
MyExHatesMeButMythe clock marker (the text in the circle) are a Great addition00:00
nik90MyExHatesMeButMy: as of now, no plans. But that is primarily because I need to first finish some high priority features like the digital mode, performance optimizations etc.00:07
nik90MyExHatesMeButMy: also I got to keep it consistent with other core apps.00:07
* nik90 is off to sleep .zZ00:09
MyExHatesMeButMycool nik90  happy sheep counting00:18
gogai need to use tray icons depending on current unity theme, is possible to check which current theme used by user?04:19
dholbachgood morning07:55
WebbyITehy popey, if you have some time, could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1267820/+merge/20131308:52
WebbyITthanks :-)08:52
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Poetry At Work Day! :-D09:37
fr33r1d3Hello. Best place to learn making Ubuntu touch apps?  read developer.ubuntu.com already.09:38
dpmmzanetti, I'm looking at the reminders-app branch to switch to cmake now. Is there any integration with Qt Creator? E.g. to build the project from within the IDE as it used to be with qmake. I don't see any .pro file09:52
mzanettidpm: 'cause the .pro file is qmake09:53
mzanettidpm: it's the CMakeLists.txt09:53
dpmmzanetti, oh, I see. It seems that Qt Creator can open the CMakeLists.txt file as a project09:55
mzanettidpm: yeah, it can09:55
dpmnice, building from Qt Creator now09:55
mzanettidpm: altough its not as good as with qmake. for example you can't add new files with the ui any more09:55
mzanettidpm: or the whole cross compiling support from qtcreator does not work with cmake etc09:56
mzanettiwell, all it can do is open the project and build it... everything else is not really supported09:56
dpmmzanetti, ah, gotcha. But then again, the Qt Creator cross-compiling support doesn't work with our projects either.09:57
mzanettidpm: true... but that's another problem, not qtcreator's09:58
WebbyITehy popey :-)10:43
popeyhey WebbyIT10:44
popeyjust notcied I get a strange message when I press enter10:44
popeybut I cant reproduce it now10:44
WebbyITpopey, about MR, I added support for * / =, but for tab I think is better to open another bug, because at the moment I have no idea on how implement it10:45
popeyok, no worries.10:45
popeydpm: do you want to get a click package submitted by sergio to the store and I'll approve it, then we can seed it in the image after the plugin lands11:14
popeyI wouldn't seed the app in the image until we have tested the click and the plugin together11:15
dpmpopey, it sounds like a plan, yes11:18
dpmpopey, you might have seen it in #ubuntu-touch, already - didrocks confirmed the plugin would be in the next image11:18
popeyya, i was on the call earlier ☻11:18
dpmpopey, awesome, thanks for making this happen11:19
popeyi did very little ☻11:19
popeyadd a line to a spreadsheet, mention on a hangout11:19
dpmwithout that "little" it wouldn't have happened :)11:19
popeyanyway, so he will seed it, we need to make sure it works on device, then we can manually install the click to test, yes?11:19
dpmpopey, calling the run_on_ubuntu_touch.sh script with the -c argument creates a click package that can be used for local testing11:20
popeyI'll test from a clean phone11:21
dpmpopey, yeah, I hear you like using the --bootstrap argument :P11:22
=== _salem is now known as salem_
ahayzentimp, ping12:32
timpahayzen: hello12:32
ahayzentimp, wht do i need to do to https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/19990612:32
ahayzentimp, i passed one time... then failed the next?!12:32
timpsome random fails have been fixed recently12:33
timpahayzen: go to your branch and type "bzr merge lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit"12:33
timpto get the latest changes from trunk12:33
ahayzentimp, does it just need reapproving after i repull?12:33
ahayzentimp, i'll update now12:33
timpahayzen: then you push the changes to your branch, and we'll see what jenkins says12:34
ahayzentimp, ah yes it'll auto CI12:34
timpIt is weird that it passed CI once and then failed autolanding12:35
timplet's see if the jenkins issues are fixed after merging trunk12:35
ahayzentimp, guess those really were random errors ;)12:35
ahayzentimp, right i've pushed12:36
timpok. let's wait now. when jenkins approves I will happrove again, and then hopefull it will merge12:37
ahayzentimp, thanks12:37
