
Pepelka [OMG! Ubuntu!] Ubuntu 12.04 Beats Windows, Mac In GCHQ Security Report  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/Ymwp7bYE83o/ubuntu-12-04-secure-os-uk-government-gchq01:46
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] zaenpuritan: glasni ventilatorji  https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41288/#p4128807:43
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: glasni ventilatorji  https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41289/#p4128907:54
sasa84o CrazyLemon, dobro jutro09:14
CrazyLemonmalo morgen sasa84 !09:15
sasa84CrazyLemon, ....je reku slobodan :P09:15
CrazyLemonsasa84 hm..a ti to gledaš skoke? :>09:15
sasa84stare+skoki...to je tud kombinacija :)09:15
sasa84CrazyLemon, mhm... gledam09:15
CrazyLemonlepo to!09:15
sasa84sej šport kr spremljam... razn formula mi je ratala dolgočasna09:16
CrazyLemonstare+jelko = prava kombinacija :)09:16
sasa84haha :)09:16
CrazyLemonker se zbadata kot dva mulca :D09:16
sasa84sam zdej v kulmu ga ni blo zravn ;)09:16
CrazyLemon"dej povej no" "ne bom povedal" "dej povej no"09:16
sasa84pa k ga stare pokliče dohtar ipd :)09:16
sasa84a za morgija se kej ve? majke je padu :\09:16
CrazyLemonsasa84 je bil ampak sodnik09:16
sasa84jp jp09:17
sasa84se mi zdi d jelko, pa un ivan za gimnastiko + globočnik za biatlon/tek... oni so edini, ki si zaslužjo naziv "strokovni komentator"09:18
CrazyLemonne vem kdo sta druga dva.. sam jelko je car :)09:18
CrazyLemonko so bili skoki na planet tv..pa sta komentirala ena starejsa mozakarja09:19
CrazyLemontisto je bilo obup09:19
* sasa84 spremlja tud gimnastiko :P09:19
sasa84sicer mi ni vse všeč... najbolj krogi, tist mi je res fascinantno09:20
sasa84skoki na planet tv? ajej...že tv ni prava :ŠP09:20
CrazyLemona nisi rekla da spremljaš skoke? še v tej sezoni so bili na planet tv :>09:20
sasa84pa veš d se ne spomnm?09:22
sasa84k pr nas fotr vžge pa gledava skup :=09:22
sasa84včasih pa tud kje drugje bulva kšn šport09:22
yangja gimnasicarke so kul09:23
CrazyLemonyang perverznež09:23
PepelkaSteve, not now. I'm being serious. - Imgur09:24
Pepelka»Imgur is home to the web's most popular image content, curated in real time by a dedicated community through commenting, voting and sharing.«09:24
napsy_lol :D09:24
sasa84ti packonko yang :P09:24
sasa84kera mačka :>09:24
idioternaal gimnazijke?09:25
idioternak to ni isto, ceprav presek ni prazna mnozica09:25
yangz eno gimnasticarko sem se videval kake 2 tedna09:27
idioternasounds serious09:27
napsy_in in, kok je bla09:27
yangne morm pastat slikce, moment09:27
idioternajsm mel eno 4 leta za sosolko, ena druga je pa zdej od mojih otrok mama09:28
CrazyLemonsounds serious09:28
idioternait is!09:29
idioternalike so09:30
sasa84hahahaha, idioterna :D09:31
sasa84idioterna> jsm mel eno 4 leta za sosolko, ena druga je pa zdej od mojih otrok mama09:31
CrazyLemonno ja.. ni to tisto kar sm pričakoval ko sm vidu *gugalnica*09:31
sasa84uuuu, pol so po mami idioterna ;)09:32
CrazyLemonevo sasa84 "Na veliko veselje se je stanje avstrijskega skakalca Thomasa Morgensterna po grozljivem padcu izboljšalo. Zapustil je intenzivni oddelek"09:33
yanghehe idioterna09:34
sasa84dobra novica CrazyLemon09:34
idioternasasa84: sej js tut rad plezam09:56
yangnapsy http://jp.si/gym/gym1.jpg tale10:04
idioternato je gimnasticarka?10:04
yangja trenirala je od 5. leta10:04
idioternagimnasticarke se ponavad ne napudrajo tok da komi hodjo10:04
idioternacookie science10:06
PepelkaCookie Perfection Machine - YouTube10:06
Pepelka»This machine allows me to mix a single cookie and vary the recipe for each cookie on the sheet. Hence, I can test many different recipe variations with one b...«10:06
yangidioterna prasej tvojo ce pozna trenerko "stoimenovo" ta je iz nasga naselja10:13
dz0ny_a kdo gleda sherlocka?10:25
idioternadz0ny_: kerga sherlocka?10:33
PepelkaSoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds10:53
sasa84CrazyLemon, sej zdej ga ti furaš okol :P10:57
dz0ny_idioterna: the only one10:59
dz0ny_.imdb sherlock10:59
jabuk1Sherlock (TV Series 2010– ) 90 min10:59
jabuk1Ocena: 9.3/10 (221,726 glasov) MT: 264 user10:59
jabuk1A modern update finds the famous sleuth and his doctor partner solving crime in 21st century London.10:59
