[09:26] bonjour [09:27] codd, greetings [09:28] codd, goddag [09:29] hi [09:29] i have a pb please [09:29] i can't log with my personnal account on my ubuntus system [09:29] codd, error messages? [09:30] but when i am on command line with another user it is possible [09:30] no error [09:30] no error on the loging page [09:31] sounds like you have another keyboard layout on the login page? [09:33] Jan 11 06:42:27 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "sonfack" [09:34] message from the /var/log/auth.log [09:35] Jan 11 06:43:02 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "sonfack" [09:35] Jan 11 06:43:06 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session closed for user lightdm [09:35] i have check the keyboard and i is good [09:35] no pb on keyboard [09:36] message from the auth.log file : Jan 11 06:43:02 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "sonfack" [09:36] Jan 11 06:43:06 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session closed for user lightdm [09:37] Jan 11 06:43:07 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "sonfack" [09:37] Jan 11 06:43:46 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "sonfack" [09:37] Jan 11 06:44:01 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session closed for user lightdm [09:37] Jan 11 06:44:01 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session opened for user sonfack by (uid=0) [09:37] Jan 11 06:44:01 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_ck_connector(lightdm:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :0 [09:37] Jan 11 06:44:01 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session opened for user lightdm by (uid=0) [09:37] Jan 11 06:44:01 sonfack-HP-625 lightdm: pam_ck_connector(lightdm:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :0 [09:37] Jan 11 06:44:01 sonfack-HP-625 dbus[1034]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.96" (uid=104 pid=4389 comm="/usr/sbin/lightdm-gtk-greeter ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.13" (uid=0 pid=1630 comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ") [09:39] !paste|codd, [09:39] codd,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [09:39] and i have many users accound on the machine but only the account having the user name "sonfack" wich is diterbing [09:39] ok [17:32] what's the apt source line for the ubuntu studio deb archive? [17:32] i'd like to add it to my sources.list on my vanilla ubuntu precise machine, to fetch the realtime kernel [18:23] its not eufi friendly seb_kuzminsky [18:23] just an fyi [19:00] beefsalad: eufi? [19:11] uefi sorry [19:43] my computer does not boot with uefi [19:43] let me ask my question another way... where can i download the ubuntu studio realtime kernel? [21:32] seb_kuzminsky: its in the main ubuntu repositories.. but, its not a "realtime kernel" [21:32] !info linux-lowlatency [21:32] linux-lowlatency (source: linux-meta-lowlatency): Complete lowlatency Linux kernel. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) [21:33] seb_kuzminsky: i would try the generic, however, and see if it suits your needs.. we dont have a lowlatency kernel with uefi AFAIK [21:34] as you can see here https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia#Realtime_kernel even upstream is not creating an RT kernel.. though, you are always welcome to build and run whatever kernel you like.. or use a PPA [21:36] holstein: thank you for that information [21:36] i was following the info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel [21:36] which claims there's an -rt kernel flavor available, but i guess it's outdated (i know how hard it is to keep wikis up to date...) [21:37] debian *is* shipping an rtpreempt kernel: http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/linux-image-rt-amd64 [21:37] seb_kuzminsky: there are only 2 reason to need low latency.. software synths and realtime effects [21:37] just becuase you are using those dont mean you *need* a realtime kernel [21:37] heh, i'm from #linuxcnc (www.linuxcnc.org), we use a realtime kernel to drive multi-ton, multi-horsepower metalworking machines ;-) [21:38] seb_kuzminsky: you dont need to [21:38] i respectfully disagree [21:38] seb_kuzminsky: its literaly what its made, and labled, and designed for [21:38] seb_kuzminsky: i mean, im sure you can tweak it, but you can do that do a stock kernel [21:39] seb_kuzminsky: you should try a generic kernel that support uefi and get a system booting, and do some tests, and see what you need [21:39] for years now we've used rtai, and shipped our own kernel packages, we're very excited to use more standard realtime kernels that are more widely used [21:39] i know exactly what we need: scheduling latency in the single-digit microsecond range [21:39] seb_kuzminsky: you can use whatever kernel you like in ubuntu. we dont, and wont have any more realtime kernels [21:40] this is to clock out step signals to stepper motors, etc [21:40] seb_kuzminsky: if you want to add it, add it.. the argument we are nearly having is irrelevant [21:40] seb_kuzminsky: we will not have a realtime kernel in the repos [21:40] ok, well, thanks for your help [21:40] seb_kuzminsky: you can add one, and are welcome and encouraged to [21:40] i wasn't asking you to do any work, i was only asking if the kernel that's advertised on that wiki page was available in a deb archive somewhere [21:40] i hear you that it's not, and that's no problem [21:41] seb_kuzminsky: ppa's are where i would look.. the kxstudio ppa's [21:41] ah! ok, i'll check that one out, thanks :-) [21:41] there are also liquorix.. [22:10] seb_kuzminsky: heavy-freaking-metal! [22:10] can I borrow your CNC? [22:11] heh, sure, you in Colorado, USA? come on by and we'll build some stuff! :-) [22:11] no, but I'd make a trip for it! [22:11] uber-cheap AR-15 lowers have always been appealing ;) [22:12] we have a big get-together once per year, usually in Wichita, Kansas, anyone's welcome [22:12] and a billion other projects I've dreamed about over the years [22:12] awesome! I have a buddy in Wichita [22:12] oh, and to keep this conversation on-topic, one of our sillier hackers wrote a gcode program that moves stepper motors at specific speeds to generate sounds, to play the song "daisy" [22:13] lol [22:13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0re79zEX5A [22:14] no speakers on this machine yet [22:15] tbh you're not missing much ;-) [22:15] it's like that old video of a floppy drive playing the imperial march [22:17] though the definitive example of the genre is surely the Old Computer Remix of the House of the Rising Sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w68qZ8JvBds [22:17] ok, i'll stop spamming your channel now, by folks! come see us in #linuxcnc if this kind of stuff interest you [22:20] hehe yeah [22:20] floppy drives, scanners, printers, and now a CNC machine