
sgclarkRiddell: you here?00:43
ahoneybun_hey sgclark00:50
ahoneybun_like a boss https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-mp_X7fNmo0Q/UtMYoPMk7mI/AAAAAAAAEOM/Ly921pU0I3Q/w505-h263-no/BF4+C4+Jetpilot+v+Gunship.gif00:50
sgclarkhey, hehe cool00:51
ahoneybun_amazing kinda makes me want to play00:51
ahoneybun_how are the translation tags sgclark00:52
sgclarkthe tags are fine, you (someone)  needs a translator account at this point to proceed.00:53
sgclarkthey need to mark the pages for translation00:53
sgclarkI do not have the necessary skills to translate anything lol00:54
sgclarkI have mentioned this in several places :(00:54
sgclarkthink I am still waiting for final iso contents for software page, or has that been decided?00:55
ahoneybun_I'm not sure about the software01:32
ahoneybun_and I don't have a translator account01:33
ahoneybun_hey valorie02:15
ScottKapachelogger: http://thebloggess.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/unnamed-9.jpg03:13
apacheloggerfezes are cool03:18
mamarleyIs there any chance of getting kde-workspace 4.11.5 in the Kubuntu KDE updates PPA for saucy?03:20
apacheloggerwhy is it that the only test management software that is semi reasonable is apparently dead -.-04:15
valorieoops, I didn't set myself away05:23
apacheloggerwe totally need a web developer -.-05:28
valorieI will ask on the kub-user list05:33
valorieI think we have some possible webdevs in the wings05:33
apacheloggerI think I found something06:04
* valorie hopes it is a fez06:05
apacheloggerunfortunately not ^^06:07
apacheloggerthis is actually almost not terrible06:19
apacheloggerstill not quite what I want :/06:22
valorieyou are thinking of a replacement for the Ubuntu testing center?06:25
valoriebecause I think that would be *great*06:26
apacheloggervalorie: yes, well, something to do test management everywhere (kde also lacks that :/)06:35
apacheloggerif people weren't so hung up on open source we'd totally use jira and have a plugin there :P06:36
Tm_Tjira /:06:36
apacheloggerjira is supreme!06:37
Tm_Tif you say so06:37
apacheloggerregardless, the topic isn't issue tracking anyway06:39
apacheloggerbut test tracking06:39
apacheloggerthere's soooooooooooo much test management software06:41
apacheloggerall rubbish in my most humble opinion06:41
valorieI'm sure the ubuntu system is easier to use for Unity users06:41
valorieeven still, sucks06:41
apacheloggervalorie: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ that thing?06:42
apacheloggeror are you talking about something else?06:42
valorieit's been difficult to use every time I've done it06:42
valorieyou are talking more about the backend to that I imagine06:43
apacheloggervalorie: nope, actually I am talking about the frontend06:48
apacheloggersee my mail WRT test cases on the list from 2 weeks ago I think06:48
valorieok, I'll re-read06:48
apacheloggerwe do not have people to assign shit to, so we must crowdsource testing06:48
apacheloggerand you cannot do that if the software you use for case management is a) rubbish b) hard to use c) has shit that gets in the way06:49
apachelogger(although the present qatracker also isn't very nice from a backend pov - i.e. how one supplies test cases is write snippets of html then bzr commit that somewhere, propose for merge and get someone to review the proposal :S)06:50
valoriewhen you were saying we need a webdev, is this what you were talking about?06:51
apacheloggervalorie: yes06:51
valoriedo you think that sayakb could do what you need?06:52
apacheloggerpretty much anyone with experience could do it06:52
valoriethe one who did paste.ko and the SoK webapp06:52
valorieI will propose it to him then06:52
valorieseems like it would be excellent for KDE *and* us06:52
valorieugh, just noticed the time06:53
valoriehe's probably already abed06:53
valorieI'll shoot him an email with some links and such, and cc you06:54
apacheloggerFWIW just about all popular proprietary solutions to test management do more or less what we need, it's just the open source software that has piles of madness (the irony ...)06:54
apacheloggervalorie: thx06:54
valorieI assume he'll have used some of the proprietary stuff06:55
apacheloggerit's not rocket scienece eitherway... you have a project, a project contains cases and plans, plans contain cases of the project, a plan can be executed by a user, where executing is essentially tick [success][skipped][failed] for each step of each case in the plan06:57
