
perofibz_: tried that but it resets on reboot and some apps dont recognize it (hexchat for one)00:00
fibz_check your logs and make sure its shutting down properly. and not spitting out errors00:02
pRookieI was looking "dmesg", "kern.log", "syslog", ... but it's so complicated and hardware oriented stuff.00:04
fibz_see errors?00:04
perofibz_: which logs?00:04
fibz_syslog and dmesg00:04
pRookieI found the following statement on one forum: " Seriously. It's not physically possible for linux to record a log after the "Unmounting local filesystems" message."00:04
pRookieIs this true?00:04
pRookieBoth logs.00:05
knomepretty sure, because no there is no access to the filesystems00:05
pRookieI tried Xubuntu on another laptop (IBM Thinkpad) and shutdown works fine. On mine HP Compaq nx7300 it stucks so I have to press the power every time to shut it down.00:06
pRookieWhen I press Escape during shutdown I see one message line with status [Failed]. I hoped that I can see it in some logs and examine it further.00:07
pRookieI'll make shutdown now and take the log with my camera ... it's the safest method I can think off. :)00:11
pRookieThanks fibz_ and knome for help.00:11
perofibz_: nothing sticks out00:21
perohas anyone else successfully set chromium as their default browser and had that survive a reboot?00:22
fibz_last time i used chrome, it set it's self as deafult and i had to go in and change it back to firefox00:23
peroi've also set it as default from within00:23
fibz_only times i've had problems like this was because i was running ext2 and ubuntu doesnt seem to shut down cleanly when run from ext200:25
peroi also cant get it to refer magnet links to transmission00:25
peroim using ext400:25
fibz_point being, problem was that is wasnt shutting down properly and changes werent being saved across reboots.00:26
peroit shuts down ok00:26
fibz_if theres nothing in the logs, then i don't know where to troubleshoot from here, sorry00:28
perono worries, fibz_00:31
fibz_i cant even install chrome. keeps telling me "wrong architecture"00:31
fibz_tried i386 and a6400:31
fibz_downloaded both twice00:31
perochromium not chrome00:38
peroapt-get install chromium-browser00:38
fibz_this whole time i thought we were talking chrome00:39
fibz_when chromium is default on my system, it's listed as "Debian Sensible Browser" in default applications00:44
perofibz_: i have an option for that, firefox and chromium; hexchat opens links in firefox no matter what i set it to00:47
delthere's a good one: how do i remap the windowz-logo key to alt_L? xmodmap seems to "half work" for this task.....00:52
delti mean, it works with, say, the Z key... why not with the winlogo key?00:52
deltie. xev reports it as alt, but winlogo+f4 for example, doesn't close current window00:53
kRushpero, try https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xfce#xdg-open_integration_.28Preferred_Applications.2900:56
fibz_windows key is mapped as Super or Super_R and Super_L00:57
deltcd /usr/bin && ln -sf chromium firefox .....?00:57
deltjust an idea =)00:58
perokRush: xdg-open is working correctly00:58
deltfibz_: yeah, this xmodmap thing is weird :/00:58
fibz_for help with hexchat there is also #hechat00:59
deltfibz: this xmodmap entry look good to you?00:59
deltkeycode 133 = Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L00:59
deltsomeone on #xfce mentioned something about first unmapping what was already on the key before remapping it..... any idea what he might mean?01:00
fibz_yeah, if i have Super_L mapped to app launcher, i cant use Super_L as a shortcut for anything else as Super_L app launcher mapping takes precedence01:01
elfypero: try manually editing the hexchat urlhandlers.conf file - after you've closed hexchat01:01
peroelfy: dont have such a file...01:04
elfyaaah ok - maybe I've got one because I was having trouble getting url's to open properly so did one01:05
elfyages past since I did it - most of my hexchat configs are backed up xchat ones01:05
deltfibz_: yeah, but i remapped the keycode to alt_L and still it doesn't work01:05
perocan you msg me the contnts?01:05
elfymine is for firefox01:06
fibz_delt, alt_L is likely bound somewhere. check settings editor01:06
peroim curious about the syntax01:06
deltyeah, i want the windows key to be a complete alias of alt_L01:07
