
=== thumper-gym is now known as thumper
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pittiGood morning05:33
darkxstpitti, hi06:58
larsugood morning!07:04
pittihey larsu, hello darkxst, how are you?07:23
darkxstpitti, way too hot here ;( about 43 today....07:23
larsupitti: great, thanks07:23
larsuhow are you?07:23
pittidarkxst: err, Celsius?07:24
pittilarsu: quite fine, thanks! yourself?07:24
pittidarkxst: ouch07:24
larsupitti: this is getting circular...07:24
pittilarsu: oops, yes :)07:26
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chrisccoulsongood morning08:44
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didrockshey chrisccoulson!08:50
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?08:51
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm good, thanks, yourself?09:01
seb128hey Laney09:05
seb128good morning desktopers!09:05
Laneyhey seb12809:11
seb128Laney, happy piloting ;-)09:11
LaneyI forgot to do it last week :o09:12
seb128Laney, I just read the comment from mterry on the ringtone in accountsservice bug, good summary ;-)09:14
LaneyI did do a patch for his (1) :-)09:15
seb128overrides of overrides, isn't that great :p09:16
tjaaltonwhat's the status of unity-control-center?09:17
LaneyI think of them more like schemas09:17
seb128tjaalton, it's in universe, testing would be welcome09:20
seb128(I need to do that today)09:20
seb128it should be ready for promotion/be installed by default09:20
tjaaltonoh there it is09:21
tjaaltonso, is it possible to pull stuff from upstream? like new wacom config stuff09:21
tjaaltonand if so, how09:21
seb128tjaalton, well, same way it was possible with g-c-c09:25
seb128backport the code, make it apply to that version, make sure it works, commit, upload09:26
tjaaltoni'll look into it before ff09:27
seb128Laney, hum, do we really need a binary package for gsettings schemas and one of accountsservice ones? seems like they are trivial text files that could be included in 1 binary10:26
LaneyYou obviously don't really need it but they have different dependencies so it made sense to me.10:27
seb128hum, why is the schemas depending on the service?10:33
LaneyYou can't do anything with it without AS. I thought it was logically similar to the gsettings package's depends.10:37
LaneyIf you feel strongly then please feel free to change it however you like.10:37
seb128Laney, no, no strong opinion, acking it like that10:43
seb128I would default to have no depends for text files10:43
seb128(we need a depends for gsettings because the schemas is compiled)10:44
Laneyisn't that done by a trigger?10:44
Laneyin libglib2.0-bin iirc10:44
seb128hum, right, still seems weird to me to have an override depends on the service ;-)10:46
Laneythanks for approving :-)10:47
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Laneyseb128: larsu: Know anything about gnome-themes-standard 3.10?11:31
larsuLaney: what about it?11:32
larsuin other words: probably not :)11:32
seb128should work with GTK 3.10?11:32
Laneythere's a request for it11:32
LaneyI'm wondering if it's ok11:33
seb128should be, it's adwaita + a11y themes11:33
* Laney tries it11:33
seb128we don't care about the first one11:33
seb128the a11y themes didn't change much iirc11:33
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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Laneycyphermox: bug #1264360 has your name on it12:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1264360 in Cinder "Downgrading cinder schema fails when running 018_add_qos_specs.py" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126436012:19
Laneybug #126463012:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1264630 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "Sync modemmanager 1.0.0-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126463012:19
Laneyliterally ;-)12:19
Laneycould you look?12:19
cyphermoxLaney: yeah12:30
cyphermoxplanning to do it, indeed12:30
Laneyalso, hi!12:30
cyphermoxit means rebuilding NM and friends though, so it will take me a bit12:30
cyphermoxhey :D12:30
cyphermoxgood morning!12:30