idioternadz0ny_: aja ja11:06
idioternadz0ny_: tut tega ja11:06
idioternapa kva je ze the other one11:06
idioternaimmutable al neki tacga11:06
dz0ny_tist je boring11:07
* sasa84 požgečja dz0ny_ 11:07
dz0ny_sasa84: sori nimam casa za intimne radosti zdej11:08
dz0ny_pa webcam je crknu11:08
dz0ny_no play today11:08
* sasa84 požgečka CrazyLemon 11:09
sasa84(pod pogojem, da ma HD webcam) :P11:09
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: Zorin OS (bazira na Ubuntuju)  https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41290/#p4129011:10
dz0ny_Now I know why poke was not removed from FB.11:12
dz0ny_At least i was first choice...11:12
sasa84dz0ny_, jah... je že razlog, da si 1st ^^11:15
slax0rsasa84: ni me blo :P11:45
sasa84hola zdobersek, mišek moj12:17
zdobersekDE LA MO12:17
zdobersekayo sasa8412:17
sasa84slax0r, pfff :P12:18
sasa84ah ja...12:31
sasa84zdobersek, v hrbtenici me je spet mal zagrablo... a me prideš zmasirat mal?12:32
zdoberseksasa84: zal, bo moral CrazyLemon vskocit12:32
zdobersekupam samo, da ne bos po tem spet 2 tedna na rehabilitaciji12:32
idioternasasa84: loh suni reces12:54
idioternaona mene masira, pa se kr obnese12:54
sasa84nč pobje...šibam13:05
sasa84pridkani bodte13:05
chemist^uau nemorem verjet da je tor iz prve primu :(13:31
idioternato pomen da si na NSA exit node prsu13:33
chemist^idioterna, ;) lol13:36
chemist^phuck dem foolz13:37
Pepelka [OMG! Ubuntu!] Mir 0.1.4 Debuts With Nexus Bug Fixes and GL Texture Caching  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/McuX_7g0nEQ/mir-0-1-4-debuts-nexus-bug-fixes-gl-texture-caching14:31
zdobersekPHUCK DEM FOOLZ14:35
Pepelka [Ubuntu.si] zaenpuritan: Re: glasni ventilatorji  https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41291/#p4129115:46
Pepelka [OMG! Ubuntu!] Ubuntu Touch Won’t Support Nexus 5, Is to Drop Support for Nexus 7, 10  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/mmvDNNImszE/ubuntu-touch-wont-support-nexus-5-will-drop-support-nexus-7-1015:51
Pepelka [OMG! Ubuntu!] Ubuntu Touch Won’t Support Nexus 5, Will Drop Support for Nexus 7, 10  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/mmvDNNImszE/ubuntu-touch-wont-support-nexus-5-will-drop-support-nexus-7-1015:56
dz0ny_.apt libopenssl16:08
jabuk1libopenssl-ruby, libopenssl-ruby1.8, libopenssl-ruby1.9, libopenssl-ruby1.9.116:08
dz0ny_.apt openssl16:08
jabuk1openssl, aolserver4-nsopenssl, globus-gsi-openssl-error-dbg, globus-openssl-module-dbg, globus-openssl-module-progs, globus-openssl-progs, lcmaps-openssl-interface, libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl, libcrypt-openssl-dsa-perl, libcrypt-openssl-random-perl, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libengine-pkcs11-openssl, libengine-tpm-openssl, libevent-openssl-2.0-5, libglobus-gsi-openssl-error-dbg, libglob16:09
jabuk1si-openssl-error0, libglobus-openssl, libglobus-openssl-dev, libglobus-openssl-module-dbg, libglobus-openssl-module-dev, libglobus-openssl-module-doc, libglobus-openssl-module0, libgnutls-openssl27, libopenssl-ruby, libopenssl-ruby1.8, libopenssl-ruby1.9, libopenssl-ruby1.9.1, libpathfinder-openssl-1, libxmlsec1-openssl, openssl-blacklist, openssl-blacklist-extra, openssl-doc, python-openssl, python-openssl-dbg, python-openssl-doc, python16:09
slax0r.apt wine16:12
jabuk1wine, gnome-wine-icon-theme, libkwineffects1, libkwineffects1abi3, libkwineffects1abi4, q4wine, shiki-wine-theme, wine-dev, wine-gecko, wine-gecko1.4, wine1.0, wine1.0-dev, wine1.0-gecko, wine1.2, wine1.2-dbg, wine1.2-dev, wine1.2-gecko, wine1.3, wine1.4, wine1.4-amd64, wine1.4-common, wine1.4-dbg, wine1.4-dev, wine1.4-i386, winefish, winetricks16:12
CrazyLemon.imdb last vegas16:21
jabuk1Last Vegas (2013) 105 min16:21
jabuk1Ocena: 6.9/10 (15,595 glasov) MT: 48/10016:21
jabuk1Three sixty-something friends take a break from their day-to-day lives to throw a bachelor party in Las Vegas for their last remaining single pal.16:21
CrazyLemona se da kako zrihtat da mi ni potrebno pisat vedno gesla za github commite ?16:35
chemist^kaj je kaj narobe ce imam vec DE instaliranih naenkrat?16:37
chemist^tipo 4, 516:37
Sky[x]DE ?16:38
