[03:13] i actually see the ops connected most of the time there [03:22] !leave [03:22] Sorry, wrong channel. -.- [05:56] !canibeanop [05:56] If you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements. You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc. [05:56] Aaron: ^ [05:57] IdleOne: hey, mind a PM? [05:57] sure [05:58] jose: anytime :) [05:58] IdleOne, how long does it take to get accept it with #ubuntu-devel on launchpad? [05:58] I have no idea [05:59] is there any one i can speak with? [05:59] any admins? [06:00] what is that you want? [06:01] Aaron: you mean becomming an op? [06:01] becoming* [06:02] yes [06:02] :) [06:02] The IRCC normally puts out a public call for ops via the ubuntu user ML and asks for volunteers. [06:04] if you read the links ubottu gave you it should have more information about how to apply. length of time it takes depends. I know of one applicant who has been patiently waiting for ~3 months now [06:05] oh, i been on IRC for 10 YRS, [06:05] I've been on IRC for 15 yrs. [06:06] took me 4 years to become an op in #ubuntu [06:06] being an op is hard work and is not about getting a "badge" [06:09] So, if you would like to apply for a position on the Ops team please follow the instruction ubottu linked up there and your application will be processed in due time [08:48] * Tm_T huggles IdleOne