Laneyah, I believe that's witin your abilities :P12:30
cyphermoxalready tested succesfully12:30
cyphermoxI've been running it for almost a month now12:31
cyphermox5 weeks it seems, cool12:32
cyphermoxnoskcaj isn't around?12:34
Laneytimezoneally challenged12:34
cyphermoxLaney: the only thing that concerns me is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/1264630/comments/112:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1264630 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "Sync modemmanager 1.0.0-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:35
cyphermoxI was kind of hoping people would avoid interfacing to MM directly, and hoping the update is within the updates we had alreday talked about, ie. staying pretty much within the same GNOME version12:35
cyphermoxI care more about the API part than the versions part :)12:36
LaneyI'm not sure what dependency he's talking about http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/gnome-shell/debian/control.in?revision=40268&view=markup12:37
* Laney cogls12:37
cyphermoxnah, no dep12:39
cyphermoxgnome-shell, as it should, would be able to detect with interface to use at runtime12:39
cyphermoxin any case, let me kick the sync nao12:39
Laneypatch piloting: RESULT12:42
cyphermoxLaney: actually, it can't be a sync12:47
cyphermoxthat would be dropping changes I forgot to include in debian >.<12:47
Laneyget those in STAT12:48
Laneyare you a DM yet?12:48
cyphermoxbut I'll get them in, picking up the diff now12:49
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Laneyseb128: could you NEW cogl when you get a minute please?13:03
Laneywill do some rebuilds when I get back from lunch13:03
* Laney waves13:03
seb128Laney, can do, enjoy lunch!13:03
seb128(waiting for the arm builds to finish first though)13:07
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Laneyseems done now14:08
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seb128Laney, ups, I was away for lunch as well and forgot to look again, NEWed14:17
seb128de rien ;-)14:17
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cyphermoxLaney: would you sponsor modemmanager for me to experimental ?15:06
cyphermoxLaney: lp:~modemmanager/modemmanager/ubuntu/15:17
cyphermox(yeah, we share the code anyway)15:17
Laneydiff would be handier ;-)15:17
Laneycyphermox: if I were you I wouldn't bother including Ubuntu changelog stuff in Debian15:23
seb128giving credit where it's due?15:23
Laneyadding old ubuntuN changelog versions15:24
seb128well, if they have the context of the changes why not15:24
seb128but for sure summarizing in the current entry with a "changes from Ubuntu, <list>" works as well15:24
seb128I never understood why people want old ubuntu changelogs kept when merging with debian as well15:24
seb128I just usually summarize in the most recent entry, launchpad has the full history for past uploads15:25
cyphermoxLaney: I guess so, but sometimes I might want to upload directly to Ubuntu before debian is ready to accept my upload15:26
cyphermoxlike, for instance, during freeze15:26
Laneyit's fine if it makes it easier for you15:28
LaneyI'd probably branch off in that situation15:28
Laneyoh noes, is it meeting in 1 minute?15:29
* Laney status15:29
seb128hey hey hey15:30
seb128it's meeting time!15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetshark, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter, desrt, attente, larsu: hey15:30
seb128how is everyone today?15:31
* desrt dons brown paper bag15:31
seb128desrt, because glib bogs?15:31
desrtgtk, in fact15:31
seb128nothing wrong with the new glib tarball from yesterday? (e.g we shouldn't stay away from it)15:32
desrtshould be fine... was a pretty boring release, in fact15:32
Laneydid you disable that test?15:32
desrtprobably i should have15:32
Laneymmkay, I'll probably do that then15:32
seb128ok, let's get started15:32
seb128qengho, hey15:32
seb128no qengho I guess...15:34
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:34
seb128qengho, Sweetshark: please try to be there for the meetings (not the first time you are not around)15:35