chemist^desktop enviroment16:38
CrazyLemonchemist^ nič narobe.. če ne spreminjajo enakih datotek :)16:38
chemist^kde, unity, gnome shell16:38
chemist^razmisljam da bi si hitu nekega lightweight ;)16:38
chemist^lxde al xfce16:38
chemist^kaj priporocate16:38
CrazyLemonkaj pa vem..lxde je meni lepši :D16:39
chemist^kaj pa funkcionalnost?16:39
CrazyLemonma tam tam sta16:40
CrazyLemonče si navajen na unity16:40
CrazyLemonpol ti ne bosta kul16:40
chemist^unity sux meni16:40
chemist^big time ;)16:40
CrazyLemonweirdo :>16:40
lynxlynxlynxCrazyLemon: ssh agent16:40
chemist^meni je bil vedno gnome vsec16:40
CrazyLemonlynxlynxlynx tnx! :)16:41
lynxlynxlynxza trenutni shell: val `ssh-agent`; ssh-add16:41
lynxlynxlynxeval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add16:41
dz0ny_CrazyLemon: ja namest https uporabis ssh16:41
dz0ny_al pa https://user:password@github...16:42
lynxlynxlynxkdo pa še zaupa https :s16:42
chemist^CrazyLemon, zakaj weirdo? kaj tebi je unity vsec?16:43
CrazyLemondz0ny_ ma ne bi ravno rad pustu password v plain text fileu :)16:43
CrazyLemonbom kr tole z ssh agentom zrihtal16:43
CrazyLemonchemist^ jp :)16:43
dz0ny_sam nano .git/config16:43
dz0ny_pa remote spremeni16:44
CrazyLemonHi CrazyLemon! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.16:46
CrazyLemontnx obema16:46
CrazyLemonam.. ne razumem kaj naredi 'rebase' ? "odstrani" branche ?16:49
dz0ny_git fetch16:50
dz0ny_git checkout master16:50
dz0ny_git rebase origin/master16:50
CrazyLemona ni merge tisti ki druži ?16:50
dz0ny_to kar je remote na tvo local master16:50
dz0ny_btw popravil sem ti malo povezave16:50
CrazyLemonkaj sm narobe naredu16:51
zdobersekAPU si kupil16:52
CrazyLemonzdobersek you DO NOT want to feel the APU RAGE16:52
dz0ny_opis pa url bi bla v isti vrstici16:53
dz0ny_long line16:53
CrazyLemonah.. ampak zdaj bo lots of lines :)16:53
CrazyLemonto je bil tudi razlog zakaj sm pustu v isti vrstici16:53
dz0ny_lines better16:56
dz0ny_mobile irc clinets happy16:56
dz0ny_freenode tud :)16:56
chemist^na forumu od ubuntu sem prebral da ce imas instaliran nautilus in xfce4 da pride do nekih sistemskih konfliktov16:57
chemist^ve kdo kaj o tem?16:57
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot#30 (master - e734e05 : Janez Troha): The build passed.16:59
travis-ci[travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/ubuntu-si/ircbot/compare/6884f9fbdddd...e734e053fc1416:59
travis-ci[travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1687782516:59
PepelkaComparing 6884f9fbdddd...e734e053fc14 · ubuntu-si/ircbot · GitHub16:59
Pepelka»ircbot - Preprost irc bot«16:59
CrazyLemonholy crap16:59
chemist^in kaj da raje instaliram xubuntu-desktop al samo xfce4 ?16:59
chemist^ker ne rabim vseh unih programov ki pridejo zraven neki abiword in podobne16:59
lynxlynxlynxnautilus je vrsta školjke16:59
lynxlynxlynxxfce ima svojo16:59
lynxlynxlynxitak da se ne preneseta16:59
chemist^in kj naj odstranim nautilus?17:00
CrazyLemonne.. pa če ne rabiš programov inštaliraj samo xfce417:01
CrazyLemonprogrami pridejo z xubuntu-desktop17:01
chemist^sej lahko vseeno valda uporabljam programe ki jih ze imam17:02
chemist^valda lahko ;D17:04
chemist^evo je instaliralo17:05
chemist^grem logout17:05
PepelkaV Londonu odprli prvi sef za bitcoine | Računalništvo - Planet Siol.net17:09
Pepelka»Podjetje Elliptic Vault ponuja prvo shrambo za digitalno valuto bitcoin, kjer so depoziti zavarovani za primere izgube ali kraje. Medtem o krajah bitcoinov poroča tudi slovenski SI-CERT.«17:09
chemist^i like it :D17:15
PepelkaPreveri ceno - Aplikacije za Android v storitvi Google Play17:18
=== LorD_DDooM_ is now known as LorD_DDooM
lynxlynxlynxreal    28m38.115s <-- unzip 22G datoteke17:38
dz0ny_CrazyLemon: comments https://github.com/ubuntu-si/ircbot/pull/818:31
PepelkaAdd: Split apt to new file by dz0ny · Pull Request #8 · ubuntu-si/ircbot · GitHub18:31
Pepelka»Add: Search files«18:31
CrazyLemondz0ny_ no comment!18:36
dz0ny_tko je hotel zdobersek https://github.com/ubuntu-si/ircbot/commit/ba15ec78054f39ad950b72ffeab15d6301c390e0#diff-a574e848ab6796ff3d88b6895bfc32fbR1418:36
PepelkaAdd: Split apt to new file · ba15ec7 · ubuntu-si/ircbot · GitHub18:37
Pepelka»ircbot - Preprost irc bot«18:37
