=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob === axw__ is now known as axw [11:28] Woo new ghost release today. I smell a charm upgrade in my future === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away === dames is now known as thedac [16:26] hmm. juju init && sudo juju bootstrap && juju deploy minecraft && juju expose minecraft, i can see no minecraft running [16:26] the expose works, it gets an ip, and I can juju ssh into the container [16:28] looking at the charm it should put it in /opt in the container, my container is empty [16:28] for local, where is this logged? [16:28] what does juju status say? [16:29] popey: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/commit/349f9c7153c7a79ade358cce500d656ee591b8cf [16:29] oops [16:29] popey: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-LXC.html#debug-log [16:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6745466/ is juju status [16:30] popey: yeah, the unit hasn't started yet, it's still in a pending state [16:31] popey: tail -f ~/.juju/local/log/unit-minecraft-0.log should reveal what's going on [16:31] ok [16:31] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6745472/ [16:31] git [16:31] ? [16:31] popey: you've got an old cloud image [16:32] git is used by juju-core internall [16:32] ok [16:32] where did that cloud image come from? [16:32] I just updated juju and destroyed everything and started again [16:32] how do i update it? [16:33] popey: can you show the output of `sudo ls -lah /var/cache/lxc/cloud-precise` [16:33] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 221M Jun 24 2013 ubuntu-12.04.2-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz [16:33] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 220M Mar 25 2013 ubuntu-12.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz [16:34] popey: yeah, old images. Run `sudo juju destroy-environment`, then `sudo rm -f /var/cache/lxc/cloud-precise/*cloudimg*.tar.gz` then run your bootstrap commands above again [16:35] ok [16:35] thank you [16:35] np, let me know if that doesn't resolve it for you [16:50] btw, so far my experience with juju is excellent [16:51] ghartmann: glad to hear! [16:53] I just though of giving a feedback on that === lazyPower_ is now known as lazypower [17:21] marcoceppi: same again [17:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6745793/ is my ~/.juju/local/log/unit-minecraft-0.log [17:26] popey: are you bootstrapping on a 12.04 host? [17:28] ya [17:46] Ok, 1 sec [17:46] let me try to reproduce what you're seeing [17:55] popey: it completed here without a hitch. really odd, this must be due to the cloudtools marco was pointing at earlier. Its not ideal but you can work around this by entering a juju debug-hooks and sudo apt-get install git-core [17:57] negronjl, hey did you get a chance to look at the mongo charm? [18:00] popey: if it's still not working then there's something else wrong. no git package measn cloud-init isn't running, can you ssh ubuntu@ for minecraft/0 and pastebin the /var/log/cloud-init* files? [18:15] marcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6746061/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6746063/ [18:17] popey: here's the problem [18:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6746074/ [18:17] cloud-init isn't able to install git [18:17] I have no idea what that error means [18:18] bug 969299 [18:18] <_mup_> Bug #969299: apparmor prevents dpkg-divert and localedef from working in a container [18:18] found via bug 936981 [18:18] <_mup_> Bug #936981: apt-get dist-upgrade fails to upgrade udev in lxc container [18:19] OH APPARMOR [18:19] booo [18:19] I thought this was fixed already [18:20] i am on lxc 0.7.5-3ubuntu69 [18:20] guessing this is because I'm not using an ubuntu kernel on my server? [18:20] using upstream 3.12.5 because btrfs [18:23] popey: that shouldn't be an issue? I'm not sure wrt that [18:29] I wonder if it's the LXC in 12.04? [18:30] there were other issues with juju and containers in 12.04 iirc. [18:37] jcastro: still working on it ... it's proven more difficult than expected. [18:37] oh ok, but you've confirmed there's a problem? [18:37] lazypower, we are not crazy! [18:37] Debateable [18:37] should I file a bug somewhere? [18:39] popey: file one against juju-core I suppose. While it's not jujus fault they should be aware of it [18:39] The fixed LXC version needs to be in the cloud-tools archive [18:39] for precise [18:39] oh, it's broken lxc? [18:41] I think that's the problem [18:41] I am not 100% sure though [18:44] bug 1268689 [18:44] <_mup_> Bug #1268689: juju on 12.04 can't install packages in lxc containers [18:46] popey: there's a later release of lxc that works around this apparmor issue. It's not a problem in raring, saucy, or trusty AFAIK === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [20:03] kirkland: ping [20:03] kirkland: can we organise a call some time this week [20:03] thumper: pong [20:03] kirkland: I want to talk about closed network stuff [20:04] thumper: sure [20:04] thumper: I'm in another call at the moment [20:04] kirkland: I have a call with mramm shortly too [20:04] kirkland: could do later today [20:04] ? [20:04] or tomorrow around this time? [20:05] thumper: cool -- what's your timezone? seems like an odd time to see you online :-) [20:05] kirkland: UTC+13 [20:05] thumper: let me grab a bit of lunch, and then I'll ping you today [20:20] kirkland: thumper: back... sorry trying to balance a lot of crazynes this week [20:21] mramm: sure, np [20:34] marcoceppi, when you get a minute let's talk charm school [20:34] most of it will be your availability [20:34] jcastro: lets do it now [20:34] ok [20:35] what's your availability on fridays for the next month? [20:35] do you have like 2 days in mind we could do? [20:36] I'm out the 21st and 24th due to travel and this friday looks a bit heavy [20:36] 24th, 31st* [20:36] 7th is next available friday [20:36] though we could do one this Thursday [20:37] I'd like to give people more of a warning [20:38] marcoceppi, how about 17th of this month? [20:38] +7th? [20:39] 7th of feb [20:39] this friday is heavy for me as for availablility [20:39] oh right, sorry, dumb calendar indicator never highlights _today_ properly [20:40] marcoceppi, how's 21 feb look to you wrt. the 2nd one? [20:40] jcastro: we'll be in LA [20:41] for SCALE [20:42] hi, i'm still trying to puzzle my way through juju + osx + vagrant. i've gotten as far as installing and configuring vagrant properly, and going to, i do successfully get a juju gui [20:43] question is, what's next? should i install juju from brew, and try to manipulate charms on the locally running vagrant image? [20:44] or do i ssh to the vagrant image (using the sshuttle technique) and develop charms there? [20:44] achiang: you can just run vagrant ssh, that will log you in to the unit where juju is running [20:45] thumper: I'm back from a very short lunch now [20:45] the vagrant image is a self contained local environment with a working juju install achiang [20:45] kirkland: otp with mramm now [20:45] if you want to drive any other environmnt, achiang, other than local, then you'll need to brew install juju and use that to drive ec2, openstack, azure, etc [20:46] marcoceppi: ok, for what i'm playing with, i want to pretend the vagrant image *is* the cloud unit and do interesting things with it. so i think for me, i need to figure out how to open up some other ports on it [20:47] achiang: not quite, the vagrant image is just an ubuntu machine. The LXC machines on that are the cloud [20:47] achiang: the sshuttle is the port opening stuff [20:47] marcoceppi: hm, ok [20:47] so it's a bit of an inception. You have OSX, then you're running an Ubuntu VM, then you're running a small cloud inside that VM [20:48] brain... melting ;) [20:49] hah [20:49] I mean, if you want to think of the vagrant image as the cloud, that's fine [20:49] - Writing your own Juju plugins [20:49] - Using Juju Bundles [20:49] are the next 2 topics marcoceppi [20:49] but it's a corner case achiang the local provider is special in what it does [20:49] jcastro: I like those, those are good topics [20:49] the plugins is like a 20 min talk [20:49] bundles are probably 45-60 [20:50] bundles seem more useful for users for now [20:50] yeah, rotate 'em around [20:50] whereas plugins is more advanced and for users [20:50] so let's do bundles on the 7th? [20:50] We could even just do a quick ad-hoc plugins video [20:50] jcastro: yeah [20:50] make it so! [20:51] marcoceppi: ok, maybe the question i really want to answer is, "how do i deploy my own test charm onto this vagrant image?" [20:51] achiang: cool, after running vagrant up; run vagrant ssh [20:51] then run your juju commands from there [20:51] marcoceppi: ah, ok [20:52] marcoceppi: thanks, i'll play around with it [20:52] achiang: np, let me know! [20:52] thumper: want to turn that into a hangout? [20:53] kirkland: it is a hangout :-) [21:15] marcoceppi: Hi, did you get a chance to look over that storage charm? [21:25] some super minor feedback, but reading through the charm tutorial... i was skimming it and didn't realize that "vanilla" is actually the name of some software package [21:26] i saw this command line in step #2 - juju charm create vanilla [21:26] and thought that was the command to create an empty charm [21:26] wasn't until later that i realized that vanilla was something real [21:26] :-/ [21:34] argh. just tripped over https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1233497 [22:22] dpb1: Was just reviewing it now [22:23] initial thought, I like the structure of it, very interesting idea, I have some concerns about data handling but I'll be outlining it in the review tonight. bcsaller also has some opinions on it that he'll way in with on the bug report [22:23] achiang: there's a way around that [22:24] achiang: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-LXC.html#debug-log [22:24] marcoceppi: OK, looking forward to it, thx === thumper is now known as thumper-gym === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away