09
Backgammonat no point did you ever tell us that08:09
Ben64anew: you've never said that before, and what script? why does www-data need to run it?08:09
glitsj16shapow: sweet, the drums heh, been a while for me08:09
shapowKarmahacker: Are you required to share your screen to the world ? Or is it only on a local LAN? I.e. no open VNC ports on your firewall/gateway?08:10
anewbecause i need some other users to access it on a website that is also built08:10
anewso they can just click buttons08:10
anewthey cant use cli08:10
Karmahackershapow world08:10
glitsj16shapow: no rush, as you're helping out here08:11
rm_work_how can I tell what exactly is being processed when I log in via SSH? I know it goes through /etc/bash.bashrc, and then at some point ~/.bashrc , but it also does some other stuff, and whatever that "other stuff" comprises is taking like 10 seconds to run...08:11
anewthey have to access the script remotely and cant access as user08:11
anewand the only way they can access it is as www-data08:11
shapowglitsj16: unfortunately there is no change. pulse is stubborn.08:11
Ben64anew: what does said script do08:12
rm_work_12 seconds from printing the welcome message to actually getting a prompt on login is really lame… trying to debug08:12
anewwww-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www i have this line in sudoers08:12
anewit just connects to a vpn08:12
anewif u know perl i can copy paste it08:12
jeffryJordan_U: I'm back08:12
shapowKarmahacker: Are you wanting to leave VNC open to world? Or could you make do with a clever (safer) workaround?08:12
shapowglitsj16: Maybe try per-user configuration this time?08:13
Karmahackershapow  yes im sharing  screen on my server by guacamole (without full access)08:14
trubadoes anyone work with qemu in gns3 ?? I am unable to get it working08:15
anewany help?08:15
glitsj16shapow: it can be yes .. try the quick hack .. test if 'pacmd set-default-sink alsa_output.analog-stereo' changes anything for the better (or your earlier command using pactl) and if it does you can let that autostart on login through the ~/config/autostart/...desktop file you will need to add in that case .. hold off a bit before going per-user, should be a quick test08:15
shapowglitsj16: set-default-sink alsa_output.analog-stereo -> Failure: No such entity :(08:16
Backgammonanew: I suggest you try #perl08:16
glitsj16shapow: okay, the pactl command does still work?08:17
BackgammonYour issue really is not sudoers syntax but rather perl programming08:17
anewwww-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www08:17
anewthis is a sudo problem08:17
anewis this syntax correct08:17
Backgammonyour program is one big problem08:17
anewthere is no other way to do it08:17
Backgammonand there is probably a better way to do what you are trying to do without sudo shenanigans08:18
shapowglitsj16: pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo -> works08:18
anewthere is no way to allow remote users sudo access08:18
BackgammonWell, maybe #perl will have a different opinion on that.08:18
anewwho cant use cli !!!!08:18
Ben64especially without giving www-data free reign to the system08:18
anewits not that hard to understand08:18
anewwww-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www this doesnt seem to be working08:18
shapowKarmahacker: So the objective is to make it your VNC less vulnerable to brute-force attacks...?08:19
jeffryJordan_U, here you go http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6719504/08:19
glitsj16shapow: cool, so you might give it a shot by adding a user autostart entree using that command in a .desktop file under ~/.config/autostart .. do you know how to do that?08:19
shapowglitsj16: There is google-chrome.desktop there that reveals the syntax of autostart files so will give it a shot!08:21
Jordan_Ujeffry: You have multiple typos there. It's "sudo efibootmgr", copy and paste the command from this message if you need to.08:21
Karmahackershapow : yes exactly  i like the way of fail2ban but i'm not sure how possible add vnc protocol in there08:21
shapowglitsj16: What about just adding the command to Startup Applications?08:21
glitsj16shapow: you might also have one there already for pulseaudio, use either of those as example and make another post so we can check syntax before testing again08:22
glitsj16shapow: that is the same routine, that'll work as well08:22
shapowglitsj16: Will try startup applications. Its 3:23 AM. My eyes are dry =)08:23
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glitsj16shapow: been there lol, sorry this drags out so long08:23
jeffryJordan_U, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6719532/08:24
shapowglitsj16: lolol np!08:24
shapowKarmahacker: Check this out! While searching for your request ... https://vpsboard.com/topic/2446-securing-vnc-fail2ban/08:24
anewwww-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD08:26
shapowKarmahacker: TL;DR, VNC is so insecure... especially out in the open. inquire about tunneling vnc through an SSH session which is the much saner option. if you REALLY need VNC out in the open, like for a business presentation or something......... then say so!08:26
anewjust as a test08:26
anewwould this remove pwd for all www-data08:26
Karmahackershapow:  Thank you i think is exactly  my case08:27
Karmahackershapow: yes i s kind a presentation08:28
somsipKarmahacker: told you already - find an entry in the vnc log you want to block, create a new filter for it08:28
shapowKarmahacker: The business presentation thing? Oh devil....08:28
Karmahackersomsip  yes ) that is the only way i found )08:29
Karmahackersomsip : i will chek it for sure thank you again08:29
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shapowglitsj16: Restarting again, didn't have an effect with just `pactl [etc]', so trying full /usr/bin/pactl08:30
shapowKarmahacker: What somsip said sounds accurate, you need to make a rule in fail2ban that parses the vnc log's entries08:31
tr0ni installed 13.10 on a chromebook, how do i find and activate the webcam?08:31
jeffryJordan_U,  did you get that paste bin?08:31
Jordan_Ujeffry: Yes.08:31
glitsj16shapow: strange, i'm thinking there's no reason why adding the 'set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo' should fail if you'd add it in /etc/pulse/default.pa (as we're now mixing per-user and system-mode ..) .. but do the test by all means08:32
shapowglitsj16: you'd think......... been breaking my head asking why it doesn't work either!08:33
shapowglisj16: The autostart file didn't have effect either08:33
glitsj16shapow: do you get any errors when you try to restart pulse manually?08:34
Karmahackershapow , somsip , thank you for help i will work on it :) have a nice day!08:34
Jordan_Ujeffry: Run "sudo efibootmgr --bootorder 0001,0000,3000,0002,2001,2002,2003" to make Ubuntu's entry the default. Copy and paste this command to ensure that there are no typos.08:35
shapowKarmahacker: You as well!08:35
glitsj16shapow: so you did try to add 'set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo' to /etc/pulse/default.pa already? sorry i thought you used the 'set-default-sink 1' ..08:36
shapowglitsj16: Killing pulseaudio with -k won't let it restart afterwards08:36
glitsj16shapow: failing silently i take it?08:36
systemclientI would like to install Ubuntu on a Laptop, but without any graphical UI (I install awesome wm later on). How do I do that? Server CD?08:36
shapowglitsj16: Actually did use 1.... let's try setting the full name in global file and user folder. see if it works that way!08:36
Jordan_U!mini | systemclient08:37
ubottusystemclient: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:37
asm0deyIs there any way to use minimal cd with wireless connection?08:37
glitsj16shapow: yes that's the only thing left i guess .. don't spin too much while blinking with dry eyes :p08:37
shapowglitsj16: hehehe08:38
jeffryJordan_U,  boot entry 2003 does not exist08:39
jeffryJordan_U, Thats what it says08:39
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shapowglitsj16: man this thing is really stubborn. global file AND user file together had 0 effect. could this be due to the fact that i'm using paprefs to have pulseaudio work as a network sound card?08:40
Jordan_Ujeffry: Please pastebin the complete contents of your terminal again.08:40
glitsj16shapow: hmm that shouldn't be interfering with setting a default sink no ..08:42
glitsj16shapow: do you have paman installed?08:43
jeffryJordan_U, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6719581/08:44
shapowglitsj16: No, do you? If yes, does it have a default card option?08:45
shapowglitsj16: Giving a looksie08:45
glitsj16shapow: i have, i don't think you can set default card but you can check on what's get loaded for sinks and sources etc. .. could be usefull info08:46
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shapowglitsj16: It's got some info, thanks for the recommend. Will sleep on it and give a try tomorrow and report if I get it fixed. Thanks for the diligent support! ttyl08:48
Jordan_Ujeffry: OK. Try "sudo efibootmgr --bootorder 0001,0000,3000,0002,2001,2002".08:49
glitsj16shapow: no problem, wiser to take on a fresh attempt yes .. sleep like a log and .. laterzz08:49
shapowglitsj16: Sure is! Thanks cya08:50
jeffryJordan_U, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6719608/08:51
jackfrosthi guys.... i am new user to linux os.. i cant access the bluetooh nor wifi.. pc freezes when i try to access wifi.. what to do ?08:53
jackfrostwired connection is working fine..08:53
glitsj16hipitihop: are you reading the channel?08:55
tiblockHi. Any suggestions what interesting manual i can read? I'm newbie and run ubuntu servers and i want any useful knowledge about linux.08:55
somsip_!manual | tiblock08:55
ubottutiblock: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:55
jackfrosthelp please08:56
tiblock<somsip_> i mean packages or something like that, like iptables08:56
somsip_tiblock: use the man then08:56
jackfrostneed help here08:56
tiblock<somsip_> Meh... You didn't understand me08:56
tr0n!repeat | jack08:57
ubottujack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:57
tr0n!repeat | jackfrost08:57
ubottujackfrost: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:57
jackfrosthi guys.... i am new user to linux os.. i cant access the bluetooh nor wifi.. pc freezes when i try to access wifi.. what to do ?   wired connection is working fine..08:57
ikoniajackfrost: read the "repeat" information you've just been given by ubottu08:57
glitsj16tiblock: what version of ubuntu are you running?08:58
tiblock<glitsj16> nvm, looks like http://ubuntu-manual.org/ is that what i need08:59
somsip_tiblock: I'm glad I understood you then,,,08:59
jeffryBY the way does anyone know were to get Grub themes?08:59
tiblock<somsip_> Well, no. I asked about system programs. But thank you any way.08:59
Backgammon"interesting" and "man(page)" don't really go in the same sentence08:59
tiblock<Backgammon> iptables manual was very interesting for me09:00
glitsj16tiblock: ok, https://help.ubuntu.com/ has server guides as well that might be handy, pick one for your version and best of luck with the read-up09:00
tiblock<Backgammon> now i know alot about network09:00
Backgammonyou are a lucky man09:00
tiblock<glitsj16> thank you09:01
Beldar!tab | tiblock09:01
ubottutiblock: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:01
tiblocki like copy nicks09:01
hipitihopglitsj16, sorry, I'll be about in 15 or so, just need to do a taxi run09:02
Beldartiblock, I'm not sure the other is notified when you use ><09:02
glitsj16hipitihop: no problem, just wanted to ask if i could briefly PM you, it can wait :)09:02
tiblock<Beldar> thats mIRC style, i think all clients know about mIRC09:02
Backgammonnickalerts are per-client anyway09:03
Beldartiblock, Hmm look on the channel is anyone else using them.09:03
Backgammon#ubuntu: irc netiquette central09:03
Backgammonreminds me of a guy on a newsgroup I met who said he didn't capitalize his sentences because he didn't like capital letters09:04
Backgammon"were you attacked by capital letters as a child?"09:04
jeffryDoes anyone know if burg is a theme for grub or another boot-loader09:07
tr0nits grub backwords09:07
Beldarjeffry, It is grub, but an older version of grub 2 you have to insert it, be careful on a uefi.09:07
Beldaron a msdos it would go to the mbr, not on a uefi09:08
jeffryI really want a graphical grub screen'09:08
Kartagisin what file is a libvirt pool definition made?09:08
hipitihopglitsj16, you can pm me any time you see me online, thanks for asking... I'll read when I return09:08
glitsj16hipitihop: thanks, i'll leave a message in a moment09:09
Smit-Tay_I am confused about the state of 32 bit development on Ubuntu 64bit.  If I wish to use gcc-4.7 for both Intel 32 bit and 64 bit targets  What should I install ?09:09
RorySmit-Tay_: you can install gcc, and use "gcc -m32 -o output32 hello.c" to compile 32-bit. use -m64 for 64 bit09:11
Smit-Tay_Rory, the problem is linking to standard libraries.09:11
Smit-Tay_I am currently getting this problem:  /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc09:12
Beldarjeffry, I just use a image on my grub, I used to use burg.09:13
RorySmit-Tay_: What command are you running to produce that error?09:13
Smit-Tay_Rory - /usr/bin/cc  -fPIC -m32 -march=i686   -shared -o liblua51.so <list of object files> -ldl -lm09:14
figaI need to get libavcodec 55, and i've downloaded FFmpeg 2.1.1 which should include that library (according to various sources, including their own site). How do I tell my system to use that library now? I've installed all kinds of versions due to my frustration, and I suspect that i'm using the wrong version.09:14
Smit-Tay_At this stage I've installed and uninstalled so many different packages trying to fix this issue, that I have no idea what the state of my system is.09:19
jeffryBeldar, How whold i add a immage09:19
glitsj16figa: might i ask why you need the 55?09:19
willbradleyubuntu peeps: i made a ping widget: https://github.com/zyphlar/pinger/tree/cairo09:19
Smit-Tay_Any ideas ?09:20
figaFor an application called BBQScreen. It's the only software that i've found that can project my android screen (need such a thing for a presentation).09:20
tiblockGreat. Uploaded help.ubuntu PDF to my tablet pc. Thank you all.09:21
sarmadhi everyone i want to make a simple usb format tool in gtk+ any help would be appreciated i cannot find guides..i googled but all guides are about making usb driver in C language09:22
Beldarjeffry, open this gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub  put this in GRUB_BACKGROUND=~/Pictures/Abstract/space.jpg  Mine is in pictures then run sudo update-grub so it is the path to the image.09:22
Beldarjeffry,A little clearer add GRUB_BACKGROUND=path to image09:23
Beldarthe update grub09:23
glitsj16figa: there's a testing PPA that might have it, but that's a double "try at your own risk" kind of deal and not supported in this channel .. if you feel comfortable adding/purging PPA's you might want to check it though .. https://launchpad.net/~motumedia/+archive/libav-daily (only supports 13.04 and up)09:23
Beldarjeffry, Heh, hope that makes sense.09:24
glitsj16jigsaw sense :)09:24
Beldaryeah, doh09:25
Beldarjeffry, for better instructions. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Displays09:26
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Smit-Tay_Can anyone please explain why attempting to install 32 bit development libraries should result in this:  http://pastebin.com/QbqZuCZR09:27
colinleeoh  it's raining09:28
jeffryBeldar, thanks i got my back ground set now do i do sudo grub?09:28
jeffryBeldar,  update-grub*09:28
Beldarjeffry, Yeah when ever you change that file you run sudo update-grub09:28
jeffryok thanks09:29
Smit-Tay_Perhaps there's a better channel to ask that question ?09:29
colinleehow to mount a camera?09:29
Beldarjeffry, It should show in the text when you run it09:29
Beldar!cn | colinlee09:30
ubottucolinlee: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:30
Beldarcolinlee, Some auto mount, have you looked up this camera and ubuntu or linux09:31
* asm0dey is away: Я занят09:31
k1l_!away > asm0dey09:32
ubottuasm0dey, please see my private message09:32
jeffryDoes anyone know where i can get skype and install it with apt-get install skype?09:32
Roryjeffry: http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/09:33
k1l_jeffry: its in the ubuntu partner repo. from that you can apt-get install09:33
k1l_!skype | jeffry09:33
ubottujeffry: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:33
Beldarjeffry, It's in the repos make sure the partners repo is open.09:33
VlanXanyone know why the command export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" is only effective for a short amount of time?09:35
WickedBuZzppl i'm tryin to download 32-bit version of Ubuntu 13.10 from the official website but it seems like the link is down or something... can someone confirm that?09:35
Beldarjeffry, run this   software-properties-gtk   then second tab make sure canonical partners is marked if not mark it and run a update then the skyoe install.09:35
bingohello. The vpn lock icon for the taskbar is gone. Can i get it back?09:35
figaglitsj16: I tried using that PPA, and installed libavcodec55, but still get: "error while loading shared libraries: libavcodec.so.55:". Do I need to do something more?09:36
ikoniaWickedBuZz: works fine09:37
jeffryBeldar,  thank you09:37
Beldarjeffry, might be independent 3rd party as well, in one of those repos.09:37
egelorEmpathy Ubuntu, How to    "/ignore #ubuntu-help ALL _PUBLIC -ACTIONS"09:38
glitsj16figa: did it mention anything like 'libavcodec.so.55 not found'? might be the BBQScreen app expects it somewhere else09:38
ikoniaegelor: that channel doesn't exist so it's a pointless command09:39
figaglitsj16: "cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"09:39
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jeffrywait that didnt work09:39
egelorikonia: nevermind the channel i care about the command.. from empathy only 7 cmds are given with /help09:41
Beldarjeffry, Did you tick the partners and the independent close it and run a update then the install09:41
glitsj16figa: well it looks like it might be looking elsewhere .. you installed the correct version for your architecture (32bit vs 64bit)?09:41
egelorikonia: or better i can't find the ingore command09:41
Roryegelor: What IRC client are you using?09:42
figaglitsj16: Oh, that might be the problem. Just checked, and BBQScreen seems to be 32bit.09:42
Beldarjeffry, sudo apt-get install skype09:43
Roryegelor: also this is #ubuntu not #ubuntu-help09:43
egelorRory: i choose from  empathy IRC09:43
WickedBuZzikonia, is this the link "http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=latest" the "click HERE if the download doesn't start automatically" button sends you to when you click it?09:44
jeffryBeldar,  Thank you very much you are helping me allot tonight :)09:44
ikoniaWickedBuZz: that's a dynamic link that links you to a mirror near you09:44
ikoniaWickedBuZz: mine links to mirrorservice and works just fine09:44
Roryegelor: There's no way to do that in empathy currently ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/660176 ) you could try switching to a different IRC client like xchat or pidgin09:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 660176 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empathy needs ability to hide join/part messages in IRC" [Wishlist,Triaged]09:44
egelorRory: i used to read and try to learn irssi09:44
Beldarjeffry, No problem, I assume skype installed.09:44
WickedBuZzikonia could you send me your link? mine doesn't work and i cant do anything09:44
Roryegelor: or irssi, yes09:45