dz0ny_line full of ubuntu versions18:37
dz0ny_un ta drug je bl normalen18:37
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#34/master (Janez Troha): The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1688426218:53
CrazyLemonwasnt me!18:53
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#36/master (Janez Troha): The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1688667319:43
CrazyLemoni know you are but what am i!?19:45
zdoberseka male lesbian19:46
CrazyLemoni'll take that19:48
zdobersekWHICH IS GAY19:49
zdobersekin s tem seveda ni nic narobe.19:49
chemist^bi mi znal kdo pomagat mogoce? :)19:50
zdobersekCrazyLemon bi ziher znal19:50
chemist^hocem na xfce nekako si nastimat da imam podobno kot na kde al unity da ko zacnem pisat prvih par crk aplikacije mi samo najde vse mozne ki se zacnejo na te crke19:50
zdobersekon dosti ve (za limone)19:50
chemist^upam da veste kaj hocem rec...19:51
zdobersekgnome shell hoces19:51
chemist^ma neki u tem stilu19:51
chemist^na xfce obstaja?19:51
CrazyLemonbolj malo je tukaj xfce uporabnikov19:52
chemist^xfce has the Application Finder (its in the accessories menu). You can assign it the super key shortcut via Settings Manager->Keyboard->Application Shortcuts tab.19:54
PepelkaPreferences [Xfce Docs]19:54
chemist^cool :P19:54
chemist^ni glih kot sm mislu ampak bo ok19:55
CrazyLemonchemist^ men se zdi da lahko določiš po kakšnem vzorcu naj ti išče19:57
chemist^"You could also use Synapse, since it uses Zeitgeist just like the Dash in Unity it should give the same results including recently used files which the App Finder will not."19:57
dz0ny_.aptf vfilter.h19:59
jabukdz0ny_: pong19:59
CrazyLemon.apt xfce19:59
jabukdesktopnova-module-xfce {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabukglade-xfce {lucid, precise, quantal, raring}19:59
jabukgtk2-engines-xfce {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabukgtk3-engines-xfce {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-0 {lucid}19:59
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dbg {lucid}19:59
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dev {lucid}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-0 {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dbg {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dev {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-0 {trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-dbg {trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-dev {trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-common {trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-utils {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4ui-utils-dbg {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util-bin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util-common {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util-dev {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util4 {lucid, precise}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util4-dbg {lucid, precise}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util6 {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}19:59
jabuklibxfce4util6-dbg {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
CrazyLemonthis is not good :D20:00
jabuklibxfcegui4-4 {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabuklibxfcegui4-4-dbg {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabuklibxfcegui4-dev {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabuklive-image-xfce-desktop {raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukremmina-xfce {lucid}20:00
jabukxfce-keyboard-shortcuts {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4 {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-appfinder {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-artwork {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-battery-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-cddrive-plugin {lucid}20:00
jabukxfce4-cellmodem-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
CrazyLemonmake it ctrl +c !20:00
