
bluesabreknome: pongalong?00:34
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
=== eric_the_idiot is now known as Guest55999
Unit193## Xubuntu Team Meeting - Today, 9th @ 19:00 UTC - #xubuntu-devel07:20
NoskcajUnit193, I will wake up to that07:22
elfymorning Unit193 Noskcaj 07:32
Noskcajhey elfy 07:32
Unit193elfy: Howdy.07:32
lderanelfy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6719815/ reporting in09:46
slickymastermorning all09:47
lderanmorning slickymaster 09:50
slickymasterhi lderan 09:52
knomemorning lderan, slickymaster 10:19
lderanmorning knome :)10:20
knome97% translated10:20
slickymasterknome: he he you're already seeing the light :)10:20
knomeyeah, i only have some of the apt-offline stuff to translate10:21
slickymasterbut those are the bigger and complicated strings to translate knome 10:22
knomesure... but otoh, they don't have too many gui strings to translate, so easier10:22
slickymasteryeah, you're right10:23
knomei think i even got my wife semi-interested in proofreading the translation10:25
knome...so expect a big commit with fixes :P10:26
ochosiali1234: may i bother you with a quick gtk question?10:34
ali1234okay :)10:34
ochosithanks :)10:35
ochosiso, my question is, is there a standard call/function for redrawing a window plus all its content?10:35
ochosiso far i've only found gtk_widget_queue_draw10:35
ochosibut that only has effect on single widgets10:36
ali1234no idea10:36
ochosiand i need everything in that window to be redrawn10:36
ali1234call it on the window?10:36
ali1234a window is a widget10:36
ochositried, doesn't work10:36
ochosiat least the draw-callback doesn't seem to be triggered, which is what i need10:36
ochosii considered calling the draw-callback manually, but that seems a bit hackish10:37
ochosi(also i'm not sure it'd really work)10:37
knomehmm, i thought launchpad would have handled fuzzy translations better10:49
knomelooks like it just dismisses them10:49
knomewell done...10:49
ochosiali1234: figured it out, gtk_widget_queue_draw does what i want (if you call it from the right place ;))10:52
lderanochosi: woo \o/10:57
ochosilderan: woo? :)10:57
ochosiwhat part of me are you woo-ing exactly?10:57
lderanfor figuring it out10:57
ochosiah, thanks :)10:57
ochosiwell, fake transparency is ready now i think10:58
ochosiknome: major drawback of not having gnome-icon-theme around: no highcontrast icon theme... :/10:58
ochosiso i think we need to keep it for accessibility reasons10:58
slickymasterknome: what do you mean by fuzzy translations?11:01
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
knomeochosi, can't we just add the hicolor theme?11:04
ochosiit's part of the gnome-icon-theme package afaik11:04
knomeslickymaster, in poedit (and pretty much any editor), you can mark translations as "fuzzy"11:04
knomeslickymaster, this can also happen automatically when strings change just slightly; the .po-file-updater marks the translation "fuzzy" because it's not sure if it's accurate any more11:05
knomeochosi, bah, well that should definitely be split11:05
ochosiknome: to be frank, the only benefit i see now of getting rid of gnome-icon-theme is a cleaner emblems list in thunar...11:06
ochosi(the few MB it adds don't really count)11:06
knomewell that's a good benefit :P11:06
slickymasterknome: got it, thanks11:06
ochosiand having working icons for all gnome3 apps without having to wonder is also kidan nice-ish11:07
knomeochosi, bolloks :)11:07
knomemy C-key isn't working11:07
ochosianyway, i just think we have bigger fish to fry in 14.04 and i'd prefer to focus on those11:07
knomeagreed, but only barely :P11:08
ochosiso i'm re-prioritizing this issue, is all i'm saying11:08
ochosi(to the bottom of my list)11:08
elfylderan: thanks :)11:28
knomeslickymaster, 100%11:48
slickymaster\o/ congrats11:49
knometa ta11:49
slickymasternow there's no singular in docs translations11:49
knomenow that i've finished the translation...11:51
knomei probably should proofread the original text11:51
knometo prepare more work to be done for me and slickymaster 11:51
slickymaster:) we have to convince GridCube to translate it into Spanish11:52
slickymasternow that he is on holidays11:52
elfygoddamn launchpad - fill a bug report in - it timesout - must be the new plan to not have to bother with bugs :|11:58
elfymarking it a security vulnerability so someone looks at it ... 12:00
knomedon't, if it isn't12:01
elfyI'm joking :)12:01
