[00:00] is that image thing automated or does someone take care it manually? [00:00] the alpha was packaged [00:00] the dailies are automated [00:01] see kubuntu.org for more details [00:01] when does Kubuntu 12.04 LTS (Long Term Support) end? [00:01] anyone using a different doc in Kubutu? [00:02] 2017 [00:06] different doc? [00:06] can you explain what you mean, pnunn [00:07] valorie: I'm experimenting with cario dock which is proving reasonably good (although missing some notifications I use) but was wondering if there are any others I should look at. [00:08] ah, dock [00:08] got it [00:08] !cairo [00:08] ok..... [00:08] !info cairo dock [00:08] 'dock' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable [00:08] pfff [00:12] pnunn: one can use all or part of xfce, unity, gnome, kde, and lxde [00:12] do you have any clue how many people work on kubuntu fixing bugs etc [00:12] I've seen people use even more minimal stuff and still say they were running (sorta) kubuntu [00:12] jarkko: 20 or 30? [00:13] the #kubuntu-devel chan has ~100 nicks [00:13] thanks valorie: I'm looking at stuff that runs on top of kwin at the moment (which cario dock does). Just a change of pace, not sure if I'll stick with it or not. [00:52] On my laptop (saucy), usb flash drives aren't auto mounting. I can mount them manually with 'mount' on the command line. [00:52] Anyone knw what the problem might be? [00:55] never mind, somehow the device notifier was missing from my task bar... === naught102 is now known as naught101 === michael__ is now known as Guest42892 [02:43] I get lots of crashes of various apps... and load spikes that are significant - up to 30 and over sometimes. Even when my load hovers around 1.0 the machine is sluggish, and causes problems with softphone conversations: jitsi, sflphone, zoiper. [02:43] can you talk about one application? [02:43] have you filed a bug when it last crashed? [02:46] using the cli: ubuntu-bug app-name is probably the easiest [02:46] and, does Dr. Konqui come up when there is a crash? [02:47] No apport-kde generally comes up [02:47] Or apport perhaps... I forget. [02:47] that's another painless way to file a bug [02:48] right, apport is the ubuntubug cli [02:48] I mean gui [02:48] sheesh [02:48] But it generally fails because it's a third party app.. such as libreoffice. though krunner likes to crash fairly often [02:49] My primary concern right now is really this sluggishness [02:50] And load spiking [02:50] Which are somewhat related I presume [02:50] I'm sure you run top occasionally [02:50] all the time... almost constantly [02:50] but there is another top variant.... [02:50] htop [02:50] yes [02:51] and does that shed any light? [02:51] I also run sar, vmstat and various others [02:51] Sometimes. Chrome is a frequent offender [02:51] the krunner system monitor is a good one as well [02:52] hmmm, I run chromium [02:52] "system monitor" ? [02:52] yes, click the little icon to the left of the input field [02:53] Yeah, I've run that before... I don't recall it helping much, other than to show me that my cpu's were running high... which I already knew. [02:53] input field... of what? [02:53] I like that you can filter by process [02:53] of krunner [02:54] I don't know if I run krunner? All I know is I get crash reports nearly daily [02:54] alt+f2 is krunner [02:54] Never did that before [02:54] odd that it crashes for you [02:54] never crashes for me [02:55] I use krunner all the time [02:55] I think it just crashed... tell you in a minute [02:55] as a launcher [02:55] Yep... just crashed [02:55] it does a lot of other stuff too, but i always forget [02:55] strange [02:55] I've been sending those bug reports for months [02:56] "internal error" [02:56] It does bring up the little search window though [02:57] ha, so much for helpful error messages [02:57] yeah.. now I rememeber system monitor... basically a pretty version of top [02:58] apb1963: are you getting any feedback from the devels? [02:58] no [02:58] that sucks a bit [02:58] I hear there is a rewrite of krunner coming along though [02:58] I'm not sure they would know how to contact me [02:59] well, if you have problems with the plasma desktop, #plasma is the place to ask [02:59] whoa... here's something I've never seen before...the error message is threaded [02:59] stuff like libreoffice and chrome -- you already know [03:00] chrome... doesn't seem to have any useful public interface channel [03:01] if you file bugs on either launchpad (packaging problems) or bko (bugs.kde.org) for KDE bugs, you should get 'bug mail' to the email account you used for your account [03:01] such mail tends to get buried for me, since sometimes the contact is weeks or months after I filed [03:02] Right... but I'm talking about these automated reports [03:03] not to pile up the conversations but.... I wonder if perhaps starting up system monitor is the reason why apport suddenly decided to include tons of info. [03:03] that I don't know [03:04] the auto-reports certainly are looked at, for some value of grep [03:04] now that apport has decided to cooperate, one item of note that is interesting is that it claims krunner is a third party package [03:05] sure would be nice if I could copy and paste this bug report [03:06] you should be able to [03:06] Right click? [03:06] control a, control c [03:06] ctrl a does nothing [03:07] hmmm, doesn't select all the text? [03:07] no [03:07] :( [03:07] and right-click doesn't offer you that option? [03:07] it's been forever since I saw apport [03:07] nope [03:07] !apport [03:08] pfff [03:08] krunner crashed with TypeError in prepare(): prepare() takes no arguments (1 given) <<< lovely [03:08] I can copy line by line [03:08] oh, how sucky [03:08] !bug [03:08] If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers. [03:08] ok..... [03:09] (process:2314): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed [03:09] This is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again. [03:10] /usr/bin/krunner [03:10] fascinating [03:10] kde-workspace-bin 4:4.11.3-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu12.04~ppa1 [origin: LP-PPA-kubuntu-ppa-backports] [03:11] File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pyrunner.py", line 78, in prepare [03:11] yikes [03:11] and on and on [03:12] traceback, dependencies... all quite nice actually... if I could only copy it [03:13] well, apport shouldn't have come up for this KDE application [03:13] so another bug. [03:13] I'm kind of glad it did actually [03:13] so I guess this is one of the differences between Kubuntu and Ubuntu with KDE on top [03:14] not kde necessarliy... but kubuntu-desktop [03:15] and my system is sluggish all this time... keyboard periodically takes several seconds to respond to my typing. [03:15] yes, this does not sound normal at all [03:16] however, I'm going afk to watch the golden globes right now [03:16] great [04:03] Apt seems to be hosed somehow, can somebody help? [04:03] "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." comes up when I try to install new packages. [04:03] apt upgrade seems to work [04:03] sudo apt-get install -f [04:04] also, did you use any PPAs recently? [04:05] nope. [04:06] i only have stock sources. [04:08] trying to install aptitude, for example, fails because aptitude apparently doesn't exist [04:08] firefox fails for that reason [04:09] yeah, i get "Package x is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source" [04:09] for quite a few things. [04:12] hmm... [04:13] maybe you should update your repos again. [04:13] If you haven't mucked with them, theu might just be corrupt. [04:14] it turns out that i, for some reason, had two major software sources turned off [04:14] i don't recall doing this [04:15] i.e. the canonical packaged sources [04:15] it's working now,. [04:16] cool [04:16] odd, but cool. [04:31] test [04:55] hi [04:57] remote host got him [04:58] Remote host and Peer are vicious. [07:53] I use the Faenza icon theme and it seems to mess up the Kdenlive program icons. I was going to try one of the supplimental faenza themes from kde-look.org...but there's nothing but broken links on that site. Has anyone run into this and found an easy solution other than having to use Oxygen icons? === saheb is now known as sahebpreet === dheeraj is now known as sikarwar32 === AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta [09:11] Good morning. === sebl__ is now known as