jabukxfce4-clipman {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-clipman-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-cpufreq-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-cpugraph-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-datetime-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-dbg {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
jabukxfce4-dev-tools {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:00
chemist^ja hudo20:00
yangzafloodal si ga reveza20:00
yangne zmore tok20:00
yangkomand naenkrat20:00
CrazyLemondz0ny_ am..js bi tastar sistem izpisa :D20:00
dz0ny_ne ma ntiflood20:00
CrazyLemonyang lahko..sam ga je dz0ny killal20:00
yangpocas bos moral ze manual za bota napisat, men je najbolj pomebna .vreme komanda :)20:01
dz0ny_a omejimo na 10?20:01
yangsam skoda k ne deluje vedno20:01
CrazyLemonyang zato pa obstaja .pomoc :)20:01
chemist^dej sprogramiraj da izracuna kaksno tezo bi mel na drugih planetih ;)20:01
chemist^.jupiter 10020:01
chemist^recimo :P20:01
CrazyLemondz0ny_ dej na pastebin :D20:01
dz0ny_em .calc zna to20:01
CrazyLemonpač..output :)20:01
yangchemist^: hehe20:01
chemist^31800 kg bi mel ;)20:01
yangchemist^: ?20:01
yangkil mas kukr jih mas, al ne ?20:02
chemist^da bi recimo napisal .jupiter 10020:02
chemist^pa bi zracunalo kolko bi bila teza 100kg na zemlji -> na jupiteru20:02
chemist^masa je ista20:02
chemist^teza pa ne20:02
chemist^ker je gravitacija vecja20:02
yangaha, ja zato so se uni astronavti odpijal na luni20:02
chemist^pretvornik iz zemeljske teze na jupiterovo vem da je 318:120:03
chemist^za ostale nevem na pamet20:03
PepelkaBBC News - Belgium divided on euthanasia for children20:03
idioternakr kul dilema.20:03
Pepelka»Belgium legalised the right to euthanasia for adults in 2002. Now the Senate has voted to extend the law to terminally ill children.«20:03
chemist^na luni mislim da je 0.1 al neki takega20:03
yangidioterna: ja to je ok, samo lahko pride do zlorab20:03
yangidioterna: ceprav jaz sem naceloma ZA20:04
yangker je veliko ljudi v takih stanjih, da bi bila evtanazija primerna20:04
CrazyLemondz0ny_ ali pa! preprosto skopiraš link do apt searcha :)20:04
chemist^CrazyLemon, synapse zgleda ok in kr funkcionalen20:04
dz0ny_CrazyLemon: naah20:04
dz0ny_bz pol20:05
dz0ny_.apt xfce20:05
jabukxfce4-verve-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-volstatus-icon {lucid}20:05
jabukxfce4-volumed {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-volumed-dbg {lucid}20:05
jabukxfce4-wavelan-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-weather-plugin {lucid, lucid-updates, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-whiskermenu-plugin {trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-wmdock-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-xfapplet-plugin {lucid}20:05
jabukxfce4-xkb-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
CrazyLemondz0ny_ brezveze je tudi omejit na 10 :) kaj če je odgovor v drugih 10 ? :)20:05
dz0ny_pol gres .apt xfce4-v20:05
zdobersek.apt b20:05
dz0ny_.apt xfce4-v20:05
jabukxfce4-verve-plugin {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-volstatus-icon {lucid}20:05
jabukxfce4-volumed {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:05
jabukxfce4-volumed-dbg {lucid}20:05
dz0ny_e :)20:06
zdobersek.apt en20:06
jabukenscript {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukensymble {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukent {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukentagged {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukentangle {raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
CrazyLemonpa tale .apt xfce ni izpisal enakih rezultatov kot tisti zgoraj :)20:06
jabukentangle-dbg {raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukenum {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukenv-preseed {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukenvironment-modules {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
jabukenvstore {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:06
zdobersekFreedom Of Information violation20:06
zdobersekpri 10 se ustavi20:06
CrazyLemonaja..to je xfce* search20:06
CrazyLemonne *xfce*20:06
CrazyLemonzdobersek you are only worthy of 10 results :>20:07
dz0ny_.apt xfce420:07