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:35
mlankhorstworking on upstreaming fence stuff to the kernel, xorg 1.15 in ppa15:36
mlankhorstlts-saucy in updates15:36
mlankhorsteod :P15:36
seb128how is xorg 1.15 going?15:36
seb128still missing some drivers? fglrx?15:36
seb128mlankhorst, ^15:37
mlankhorstyeah fglrx is missing15:38
mlankhorstnvidia is being updated but should support it15:38
mlankhorstdri3 is a WIP it seems, I think we could enable it for nouveau, maybe for intel, don't know about ati yet15:38
seb128let's be conservative for the LTS15:38
mlankhorstdri3 is a very minor change15:39
seb128e.g if we don't have a strong reason to enable new things, let's delay those to next cycle15:39
mlankhorstpass objects as dma-buf instead of using flink15:39
mlankhorstwhich we already do with mir ;-)15:39
seb128doing something with mir doesn't mean a lot for the LTS ;-)15:40
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:40
seb128Laney, hey15:40
Laney• Help with some patches and rebuilds for the mono & dbus-sharp 2 transitions15:41
Laney• Update GStreamer to 1.2.2, join pkg-gstreamer & merge some of our patches there15:41
Laney• Make session-migration use an upstart user session job15:41
Laney• One or two Debian merges15:41
Laney• Backport a glib fix (thanks desrt) to escape stuff in introspection XML15:41
Laney• Patch pilot15:41
Laney• Push some DMB email applications a bit, hard work ...15:41
Laney• Work on moving some u-s-s settings to AS so they can be shared by the greeter, create a package for these in the same vain as gsettings-desktop-schemas, patch telephony-service (currently testing the 'fallback' for when the selected ringtone isn't available).15:41
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
seb128Laney, thanks15:42
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:42
tkamppeter- cups-filters: More for PPD-less printing: PCL-XL and PDF printer support15:44
tkamppeter- system-config-printer: Saucy SRU for driver download bug15:44
tkamppeter- Bugs15:44
seb128no tkamppeter?15:44
larsuseb128: nice timing :)15:44
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:44
seb128larsu, ;-)15:44
seb128desrt, your turn15:45
desrtinvestigated and proposed large changeset to address inconsistent handling of commandline argument encoding issues inside GLib15:46
desrtfollowing gedit guys with their rework, fixing issues: gtkapplication, gtkmenutracker, hidden-when='', --gapplication-service mode, option context vs. gapplication (easier not to leak)15:46
desrtstarted working on a large changeset to make gtkapplication commandline parsing more flexible15:46
desrtstarted discussion about 'traditional menu layout'15:46
desrtfix introspection xml escaping in glib for Laney15:46
desrtlots of other small glib fixes15:46
desrtdconf: merged new file-db support, 'dconf compile' feature and XDG_DATA_DIR searching for dconf profiles for the phone guys15:46
desrtreleases: glib, dconf15:46
larsudesrt hasn't been sleeping...15:47
* desrt had a nice full sleep last night :)15:47
seb128good ;-)15:47
seb128nice to see the new dconf15:47
desrtit still has one minor issue i forgot to fix15:47
seb128Laney, did you say you wanted to update it or should I have a look to 0.19?15:47
desrtpeople are going to be adding dconf databases to /usr/share based on 'dconf compile' soon15:48
seb128desrt, which one? something that would impact users?15:48
desrtbut 'dconf compile' currently outputs the data in machine-specific endianness15:48
desrti want to make it only do little endian so that the files in /usr/share all end up being the same15:48
desrtthis will hit the way rpm does multiarch for example -- they check to see that all archs install exactly the same file15:48
Laneyas does dpkg15:48
desrtah... i though we just arbitrarily picked one machine to build the 'all' package15:49
seb128we do15:49
desrtso it's different in rpm, then15:49
desrtin rpm the file ends up in all of the packages15:49
desrtand rpm checks at install time...15:49