sebl [10:06] hi, I need help with usb modem e173 [10:07] it's detected by system, but it doesn't want to connect [10:07] network manager shows signal strenght, etc. [10:58] I would like to stack two panels at the same edge of the screen. How do i do that without them overlapping? [11:35] is it possible to force kde into a diffrent resolution not supported by my monitor? [11:36] vmusr: xrandr can do that. [11:36] Not sure why you'd do that though. [11:39] lordievader: I'm getting a can't open display with it [11:40] vmusr: Are you running it in a tty or in the konsole? [11:42] lordievader: tty - I'm connected from my tablet via NoMachine to the desktop, and I want't to force it a more suitable resolution. I'm separtly connected to the box via ssh [11:42] lordievader: should I try it from konsole [11:43] vmusr: Do you happen to know where your display is running? [11:43] lordievader: you mean? [11:44] vmusr: Well you can check, open a konsole (in kde) and run "echo $DISPLAY". [11:57] lordievader: resolved, as you suggested I workded from Konsole and everything works fine :) === Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake [13:23] vmusr: Ah good to hear :) [13:27] Hey folks === trustythar is now known as Trustythar [13:46] hi , can anyone please help me with installing nepomuk-core in kubuntu 12.04 LTS ? [13:47] sudo apt-get install nepomuk-core returns [13:47] E: Unable to locate package [13:49] harishnavnit: sudo apt-get install nepomuk-core-dev === Steakanbake is now known as Steakanbake|slee [13:50] this also returns the same error message [13:50] E: Unable to locate package [13:57] harishnavnit, look in muon , make sure you have the universe repositories enabled [14:05] hi [14:06] question kdialog popup everytime i open chrome any ideas why? [14:06] popups* [14:07] salaxnet: Is it kwallet? [14:08] no chrome wants t save a imaginary file [14:08] to* [14:08] salaxnet: Hmm, haven't seen that before. [14:10] http://i.imgur.com/00z99wx.png [14:11] salaxnet: Is that tab "file://opt/..." in your start page tabs? [14:11] this is how chrome opens ay idea ? chrome settngs ? [14:11] settings* [14:11] yes [14:13] file:///opt/google/chrome/chrome/ [14:13] salaxnet: Any specific reason it should be among them? [14:14] plama icon only task maager migthy be a problem [14:15] since i pied in that specific widget [14:15] pinned* [14:15] manager* [14:16] salaxnet: Remove the "file://opt/..." from the pages chrome opens when starting up. [14:20] could you walk me throungh the process ? [14:21] through* [14:23] also does anybody know way to make drag and drop work on the desktop without the panels [14:24] you know the old kde 3 behaviour before plasma [14:24] ? [14:25] salaxnet: Open chrome and go to Settings. [14:26] ok [14:26] Under 'On Startup' what is it set to? [14:26] Continue where I left off [14:27] salaxnet: Hmm, did you open the "file://opt/.." page laste time? [14:27] nope its automatic [14:30] salaxnet: Interesting. What happens when you rename your chrome profile? === soee_ is now known as soee === kubuntu is now known as Guest33252 [15:35] if i want to remove ati drivers and use open source instead, what's the correct way? === Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake [15:38] jarkko, look for the ati drivers in muon and purge them, then install the new drivers and reboot [15:38] but how do i make sure that open drivers are used instead? [15:39] jarkko: Run "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA" if it says radeon for the driver you are using the opensource one. [15:53] hello world [15:53] I want to mount a NTFS partition with 770 for files and 550 to dirs. How would I do that? [15:54] sorry 660 for files [15:56] ovidiu-florin: For as far as I know NTFS doesn't support Linux access permissions. [15:58] I'm aware of that [15:58] I don't know how mask works very clearly [15:59] so I hoped someone can help me translate chmod to mask rights [16:00] ovidiu-florin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1446788 [16:01] actually I'm searching for a more permanent solution [16:01] like always mount ntfs with those permissions [16:05] i removed ati drivers and reinstalled few xserver files [16:05] after reboot normal