peroshould be easy to change the reference to chromium, no?01:07
deltfibz_: but like i mentioned, alt+f4 closes a window, winkey+f4 does not01:07
elfyguess so - in menu Settings - URL HAndler - give new name then command I've got is    !firefox -a firefox -remote 'openURL(%s,new-tab)'01:07
elfypero: ^^01:08
delteven though xev reports winkey as alt01:08
elfyxev reports winkey as Super_L here01:08
deltyeah i remapped it01:08
deltor attempted to01:08
elfyoic - half asleep - not reading pages of backlog ;)01:09
deltelfy: this xmodmap entry look good to you?01:10
deltkeycode 133 = Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L Alt_L01:10
elfydelt: it's years since I needed to do anything like that - I really can't remember01:11
deltheh, i tried a dummy mapping in the keyboard prefs - xfce sees straight through it. Maps as Super_L + whatever key01:14
peroelfy: yeah, tht doens't make any sense to me unfortunately01:14
deltuh... <super> + whatever key01:14
fibz_delt, your keyboard mapping could be different. have you verified the keycode for your windows key?01:14
elfypero: have you found the url handler thing in settings?01:15
deltfibz_: yeah, that's how i figured out it was keycode 13301:15
peroyeah, i glanced over it in itially but now i see there is a URL Handlers option in Settings01:15
perono clue what to do next01:15
elfypero: http://imagebin.org/28578701:16
deltfibz_: plus xev says exactly the same thing, except with the windows key, this line is present:     XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 6401:16
delt64 being the keyocode of alt_L01:16
peroelfy: i want chromium...01:17
elfypero: not sure what the command is for chromium - chromium-browser I think - try it in a terminal01:17
peroi've changed what was there initially - which was different than what you have - to chromium but no luck01:17
elfypero: I thought it's chromium-browser01:17
fibz_supposedly thats it01:17
delton a desktop keyboard i usually just rip this key out01:27
fibz_manual rewire?  :)01:28
delti got it01:34
deltI GOT IT!!!!01:34
deltjust had to remove the key from the "mod4" uh... list, or what appears to be =)01:34
fibz_there we go01:35
elfyoops - read that - meant to tell you - sorry01:35
deltanyway now my windowz key is a perfect alias of the alt_L key!!01:35
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xubuntu528Hello - I recently installed Xubuntu on my Dell Dimension 2400 PC02:01
xubuntu528I am having issues with flash content - Some videos are displaying improperly (purple and green colors, distorted video)02:01
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crazyontech1guys, just learned about this channel. Anyway, installed Xubuntu 12.04 64-bit on my desktop (kernel at, and have been getting random but regular system freezes (mouse, keyboard, display not responding at all). Sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently hangs the OS. anyone encountered this and found a solution? thanks.02:50
kRushcan you still vtswitch when that happens?03:01
crazyontechhi, when it is in the freeze state, i cannot do anything.03:04
crazyontechsometimes, it's temporary and i can go back to work03:04
crazyontechon rare occasions, it permanently freezes and i would need to power off/on my system03:05
crazyontechi realize it could be a lot of factors though03:06
crazyontechjust checking if anyone's encountered this and probably could point me somewhere03:07
deltuh.... wut... there's no SKYPE in the official packages?03:11
deltcould someone recommend a good skype client?03:18
Unit193delt: There is only Skype.03:38
Unit193!info skype partner03:38
ubottuskype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:38
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:38
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delt:( .... *sigh* ok, thanks for the help guys04:01
bingoHello. The task-bar is not showing an icon for an active VPN connection. How can i fix this? Thank you06:57
bingothe icon would be a lock, i believe07:07
Traumfabrik_Good morning07:39
Traumfabrik_i am new to linux, wanted to install something and get this error07:39
Traumfabrik_error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory07:39
Traumfabrik_google does not help, does anybody know what to do ?07:40