glitsj16figa: yeah suspected as much, not sure if the motumedia PPA offers that09:45
ikoniaWickedBuZz: just changed to http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk09:45
jeffryBeldar,  yes it did :)09:45
WickedBuZzi mean i dont know how to get arround this problem heh09:45
figaglitsj16: Oh well, thanks for your help! It narrowed down the problem, and I can take it from here. Thanks.09:45
glitsj16figa: no trouble, goodluck09:45
WickedBuZzyeah, doesnt help me much heh09:46
ikoniaWickedBuZz: why doesn't that help you much ?09:47
ikoniaWickedBuZz: I've just given you a known working good mirror09:47
egelorTo become more specific then i try to manage all my chats google talk, msn,facebook and irc from empathy but the empathy  " irc  client"  is poor of cmds.09:48
tr0ntry kvirc09:48
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WickedBuZzbut i would be very helpfull if you could give me the link to the exact .img file if such exists on that mirror... i'm not that advanced computer user :S09:49
ikoniaWickedBuZz: why can't you just browse for it like I've just done09:49
ikoniaWickedBuZz: it took me 20 seconds to browse the mirror and find it09:49
ikoniaWickedBuZz: in the time it took you to say "that's not helpful" because you couldn't be bothered to look for it after I gave you a good known working mirror as requested09:50
jeffryima reboot to see my grub09:50
egelorI really want to stop seen join and disconnected ... so if there is a way to help me ... please post me in private.. i'm saying again empathy  help ingore cmd thank you.. bye09:50
ikoniaegelor: it's a BUG in empathy as you've just been shown09:50
ikoniaegelor: the feature doesn't exist09:51
egelorikonia: ok , thanks very much09:51
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ikoniaWickedBuZz: still not found it ? http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases/saucy/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso09:52
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WickedBuZzikonia, as i said, i'm not advanced user, i'm not into computers much, can you understand that? i just found out that the latest version is called Saucy Salamander and still cant find the img file in those 4 folders, but found it through that last link you gave me :)09:55
WickedBuZzworks like a charm, fast link :)09:56
jeffryBeldar, It still only gos to win dows now the grub boot loader09:56
Beldarjeffry, I thought you were able to boot ubuntu.09:57
tr0nif youre using 8 the bootloader is different than 7 and before09:57
jeffryBeldar,  i am but i have to press f9 and select ubuntu09:57
jeffrywich openns grub09:58
WickedBuZzfunny thing, when i navigate arround that website while looking at your link, the .iso is still not visible for me in that folder... i'm on T-Com... i dunno09:58
WickedBuZzbut nvm, the download started09:58
Beldarjeffry, I'm not real up on the fixes with that. I noticed on the bootinfo summary you just ran that, am I correct?09:58
Beldarjeffry, On the bootrepiar09:58
jeffryBeldar,  No i ran that before what you told me to do09:59
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Beldarjeffry, You ran the recommended repair on the boot repair?10:00
jeffryBeldar,  no it told me to see the options but idk what to do there10:01
Beldarjeffry, Ah, and you did what exactly?10:01
jeffryBeldar,  i did nothing i didnt want to mess anything up10:03
Beldarjeffry, Jordan_U is about the best on this channel with that. However if you post that script in this thread of the apps developer there are several user focused on this, excellent helpers. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191710:04
Beldarjeffry, I'm just not up on these uefi issues is all.10:04
jeffryBeldar,  ok thanks10:06
Beldarjeffry, You were smart to do that backup and wait on getting the bootrepair right.10:07
jeffryEhhh well crap i may have not done a backup10:09
Beldarjeffry, This thread mentions what to image of W8, the author of is one of those focused helpers. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729510:10
Beldarjeffry, Actually doing the image/clone now is okay now, if you can, since you have resized windows so it will load back into that same partitions if you need to not changing ubuntu.10:12
Beldarmake the recovery disc to, that is for repiars and will be the disc used to reload that image if needed if you use the windows imager10:13
himsinhi guys! I am on Mac 10.8 and I am running Ubuntu 12.04 inside VM. I usually mount folders inside vm using sshfs . Is it possible to mount the same form another machine. I mean I want to access a folder inside my VM from another machine(not host).10:14
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jeffryBeldar,  Lol im pretty sure this voided my warent already XD10:18
doli all. Could anyone tell me if libpthread-stubs has any disadvantage over libpthread mainly in terms of performance?10:18
Beldarjeffry, I doubt it, you can put iy back to stock if needed. My concern originally that you were just covered if anything went wrong, cloning is about the best way besides a install disc and backups.10:19
jeffryBeldar,  I gtg atm i will be back too marrow i muswt sleep10:20
jeffryso tierd10:20
Beldarjeffry, Yeah me to good luck.10:21
jeffryNight all10:21
Beldarhimsin, You might check with the #vbox channel as well.10:24
himsinBeldar: Thanks, already did.10:24
glambert_how would I ssh tunnel into port 80 on a switch behind a firewall?  I'd need to go through the firewall on port 22 and then onto the switch10:25
tcstoryi don't konw10:26
jribglambert_: google "ssh proxycommand"10:26
sssilvermy 2nd monitor connected via VGA cable won't go over 1024x768 in Ubuntu, though it's a full HD monitor. What's causing this?10:34
k1lsssilver: monitor sending wrong edid, video card not enough power10:35
sssilverk1l, power is prolly out of question10:36
sssilverwhat about the edid?10:36
sssilvercan you elaborate, please?10:36
k1lwell, the monitors are sedning information through vga cable what resolutions they can do etc. that could be wrong or broken10:37
sssilverk1l, could it also be a monitor driver issue of some sort?10:38
k1lsssilver: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_display_identification_data10:39
k1lthat is edid10:39
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iivvoohi is it common for compiz (unity, 13.10, 4th gen i5, GeForce GTX 760 OEM) to take 50% CPU when idling?10:56
iivvoo"Not software rendered:    yes"10:57
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r00tkingiivvoo: if you use a highclass graphics card with linux, your system will use up more RAM.10:57
r00tkingiivvoo: linux is horrible for graphics card, wait until nvidia comes out with a driver10:58
r00tkinga "proper" driver10:58
r00tkingiivvoo: you may switch to windows for a while now, it'll be better for you.10:58
iivvooI'm already using nvidia drivers (should have mentioned that :)10:58
r00tkingnvidia makes useless drivers10:58
r00tkingwith lots of bulks...etc10:58
r00tkingthey don't care about linux.10:58
k1liivvoo: is it a hybrid video setup?11:01
iivvoowhat do you mean by hybrid?11:01
iivvooI have a single video card, two displays11:01
diverdudeHello...when i try to startup my ubuntu it hangs...i have no idea why...can anybody help me understand whats going on?11:02
nashantHi guys. I'm having serious NFS issues. If anyone might be able to help me out could you have a quick look here where the problem is fully described http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2198523&p=1289557611:02
ikoniadiverdude: remove the splash screeen and see what service it's hanging on11:02
ikoniadiverdude: or explain where it's hanging11:02
diverdudeikonia: how do i do that?11:02
ikoniadiverdude: explain where it's hanging11:03
k1liivvoo: hybrid like the intel cpu got a video card and the nvidia video card. called optimus. pastebin a "lspci" please11:03
diverdudeits ubuntu 12.04. Its hanging at the splashscreen where there are white dots below the Ubuntu log which are being colored red...as the last dot is colored red it hands11:03
diverdudeikonia: ^11:04
iivvook1l http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720119/11:04
ikoniadiverdude: ok, remove the slash option from the boot line from grub11:04
makaragreat site: http://beginlinux.com11:05
k1liivvoo: ok, that looks not like hybrid video card.11:06
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diverdudeikonia: so i need to get the grub loader screen first right?11:07
ikoniadiverdude: no, but you can do it directly from there11:08
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iivvoodisabling "mouse polling" and/or e"nhanced desktop zoom" seems to calm down compiz a bit11:12
diverdudeikonia: how do i do it from there?11:12
ikoniadiverdude: press e and remove the splash options from the boot line11:13
diverdudeikonia: nothing happens when i press e11:15
ikoniadiverdude: on the grub menu, you pressed e and nothing happened ?11:16
iivvoo... and then X (or compiz or whatever) crashed. second time now in a week or so11:17
diverdudeikonia: no..i tried pressing e on the splash screen...im not even getting the grub menu11:17
ikoniadiverdude: then get the grub menu first (escape or whatever it is to bring that)11:18
diverdudeikonia: ahhh yes there it was. escape gave me the grub menu :)11:19
diverdudeikonia: ok i pressed e in the grub menu, and some setparams stuff appears11:21
ikoniaok, so remove the splash screen options (quite and some others) from the boot line11:21
diverdudeikonia: mmm ok...which ones are the splash screen options?11:22
ikoniadiverdude: you'll need to check I can't remember off the top of my head, something like quiet and rhgb11:23
diverdudehmm ok...nothing like that here11:23
ikoniadiverdude: what are the boot options you see11:26
diverdudeikonia: there are quite a lot. setparams 'Ubuntu , with Linux 3.8.0-35-generic (recovery mode)' recordfail insmod gzio insmod part_msdos insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,msdos1)'  and more11:27
ikoniadiverdude: you have to select a boot option to edit11:27
ikoniadiverdude: eg: ubuntu with 3.8.0 is your boot option - you edit that and you'll see the boot arguments11:28
ikoniadiverdude: you then remove the required boot arguments "quiet" / "whatever"11:28
KittyKittenKatwhat are we talking about11:29
diverdudeikonia: ah sry i had recovery mode selected...now i have the proper boot text. So i remove this?    quiet splash $vt_handoff11:30
michael01hello, is there an app for debian like usb-creator for ubuntu? i need to write a bootable .iso image to flash drive11:30
ikoniadiverdude: don't konw what vt_handoff is, but I'd get rid of quiet and aplash, yes11:30
ikoniadiverdude: maybbe worth documenting11:30
cfhowlettmichael01, unetbootin11:30
diverdudeikonia: how do i save my changes?11:31
ikoniadiverdude: you don't save them -it's a one time test11:31
ikoniadiverdude: you'd need to edit the config file to change them for good11:31
diverdudeikonia: ah ok i see. so i just F10 to boot now?11:32
k1l!topic > KittyKittenKat11:32
ubottuKittyKittenKat, please see my private message11:32
ikoniadiverdude: just hit enter11:32
diverdudeikonia: enter just makes line break11:32
ikoniadiverdude: try f10 then11:33
diverdudeikonia: yeah....now i come to terminal login screen11:34
diverdudeikonia: and i can log in11:34
diverdudeikonia: how do i get the graphical userinterface?11:34
ikoniadiverdude: it's booted to the prompt11:34
ikoniadiverdude: that suggests you've not booted it properly11:34
ikoniadiverdude: it should boot normally and the services startup should be on screen11:35
hitsujiTMOor there could be an issue with lightdm11:35
diverdudeikonia: great :) So now i can restart and everything works normally?11:35
ikoniadiverdude: errr no11:35
ikoniadiverdude: re-read what I said "you've not booted it properly"11:36
ikoniadiverdude: so that means you've done nothing to fix it, so why would it magically just start working11:36
diverdudeoh sry i misread hehe11:36
ikoniahitsujiTMO: if there is an issue, I'd expect to see the error11:36
diverdudeikonia: thats also what i was wondering :) But something computers are magic11:36
hitsujiTMOikonia: not always. Sometimes it just drops to the cli login.11:37
diverdudeikonia: so do you have an idea how i can fix it?11:38
ikoniadiverdude: do what I told you to do11:38
ikoniahitsujiTMO: again, I'd still expect to see the services trying to start on screen before it gets to X11:38
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: might want to check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log or /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log11:38
cristian_cI'm using mtpaint, I've looked for in the doc, but I've not found an answer11:38
cristian_cI'd like to align the text for example, but I don't know how to do11:39
cristian_cAny ideas?11:39
diverdudeikonia: uhhm i did...i remove splash and quite from the boot options, booted and logged in...thats what you told me i think11:41
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: have you ot net access atm from that machine?11:41
ikoniadiverdude: did you see anything on screen to suggest services where starting ?11:41
diverdudehitsujiTMO: yes i have net access to that machine11:43
diverdudehitsujiTMO: i can put things on pastebin11:43
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/boot.log11:43
diverdudehitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720289/11:46
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hitsujiTMOdiverdude: services starting ok. pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:46
diverdudeikonia: my bootscreen looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720289/11:46
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ikonialots of network errors11:47
ikoniaits not sat there waiting for those network requests to time out11:47
arun_ is it safe 2 dualboot win. 8 with lm ?11:47
ikonialm ?11:47
ikoniawhat's lm11:47
diverdudehitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720297/11:48
diverdudeikonia: hmm i dont think so...i have been waiting for 20 minutes11:48
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: no. X running. thats an old log.        can you: sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log11:49
KittyKittenKatwhatcha tawlkin bout11:49
k1l!mint | arun_11:49
ubottuarun_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:49
arun_sorry ubuntu 13.0411:49
arun_ is it safe 2 dualboot win. 8 with ubuntu ?11:50
k1larun_: linuxmint got an own installer and updater. so please ask their support since its different11:50
arun_n does 32 bit Ubuntu supports uefi enabled ?11:51
nashantHi guys. I'm having serious NFS issues. If anyone might be able to help me out could you have a quick look here where the problem is fully described http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2198523&p=1289557611:51
hitsujiTMOarun_: no. 64bit for uefi11:52
arun_ok so, we need to turn off the uefi?11:52
KittyKittenKatyep if you have win 8 logo pc or one with uefi u need x64 ubuntu11:52
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: Can't launch X server X, not found in path           is your problem11:53
KittyKittenKati dont know11:53
KittyKittenKatbut for the better do.11:53
KittyKittenKatuefi can stop ubuntu installing and modifying the boot code with GRUB.11:54
diverdudehitsujiTMO: oh my you are right11:54
diverdudehitsujiTMO: is that difficult to fix?11:54
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: echo $PATH | pastebinit11:54
RobukHello All11:55
KittyKittenKatis this channel official or community-driven11:55
Robukhas anyone seen this error11:55
Robukntp_io: estimated max descriptors: 65536, initial socket boundary: 1611:56
Robukubuntu 3.511:56
SeveasKittyKittenKat: both11:56
Robukubuntu kernel 3.511:56
k1lKittyKittenKat: its official, but here are no paid supporters, so its community driven. see channelguidelines11:56
RobukUbuntu running 12.0.1 Lts11:56
arun_n does 32 bit OS runs in uefi enabled ?11:56
KittyKittenKati think so11:56
diverdudehitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720337/11:56
Robukgoogleing the Error presents issues. i see that red hat have seen this .11:57
MyrttiKittyKittenKat: both11:57
KittyKittenKatbut as ubuntus page says, if it has uefi or the win8 logo use 64bit11:57
diverdudehitsujiTMO: should be ok right?11:58
arun_KittyKittenKat: if no 64bit ; if i have only 32bit?11:58
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: yup.    ls -l /usr/bin/X | pastebinit11:58
diverdudehitsujiTMO: v12:00
diverdudehitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720347/12:00
arun_guys, so we can install 32bit OS in uefi enabled?12:01
cfhowlettarun_, should run no problems12:01
KittyKittenKatim back12:01
KittyKittenKatstupid irc client12:01
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: ok, wrong command. try again.  make sure its /usr/bin/X12:02
arun_cfhowlett: ok12:02
diverdudehitsujiTMO: but there is no /usr/bin/X12:03
diverdudeonly /usr/bin/X1112:03
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: then that's your problem12:03
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: try reinstalling xserver-xorg12:04
ikoniathat shouldn't make it hang at the splash screen12:04
diverdudehitsujiTMO: hmmm i see...so somehow X have been uninstalled?12:04
ikoniathat should make it crash12:04
diverdudehitsujiTMO: so sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg?12:06
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: sudo apt-get install --reinstll xserver-xorg12:06
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg12:06
diverdudehitsujiTMO: ok...its installed...so can i check if installation went ok somehow?12:08
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: ls -l /usr/bin/X12:09
diverdudehitsujiTMO: yes its there12:09
jeffryYes I fixed my grub :D12:10
diverdudehitsujiTMO: you are man of the day!! THANKS :)12:10
hitsujiTMO!yay | diverdude12:10
ubottudiverdude: Glad you made it! :-)12:10
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: one thing though, what were you going that could have removed /usr/bin/X ?12:11
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: also fix you network mounts in /etc/fstab ... they're trying to mount before the net is up12:12
diverdudehitsujiTMO: i have no idea...i uninstalled snmp and snmpd...downloaded net-snmp src and compiled and installed that with checkinstall..and thats it12:13
maxiaojunW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:14
diverdudehitsujiTMO: do you know how i can delay mount until after network is up?12:14
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jeffryDoes anyone know how well kde will work on a 4gig system with a dual core 1GHz cpu?12:15
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: not sure about the cifs option to be honest. some net shares have a "net" option to tell it to postpone until a network is up iirc12:16
diverdudehitsujiTMO: hmm i see12:17
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: if they are getting mounted eventually then i wouldn't think too much of it tho12:18
diverdudehitsujiTMO: hmm they dont...ahve to do it manually every time12:18
Sam__Anyone could help, I got problem with updated Ubuntu 13.1012:21
ubottuSam__,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:21
nashantHi guys. I'm having serious NFS issues. If anyone might be able to help me out could you have a quick look here where the problem is fully described http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2198523&p=1289557612:22
Sam__I have a problem with Ubuntu Linux 13.1012:22
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: then i'd try the noauto option so it will allow mount at login12:22
Sam__I just updated the version to the newest one and now the desktop is black12:23
hitsujiTMOdiverdude: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently12:23