knomejust tell me what the bug is and i'll rather poke people with it12:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1267442 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331 (Ubuntu) "Install nvidia-331 on Xubuntu results in unbootable machine" [Undecided,New]12:01
slickymasterochosi: ping12:36
ochosislickymaster: pong12:36
slickymasterochosi: the test you spoke about yesterday, you wanted to be made12:36
ochosislickymaster: yeah, you can skip that one for now...12:37
ochosii had to realize earlier that we lose the hicontrast icon-theme when dropping gnome-icon-theme12:37
ochosiso things are getting more complicated12:37
ochosiand i don't have time to spend on an issue like that12:37
slickymasterokie dokie, but if you'll need them later, just ping me12:38
ochosisorry if you already started testing :/12:38
slickymasteri was going to do it anyhow, np12:38
ochositesting the icons from PPA is useful anyway though12:38
ochosiif you notice missing icons or ones that look off, let me know12:39
slickymasterwith elementary-xfce, right?12:39
ochosiyup, elementary-xfce-darker to be exact12:39
slickymasterwill do12:39
knomeUnit193, humpf, we should look at using the translator-credits string in the docs12:48
knomeUnit193, or alternatively, some other method to credit translators12:54
knomeheh, it looks like the karma system is definitely borked12:58
knomeTop contributors12:58
knomeDavid Pires 840 points / Pasi Lallinaho 275 points 12:58
knomeyou're not getting karma if you translate .po's with external editors :)12:58
ochosithat karma stat seems about right to me :D12:59
knomein what sense?13:00
knomewe've both translated 100% of a language, and i've handled the branch in addition13:00
knomei'm not saying i need more karma, or that it matters13:00
knomei'm just saying the system is borked13:00
slickymasterdid you download the pot file, translate it and then uploaded it knome?13:00
knomeslickymaster, pretty much yeah.13:00
knomei have 41 karma in rosetta translations, you have 80513:01
slickymasterthat's why13:01
knomeso i'm lacking like 750, so my karma should be >1000 for the project13:01
knomeyes, i know it's because of that13:01
knomebut the system is borked13:01
knomeif you get 1 karma for translating 1 string in rosetta, uploading .po file with 100 translated stings should give you 100 karma13:02
knomei mean, yeah, that's overkill13:02
knomeand would be stupid because one can't track if it was really you who translated the strings13:03
slickymasteryeah, I do agree with you, it's not fair13:03
knomebut... the karma system is broken :)13:03
elfynever mind - those with false karma will return as ants :p13:07
knomebah, i should go hunt for food13:08
knomein the supermarket13:08
elfygood luck - others will be hunting also13:08
slickymasterothers recollecting13:09
knomenot yet, so i should be fast13:09
knomebut i think i'm too lazy to be fast :P13:09
knomebbl ->13:14
zequence_Hi. About the live session. Is yours working fine now?13:14
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
elfyzequence: nope - still waiting 13:15
zequenceelfy: Ok, but you're only waiting for the changes by Unit193 to be uploaded?13:15
zequenceI'm assuming those will fix it13:15
zequenceI'm just about to make changes in ubuntustudio-default-settings to overcome the same problem13:16
elfyyea - that's the case for us 13:16
zequenceOk. Good. I'll go ahead and implement the fix for us as well13:16
knomehey zequence, nice to see you around and active :)15:09
ochosixnox: hey!15:29
zequenceknome: Hi. Yeah, I've been sleeping for a while, maintaining linux-lowlatency mostly. Busy, busy. I'll be quite active for a while now.15:34
zequenceGoing to apply for upload rights now :)15:34
sergio-br2hello someone17:35
sergio-br2i installed xubuntu trusty 2 times in a HP desktop, and it seems that it does not record well grub in HDD... 17:36
sergio-br2in the first time, i installed and after reboot, it goes direct to windows. No UEFI hardware, it is from 2011 i think.17:36
sergio-br2do you know what package i have to report bug?17:37
elfygrub2 perhaps17:38
sergio-br2if i use boot repair, grub is installed in machine. (i'm using the "Advanced instalation", or "Other", don't remember...)17:38
slickymasterelfy: are you near any Trusty box?17:58
elfyin front of one :p17:59
slickymastercan you please confirm, in Thunar, something?18:00
slickymasterno need, silly me18:01
elfyok :)18:01
* slickymaster is getting dumb :P18:01
brainwash_so the Mir guys are shifting their work towards unity8-mir and possible rootless x support for it18:09
brainwash_XMir seems to lose some ground18:10