fibz_sounds like a bad installer07:40
fibz_either the ISO file got corrupter or the install medium is in bad shape07:40
well_laid_lawnsounds like it isn't an app from the package manager07:40
Traumfabrik_i used windows and mac os and totally out of my depth here07:41
Traumfabrik_how can i fix it ?07:41
fibz_read it wrong. though he was installing. probably need to enable software sources07:41
Traumfabrik_i am sure you  are perfectly clear to someone that is competent07:41
fibz_are you installing an app in the market?07:41
Traumfabrik_no, i was trying to install a mining program, and then with a command check if my cards are correctly seen i guess07:42
Traumfabrik_the command is ./cgminer -n07:43
Traumfabrik_used terminal for the first time a couple of hours ago and did not know what ssh was, to give you an idea :)07:43
Traumfabrik_is there a simple way to fix it ?07:44
well_laid_lawnthe probably needs a newer or older version of udev07:45
Traumfabrik_what is udev ?07:45
fibz_there was some one in here working on this earlier07:45
well_laid_lawndid you check the dependancies for it ?07:45
Traumfabrik_tell me how to do it and i will07:45
well_laid_lawnwhere did you get the app from ?07:46
well_laid_lawncheck the dependancies there07:46
Traumfabrik_hm i downloaded it07:46
Traumfabrik_directly from the website07:46
Traumfabrik_iwithsome wget command or something07:46
well_laid_lawnwhat's the url ?07:47
fibz_thats where most people are comming in from it seems07:48
Traumfabrik_i use the 3.7.207:49
Traumfabrik_yes i looked at that too but chose the last version07:49
well_laid_lawndo you have a 64bit install or 32bit?07:49
fibz_there is a #cgminer channel07:50
fibz_i've never used it07:50
Traumfabrik_i will try, i am just totally lost and want to get it working :(07:51
fibz_i read that guide and lost interest  :P07:51
well_laid_lawnwhat has happened is the app was built needing a certain version of udev, you have a different version07:52
Traumfabrik_so, should i just switch back to an older version of the app ?07:53
well_laid_lawnyou could try that07:53
well_laid_lawnwhich xubuntu version are you using?07:53
fibz_that guide recommends 2.9.507:53
Traumfabrik_ok i will , any other suggestion, btw thank yo very much :)07:53
Traumfabrik_if you need poker advice ^^07:54
Traumfabrik_this ssh thing is really neat :)07:56
Traumfabrik_error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:00
Traumfabrik_same thing08:00
Traumfabrik_with the version 2.9.5 recommended08:00
well_laid_lawnthat's one of the main problems of downloading prebuilt binaries on linux08:01
well_laid_lawnif you could get the source code and build it that would fix it08:02
well_laid_lawntry in #cgminer08:02
Traumfabrik_nobody answering there08:03
Traumfabrik_i found something on the page08:03
Traumfabrik_maybe this helps08:03
Traumfabrik_BUILDING CGMINER FOR YOURSELF  DEPENDENCIES: Mandatory: pkg-confighttp://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config libtoolhttp://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/ Optional: curl dev library http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ (libcurl4-openssl-dev - Must tell configure --disable-libcurl otherwise it will attempt to compile it in)  curses dev library (libncurses5-dev or libpdcurses on WIN32 for text user interface)  libude08:03
Traumfabrik_does that makes things clearer in any way ?08:05
Traumfabrik_there is this mandatory lib thing08:07
Traumfabrik_maybe installing that would solve it ß08:07
well_laid_lawnthat's for building it08:07
well_laid_lawnnothing to do with libudev versions08:07
well_laid_lawngrab the source and build it to see08:07
Traumfabrik_where can i get the source code ?08:09
well_laid_lawnwhere did you get the info on building it ?08:09
Traumfabrik_direclty on the site08:10
well_laid_lawnshould mention the source for the source there08:11
well_laid_lawnor have a look at the topic in #cgminer08:11
well_laid_lawnthat page mentions a git tree08:12
well_laid_lawnthere you go08:14
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)08:14
well_laid_lawnyou use git kinda like wget08:14
Traumfabrik_by mindlessly copying it from a page and crossing my fingers ? ^^08:14
well_laid_lawnthere should be a readme on the git page08:15
Traumfabrik_found it08:16