seb128but they we flag the all package as usable on all archs on not with a multiarch flag15:49
Laneyfor us, it's for arch-specific packages that you want to install multiple copies of15:49
Laneythey can have the same file if it's identical15:50
desrtso the only difference here, really, is the policy15:50
Laneynot all stuff in /usr/share comes from arch:all packages15:50
desrtie: we tend to do more -common/-data/etc packages15:50
desrtthanks for the info.  TIL.15:50
seb128desrt, thanks15:50
seb128attente, hey15:50
attentefixed issues with key binding re-assignment in the key grabber ppa, but merging is blocked by failing tests on the compiz branch15:51
attentedid some experimenting with using the key grabber to fix the global menu bar mnemonics, to be continued15:51
desrthe also started work with upstream on unblacklisting emacs from the global menubar :)15:51
seb128were those tests failing already before your changes?15:51
seb128attente, trying to fix emacs? that's something I would stay away from if I were you... ;-)15:52
attenteseb128, i'm not sure15:52
LaneyM-x dont-be-broken15:52
desrtseb128: upstream realises that they're abusing gtk15:52
desrtso they're working with attente to come up with a less insane solution on their end15:52
seb128well, we can't fix every crazy app out there15:52
desrtthat we can hopefully support15:52
seb128oh, that's good15:53
seb128let's see what comes out of that then ;-)15:53
attentedesrt, i only tried some stuff for quotemstr15:53
attentethe result turned out to look bad15:53
seb128attente, let me know if you need help testing the ppa or talking to the compiz guys15:53
attenteseb128, sure, i'll try to get it merged, as i've been using it without issues so far15:54
seb128attente, I think I saw you discuss ims settings with mpt (e.g the specific options we don't list atm), is there work ongoing for that?15:54
attenteseb128, i haven't started any work on that yet15:56
seb128I was mostly curious15:56
seb128attente, thanks15:56
seb128larsu, hey15:56
larsulast week I fixed some theming issues15:56
larsunamely the nautilus column jumping (and something else with the same patch)15:57
larsuthe fix is a bit ugly on the unico-side, but Cimi was fine with it so ... meh15:57
larsualso fixed gedit's sidebar toolbars upstream and radio/check marks in radiance15:57
seb128works fine here15:57
larsuseb128: have a look at that please when you get some time: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/radiance-dark-checks15:58
seb128larsu, yeah, it's on my list15:58
larsuyesterday and today I've continued on evince (which is taking way too long due to all the distractions)15:58
seb128Cimi, ^ btw, if you have some easy review cycles15:58
larsuoh, I reviewed desrt's traditional menu bar patches15:58
desrtthat's going to be fun15:58
desrtmclasen loves patch A but hates patch B15:59
desrtjessevdk loves patch B but hates patch A15:59
seb128larsu, I was going to ask about that, I start wondering if that's important enough to justify the time spent on it (but I guess we spent enough effort that it would be a waste to stop now)15:59
larsudesrt: I figured he would, which is why I wanted to review them quickly :)15:59
desrt...and desrt hates everybody15:59
desrtit's not true.  i don't hate seb12815:59
larsuseb128: I'm almost done. I was just being distracted like crazy15:59
seb128larsu, ok, thanks16:00
seb128desrt, ;-)16:00
seb128ok, my turn16:00
seb128 * backlog handling after holidays16:00
seb128 * helped didrocks to test the new CI landing workflow16:00
seb128 * some desktop updates and merges with Debian16:00
seb128 * bugs triage, worked on some fixes, backported some upstream commits16:00
seb128 * reviews (u-s-s mostly, nautilus 3.10 proposed update, libreoffice) and some sponsoring16:00
seb128 * next: working on u-s-s, some extra reviews (need to land wizard and click updates in u-s-s)16:00
desrtbtw; big shoutout to attente for helping settle macos menubar issues (outside of work time) so that i could get a good handle on this traditional menubar stuff in the first place16:00