timpahayzen: don't hesitate to remind me to happrove if jenkins tests pass and I don't do anything :)12:46
ahayzentimp, cool...i'm on my lunch break so i'll check when i get back12:47
ahayzentimp, as in back from work ;) not end of lunch break...i'm in my lunch break :) lol confusing12:47
timpI thought I understood what you said, but now this second sentence confuses me ;)12:48
ahayzentimp, hehe12:48
ahayzentimp, i'll check later ~1800UTC12:48
timpokay I get it now :)12:48
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MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  what I do with my project (which is cmake) is to build it in a chroot envo for cross-compile, as far as adding new files and what not. What I do which is not that great... is left click file open terminal there and touch  the file then add it to the CMakeLists.txt and build it15:58
MyExHatesMeButMyalso making things visible to qtcreator helps also15:58
MyExHatesMeButMyusing the add_custom_target()15:59
mzanettiI guess I miss some context here16:00
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  it was in response to you and dpm conversation16:01
=== _salem is now known as salem_
MyExHatesMeButMyexample:   "Qt Creator cross-compiling support doesn't work with our projects either."   << cmake does16:02
mzanettinot really16:02
MyExHatesMeButMyusing a chroot and also sbuilder16:02
mzanettiwhich sucks imo16:02
mzanettibut anyways16:02
MyExHatesMeButMyyou can run this from te run command16:02
mzanettiI know how to get around those issues16:02
mzanettiI'm just not happy that we have to16:03
MyExHatesMeButMywhat dont you like ?16:03
MyExHatesMeButMyOptPng ?16:03
MyExHatesMeButMyOptiPNG *16:03
MyExHatesMeButMytakes forever lol16:03
mzanettino... that's not the thing16:04
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  I did not know that qmake was cross-compile  for c++ projects and armhf16:04
MyExHatesMeButMycan it be ?16:04
mzanettiqmake doesn't care about the architecture. if you give it a arm compiler it'll compile stuff for arm16:06
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  can you tell me what you do not like about cmake and the whole sbuilder and what not suit16:06
MyExHatesMeButMyqmake cares that is what depolyment.pri files are for I thought16:06
mzanettithat it doesn't work with qtcreator16:06
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  works for me16:07
mzanettino it doesn't16:07
MyExHatesMeButMyat any rate I am very interested in what you do not like about the build system of CMAKE16:07
mzanettiI do like cmake16:07
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  maybe I should be more clear .....16:08
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  what I do is one hack hack hack . go to projects ->run-> add the sbuilder commands and cp commands and Click commands(though I am writing in click into the build now) this builds a debian package for all archs and a click .16:09
mzanetti[17:09] <MyExHatesMeButMy> mzanetti,  what I do is one hack hack hack .16:10
mzanettithis is what I dislike ^^16:10
MyExHatesMeButMywhat do you mean that is also what I do with qmake16:10
MyExHatesMeButMyhack hack hack means fix some thing add new code and test.16:11
MyExHatesMeButMyI should have been more clear sorry about that16:11
MyExHatesMeButMymzanetti,  you have your chroot all set up and what not to build the debian package so you can make click ?16:12
dpmhi oSoMoN, renato_, boiko, who's developing the address-book app? We'd need to add i18n support to it in the same way as you guys already did for the rest of the apps16:26
renato_dpm, is me16:27
renato_what do you need?16:27
dpmthanks, let me have a look at the code in LP16:27
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
nik90mhall119: regarding our discussion yesterday about the app lifecyle QML API docs, were you able to decide where to place it in documentation?16:42
mhall119nik90: I don't even know where (if) it exists as an API16:46
MyExHatesMeButMydpm,  I have a po dir how do I use it ?16:46
nik90mhall119: oh16:47
mhall119bfiller: do we have a platform API for notifying an app when it's going to be suspended?16:47
mhall119or any other app lifecycle event?16:47
MyExHatesMeButMydpm,  why not use qsTr compaired to i16n.tr I am so lost on that16:47
MyExHatesMeButMyIs there just some command that I need to run to run the translations ?16:48
