[02:33] greg-g: wood pron https://plus.google.com/116120911388966791792/posts/Xx1Ff59sz13 [02:33] nice job [02:36] thanks, we'll see how it goes. getting closer and closer [04:01] Evening [13:10] Good morning [13:11] morning and such [13:11] 27 on the old temp gauge...I might have to go get shorts [13:14] Yeah, it's like a heat-wave. [14:51] gotta love Microsoft [14:51] Windows Xp comes off support in April and Windows 7 is pretty much impossible to purchase. [14:51] unless you want to play OEM roulette or spend +$300 [14:57] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116992 [14:57] I don't want an OEM version [14:57] That's the System Builder version right? [14:57] Works for me [14:58] I have a VM running it [14:59] Is there anything special to purchasing the OEM version and activating it? [15:02] No [15:07] grrr, this target thing is starting to make me angry http://r.bmark.us/u/8844ed92d1cd6e [15:07] of course my wife did a bunch of shopping there this holiday season [15:08] scr00d [15:09] yea, pretty much [15:09] rick_h_: should have gone to Meijer instead. ;) [15:09] she hates that place :P [15:09] Nobody piches your data tighter than Meijer [15:09] well they don't ask for it :) [15:09] but yea, this reaction to this crap has been horrible [15:09] Yeah they do. It's called MPerks. [15:09] at first I didn't care [15:10] * rick_h_ has never seen it [15:10] MPerks is awesome [15:10] It's digital coupons [15:10] and cash-back [15:10] If you power-shop for your groceries at Meijer it makes some damn good sense. [15:11] https://mperks.meijer.com/mperks [15:11] Honestly I wish more places would do this [15:11] I get a little cranky having to print and clip a coupon [15:12] esp. Staples since I already am using my rewards card. [15:12] and biggby too [15:34] This looks like fun http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/393053146/powerup-30-smartphone-controlled-paper-airplane [15:48] jcastro: ping [16:06] que es "power-shop"? [16:06] Meijer makes me angry === jjesse__ is now known as jjesse [16:06] i think its the lights they use, seems harsh and makes me feel angry when i walk in [16:07] I love meijer [16:07] I go at 7:30AM each week on Saturday or Sunday. [16:08] and he's angry for the rest of the day [16:08] At 9:30AM I hate meijer because it is full of asshats [16:28] I <3 Meijer as well [16:28] though Target has an atmosphere that makes me want to buy things there [16:29] like throw-pillows and matching lamps [16:29] I have no idea why that is [16:34] psychology, they know [16:35] greg-g: power-shop = go there for just about everything that we need grocery and otherwise. [16:36] ah, one-stop shopping [16:37] greg-g: yeah, I'm a big fan of Meijer [16:37] I thought power-shopping was more akin to "buy in bulk when the deal is right" aka "super coupon clipping nerds" [16:37] That too [16:37] but we're not nearly as bad as some folks I know like my parents [16:37] :) [16:38] they're the ones picking up 8 salsas because they're 2/4 [16:38] if you have the pantry space... [16:38] they do, and they use it [16:38] it's almost like a bunker though [16:38] we're not so lucky in the cupboard space. [16:39] us neither [16:39] greg-g: Shit, if you had a pantry that could be sublet for a family of four in CA. [16:39] $800 a month. ;) [16:39] done with roommates [16:40] greg-g: yeah, I don't understand how folks do it [16:40] it's easier with someone you want to be with, but people you kinda-sorta-like-but-not-really would be a pain in the ass. [16:40] in certain points in your life and in certain special situations, otherwise, ughhhhh [16:41] yeah. [17:01] Seeing these new Android desktop all-in-ones makes me want to take Android dev more seriously [17:02] the web runs on everything :P [17:04] But it doesn't do some things well [17:04] I have 2 family emember who like their chromebooks [17:05] like? [17:05] Yes, have switched to chromebook and are happy [17:06] I meant what things do you want to do that the web doesn't do? [17:49] What is the CSS convention in distinguising 3 class names that are identical. My example is this. I have a class called left and can pertain to the header, body, and footer of an object. But each has unique code. Right now I am using left for body, hLeft for header, and fLeft for footer. Is there a CSS convention I should be following or is it a matter of personal taste? [17:49] yea, don't do that :) [17:49] use left, and it does the common thing [17:50] and if they need tweaking setup .left .header {changes} [17:50] errr, .left.header {} [17:50] using something like sass makes this really nice because the nested structure is obvious and readable [17:51] Yea, I read using Less or sass allows me to use variables, which would completely solve the problem. Right now I am just using raw css. [17:51] pastebin something specific and can be more specific [17:51] can I send you github link? [17:52] sure [17:52] https://github.com/mathomastech/cardLayout/blob/master/cardLayout.css [17:52] btw, I totally borrowed the design idea from the CHC website. [17:53] so .hLeft should be .header.left {} [17:53] you want .left to mean something, .header to mean something, and the two together to add some extra bits [17:54] So then do I need just a single .left with 3 sub classes in it (header, footer, body) [17:54] ? [17:54] well things should nest and cascade [17:55] it's generally bad form to try to do things too custom, but you need what you need [18:08] Ahh, I think I got it figured out. Neat, so when you call a class from html, in this case