desrtseb128: any more of a detailed update on u-s-s?16:01
seb128attente, well done!16:01
desrtdoes it look like it's going to make it this cycle, etc?16:01
seb128desrt, u-s-s is the touch settings16:01
desrtthanks :)16:01
desrtyou know what i was confused about :)16:02
seb128sorry about that16:02
desrtwell, i was just wrong16:02
* desrt was thinking u-s-d16:02
seb128so on that front, robert_ancell landing unity-control-center in universe16:02
desrtseems like a weird way to go about it16:02
seb128that's actually on my "next" list16:02
desrti guess that's just to improve testability?16:02
seb128well, it's the first step to get it on the image16:02
seb128have it available16:02
seb128then test16:02
seb128then promote16:02
seb128btw, testing welcome16:03
seb128it would be good to make the switch this week or next16:03
seb128it's supposed to be ready16:03
desrti guess some components in main will have to change in order for this to work16:03
mitya57LP thinks it's already in main16:03
desrtat least in terms of dependencies16:03
seb128mitya57, I guess robert_ancell already got it promoted16:03
* desrt installs it on his tasty box16:04
seb128desrt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/125750516:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1257505 in webaccounts-browser-extension (Ubuntu) "Create Unity Control Center so can remain on old GNOME Control Center version" [Medium,In progress]16:04
desrtseb128: i think you accidentally a word ;)16:04
seb128desrt, I think robert_ancell covered the components to change16:04
desrti wish he was awake right now so that i could hug him16:05
desrtthat boy is doing god's work16:05
seb128you can buy him a drink in London16:05
seb128btw he made gnome-control-center a wrapper (after discussion)16:05
seb128that runs u-c-c under Unity sessions16:06
seb128or the g-c-c.real otherwise16:06
seb128that's to easy transition16:06
desrtbut probably the best way to avoid touching ALL the things16:06
seb128we can revert once things settle down16:06
desrtwhen you say 'gnome-control-center'16:06
seb128the binary16:06
desrtdo you mean /usr/bin/gnome... okay :)16:06
desrtno weird almost-empty package16:06
desrtmakes sense16:07
* desrt installing now for testing16:07
seb128so u-c-c is almost done16:07
seb128then he said he would handle u-s-d16:07
seb128that should be easier (less rdepends to change)16:07
desrta lot of patches in g-c-c are tied to patches in g-s-d16:07
seb128I hope we get the transition done at the desktop week16:07
seb128well done by the end of that week16:08
desrthow's gs-d-s looking?16:08
desrtdid we talk about our own version of those as well?16:08
desrtor do we not have much patching these days?16:08
seb128he has packages as well16:08
seb128but those get less testing16:08
desrtdo they completely move away from the org.gnome namespace?16:08
seb128it's not so much patching that having g-s-d/g-c-c versions in sync16:08
desrtor is it just an addon for gs-d-s?16:08
qenghoseb128: I had car trouble. I'm here now.  Not much to report. Still working on high-DPI chromium. Injured a vi movement key, too.16:09
seb128I don't think they are moving away from the namespace (yet)16:09
desrtseb128: this one is going to be very very tricky to manage well....16:09
desrtsince those schemas are meant to be very widely used by apps16:09
desrtmaybe it's time to start talking about specifying a freedesktop set16:10
desrtfor things like proxies, etc.16:10
* desrt can just imagine how well that discussion will go16:10
seb128that's a good topic for the desktop week16:10
seb128see about the specific of that transition16:10
seb128anyway, that's all I have on the topic ;-)16:10
desrtya... that one is by far the most interesting, as far as i am concerned :)16:10
seb128other questions/comments/...16:10
Laneydo we need to do anything special in packaging for new dconf?16:11
desrtbut next gdm release will have some changes16:11
* desrt is working on a couple of patches right now16:11
seb128did you describe the new stuff and how they work/how to use them, somewhere?16:11
LaneyNMP. NEXT!16:11