bfillermhall119: there is on property that apps listen for, active I believe. It's true on when app is in foreground and false when app moves to background16:51
bfillermhall119: apps should use the StateSaver in sdk to save restore/stuff16:52
bfillermhall119: no specific signal for suspend or kill, that happens in the StateSaver16:52
coderCan anyone help me, I'm trying  to make a unity scope and following the tutorial, I get to qmake and it says mrss package not found16:52
mhall119bfiller: where is StateSaver in the SDK?16:53
bfillermhall119: one sec16:53
nik90mhall119: it is in the SDK docs in qtcreator16:53
mhall119and the active property too16:53
nik90mhall119: I have used it before16:53
mhall119is it in QML?16:53
MyExHatesMeButMymhall119,  yeah16:53
nik90mhall119, bfiller: Although I am not sure if I can statesaver for my use case16:53
MyExHatesMeButMyit is at the bottom of the sdk api16:53
MyExHatesMeButMymhall119,  ^16:53
timpbfiller, mhall119 Qt.application.active is the property you want16:53
mhall119http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Qt/#application-prop ?16:54
MyExHatesMeButMymhall119,  it is a Ubuntu component16:54
nik90bfiller: a bit of a background, I need the platform API for the clock apps timer where when the clock app goes to the background when the timer is running, it should send a notification to the system asking it to wake it up or create a snap decision when the timer is done16:54
* mhall119 see no StateSaver component in my docs16:55
mhall119is it new?16:55
nik90mhall119: 13.10 or 14.04?16:55
nik90mhall119: definitely there in the SDK PPA version16:55
nik90mhall119: the online docs at developer.ubuntu.com are unfortunately out of date for certain components16:56
nik90I remember WebbyIT also noticing it for the Tabs component16:56
nik90where the count property is missing in the online docs16:56
timpfrom checking the bzr logs, it seems statesaver was added in september16:57
mhall119yeah, it's what was there when 13.10 was released16:57
MyExHatesMeButMyanyone know how to use translations here ? I made a cmake file http://paste.ubuntu.com/6751401/    Now how do I use it ?16:57
bfillernik90: one sec, just finishing a call16:58
nik90bfiller: sure16:58
mhall119bzoltan: bfiller: we *really* need to know how we're going to be versioning the SDK16:58
CarbogenHi mhall11916:59
mhall119hi Carbogen17:00
CarbogenHey guys, I'm trying to install a Qt-Project to my Ubuntu Touch running Nexus 4...17:00
timpmhall119: yeah that's a good point. perhaps we need report a bug for that17:00
CarbogenI can't seem to get it to work17:01
CarbogenI built it to my device, and installed it. It seemed to work, or so said the console... But the app isn't on the device's Applications menu17:02
CarbogenAnyone know how I should procede?17:03
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  c++ ?  or pure qml ?17:04
CarbogenIt's both.17:04
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  this is a qmake project or cmake ?17:05
bfillernik90: when the clock app is moved to the background it will be suspended by the system and killed if memory is needed17:05
CarbogenWe worked on it together, I think. Do you know a Brendan Wilson?17:05
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  what ?17:05
MyExHatesMeButMynot sure17:05
bfillernik90: so the right approach here is not for the app to fire a timer, but a service needs to do this on behalf of the app17:05
CarbogenI think I know you from Google+, not sure though...17:05
bfillernik90: the service would always be running, I think there are plans for an alarm service in the system17:06
bfillernik90: but not sure about this, tedg or tvoss would know about this17:06
CarbogenAnyways, I think it's a qmake project.17:06
MyExHatesMeButMyat any rate Carbogen   you need to make you app into cmake then build a debian package for it then make a chroot envo  then build the package in the chroot envo  then you need to exstract the deban package and make a click out of it17:06
nik90bfiller: so the service would run the code (timer) on behalf of the clock app when it is suspended?17:06
CarbogenI'll look into that...17:07
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  c++ apps are newer to Ubuntu Touch  and cross-compikle even more17:07
bfillernik90: more like the app tells the service to start a timer, the service fires the timer when it's done and the app is out of the picture17:07
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  I wrote about it on google plus somewhere17:07
