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yolandajamespage, the nova-compute-vmware package is correctly tested? i'm having errors when installing nova-compute package after nova-compute-vmware has been installed12:25
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yolandajamespage, i saw my problem is related with that bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/106233612:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1062336 in nova "nova-compute expects libvirtd group" [High,Triaged]12:36
jamespageyolanda, its untested12:36
yolandabut there is a won't fix from your side , can you explain me why?12:36
jamespageand its a hack for < icehouse12:36
jamespageyolanda, that's actually fix commited for trusty12:36
yolandaok, i'm testing that on precise machines12:37
yolandajamespage, testing with that version from cloud archive: 1:2013.2-0ubuntu1~cloud012:38
yolandathat needs updating?12:38
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jamespageyolanda, I suspect it needs a workaround in that charm for the moment12:40
yolandajust create the group manually?12:40
jamespageyolanda, its going to be horrible - something like creating the group manually12:40
jamespagebut just for < icehouse12:40
jamespageyolanda, the objective is to get this charm running in LXC containers so that we can nest them in amongst other openstack services12:41
yolandayou meant that installing these package is a workaround for icehouse? what changes in icehouse?12:41
jamespageyolanda, the next drop of icehouse packages fix this12:41
yolandathe group issue, you mean12:41
jamespagenova-compute no longer depends on libvirt12:41
yolandagot it12:41
jamespagewe have a nova-compute-libvirt package12:41
jamespagewhich -kvm etc.. depend on12:41
yolandaok, i'll create the group just for < icehouse12:42
jamespageroaksoax, OK if I assign you some other maas related MIR stuff?12:45
jamespageyolanda, fancy doing an MIR alongside your charm work?13:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1268920 in qstat "[MIR] fping and qstat, recommends of nagios-plugins" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:02
jamespage(its good distro experience)13:02
roaksoaxjamespage: please do!13:05
zuljamespage:  beanstalk got fixed so ill kick off the builds in the lab as well13:08
jamespageroaksoax, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pycountry/+bug/126891513:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1268915 in python-dns "[MIR] pycountry and python-dns, b-d's of python-formencode" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:25
jamespagezul, good-oh13:25
jamespagezul, how are we looking for b2 generally?13:25
yolandajamespage, ok13:25
jamespageyolanda, thanks!13:25
roaksoaxjamespage: thanks!13:25
zuljamespage:  ill let you know today13:28
zuljamespage:  fping and qstat was not part of nagios-plugins at one point we specifically disabled them at one point13:29
jamespagezul, oh - so that might have got re-enabled?13:29
jamespageyolanda, ^^13:29
zuljamespage:  qstat -  Command-line tool for querying quake (and other) servers ;)13:29
jamespagezul, oh ffs13:29
jamespageyolanda, thats probably actually a package update for nagios to drop those deps13:30
jamespageyolanda, I think that got missed on the last merge (I'll let you read the changelog :-))13:31
yolandaso i should do the MIR for those 2 packages, and drop then from nagios, right?13:31
zuljamespage:  i feel like abraham simpson now13:34
* zul ties an obion to his belt13:34
zulonion even13:34
jamespageyolanda, no - fixup the package and mark those bug reports as invalid13:36
jamespageyolanda, I think the problem is that they are reverse-recommends of nagios-plugins-standard13:37
jamespageyolanda, xnox did an update on the previous ubuntu version to make them depends of the -extra package which is in universe13:38
yolandaand this got lost? i need to take a look at the packages to know about them13:39
roaksoaxjamespage: hey! so I seek your advice. The latest kombu Depends on python-librabbitmq | python-amqp. This preference over librabbitmq causes that when celery (used by MAAS) install kombu, it installs librabbitmq by default causing celery to crash, meaning a broken MAAS13:40
jamespageroaksoax, I'm assuming celery does not like librabbitmq then?13:41
roaksoaxjamespage: so, given that we also use kombu for openstack, do you think we should make a strong preference for python-amqp over python-librabbitmq (as in Depends on python-amqp | python-librabbitmq ? )13:41
roaksoaxjamespage: you are correct!13:41
roaksoaxjamespage: i can work around it in MAAS by depending on python-amqp and possibly conflicting with python-librabbitmq, however, I'm concern of the effect it could also have in openstack the fact that its preference is python-librabbitmq13:42
jamespageroaksoax, hmm13:44
jamespageroaksoax, why does celery crash?13:44
jamespageroaksoax, librabbitmq provides native bindings so should be more performant13:45
roaksoaxjamespage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6750300/13:46
jamespageroaksoax, well surely that is a bug?13:48
roaksoaxjamespage: it is indeed. rvba has been looking at it, and it seems he can't figure out why it doesn't like librabbitmq13:49
jamespageroaksoax, https://github.com/celery/librabbitmq/commit/3bacd49cdfaa77a318f99b4f02fabe6bf73301a913:51