Traumfabrik_ :)08:16
Traumfabrik_If building from git: autoconf automake08:16
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bingothe pn lock icon for the taskbar is gone, can i get it back?09:35
xubuntu921hi guys, I'm in desperate need of help. btc donation to someone who is kind enough to help12:32
elfy!ask ! xubuntu92112:33
ubottuelfy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:33
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:33
elfyha - failbot12:33
xubuntu921hi guys I'm running Xubuntu and I'm trying to install drivers for 6X R9 280x GPUs12:34
xubuntu921I'm having trouble12:34
xubuntu921is anyone able to help me with this?12:34
ochosiwell for even trying you'd have to describe your problem...12:35
xubuntu921Ok, well first of all I have the .run file but I can't seem to execute it12:36
xubuntu921once I have downloaded the driver file, how am I to execute it?12:36
cfhowlettxubuntu921, the site you downloaded from should provide a READ ME or instructions for installation12:38
well_laid_lawntry   sh ./.run12:40
well_laid_lawnit's probably a ./run file though12:41
aurumHi, I just installed Xubuntu 12.04 from unetbootin usb drive. All I get is a blue screen with xubuntu, lake & bird and no login box. How can I fix this? TIA14:03
aurumP.S., this is my first exposure to linux.14:04
aurumHi, I just installed Xubuntu 12.04 from unetbootin usb drive. All I get is a blue screen with xubuntu, lake & bird and no login box.  How can I fix this?  P.S., this is my first exposure to linux. TIA14:59
holsteinaurum: if its your first exposure, i would try something more "stock".. burn a cd, and try it without unetbootin.. try installing it in virtualbox in windows or OSX15:21
holsteinaurum: you would be having an issue with the iso you downloaded having a bad sum.. could be usb issues, or something with graphics15:21
Sysiunetbootin is pretty much stock15:21
Sysiif installation was succesfull stick should be okay, but of course it's worth trying to remake the stick and reinstall15:23
holsteinstill.. the iso is not created to boot on unetbootin.. and it can be problematic. could be a bad stick.. i usually just fresh format before making unetbootin sticks15:23
Sysior you could try 13.1015:23
Sysi12.04 should work fine with unetbootin, I think 13.10 has problems15:23
holsteini dont think the issue is with unet either.. but, first time out, that could be something that was implemented improperly15:24
ack_Does anyone know about event sounds in xfce 12.04?16:04
aurumHi, I just installed Xubuntu 12.04 from unetbootin usb drive. All I get is a blue screen with xubuntu, lake & bird and no login box.  How can I fix this?  P.S., this is my first exposure to linux. TIA16:17
aurumHi, I just installed Xubuntu 12.04 from unetbootin usb drive. All I get is a blue screen with xubuntu, lake & bird and no login box.  How can I fix this?  P.S., this is my first exposure to linux. TIA16:43
elfyaurum: this is the logs from earlier - see 15:21 http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/01/09/%23xubuntu.html#t15:2116:45
aurumThx elfy. It was a new Kingston 8 GB usb drive with a fresh FAT32 format. I let Unetbootin download the iso so I'll try again using 12.04 iso from xubuntu.com17:10
jarnosaurum, did you get help already for 16:17(UTC) message?18:09
aurumjarnos, yes. It appears Unetbootin loaded the wrong 12.04 iso. I DLed 12.04.03 from Xubunto.org and I'm now almost done installing solo on my 30 GB SSD. This thing looks great! Who needs microsoft?18:46
Orioacan anyone tell me how to change log in background..i tried editing the greeter also tride to change it using ubntu tweak nothing seems to work19:16
xubuntu495anyone here ? Got a problem installing a Lexmark X267020:31
xubuntu495any help will be apreciated20:31
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu20:31
xubuntu495I have Xubuntu 13.1020:31
holsteincould be that it doesnt support linux.. have you tried setting it up in the GUI?20:32
xubuntu495the GUI does not work20:32
holsteinxubuntu495: the printer GUI doesnt start?20:32
xubuntu495it starts , but got error20:32
xubuntu495and managed to manually put te drivers20:32
holsteinxubuntu495: share anything you feel might be relevant or helpful, like what *exactly* you have done and how.. and where you "put the drivers"20:33