boot doesnt work, but going recovery mode and resume boot goes to desktop [16:07] jarkko, update and upgrade, you may need to bring in some libs that aren't installed [16:08] i think there is some problem on linux support of 7870 [16:08] i had problems installing manjaro and kubuntu [16:09] there are no packages to download [16:09] well i must be using the open source because dota went so slow [16:09] jarkko: Have you checked if the opensource radeon driver supports the 7870? [16:10] no, how do i even check that? [16:11] ihad before 7770 and now 7870, the change between shouldnt be that big [16:11] no wonder people complain about ati, if this is so slow [16:11] i got decent hardware [16:11] jarkko: This has some info about it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver [16:12] how do i check mesa version? [16:13] i think its 9.x.x something, it reinstalled something like that [16:14] glxinfo [16:14] never remember [16:14] glxinfo is in mesa-utils [16:14] !info mesa-utils [16:14] mesa-utils (source: mesa-demos): Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.1.0-2 (saucy), package size 31 kB, installed size 115 kB [16:15] is there any other way to upgrade to newest mesa other than self compile? [16:16] well the desktop feels fast, even games doesnt [16:16] 2d driver good shape [16:18] jarkko: From the Ubu wiki: This driver's 3D is usually not as fast as the closed-source, proprietary "fglrx" driver from AMD/ATI Inc. for some cards [16:18] well i know that but dota is unplayable at this rate [16:18] there is something wrong in my install or the open source driver really sucks on 7870 [16:19] Probably the second (in the 3d case). === kevin is now known as Guest11631 [16:20] but if the driver is so bad, how is it possible that people even play on linux...with ati === sikarwar32 is now known as dheeraj_ [16:22] jarkko: The fglrx driver is usually pretty good at 3d. The trouble just is getting it installed/working. [16:22] the only problem with fglrx i had has been not able to install it on all kernels [16:23] jarkko, there is an experimental mesa app you may want to try, libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental [16:23] what does it do? [16:24] jarkko, http://pastebin.kde.org/p39438c21 [16:25] but its irritating that you should boot into failsave on every restart [16:26] if i install that libraray does it automatically know what do ? [16:26] jarkko: What driver are you currently using? [16:26] i mean you have to just install it? [16:26] i am not sure but i think i am back to open source [16:26] jarkko: Could you pastebin the output of "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA"? [16:27] http://pastebin.com/g5D8nvYE [16:28] It seems the opensource driver is not loaded. [16:28] but i dont have fully closed source driver either [16:28] jarkko: What is the output of "apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-radeon"? [16:29] http://pastebin.com/LXWmJ88C [16:31] jarkko: Hmm, would the recoverymode disable the radeon driver... Do you have fragments of the fglrx driver still on your machine? [16:31] jarkko, lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes [16:33] doesnt output nothing [16:34] lordievader, the radeon driver is installed by deafult no matter which graphics card is installed [16:35] BluesKaj: I know, but a user can remove it. And it wasn't loaded. So I verified that it was installed ;) [16:38] jarkko, there should be some output from lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , make sure you incluse the quotes [16:38] include [16:39] nothing [16:39] i copy pasted it [16:39] with those sitates === willy is now known as Guest44040 [16:40] how do i add livecd as a source [16:40] No driver is loaded, that is why it doesn't return anything. So the question is, why doesn't he load the radeon driver. [16:40] to install a package [16:40] jarkko, BluesKaj ^ [16:40] jarkko: What was the issue again if you boot up in the normal mode? [16:41] display goes blank [16:41] jarkko: Can you get to a tty in the state? [16:41] doesnt work [16:41] it goes blind [16:43] dont remember anymore how it went, but installing 13.10 wasnt easy either [16:43] jarkko: Hmm, well that is annoying. I have