brainwash_mainly because it's not used as default solution in 13.10/14.0418:11
elfyhi brainwash_ 18:25
brainwash_hey elfy 18:26
brainwash_elfy: the restricted AMD driver is now kernel 3.13 compatible18:27
elfyyay :)18:29
slickymasterbrb for the meeting18:30
sergio-br2elfy, did you try nvidia-331-updates with this new kernel?18:41
knomeanybody else able to chair today?18:49
knomei might need to leave quickly and thus i'd like somebody else to lead the meeting18:49
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting18:57
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan  9 18:57:46 2014 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:57
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:57
knomei'm starting the meeting now because i might need to run at some point18:57
ochosicrap, i'll only be halfway here...18:58
knomesay hi if you are around, and team leaders, stop lurking so i can make you chair the meeting18:58
elfyjust finishing up 18:58
knomeelfy, like to chair?18:58
knomehey jjfrv8, or you ^18:58
elfy~I hate to chair 18:58
jjfrv8no idea how18:58
elfywill if no-one else is about 18:58
knomejjfrv8, i can give you a quick tutorial18:58
jjfrv8maybe some other time?18:59
knome#chair elfy 18:59
meetingologyCurrent chairs: elfy knome18:59
knomeelfy, you can now #chair other people if they appear and i'm not here to do that.18:59
knomei guess i can start with the bureaucracy18:59
knome#topic Items carried on18:59
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting19:00
knome#action     ali1234 to keep an eye on SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK2 19:00
meetingologyACTION: ali1234 to keep an eye on SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK219:00
knomeali1234, ?19:00
knomeah poop19:00
ali1234it's in saucy-updates now, landed a couple of days ago19:00
elfyhere now - sergio-br2 I'll talk to you about nvidia after the meeting 19:01
knomeali1234, do you want to carry on that item?19:02
ali1234carry it on?19:02
ali1234it's fixed now afaik19:02
knomemake it pop up in the next meeting19:02
knomeokay, 19:02
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x16231d0>19:02
ali1234i guess not19:02
knome#action     elfy to set up a new vm and get everyone's new bits in so I've got something to look at 19:02
meetingologyACTION: elfy to set up a new vm and get everyone's new bits in so I've got something to look at19:02
knomeelfy, want to carry on or was that mostly a remark?19:02
knomehave you got more things to test already?19:03
elfywas mostly a remark - I've been running with the ppas we have constantly now 19:03
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x174a2d0>19:03
knome#action ochosi and knome to come up with more testing stuff late19:03
meetingologyACTION: ochosi and knome to come up with more testing stuff late19:03
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x1617850>19:03
knome#action ochosi and knome to come up with more testing stuff later (within a week)19:03
meetingologyACTION: ochosi and knome to come up with more testing stuff later (within a week)19:03
knome#action     knome to be in touch with people re Tech Lead position 19:04
meetingologyACTION: knome to be in touch with people re Tech Lead position19:04
knomeTBD, carrying on19:04
elfywhat testing stuff is that? ^^19:04
knomethe things we are supposed to have19:04
knomewe went through the -features BP, and i'm much better on top of that now19:04
elfyright - well if we can get that conversation in during the next week - then I'm currently on the week off cycle19:04
knomeso basically the same, but i hope we'll have new versions and that kind of stuff soon19:04
elfyand can be about19:05
knomesure, will try to push towards that19:05
knome#action ochosi to follow up on xfce 4.12 release with nick and report back 19:05
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to follow up on xfce 4.12 release with nick and report back19:05
knomeochosi, ?19:05
elfycome back to him :)19:06
* knome slaps ochosi 19:06
knome#info Team members wanting things tested need to ensure a mail get's sent to the -dev list 19:06
ochosimm, well, there have been a few releases19:06
ochosibut we're still waiting for the panel19:06
knomeochosi, no news about the final 4.12 release?19:07
ochosinot really19:07
knome#topic Team updates19:07
knomeplease use #info and #action as necessary19:07
ochosi(as there are still dev-releases missing and nick seems busy...)19:07