Sam__I have a problem with my desktop that is total black now, I'm running Ubuntu version 13.10 .... When I restart my computer required by update done, now the desktop is black.12:26
KittyKittenKatreinstall with 12.04.3 . way more reliable12:28
ubottuSam__,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:30
Sam__Ubottu thanks12:31
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:31
jeffryI just found a really cool thing called Grub customizer 412:31
jeffryI wonder12:33
jeffryUbottu How are you12:33
ubottujeffry: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:33
jeffrydang :P12:33
KittyKittenKatpm ubotru12:34
KittyKittenKatand tell it ubuntu12:34
jeffryhow do you pm it?12:34
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KittyKittenKatby /pm ubottu12:35
jeffryit wont let me12:36
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DJones!msgthebot | jeffry This should help,12:36
ubottujeffry This should help,: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:36
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cfhowlettntk, greetings12:56
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greyhatpythonhey guys i am still waiting for answers to this questions : http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/hidden-files13:00
alifaanI would like to add IPv6 support on my OpenVPN connection. My server has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but so far I am able to use IPv4 only. Can you give me some advice how to configure my server/client side?13:02
ice9why Ubuntu GUI doesn't have the strong and clear colors like windows does, I can notice the difference on the same machine13:04
cfhowlettice9, different themes, different settings.  experiment.13:04
Allison43alifaan, maybe your router/modem isn't IPv6 capable13:07
Left_Turnice799, my ubuntu doesnt due to video driver problems. that might be the problem.13:08
DJones!ipv6 | alifaan This may help, I don't have access to IPV6 so not sure how it works, but hopefully the bots info will help,13:08
ubottualifaan This may help, I don't have access to IPV6 so not sure how it works, but hopefully the bots info will help,: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:08
alifaanAllison43 I am running rPi on a server side and ubuntu on client, router/modem has nothing to do with my VPN connection.13:09
Allison43alifaan, ok, sometimes more info with your question clarifies your situation for better support :)13:11
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wheels123how do i auto accept java's EULA from the terminal im trying to automate the install of some pkgs13:23
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hitsujiTMOwheels123: the oracle java installer looks for the presence of a file or preseed to see if it has already been accepted previously. You could play with debconf-tools (debconf-get-selections particularly) to see if its something you can preseed, or rerad the install script to see if its something you can write to13:26
aptylI've got a problem since today13:26
aptylUSB write speeds are starting to be really fast, then they slow down to 1-2 mb/s13:26
aptylwhen they've been really high at the beginning13:27
aptyltransferring files of 3GB and higher takes hours now13:27
aptylthis wasn't happening until today, what might be happening? Thanks13:27
hitsujiTMOwheels123: have a look here for the how to do it on older versions with the preseeded answer: http://www.davidpashley.com/2008/03/27/java-license/13:28
starkis xfapplet no more available for xfce?13:30
kiwi_hi... is there a shortcut for uninstalling all 'exotic' fonts (chinese, thai, japanese, korean etc.) from libreoffice?13:31
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Guest67236I have an .flv file, and I want to use it's audio, but I have a picture, and in a video. I want that .flv's files audio and the picture for the video. Is it possible? Which software for Linux should I use?13:36
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XaneoI have an .flv file, and I want to use it's audio, but I have a picture, and in a video. I want that .flv's files audio and the picture for the video. Is it possible? Which software for Linux should I use?13:36
hitsujiTMO!avcon | Xaneo13:36
cfhowlettXaneo, you can extract the audio with ffmpeg or audacity13:36
hitsujiTMO!info avconv13:37
Xaneoalright cfhowlett, let me try.13:37
ubottuPackage avconv does not exist in saucy13:37
cfhowlettXaneo, you can use openshot to create the mix pictures and audio13:37
Xaneothe thing is; I want a lightweight software13:38
Xaneonot over 10MB13:38
cfhowlettXaneo, not sure about that avconv.  I've got all repos enabled and it's not there in 12.04.  Also, I thought avconv was the replacement for ffmpeg?13:38
Xaneocfhowlett; is it possible to extract the audio from that .flv file from just 0:00 to 4:31? the audio is to 5:30 but I want it til 4:3113:38
cfhowlettXaneo, ffmpeg is command line and light13:38
hitsujiTMO!info libav-tools13:38
ubottulibav-tools (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder. In component main, is optional. Version 6:0.8.9-0ubuntu0.13.10.1 (saucy), package size 314 kB, installed size 1540 kB13:39
hitsujiTMOahhh thats the one13:39
cfhowlettXaneo, see the libav-tools and yes you can do that13:39
Xaneowhat kind of command should I use?13:39
XaneoI am an newbie to Ubuntu 12.0413:39
cfhowlettXaneo, sudo apt-get install libav-tools13:40
XaneoI have it installed.13:40
XaneoI have avconv...etc13:40
Xaneook, the file is a .mp4, not a .flv.13:40
Xaneoit's just the audio.13:41
Xaneobut I want the audio from 0:00 to 4:3113:41
Xaneoi want the cut out the rest.13:41
hitsujiTMOXaneo: it could be as trivial as: avconv -i input.flv output.wav                           really depends on what you want13:41
cfhowlettXaneo, you're going to have to read some of the documentation to find the exact command13:41
cfhowlettXaneo, libav.org13:42
MarkDaviesvim+links+mutt - do you recommend me sth extra or a replacement?13:42
cfhowlettXaneo, it'll be here http://libav.org/avconv.html13:42
somsip_MarkDavies: offlineimap and msmtp13:42
MrAlexandroI am trying to have 2 ssh sessions towards a linux server. lets say we have /dev/pts1 and /dev/pts/2. I want to channel out errors to pts/2 and have normal output and input in pts/1. however i get an error: "cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device"13:42
cfhowlettXaneo, this'll get you started13:43
hitsujiTMOXaneo: try: avconv -i input.flv -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:04:31 output.wav                      but you really need to read the docs13:43
MrAlexandroI forgot to mention. that it occus when i am typing: "bash 2> /dev/pts/2"13:43
Xaneolet me try13:43
cfhowlettXaneo, hey, new idea.  install winff13:43
UserErrorHow do I tick universe, multiverse, and extras on LTS programmatically?13:43
cfhowlettXaneo, windows gui13:43
cfhowlettXaneo, windows gui for avconv13:43
MarkDaviesOh, I know about what I've forgotten. I need something to get access to IRC. What do you recommend?13:44
hitsujiTMOUserError: modify /etc/apt/sources.list programiatically13:44
XaneohitsujiTMO's solution is perfect.13:45
Xaneoand ill also try out winff13:45
Xaneothanks cfhowlett & hitsujiTMO!13:45
abhi_i ran a script because of which x window system has crashed...how can i undo the changes?13:45
cfhowlettXaneo, best of luck13:45
UserErrorhitsujiTMO, how would that be parsed since some have the same archive etc?13:45
UserErrorin sed13:46
UserErrorand grep13:46
UserErrorin 12.10+ you can add-apt-repository universe13:47
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MarkDaviesso what text IRC client do you recommend?13:47
cfhowlettMarkDavies, xchat is quite intuitive13:48
hitsujiTMOUserError: I'd do it in python or JS to be honest. in fact i've written a JS generator for it.13:48
UserErrori was afraid of that. guess i'll be copypasting the add-apt python 3 code from post LTS13:49
UserErrorsince that handles it well13:49
abhi_i ran a script because of which x window system has crashed...how can i undo the changes?13:49
UserErrorIf i ever prayed for a backport.... ;)13:49
hitsujiTMOabhi_: what script was it?13:49
andrericHi! I want to access .mp4 files in the site https://www.novaconcursos.com.br/media/catalog/videos/ that starts with the string "INSS - Analista". I don't have access to the files that don't starts with the string "INSS - Analista", so the server don't send to me the index.html to search and download the files who I have access. I don't know the names of all the files that starts with the string "INSS - Analista" and want t13:50
andrerico download all of them. How to download these files?13:50
FloodBot1andreric: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
abhi_script to remove a watermark13:50
ikoniaabhi_: look at what the script did - then undo it13:50
hitsujiTMOabhi_: that answer tells me nothing. you'd have to be more specific13:51
abhi_i cant see the script now13:51
abhi_gui not working ...13:52
ikoniaabhi_: the script should be a text file13:52
ikoniaabhi_: open it in a text editor13:52
ikoniaabhi_: or re-download it and open it on the machine you are on now13:52
hitsujiTMOabhi_: what exactly was the script ... what exact watermark are you on about? where did you get the script?13:52
abhi_watermark saying "AMD unsupported hardware"13:53
Allison43!wget > andreric13:53
hitsujiTMOabhi_: ok. So maybe the script botched up your xorg.conf? try regenerating a new one13:54
Allison43!info wget>andreric13:54
ubottuPackage wgetandreric does not exist in saucy13:54
andreric<Allison43> I tried this. It gives me 403 Forbidden13:54
abhi_i am a beginner...can you please tell me how to do that?13:54
hitsujiTMOabhi_: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.broken && aticonfig --initial13:55
hitsujiTMOabhi_: sorry that last bit should be: sudo aticonfig --initial13:56
Allison43andreric, yes, you must need a userneme and pw to login to that site13:56
larson_andreric: because browsing is disabled13:56
abhi_thanks for the help...i will try that13:57
andrericOk <Allison43>. And how I make this?13:57
Allison43andreric, that looks like an untrustworthy site anyway , I got a warning when I tried to load this  https://www.novaconcursos.com13:58
hitsujiTMOandreric: some site block the use of wget or hot linking. For such cases they may need a user-agent specified, cookies set, and/or a refferrer set13:59
andreric<Allison43> It is a site of courses that I buyed.13:59
mknarrHello i keep having this issue in ubuntu 13.10 i restart the network service(sudo service networking restart) and more or less ubuntu gui crashes and i can only use terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) any idea. Im running ubuntu in a vm13:59
starkandreric, did you try httrack?14:01
andreric<stark> I will try14:01
Allison43andreric, did you submit a proper username and password for login when you bought the courses ?14:01
larson_mknarr: have u checked your log files?14:02
mknarrlarson_, the /var/log/syslog right?14:03
Allison43httrack 404's as well14:04
hitsujiTMOandreric: are you supposed to access those paths?14:05
andreric<hitsujiTMO> I want to know if I am. I tried to access a file that I know the name and got it: https://www.novaconcursos.com.br/media/catalog/videos/INSS%20-%20Analista%20-%20Direito%20Previdenciario%20-%2004%20Das%20Prestacoes%20em%20Geral%20-%20Parte%201.mp414:07
larson_mknarr: yeah u can open it with less or other tools and just look at the right time14:07
MrAlexandrocant excecute "2>/dev/pts/2 bash"14:07
mknarrlarson_, ok ill take a look14:08
larson_mknarr: maybe ERROR or WARNINGS?14:08
wheels123http://paste.ubuntu.com/6720797/ do i need to call on sudo with every command or can i call on it once to execute a series of commands?14:08
andreric<hitsujiTMO> THe question is that this site contains files that I have access and files that I don't have access, so the site is not giving me the index.html that contains the name of the files of the site.14:08
SirPereiraCurrently I am accessing IRC chat through "Try Ubuntu". I was trying to update network manager in my harddrive, however something went wrong and Ive lost my network manager. Is it possible to install it from a pendrive with an Ubuntu 12.04 installation?14:09
geirhaMrAlexandro: what are you trying to achieve?14:09
andreric<hitsujiTMO> They make this because I believe that if they give me the name of all the files they will not can block me to the files that I don't have access14:09
MrAlexandrogeirha: I want to have error output in one terminal window and regular output and input in the other14:09
MrAlexandrogeirha just error messages in one window14:09
hitsujiTMOandreric: are you trying to download the files rather than use their interface?14:10
geirhaMrAlexandro: Consider using a named pipe or temporary file for that14:10
MrAlexandrogeirha: Ok, will named pipe last for an entire bash session?14:11
geirhaMrAlexandro: E.g. open the "error terminal" and run   mkfifo /tmp/myfifo && cat /tmp/myfifo     in the other one,  cmd 2>/tmp/myfifo14:11
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geirhaMrAlexandro: though keep in mind that bash prints its interactive prompts to stderr14:12
MrAlexandrogeirha ok so it will work with everything except interactive prompts?14:13
SirPereiraAny thoughts?14:13
hitsujiTMOandreric: it looks like you're trying to rip the course files from the site. You should use the provided interface. Or ask the site owners for the files in a different format14:14
geirhaMrAlexandro: depends on the case; not sure what you consider "regular output"14:14
abhi_my x window system is not working14:14
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hitsujiTMOabhi_: did you run the commands I gave you earlier?14:15
abhi_yes,it says no such adaptor found14:15
geirhaMrAlexandro: I sometimes use that approach when debugging in an interactive bash shell, but then I use a separate fd; leaving stdin, stdout and stderr alone.14:16
Pessimistabhi_, /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?14:16
hitsujiTMOabhi_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:17
abhi_it says "Fatal server error:Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock"14:17
MrAlexandrogeirha I want to do the input and get the output in one terminal, but all the errors i would like to pop out in another terminal window14:17
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andreric<hitsujiTMO> Their interface is not more offered to me because the course ended. Now I need these files and tried to download a file that I know the path and got it. So I believe that there is no problem download these files.14:18
geirhaMrAlexandro: Then as long as it isn't an interactive shell session14:18
PlastikSporkOk. finally got a my new laptop with windows 8.1 and UEFI BIOS.  When I boot off of the live USB the screen flashes and I get a black screen.  I've tried setting GRUB to NOMODESET with no luck.  If I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 I get a TTY terminal.  I've also tried disabling safeboot.  Any ideas?14:18
MrAlexandrogeirha: i assume ssh session is considered an interactive shell session?14:19
Allison43PlastikSpork, try legacy mode in the UEFI14:19
PlastikSporksame in legacy mode14:20
geirhaMrAlexandro: if it runs a shell, yes14:21
hitsujiTMOandreric: Most sites only "rent" access to such course files for the duration of the paid course. If you want access again then you'll have to pay for it. Noone here will help you hack access to rip files from a site.14:21
hitsujiTMOandreric: if you believe you should have access to them, then contact the site owners and ask them for access.14:21
vltHello. For switching between keyboard layouts I created a shortcut (alt+left shift) but it doesn’t work with a program running in fullscreen mode anymore. Any idea how to get back the old behaviour?14:22
tendorhello, anyone who could help me with wpa_supplicant and broadcom 43142 with broadcom-wl driver?14:23
SirPereiraIs it possible to install network manager from an Ubuntu installation? with all the dependencies14:25
larson_vlt: which application?14:25
k1lSirPereira: can you rephrase?14:26
hitsujiTMOSirPereira: network manager is already installed. you mean uninstall?14:26
=== sysadmin is now known as VlanX
SirPereirahitsujiTMO: nop, in my harddrive ive unninstaled by mistake network manager, and it stopped working, of course14:27
vltlarson_: vncviewer from the xvnc4viewer pkg.14:27
SirPereiraim here through try ubuntu live cd, inside a usbdrive14:27
SirPereiratherefore i need to get network manager from the live cd im using14:27
VlanXhey there! I'm trying to understand if there's a way to launch a shutdown command from a linux machine to another via terminal... can you guys help me out?14:28
tendorVlanX: with ssh14:28
ActionParsnipVlanX: press ALT+F2 and run it there....14:28
vltVlanX: `ssh root@other_machine halt`14:28
VlanXtendor, vlt: But since the UPS is going to launch this script, I need to avoid to be prompted for any password or similar...14:29
hitsujiTMOpackages.ubuntu.com  <-  grab the .debs from here. you'll prob need to start with network-manager-gnome       .... install them oneat a time. after each install they should tell you what dependencies are missing14:29
vltVlanX: Use ssh keys.14:29
SrRaven-workHi there.  I want to use a laptop with a usb 3.0 external HD simply for the use of Linux on it, so I dont have to mess with the Laptops infastructure14:30
SrRaven-workhow well will this work ?14:30
VlanXvlt: ok thanks, I'll look up for a guide on this matter14:31
PlastikSporkAllison43, if I install Ubuntu in legacy mode will I still be able to dual boot with windows8.1?14:31
vltSrRaven-work: Fine. If you can convince the laptop to boot from the USB frive.14:31
hitsujiTMOSirPereira: see my message above. sorry forgot to ping you ^14:31
SirPereirahitsujiTMO: any ideas_14:31
SirPereiraah let me see14:31
SirPereirahitsujiTMO: isnt anything i could download all the dependencies at once?14:32
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SirPereiraanyway, gonna restart to get access to the harddrive, brb hitsujiTMO, thanks14:32
hitsujiTMOSirPereira: Not really. You could also try chrooting in to the install and apt-get installing them that way14:32
SrRaven-workUSb 2.0 is how fast compared to an internal 5400 RPM HD?14:32
=== keber is now known as karuonu
tendordoes anyone here had to deal with broadcom wifi carts?14:35
karuonuhow are you?14:36
Allison43PlastikSpork, yes, I think so. I got fed up with W8.1 and removed it in favour of W7 , so I reformatted the whole drive to NTFS and ext4  partitions before installing any OSs14:37
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hitsujiTMO!topic > karuonu14:37
ubottukaruonu, please see my private message14:37
=== abbott is now known as abott
MrAlexandrogeirha: i found a bypass by creating a alias named "err" and containing "2> /dev/pts/2". However i cant know for sure te pts will be 2 next time. anyway to make that alias more dynamic?14:37
* don_ hello14:38
geirhaMrAlexandro: hence why I suggested a named pipe14:38
* don_ anyone ready to answer my question ?14:38
Allison43tendor, wifi carts?14:39
geirhaMrAlexandro: Or a regular file + tail -F for that matter14:39
ikoniadon_: just ask the question, people won't know until you ask14:39
Picidon_: Don't ask to ask, just ask.14:39
don_I did sudo apt-get install rpm14:39
tendorAllison43: yep14:39
don_It took 1814 kb14:39
Picidon_: Ease up on the enter key.14:39
karuonuidite võ vse nahhui14:39
don_then I learnt it didnt do my job14:39
=== abott is now known as abbot
Picidon_: What are you trying to accomplish?14:40
don_I was doing sudo apt-get autoremove rpm14:40
=== abbot is now known as abott
don_then it is saying it will only free 718 kb14:40
