
work_alkisgHi, a packaging question please? Packages A, B, and C are not installed on a system, and they all Provide: P.06:54
work_alkisgEach of them Depends: on a different package, e.g. a, b, c. Packages a and b are not installed on that system, but package c is.06:54
work_alkisgIf I try to install package X, which Depends: P, will apt be smart enough to select the C package that doesn't require additional packages (a or b) to be installed?06:54
=== work_alkisg is now known as alkisg
Zhenechalkisg, i think not.07:25
alkisgThank you Zhenech07:29
dholbachgood morning07:55
iulianGood morning dholbach.08:40
dholbachhi iulian08:41
fr33r1d3Q: Best place to start contributing to Ubuntu. Is it Ubuntu Touch?08:42
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s1adenfr33r1d3: perhaps there is an programme/application you use, that you have a niggle with and thing could be improved09:37
s1adenfr33r1d3: having a goal makes knowing where to start much easier, as you can research and work towards adding the feature/bug that you want to see09:38
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micahgdholbach: no, this new team won't have voting rights, yes, I'll get an icon up there, right now, all uploaders are still in ubuntu-dev anyways13:32
TheLordOfTimeI can request merges of packages to Trusty from Debian up to when?  Feature Freeze?18:56
cjwatsonyes.  after that it's still possible but will require a consideration of whether there are feature changes; if there are then it would need an exception granted by the release team18:58
cjwatsonbut up to FF with no paperwork18:58
TheLordOfTimethat's what i thought18:59
michagogo|cloudWhat would need to be done to propose an SRU that essentially removes Bitcoin from the repos for (precise..saucy)?19:00
michagogo|cloudIf I understand correctly, while actually removing it is not possible, it would be possible to have an "update" that removes its functionality.19:01
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:53
=== menesis_ is now known as menesis
TheLordOfTimeIn general, if I find a patch to fix an FTBFS of something that's in universe that's in the CURRENTDEVRELEASE-proposed repository, how do I get the patch into the system?  Open a bug, attach the patch/debdiff, and poke sponsors?  Or is it a different method?22:14
TheLordOfTime(where CURRENTDEVRELEASE is ubuntu+1 prior to freezes and such)22:14
TheLordOfTime(i.e. trusty for now)22:14
Laneythat is right, where 'poke' is 'subscribe'22:14
TheLordOfTimeLaney: i hate it when packages break because GTK 3.10+ causes code to fail and features in the code to be deprecated (case in point, source: wireshark)23:39
TheLordOfTime(this is a tricky FTBFS that i'm trying to get to build, but meh.)23:39
TheLordOfTime(in case yo uwere curious why i'm asking)23:40
TheLordOfTimes/asking/asking about the "fix an ftbfs in develrelease-proposed" thing/23:40

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