knome#info knome and ochosi went through https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-features, which now has updated whiteboard and work items statuses19:08
knome#info knome finished the finnish tranlsation for xubuntu docs19:08
knome#info knome worked on the website, new release planned soon19:08
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x16f2890>19:08
knome#info knome worked on the website, refreshing release planned soon19:08
ali1234oh, the terminal crash fix also just went into saucy-updates :)19:08
knomeali1234, with #info please19:09
knome(and would be helpful if you can point to a bug number)19:09
slickymaster#info slickymaster finished the portuguese translation for xubuntu docs19:09
slickymasterbug 120673919:09
ubottubug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120673919:09
knome#info ochosi and bluesabre worked on light-locker theming19:09
knome#info bugfix for 1206739 got into saucy-updates19:10
knomewhatever! :P19:10
ochosisry, something came up, gotta run...19:10
knomewill assign loads of tasks to you for that19:11
knomeis there anything else?19:11
ali1234#info bugfix for 1208204 (indicator-sound-gtk2) also got into saucy-updates19:11
elfy#info work towards use of autopilot is still ongoing - but it's unlikely to get there this cycle19:11
elfy#info package testing moving on - calling for seperate sections every couple of weeks19:11
elfy#info checking of required testcases for each call being lined up by -qa19:11
elfy#info iso testing - moves forward as always19:11
elfy#info calls have been going out to -testers19:12
elfy#info calls having little effect on reported numbers19:12
elfy#action elfy and knome/ochosi to discuss lightlocker testing - perhaps include old post install testing in that19:12
meetingologyACTION: elfy and knome/ochosi to discuss lightlocker testing - perhaps include old post install testing in that19:12
elfy#info we need to be moving towards getting testcase for the other new stuff in the next week or so19:12
knomeelfy, let's also discuss the future of -testers19:13
elfy#action elfy to discuss future of -testers with knome19:13
meetingologyACTION: elfy to discuss future of -testers with knome19:13
knome#info alpha 2 is in 2 weeks19:13
elfyif we still don't have a properly booting image then I see no point in doing it19:14
knome#info feature freeze is in 6 weeks19:14
knomeelfy, what was holding it again? the session bug?19:14
knomewill get that updated19:14
* knome promises, so it'll happen19:15
knomei will try to get the fix soon ASAP19:15
knomexnox, ^19:15
elfy#action knome will get session bug fix uploaded19:15
meetingologyACTION: knome will get session bug fix uploaded19:15
knomeanything else for the updates?19:15
knomeelfy, works for me :P19:15
knomewelcome Noskcaj 19:16
knome#topic Announcements19:16
elfyno more updates here19:16
Noskcajhey knome 19:16
Noskcajone sec19:16
knome#info slickymaster is applying for ubuntu membership, go give him testimonials at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/slickymaster if you are familiar with his work19:16
Noskcaj#info Noskcaj needs more testimonials for xubuntu packageset, add them at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#Xubuntu_PackageSet19:16
Noskcaj#info Noskcaj is part-way through applyignfor motu and xubuntu packageset via email19:16
Noskcaj#info libxfce4ui is waiting for a sponsor to upload it to trusty19:16
Noskcaj#info debian will upload more 4.11 components this month19:16
Noskcaj#info debian have fixed the power manager systemd issue in svn, it should be uploaded soon19:16
Noskcaj#info gthumb 3.2.6 is now uploaded and web-plugins are re-enabled19:16
Noskcaj#info prpltwtr will release sometime this month19:16
Noskcaj#info Noskcaj is now on the bug control team19:17
knomeNoskcaj, thanks19:17
knomeother announcements from leaders?19:18
knome#topic New and emerging items19:19
knome#subtopic Which GTK3 indicators are we going to ship?19:19
knomeochosi wanted -power and -messages in19:19
ali1234ship ALL the indicators!19:19
knomeyeah, i was wondering if there is any reason *not* to *ship* them all?19:20
ali1234actally yes there is19:20
knomewell go ahead and tell us :)19:20
ali1234-datetime is probably not a good idea because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/107431419:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 1074314 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime configuration panel only works in Unity session" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:21