xubuntu495and from the System - Printers - Add20:33
holsteinmore importantly, where you got them from20:33
xubuntu495from the lexmark official page20:33
holsteinxubuntu495: do they offer support?20:33
xubuntu495the drivers is with problem I got to make some modifications to the control from the deb file20:34
xubuntu495when I used dpkg -i  the deb file, but a space in control and I edited that20:35
xubuntu495but after that, the driver installed20:35
xubuntu495when I installed in the Printers, I got a cups error20:35
xubuntu495and a problem with a file permission20:35
holsteinxubuntu495: what errors?20:36
holsteinxubuntu495: what file?20:36
xubuntu495the /usr /local/lemark/lxk08/bin/printdriver20:37
xubuntu495insecure premission20:38
xubuntu495i did it to root privileges20:38
xubuntu495and chmod 755 to it ... nothing20:38
holsteinxubuntu495: what do the directions say to do?20:38
xubuntu495what directions ?20:38
holsteinxubuntu495: that came with the package from the manufacturer20:38
xubuntu495none ..20:39
xubuntu495The printer gives this : Idle - File "/usr/local/lexmark/lxk08/bin/printdriver" has insecure permissions (0100775/uid=0/gid=1)20:39
holsteinxubuntu495: look and see if there are any instructions where you got the file from.. otherwise, let them know its broken.. could be, it has dependencies or needs an older kernel20:39
ack_Does anyone know how to set event sounds in 12.04?20:40
xubuntu495it can be ... only for 12.04 ? And not for 13.10 ?20:40
holsteinxubuntu495: it can be whatever they make it for20:40
holsteinxubuntu495: could be for something more like 10.0420:40
xubuntu495yes ... that is supported for20:41
xubuntu495from the driver page is stated :20:41
holsteinxubuntu495: then, i wouldnt expect a 10.04 driver to work with 13.1020:41
xubuntu495Operating Systems:  Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 9.10, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.10, Debian 6.0, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, Debian GNU/Linux 5.0, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS20:42
holsteinxubuntu495: there you go.. thats what they support, officially20:42
xubuntu495so no luck with that ?20:42
holsteinxubuntu495: luck is not relevant. its not made for the operating system you are using20:42
xubuntu495I can not do anything to make it work ? ..20:42
xubuntu495thanks for the info ...20:43
holsteinxubuntu495: you likely wont be able to use that package on another operating system20:43
holsteinxubuntu495: that doest mean you cant support the printer20:43
holsteinxubuntu495: it means, purge the package that is not intended for the OS you are using20:43
xubuntu495but they did not give another deb package ..20:43
holsteinxubuntu495: then, you can ask support for support for the operatin system you are using, or just try and set it up on your own20:44
holsteinxubuntu495: what i usually do, is try some printer drivers that are close to the same model20:44
xubuntu495but are for 13.1020:44
ack_Can 12.04 do event sounds?20:44
holsteinack_: yes20:44
holsteinack_: nothing about 12.04 is preventing that20:44
holsteinack_: do you have audio working? in general?20:44
ack_holstein, yes20:45
xubuntu495I see ... But if I use Xubuntu 10.10 I will have problems with my Mobile Internet ... that is not supporte ..20:45
holsteinxubuntu495: im not suggesting 10.1020:45
holsteinxubuntu495: 10.10 is EOL20:45
holsteinxubuntu495: im suggesting.. specifically.. remove the pacakge you installed which is not approprate for the operating system you are suing20:46
holsteinxubuntu495: then, open the GUI and try a few drivers for models that are close to the same20:46
xubuntu495... and ?20:46
xubuntu495and supported20:46
xubuntu495from the Xubuntu library20:46
holsteinxubuntu495: they will be listed there..20:46
ack_I want to disable event sounds20:46
xubuntu495I see ...20:47
xubuntu495I will try and give it a try this way ... maybe I will have luck20:47
xubuntu495Otherwise ... I will need a new printer :)20:47
xubuntu495with support for 13.1020:47
xubuntu495thank you for your help !20:48
holsteinack_: are you talking about a system beep? or actual sounds from the audio device?20:49
ack_When clicking and opening files or start applications....20:50