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-dev {trusty}20:07
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-dbg {trusty}20:07
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-0 {trusty}20:07
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dev {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:07
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dbg {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:07
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-0 {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:07
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dev {lucid}20:07
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dbg {lucid}20:07
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-0 {lucid}20:07
jabukxfce4 {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:07
dz0ny_.aptf evp.h20:08
jabuk/usr/include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/evp.h > libxmlsec1-dev20:08
jabuk/usr/include/openssl/evp.h > libssl-dev20:08
jabuk/usr/include/heimdal/hcrypto/evp.h > heimdal-multidev20:08
jabuk/usr/include/hcrypto/evp.h > heimdal-dev20:08
dz0ny_.aptf porn.png20:08
speed-.apt a20:08
speed-.apt abc20:09
jabuklibkabc4 {precise, precise-updates, quantal, quantal-updates, raring, raring-updates, saucy, saucy-updates, trusty}20:09
jabuklibgrabcd-readconfig-perl {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabuklibakonadi-kabc4 {precise, precise-updates, quantal, quantal-updates, raring, raring-updates, saucy, saucy-updates, trusty}20:09
jabukgrabcd-rip {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabukgrabcd-encode {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabukgrabc {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabukabcmidi-yaps {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabukabcmidi {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabukabcm2ps {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
jabukabcde {lucid, lucid-updates, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:09
dz0ny_ok updates gre ven20:09
chemist^.vreme koper20:10
jabukARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4.0m): 9.9°C @13.01.2014 20:30 CET.20:10
jabukVlažnost: 89% Veter: zahodnik 2.7 m/s20:10
jabukKoper: 8.44°C, Sončni vzhod: 07:42:13, Sončni zahod: 16:45:3820:10
Pepelka»Full-featured, global weather service, complete with 7-day forecasts that cover world, beautiful weather visualizations, and a time machine for exploring the weather in the past and far future.«20:10
CrazyLemondz0ny_ lucid tudi lahko gre vn pa raring20:10
dz0ny_lucid poganjam pa raring tud20:11
speed-ej narod sprobaval ze kdo mariadb20:11
CrazyLemondz0ny_ desktop ali server?20:11
dz0ny_.aptf porn20:11
speed-jaz sem cist navdusen koliko boljse dela od mysqla :)20:11
dz0ny_hm cudni so20:12
dz0ny_ni porn20:12
dz0ny_.apt maria20:13
jabukmaria-doc {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:13
jabukmaria {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:13
dz0ny_.apt xfce20:14
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dev {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:14
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dbg {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:14
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-0 {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:14
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dev {lucid}20:14
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dbg {lucid}20:14
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-0 {lucid}20:14
jabukgtk3-engines-xfce {quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:14
jabukgtk2-engines-xfce {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:14
jabukglade-xfce {lucid, precise, quantal, raring}20:14
jabukdesktopnova-module-xfce {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:14
dz0ny_300ms delay :>20:15
dz0ny_.apt xfce420:15
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-dev {trusty}20:15
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-dbg {trusty}20:15
jabuklibxfce4ui-2-0 {trusty}20:15
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dev {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:15