MyExHatesMeButMyTHere should be docs on it though17:08
bfillernik90: the service would always fire the timer, not the app17:08
MyExHatesMeButMyI am willing to explain but not willing to write the docs :P17:08
Carbogenlol ok17:08
nik90bfiller: oh okay, so the clock app in itself is not responsible for the timer except for showing it to the user?17:08
CarbogenI'm looking at the Qt-Docs right now to see how to make a CMake project17:08
bfillernik90: right17:08
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  we could do a trade off if you like. I explain and show you and you write a wiki ?17:08
MyExHatesMeButMyor mhall119  ^^17:08
nik90bfiller: That would definitely free up the memory usage of the clock app.17:09
bfillernik90: the user would create the timer/alarm using the app and then the app just tells the service about this and lets it do the work17:09
MyExHatesMeButMymhall119,  is that something that you would be interested in ?17:09
nik90bfiller: what about the notification when the timer is complete? Would the service do that or the clock app?17:09
nik90bfiller: at the moment, I have an MP where the clock app triggers a audio notification when the timer is complete.17:10
bfillernik90: the service would fire the notification17:10
bfillernik90: lets ask tedg on #ubuntu-touch17:10
nik90bfiller: ok17:11
CarbogenWait, how do I make a CMake project? I need to set an executable field in the Tools >> Options >> Build&Run>> Cmake17:11
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  that is the thing you need to know how to make cmakelist.txt files17:11
Carbogenok, I'll look it up.17:12
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  you need to replace all your qmake stuff with cmakelists.txt files17:12
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  I know it is a bit silly "to make a click package for c++ app one needs to make a debian package"17:13
CarbogenI think I have one already17:13
CarbogenA .deb package17:13
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  where is your code.  No offence but I think that you would know if you had the files17:14
CarbogenMy code is opened up right now, the deb package is on my phone...17:14
CarbogenWant me to push it to github?17:14
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  well yeah all of it so I can look at it17:17
CarbogenMyExHatesMeButMy, https://github.com/EnderLance/ubuntubooks is it17:17
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  there is no debian packaging in that branch and it is not cmake17:18
CarbogenSorry about the directory structure and the random files, I indend to clean it up when I get this problem solved.17:18
CarbogenShould I include the deb?17:18
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  how did you make a deb with out the debian files to make a debian package ?17:19
Carbogennot sure... I built and installed to the phone via QtCreator... Then I found a deb in my /home/phablet/dev_tmp folder17:19
MyExHatesMeButMywow cool17:20
Carbogenyeah, had to install like a bazillion packages to the phone though, via apt-get install17:21
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  that is not good17:21
CarbogenAnyways, I pushed the deb to github17:23
CarbogenI gtg for about 10 minutes.17:23
CarbogenI'll be back17:23
CarbogenAlright I'm back, took less time than I expected...17:26
CarbogenMuch less time XD17:26
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  can you launch that app from ssh ?17:27
CarbogenI'll try17:27
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  like      /path/to/binary --desktop_file_hint=/path/to/desktop/file.desktop17:28
CarbogenI'm trying to run the executable from the folder17:28
Carbogenlike, ./ubuntubooks17:28
CarbogenIt was saying could not connect to display.17:29
Carbogenwait, the binary is a .bin file, correct?17:29
Carbogenbtw I don't see one17:29
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  <MyExHatesMeButMy> Carbogen,  like      /path/to/binary --desktop_file_hint=/path/to/desktop/file.desktop17:31
bzoltanmhall119: whatever you like to version17:31
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  your app will not show up in the dash because unity=scope-click does not know about it17:33
MyExHatesMeButMyso you have to launch it and save to your launcher. Or make a click package out of the debian package that you have17:33
