
robotfuelRAOF: I'll add a apt-get install -f, this is what it's doing https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/+junk/mir-medium-test-runner-for-jenkins/view/head:/mir_install_packages.sh00:05
RAOFI think you'll be able to remove the “for DEB in ...” loop.00:07
RAOFThat appears to be there to resolve package dependencies, yes?00:07
robotfuelRAOF: yes00:07
RAOFYeah. Just running “apt-get -f install” after the dpkg run should do it, and will pick up newly-added dependencies to boot.00:08
robotfuelRAOF: testing an update now.00:18
robotfuelit looks like I need to use  || true on the dpkg -i part, it doesn't continue to the apt-get -f install.00:30
RAOFAh, yeah. That's right.00:35
kdubrsalveti, probably too late to get a jump on the hwc 1.2 task today, but did that 4.4 image ever become available?00:39
RAOFRootless working, finally.01:42
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RAOFAlthough for values of *working* that don't include non-origin window positioning or resizing.01:48
RAOFOr, really, any window management.01:48
RAOFTo the Shellinator!01:56
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dufluRAOF: Yeah I already knew what it can't yet do. But still, cool!02:04
RAOFOh, this is why Mir has to spawn the X server...02:11
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robotfuelRAOF: the depends has been fixed on mako02:42
dufluRAOF: The non-origin input issues are filed under: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bugs?field.tag=input03:00
RAOFrobotfuel: Thanks muchly!03:01
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rsalvetikdub: sorry, was having dinner while the image was being uploaded03:25
rsalvetigot a quite slow upload channel, but got the images at http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/aosp/03:26
rsalvetiyou need to flash root, system, boot into recovery, and flash http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/trusty-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip03:27
DalekSecduflu: For bug 1212753, it may be "related" to bug 1173649.  Had that problem myself, but didn't change xorg.conf on the live system to test it (causes other issues as well, so did on installed system.)04:24
ubot5bug 1212753 in mir (Ubuntu) "[i865] unity-system-compositor fails to start: Failed to choose ARGB EGL config" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121275304:24
ubot5bug 1173649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117364904:24
dufluDalekSec: When I tested an i810 (Pentium 3) system I noticed the same, Very interesting that you say being limited to 16-bit colour is a bug04:35
dufluIt might be coming from the kernel in that case04:35
DalekSecWhile I didn't say it was a bug, it's not a good default as it causes other programs to have issues.  It's not being set to 15 from the kernel, it's in the intel driver.  (As stated by the dev in the report.)04:37
DalekSec(I have a P4 with integrated.)04:39
dufluDalekSec: My point was that we see common behavior between Mir and X, and their closest common factor is the kernel04:46
duflu(intel driver)04:46
DalekSecAh, right.04:46
dufluHeh. ickly is being profoundly helpful as usual... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1173649/comments/4405:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1173649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Undecided,Opinion]05:30
dufluWelcome to summer :)06:06
kgunnduflu: so, to promote 0.1.4 dev to trusty, just need to tag the latest rev & then mp dev branch to trusty...07:45
kgunnnoticed we slightly changed...right? now we rely on the tag07:46
kgunnoh...already tagged i see07:47
duflukgunn: Correct. The tag is right07:55
dufluI thought greyback et al might be keen to get the flicker/snapshot fix07:57
greybackduflu: yep, we were07:58
dufluwere? are? :)07:58
greybacknah, not any more :P07:58
dufluOh well. 0.1.4 was plenty big enough to justify a release anyway. And we were 3.5 weeks past v0.1.307:59
* greyback saw the client RPC mechanism land, was happy08:00
* duflu recalls willfully staying out of that discussion, so glad he ignored the MP come to think of it08:03
anpokduflu: whats your opinion on having background color a part of the scene and giving it to begin vs GLRenderer having a color in the constructor08:06