desrtseb128: no.  still TODO.16:11
desrtit really depends on who wants to use it16:12
desrtbtw: we could start talking about using dconf for overrides now16:12
desrtso we can have default values for some keys depending on the desktop16:12
desrtmaybe another desktop week discussion16:12
desrtare you keeping an agenda anywhere?16:12
seb128not yet, but we probably should16:13
desrtif you make one, add those items ;)16:14
* seb128 notes to create a wikipage16:14
seb128thanks for the suggestion ;-)16:14
seb128other comment/question?16:14
Sweetsharkseb128: shall I shoot my week quickly?16:14
desrtnever-ending meeting!16:14
seb128Sweetshark, hey ;-) sure16:15
* Sweetshark wakes up.16:15
Sweetshark- finished local pbuilder/jenkins builder reinstall16:15
Sweetshark- bumping to 4.2.0~rc216:15
Sweetshark- grinding through launchpad bugs (again)16:15
Sweetshark- upstreaming some l10n bits and fixes16:15
Sweetshark- bits and pieces: german community foo, upstream gerrit administration foo, upstream QA coordination, new board of directors onboarding/media training etc.16:15
Sweetshark- next: recheck that armhf is happy too ;), revitalize autopkgtests, going to the archive with LibreOffice 4.216:15
seb1284.2 to trusty next, good, I was about to ask about that one ;-)16:15
seb128Sweetshark, thanks16:15
seb128and on that note, that's a wrap I think16:15
seb128thanks everyone ;-)16:15
desrt(not meeting talk) seb128: u-c-c looks pretty empty... seems a lot of packages that install 3rd party panels will have to change where they install them16:16
desrteither that or u-c-c could just change back to using the old g-c-c path for plugins (since upstream g-c-c actually doesn't use that anymore)16:16
seb128desrt, which ones are missing?16:17
desrtgimme a sec16:17
Sweetsharkseb128: wrt 4.2 to trusty - will put it with the new l10n in the ppa first for a few days. havent heard any feedback from _rene_ but TBH, I dont think I should block on that any longer.16:18
desrtseb128: background gets replaced with 'apperance', which is fine... but then (both) online accounts are gone, and 'language' and 'region' are gone, with only 'text entry' there16:19
desrtprinting is missing16:20
desrtdate and time is missing, landscape is missing16:20
desrthe changed the path from $(libdir)/control-center-1/panels to $(libdir)/unity-control-center-1/panels16:21
seb128hum, right16:22
seb128https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup/29.4-0ubuntu1 has been updated16:22
desrtya... was surprised to see backup properly included16:22
desrtwe're definitely not ready to just throw the switch just yet16:23
desrtbut it's also not safe to just load the plugins at the old path either16:24
desrtsince g-c-c installs all of its "built in" components there as well16:24
desrtso u-c-c would end up with two copies of those16:24
desrtso i guess the only way is to patch each of the 3rd party installers separately16:24
desrtlike indicator-datetime...16:24
desrtit's going to be a pain for them to install to both places16:25
attenteChrisTownsend, hi16:25
ChrisTownsendattente: Hey16:25
desrtparticularly since their package for doing so has 'gnome-control-center' in the name :(16:25
attenteChrisTownsend, i'm wondering what the proper way of running compiz tests is16:25
attenteChrisTownsend, basically to replicate as is done on the c-i16:26
ChrisTownsendattente: Once you have built Compiz, run make test16:26
attenteChrisTownsend, oh, thanks!16:27
ChrisTownsendattente: Sure, no problem16:27
attenteChrisTownsend, sorry, i seem to be doing it wrong i guess...16:29
attente"No tests were found!!!16:29
ChrisTownsendattente: Are you in the build directory?16:29
attenteChrisTownsend, yes16:30
ChrisTownsendattente: Ok, what original cmake command did you use?16:30
attenteChrisTownsend, so i'm not sure exactly, but to do the build, i did 'debian/rules build -j4'16:31
attentethen moving into the obj-x86_64-linux-gnu, tried that command16:32
ChrisTownsendattente: Ah, ok, I don't think that creates the tests.16:32
ChrisTownsendattente: Try this:16:32
ChrisTownsendIn build, do cmake ..16:32