apacheloggereverything else is fancyness on top (use the test result data to draw graphs and stuff)06:58
valorieand we want it easy to use from the standpoint of adding and editing cases and plans, and those of the user/tester as well06:58
* apachelogger however is only good at rocket science, so all is vain ^^06:59
valorieright, and analysis06:59
apacheloggerthe thing is, analysis et al is not even an integrated part the actual test management software06:59
valoriethe one part I did really like about the qa site is the way they use your testbox information07:00
valorieor get it at least07:00
apacheloggeryou could just as well export all the data to a spreadsheet and do analysis/graphs/etc in libreoffice or something07:00
valorieis that useful for us?07:00
apacheloggerwell, no, I am just saying07:00
valorieI mean what I just mentioned; I think they call it a hardware profile or something07:01
valorieso you can see if it was tested on an atom, etc.07:01
apacheloggerusually you'd have different test plans for that07:02
valorieit's been too long since I tested much to recall exactly how it's plugged into the system07:02
apacheloggerso to revise my original list of things you have: a project, a project contains target architectures and platforms and test cases and test plans, test plans target an arch/platform and consist of test cases ;)07:03
valoriecookies I think07:03
apacheloggermore particular hardware information is mostly only useful for potential bug reports07:04
valorieI would imagine that KDE would have many if not most of the same wishes as us07:04
apacheloggervalorie: yes07:04
apacheloggerin fact, we would not even need it for much if KDE has sensible testing in place07:06
apacheloggerI mean, we basically needed to test our own software and ISOs07:06
valorieright, but we could use our own instance for that07:06
apacheloggereverything else ultimately ought to be tested upstream07:06
apacheloggervalorie: certainly07:06
soeegood morning07:07
valoriek, I will synthesize this discussion and write the email07:07
apacheloggerwhat I meant to say was that for the limited use we have specifically for kubuntu we might just as well continue with the ubuntu tracker07:07
apacheloggerwhat we really need stuff for is the pile of applications from upstream07:07
apacheloggermorning soee07:08
* apachelogger afks for breakfast07:08
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1268844] trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libQtDBus.so.4.8' @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1268844 (by hyper_ch)07:20
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1198627] package libqt4-script 4:4.8.4+dfsg-0: unexpected end of file or stream @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1198627 (by jaya shankar singh)08:22
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=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu new year | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.12.1 WIP http://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs https://tinyurl.com/ovfcj78 | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | ISO testing http://goo.gl/cRAawa `
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jarkko_guys i am unable to boot with ati 7870 on kde dsktop09:03
jarkko_https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60879 that's not my report, but he has samekind of problem09:04
ubottuFreedesktop bug 60879 in Drivers/Gallium/radeonsi "[radeonsi] X11 can't start with acceleration enabled" [Blocker,New]09:04
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1268899] package libqtdbus4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка переза... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1268899 (by Данил Тютюник)10:33
lordievaderAre testers needed for KF5, and if so is Project Neon the best way to test it?10:34
Riddellsigh, fan error, my computer hates me today10:36
Riddellit's just some libraries, not much to test10:36
Riddellunless you're a coder10:37
lordievaderI see, are there other higher priority things to test. Daily images of Trusty?10:37
mitya57shadeslayer: looks like these libqtdbus4 bugs are caused by our merge, I'll now fix that and we'll need another upload10:38
Riddelldaily images good, l10n good, 4.11.5 in saucy good10:39
Riddellgood to test I mean10:41
Riddellsorry am in a terse mood today as my laptop is broken and I'm making do with this windows machine10:41