dufluanpok: I'm not sure it fits in the mir concept of Scene. Your current design I think is cleaner08:06
dufluIt's a good stepping stone toward "how do we do custom GL in a bespoke shell?"08:07
anpokwhen i first started the change there was no begin/end in renderer but a clear instead..08:12
anpokso set_clear_color made some sense08:12
dufluanpok: Good point. I did intend for custom shells (like demo shell) to modify begin() in that case08:13
dufluPerhaps to inherit from GLRenderer and change it08:13
anpokso it looks a bit wierder now - and I wonder if moving to the GLRenderer constructor, and hence doing it udner the hood would be better08:13
anpokor that08:13
anpokduflu: I will change it to a struct .. but08:14
anpokjust made a test .. the tuple emits less binary size than the struct08:14
dufluanpok: That's unusual, but still worth a struct08:14
anpokthe difference is hard to notice, but the code looks of course better.08:15
anpokI nearly did it in the first place but felt bad about it since I had the feeling to provide more to it, to have a reason for adding a distinct structure...08:16
duflutypedefs can serve as documentation :)08:17
anpokis the opengl spec defining a default clear color?08:18
dufluanpok: Yes, but that includes alpha==0 (http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/)08:19
dufluI mean... http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glClearColor.xml08:20
dufluWhee, rotated displays minus distortion08:20
dufluPlus too many dependent branches08:21
anpokhm hardest problem is always coming up with a name08:22
anpokspeeking of that, my wife came up with names for our kids08:27
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* anpok is just listening to http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Inheritance-Is-The-Base-Class-of-Evil 08:29
* duflu downloads it for later08:35
anpokthat person gave a longer talk on the first day, much longer08:36
anpokand that one contains the motivation for that one..08:36
anpok.. next to other nice examples: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Cpp-Seasoning08:37
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kgunnduflu: i feel stupid (no mgr jokes please :)...but shouldn't there be a way to propose this09:02
kgunnvia launchpad button to trusty09:02
duflukgunn: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/version-0.1.4/+register-merge09:03
duflukgunn: Not sure if it will work though. Usually we merge dev into a child of lp:mir and then propose that09:03
kgunnduflu: thanks...dammit...just one level down09:03
kgunnduflu: ah...09:03
kgunnok will do09:03
dufluWell merge dev (-rv0.1.4)09:04
kgunnduflu: exactly...09:04
kgunnhas to the ver you tagged09:04
alan_g\o/ - talk accepted! http://accu.org/index.php/conferences/accu_conference_2014/accu2014_sessions#c_best_practice_-_designing_header_files09:35
kgunnduflu: fyi...https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/promote-ver-0.1.4/+merge/20156009:40
duflukgunn: OK, but instead of reviewing I'm running off to dinner :)09:49
kgunnduflu: enjoy....is happy birthday in order ?09:50
duflukgunn: Thanks but I'd rather avoid the thought09:50
alf_alan_g: Congratulations! Is this talk related to an article of a similar name you have written (I think it was in overload?)?10:21
alan_galf_: yes, that is the core10:22
anpokalan_g: hey, saw the TODO you had in your 2013 slides yesterday in code - when doing the other review - and thought about it..10:29
anpokwith the compile time trie..10:30
alan_ganpok: I've been resisting that temptation a long time now. It isn't a worthwhile optimisation.10:30
anpokyeah it is more of an intersting riddle to solve with new c++ features than anything you notice as an improvement afterwards10:33
anpokapart from one TODO less.10:33
alan_gIf you want something worthwhile, figure out why duflu added code to stop & start the compositor to unity-mir/DBusScreen::setScreenPowerMode() and do something less brutal. (c.f. https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/compositor-double-start-stop/+merge/201242)10:33
didrockskgunn: hey!10:39
didrockskgunn: we are about to start our "self service" release piloting by end of week, I wonder if the new Mir release will be a nice opportunity for that10:39
anpokalan_g: where did you see the change in unity-mir?10:45