holsteinack_: i dont get those.. so, what are you referring to? are you using stock xubuntu?20:50
ack_holstein, no someone put them in...20:51
holsteinack_: who? and how?20:51
ack_The tech. guy here at the office.  The sounds are annoying.20:52
ack_Every click of the mouse plays a different music sample.20:53
holsteinack_: those could be setup in a way that you are not able to turn them off20:53
holsteinack_: why not ask "the tech guy" if this is not your system?20:54
ack_holstein, he showed me and I forget how to do it.  It is another person that wonders how I got rid of them!20:54
holsteinshould be something like "System -> Administration -> Sounds"20:55
ack_holstein, she wants me to do the same to her desktop as mine is.20:55
holsteincould be much more comples20:55
ack_holstein, ahh.  I go to system but don't see administration.20:57
holsteinack_: you really need to ask the person who set it up20:57
ack_holstein, yes.  thanks...20:57
holsteinack_: i mean, you know there are settings, if you have already set them, so you dont need to ask if xubuntu has those settings20:57
ack_holstein, have a nice day!20:57
holsteinack_: those can really be implemented in different ways..20:58
simplisityxubuntu is my new favorite desktop. very sad it too me so long to discover it23:24
simplisitywill there be an ability to smoothly upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04, or should i do a clean install when it comes out?23:25
holsteinsimplisity: yes.. you will be able to upgade 13.10 to 14.04.. and most would suggest, and i prefer, a fresh install23:27
simplisityholstein, ok thanks. i suppose i can RTFM on how to preserve my panel/desktop settings?23:28
simplisityi cant believe my avg CPU has been about 4% now, when before on 12.04 Unity, it was usually around 25%23:29
simplisityalso loving the XFCE PulseAudio audio config GUI app. much superior23:31
sergio-br2simplisity, average temperature in xubuntu is less, here, than in ubuntu :)23:46
sergio-br2xubuntu: 41~43 ºC23:47
holsteinsimplisity: the upgrade should preserve most settings.. the settings will be in your user /home23:47
David-Asimplisity: personal settings is in so called dot-files in your home directory. they should be kept automatically when you do an upgrade. if you do a fresh install, just make sure you keep you home directory somehow (having a separate partition, or a backup, or manual partitioning during install)23:47
sergio-br2ubuntu: 46~50 ºC23:47
simplisityDavid-A, i usually just copy over the dotfiles that I need. i wasnt sure if copying over all of them might cause problems in the upgrade23:48
simplisityi tried ubuntu+xfce4, ubuntu+xubuntu-desktop, mint-xfce, and xubuntu... i didnt think the different between all those options would be so big, but there definitely is a huge difference23:50
holsteinxubuntu *is* ubuntu with xfce4.. there are some customizations that make it specialized23:51
sergio-br2simplisity, in cpu % ?23:51
simplisitycpu, stability, and ui/ux23:51
sergio-br2yeah, in ubuntu compiz and xorg is the top cpu usage in top command23:52
simplisityubuntu+xfce4 just looked really bad to me. ubuntu+xubuntu_desktop was a major CPU hog and crashed a lot.  mint-xfce was very unstable for me.  xubuntu just seems to work perfectly23:52
sergio-br2try xubuntu 14.04, it's going better23:54
simplisityyeah im excited about it23:54
sergio-br2some annoying bugs are fixed23:54
holsteinsimplisity: xubuntu *is* ubuntu with the xubuntu-desktop metapackage.. it would be more likely you tried different versions.. like 12.04 ubuntu with xfce vs 13.10 xubuntu on your hardware23:54
simplisityyes i did try different versions so that is possible23:56
simplisitybut, i can say that a fresh install of mint-xfce latest was disastrous23:57
simplisityi wanted so much for it to work23:57
holsteinlet them know.. last time i checked, it worked as expected.. could be something to do with that particular version which might be based on the version of ubuntu you are having issues with23:58
simplisityi was planning on filing some tickets... my understanding was that they are under-resourced so they are now basing mint-xfce on debian and no longer on ubuntu.. not sure, but if that is true maybe it could explain the poor hardware support i was seeing?23:59

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