nik90mhall119, dpm, dpm_: Ted and I need your help with https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu-clock-app/url-dispatcher/+merge/20153617:35
nik90regarding the qmlproject file17:35
CarbogenVery sorry, my internet connection dropped17:38
dpmnik90, just finishing a call and I'll have a look17:40
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  that is cool no worries I am DL you deb and will try it out17:40
CarbogenIt's not finished though, so there are a lot of bugs and glitches...17:41
CarbogenGraphical ones, nothing dangerous.17:41
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  you need to make your click json files17:43
MyExHatesMeButMyalso a desktopfile17:43
CarbogenI thought I had a desktop file...17:43
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  where is it ?17:43
Carbogenin ./qml/OAuthPlayground/ubuntubooks.desktop?17:43
mhall119bzoltan: it's not my place to decide on release strategy for the SDK17:44
Carbogenooh it's uBooks.desktop...17:44
mhall119I just need to know what the release strategy is to label the online API docs correctly17:44
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  ahh yeah you need to change this up I will paste a example17:44
CarbogenYeah, I changed my project's directory so many times because so many things kept being messed up then fixed... It's hard to keep track of everything17:45
bzoltanmhall119:  Our strategy is to release continuously ... we regularly push changes to the actual development release and do backports for P, Q, R, S series... there is nothing what we would release at a magic date17:45
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  why dont you work on the click JSON files and I will work on your debian package17:45
mhall119nik90: I don't think we need that in the debian packages, since the desktop doesn't provide the alarm service anyway and debian packaging doesn't provide the click hooks that appear to be used to register with url-dispatcher17:46
bzoltanmhall119:  but we can stamp up a specific release when we reach a significant milestone. That could be called 1.117:46
mhall119bzoltan: my concern is that if I have a device running the last saucy image of Ubuntu, it won't have all of the APIs currently available in the Trusty images17:47
ahayzentimp, ping17:47
CarbogenOk.... what do I need to do though? I apologize for being so un-educated in this field, I'm a beginner17:47
dpmnik90, replied to the MP17:47
mhall119bzoltan: and an app using the new APIs shouldn't think it can safely install on a device running a version of the OS that doesn't provide them17:47
bzoltanmhall119: The APIs provided by the Qt framework and the SDK we develop are identical between P and T17:48
bzoltanmhall119:  but the API versioning you talk about is going to be a valid problem at some point. I do not know the solution for that right now.17:49
dpmrenato_, nerochiaro, I've changed my review to Approved on https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/address-book-app/address-book-app-pot/+merge/188549 - could one of you guys top-approve?17:49
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  no worries I will make it so that you have a example17:50
mhall119bzoltan: I don't think the Saucy device images have the same APIs as the Trusty device images17:50
Carbogenhmm k17:50
nik90mhall119: true. I will note that in the MP for ted to consider17:51
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  can you fill in the blanks here please http://paste.ubuntu.com/6751682/17:53
ahayzenanyone know why jenkins hasn't run on the latest revision https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/199906 ?17:53
nik90dpm: thnx17:53
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  like YOUR Name and the email part17:53
bzoltanmhall119:  On the Qt and on the UITK and QML APIs they are identical.17:53
bzoltanmhall119:  on the platform APIs they could be different.. but that is not the scope of the SDK ... we can not call SDK all the APIs available from the archives17:54
timpahayzen: hi. I see jenkins still didn't run the tests for your branch? :s I don't know what to do about it. perhaps in #ubuntu-ci-eng someone knows?17:56
timpahayzen: I gotta go now. dinner time.17:56
Carbogenpushed it to https://github.com/EnderLance/ubuntubooks, MyExHatesMeButMy17:56
ahayzentimp, ok thanks17:56
MyExHatesMeButMyok Carbogen  you are ready to make a click !  open a terminal  and cd  to where your app is17:58