vanishingautoremove is not purge14:40
hitsujiTMOdon_: sudo apt-get remove rpm && sudo apt-get autoremove14:40
Allison43tendor, ok I'll bite , what are wifi carts?14:40
Picikaruonu: Please don't.14:41
tendorAllison43: wifi module in notebook?14:41
hitsujiTMO!guidelines > karuonu14:41
ubottukaruonu, please see my private message14:41
Picikaruonu: Because this is a support channel, not somewhere to post random links.14:41
don_Allison and Hitsuji, thank you very much... I will try and inform you14:41
karuonui want laid14:41
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tendorAllison43: cards* sorry I've a headache :]14:42
PlastikSporkAllison43 Yeah that would work but I don't want to get rid of 8.114:42
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vanishingopps, wrong xterm14:43
don@Allison you there ?14:43
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larson_vlt: is vnc capturing all key events?14:44
* Guest77805 hello Allison14:44
noobqwertyhi i got a question related to ubuntu server, can someone help14:44
Allison43tendor, which broadcom chip ? lspci | grep -i net14:44
vanishingGuest77805: remove didn't work?14:45
vanishing!ask | noobqwerty14:45
ubottunoobqwerty: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:45
Guest77805because it has already been removed and it is not removing now14:45
bhaksalaI'm Using Kali Linux. When I Open Multiple Applications At Once, Video Playback Suddenly Disappears14:45
Guest77805shall i reinstall and reremove ?14:45
Guest77805ok #ubottu14:46
vanishingGuest77805: what are you trying to achieve? removing all files related to that package?14:46
Allison43PlastikSpork, you'll have to set up an ext4 partition on the drive first, then install ubuntu to that partition and it should work in legacy mode if UEFI mode doesn't14:46
tendorAllison43: 43142 I've used broadcom-wl drive and its working, well some things, simple password protected home network is working fine, I have problem with wpa_supplicant for eduroam network14:47
=== Riccardo is now known as RickyB98
mknarreduroam is that not university of waterloos wifi network ?14:49
noobqwertyafter sudo apt-get install xrdp -  do it start the xrdp automatically ? i try to connect usuing windows remote => fail14:49
Allison43tendor, sorry , i know nothing about using wifi to a phone to connect to the internet14:50
vanishingmknarr: eduroam is also in uoft :D14:50
Allison43mknarr, it's world wide14:51
tendorAllison43: should your last msg direct at me?14:51
mknarrAllison43, ok thanks14:51
Allison43tendor, I used your nick in the the last message directed to you14:52
SrRaven-workusing a flash drive (128 gb) for permanent use on a laptop would probably not be a good use right?14:53
SrRaven-workso, OS everything etc running on it14:53
tendorAllison43: I know, but i didnt write anything about phones14:54
psymazaвсем привет14:54
psymazaесть кто живой ?14:54
FloodBot1psymaza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
DJones!ru | psymaza14:55
ubottupsymaza: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:55
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Allison43tendor, ok then i misinterpreted the edurom network , anyway my wpa_supplicant knowledge is pactically nil ...I try to avoid devices that need it on Linux14:57
MrAlexandrogeirha i can create a value by typing "value=data" but how can i make that value global or permanent?14:58
MrAlexandrosorry that was for all14:58
geirhaMrAlexandro: in what context?15:00
MrAlexandroi want to create a permanent value. lets call it number. Whenever i set that value i want it to be valid when opening a new bash, or when starting a new session. So when i set number=6 then it will be set "globally" so that i can type echo $number it will show 615:01
MrAlexandrogeirha in all the terminal windows15:02
geirhaMrAlexandro: There's no concept of a global variable like that15:02
somsip_MrAlexandro: in ~/.bashrc 'KEY=value; export KEY' (or .bash_aliases or a couple of others)15:03
larson_vlt: didnt find anything except leaving fullscreen and get back15:03
MrAlexandrogeirha & somsip_ Thanks15:03
geirhaMrAlexandro: Ah, next time you start bash, right, then in .bashrc, but no need to export15:03
farblypooHey, here's a question for ubuntu people, what would you say is a safer ubuntu download, the one thast doesn't download any of the updates, or the one that does? On the premise that the updates could be infected?15:04
geirhaunless you also need the variable in the environment15:04
MrAlexandrothanks :)15:04
somsip_geirha: ah - cheers15:04
farblypooThe problem there seem to be so many libraries to download and update, one could ahve suffered a sql attack or something and gotten infected15:05
jatintesting xchat15:06
somsip_!test | jatin15:06
ubottujatin: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:06
jatinthank you bots15:07
farblypoois it true the desktop experience has been ruined on recent versions of Ubuntu in comparison to how it was with 10.04?15:07
XzeionHey there everyone, I am brand new to using irc chat. I would like to regester to the #python channel.15:08
somsip_!ot | farblypoo (you need chat and opinions, not support)15:08
ubottufarblypoo (you need chat and opinions, not support): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:08
Xzeioncan anyone help me with that15:08
somsip_!register | Xzeion15:08
ubottuXzeion: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:08
MyrttiXzeion: you're already registered?15:08
Xzeionthank you15:09
PlastikSporkAllison43:  Now I have to go into the BIOS boot options everytime to select Ubuntu...now that is dumb  I'm starting to really dislike UEFI15:09
karab44I use eclipse quite intensively and system keyboard shortcuts are overlapping each other. How to change keyboard mapping for only this particular application?15:10
somsip_karab44: Window|Preferences|General|Keys in Eclipse15:10
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Allison43PlastikSpork, when you login to ubuntu run , sudo update-grub15:10
PlastikSporkk will do15:11
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:11
karab44somsip_: I thought for a second that I wrote on the wrong channel but I didn't15:11
Manojkarab44, I need your help!!15:11
somsip_karab44: unless you want to remap the standard ubuntu keys when eclipse is active, which is probably a bit trickier15:11
Allison43PlastikSpork, leave the UEFI in Legacy mode , and Legacy first in the boot order15:12
karab44I like Eclipse shortcuts keys very much, I want to change ubuntu keys. Script is welcomed15:12
somsip_karab44: no idea on that one then15:12
karab44Manoj: yes?15:12
Manojkarab44, How can I install andriod app's in ubuntu os?15:13
somsip_Manoj: this is covered on the Android SDK webpages, also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AndroidSDK and http://is.gd/jslBmh15:14
karab44Manoj: #android-dev and http://developer.android.com download SDK and use emulator to install apps15:14
Manojsomsip_, karab44 : Thanks :-)15:14
karab44you welcome :)15:15
somsip_Manoj: np15:15
=== dhruvasagar_away is now known as dhruvasagar
PlastikSporkAllison43, my bios will not let me choose legacy mode first.  I have no option to change that.  Even when I boot into grub and choose Windows 8 it will not boot.  Ohh well All i have to do is hit F9 and select Notebook Hard Drive to boot Ubuntu.  At least I got it up and runnin.  Thanks for all of your help!15:20
lazarus_im having some trouble with a script im putting together15:23
karab44how by script disable some key mappings ?15:24
lazarus_i want to uncomment the partner repo's from terminal but im not sure if the command im using to do it is working15:24
Allison43PlastikSpork, good to hear you have a work around. Agreed UEFI is not linux friendly and seems to be deliberate, hope the devs come with a simpler method to deal with the problem.15:27
jacky1234how to replace multiline text in shell, such as sed...15:27
jacky1234any help would be greatly appreciated15:28
somsip_jacky1234: example?15:28
tgunrOpenfirmware would be nice15:29
ActionParsnipjacky1234: http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/02/06/using-sed-to-replace-words-in-a-file/15:31
Allison43PlastikSpork, btw what make pc/laptop are you running?15:31
somsip_lazarus_: this looks like a working version http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79301115:31
jacky1234line 1: aaaa  => AAAA line 2:bbbb => BBBB15:31
somsip_jacky1234: yyou want to transform each line from lower to upper? The definition is a bit loose otherwise...15:32
robinmholtjacky1234: Does 'tr [a-z] [A-Z] < file' work for you?15:33
jacky1234it is just a simple example15:34
Picised itself cannot see across line endings.15:34
jacky1234mainly replace multi line one time15:34
somsip_jacky1234: which makes it difficult to see exactly what you want to match and exactly what you want to change it to. robinmholt has given you something that will work withyour example, but I get the idea you want something else15:34
iamPuppetHey, is there some guide that you guys would recommend for dual booting ubuntu with windows 7? I have a VM with ubuntu and I have been messing around with that, but now I want to actually try it out. I'm not that familiar with the process of dualbooting.15:36
BeldariamPuppet, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot15:37
k1liamPuppet: shrink windows and use this spare disk space for ubuntu.15:37
ack_Does anyone know how to disable event sounds in 12.04?15:38
jacky1234here how to input multi line text15:38
iamPuppetThanks a lot, i'll check it out15:38
BeldariamPuppet, You want to be aware of partition types and their limitations in how many on a single HD as well.15:39
=== Willis- is now known as Willis
PlastikSporkAllison43, http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c03754263&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en  here are the specs15:40
Beldarack_, right click volume then settings15:40
ack_Does anyone know about where to do event sounds in 12.04?15:41
CorySimmonsHey guys, does Ubuntu offer anything like brew for Mac? I know you have apt-get, but don't you have to know the deps and such or does apt-get automatically install deps as required like brew?15:42
ack_Beldar, where is "volume"?15:42
jacky12341:<!--      2: <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"   3:maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4"/>   4:-->     there are four line text, one question, how to remove the <!-- and -->,  another question, how to modify the 2nd and the 3rd line in one ime15:42
Beldarack_,  the icon you click to adjust the volume15:42
ack_Beldar, when I right click that, it doesn't have a "settings"15:43
hitsujiTMOjacky1234: sounds like a programming question. try a channel for the language you're using15:43
Beldarack_, What desktop?15:44
hitsujiTMOack_: system settings -> sound then15:44
jacky1234sed can do it ?15:44
hitsujiTMOjacky1234: ask in #bash for bash related programming questions15:44
ack_Beldar, I am not sure, how do I find out?15:44
somsip_jacky1234: personally, I would do that in a bash loop rather than trying a one-liner. However this is adaptable for part of the query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4055837/delete-html-comment-tags-using-regexp15:45
ack_Beldar, I think it is gnome but it might be xfce.15:45
=== snorlax is now known as snor
jacky1234thank you anyway15:46
=== snor is now known as Guest81065
Beldarack_ So right or left click on the volume icon has no sound settings?15:47
ack_Beldar, I probably am doing the wrong one.  My volume button is on the panel.  Where else would it be?15:48
tmroCorySimmons: brew is 'the missing package manager' explicitly modeled on apt and co. you don't need to know dependencies15:48
ack_Beldar, ohhhhh, yes, LEFT clicking gives setting options.  sorry15:48
tmrothough I find aptitude more helpful15:48
Beldarack_, cool15:48
somsip_!aptitude | tmro15:49
ubottutmro: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.15:49
tmrosomsip_: ?15:49
n008upstart failing error name="(unset)"15:49
somsip_tmro: the warning that there may be problems owith aptitude and multiarch15:49
ack_Beldar, Then...?15:49
tmrook, thanks15:50
CorySimmonstmro: Awesome. Thanks tmri15:50
Beldarack_, Look around the tabs for the sound settings15:50
aegisHi all...  any reason that -A INPUT -j DROP15:50
aegis would block my outbound connections to an smtp server on port 587?15:50
ack_Beldar, playback recording output input configuration15:51
Beldarack_, Look for sound effects, what you have to realize here there at the least 4 desktops and 4 releases, you have to try to be somewhat self sufficient, especially if you can't identify the desktop alone.15:51
hitsujiTMOack_: from this can you detmine what desktop environment you are using: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65083/what-different-desktop-environments-and-shells-are-available15:52
larson_aegis: if u use it on your smtp server :)15:52
p1l0tSo I'm trying to open a pdf created with Adobe LiveCycle and I don't particulary want to install Acroread because I know the plugins can use javascript to send information to a remote host is there any other way around this? I hate that Adobe is making ".pdf" files propietary again.15:53
ack_Yes, having different desktops makes it confusing to know where I do this!15:53
n008my upstart script is hanging at stop/waiting15:54
n008any help ?15:54
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
Beldarp1l0t, There is a on board pdf reader does it not open these pdf's?15:54
ack_I have xfce15:55
p1l0tBeldar: No not the ones created by LiveCycle.15:56
ack_Beldar and hitsujiTMO, am I addressing you correctly so it highlights your name?15:57
hitsujiTMOack_: yes15:57
=== GREECE_Sinis is now known as GREECE|Sinis
p1l0tBeldar: I should say they open but it says "Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF15:57
=== GREECE|Sinis is now known as GREECE_Sinis
ack_hitsujiTMO, great15:57
Beldarack_, xfce is more file adjusting so not really sure.15:57
ack_Beldar, that figures!15:57
Beldarp1l0t, NOt sure than.15:57
hitsujiTMOack_: you should also ask in #xubuntu then15:58
ack_hitsujiTMO, thanks, I will go there.15:59
n008my job stuck at start/kill but doesnt show up in ps aux16:01
n008how do I kill ?16:01
Austin___hi, im running a remote 12.04 server with gui, and want to stop the automatically logged in user from logging out after a period of inactivity, does anyone know how to make this change from the command line?16:03
Austin___hi, im running a remote 12.04 server with gui, and want to stop the automatically logged in user from logging out after a period of inactivity, does anyone know how to make this change from the command line?16:06
ubnutunoobubuntu server 12.04 - did apt-get install xrdp - try window remote hostname (i don't have the ip) => fail help pls.16:07
fpghost84Hi, can anyone tell me where the list of applications gnome-session tries to launch is kept?16:08
Austin___ubnutunoob, that for me?16:08
ubnutunoob@Austin : no i'm seeking help also16:09
Austin___ah, ok16:09
daftykinsubnutunoob: so find the IP16:09
ubnutunoob@daftykins : don't have accces to do ifconfig. Also i tryied ping the host it say that the host doesn't exist..16:11
ubnutunoobI tryed PuTTY it said the same thing16:11
larson_ubuntunoob: sudo ifconfig16:12
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
ubnutunoob@larson cant sudo the server is at home and i'm at work16:12
ubnutunoobon a windows 7 os if that help16:13
Piciubnutunoob: Is it behind a router? Did you forward the necessary ports?16:13
larson_ubuntunoob: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_forwarding16:14
fpghost84Does the  gnome-settings-daemon have something to do with launching gnome-screensaver, how do I stop it trying to do so if I've uninstalled gnome-screensaver for xscreensaver....16:14
hitsujiTMOfpghost84: can i ask why you want xscreensaver?16:16
fpghost84hitsujiTMO: I prefer the range of screensavers and also it seems to have gotten rid of a problem I had where closing the lid froze up the laptop...16:17
Austin___Im running a remote 12.04 server with gui, and want to stop the automatically logged in user from logging out after a period of inactivity, does anyone know how to make this change from the command line?16:18
=== `petey`_ is now known as `petey`
robinmholtAustin___: Are they logged out or is their screen locked?16:19
n008how do I get a process out of start/killed state16:19
ubnutunoob@larson no i didn't do port fowarding. is there a way to connect to my speedtouch via internet  or do i have to be at home on my computer to do so ?16:19
=== karuonu is now known as afrokarlsson
Austin___as its a remote server, it doesnt have a mouse/kb attached, i just administer it by ssh, that doesnt stop it from logging out and presenting the password prompt to log back in16:20
larson_ubuntunoob: i HOPE there is no way u can administrate ur router on default over the internet. :)16:21
afrokarlssonhello larson how are you?16:21
Austin___robinmholt, so sorry, to answer your Q, the user logged in has its screen locked out16:21
Austin___i want that to stop, as i need the gui16:21
=== Guest24163 is now known as Sleepnbum
bkfitzCan someone tell me what this means: "libjson0:amd64 0.10-1.2ubuntu2 cannot be configured because libjson0:i386 is in a different version (0.9-1ubuntu1)"16:22
larson_ubuntunoob: normally the router have a webserver running. By default the webserver is binding on your local ip address...16:22
hitsujiTMOafrokarlsson: please troll elsewhere16:22
afrokarlssonhitsujiTMO, we meet in japan again16:23
robinmholtAustin___: How are you utilizing the GUI remotely?  Can you pull up the display settings?  Are you running unity or a different desktop manager?16:23
ubnutunoob@larson : is there a way to find my ip at home ?16:24
Austin___robinmholt, i can't pull up the display settings as i cant see the GUI, however i do need it. im using GNOME16:24
robinmholtubnutunoob: Can you visit 'whatismyip.com'?16:25
ubnutunoob@cigrits : I'm at work i'm not connect to my ubuntu server at home,16:25
hitsujiTMOubnutunoob: you'd have to be at home16:25
ubnutunoobrobinmholt : it will show my ip at work i need my ip at home16:26
larson_ubuntunoob: and u need some network knowlege as well :)16:26
ubnutunoob@larson: i agree with you16:27
hitsujiTMOubnutunoob: look into this to set up a way of setting it up so you can always know your home ip even if it changes http://freedns.afraid.org/16:27
robinmholtubnutunoob: Have you ssh'd to another machine that you can reach now?  If so, go there now and see if last finds your incoming IP/name.16:28
unr3al011hey folks, i had windows 7 on my 2nd partition of my ssd installed, then i installed ubuntu on 3rd partition but chose sda1 (windows7) for bootloader placement, now my windows is not booting anymore16:29
robinmholtAustin___: I do not have a machine with Gnome 3 running right now.  Looks like you might be able to use dconf-editor to change it.16:29
miaqinashi there16:29
larson_robinmholt: there is no port forwarding or dns ... he is @ work and needs to go home :)16:29
Austin___thanks robinmholt, ill look into it16:30
knightshadeAustin___: try: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false16:30
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: you install the bootstrap to a drive, bot a partition. looks like you may have destroyed the filesystem on /dev/sda116:31
unr3al011mhhh, so what can i do now? :D:D16:31
bkfitzCan someone tell me what this means: "libjson0:amd64 0.10-1.2ubuntu2 cannot be configured because libjson0:i386 is in a different version (0.9-1ubuntu1)"16:31
unr3al011my windows files are all accessible with ubuntu16:32
Austin___knightshade, i saw that on google aswell ;) it doesnt work unfortunately16:32