lordievaderRiddell: I understand that mood. Faced it myself too many times too. But thank you none the less :D10:42
* Riddell goes to buy a new screwdriver10:43
lordievaderA sonic screwdriver???10:43
apacheloggeris there any other kind? Oo10:46
lordievaderThere shouldn't be, else someone fails.10:46
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BluesKajhowdy all11:09
soeehiho BluesKaj 11:35
BluesKajhey soee11:36
apacheloggersomething is astray11:36
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1268690] package libqtdbus4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/li... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1268690 (by dino99)11:37
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1268923] package libqtdbus4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite "/usr/li... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1268923 (by Tobiasz Jarczyk)11:37
apacheloggermhh, plasma caching bug11:37
apacheloggeroh we need kickoff migration11:38
apacheloggeroh my oh my11:38
lordievaderyofel: You needed testers for KDE 4.11.5 on Saucy right? I decided I could just as well use one of my Saucy machines for that, however it is running KDE 4.12 would this be a problem?11:51
yofellordievader: well, that would only test workspace then (which might already be worth it)12:11
yofelI've gotten some positive feedback though so I think we're fine for now12:12
yofelI'll do the SRU upload this week, that'll need testing again then12:12
lordievaderyofel: Oh ok, then I'll just leave the kde 4.12 install alone.12:12
lordievaderIs it me or is one testcase for the iso missing? I don't see the unencrypted LVM anymore. (Is it assumed that if the encrypted version works that the unencrypted works too?)12:14
yofelnow that was fun, I ran OOM and my system just rebooted @_@12:28
lordievaderHehe, did it kill init?12:38
yofeldunno, possibly :/12:43
yofelsomehow swap sucks lately, it's usability ranges from kswapd running at 100%CPU to I/O spikes freezing the system for minutes12:45
lordievaderUgh, nasty.12:57
shadeslayermitya57: thx13:32
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1268690] package libqtdbus4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/li... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1268690 (by dino99)13:43
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1268923] package libqtdbus4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite "/usr/li... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1268923 (by Tobiasz Jarczyk)13:43
alvinapachelogger: Do you have a bug number for that ugly sreenshot you posted here? If there's a solution I'll know some happy users.13:56
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1198627] package libqt4-script 4:4.8.4+dfsg-0: unexpected end of file or stream @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1198627 (by jaya shankar singh)15:45
apacheloggeroh, trello ui changes15:47
apacheloggeralvin: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/plasma-devel/2013-May/025503.html15:51
apacheloggerrandom note of the day: kde-workspace.postinst should touch the plasma theme metadata files to force a cache rebuild15:52
sgclarkwhy would this statement in the rules file get mangled? export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/share/" it is removing the $C16:00
Riddellsgclark: a rules file is a Makefile which does its own variables16:02
RiddellI think to use an environment variable you need to use $(VAR)16:02
sgclarkok thank you16:03
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1269059] package libqtdbus4 4:4.8.5+git192-g085f851+dfsg-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1269059 (by Victor Steklov)16:50
shadeslayersilly people trying to use -proposed16:51
tsimpsonthere's bleeding edge, but using -proposed by default is just asking for trouble16:53
geniitsimpson: I think I remember getting a lecture from you about using -staging before at some point16:55
tsimpsoncould have been me, but I don't recall16:55
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1198627] package libqt4-script 4:4.8.4+dfsg-0: unexpected end of file or stream @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1198627 (by jaya shankar singh)17:54
soeehi, someone fixing trusty 4.12.1 ?19:19
ahoneybunare there any translators here?20:49
sgclarkahoneybun: Ovidiu has a translator account. dunno if they are on irc20:55