sil2100That could be a good test of the process, as there are ABI breaks to handle10:45
alan_ganpok: bzr blame src/unity-mir/dbusscreen.cpp10:46
anpokah not a new change10:46
anpokthought you were referring to new branch for unity-mir10:47
alan_ganpok: sorry no, a bit of lp archaeology called for10:48
didrockssil2100: +110:48
didrockssil2100: and there is a client ABI break, so needs new xorg10:48
mlankhorstcan it be hooked up to xorg 1.15? :P10:48
didrockskgunn: I guess you forgot the xmir changes ^10:49
didrocksmlankhorst: it can if we go with the silo approach10:49
didrocksand if timelines matches10:49
mlankhorstwell expecting it in 2 weeks10:49
didrocksah, I think they will want it first though10:49
didrocksmlankhorst: I guess it's just a rebuild anyway, but let's see with them10:50
mlankhorstoh in that case just rebuild10:54
mlankhorstRAOF: ping11:04
anpokalan_g: hm yes duflu considered letting the display trigger the compositor to stop and start again11:04
mlankhorstRAOF: are you going to release xserver-xorg-video-ati ubuntu11 at some point? :P11:05
anpokbut according to the bug ticket comments there was no decision and the fix was to add compositor stop / start on power mode changes11:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255045 in unity-mir (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [High,Fix released]11:06
alan_ganpok: I suspect our current problem is manifested if the power mode is set but isn't changing.11:08
anpokpowerd probably sending multiple ons11:08
anpokor whatever also chats about power modes11:08
anpokbut doing more state tracking on unity-mir does not feel right11:08
anpokhm but for display configurations it already tracks wheter it would change the configuration11:10
alan_gunity-mir is stateful already, so that doesn't bother me11:14
alan_gbut It seems extreme to be stopping the compositor11:14
alan_gEspecially as, in principle, there could be outputs powered independently11:15
anpokis there a compositor instance per output?11:17
alan_galf_: can you think of a more elegant approach to bug 1255045 than stop/start of the compositor? ^^11:17
ubot5bug 1255045 in unity-mir (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125504511:17
anpokor is there one compositor for all?11:17
alan_gone compositor to rule all the compositing threads11:18
alan_g(Which are currently serialized because of a broken model)11:19
ogra_note that there is also https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-system-compositor/dbus-screen-fix/+merge/20121111:19
ogra_(for nested mode, i just tested it on maguro)11:20
alan_gogra_: thanks for the warning11:21
alf_alan_g: At the moment configure() recreates the DisplayBuffers, so the compositor needs to be stopped and restarted to read the new ones11:22
ogra_i actually think the hack from the session mir should be dropped for this, i doubt we will use it without u-s-c in the future11:22
ogra_(feels like duplication to leave it in place)11:22
alf_alan_g: so when changing just the power state we could retain the current displaybuffers => not start stop needed11:23
anpokalf_: do we need to inject some sort of screen-changed-please-redraw?11:24
alan_galf_: so displayConfig->configure_output(..) => displayConfig->power_mode(newPowerMode)11:26
alan_ganpok: we shouldn't need it if we don't discard the buffer11:26
anpokwhich we do now because the buffers are recreated because the config change.. ok11:27
anpokalan_g: or more logic in configure_output to detect changes that just boil down to power changes?11:28
alf_alan_g: anpok: right, the work happens in Display::configure(), the DisplayConfiguration is just a container of information11:29
alan_gAh yes.11:30
alan_gSo display->power_mode(newPowerMode)11:30
kgunndidrocks: thanks for the catch...11:31
anpokalan_g: alf_: but on android it does not seem to do more right now - it actually just checks for power mode changes11:32
alf_anpok: on Mesa it doesn't though...11:33
alf_alan_g: anpok: Alternatively we could continue with start/stop, but hiding it from unity-mir. For example unity-mir could use the DisplayChanger class (or similar)11:33
alan_galf_: +1 for hiding it from unity-mir and USC11:34
anpokalan_g: you refered to as broken because it create a thread for each display that then just sits and waits of a trigger, instead of using the pool we already have from asio..11:36