xrealI want to have better right control over directories. Therefor I want to use ACL, but I'm inside a OpenVZ container. Will it work? My fstab is empty :/16:32
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: can you pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l16:32
ubnutunooblarson: thanks for the help.  i 'll got home and give it a try thanks guys16:33
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: /dev/sda1 would have been the windows boot loader. you may be able to fix it from a windows cd16:33
unr3al011hitsujiTMO: pastebin.com/aMi4A9Pq16:33
robinmholtAustin___: Are you doing the gsettings command as the user logged in to the X session?16:33
Austin___from ssh, as the same user, yes16:34
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: can you also pastebin /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:35
knightshadeAustin___: what's the error message?16:35
=== avril14th is now known as Guest51244
unr3al011hitsujiTMO:  pastebin.com GCc4pD5416:36
unr3al011place a / instead of the space16:37
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: can you also pastebin output of: sudo os-prober16:37
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
unr3al011hitsujiTMO: pastebin.com/esc7JZ6C16:38
unr3al011hitsujiTMO: previously, i bootet win7 through freedos, which was preinstalled16:38
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: and can you still boot freedos from the grubmenu?16:39
unr3al011if i choose freedos, i get the grub bootloader16:39
avril14th_Hello, how is it possible that fdisk -l lists nothing16:39
hitsujiTMOavril14th_: run it with sudo16:39
avril14th_hitsujiTMO: super valid point, let me try :)16:40
avril14th_works great16:41
avril14th_super thx16:41
larson_avril14th: no hdd or sdd just runnning the machine on ram :>16:41
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: sudo mkdir /mnt/freedos; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/freedos16:41
unr3al011i have mounted sda116:41
unr3al011i can access all windows files in ubuntu16:41
Austin___knightshade, http://pastebin.com/fefiv9ML does that help?16:43
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: whats does the root of /dev/sda1 list?16:43
unr3al011the contents of my windows "C:" drive16:43
unr3al011i can access it from ubuntu sidebar#16:43
unr3al011but its mounted in media16:43
avril14th_How can one know if a swap partition is used or not? When i start ubuntu I have a weird message like "swap is not yet ready" (need to reboot for exact message)16:43
larson_avril14th: encrypted swap partition?16:44
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: /dev/sda1 is not you c: drive16:45
unr3al011yep sry16:45
unr3al011i just followed yoru code with mkdir and mount16:45
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hitsujiTMOavril14th_: lsblk             [swap]  will be listed for a currently used swap partition16:46
unr3al011hitsujiTMO: /mnt/freedos looks like the freedos boot manager16:46
kanliotavril14th_, swapon -v16:46
kanliotavril14th_, swapon -s i mean16:46
knightshadeAustin___: Sorry, it doesn't really help...16:49
unr3al011hitsujiTMO: what can i do now?16:49
hitsujiTMOunr3al011: i'm not familiar with freedos structure unfortunately, but from your grub it seems that the first sector contained boot info and you've overwritten it. the guys in ##freedos may be of some assistance16:50
knightshadeAustin___: Is the Xserver running? You could try to set the DISPLAY variable before running the command, like: DISPLAY=:0 gsettings ...16:51
unr3al011hitsujiTMO: can't i boot windows through grub?16:51
Austin___yes, its running16:52
Austin___ill try that 1 sec16:52
HisaoNakaiHey, folks16:52
avril14th_join #rvm16:53
HisaoNakaiI'm running Xubuntu 12.04, how do I install a .emerald theme? (I have ccsm installed, what next?)16:53
Austin___it executed with no errors, I'll see if it outlives the 10mins timeout16:53
knightshadeAustin___: ok, great :)16:53
knightshadeHisaoNakai: I've done that years ago, but I don't remember. I think you have to copy it somewhere in your home directory.16:56
HisaoNakaiknightshade: :s16:56
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hitsujiTMOHisaoNakai: have you tried copying it to ~/.themes ?16:58
zahihey guys I'm new to ubuntu, what are the things that I should know?16:58
zahiI mean, the most basic stuf16:59
HisaoNakaiNo such folder, hitsujiTMO , should I make it? o.o16:59
zahiThanks in advance :)16:59
hitsujiTMOHisaoNakai: yes. usually DE and X themes go in therer16:59
hitsujiTMO!manual | zahi16:59
ubottuzahi: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:59
knightshadezahi: You should know that this channel exists, where you can ask nice people if you have a problem :)17:00
zahiThank you guys for the help :)17:00
zahiI'll read the manual right away17:00
HisaoNakaihitsujiTMO: And this applies to any DE/WM?17:00
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hitsujiTMOHisaoNakai: most. So its more of an educated guess as to that being the folder you put the theme into17:01
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HisaoNakaihitsujiTMO: Nope, no luck, they don't show up in Settings > Appearance|Window Managerj17:09
hitsujiTMOHisaoNakai: have you installed the emerald theme manager?17:10
HisaoNakaihitsujiTMO: No such package :s17:10
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hitsujiTMOHisaoNakai: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/05/how-to-install-emerald-in-ubuntu-1304.html17:10
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Lucid_LynxHi, how do i disconnect my wlan0 from cli ? using 10.04..17:17
daftykinsLucid_Lynx: you could kill network manager somehow, if it's being managed by that. what's managing the wireless?17:18
Lucid_Lynxthanks, for you suggestion...i have been looking .., there is no file like NMCLI... in 10.04,17:20
Lucid_Lynxthere is a file called NetworkManager..17:21
wolfzrathello my ubuntu friend, i need your assistnace once again, here is my problem17:21
wolfzrati installed ubuntu 13.10 on my computer17:22
kanliotim sorry wolfzrat17:22
wolfzrati have a GeForce 7300 LE, everytime I run steam Dota 2 I get an error message saying  glcolormaskindexedEXT opengl driver needs to be updated17:23
Rorywolfzrat: Can you go to Software Sources and click on the Additional Drivers tab, then install the latest driver for your graphics card?17:24
k1lwolfzrat: its possible, that nvidia dropped support for that old cards. better have a look on their page17:24
wolfzratok wait rory I did that and picked the propietry tested one17:26
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: what driver did it install? nvidia-173 should support you card17:26
wolfzratk1l, so just go to the site and check to see if they still support17:26
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: please pastebin: dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia17:26
knightshadeAustin___: are we done? :)17:27
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, nvidia 304 proprietary, tested17:28
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: that doesn't support your card afaik17:28
wolfzratok so pic the 173 on then?17:28
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:29
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: if it exists try nvidia-173-updates i'd say17:29
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, i see the 173 on the list let me try it on and see if that works ok17:30
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: or go back to nouveau. nouveau might actually be just as capable with your card17:30
wolfzratno nouveau came up the same17:31
VlanXI'm having trouble while attemting to ssh as root to a server with public key; it's telling me Permission denied (publickey).17:35
VlanXAltough I can login as a regular user just fine17:35
VlanXAny suggestion?17:36
jhutchinsVlanX: root logins are commonly disabled.  Log in as a regular user and either use sudo (if configured) or su -17:36
VlanXjhutchins: but then I'm prompted for a password, I just need a one liner to  issue a shutdown w/ a script17:37
hitsujiTMO!noroot | VlanX17:37
ubottuVlanX: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:37
VlanXotherwise I tought I could allow shutdown for non root users...17:38
krhahnhi, i am having a problem getting a netgear usb adapter to work. It worked for about a month then, with an update, stopped. Now I can't seem to figure out why it wont work. Any one have any suggestions?17:39
krhahnI should say this is a usb adapter on a desktop computer17:40
knightshadeVlanX: you can edit the sudoers file and allow the user to run the shutdown command17:40
VlanXknightshade: yeah I think I will create an user just for that17:40
VlanXthank you17:40
HisaoNakaiVlanX: Isn't the common solution to that to simply edit the sudoers file to allow one, more, or any user to use sudo without password to run a certain command/commands?17:41
HisaoNakaiAh lol17:41
VlanXHisaoNakai: well I guess so17:42
jhutchinskrhahn: What chipset?  (Use dmesg or lsusb to find out.)17:45
Euclidis_How can I create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/<modulename>.conf '<radeon>17:46
krhahnjhutchins:okay, this is a bit over my head. can you tell me what exactly you need?17:46
hitsujiTMOEuclidis_: what exactly do you want to do?17:48
jhutchinskrhahn: Try those commands in a console.  If you get an error try them with sudo.17:48
GillDinghello - just installing ubuntu and would really appreciate some guidance if anyones up for it ?17:48
wolfzrathey hitsujiTMO , i did it and get a blackscreen17:48
wolfzrathow do i fix this?17:48
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: remove nvidia-173 and reinstall nvidia-30417:48
HisaoNakaihitsujiTMO: Installing Emerald via PPA seems like an unwise thing to do :s17:48
wolfzrathow from what screen?17:49
HisaoNakaihitsujiTMO: Considering the main problem is that it isn't developed anymore :(17:49
=== knightshade2 is now known as knightshade
wolfzratalso what are the commands17:49
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-17317:49
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: sudo apt-get install nvidia-30417:49
VlanXnot sure why ubuntu is telling me to modify the sudoers file using visudo... cannot I use gedit or nano as root?17:49
wolfzratok, but how do i get to a terminal?17:50
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: ctrl + alt + f117:50
GillDingHello, how do I ask or seek help on this chat ?17:50
krhahnjhutchins: lsusb results here http://pastebin.com/AEr2eg8s17:50
hitsujiTMOVlanX: use visudo. if you mistype anything the system will fail to boot. visudo sanitises to ensure you don't break it17:51
Euclidis_hitsujiTMO: I want to activate the radeon backlist17:51
knightshadeVlanX: read 'man visudo'17:51
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, im in the grub menu thats as far as I get17:52
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: i had a look at the steam dta page. your gpu isn't supported. minimum is 860017:52
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: edit the ubuntu entry and add 'text' after 'quiet splash'17:52
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: without the quotes ofc17:53
VlanXok great17:53
GillDinghi, i don't know how to use this support chat,  how do i get some help via chat ?17:53
hitsujiTMO!ask | GillDing17:53
ubottuGillDing: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:53
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, i see quiet splash $vt_handoff17:54
Euclidis_hitsujiTMO: So?17:54
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: make it: quiet splash text $vt_handoff17:54
GillDingThanks - many thanks, gotcha17:54
Euclidis_my system is fuckin' hot. 92° C17:55
Euclidis_I know... !language17:55
wolfzratok i did it and pressed f10 to reboot17:55
hitsujiTMOEuclidis_: try something along the lines of: sudo echo "blacklist radeon" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/radeon.conf17:55
wolfzratnow i see my name login and a white lline blinking17:56
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: log in17:56
wolfzratok im in what now17:56
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: sudo apt-get install nvidia-30417:56
Euclidis_hitsujiTMO: Nothing. Just showing '>'17:56
wolfzratshould i purge the 173 first?17:57
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: it will uninstall 173 when installing 30417:57
GillDingi have a dell latitude xt pc/tablet/laptop combo and would like to know if the ubuntu-13.10-destop-i386.iso is the correct version for touchscreen tablets ?17:58
hitsujiTMOEuclidis_: ctrl + c ... check what you typed. if you forgot to close the quote it would result in >17:58
wolfzratok thanks its in process, so no way I can play dota 2 with the nvidia geforce 7300 le then17:58
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: no, it missing support for necessary instructions it seems17:59
wolfzratso getting a new video card could be the fix?17:59
wolfzratok its finished should i delete the text part in the grub menu?18:00
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: yes. anything better than a 8600 should work18:00
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: no just reboot18:01
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: its not permanently stored18:01
GillDingAlso - my USB boot attempt isn't working ... only get to back screen with a little white underscore in the top right corner (i've done the boot sequence modification, that's all good) but nada, nothing ?18:01
knightshadehow much did valve get from nvidia for not supporting old cards anymore? :>18:01
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
wolfzratwhere can i see that its 860018:01
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: http://store.steampowered.com/app/570/?snr=1_7_15__13 see minimum system requirements18:01
wolfzrati mean to see it on my computer18:02
VlanXknightshade, HisaoNakai: looks fine to me but it won't work...  http://pastebin.com/hWE80dSZ18:02
krhahnjhutchins:just making sure you're still there. not being impatient, just checking.18:03
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, i mean see the type of video card that tells me what geforce im using18:04
Iszakif I create iptables with allow from and, deny from all, in that order, I should still be able to access it, locally, right?18:04
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: check you Xorg.0.log or nvidia-settings i guess.18:05
wolfzratok one more question, how do i see whats the next highest card from the geforce 860018:06
julie22yhello all, I downloaded ubuntu secure 13.04 but after booting  : black screen18:06
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: nvidia site18:06
julie22yNo Hd in my laptop just wana try mode18:07
julie22yidem for Gparted18:07
julie22yfrozen screen after the menu18:07
julie22ymem86 test 4 pass ok18:07
FiremanEdafrokarlsson: Stop spamming please18:07
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julie22ybut I dont understand the problem...never seen before!!!18:07
knightshadehitsujiTMO: It looks like there is a workaround for the problem. See the end of the page: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/882966056532198187/?fp=2#p718:08
linux-noobcan someone help me with my problem? http://pastebin.com/ymn60EA318:08
linux-noobi no idea what to do to install my graphic drivers18:09
GillDingjulie22y  ... i've the same issue -no hd, just a usb boot attempt, my first try and nothing but black screen with underscore in the top left corner18:10
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_1_liorkesoshello world18:10
hitsujiTMOknightshade: as in the valve response of: "If you're getting this error it is because the video card is too old and not supported for our games. You'll need to upgrade your video card in order to play Source games. More info here" ? the workaround is for legacy ati cards18:11
chandanany one ??18:11
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, would the geforce 9400 be good?18:11
chandanhey...how are you?18:11
CyberpewAnyone have any idea why apt-get is giving me this issue when installing iptables-persistent? http://hastebin.com/bebinohulu.vhdl18:11
CyberpewOn Ubuntu 12.04 x6418:11
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: 8600 = 9600 so it will not run. minimum of 9600 too18:11
GillDingwhat troubleshooting suggestions - check list for usb boot noobs can you helpout with ?18:12
MikeDonaldi got quieted in #defocus by metaleer for saying that they give out too many quiets.18:12
julie22yhi GillDing18:12
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julie22yhave you passed?18:12
julie22yi got the same blinking  underscore :)18:12
wolfzrati dont know what a good card would be good??18:13
julie22yin the top left corner!18:13
GillDinghi julie22y ... got nothing happening here18:13
wolfzrati need help18:13
julie22yvery weird18:13
julie22ymy bios is uefi18:13
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julie22ysecureboot is disabled, CSM enabled18:13
linux-noobcan someone help me i'm getting a nvidia.ko error, http://pastebin.com/ymn60EA3 trying to install x86 331.20 linux graphic drivers, Distro - lubuntu18:13
GillDingyeah, i've tried two versions now.... 13.10 and 12.04.3 and nothings booting from this usb ?  wish it was idiot proof18:14
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: you could get a more recent card like a 620 or 64018:14
knightshadehitsujiTMO: I think it should work for nvidia cards too. On the next page there is a comment: "The above works with Geforce 7 and 6 series of cards with NVIDIA's latest 304.xx legacy drivers on Debian Wheezy (7.0). Tested using a Geforce 7900GTX and Geforce 6800."18:14
Gorithlinux-noob: it says that your graphics adapter is not supported in the very end?18:15
CyberpewAnyone have any idea why apt-get is giving me this issue when installing iptables-persistent? I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 x64 server. Tried asking in #iptables, they sent me here. http://hastebin.com/bebinohulu.vhdl18:15
linux-noobyes Gorith how do i fix it..18:15
FreeLyThis is a Web Based radio started from 1st June 2012, we are a bunch of friends working together with a slogan 7 Sur Rishton kay.... it means to unit the bond of relation ship through music. As the music has 7 basic notes same is the relations it also has the 7 essential notes or behaviour which one should have to understand to make a stronger bond18:16
FreeLy thats why we call 7 sur rishton kay..18:16
FreeLyIn this site you can listen to the Radio, You can chat with people, also you can order Domain or Hosting for your site. we have all in one Place.18:16
Gorithtry the driver suggested, maybe18:16
FloodBot1FreeLy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
wolfzratthe geforce gtx 650?18:16
MyrttiFreeLy: please stop that18:16
linux-noobGorith, i was told to recompile the kernel from my IT friend, but i don't know how to do that18:17
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: thats more than enough for dota2. but a cheaper card will work too18:17
wolfzratlike the geforce gtx 620 or 640 you mean18:18
knightshadewolfzrat: I'd try the workaround :>18:18
hitsujiTMOknightshade: to be honest. I personally wouldn't recommend such hacks.18:18
wolfzratwhich is? plz can you show me a cheap but good video card plz18:19
DrManhattancheap is a relative term18:19
CyberpewOk, can someone please help me out here. Or is it that big of a deal that I use hastebin instead of paste.ubuntu.18:20
GillDingis it fair to say win 8.1 on my tablet is going to be less complex than trying to boot from a usb using ubuntu ?  and the tech support via http://support.microsoft.com/?ln=en-gb is quite a lot easier for simple people like me, IMHO18:20
