[00:01] well the minidlna service won't run & the error received is: getifaddr.c:73: error: ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR, ...): Cannot assign requested address [00:02] And to be honest, I set this server up a year ago with samba/minidlna & it's been awesome. But as they say, "quick to learn, quick to forget." & now I'm a noob again :'( [00:05] someone on /r/Ubuntu asked if I can point them at people who can help create a custom Juju charm that works with a custom nginx+pagespeed build. Where should I direct them to? [00:07] TheLordOfTime: #juju maybe [00:08] well I had 4 network interfaces and bond0 appears to be the only minidlna compatible one atm. xD w\e [00:08] Samsung tv's & dlna is the worst isn't it. Everything else is so flawless [00:08] what's the command to see if a process is running? ps aux | grep mini? [00:09] love you guys. Thanks :) [00:13] lvmer: pidof or pgrep are also nice, depending upon what you're trying to do [00:14] lvmer: dlna is a PITA -- clients do stupid filtering based on returned filenames, and it's hard to see why they didn't just do http with "good" generated indexes.. [00:17] @sarnold sarnold! hey! you're alive! You're the one that helped me build that bad ass server! [00:19] completely agree with you. dlna is a pita. The filtering is so random sometimes. "Zomg my dlna isn't working.... service minidlna restart.... it works now.... wtf was wrong? lol" Happens like 1x every 2 weeks lol [00:20] lvmer: oh yeah, I knew your nickname was familiar :) hehe [00:25] hitsujiTMO: thanks === NomadJim_ is now known as NomadJim === peter is now known as Guest22043 === BrianH is now known as Guest19961 === Guest19961 is now known as BrianH_ === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away === freeflying_away is now known as freeflying [08:38] Hi [09:28] Here is unstopable fun, as I see [09:28] :) [11:12] Who speaks russian? [11:12] or ukrainian? [11:13] !ru|RAKODIL, [11:13] RAKODIL,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away === freeflying_away is now known as freeflying [15:52] jcastro: sorry, a manpage is on my todo. === m3lter is now known as m3lter_ === m3lter_ is now known as m3lter === m3lter is now known as m3lter_ === m3lter_ is now known as m3lter === rbanffy_ is now known as rbanffy === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [21:32] i'm migrating my mdadm raid1 array to sit on top of cryptsetup LUKS devices instead of a straight hard drive [21:33] and while the boot process asks for a password, it doesn't wait for the password, and goes ahead and continues booting without the crypt devices [21:33] any idea on how I can get it to wait? === PaulW2U is now known as pcwhite [23:22] anyone know why my ubuntu server (12.04) stops during boot at "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility"? I can change terminals and login that way, or via serial port (agetty) but the default term is just stuck. [23:23] never seen that [23:27] hmmm, i'm not seeing anything in syslog and such [23:27] not overly too certain what to look for heh [23:28] going to change it to not use agetty, who knows, maybe that's part of my problem [23:52] hmmm, so I'm guess it's something that is setup with my console redirecting [23:53] I followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto and that works, everything on the console side works, except that the default terminal doesn't actually launch a prompt to login