anpokalf_: you display conf change AND DisplayChanger? or something new?11:37
alan_ganpok: actually I was referring to the "lock the world, paint an output, unlock the world" bottleneck11:37
alf_alan_g: anpok: so unity-mir could use an interface like PowerManager (yes, we can probably find a better name) which is implemented by injecting code to {stop() configure() start()} into our main loop11:38
anpokalf_: why arent we doing that also for display configuration changes?11:42
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anpok|lunchi mean the existing DisplayConfiguration::configure_output somethig11:42
alf_kgunn: On Nexus 10, glCopyTexSubImage2D is for some reason too slow when copying to a texture backed by an EGLImage. Interestingly it's fast when the texture is not backed by an EGLImage. I am looking into/measuring alternatives, like rendering to a texture (backed by the buffer we want to send to the client) first and rendering that to the screen, when we need to take a screenshot11:43
alf_anpok|lunch: I don't understand what you mean11:44
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alf_kgunn: ideally we would want to use multiple render targets (drawing to multiple buffers at once), but that's not supported in ES 2.011:52
kgunnalf_: right11:53
kgunnalf_: wonder if just a dma memcpy would be faster than farting around with glteximage calls11:54
alf_kgunn: Which API allows us to do that with GPU buffer data?11:57
alf_kgunn: does Android have something for this?11:57
kgunnalf_: if its system memory it shouldn't matter that it also happens to be mapped into for gpu use11:58
kgunnshould it ?11:59
alf_kgunn: no, but that's true only for unified memory systems12:00
kgunnalf_: right...i am making assumptions12:00
kgunni thot everything after old n7 was unified12:01
alf_kgunn: you are forgetting the desktop case ;)12:01
alf_kgunn: however it's not a bad assumption to make and that's the other alternative I was considering: doing it differently on android vs mesa (i.e. not depending necessarily on GL)12:02
kgunnalf_:yeah...on desktop cpu is fast enough12:03
kgunnalf_: and i think in general glteximage khronos spec iirc has some12:03
alf_kgunn: (but I need to wait for kdub to discuss what android offers us in terms of buffer copying)12:04
kgunnaspects to it, where it has to do some weird backstore preservation stuff12:04
kgunnthat you're simply not interested in12:04
kgunnbut...its part of the spec...and just slows it down12:05
alf_kgunn: @preservation, that gave me an idea...12:12
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rsalvetikdub: were you able to flash 4.4?20:37
kdubrsalveti, i flashed it, didnt get the wifi to work though.20:42
kdubis that expected?20:42
rsalvetikdub: did you also flash the radio?20:50
kdubi flashed CM11, and then flashed system, recovery, ubuntu touch, boot20:51
kdubi got a could-not-access on the .img's in the link you sent20:51
rsalvetikdub: weird, maybe an image was being uploaded when you tried20:54
rsalvetikdub: I don't think CM11 would flash the radio20:54
rsalvetikdub: flash the bootloader & radio as I said on my email, and try again20:54
rsalvetilet me check the permission again20:55
kdubah, its working now20:55
rsalvetikdub: indeed, you should be able to access them now20:55
kdubokay, ill let you know how it goes shortly20:56
rsalvetikdub: great21:03
kdubrsalveti, still having radio/wifi problems, will reflash21:24
rsalvetikdub: weird, ok21:27
kdubrsalveti, i got (from clockworkmod) 'root access missing', with a yes/no to obtain root, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary21:42
kdubrsalveti, worked this time flashing though21:43
kdubi fastboot formatted a few partitions21:43
rsalvetikdub: yeah, you can ignore that, need to get that fixed21:43
rsalvetigot it21:43
rsalvetiyeah, I flashed the 4.4.2 factory image before flashing our image21:43
rsalvetithat also erases everything21:44
kdubrsalveti, at any rate, have the image working, so starting to get mir to run, thanks21:45
rsalvetikdub: great21:46
RAOFmlankhorst: That would be a reasonable plan, wouldn't it :)22:22
RAOFmlankhorst: Got a bug reference for it?22:23
mlankhorstRAOF: no, was just curious22:27
RAOFBut you're right, I should release it now :)22:27

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