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: anything with a 630 or 640 should be enough for basic dota218:20
lmatWhat's the best way to change the lock screen appearance in 12.04 ?18:20
Gorithlinux-noob: do not know if you can get it working18:20
hitsujiTMO!patience | Cyberpew18:21
ubottuCyberpew: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:21
lmatI've been reading online and I get lots of stuff here and there, but it's for different version of gnome, some of it's just plain incorrect, and sometimes for different versions of Ubuntu, etc.18:21
lmatI can't find anything very authoratative, and it doesn't appear in the Brightness and Lock settings...18:21
k1lCyberpew: did you run a apt-get update before?18:22
Cyberpewk1l: of course.18:22
VlanXIs it possible to create a new user in ubuntu whitout a graphic interface, but still with its home folder?18:22
MAssachussetHI, chat tor ,18:22
lmatVlanX: yes.18:22
hitsujiTMOVlanX: adduser18:22
lmatVlanX: Use adduser18:22
DrManhattanVlanX, you mean via useradd ?18:22
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DrManhattanor adduser18:22
VlanXyes, but adduser created also a graphic account18:23
k1lCyberpew: is this a vserver?18:23
Cyberpewk1l: OpenVZ, yes.18:23
wolfzrathitsujiTMO, could you show me on a site18:23
VlanXI'd prefer not having that18:23
krhahn1Hi, I was working with someone and then I was disconnected accidentally. I have a net gear usb wireless adapter which worked for about a month then stopped when i ran an update. the last thing I was asked was what the chip set was. lsusb return here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6722218/18:23
lmatVlanX: What's a graphic account ?18:23
VlanXImat: ok found that  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169784618:24
k1lCyberpew: i think that is an issue with the kernel the hoster gives you.18:24
Cyberpewk1l: 2.6.32-042stab078.2718:25
hitsujiTMOVlanX: if you want them to not show up in lightdm then add the account to hidden-users list in /etc/lightdm/users.conf18:25
k1lCyberpew: as a fix try: "mkdir /lib/modules/`uname -r`" and then "depmod -a"18:25
nikihunger games 201318:27
Cyberpewk1l: http://hastebin.com/howunaxigo.vbs18:27
k1lCyberpew: apt-get install -f18:29
Cyberpewk1l: apt-get pulled a nope. http://hastebin.com/cosakagawo.vbs18:29
k1lhmm, then i dont know18:30
GillDingmy USB boot attempt has failed & so too have efforts to get support via here but i've found http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/install-linux-on-your-x86-tablet-five-distros-to-choose-from-1162825#null ---> very useful and openSUSE installs first shot... that's the best option, IMHO18:31
hitsujiTMOwolfzrat: anything here would work http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%20600315498&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&Order=PRICE&PageSize=2018:31
k1lCyberpew: seems like this bug: https://bugzilla.openvz.org/show_bug.cgi?id=274818:31
ubottubugzilla.openvz.org bug 2748 in vzctl "iptables in CT complain about missing modules.dep" [Enhancement,Resolved: worksforme]18:31
vanishingCyberpew: what if you download the deb and force-all it?18:31
PlastkSporkoh ubuntu18:31
alansaulHey guys, I've tried to set up a rsync server (need to sync some videos across from a device) but I'm getting a error: rsync: mkstemp ".file.pdf.WLLj1x" (in share) failed: Permission denied (13)18:32
alansaulBeen working on it forever18:32
xvzfI started the upgrade 13.04->13.10 it stopped complaining about not being able to fresh tex packages. Should I reboot now? The distribution upgrade program does not show any sign of life18:32
Cyberpewk1l: I'm going to try a non-minimal Ubuntu 12.04 unless somebody else has any suggestions to try. I'm thinking it is kernel.18:32
alansaulI have chmod -R 755 me18:32
CyberpewWorked fine with my other servers.18:32
CyberpewJust this specific server has the issue.18:32
CyberpewFresh install too. :|18:32
alansaulI mean chmod -R 755 share18:32
k1lCyberpew: i think its the hosts kernel (-setup) that is the problem18:32
alansauland chgrp -R mygroup share18:33
alansaulBeen working on it for hours, ive no idea now!18:33
apofishello everyone :)18:36
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lmatapofis: Hello, there! Sit down and grab a cup of tea. What's on your mind ?18:38
apofislmat: just  was about to check what's going on here ;)18:39
phattyawesome intro18:40
gcjhi all, I'm seeing some very weird wireless behaviour. My card is capturing traffic for channels it's not supposed to be on. It's like it's going into scanning mode without me telling it to. Anyone know if I can see which programs are sending commands to the kernel to change channel?18:41
phattyis there a channel anyone might know of where i might ask about vga/hdmi/video etc18:41
apofisgcj: have you checked your AP - really weird stuff so I would say it can be something trivial ;) - but yeah only guessing18:47
gcjapofis, how could the AP tell my card to change channel?18:47
apofisgcj: deal is I saw many post on bunch of forums that many guys got problem with settging up proper channel - issues like I cannot change fixed channel on my wireless interface..." ect18:50
galaxyAbstractorInstalling ubuntu on an SSD isn't anything special, right?18:50
david38400I have Ubuntu 12.04 and am trying to install an HP all in one 3520 printer, but can't get anywhere. Any guidance to install please.18:50
gcjgalaxyAbstractor, as long as you have a recent enough Ubuntu to support the proper partition alignment for best performance18:51
apofisgcj: I guess you dont have stuff like aircrack or similar in the background18:51
gcjapofis, no, I'm running wireshark on the card in monitor mode, but it's also associated18:51
gcjso it shouldn't be switching channel. My best guess is that NetworkManager is telling it to scan, exactly once every 2 minutes18:52
apofisgcj: at the end Im guessing - Im trying to help ;) but you have not provided us much data18:52
galaxyAbstractorI got a 2TB Samsung HDD on SATA_0, a 60GB OCZ Vertex 2 SSD on SATA_1 and a 1TB Samsung HDD on SATA_2, yet ubuntu only finds the 2TB on /dev/sda and the 1TB on /dev/sdc18:52
iratedi can see my volumes in lvm but im getting /dev/mapper/xxxx does not exist18:52
gcjapofis, i didn't want to do a braindump on an IRC channel that I don't know :)18:52
gcjtell me what you want to know18:52
galaxyAbstractorThe SSD is missing from the list during install :/18:52
Cyberpewk1l: Yeah, getting the same issue even on non-minimal Ubuntu 12.04. Official OpenVZ images.18:52
Aarondavid38400: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210905018:53
Xzeionis there a free easy to use screen grabber out there with audio options ?  I am thinking of doing youtube tutorials18:53
david38400Aaron: So far tried everything and can't get anywhere, but will have a look. Thanks18:53
AaronXzeion: recordmydesktop18:53
Aaronis a good app for recording videos.18:53
Xzeionok, and that will let me grab audio from my laptop mic ?18:54
Aaronyes Xzeion if you configured it right.18:54
david38400Aaron: Any idea how I can set it up using the printers utility?18:54
Xzeionexcellent, thank you18:55
Aarondavid38400: by the way did you install any drivers?18:55
Aaronfrom the printers site?18:55
Aaroni believe there it's some drivers for it!18:55
galaxyAbstractorCurrently there is an old Windows install on the SSD which I had planned to erase using the installer. Maybe that's why and you can't use the installer to erase non-ext disks? Sorry I'm not used to ubuntu18:55
david38400Aaron: Hplip was mentionned and this is installed as I checked in the software package.18:55
Aarondavid38400: try getting all this packages hplip-data libhpmud0 libsane-hpaio18:56
otherflowsalut tout le monde, quelque'un connais mdss ?18:57
Aarondavid38400:  Once the printer's network is setup, you can access it via an HTTP interface at its IP address.18:57
david38400Aaron: do I just type in sudo apt-get install and hplip-data as you have written18:57
Aaronotherflow: english please.18:57
Aarondavid38400: yes18:57
david38400Aaron: will try, thanks18:57
otherflowAaron, ho excuse me...18:57
Aaronotherflow: where you from?18:58
Aaronlet me know if it works david3840018:58
otherflowAny one know intel's mpss tool ?18:58
apofisgcj: I assume this wireless interface works properly when you initialize it manually ?  if yes I think it has something to do with Network Manager18:58
otherflowAaron, from france18:59
galaxyAbstractorGParted can't see the SSD either, I'm confused18:59
hitsujiTMO!anyone | otherflow18:59
ubottuotherflow: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:59
Aaronotherflow: try #ubuntu-fr18:59
Aaronin your language18:59
david38400Aaron: It says all installed OK. Are you free enough to guide me thru the next step? Thanks18:59
Aarondavid38400:  open ur browser, to the ip of the Printer.19:00
david38400Aaron: How do I do that?19:00
iratedanyone here good with LVM19:00
Aaronopen mozilla, or any browser and put the ip of the printer.19:00
Aaronwhat's the printer expecification?19:01
iratedim getting /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist dropping to shell -> if i do lvm -> vgchange -ay ubuntu it will create the symlinks but will not boot19:02
david38400Aaron: Ok, but how do I get the ip of the printer?19:02
Aarondavid38400: try gksudo hp-setup if anything comes up?19:02
Aaronon the terminal19:02
iratedthe filesystem is fine as i can see it in rescure mode.19:02
david38400Aaron: up comes a red message : error: hp-setup requires GUI support (try running with --qt3). Also, try using interactive (-i) mode.19:03
Aaronthat's odd what printer is it david38400 ?19:03
wadWhen I press ALT-F1, I get a message on my menu bar: "Search your computer and online sources".19:04
Aarondavid38400: run this command hp-makeuri19:04
david38400Aaron: hp deskjet 352019:05
wadAnyone know what is grabbing that keystroke?19:05
wadI'm trying to use an application that uses ALT-F1, but something in the OS keeps grabbing it first.19:05
lmatAaron: You're italian ? Are you in Italy now ?19:05
Aarondavid38400: put this on your browser, http://localhost:63119:05
wadI've checked through CompizConfig Settings Manager, and the keyboard shortcuts in the system....19:05
david38400Aaron: Up came a lot of text19:05
Aaronlmat: negative!19:05
Aarondavid38400: did you put the URL?19:06
Aaronthat i give you?19:06
david38400Aaron: done that19:06
Aarondid something came up?19:06
david38400Aaron: cups 1.5.319:07
hitsujiTMOwad: unity ... install unity-tweak-tool   goto unity-tweak-tool -> unity -> additional19:07
wadOh, I see: ALT-F1 puts the focus on the button bar on the left....19:07
wadhitsujiTMO, thanks!19:07
Aarondavid38400: so your printer is working?19:07
Aarontry printing something david3840019:07
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david38400Aaron: For the moment its turned on nothing more. Will try then19:08
wadhitsujiTMO, I found it in CCSM, under the Unity portion! But thanks!19:08
hitsujiTMOwad: np19:09
Aaronit should work david3840019:09
david38400Aaron: The deskjet doesn't come up as an option for a printer only my old canon19:09
Aarondavid38400: try restarting cups.19:10
Aaron!ping me19:11
Aarondavid38400: type this sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart19:11
david38400Aaron: will do19:12
david38400Aaron: done that19:12
Aarontry prining again19:13
galaxyAbstractorHmmm, someone suggested changing from AHCI mode to IDE, but that didn't make any difference either19:13
eduardспрашиваю как нубко, как создать исполняемый файлик что б не требовало права доступа, без создания группы с носудо ? %)19:14
Aaroneduard: english please19:14
hitsujiTMO!ru | eduard19:14
ubottueduard: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:14
Aaronty ;)19:14
eduardok) thx19:14
yudhineed help...19:15
_nedrhello I am wondering does ubuntu still have hardware driver support for a very old desktop systems (think pentium 4 ) i don't need to run unity or anything heavy.. just need support for graphics, ethernet, parallel port, etc...19:15
Aarondavid38400:  any luck?19:16
AaronI'm back!19:16
david38400Aaron: No luck, but have to leave it now and try later OK' Thanks a lot for your help next time I try it might work with luck.19:16
Aaronno problem DavidGebler19:16
yudhii am trying to install ubuntu on my laptop which currently has Win7 installed on it... But ubuntu installer doesnt recognise Win7 OS installed... I get message "No detected operating system"19:16
sarkonmlaoohello i was trying to dd to make a bootable USB and i got "no operating system found" when i tried to boot, i used, "sudo dd if/path  of=/dev/sdd1/  bs=1M" and the sdd1 was unmounted19:16
sarkonmlaoowhat'd i do wrong?19:16
hitsujiTMO_nedr: usually the open drivers still stupport older hardware19:17
Aaronyudhi: you have to install ubuntu and after you install ubuntu it will come up, on the "Grub"19:17
Aaronunless you delete it the partition.19:17
_nedrhitsujiTMO, thanks for reply.. thats good to hear19:17
Aarondamn my internet it's lagging badly19:18
sarkonmlaoodid i miss the "oflag=direct" ?19:18
yudhiAaron: Ok.. i choose "something else" option.. n went on to selkect one of the free partitions.. bt this time i get "No root system defined" msg whn i click on Install now19:19
Aaronyudhi: try creating a root partition.19:20
Aaronor just create a swipe all in one19:20
larson_yudhi: which ubuntu version u want to install?19:21
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iratedi accidently wiped my partition table19:21
yudhiaaron: wht format should i choose while cteating a root partition.. Ext4.. ext3.. fat32?19:21
yudhiaaron: i am a newbee.. trying to install 13.1019:22
iratedall data is still there and I can access it from rescue mode however when i try to boot it get /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist dropping to shell19:22
Calinouext4, yudhi19:22
Calinouyudhi, dual booting recent Windows installations (UEFI) is tricky19:22
Calinouso, be prepared19:23
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yudhiThanks aaron and calinou :)19:23
larson_yudhi: If u want to TRY ubuntu -> http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer19:23
sarkonmlaoodoes anyone know how to use dd to make a bootable usb?19:24
larson_yudhi: and u have in mind to remove it later :)19:24
Calinoularson_, DON'T use wubi19:24
Calinouif you want to try it: use a live CD/DVD/USB19:24
Calinouor VirtualBox19:24
yudhiThnaks larosn.. but i am using win7.. in Non UEFI mode19:24
yudhii am able to install Ubuntu now... :)19:25
Calinouif it's installed in BIOS mode, then it should be easier19:25
larson_Calinou: sry long long time ago i used wubi19:26
Calinoularson_, it is not supported anymore19:27
GustavmecHi, im new to ubuntu I would like to know if I can code on linux, I guess i can but dunno where to start19:27
QuetzaAnyone know of an Ubuntu sysadmin guide for sysadmins on other Unix platforms?19:28
larson_Gustavmec: what would u like to code?19:28
Gustavmeclarson_, my own mirc client19:29
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larson_Gustavmec: which language? if u google u can find a lot of IDEs and libraries etc. ...19:30
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iratedi accidently wiped my partition table, all data is still there and I can access it from rescue mode however when i try to boot it get /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist dropping to shell. How can i repair it so i can boot again19:30
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jhutchinsirated: Just restore your backup.19:31
iratedi did19:31
iratedand it still wont boot19:31
iratedvgcfgrestore --file backup-fil vol19:32
jhutchinsirated: LVM or RAID?19:32
jhutchinsirated: Sorry, no knowledge of the problems LVM causes.19:32
ZectbumoI would like a version of ubuntu that fits on a CD19:36
Zectbumoan iso that I can burn on a 700MB disc19:36
DJonesZectbumo: I don't think the ubuntu iso has fitted on a cd since 12.04, might be worth checking that19:36
iratedinteresting if i mark the volume active19:37
iratedit boots19:37
ZectbumoDJones: perfect, I will look for 12.04 thx19:37
iratedafter typing exit19:37
DJonesZectbumo: No guarantee, I'm just going from memory19:37
Zectbumoit's a start19:37
DJonesZectbumo: Just looking, even that may not work, sounds like its gotten too big19:38
hitsujiTMOminimal iso would fit19:38
Zectbumooh yeah, that's the same version I downloaded. It is 740MB19:38
DJones!minimal | Zectbumo If that doesn't work, this may be your only option,19:38
ubottuZectbumo If that doesn't work, this may be your only option,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:38
Zectbumotext is fine by me. I'll try it out19:39
streulmahello, if I use French Azerty on Macbook in Ubuntu, it works. But if I use French Azerty for external keyboard, the @ and < sign is switched on the keyboard. Able to fix this?19:39
ZectbumoI would like to go as stable as possible. Is the 12.04 "more stable" than 12.10?19:39
streulmaZectbumo: yes!19:40
demifurorhey guys. how can i get the look and feel of my terminal/vim in macosx on my macbook, into my linux terminal?19:40
debman, i issue chmod 4750 `which sudo` and lock myself out of root, can someone told me whats the sudo chmod, am going to single usermode19:40
FiremanEdZectbumo: 12.04 is LTS19:40
Zectbumoha! it's only 30MB, it is funny to me that there is no option in between to fit on a CD19:41
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hitsujiTMOdemifuror: set your terminal with the same colours and font19:42
Zectbumoto big to fit on a floppy, too big to fit on a CD. these are the days19:42
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hitsujiTMOZectbumo: kinda happens when we've moved onto usbs19:44
demifurorhitsujiTMO: the monaco font i have installed on my linux jsut doesnt look the same as how it does on mac os x...19:44
hitsujiTMOdemifuror: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/better-font-rendering-in-linux-with.html19:44
demifurorhitsujiTMO: in mac os x, i can export the terminal theme to a .terminal file - does linux know how to read this kind of file?19:44
apb1963I have pixel fallout :(19:45
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hitsujiTMOdemifuror: no. different terminal different configs. you'll have to manually match the configs or find a config on google that already matches19:45
pipelinesamuraihey guys, can someone please tell me how to change the overlay color when renaming a file for example19:45
pipelinesamuraiwhen i select a file and try to rename it is all black I cant see what I am typing19:46
pipelinesamuraiis there a way to change that19:46
hitsujiTMOpipelinesamurai: thats part of the theme. you'd have to edit it19:46
demifurorhitsujiTMO: is there a terminal client available for linux that closely matches that of the terminal in osx?19:46
pipelinesamuraiI see so it should be under themes, thanks I will have a look19:46
hitsujiTMOdemifuror: i'm not familiar with osx. but i'm sure there's themes out there for whatever terminal you're using that matches as close as possible19:47
hitsujiTMOpipelinesamurai: no, you'll have to edit the theme itself19:47
pipelinesamuraiwhereabouts are the files19:47
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hitsujiTMOpipelinesamurai: /usr/share/themes/ best to make a copy of your current theme and work off the copy19:48
pipelinesamuraiok cool, thanks!!19:48
interwebIs using wine secure ?19:51
jhutchinsinterweb: Depends on what you use it for.19:51
whiskers75If you get a wine virus19:52
interwebjhutchins, I mean is it possible that it gets viruses ?19:52
whiskers75it can read your linux files19:52
whiskers75So yes, it is19:53
sarkonmalkoso for installing a deb package u just  "sudo dpkg -i package.deb" in the directory right? nothing else?19:53