to get some food. But I'm sure you and BluesKaj can figure some thing out. [16:43] i think i used earlier kubuntu which i upgraded from console [16:43] and used closed source drivers [16:43] manjaro didnt work with free drivers [16:43] there is somethign wrong with support of 7870 [16:44] be back later [16:46] too bad he didn't try to determine the correct drivrername , could have modprobed it [16:46] how do i add whatever disk (in this case, kubuntu install disk) is in cdrom drive as a source in muon [16:46] ppa: something or other? [16:47] ppas are usually added from theit host sites , not from the kubuntu cd [16:48] rcw2,^ [16:48] what app are you looking for, rcw2? [16:49] BluesKaj, build-essentials [16:49] i want to reference the install disk [16:51] build-essential is in the repositories, sudo apt-get install build-essential [16:51] BluesKaj, i can't get internet on that computer right now [16:52] so i want to use the install disk [16:53] don't think it's on the live cd, but you can uncomment the cdrom source in /etc/apt/sources.list and try to install it with the live cd [16:54] remove the # [16:54] BluesKaj: build-essential should be on the install disk [16:54] really genii ? [16:55] BluesKaj, should i be seeing something pointing to /dev/cdrom or something in sources.list [16:55] rcw2, yes it should be the first source at the top [16:56] BluesKaj: I'm like 90% sure when they discontinued alternate installer it was moved to the regular one [16:56] BluesKaj, ok, do i need to reload something or restart os now? [16:58] rcw2, load the live cd , and remove the #from the deb cdrom line in the sources.list [16:59] then sudo apt-get update , then install build-essential [17:00] there's no "s" on essential btw [17:05] BluesKaj, i don't have 13.10 disk at the moment, how can i point towards 13.04 disk [17:05] in sources.list [17:07] recommend you download the 13.10 iso and burn it , you shouldn't mix and match apps from different OS versions [17:15] has someone tried unvanquished [17:16] BluesKaj, i hear you, but i'd like to try. how do i find out my build for this line in sources.list? i have 'dev cdrom:[Kubuntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtale_ - release amd64] / Raring main restricted - but it is not correct [17:20] hellobuntu ^^ [17:20] Is there any file navigator in Kate ? [17:20] I don't found the option [17:21] * find [17:21] rcw2, you have to put # in front of each line that begins with "deb" to prevent your sources list from changing to 13.04 when you update, except of course the "deb cdrom" line [17:22] floown, use dolphin [17:23] BluesKaj, ok. [17:24] what's the way to get the exact line contents i need now [17:24] any ideas? [17:26] you have to , sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get install build-essential [17:27] BluesKaj, my sources.list is bad. i need a new one [17:27] for 13.04 [17:28] you are only updating from the cdrom , no other sources , they are commented out if you followed the instructions i posted above [17:30] rcw2, if you run sudo apt-get update without an internet connection you will get errors [17:31] BluesKaj, errors or warnings [17:32] both [17:32] i can do this though, right? [17:32] comment out everything, point to cdrom only, even with no inet connection, and get build-essential [17:33] comment everything except the deb cdrom [17:34] BluesKaj, i did [17:34] the line is wrong, [17:34] somehow [17:34] (absolute dist) [17:34] are doing sudo apt-get update [17:34] yes [17:36] change the to 13.10 instead of 13.04. but that's a cheat which may not work [17:36] line [17:37] didnt work [17:37] best to download and burn a cd on the pc you sre using right now [17:37] BluesKaj, can i use flash drive? how to point to it in sources.list? [17:38] that's all i can help you with [17:38] if you have the 13.10 iso on it , yes [17:38] BluesKaj, ok. [17:39] can you tell me how sources.list would be edited [17:39] modified* [17:39] i have stuff to do now , good luck [17:39] to check for the flash [17:39] k thanks === chaudhary is now known as Guest34448 [19:05] moin [19:06] woran kann es liegen wenn das lan nicht konfiguriebar ist_ [19:08] IP configuration was unavailable [19:09] wlan geht [19:09] der, ipconfig [19:10] der-willy,^ [19:10] ipconifg findet die konsole nicht [19:11] der-willy, english please [19:11] ok, command not found for ipconfig [19:12] eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:2d:97:83:46 inet6 addr: fe80::226:2dff:fe97:8346/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:27 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:7263 (7.2 KB) Interrupt:16 [19:12] sudo dhclient eth0, for ethernet , use wlan0 for wireless [19:13] Which version is available in the 'kubuntu-backports' ppa? [19:13] I meant KDE [19:13] wireless is runing, no problems [19:13] i run kubuntu live for testing [19:14] Is kde 4.11.4 available? [19:14] wired interface failed to activate [19:14] Wich version of kde is available on ubuntu official repository? [19:15] where do i see the versin, sorrz my first try for linux [19:15] Ok.. Thank you.. [19:15] der-willy: Of what? [19:15] of kde [19:16] Open a kde app, help and 'about kde' [19:16] der-willy: On menu.. [19:16] 4.11.2 [19:22] der-willy: Which O.S.? [19:24] der-willy: What is the problem exactly? [19:24] Also if you prefer there is a german ubuntu support. [19:24] !german [19:24] In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [19:25] kubuntukubuntu 13.10 [19:26] wlan is running [19:26] lan is connected but i have no interneaccess [19:26] der-willy: Dude, update your KDE: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-kde-4-12-on-ubuntu-13-10-saucy-salamander-and-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ [19:27] Euclidis_: If I understood der-willy correctly he is running a live-cd. [19:27] ok, then i trz to install kubuntu, i now run the live cd onlz [19:27] yez, but i can try [19:27] lordievader: Oh.. [19:27] I dindn't.. [19:28] der-willy: Ok, and what was the output of BluesKaj suggestion (the "dhclient eth0" one)? [19:28] I just installed windows new and can just delete it [19:28] no output in the terminal window [19:28] I'm running 13.10 and following the link's steps, I haven't the 4.12 version rather.. [19:29] lordievader: Is there a way to get the newest version? [19:29] der-willy: That is good, could you pastebin the output of "ifconfig eth0" again? [19:29] Euclidis_: If the backports don't carry it, I'd just wait. [19:29] eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:2d:97:83:46 inet6 addr: fe80::226:2dff:fe97:8346/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:9488 (9.4 KB) Interrupt:16 lo L [19:30] der-willy: You could use http://paste.kde.org to paste.. Isn't a mess. [19:30] lordievader: Which version are you running in kuubntu? [19:31] *kubuntu [19:31] eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:2d:97:83:46 inet6 addr: fe80::226:2dff:fe97:8346/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:9488 (9.4 KB) Interrupt:16 lo L [19:31] der-willy: Is the cable connected, and is there a dhcp server anywhere on that network? [19:32] Euclidis_: This install runs 4.12.0 [19:32] yes, the same i use for wlan [19:32] grenn lamp [19:32] green lamp is on [19:33] der-willy: But if the wlan works does it really matter? (Especially for a live-cd) [19:34] i want to copy data to my nas and wan a fast connection [19:34] if this work i will install kubuntu [19:35] der-willy: Could you pastebin the output of "ifconfig wlan0"? [19:35] windows 7 refused to connect to mz homenetwork [19:35] !paste [19:35] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:35] der-willy: ^ [19:36] Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:2d:97:83:46 inet6 addr: fe80::226:2dff:fe97:8346/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:9488 (9.4 KB) Interrupt:16 [19:37] der-willy: Please read what I write, and please use paste.ubuntu.com for pasting output. [19:38] how do i paste from paste.ubuntu.com [19:38] der-willy: Do you have an internet connection on that live-cd? [19:38] yes, i am on with the live cd [19:38] http://pastebin.kde.org/pgwetguju [19:39] der-willy: Do you want enable the internet to run the installer? [19:39] der-willy: Thank you. [19:40] not in the moment, i like to know if it works before i install kubuntu [19:40] der-willy: sudo ifconfig eth0 down&&sudo ifconfig eth0 up netmask add default gw [19:41] der-willy: And then