[13:20] nice to see tdr112 is still in the channel even [13:20] why? [13:20] even though he is far far away. [13:21] ah [13:21] tdr112 is in Houston Texas [13:21] ooooooh [13:28] aloha [13:28] hows folks ? [13:29] hi, czajkowski, you confused th gods of weather by travelling early this year i see :-) [13:32] I know [13:33] and it got pay back on the way back [13:33] awful sailing [13:34] but the boat made it, no stuck in port for yonks. the boat is almost unstoppable [13:34] whereas the papers where full of pics of people sleeping on airport floors [13:39] our orignially ferry was canceled [13:39] was told get on the 2:45am one [13:39] and that was at 5pm [13:39] so queue packing and a 5 hr drive [13:40] then it never left till 6:30 due to laoding it up and the issues leaving the port [13:40] coming back the drive from castleconnell to rosslare was full of flooded roads at 5am [13:40] and a ferry crossing that left me dying [13:41] you just don't have the luck [13:42] nope [13:42] not at all [13:42] I also had broncitis and sinus infection over the holidays [13:43] saw that on your twitter, hopefully better now [13:53] yup just about [13:53] We also found the xmas time travelling very tiring. I think it would be better to visit family at another time of year [13:53] hope you're better now czajkowski [13:57] yeah but cannot not visit them either [13:57] and as it is [13:57] I've got an xmas dinner this sunday with my other half famiy [13:58] halloween trip, drop off crimbo pressies. no insane travel with the rest of the planet [13:58] aye zmoylan-len, or i might try a trip at the start of spring next time [13:59] it will introduce my family to the concept of spring starting on a scheduled date [13:59] spring is the time of bad weather [13:59] FOSDEM time!!! [14:00] wrong [14:00] spring in Ireland starts on 1 Feb [14:00] spring in England starts when the daffodils come out [14:01] so by that definition, Spring will have nice weather [14:01] s/England/England & Wales/ ← Wales being found of daffodils [14:02] yes but we had three 'springs' in 2013 where weather was warm and nice and then horrible cold winter was back [14:02] likewise, Autumn starts when the leaves fall of the trees, Winter starts when there is frost on the ground and Summer starts when the Morris Men come out [14:02] really mucked up plants last year [14:03] hens took care of my plants [14:03] by nibbling them [14:03] did you get revenge by nibbligg on the hens? [14:05] i did find my book of heroic failures and confirmed the story about the different pay scales for men and women for equal pay officer http://pastebin.com/S40u5XZG [14:07] zmoylan-len: yes I found a scan of that book [14:07] me too. pdf on scribd i think i was [14:07] slashbel: aye I set bash on them [14:08] zmoylan-len: but I couldn't find a primary source for it [14:08] have been looking for a paper copy for last 10 years [14:08] i do know that some of the other stories in the book made headlines at the time. i trust it. the ones he couldn't nail down he put in a chapter labelled unabled to track down [14:09] would be great for the large newspapers to be scanned and OCRed [14:12] they have archives but i suspect they're trying to work out a way to make money of allowing access to them [14:43] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/animal-shelters-stretched-but-expecting-surge-in-abandoned-pets-1.1650852 ← i had hoped we were well passed the stage of people buying dogs as christmas presents [14:49] unfortunately kids still ask santa for pets [14:55] kids are stupid [14:55] and the parents even worse for giving the kids anything they ask for [14:55] but if you want to stop the cruelty you have to put out the message that santa doesnt give kids pets [14:57] and no harm in a few prosecutions too [14:58] "Dogs can survive in the North Pole, so Santa can't bring you any!"