it only pays attention to the .header.left in CSS. [18:09] mathomastech: no, it does threee [18:09] .header [18:09] .left [18:09] and .header.left [18:12] rick_h_: I'm having a hard time coming up with something that can be done on Android that can't on Chromebook. Only storing files, photo, and video editing come to mind. Those can be done on web, but are clumsier [18:12] brousch: yea, why i like web dev [18:12] unless you need something specific, works on iphone, android, osx, etc [18:12] Doing anything offline [18:13] even offline works for some things [18:13] It is ugly [18:13] I'll have to think about this more though [18:14] It may be that I just like the user experience of Android better than a web browser OS so it's tainting my thoughts [18:15] rick_h_ Thanks. So I removed the plain .left, and have 3 different className.left classes instead. It's much less ugly now. [18:19] mathomastech: coolio [18:20] brousch: there are advantages [18:20] brousch: the use of intents [18:20] derekv has some nice stuff in the bookie android app that we don't/can't have in the web app [18:21] http://www.rushbackstage.com/rushbackstage/accessories-etc/index.html [18:21] But it's interaction with the native OS. If the native OS is chromeos, then that goes away [18:21] And people say I'm hard to shop for. [18:21] brousch: true [18:22] cmaloney: heh [18:22] Though I'd be hard-pressed to even hit one of those drum heads. [18:22] rick_h_: Although having apps interact with each other is a lot harder in web [18:23] If all your files are stored on Google/Dropbox, you need a service that can interact with those to use your files [18:23] brousch: right [18:23] have to build in apis [18:24] cmaloney: Rush2012 pendant necklace is heading your way now! [18:24] You're gonna look so gangsta! [18:25] brousch: tx. :) [18:25] Because pimpin' ain't easy. [18:25] Even better http://www.rushbackstage.com/rushbackstage/accessories-etc/rush-belt-buckle.html [18:26] I'd totally wear that. :) [18:29] Updated with more prettyness. https://github.com/mathomastech/cardLayout/blob/master/cardLayout.css [18:29] Or rather, with less uglyness. === lmorchard23 is now known as lmorchard [18:31] rick_h_ does it and suddenly everyone else is on board http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/01/10/1441210/4k-is-for-programmers [18:33] brousch: you should know by know I control all :) [18:33] konw by now bah [18:34] brousch: rick_h_ isn't a trend setter; he is the trend. [18:34] this one was quick though. Usually it takes a few years of calling me names :) [18:35] rick_h_: We're moving in internet time. :) [18:35] That and I think folks are getting a little tired of two monitors [18:35] just for the real-estate [18:35] I would prefer 1 ginormous monitor [18:35] I'd like to have this 24 as a 27, but bigger than that and it's too much space to eat up [18:36] in the end, you dont' want 10 different apps running giving you feedback at once [18:36] you can't concentrate on things [18:38] That's the real problem. [18:38] I wish workspaces were something I used more. [18:38] Our draftsmen have 27"ers. I find them overwhelming [18:38] But then I found our 24"ers overwhelming for a week [18:38] yea, I'm coming from 21's so the 24 is nice since I went from 3 to 1 [18:38] also wish the issue of NVidia displaying white windows when I switch workspaces would also be fixed. [18:40] * rick_h_ stops reading comments on that /. link before he loses the day and get banned [18:40] waf can verify, tiling window managers ftw on these high res displays [18:40] Yeah, i've started using the windowing under tmux for my ssh sessions [18:41] I figure I'll hit lim(rick_h_) within a few years. [18:42] but by then the bar will have moved. ;) [18:46] 8k [18:46] heh [18:46] I'm just glad not every damn monitor/display is stuck at 1920x1024 any more [18:47] those were an annoying few years [18:47] I just await the point where rick_h_'s monacle becomes sentient. [18:47] mathomastech: just a thought.. you could rename your master branch to gh-pages so github will automatically serve it.. would be easier to demo [18:47] We'll all benefit then. ;) [18:50] trevlar: I am using that repository just to host the library. I actually have a live demo copy on my actual website. [18:50] http://mathomaste.ch/Projects/cardLayout/index.html [18:52] But that actually might be more convenient, to have Github automatically update the demo, rather than me copying over the latest files. [20:12] Woo!!! A super-secret package that I hope JoDee hasn't tried to order is winging its way to us [20:12] Looks like her birthday is coming earlier than I expected. [20:19] lol [20:23] Why I love Django https://devcharm.com/pages/79-must-have-django-packages [20:38] because it's python? :P [20:55] rick_h_: http://magnatune.com/artists/superdirt2 [20:55] Not sure if this might be up your alley but I'm liking it [20:57] It's like classical electronic music. [21:00] rick_h_: Also http://magnatune.com/artists/jag === Guest89023 is now known as wolfger