ahoneybunhe is20:55
ahoneybunbut away at the moment I'll leave a ping20:56
ahoneybunping ovidiu-florin can you mark the docs on userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu to let the translators start?20:56
ahoneybunlordievader: thanks for the review and good words! and you were a part of it as well20:57
lordievaderahoneybun: Hehe, true. But not so much in the part of getting it on the Userbase ;)21:02
ahoneybunI just emailed the list back about your issues lordievader ;)21:04
ahoneybunsgclark: ovidiu-florin just sent a email to the list about the translator account and he wants to know what he should do to get the pages ready21:05
sgclarkahoneybun: the pages are ready except software (waiting on final iso details)21:06
ahoneybunoh ok then I got it wrong but some say "This page contains changes which are not marked for translation."21:07
sgclarkahoneybun: actual marking of pages should be a link on the side21:08
sgclarkthat is because they are not marked21:08
lordievaderahoneybun: The way I thought about issue #1 was this: people scroll down and it would be convenient to have a back button there instead of having to scroll up again.21:08
ahoneybunlordievader: true21:08
sgclarklordievador: oh ok, I can add that21:09
lordievadersgclark: That would be lovely :)21:09
ovidiu-florinsgclark: hello. How can I mark a page for translation?21:15
sgclarkovidiu-florin: unfortunately I do not have a translator account so I don't know, I think it is a link on the right hand side21:16
ovidiu-florinsgclark: there is a start translating link21:17
ovidiu-florinbut that leads to a list of pages to be translated21:17
ovidiu-florinthe only Kubuntu related page is http://userbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Special:Translate&group=page-Konversation%2FDistributions%2FKubuntu&language=ro21:18
sgclarkovidiu-florin: I am going to email Yuri to help us, I will CC you.21:20
ovidiu-florinthank you21:22
ovidiu-florincan you guys help me with choosing a licence for my mini project: https://github.com/ovidiub13/bmapp ?21:24
sgclarkok sent, in the mean time I will fix those issues21:24
ovidiu-florinbasically I just want it to be open source, but in the future, once the project reaches a certaint level of maturity I want to split it in 2: comercial and community.21:25
ovidiu-florinthey will both contain pretty much the same code. it's just that in the future I might want the possibility to be able to sell this application.21:26
ahoneybunBryan Lunduke does that with his software (or did)21:30
sgclarkany ninjas on for a question?21:30
ovidiu-florinsgclark: ask away, and we'll see what we can do21:35
sgclarkcan't create symbols file, only .a files, no .so21:36
apb1963Does anyone know how to update Qt to a later version? Kubuntu 12.04.3, KDE 4.12.0, Qt 4.8.221:40
ovidiu-florinapb1963: what part of Qt do you want to upgrade?21:42
apb1963The part that will stop the crashing.  Please reference: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32979321:43
ubottuKDE bug 329793 in general "Krash!" [Crash,Resolved: upstream]21:43
ovidiu-florinapb1963: you can try to install qt521:50
ovidiu-florinbut I'm not sure how that would solve the problem21:51
apb1963ovidiu-florin: I just want to update from 4.8.2 to 4.8.5 as was recommended in the bug "resolution"21:53
sgclarkok I got admin rights, am marking pages for translation now.21:56
sgclarkahoneybun ovidiu-florin ^^21:57
ovidiu-florinapb1963: kubuntu version?21:58
ovidiu-florinsgclark: yeeey21:58
ovidiu-florinthank you21:59
apb1963ovidiu-florin: 12.0.322:09
apb1963ovidiu-florin: 12.04.322:10
apb1963 Kubuntu 12.04.3, KDE 4.12.0, Qt 4.8.222:10
ahoneybunvalorie: http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/ca22:45
sgclarkoh cool translations are starting :)22:51
apb1963Does anyone know how to update Qt to a later version? Kubuntu 12.04.3, KDE 4.12.0, Qt 4.8.223:10
valoriethank you ahoneybun, sgclark, and ovidiu-florin!23:16
valoriehaven't written to the translators yet since our pages weren't marked for translation23:16
valoriebut once they are done, I will do that23:16
sgclarkall of them are marked except software23:17
sgclarkdon't wait on that page23:17
sgclarktranslations are already starting to trickle in :)23:17
valoriecool, I'll write today then23:22
sgclarkI am working on software now23:23
valorieI love our progress!23:29
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