=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [00:30] daftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (tony13) [04:19] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16)) [09:52] In #ubuntu, Guest2244 said: Ubottu - I got this output after trying your suggestion "There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth (providing /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth): /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth [11:20] k1l_: he's a known problem [11:21] he gives terrible advice, a bad attitude and is just a rubbish contribution to #ubuntu [11:21] well, the nick rings my bells [11:21] He has been banned from -ot a few times. [11:22] he's just rubbish contributions to any ubuntu channel [11:22] that's the bottom line [11:22] calinou spreading FUD in #u [11:22] he's hassling them in pm/notice now [11:22] enough of this guy [11:23] I have problem [11:23] yes [11:25] I got banned unfairly [11:26] 12.04 is fully supported [11:27] yes it is [11:27] you end up not being able to use some software at all [11:28] false [11:31] you then continued to /msg and /notice the user you advised as such [11:32] why ban for that? [11:32] it's outside of channel [11:32] that user also should NOT reveal PMs [11:32] they are supposed to be private [11:32] I talked there to have freedom of speech again [11:32] Calinou: lets make it clear [11:32] it's a support channel, to give accurate support [11:33] Calinou: your persistnat poor advice in ubuntu channels, your attitude in ubuntu channels and the ammount of kicks/warnings/short bans you've had make it clear your current way of using IRC is not compatible with the ubuntu channels [11:33] you have a choice a.) go away - think about it and change 2.) use other projects channels [11:33] except that I use ubuntu [11:33] what if I have a support question? [11:33] that's your problem [11:33] use askubuntu.com [11:33] or forums [11:34] that's not a real solution [11:34] you have the 2 choices [11:34] or whatever [11:34] Myrtti, you're not really wanted to talk here [11:34] go away and have a think about it for a while, and make your choice [11:34] oh? [11:34] Calinou: she's offering you advice [11:34] Calinou: this is the "bad" attitude you show [11:34] so thank you for hilighting it [11:34] now please leave the channel and think about your choice [11:34] ikonia, your opinion is biased too [11:34] there will be no more disucssion at this time [11:35] cue in pm from him in 3... 2... [11:35] who cares [11:35] he's just a waste of space [11:35] really.... [11:35] I'm not worried about him pm'ing you [11:35] sure sure [12:43] Pici: oh right, rebecca ;( [12:55] "holy catfish" [17:39] [18:37:43] --> graped2 has joined this channel (~chatzilla@artemis.asta.uni-mainz.de). [17:39] same host as guy who was asking about (very) illegal things, including chatzilla [17:42] hadn't you banned him? [17:43] IdleOne: yeah but by nickname only, since that host is an educational institution [17:43] have we seen anyone else from that school join our channels? [17:44] I suppose you could just see what happens [17:58] IdleOne: no one else from that host in my logs [17:59] doesn't seem interested in trolling so far [17:59] IdleOne: i wish he was trying to troll :\ [17:59] he's actually in ##law which i pointed to him [18:04] hmm, interesting channel [22:48] same ip just stating some minutes ago: hey im working on a java drive by, is there any way to do it without the run java prompt [22:51] k1l: I'm a little busy at the moment. Would you mind adding comments about that to the ban I made in the BT? I wgot the page and viewed it with less and it asked users to run an exe, so clearly mallicious. [22:51] kk [22:53] Thank you.