
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
xequenceOvenWerk1: You are probably the one who knows most about our live session right now? If you have time, please have a look at it08:02
xequenceOvenWerk1: I'm sure you are aware of the bug that prevents it from auto-loading from the DVD08:03
xequencemight be impossible to login even08:03
xequenceXubuntu has a fix. I have it in the irc logs somewhere too08:03
xequenceI'm going to dive into that, if you won't. I'll also be pushing for making linux-lowlatency a part of the official source tree, so that we no longer need to maintain the SRUs. Just make config changes when needed08:04
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
zequencebug lp:125952513:24
zequencebug 125952513:24
ubottubug 1259525 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu & Xubuntu & Ubuntu Kylin lightdm session fails to start. user-session is not set" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125952513:24
zequenceI added our package there now13:24
zequenceGoing to commit soon. Seems easy enough13:28
zequenceI'm applying for upload rights now. I'll try to get it to be granted for a team that we ourselves can administer in lp, which would only include me and Len from the US team, at the most. Still, nice if we can get some control13:49
cubThat would be good.14:07
zequencemicahg: Hi. I'm applying for upload rights for the UBuntu Studio package set, and was wondering if you could endorse me :). https://wiki.ubuntu.com/zequence/DeveloperApplication#Endorsements17:47

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