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-dbg {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:15
jabuklibxfce4ui-1-0 {precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:15
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dev {lucid}20:15
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-dbg {lucid}20:15
jabuklibxfce4menu-0.1-0 {lucid}20:15
jabukxfce4 {lucid, precise, quantal, raring, saucy, trusty}20:15
speed-drugace pa resno ce ma kdo opravka z velikimi innodb tabelami pa mora kaj hitro premetat, mariadb is the way to go :)20:18
speed-mysql mi je umiral ko je mogel par 100k vnosov premetat, tu pa se sploh ne opazi, web dela normalno dalje vse ok...adijo pamet20:20
speed-zdaj pa bom vtihno, ker vidim da vas ne zanima, ali pa ze znate :20:21
yangmen filajo mysql tabelo spammerji20:23
yangz posti na blogih20:23
yangwordpress ma tko butasto narejeno, da lahko samo po 20 postov brises samo, mors nek addon nalozit da jih lahko vec pobrises20:24
speed-jah nic captcho jim fukni gor :)20:24
speed-samo baje kitajci ze zaposlujejo ljudi, keri cele dneve 'dekodirajo' to :)20:26
CrazyLemonne sam kitajci..veš kok je indijcev ki to počnejo :)20:27
lynxlynxlynxše nisem videl, še vedno so iskali programatične razbijalce20:27
speed-ja samo poglej, ce si ze v taki situaciji, bom rajsi te fleke prepisoval kot pa iphone sestavlal :)20:27
speed-to je tam misljeno verjetno kot delo v pisarni haha20:28
lynxlynxlynxne vem, če se komu splača, ljudje smo prepočasni20:28
yangspeed-: hehe20:28
yangspeed-: ves kaj mi je pred leti en rekel, da kitajci delajo in stane 50 dolarjev, da ti 2D sliko spremenijo v 3D (spektrografsko)20:29
yangto morjo nanizati vsak piel posebej da dobi globinski efekt20:29
yangpol je tip pokazal enih 20 slik takih20:30
yangnebi vedel da so to rocno "premaknili" tko dobro je blo narejeno20:30
speed-ja saj20:30
speed-delajo svasta oni20:31
yangmislim da je to dela za en dan, ce si hiter v temu20:31
speed-pa 50 usd20:31
speed-pa z tem tam zivi celi mesec20:31
yangto je tam kr neki dnara20:31
speed-ajde no celi mesec mogoce ne, ampak dosti pa ja20:31
speed-prinas pa zna biti premalo za rundo lol20:32
yangza 50 usd, se tukaj delas cel dan to20:32
yangtko da evo, ce se bo kdo spomnil naj se zacne s tem ukvarjat, das ceno 45 usd in si konkurencen20:32
yangpa 10% hocem za idejo20:33
speed-pa jaz 1% ker sem prica temu dogodku20:33
speed-zdaj ne dolgo sem dobil en zvocnik20:34
speed-to nemores verjet20:34
speed-5 x 5 x 5 cm kocka20:34
speed-pa ves kaki zvok ma, pa baterija drzi nevem kak dugo :)20:34
yangdrgac pa za tole ste slisal ze ? http://samasource.org/20:35
speed-evo tocno to20:36
Pepelkamini bass cube jay-tech - YouTube20:36
speed-samo mi je nas stari ze zaplenil ker je cist navdusen :)20:37
PepelkaMini-BASS-Cube - YouTube20:39
Pepelka»This is magic«20:39
speed-tu je se en, da ze plese od basov hehe20:39
yangspeed-: vcasih so reperji meli kasetofone cez ramena, ce so hotli bli frajerji, zdaj majo lahko takole zadevo v zepu20:39
speed-samo jaz se zdaj nemorem verjet, ker je to tak malo pa da dober/mocen zvok pa baterija tudi drzi :)20:40
chemist^poglejte si to raje20:44
PepelkaSwiss researchers created a cube that can sit jump - YouTube20:44
Pepelka»Swiss researchers have created a metallic cube that can "walk" across a surface. Staff at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich crammed a series of iner...«20:44
chemist^uno... O_o ;D20:44
speed-hehe kul20:45
chemist^smeh ful :)20:46
zdobersekjabuk: ciao20:48
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#37/master (Janez Troha): The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1689155421:09
dz0ny_.aptf log.h21:25
jabuk/usr/include/barry18/barry/log.h > libbarry-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/avahi-core/log.h > libavahi-core-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/alliance/log.h > alliance21:25