ali1234-session doesn't really work properly with light-locker and xfce-session stuff19:21
ali1234all the others seem okay though19:21
brainwash_-power needs to be patched to launch xfce4-power-manager, or?19:22
elfyonly got 3 working here - messages/sound and the clock one 19:22
ali1234oh and shipping them == having them running in the default setup, unless you blacklist them19:22
ali1234i don't use power (not a laptop)19:22
knomebrainwash_, i guess that's the case but afaik there's a fix incoming19:23
knomeali1234, yep, i acknowledge shipping is using :)19:23
brainwash_but aren't the current panel plugins more lightweight and stable?19:23
ali1234not really19:23
ali1234the sound plugin doesn't really work at all with PA, and there is no plugin for indicator-messages or -sync19:24
knomedo we want to discuss this further or are we ok?19:25
ali1234bluman is kind of unmaintained now also19:25
brainwash_not talking about the ones which don't have a panel plugin equivalent19:25
knomewe're going to need to switch to gtk3 indicators at some point anyway19:25
knomeif not for other reasons, to avoid maintaining the whole gtk2 indicator stack19:26
ali1234well ignoring datetime, session, bluetooth, sound, messages... there is not much left really19:26
knomebrainwash_, do you know for sure there is some problems with them, or are you just concerned about lightness?19:26
ali1234oh and -application is miles better than the notification plugin which doesn't work properly on dual monitor and never will19:26
elfydoesn't work here ali1234 19:27
brainwash_I don't have any numbers19:27
knomeelfy, do you have a bug filed?19:27
ali1234elfy: because of that stupid upstart bug. it's being fixed19:27
Noskcajali1234, Blueman is semi-active again. https://github.com/cschramm/blueman19:27
elfyali1234: right ok 19:27
knomeali1234, good to know19:27
knomeanything else on the subject?19:28
ali1234i talked to tedg about it couple of days ago. apparently he has a plan19:28
ali1234i'll continue to follow up on that19:28
knomeali1234, thanks19:28
knome#action ali1234 follows up on gtk3 indicator status19:28
meetingologyACTION: ali1234 follows up on gtk3 indicator status19:28
knome#subtopic Enabling more people to push to Xubuntu branches19:28
sergio-br2blueman is much better than the bluetooth thing of gnome... will it be change?19:28
knomeso, we discussed this briefly with ochosi...19:28
sergio-br2ops, sorry19:28
knomesergio-br2, that's not the question:)19:28
knomecurrently, only people in -dev can push to xubuntu branches19:29
knomewe were wondering if it was possible to allow more people to push into the branches19:29
knomeeither via creating a new team, like -branches, or assigning them to -team19:29
knomemicahg, do you have any insight on this?19:29
knome(are you even around?)19:29
elfyso - -dev is effectively just micahg atm ?19:30
knomeelfy, yes19:30
Noskcajelfy, Yup19:30
NoskcajAnd all of core-dev19:30
elfythought that was the case19:30
knomewe're looking to get more people in -dev though, but even then...19:30
elfyyep - it's an issue for sure19:31
knomei mean -team is already moderated, and we have some amount of trust for the members already19:31
knomeso we don't expect them to do foolish things with the branches19:31
* Noskcaj needs a testimonial from knome 19:31
elfyknome: I can agree with that 19:31
knomeif -dev members or DMB thinks we can't allow -team to push to branches, we should look at creating a new team which would have push rights, but a bit looser membership requirements than -dev19:32
knomebut i guess we need to postpone this, because neither ochosi or micahg are around19:32
knomeNoskcaj, i can only give a non-technical one, but i will do that once i have time19:32
knomeNoskcaj, (and can clear my thoughts for it)19:32
knome#subtopic Schedule next meeting 19:33
Noskcajknome, ty19:33
elfyknome: maybe set up a specific meeting for you ochosi and micahg - not really something we should leave hanging19:33
knome#info Next meeting Jan 16, 19UTC19:33
elfyand those interested of course19:33
knomeelfy, will be in touch with them, but want to get it through the community meeting :)19:33
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan  9 19:34:00 2014 UTC.  19:33
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-01-09-18.57.moin.txt19:33
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-01-09-18.57.html19:33
elfyty knome 19:34
slickymasterthanks knome 19:34
NoskcajWhat did i miss at the start of the meeting?19:34
Unit193libxfce4ui is already in Trusty proper.19:34