TheLordOfTimeinterweb, wine is essentially a windows emulation layer, if you get a virus in Wine, it can read your Linux files.19:53
debhi, can some one told me what ls -al $(which sudo) said? i change my chmod and now i can not access sudo19:53
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TheLordOfTimeinterweb, so ultimately it's not a way to protect your system from Windows viruses if you use WIne19:53
Ralliassarkonmalko, If it complains about dependencies, sudo apt-get -f install19:53
lopiFistmodehi does you people reply to private messages just asking as i am new here :)19:53
sarkonmalkoRallias, thanks19:53
hitsujiTMOlopiFistmode: usually no19:53
TheLordOfTimelopiFistmode, it's best to not private message people randomly, it usually is bad form and annoys some people19:53
lopiFistmode:D thanks19:53
TheLordOfTime!privmsg | lopiFistmode19:54
ubottulopiFistmode: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:54
whiskers75deb: um19:54
lopiFistmodeso you need permission to say hi can i say you hi :D19:54
lopiFistmodeany ways i m here to ask something hope19:54
whiskers75deb: use recovery/livecd to chmod sudo 77719:54
lopiFistmodesomeone good answer my question19:54
TheLordOfTimelopiFistmode, do you have a support question?  If you do ask your question, if not, #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus are more open to socialization outside of support.19:55
TheLordOfTimelopiFistmode, just ask your question into the channel so multiple users can assist you19:55
lopiFistmodehave you ever use crack software on ubuntu :)19:55
debwhiskers75, chmod 777 /usr/bin/sudo ?19:55
lopiFistmodeis my question related or not if not just tell me i ll leave :)19:55
hitsujiTMOdeb: its -rwsr-xr-x19:56
debhitsujiTMO, yeah i see that in my debian bopx, but whiskers75  is saying in ubuntu is 777, that seems not right19:56
hitsujiTMOdeb: dont chmod 777 it19:56
Pici!piracy | lopiFistmode19:57
ubottulopiFistmode: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:57
TheLordOfTimelopiFistmode, if you mean piracy that's offtopic here, as Pici had ubottu just tell you.19:57
debhitsujiTMO, what chmod ??? to sudo willbe in ubuntu19:57
hitsujiTMOdeb: 475519:58
debhitsujiTMO, great!19:58
lopiFistmodeFGS (for god sake) bye19:58
Zectbumolooks like ubuntu isn't going to work for me in my case. Thanks for the try guys19:59
hitsujiTMOZectbumo: what exactly are you looking for?20:00
ZectbumohitsujiTMO: I'm on an old iPaq that has a CD rom, won't boot from USB, and the 12.04 minimal install just flickers the screen when I hit enter on install20:01
hitsujiTMO!lubuntu | Zectbumo this could work20:02
ubottuZectbumo this could work: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.20:02
nikolamhi, I have a quick question - Did default Ubuntu install woth Unity, STLL sends user searches to Amazon and other Canonical partners, without users knowing and user consent?  , By default?20:02
ZectbumohitsujiTMO: it's worth a shot.20:03
k1lnikolam: no20:03
k1lnikolam: see http://www.sharpley.org.uk/blog/ubuntu-search20:04
galaxyAbstractorAh I figured it out, can't have a sata 2 SSD in a sata 3 slot apparently20:04
galaxyAbstractorI thought it was backwards compatible20:04
pr33hello world!20:05
k1lgalaxyAbstractor: that is backwards compatible. or should be20:05
galaxyAbstractor(Also, I now know how extremely cheap quality ASRock has, their SATA cable connector broke in the SATA slot when trying to switch slot, and I had to take everything apart to be able to get the rest out of the slot)20:06
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hitsujiTMOgalaxyAbstractor: it s. maybe an issue with your mobo20:06
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nikolamk1l, so searches on newly installed Ubuntu does not go anywhere out of user's machine by default anymore? Or User is asked about it? Deal with Amazon is off?20:07
k1lnikolam: did you read the blogpost i linked? that explained a lot20:07
iratedVolume Group not active on boot any one have any ideas? if i issue lvm vgchange -ay from initramfs the system will boot20:08
nikolamYes and it is not near of official Canonical posting about not sending user searches by default to Amazon.20:09
ZectbumohitsujiTMO: same problem. lubuntu iso is 730MB and my CD is only 700MB20:09
hitsujiTMOZectbumo: ahh. sorry. thought it would be much smaller20:09
nikolamI also know Ubuntu One used to hold IP connection after default install before, I used to Uninstlal that, but I was happy with Xubuntu instead of Unity for this new privacy things.20:09
computa_mikehi - anyone know how to configure named virtual hosts on Apache2 on Ubuntu 13.10?  I had it working on 13.04 and it doesn't work.  It redirects to the main/default site rather than the content i have set up for the virtual server20:10
Zectbumoabout 12MB smaller, but still not small enough. thx anyways20:10
trijntjenikolam: just install ubuntu, go to system settings -> privacy and disable online searches20:10
gordonjcpZectbumo: don't use a CD, use a USB stick20:10
gordonjcpZectbumo: if you *must* use a CD, try the mini iso20:10
gordonjcpZectbumo: good luck with the time travel thing20:11
Zectbumogordonjcp: done that, usb boot doesn't work and mini just flickers on hitting install20:11
k1lnikolam: its labled "online search" so what are you thinking will result in searching with the dash? dont just run blindly with the shitstorm.20:11
nikolamtrijntje, yes, but theya re there by DEFAULT. so no recommending Ubuntu to my neighbor, sorry.20:11
gordonjcpZectbumo: put the drive in another machine and install20:11
gordonjcpnikolam: so?20:12
k1lnikolam: so no recommending android, too20:12
gordonjcpnikolam: do you donate when you download?20:12
nikolamI hope dash dies if it does not protect user privacy, but company profits.20:12
nikolamOk, i got what I needed to know, nothing changed in Canonical land.20:12
Zectbumogordonjcp: my machine is SATA and the drive is IDE20:12
gordonjcpoh, a tor user20:12
gordonjcpso a tinfoil-hat-wearing freeloader20:12
k1lits fully encrypted, btw. on both directions.20:13
gordonjcpZectbumo: USB-to-PATA converter?20:13
gordonjcpI'm running out of ideas here20:13
gordonjcpZectbumo: why can't you USB boot?20:13
trijntjeeverybody knows you shouldn't use anything that is connected to the internet ;)20:13
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Zectbumogordonjcp: not sure why it doesn't boot. the bios doesn't have the USB in the a boot order, but it does have a separate "boot from media device: enable" option. I'm guessing it was on the edge of tech when booting from usb was new. anyways, boot just hangs on USB20:15
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interwebSo I must reinstall ubuntu again because of using wine ?20:15
Piciinterweb: No one said that.20:16
computa_mikeZectbumo, not sure if gordonjcp has already suggested whipping the hard drive out of whatever machine it is and installing on a different machine and popping it back in?  I tried that on my brothers sony vaio - and snapped the track pad connectors for good measure20:16
Zectbumocomputa_mike: yes he did. it's an IDE drive and my machine is all SATA20:16
ZectbumoI am successful network booting it, but unfortunately it's not staying here on my network20:17
trijntjeinterweb: what problem do you have?20:17
Zectbumooh well, to the garbage bin it goes20:18
computa_mikeZectbumo, how about one of those converter thingies : http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/idesata-to-usb-20-a35fq not sure where you're based - that's a UK based company20:18
interwebtrijntje, I've opened some windows softwares using wine that I think they had viruses.20:18
Zectbumocomputa_mike: could possibly work but I ran out of patience. I can't say I didn't try20:19
trijntjeinterweb: why do you think they had viruses?20:19
SomeheartI'm trying to install an Jeos installed (Ubuntu Server with the "minimal install" option). With legacy boot, it's simple. Press F4 and select the option. When booting a UEFI compatible system, that option isn't there because different boot options are present. Anybody know the quick and dirty solution?20:19
larson_interweb: how get the virus your attention?20:19
computa_mikeZectbumo, indeed - it might even be argued that spending any money on a solution for this might be a waste if it's the only device that you could use it on...  Shame there's no bios update to enable usb booting20:20
Someheartcomputa_mike: I'm jumped in late, what's the issue with USB boot?20:21
computa_mikeSomeheart, Zectbumo was having problems installing onto some device - i jumped in late too - was trying to think of anything that could help out20:22
SomeheartPLOPLInux has been VERY useful for me with older systems that didn't support it.20:22
SomeheartBoot it up via CD, PXE, whathave you. Select the "Boot from USB option". Nice little work around.20:22
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computa_mikeSomeheart, that has reminded me that there is a network install option - you could set up a pxe server and install from there20:23
Zectbumocomputa_mike: Someheart: I did us all a favor and dumped the machine in the bin.20:24
computa_mikeZectbumo, :)20:24
SomeheartI support that method. Not everybody can. :D20:24
computa_mikeZectbumo, Someheart ... and problem solved :)20:24
Zectbumobeers all around!20:25
computa_mikeZectbumo, good call...20:25
LrdHelmeti have a Ricoh card reader on my laptop, and Ubuntu 13.10 x64.. when I put a SDHC card into the reader, nothing happens. the driver seems to be loaded20:29
ElysiumNetI'm running in a small issue, I can't run apt-get anymore as it will complain about ssl.so.1.0.0 not being present "/usr/bin/python: error while loading shared libraries: ssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"20:29
ElysiumNetis there any way to fix this?20:29
Korvinhow can I set the sources to only use osuosl from the cli?20:31
geirhaElysiumNet: That depends on how it got broken20:31
ElysiumNetgeirha: I have no clue20:32
ElysiumNetit worked a couple of weeks ago, and then just stopped working20:32
ElysiumNetthere is a libssl.so, but I doubt it's ssl.so related20:33
rwwKorvin: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list, replace references to whatever mirror you're currently using with ubuntu.ososl.org20:33
ElysiumNetI only did an apt-get upgrade a couple of weeks ago20:33
ElysiumNetshould I link libssl to ssl?20:33
ElysiumNetapparently I can't20:35
cheryl_cI keep having to enter my password to unlock the keyring whenever ubuntu wants to make a background application work. How can I turn this off?20:35
iratedVolume Group not active on boot any one have any ideas? if i issue lvm vgchange -ay from initramfs the system will boot20:36
geirhaElysiumNet: Could it be the upgrade got cut off in the middle of installation?20:37
ElysiumNetgeirha: I ran it in screen20:38
geirhaElysiumNet: did it complete without errors?20:38
ElysiumNetno idea, I think the log might have been pruned by now already20:38
ElysiumNetis there a way to fix this without reinstalling the whole OS?20:38
geirhaElysiumNet: reinstalling the package with ssl.so.1.0.0 might help. What do you get with:   locate ssl.so.1.0.020:39
ElysiumNetgeirha: 2 libssl.so.1.0.0 entries20:40
ElysiumNet/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 and /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.020:40
ElysiumNetlinking them to ssl.so.1.0.0 unfortunately did not work20:40
geirhaElysiumNet: and   ldconfig -p | grep ssl    do you see libssl.so.1.0.0 there?20:41
geirhaElysiumNet: and do those two files exist?   ls /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0    outputs no error messages?20:42
geirhaHm. Weird.20:42
ElysiumNetit's looking for ssl.so.1.0.0 for some reason instead of libssl.so.1.0.020:43
cheryl_chow do you stop ubuntu from asking you to enter your credentials to unlock a keyring?20:43
ElysiumNetand so is every other applications that depends on SSL20:43
ElysiumNetpython won't run without it20:43
ElysiumNetpip won't run either20:43
geirhaElysiumNet: Could it be you've overwritten som ssl lib with pip?20:46
ElysiumNetI haven't ran pip in ages20:46
ElysiumNetcould reinstalling python from a package with dpkg help to get things "working" again?20:46
geirhayes, though I don't think python's the package that needs reinstalling20:47
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ElysiumNetit's the core of getting apt-get to work again20:47
geirhaElysiumNet: does even   python -c ''  fail?20:47
ElysiumNetunless you somehow know of a way to somehow force it20:47
ElysiumNeteven just python fails20:48
ElysiumNetpython: error while loading shared libraries: ssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:48
ElysiumNetI linked libssl.so.1.0.0 but then it just complains it can't load it20:48
ElysiumNetunless "its" is another library20:49
geirhaElysiumNet: I'd see if there's a libssl*.deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/  and try reinstalling that20:50
markup`Fuck I can't believe I ever survived without GNU Screen20:50
Picimarkup`: tone down the language, please.20:50
ElysiumNetgeirha: a lot of libssl* packages20:50
ElysiumNetbut I wouldn't know which one20:50
geirhaapt-cache policy libssl1.0.020:51
geirhaElysiumNet: Are you able to find the deb for that one?20:53
geirhathat's libssl-dev, you'll need the non-dev20:53
ElysiumNetand libssl1.0.0_1.0.1-4ubuntu5.10_amd64.deb20:53
geirhayeah that one, try dpkg -i on that20:53
ElysiumNetsame error20:54
ElysiumNetmaybe apt-get pulled a broken package?20:55
=== Mars is now known as Guest54337
ElysiumNetwhat's the command to get a checksum of a file again20:56
hitsujiTMOElysiumNet: md5sum is one of them20:56
Aaronmd5sum -c MD5SUMS20:57
ElysiumNetsomehow that crashed the system..20:57
ElysiumNetor my broadband is getting the hiccups again20:57
Aarontry doing it with the -c option ElysiumNet20:57
ElysiumNetyep, internet hiccing up20:58
Aaronfix it !20:58
ElysiumNetmd5 matches20:58
Aaronthen you are good!20:58
ElysiumNetAaron: I'm not, the system is still broken20:59
Aaronwhat did you do to the system?20:59
ElysiumNetupdating it, apparently20:59
Aarondo this apt-get -f install20:59
ElysiumNetpython complains about ssl.so.1.0.0 and "its"20:59
Aaronto fix broken packages21:00
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jhutchinsAaron: Unfortunately, that only fixes packages that are broken because they're missing dependencies.21:00
demifurorhey guys. in mac os x, i did echo $LSCOLORS, and it gave me: "GxcxdxDxCxexexfxfxfxfx", so then in my gnome terminal, i did: "export LS_COLORS=GxcxdxDxCxexexfxfxfxfx", but when i do an "ls --color", i get: "ls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable"...any ideas why it doesnt work?21:01
ElysiumNetAaron: problem being that apt-get won't run because python can't run21:01
vanishingI'm trying to autostart the remind daemon when I login..21:01
jhutchinsAaron: Apt does not natively track whether a package is corrupt, although debsums can do some of that.21:01
vanishingthe command I used is:21:01
vanishingremind -v -z -k'notify-me %s &' /home/vanishing/.reminders21:01
ElysiumNetErrors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/python-software-properties_0.82.7.7_all.deb21:01
vanishingi can see the remind process starts, however notify-me does not run...21:02
vanishinganybody have any clue?21:02
jhutchinsElysiumNet: Can we assume that you don't have a backup of this system?21:02
mimmociao a tutti21:02
ElysiumNetjhutchins: correct21:02
geirhaElysiumNet: strace python -c ''    might give some clues21:02
ubottumimmo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:02
jhutchinsElysiumNet: Time for a reinstall then.21:02
ElysiumNetthis is absolutely the last time I use an american ISP... constant connection problems21:03
geirha(or something smaller that is also linked to ssl)21:03
yeyemanI can't start software center21:03
yeyemannothing happens when I click it21:03
yeyemanI want to install netbeans21:04
robinmholtdemifuror: Have you looked at the output from dircolors?  That is what Linux's termcap is looking for .21:04
Dinosaurioyeyeman: do it21:04
robinmholtI don't know what the OS X LSCOLORS environment variable format is.21:04
Beldaryeyeman, try in the terminal 'software-center' and look for errors21:04
Dinosauriosudo apt-get install netbeans21:04
ElysiumNetgeirha: strace not found21:04
geirhademifuror: the ls commands on OSX and Ubuntu are incompatbile when it comes to LS_COLORS. You have to set them depending on OS21:05
ElysiumNetwhat the hell is the md5 of python-software-properties_0.82.7.7_all.deb?21:05
yeyemanBeldar, I got an error, do I paste it in here?21:05
demifurorrobinmholt: ah okay, thanks, ill see if i can look up some table to help me translate between what they mean...21:05
Dinosaurioyeyeman: type what i said in a terminal21:05
Dinosaurioyeyeman: sudo apt-get install netbeans21:05
BeldarPastebin | yeyeman21:06
Beldar!pastebin | yeyeman21:06
ubottuyeyeman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:06
geirhaElysiumNet: Odd, I thought strace was installed by default21:06
ElysiumNetgeirha: apparently it got uninstalled and not reinstalled?21:06
ElysiumNetI thinking python-software-properties's deb might be broken21:06
AaronElysiumNet, check for any bugs...21:07
Aaronmaybe there its a fix.21:07
ElysiumNetAaron: it's the latest version21:07
robinmholtdemifuror: You might want to look at: http://softwaregravy.wordpress.com/2010/10/16/ls-colors-for-mac/21:07
ElysiumNetbut I can't find an md5/sha1/sha256/whatever of the deb21:07
yeyemanthis is the error I get when trying to open software center: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6723003/21:08
ElysiumNet.... it won't reinstall itself21:08
yeyemanhuh didn't realize it's made in python21:08
geirhaElysiumNet: If you run    sudo ldconfig    then   ldconfig -p | grep ssl   do you still see the (64 bit) ssl library?21:08
ElysiumNetgeirha: yes21:09
geirhaElysiumNet: do you have any LD variables set?    declare -p "${!LD@}"21:09
ElysiumNetdeclare will tell me if I have them set?21:09
geirhathat particular declare command, yes21:10
ElysiumNetyeah, a bunch of variables21:10
ElysiumNetanything in particular you're looking for?21:10
geirhaerr wait, if there are no variables starting with LD, it'll just dump all variables, since "${!LD@}" will expand to nothing in that case21:11
geirhaSo probably none, then21:11
Beldaryeyeman, Not sure exactly, you might try the apt install, and look on the web with that terminal info on running software-center.21:11
ElysiumNetnone starting with LD21:11
geirhait's so weird. The file is there, ld has it cached and everything, but when it tries to load it, it's suddenly "gone"21:12
yeyemanok well luckily I don't need it a lot anyway so..21:12
ElysiumNetssl.so.1.0.0 isn't there, when I linked it it goes on to complain about "its"21:13
ElysiumNetlibssl.so.1.0.0 is there however21:13
geirhayes, the lib prefix is implied21:13
ElysiumNetwhen I linked it, it doesn't complain about it21:14
ElysiumNetonly about "its" which might as well be the next file in the chain21:14
geirhahow did you link it, exactly?21:14
ElysiumNetln -d libssl.so.1.0.0 ssl.so.1.0.021:14
geirhaah, that'll have no effect21:15
ElysiumNetall the other .so files start with lib...21:15
geirhayes, they must start with lib, otherwise they'll be ignored21:15
ElysiumNetcopying the file to ssl.so.1.0.0 does the same21:16
ElysiumNetwait no, I meant ln -n21:16
ElysiumNetnot -d21:16
geirhawhat does the file command say about it?  file libssl.so.1.0.021:16
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ElysiumNetlibssl.so.1.0.0: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0x240fc47e4b10bb8b6f78a5569c3bf8a4029aa572, stripped21:17
Dinosaurioso I contacted mafia and gave me 5000 dolars for the work21:18
geirhaElysiumNet: looks correct21:19
ElysiumNetgeirha: then why doesn't it work! :(21:19