jabuk/usr/include/Swiften/Base/Log.h > libswiften-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/QtZeitgeist/log.h > libqzeitgeist-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/ImageMagick/magick/log.h > libmagickcore-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/GraphicsMagick/magick/log.h > libgraphicsmagick1-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/Eris-1.3/Eris/Log.h > liberis-1.3-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/ClanLib-1.0/ClanLib/Core/System/log.h > libclanlib-dev21:25
jabuk/usr/include/CGAL/Tools/Log.h > libcgal-dev21:25
dz0ny_.imdb Instructions Not Included21:26
jabukNo se Aceptan Devoluciones (2013) 115 min21:26
jabukOcena: 7.7/10 (6,815 glasov) MT: 55/10021:26
jabukA man who has made a new life for himself and the daughter left on his doorstep 6 years ago finds his family threatened when the birth mother resurfaces.21:26
CrazyLemonstupid space21:26
dz0ny_pa ?ref_=tt_ov_vi21:26
CrazyLemonto imaš tudi pri videu :)21:26
dz0ny_recmo split("?")[0]21:27
CrazyLemonkul :)21:27
zdobersekregex? ne?21:30
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#38/master (Janez Troha): The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1689327521:35
CrazyLemonzdobersek stop suggesting and commit ffs!21:37
CrazyLemondz0ny_ a lahk kr v masterju popravim.. ne bi delal branch samo zaradi spejsa :)21:42
CrazyLemonoziroma verjetno boš ti še kaj dodal.. pa boš takrat še to popravu :)21:42
dz0ny_jp kr popravi v masterju21:46
dz0ny_git fetch21:46
dz0ny_al pa git pull21:46
dz0ny_odvisn ce si ze kej delal21:46
Pepelkaxkcd: Perl Problems21:51
zdobersekPerl problem #1: Perl21:56
dz0ny_hekas kej?22:10
dz0ny_CrazyLemon: ^^22:10
dz0ny_al zkaljucmo danes22:10
dz0ny_.imdb True Detective22:12
jabukTrue Detective (TV Series 2014– ) 60 min22:12
jabukOcena: 9.5/10 (1,378 glasov) MT: 5 user22:12
jabukThe lives of two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, become entangled during a 17-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana.22:12
CrazyLemonalive? :)22:48
CrazyLemongit status22:48
CrazyLemon# On branch master22:48
CrazyLemon# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 12 commits.22:48
CrazyLemonzakaj je ta zadnja vrstica22:48
dz0ny_git fetch pozen22:48
lynxlynxlynxker teh stvari ni v origin?22:48
CrazyLemonsm pognal git pull origin master22:48
lynxlynxlynxto bi rešil s push al pa pull z druge strani22:49
lynxlynxlynxto so tvoje stvaritve22:49
dz0ny_sam se mi zdi da si bil se v svojmu branchu22:49
lynxlynxlynxgit cherry origin22:49
CrazyLemongit branch22:49
CrazyLemon  feature/AddIMDBlink22:49
CrazyLemon  feature/ircbot22:49
CrazyLemon* master22:49
CrazyLemonnope..master branch22:49
dz0ny_git rebase origin/master22:49
CrazyLemon git status22:50
CrazyLemon# On branch master22:50
CrazyLemonnothing to commit (working directory clean)22:50
CrazyLemonok..zdaj bo22:50
CrazyLemoni guess :)22:50
CrazyLemondz0ny_ done23:00
dz0ny_CrazyLemon: se se builda23:07
dz0ny_2-3 minute23:07
CrazyLemondz0ny_ meni je najprej test failal pri american pie23:08
CrazyLemonpol je pa sel skozi23:08
dz0ny_mhm imdb vcasih potece23:08
dz0ny_16s je omejitev23:09
dz0ny_Error: timeout of 16000ms exceeded23:09
* CrazyLemon kicks travis-ci23:11
dz0ny_meh travis rab ponoc23:12
dz0ny_k USA vsi delajo23:12
dz0ny_.imdb true detectives23:14
jabukTrue Detectives (TV Series 1990–1991) 60 min23:14
jabukOcena: 7.6/10 (7 glasov) MT: write review23:14
jabukPovezava: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098934/23:14
dz0ny_.imdb True Detective23:14
jabukTrue Detective (TV Series 2014– ) 60 min23:14
jabukOcena: 9.4/10 (1,486 glasov) MT: 5 user23:14
jabukThe lives of two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, become entangled during a 17-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana.23:14
jabukTrailer: http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2454169625/23:14
jabukPovezava: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2356777/23:14
CrazyLemonno..zdaj pa lahko mirno zaspim :D23:15
=== NiceLurk is now known as Lurker69
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#40/master (Janez Troha): The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1690028323:35
travis-ci[travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#41/master (Janez Troha): The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/1690054723:38

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!