elfyslickymaster: when we're doing qa updates and you see I've missed something - #info it please19:34
elfyUnit193: I got that yesterday I think19:34
slickymastersure elfy 19:34
slickymasterNoskcaj, I'm applying for Ubuntu Membership on the meeting that will be held on February 6th, 2014 at 22:00:00 UTC, so if  you feel I'm worthy please drop a line or two, as a testimonial, in my wiki page -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/slickymaster19:35
Noskcajslickymaster, Already did19:35
slickymasterNoskcaj, thanks a lot19:35
Noskcajno problem, you should probably apply for bug control too19:36
knomeNoskcaj, updated the minutes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:36
knomeand should now be up19:36
slickymasterNoskcaj, yeah, I think you're right. I'll discuss it with you later on19:36
elfyknome: I wondered :p19:37
Unit193Next meeting: http://goo.gl/gBilVw19:38
slickymasterhey Unit193 19:39
knomepleia2, went an updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports/14/January19:42
knomepleia2, and pointed /Current there19:42
knomejjfrv8, while we are working on the "what's new" doc, we should look at updating http://xubuntu.org/tour/19:45
GridCubeD: that was a quick meeting19:45
knomejjfrv8, and possible take a stab at http://xubuntu.org/about/19:45
knomejjfrv8, i'm drafting a new theme for the website at http://xstaging.lallinaho.fi/, and we can easily give other links the same bold style as the "download now" -link has19:46
knomejjfrv8, (tbe, we can make that even more bold, and i should look into that)19:46
elfysergio-br2: you still about?20:07
elfysergio-br2: the nvidia I installed yesterday on the other partition was NOT the updates one - but it was the new kernel20:08
elfyother than the issue I did the bug for it worked ok - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331/+bug/126744220:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 1267442 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331 (Ubuntu) "Install nvidia-331 on Xubuntu results in unbootable machine" [Undecided,New]20:09
ochosiok, i'm back20:19
ochositoo late i guess :/20:19
elfywb ochosi :)20:19
Unit193knome: fi/media-apps.xml:332: element menuchoice: validity error : Element menuchoice content does not follow the DTD, expecting (shortcut? , (guibutton | guiicon | guilabel | guimenu | guimenuitem | guisubmenu | interface)+), got (CDATA guimenuitem)  You have a <guimenuitem/> and it doesn't seem to like that.20:19
Noskcajwb ochosi 20:19
ochosiok, i gotta read the backlog now...20:21
ochosiif there's important stuff, feel free to ping me directly20:21
elfyochosi: the logs are up already if you want to see the thousands of things we actioned you with :p20:21
knomeUnit193, egh, i thought i had those in order20:21
ochosiknome: good time to read #xfce-dev20:22
ochosibrainwash_: i've filed a merge-request for indicator-power today about xfce4-powerman integration20:27
ochosithere's really not much we need, it's a few lines, that tiny patch...20:27
knomeochosi, lurking20:39
ochosiactually the important stuff was nick asking about our plans20:41
ochosiand that's over :)20:41
Unit193knome: Thanks for that though, showed me a 'bug'20:51
NoskcajNew taskmanager is now uploaded20:57
knomeUnit193, :)20:59
knomeUnit193, what about the translator credits?20:59
Unit193Pasi, FI; and David, PT. :P20:59
knomethe string launchpad creates is stupid, because it'll output the strings after each other, not in a <li>20:59
knomeoh bah, i need to poke at a wordpress plugin >__<21:00
Unit193I have no idea, I didn't do any translation things.21:00
knomeif you type "translator-credits" as is in a <para>, the translations will have a list of people who contributed via launchpad21:01
knomebut as i said, that's not formatted nicely21:01
knomedo you think it's too hackish to create a string that says "Contributors to this translation are:", then another that lists people?21:02
knomeand translate that to null in en21:02
knomeand then just tell translators to translate the first message to their language and update the second one when new contributors pop up21:02
knomebrb, will boot the desktop machine to be able to *work*21:03
Unit193Eh, I should be doing other stuff.21:03
sergio-br2elfy, sorry, i'm here now22:02
sergio-br2but nvidia-331 and nvidia-331-updates is the same, now, don't?22:03
sergio-br2elfy, and the other bug, with nouveau? I tested today, same behavior22:04
sergio-br2with the new kernel22:05

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