mhall119bzoltan: they won't be identical because we aren't building new Saucy images17:59
bzoltanmhall119:  the APIs has little to do with the images18:00
mhall119ogra_: is that correct that we're not making new Saucy images?18:00
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,   dpkg-deb -R ubuntubooks_0.1-1_armhf.deb Install18:00
mhall119bzoltan: but the images have everything to do with the ability of apps to run18:00
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  cd install18:00
bzoltanmhall119:  The Qt is the same in Saucy as it is in Trusty18:00
ogra_mhall119, well, we could at any time, not sure it is desired ... the last one we built hasnt even been tested by anyone (102)18:01
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  rm -r DEBIAN;  rm -r usr/18:01
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  cd ../ ;  cp manifest.json install/18:01
bzoltanmhall119:  the very last  Saucy image has the same Qt API as in the Trusty ... even after we migrate to 5.2 Qt it will be API compliant with 5.0.1 in Saucy18:02
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  cd install/18:02
bzoltanmhall119:  same in the SDK ... we do not break public APIs between S and T18:02
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  touch ubuntubooks.desktop ; touch ubuntubooks.json18:02
bzoltanmhall119:  but all in all... we can bind the SDK release number to the series ... 13.10, 14.04 ..18:03
mhall119bzoltan: so SavedState is in the Saucy builds?18:03
mhall119or StateSaver whatever it ws18:03
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  now open the desktop file and make it look like this ....http://paste.ubuntu.com/6751712/18:03
Carbogenok done18:04
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  once that is done open up the ubuntubooks.json and make it look like this .... http://paste.ubuntu.com/6751717/18:04
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  now back to the terminal  and     cd ../18:05
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  you should now be at your top source dir now copy your icon to the install folder and call it ubuntubooks.png18:06
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  cp ubuntubooks64.png install/ubuntubooks.png18:07
bzoltanmhall119: it is in the SDK PPA backported ... so on a legacy device one should upgrade to the SDK PPA content...18:07
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
mhall119bzoltan: devices don't use apt at all, let alone PPAs18:08
Carbogenmy icon disapeared... XD18:08
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  what  ?18:09
bzoltanmhall119: they can use ... just enable it18:09
bzoltanmhall119: are we going to support Saucy?18:10
Carbogenk I found it18:10
CarbogenI placed it into the Install directory18:10
Carbogenso iow done.18:11
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  what is you pwd  ?18:12
MyExHatesMeButMyin the terminal tyoe that in18:13
Carbogenthe project's parent dir18:13
MyExHatesMeButMytype *18:13
Carbogenit's /home/<myuser>/UTouch-Apps/ubuntubooks18:14
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,   click build install18:14
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  did it build ?18:14
CarbogenSuccessfully built package in './ubuntubooks_0.1_armhf.click'.18:14
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  phone is pluged into computer ?18:15
Carbogenyes, I'm transfering the package18:15
MyExHatesMeButMywait !18:15
Carbogenooh k18:15
MyExHatesMeButMywhere are you transfering it to ?18:15
CarbogenI didn't do anything else, just copy the .click18:16
MyExHatesMeButMyjust so I know what commands to give you lol18:16
Carbogento /home/phablet/Documents/18:16
MyExHatesMeButMyadb shell18:16
MyExHatesMeButMysu -18:16
Carbogenit's either click install the_package.click18:16
MyExHatesMeButMysu - phablet18:16
Carbogenor pkcon install-local the_package.click18:16
MyExHatesMeButMysudo -u phablet -i18:16
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  you want help ?  sop jumping the gun18:17
Carbogenk sry18:17
MyExHatesMeButMySo did you enter in the commands above and you are the user phablet now right ?18:18
Carbogensudo -u phablet -i18:18
Carbogenafter adb shell.18:18
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  exit18:19
MyExHatesMeButMywhat does the user say you are ?18:19
