[04:47] any Pidgin users here ? I want to increase the depth of how old things get before they fall off the retention. #cisco is less than 24 hours deep. Want at least 36 - 48, if I can change it. [05:33] KyleYankan: Where are you located? And, are there repeater networks we can both reach? [10:56] Morning [11:07] Morning rmg51 [13:30] Morning [13:30] morning [13:32] ChinnoDog: congrats and you got general too! [13:32] ChinnoDog: look for w3wan in your area - should have a repeater - it's allstar system [13:34] http://www.wanrepeater.com/ [13:34] i talk to one of the core members usually every morning from 5-6am tim [13:38] http://wanrepeater.net/WAN_Repeater_System.php [14:33] There is one in DC [14:37] morning all [14:37] long time no irc :D [14:37] I get nothing on 2m from DC and get blips of static from 70cm. [14:37] hi sadin [14:38] Im stuck in bed ChinnoDog got my wisdom teeth out [14:39] I am 15 floors up. I should be able to receive a lot. [14:44] ChinnoDog: what radio are you using? [14:44] Baofeng UV-5R Plus [14:45] Your building might be the problem. Concrete, steel, etc. Try taking a walk? [14:46] I was on the porch yesterday trying to get a different signal [14:46] I could go to the roof. [14:46] I heard CW on the 70cm station a few minutes ago. [14:46] Which 70cm station? A lot of repeaters and some users use it to identify their call. [14:47] I don't hear any beacons on it. 447.675 in DC [14:47] wanrepeater.net says call is K3WS [14:47] beacons? [14:48] I mean, the CW counts as a beacon AFAIK [14:48] Although many also use a voice announcement as well [14:48] I thought that repeaters have an automated message to repeat their call sign. [14:48] So.. the CW could have been it? I can't understand morse yet. :-p [14:48] yep. [14:49] oh. Well there was actual reception [14:49] I am still in my apartment [14:50] If I knew my call sign I would send a test. [14:51] Yeah, you definately don't want to transmit until then. [14:51] Some repeaters( 50/50 in my area) will play a confirm tone when you tx to them. [14:51] As in You key up "K3YLE mobile listening in" [14:51] I just wanted to listen in to people so I could get a better idea what I should sound like. [14:51] and a second lat erhe repeater goes: "*Beep*" and sometimes identifies then [14:52] w3wan has a broadcastify link [14:52] or tune a few repeaters into the baofegna nd scan [14:52] but first, forgive my typing [14:53] no [14:53] JonathanD: You're the worst. Go get your ham license. [14:53] and/or upgrade my linode [14:53] either or. [14:53] lol [14:56] hmm [14:57] I will need to make a list of nearby repeaters. [14:57] theres websies [14:57] repeaterbook comes to mind [14:57] Is that the best way? And do they have /all/ of them? [14:59] AFAIk [14:59] and its what I use. [14:59] in fact, Chirp can pull right from it [14:59] if you have a programming cable [15:02] we can all leave freenode, start hamnode [15:03] less netsplits [15:03] more Id argue. [15:03] at least ircds dont sleep [15:06] I have a cable and installed Chirp, have not used it for programming yet. [17:27] This is complicated. lol [17:27] Where does Chirp show the firmware version?? [17:32] I guess it doesn't for this radio. [19:27] ChinnoDog: chirp works [19:27] and wan activity now [19:27] if your listening i'll key up - i'm on web transceiver [19:28] ChinnoDog: ping me when you're listening [19:28] i want to try web transceiver now [22:51] Not yet. I am gathering local repeaters for my radio. [22:52] Q: Why do nearly all the repeaters have a 88.5hz tone squelch? I see that in Chrip. How am I even supposed to know to set that? [22:54] ChinnoDog: ctss is the one that matters - like 3kz is mostly 131.8 [22:55] ChinnoDog: repeater networks are the way to go - like w3wan if it's in your area - then within the region you can stay 'connected' as they are linked [22:55] linked repeater networks [22:57] and practice manual entry with your baofeng - there will be a time when you need it - while i waited for my callsign to hit the database, i listened and got to know my baofeng [22:57] I already screwed around with that it a bit. That was confusing. [22:57] I need a manual for my radio. I can't find one online and it didn't come in the box. [22:58] frequency mode - only the a - menu 11 - 13 -27 then freq of offset - menu 27 again [22:58] ChinnoDog: the niklor site - best stuff [22:58] miklor [22:58] Oh wait. There is a manual I used that was in the box. It has more info than I thought. [22:58] I didn't understand the info in it before but since reading stuff online now I do. [22:59] http://miklor.com/ [22:59] ChinnoDog: the manual has been re-written - use the miklor site - look for newest for your rig [22:59] I just use chirp. I get too annoyed with the menu [23:00] http://www.miklor.com/uv5r/ << It is a uv-5r+. The "*" is the problem. [23:03] jedijf: Why do they all use DTCS Code 23? [23:03] And, why do they use 23 receive DTCS? I thought that the repeater usually removed the tone when it broadcasts. [23:04] you need to hear the tone so you know when the transmit is done - wait - then key up so everyone doesn't step on each other [23:05] just set frq - ctss (both) save - then offset freq and save again - [23:05] that's manual ^^^ [23:06] only the a band in freq mode [23:06] I thought the repeater broadcasts without the tone though [23:06] that's the save band (not b) [23:06] they say that - but they don't [23:06] i.e. If I get a direct communication the tone will be there. If it comes through repeater then no tone. [23:06] oh [23:06] you won't hear until you set - that's old info [23:07] Now I am extra confused. Why won't I hear until I set it? [23:07] I thought that if I disable the tone I hear all chatter. [23:07] meaning the receive tone [23:07] that was test stuff - real life - if you are setting the channel - when you put in the ctcss - bam - you will hear if there is a transmit [23:08] maybe that's why your area is dead [23:08] lol [23:08] Probably! [23:08] put in the ctcss' [23:08] operator error. [23:08] Why do I need it on to receive?? [23:09] nah, i thought the same thing - that's why, get all this out the way while you wait for callsign to drop [23:09] to hear [23:09] you'll see - nike [23:09] just f'in do it [23:10] hold on i'll link you one of my chirp csv's [23:17] i pulled that original file from the repeaterbook chirp feature iirc [23:23] I just programmed a bunch of stations in [23:23] Pretty much every 2m and 70cm station within 8-9 mi [23:32] you'll see, some may have great coverage - the w3wan repeater in philly covers an amazing amount of ground [23:34] it's pretty decent. [23:35] KyleYankan: and it's 100 feet lower than another repeater, but gets out further - heard some tower talk the other day [23:36] Better antenna / more power? [23:36] yeah aa3e is 100 ft higher - don't know - they were just ragchewing - could just be a propagation thing [23:36] like how n3kz philly has weird coverage [23:37] but dstar aa3e kicks butt [23:38] n3kz covers well south and west - not so much north and east - it's physically at u of p - i hit kop from home, can't hit philly [23:39] w3wan is in roxborough - tower central for the philly area [23:40] ok time to gamble - in ac for the weekend [23:40] almost bedtime [23:42] Seeya jedijf. I'm packing up to head home