* LoRdToLsToI YouTube - Sting - Desert Rose original song21:20
ElysiumNetshould I run a "dpkg --configure -a --force-all" ?21:20
Aarontry it21:20
Aaronand see if that works...21:20
Aaronbut i doubt it;21:20
ElysiumNetactually, it there another application that uses SSL that isn't python?21:21
ElysiumNet...where did curl go21:21
ElysiumNetwget still works21:21
Aarongood luck ElysiumNet on fixing your system21:22
ElysiumNetaccesses SSL pages just fine, but I am going to assume that wget might be non-shared libraries21:22
geirhaldd "$(type -P wget)"21:22
ElysiumNetlibssl.so.1.0.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 (0x00007feda808c000)21:23
ElysiumNetpython borked?21:23
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ElysiumNetalso, I'm connected through SSH... so the SSL library has to be working21:25
ElysiumNetoh, that uses libcrypto instead21:26
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ElysiumNetgeirha: should I change a force all with dpkg?21:29
geirhaElysiumNet: I don't see how it can break anything any more than it already is at least21:30
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ElysiumNetit's only the python-software-properties package that is complaining21:30
ElysiumNeteverything else is reinstalling just fine so far21:30
ElysiumNetpython still broken21:31
ElysiumNetgeirha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6723127/21:34
Guest60618Hello. This is my question. When I normally run Ubuntu, Ubuntu starts, automatically, with a GUI. Is it possible to deactivate the GUI, and execute Ubuntu in text-mode?21:36
hitsujiTMOElysiumNet: anything in the install config or post install scripts that give an indication of whaty exactly is going wrong?21:36
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geirhaElysiumNet: Out of ideas :/21:36
xangua!text | Guest6061821:36
ubottuGuest60618: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:36
ElysiumNethitsujiTMO: if I knew where to find them21:36
ElysiumNetgeirha: looks to me the python deb is borked21:37
hitsujiTMOElysiumNet:  /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.blah21:37
geirhaElysiumNet: See if you have an older deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/ perhaps21:38
Guest60618xangua, I don't know if I have the "text" option in Grub.21:38
ElysiumNetgeirha: that's the only one21:38
ElysiumNetI can grab a new/older one21:38
ElysiumNetif I knew where they were21:38
ElysiumNethitsujiTMO: the postscript executes python21:38
ElysiumNetdependency problems - leaving unconfigured21:40
hitsujiTMOElysiumNet: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.7/ grab older debs direct from the repo21:40
ElysiumNetpythonlibs or normal python?21:41
KartagisERROR    internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: W: kvm binary is deprecated, please use qemu-system-x86_64 instead <--- can you help with this error with virt-install?21:41
ElysiumNetall of them have dependency problems :/21:42
ElysiumNetapt-get remove python is going to remove a whole lot of packages I think...21:42
CyberpewAnyone know how to solve this apt-get error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6723168/ Having this error while installing iptables-persistent. Using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x 64 on OpenVZ. Kernel: 2.6.32-042stab078.27 and fresh installed.21:43
ElysiumNetgeirha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6723174/21:43
jlfhi all, i'm trying to resize a partition with the gparted livecd and it claims to succeed but it doesn't take effect after rebooting.  sda2:extended contains sda5:lvm2pv+lvm flag, and i did resize/move on both of these.  this is in a virtualbox vm if it matters.  anyone have insight?21:43
ElysiumNetbasically everything python failed21:44
hitsujiTMOElysiumNet: dont apt-get remove python. that will remove 90% of the OS21:44
ElysiumNethitsujiTMO: I noticed21:44
ElysiumNetit won't let me anyway21:44
x_rootanyone know a pspice alternative for ubuntu/linux?21:46
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gordonjcpx_root: there are various spices21:46
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gordonjcpx_root: you coul dmaybe try ngspice?21:48
Guest98776irssi -c irc.rizon.net21:49
CyberpewFixed my problem, google is my friend.21:49
x_rooti'll try it then, thanks gordonjcp21:49
x_roothey gordonjcp it have a gui?21:54
x_rootor is just terminal?21:54
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interwebI want to use openvpn on my ubuntu , Do I need to use Sudo for it ?21:57
vanishinginterweb: if you have network-manager you can just use openvpn with it21:58
interwebvanishing, How ?21:59
snow_ruoh f* ubuntu22:02
snow_rutoo many people22:02
spearhead!language | snow_ru22:03
Calinousnow_ru, ask your question :) don't be afraid22:03
ubottusnow_ru: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:03
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k1l!ot > afrokarlsson22:06
ubottuafrokarlsson, please see my private message22:06
galaxyAbstractorI got 4GB RAM installed and running 64-bit ubuntu but yet it says 3.5GB, is the other 0.5GB reserved for the onboard GPU or somethibng like that?22:07
gessicahola gabriel22:07
gabrielhola que tal soy medio nuevo en linux22:08
vanishing!spanish | gabriel22:08
ubottugabriel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:08
OptimusPrimehey guys can i use pendrive and run a ubuntu live from a SD card?22:08
hitsujiTMOgalaxyAbstractor: yes, every device reserves an amount of ram22:08
OptimusPrimelike Tails22:09
xanguagalaxyAbstractor: remember hardware makers don't follow the binary but the decimal system, I have '2GB of RAM' that are actually 1.822:09
galaxyAbstractorxangua: but I never seen that apply to RAM only to HDD22:10
OptimusPrimeSO i can use pendrive with a SD card?22:12
spearhead!patience | OptimusPrime22:13
ubottuOptimusPrime: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/22:13
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
spearheadOptimusPrime, i don't know for sure because I haven't tried it... but technically i think you should be able to... but you would need some way to boot to the sd card as most computers don't support that...22:15
chemist^I'm trying to set up znc to work with tor and sasl and i can't get it to work, i've read on znc's wiki page ti install proxychains which should be configured to work with tor out of box, i added the mappadress line to torrc and it still doesn't work ... anyone has any experience with this stuff?22:19
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simonyesbossHelp please :)22:27
simonyesbossIm a complete newbie to ubuntu and am having serious problems installing it on an old PPC g522:27
daftykinspowerpc isn't supported anymore22:28
daftykinsso it's kind of a game over situation22:28
gordonjcpthat would be a pretty serious problem, yeah22:28
simonyesbossI know that much but looking through the posts I can apparently use an old installation to get it running...22:28
simonyesbossor is that not even possible...?22:28
gordonjcpsimonyesboss: mmm, yeah kind of22:28
gordonjcpthing is it will fail if it tries to download any packages22:29
simonyesbossI only need a very basic installation so I can run a bit coin mining package on there...22:29
gordonjcphm actually22:29
gordonjcpsimonyesboss: uh yeah22:29
gordonjcpsimonyesboss: forget it22:29
simonyesbossI can't even get it to boot from the CD or recognise the cd...22:30
gordonjcpyou will be disappointed in the miner performance22:30
hitsujiTMO12.04 still has a ppc build22:30
gordonjcphitsujiTMO: so it does!22:30
simonyesbossthats what I was reading...22:30
simonyesbossMy machine has an extra card in it that has a pretty powerful processor on it so I was hoping to use that part as well to improve performance...22:31
gordonjcpsimonyesboss: you will be hashing at a couple of dozen hashes per second22:31
simonyesbosshmmm, even with my extra card in there...?22:31
spearheadsimonyesboss, i just installed 12.04 on a powerbook g4 last week so I can vouch for it working...22:32
simonyesbossAHA!! :)22:32
simonyesbossdid you have any issues on the installation spearhead?22:33
daftykinsa card with another processor 0o say whaaaat22:33
simonyesbossYeah the other card is a DSP card so I am hoping to hack it around to be useful for mining instead of running audio plugins ;)22:33
nashantHey everyone. Can anyone tell me why writing to an nfs share would be SO much quicker and more reliable from a debian live usb than my ubuntu install? My problem, along with associated test results, is detailed here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2198523&p=1289557622:34
spearheadsimonyesboss, the only issue I had was getting the wireless card to work, i just had to download the driver onto another computer and move it over with a flash drive and install... I didn't try ethernet connection but it "should" work out of the box...22:34
simonyesbosshmmm, I can't even get my machine to read the boot CD! :(22:35
simonyesbossmust be something simple I am doing wrong!22:35
simonyesbossit just says the drive you connected is not recognized22:35
spearheadare you sure you have the powerpc version of 12.04?22:35
Handlebarsimonyesboss: Hold down the c key to get it to boot CD22:35
hitsujiTMO nashant i'd look at the drivers22:35
simonyesbossYeah thats what I've tried, even holding down the option key to get to a boot menu doesn't work... it just shows the main OS hard drive22:36
nashanthitsujiTMO: I thought that, but it's the same driver package, iwlwifi, that's used in both22:36
hitsujiTMOafrokarlsson: you've been kicked already and warned serveral times. please stop22:37
DanTheDanesimonyesboss: Have you tried to see if another computer will recognize the CD? It might as well be an issue with the iso / cd22:37
geirhaElysiumNet: maybe python isn't the python installed by apt.  file "$(type -P python)"22:38
DanTheDaneOr if disk utility in OS X will recognize it22:38
ElysiumNetgeirha: it was22:38
ElysiumNetI killed off the box, I'll be reinstalling everything tomorrow22:38
ElysiumNetI also noticed something else22:38
ElysiumNetan process that should not have been running22:38
simonyesbossMy MBP recognises the disk but that is what the disk was created with...22:39
simonyesbossthe G5 doesn't :(22:39
simonyesbossbut it does recognise other disks...22:39
spearheadsimonyesboss, it sounds like the cd might not have gotten burned right, first I would check the md5 sum of the iso to make sure there isn't anything wrong with the download22:39
ElysiumNetgeirha: specifically a process that appeared to be talking home to an IP that's owned by a government, and the last IP outside of mine to have accessed the machine was from the ISP themselves22:39
ElysiumNetso I'll be leaving them ASAP22:39
spearheadsimonyesboss, in your mbp can you open the disk and view the contents?22:40
interwebI can not connect to internet with running a software with wine22:40
ElysiumNetscrew USA IP's22:40
nashanthitsujiTMO: How would you suggest I go about checking the drivers?22:40
BitwiseHello. I'm trying to get a process to use a specific network interface. What I've done so far is attempted to create a virtual interface using `vlan` and then followed this: http://daniel-lange.com/archives/53-Binding-applications-to-a-specific-IP.html22:40
DanTheDanesimonyesboss: Do you still have OS X installed on the G5?22:41
hitsujiTMOnashant: test the speed of other protocols. cifs. http.22:41
simonyesbossyeah, OSX 10.4 so pretty old...22:42
DanTheDaneShould be all right. I would boot it, and see if that recognizes the disc22:42
simonyesbossI was going to put 10.5 on it but I can't seem to burn DL DVD's at the moment so that is a no no ;) haha22:42
BitwiseHow can I basically pipe connections through a specific network interface?22:42
DanTheDaneKind of sad. 10.5 was a major improvement22:43
BitwiseI've created a virtual network interface but how do I give it a specific IP and then have it use my main connection to actually connect to the Internet?22:43
geirhaElysiumNet: Woah, scary.22:44
simonyesbossOK the other MBP doesn't boot to the disk either :(22:45
simonyesbossIt's as if something is wrong with the disk so it is not bootable...22:46
DanTheDaneIf you have a USB stick, you could also make a bootable one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#How_do_I_boot_from_a_USB_drive.3F22:47
nashanthitsujiTMO: I'm testing http by downloading a 1GB file from the apache server, and it's about 6MB/s. I would have thought it should be quicker22:48
hitsujiTMOnashant: from a local server?22:48
jhutchinssimonyesboss: What are you using to burn the disks?22:48
hitsujiTMOnashant: what type of connection?22:49
simonyesbossI have tried both toast and disk utility...22:49
jhutchinssimonyesboss: I believe you have to convert the iso to dmg first.22:49
simonyesbossI've even tried doing what people suggest for cloning an OSX install CD to make it a CD/DVD master disk...22:49
nashanthitsujiTMO: http on wifi is 6MB/s, on wired is 11.2MB/s22:49
simonyesbossahhh, that could be a good point!22:49
hitsujiTMOnashant: lotsa variables there. so difficult to give an answer there. but it would be interesting to see what you're getting on debian22:50
nashanthitsujiTMO: the wifi should be faster than the wired. The connection is ~240Mbit compared to 100Mbit22:50
jhutchinssimonyesboss: I know I made a not of it somewhere, no idea where though.22:50
hitsujiTMOnashant: lotsa variables with wifi tho. from distance, interference, other traffic, etc...22:51
jhutchinssimonyesboss: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx22:51
jhutchinssimonyesboss: Feedback on whether that's relevant would be welcome.22:51
simonyesbossyeah that one could work, thanks22:52
daMaestroif i was going to import an image into openstack, is http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img the correct image and in what format is this build?22:53
RandomStrayCatHey, can anyone help me clarify using  'kill -USR1 <PID>'.... I was trying to use it to get the progress of a 'dd' command I background.22:56
nashanthitsujiTMO:  distance from router ~3m, interference is minimal22:58
kanteshi, I'm running a liveCD and trying to access my encrypted internal hard drive. not sure where to start22:58
RandomStrayCatthere should be a .cryptfs and you have to decrypt it using Luks22:59
hitsujiTMOkantes: luks encrypted?22:59
kanteshitsujiTMO: yes, it was encrypted with the ubuntu installation cd22:59
nashanthitsujiTMO: Looks like I might be replacing ubuntu with debian22:59
RandomStrayCatJust try mounting it with the gui22:59
kantesRandomStrayCat: what gui?22:59
hitsujiTMOkantes: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line22:59
nashanthitsujiTMO: Shame, because I like unity23:00
hitsujiTMOnashant: just give the live cd a try again and see what you get there. could be the case of having to change the kernel only if there is a difference23:00
nashanthitsujiTMO: How would I go about changing the kernel??23:01
kanteshitsujiTMO: cool, thanks. it's lvm -- does that make any difference?23:01
hitsujiTMOkantes: luks is only done on lvm afaik :)23:02
hitsujiTMOnashant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:02
kanteshitsujiTMO: cool, thanks23:02
RandomStrayCatquestion: does anyone have an idea on how to use 'kill -USR1 <pid> ' to get the progress of 'dd'23:03
RandomStrayCatps just shows this afterwards [1]+  User defined signal 1   sleep 100023:03
galaxyAbstractorWhenever I restart Ubuntu, UEFI seems to do a reset. Is there something I have to disable or something? I recall hearing something about it23:05
kanteswhen I try to mount the unencrypted device I get: "mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'"23:05
RandomStrayCatkantes: type in what you typed23:06
kantesRandomStrayCat: "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 ecrypted_volume" Then I try to mount it and get the mount error23:07
kantesRandomStrayCat: nevermind, I figured it out. just ran a vgchange23:09
RandomStrayCatthere ya go :)23:10
RandomStrayCatLets try again, anyone know how to use kill -USR1?23:12
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RandomStrayCatHow does 'command' & pid=$! set pid to that commands correct pid?23:22
Aaron!tell MRNV about ask23:25
ubottuMRNV, please see my private message23:25
=== Mars is now known as Guest45369
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
MRNVI heve some problem, when my ubuntu start, it's very long loading, I loose Grab menu, and system report straigh it: fsck util-linux 2.20.1 /dev/sda1: clean 112345134/12345345 files 1234131344/134134134 block. If anyone now how to restor system. I try from rescue mode, but it now was halp for me...23:32
RandomStrayCatMRNV: did it always take forever to load?23:34
FireBeyondWhat size would a mirror of the entire saucy repository be?23:36
MRNV<RandomStrayCat> Yes. It happen two weeks ago, I have old battary in my laptop, I read about this proplem somewhere, but don't now what to do to restor...23:37
RandomStrayCatHold shift at the (in my case) dell load screen23:38
RandomStrayCatthen I think go advanced?23:39
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RandomStrayCat and try booting from one of those.23:39
hitsujiTMOFireBeyond: I can tell you precise 64-bit without sources is > 54.7 GB23:39
david38400I just deleted my canon printer by mistake in ubuntu 12.04. I cant reinstall it can any guide me please23:40
MRNV<RandomStrayCat>Yes, dell load screen, cause I have Dell Precision, what I have to do?23:42
RandomStrayCathit and hold the shift key23:42
RandomStrayCatthe timing is terrible23:42
RandomStrayCatI had to do until I figured out how to fix the Nvidia drivers issue23:42
RandomStrayCatYou can try and get in and mess with it like that, or if you have an ubuntu live CD i believe they have a way to check for problems23:43
MRNV<RandomStrayCat> I did that, and get Grab menu, so what I need to to after23:44
RandomStrayCattry clicking on advanced I think it is?23:45
Turingiwhat lines should I add to /etc/network/interfaces to configure port forwarding for a particular interface: say, forward ports 99,88,77 from lan as 999,888,777 from wan?23:46
RandomStrayCathold on  :P23:46
RandomStrayCat^that was for MRNV23:46
g0twigI want to use Ubuntu, but I fear Unity will track everything I ever search for23:47
g0twigAny idea what I can do23:47
g0twigremove all scopes of Unity?23:47
g0twigOh than its useless, right..23:47
hitsujiTMOTuringi: you don't. you use iptables for that23:48
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Guest78943nick tekctrl23:48
TuringihitsujiTMO: ah, I was under the impression iptables rules mapped to /etc/network/interfaces changes somehow23:48
MRNV<RandomStrayCat>Ok, please, write me all proccece step by step again=(23:48
g0twigHave Fun getting tracked folks23:49
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MRNV<RandomStrayCat>Yes, I can login using recovery mode, what after?23:51
hitsujiTMOTuringi: this is what i use for port forwarding. this uses the same port, but you can prob guess what changes need to be made to forward do a different port http://paste.ubuntu.com/6723750/23:51
RandomStrayCatits hard to say, I would say shut down properly and see if you get the same problem23:51
RandomStrayCati messaged you btw23:51
Turingithanks hitsujiTMO23:52
MRNV<RandomStrayCat> understand, few minutes, cause I'm on my laptop now....23:53
RandomStrayCatsounds good23:53
david38400I just managed to install my canon mp250 printer and when I go to print it says Processing - unable to locate printer. Can anyone help to solution please23:59
TeraJLhi there, i boot my pc, and after some minutes i get no sound, evrything shows up as sound was playing, but i have no sound, only on headphones :S23:59

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