Carbogenk I'm root in my phone, exit again?18:19
MyExHatesMeButMyroot ?18:19
MyExHatesMeButMysu - phablet18:19
MyExHatesMeButMysudo -u phablet -i18:19
MyExHatesMeButMynow cd /where/my/click/is18:20
timpahayzen: I'll happrove your branch and see what happens18:20
MyExHatesMeButMypkcon install local my_awesome_new_click.click18:20
MyExHatesMeButMymake sure that you use the right names18:20
ahayzentimp, thanks no one answered in #ubuntu-ci-eng18:20
Carbogenisn't it pkcon install-local?18:20
Carbogenand not pkcon install local18:20
MyExHatesMeButMyyes it is good catch Carbogen18:21
Carbogenthanks :)18:21
Carbogenworking just like it was for my previous apps :D18:21
Carbogenk it's done18:21
MyExHatesMeButMyonce it installs reboot the phone,  and it should now be installed and you should be able to open from dash18:22
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  but I am wondering what you have your Viewer source set to though might need to change it and run all this over again18:22
Carbogenwell the app runs on the computer in qmlscene so I expect it should work on the device18:23
CarbogenSOURCES += $$PWD/qtquick2applicationviewer.cpp18:24
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  what there is no qmlscence with qmake projects you create your own viewer18:24
Carbogenthen my colaborator must've taken care of that. He did all the C++ I did the QML.18:25
CarbogenThankyou MyExHatesMeButMy18:29
CarbogenIt works now.18:30
MyExHatesMeButMyGood !18:30
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  screen shot18:30
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  you know how to use phablet-screenshot ?18:33
MyExHatesMeButMyCarbogen,  the thing is I think that this can also be done in a chroot envo  making Cmake not having to freaking happen.  If this is the case then I spent a lot of un-nessary time porting my apps to cmake :(18:36
* MyExHatesMeButMy goes to the punching bag ! 18:36
Carbogenhttps://plus.google.com/+BrendanWilson/posts/fuybAgt5n77 MyExHatesMeButMy18:37
mhall119bzoltan: it's not about supporting Saucy, it's about supporting app devs19:37
bzoltanmhall119:  if we talk about Saucy then we talk about supporting Saucy. Who is going to develop app for what device what has Saucy? Who is using Ubunt Touch on Saucy? I mean is it a real use case?19:39
bzoltanmhall119: and when we talk about supportoing app devs I think we mean supporting them to develop for a spcific platform. Are we committed to support app devs in creating apps for Saucy?19:40
beunobzoltan, I have no context at all here, but sanity tells me it means allowing devs on Desktop Saucy to create apps for 13.10 and 14.04 touch19:41
bzoltanbeuno:  that one we cover with the SDK PPA where we have all the APIs for Precise, Quantal, Raring and Saucy ...19:42
bzoltanbeuno:  no developer is blocked because of using "wrong" serie ... we support all since 12.0419:43
beunoso that shuts me up19:43
bzoltanbeuno:  As I understand mhall119 talks about the case when somebody is developing for an Saucy Ubuntu  ... I wonder if there is any Saucy based touch device out there what could be a target.19:45
beunobzoltan, I don't think any OEM will ship 13.10, n19:46
bzoltanbeuno:  I certainly do hope the same.19:47
bzoltanWhy would anybody ship a device with a platform what will EOL in June this year.19:47
beunobzoltan, you know OEMs :)19:48
bzoltanbeuno:  Hehh :) yes19:49
MyExHatesMeButMyhow in the world do I make translations for my app ?  I have wrote cmake file but how does it work.  Do I still need someone to translate all of it if so what is the point ? I am sorry I just dont understand this at all.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6752202/19:50
MyExHatesMeButMywhy move away from things that are in the kit already like NOOP or qstr ?19:50
MyExHatesMeButMyseems like it just makes more work for devs like making there app Touch and blackberry or android. I am so lost on this19:51
MyExHatesMeButMyor do we just say that "this is the way that it is tough stuff" Or am I wrong all together ?  I am sure that it is me.  but this is confusing19:52
ahayzentimp, it failed again :/ https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/19990619:55
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popeynik90: shall i file a bug for this ☻   http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-01-14-234616.png23:47

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