ChrisTownsendThen make -j416:32
ChrisTownsendthen make test16:33
attenteso no cmake args?16:33
ChrisTownsendattente: Only if you want to install it to a staging dir.16:34
ChrisTownsendattente: I do this "cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/townsend/staging/"16:34
ChrisTownsendThat's if you want to run compiz from there without overwriting the Compiz from main.16:35
attenteChrisTownsend, i think i need to export some qt environment for it to work16:37
attentehmm, ok, one sec16:37
ChrisTownsendattente: Hmm, not familiar with that one.16:37
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
attenteChrisTownsend, have you tried it from trunk?16:40
ChrisTownsendattente: Yep, did it a few hours ago to debug why some tests are seg faulting.16:40
attentehuh. weird...16:41
attenteChrisTownsend, do you apply the quilt patches before running cmake?16:42
ChrisTownsendattente: Umm, no I didn't for what I was doing.16:42
ChrisTownsendI can try that and see what happens.16:42
attenteChrisTownsend, i'm not actually sure how to do that, when i try i just get a series file not found16:43
attentebut when i'm just trying to plain cmake trunk, i'm getting the QT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR problem16:43
ChrisTownsendattente: Is this on a clean branch?16:43
attenteChrisTownsend, yep, totally clean trunk from bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/compiz/16:44
ChrisTownsendattente: Hmmm...16:44
attentethere might be a dependency missing?16:45
ChrisTownsendattente: It's possible, but cmake is pretty good about pointing out missing libraries.16:45
ChrisTownsendattente: I'm not sure why it's giving you issues with the QT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR.  I don't believe compiz uses that.16:46
ChrisTownsendattente: Do you happen to have KDE stuff on your machine?16:47
attenteChrisTownsend, i do have some of the qt5 libraries on my machine16:48
ChrisTownsendattente: Could you pastebin the error please?16:48
attenteChrisTownsend, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6751384/16:49
attenteChrisTownsend, should i uninstall the library before doing cmake?16:50
ChrisTownsendattente: We should be able to pass a cmake var to disable building for KDE support.  Give me a bit to find that.16:51
attenteChrisTownsend, ah.16:52
attenteChrisTownsend, sorry, it's -DCOMPIZ_DISABLE_PLUGIN_KDE=ON16:52
attentei think at least16:52
ChrisTownsendattente: Yeah, I think that's it.16:52
attentepossibly -DUSE_KDE4=OFF too16:52
attentei'll try with both16:52
ChrisTownsendattente: Ok, sounds good.16:53
attenteChrisTownsend, thanks, that seems to have worked!17:08
ChrisTownsendattente: Great!17:17
seb128Laney, btw, the #sdk guys just told me about a possible reason for the u-s-s autopilot issues on the device17:42
seb128the tests look for what is on screen17:43
seb128if e.g about is offscreen/needs scrolling, it's going to be not seen17:43
seb128we might need to add hooks to scroll in the view to have the elements reachable17:43
Laneyah I tried to copy some code from mardy to do that but didn't get it to work17:44
LaneyI think I said what went wrong in my mail17:44
seb128oh, right17:45
LaneyI was going to try shrinking it on desktop and see if it starts doing it there17:46
Laneylet me try that17:46
seb128https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/ap-fixes right?17:46
Laneyyes but that code probably isn't in there17:46
Laneysince it didn't work17:46
Laneythat is only some fixes that did  help things17:46
seb128Laney, vvruiz says "move_to_object or drag http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/api/input.html"17:48
Laneythat is what I tried to copy17:49
seb128Laney, yeah, same error on my desktop with the reduced height17:52
seb128let me have a look if I can get that to work17:52
Laneythat'd be good, thanks17:53
Laneyit's funny that it 'knows' where to click17:54
Laneywhere it would be if the window was big enough17:54
Laneybuilt in scrolling would be good17:54
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