see if eth0 has an ip, if so disconnect from the wifi and ping google (for example). [19:41] SIOCADDRT: Operation not permitted [19:41] this may be the reason [19:42] der-willy: Could very well be... [19:42] der-willy: The kde network manager is no help either? [19:42] any idea how to fix it [19:43] i have the wrong keyboard ... [19:43] I could probably fix it for a normal install, but not for a live-cd. [19:43] may be i have to install kubunte to change some settinge [19:44] ah ok, i start to install [19:44] I am off now, thanks for the moment [19:44] der-willy: Good luck. [19:45] thanks === default is now known as Guest85469 === Steakanbake is now known as Steakanbake|slee === 18WAFK0WF is now known as ud === dreeeepc is now known as Lcaracol [21:17] Hello All. Hello BluesKaj [21:18] hi guest-over9000 [21:18] BluesKaj: I installed properly fgrlx drivers, but have dim laptop screen bug, I'm trying to fix that [21:19] So I have very black screen on my laptop (can't see almost nothing) but plugged it to tv by hdmi cabel [21:19] and right now I have screen on the telly (TV), but my laptop is soo dark :( [21:20] I have done this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1887550&page=3&p=12063176#post12063176 but still no clue :( [21:20] Does anyone have any ideas ? I would be very, very happy if somebody would help me :( [21:22] guest-over9000: Offhand, is this a Compaq Armada of some type? [21:23] genii: Asus K52JT [21:23] genii: Asus K52JT, ATI HD 6370M on board. [21:25] I am still looking for a solution, searching the web and still nothing. I set the maximum brightness in catalyst control center, and on the KDE settings panel, modified grub, installed programs to auto max brightness [21:26] and still nothing. [21:28] guest-over9000: From what I'm reading at http://askubuntu.com/questions/310812/last-couple-of-fglrx-drivers-on-ubuntu-12-04-have-backlight-support-broken seems the drivers prior to 13.8 have this backlight issue. [21:28] !info fglrx [21:28] fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:13.101-0ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 48023 kB, installed size 140013 kB (Only available for amd64; i386) === Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake [21:31] genii: ehh I don't know what to do :( I will be back soon. Have to go for a short time [21:32] guest-over9000: Does something like: xrandr --output --brightness 0.75 take? [21:32] Bleh, left. === rvraghav93 is now known as rvrg [21:45] Hey guys I'm about to install this on my new laptop that has massively good specifications. It does have a 64 bit processor of course. My question is before downloading it recommends me to download the 32 bit not the 64 bit. Even though this is a general recommendation should I do the 32 bit over the 64 bit or does it matter? [21:48] anyone?? [21:49] I just went with the 64 bit. [21:50] go for 64 [21:51] im running it on my Dell inspiron and works perfect :) [21:54] genii: Okay I am back [21:55] genii: I wrote an e-mail to the AMD support about it [21:56] genii: I hope they will look in to it. Anyway I would like to thank You and BluesKaj for help. Thank You :) [22:02] guest-over9000: You could try an xrandr command: xrandr --output --brightness # ... where # is from 0.00 ( darkest) to 1.00 ( brightest) ...good one to try would be something like 0.75 to see if it works [22:07] genii: mydevilroot@shelly-i7:~$ xrandr --output --brightness 0.75 xrandr: unrecognized option '0.75' [22:08] hello === Willy is now known as Guest6556 [22:11] hello,i cannot use lan [22:11] wlan is working [22:15] genii: xbacklight -set 100, still dark :( [22:15] https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as Guest67712 === Guest67712 is now known as lboken [22:45] hi all im installing a linux based un kubuntu and i wanted to know how much swaps again should i put (the sistem is only 32 since its they have released so far, but i have a 8 core, with 12 gig ram, if i remember i should put 8 gig for the swap right? === jacky is now known as Jacky [23:49] Am I the only one here that hates virtuoso-t? Its total crap. log full of segfaults which explains the high cpu load. [23:57] Hello [23:58] i have problem wit lan, wlan is running