jamespageroaksoax, we are a couple of point releases out-of-date - I'd suggest updating to 1.0.3 and re-testing13:52
jamespage1.0.2 includes that fix13:52
jamespageroaksoax, funny - I can't actually reproduce that issue13:55
roaksoaxjamespage: uhmm weird.. we have lab integration tests failing because of that13:56
jamespageroaksoax, I'd recommend the bump anyway13:56
roaksoaxjamespage: will do :) thanks for the input13:58
jamespageroaksoax, np13:58
roaksoaxrvba: ^^14:03
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zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/ftbfs-jan14/+merge/20160014:53
jamespagezul, why's the tests failing?14:54
zuljamespage:  sqlalchemy14:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1269008 in nova "Icehouse failing with sqlalchemy 0.8.3" [Undecided,New]14:55
jamespagezul, I think I saw the same in neutron actually14:56
jamespagezul, i'd rather we did not ignore that test error14:56
jamespageits actually quite badly broken14:56
jamespageso we should fix it properly rather than by-passing the tests IMHO14:56
zuljamespage:  not surprising i think the db stuff is being synched from oslo-incubator14:56
zuljamespage:  yeah i totally agree but sqlalchemy is not my strong suit14:57
jamespagezul, SQLAlchemy>=0.7.8,<=0.7.9914:58
jamespageso they won't have seen this upstream right?14:58
zulthe mirantis guys usually care about sqlalchemy 0.814:58
zuljamespage:  also seeing this at the end of builds http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6750843/15:02
jamespagezul, oh - ignore that15:03
jamespagethats jenkins15:03
zuljamespage:  its causing the redballs though ;)15:03
smoserjamespage, can you quick sanity check http://paste.ubuntu.com/6750876/15:04
smoserjust that the format of the commit is right.15:04
jamespagezul, dang15:04
smoserthats debian/source/format 1.0 and i've not done anything like that in quite a while.15:04
jamespagesmoser, looks ok15:05
jamespage1.0 urhg15:05
jamespagesmoser, zul: can you sanity check this for me - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6750912/15:13
zuljamespage:  looks ok15:14
smoserjamespage, do you not need any version checking in the postinst/postrm on the mv_conffile ?15:16
smoseri gues because the older version wouldn't exist if you'd already done it.15:16
smoserand i'm guessing mv_conffile does something sane if the new name exists already.15:17
jamespagesmoser, I think that the helper handles that all - hence the pass of "$@"15:17
smoserjamespage, well i dont know how it could possibly know that.15:17
smoserit wouldn't have any idea what version supported the new confi file and what supported the old.15:17
jamespagethats passed as a param15:17
smoserah. ok. i was thinking that was just a old-conf extension.15:18
smoserthat makes sense then.15:18
jamespagesmoser, coolio15:23
* jamespage waits for 25 mins to be able to test15:23
yolanda do we have some rationaly for fping and qstat, or some main reasons why we want a MIR?15:27
jamespageyolanda, they don't need to be MIR'ed15:29
jamespageyolanda, just drop them from the Recommends on the -standard package15:29
yolandaoh, i misunderstood it15:29
yolandaeasier then15:29
jamespageyolanda, the mir was raised automatically15:29
jamespageyolanda, however it should not be required15:30
yolandaok, understand now15:30
jamespagezul, fixing up plugins on the jenkins server now15:42
zuljamespage:  ack thanks15:42
zuljamespage:  i have a fix for the nova problem15:47
jamespagezul, OK _ I think jenkins is fixed now15:51
zuljamespage:  cool thanks15:51
jamespagezul, out of date plugins15:52
jamespagefor the version in raring at least15:52
jamespagezul, OK - better15:53
zuljamespage:  coolio15:54
yolandasent debdiff here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fping/+bug/126892015:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1268920 in qstat "[MIR] fping and qstat, recommends of nagios-plugins" [Undecided,In progress]15:57
paco1hi folks!16:10
paco1i have an issue with my new openldap servers on ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 > (Too Many Open Files). I put on "/etc/security/limits.conf" "* hard nofile 4096" but when it comes at 1800 (with lsof | wc -l comand), it's the same > (Too Many Open Files).16:13
paco1with ulimit comand, come back to 1024 after a reboot16:16
jamespagezul, 585M16:36
zuljamespage:  hmm?16:36
jamespagezul, size of the server iso now!16:36
zuljamespage:  wtf?16:36
jamespagezul: I applied the seed changes to drop a load of stuff16:37
zuljamespage:  ah good...maybe we can get it smaller :)16:37
zuljamespage:  i need to do the MIR for workflow16:38
paco1if anyone can help me, thanks!16:39
paco1how can i grow the nomber of open files that by defaults it's 1024?16:53
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TheLordOfTimewhat's ulimit -N and why isn't it documented in the manpage?16:54
glosolihey folks, any ideas how could one edit PATH in Ubuntu server with no user available except root ?16:56
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glosoliI am not sure where the bashrc belongs16:56
hitsujiTMOglosoli: as in the global PATH? that should be in /etc/environment17:03
psivaahallyn: bug #1269073 is for tomcat failure that i said in the meeting17:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1269073 in tomcat7 "test_tomcat_daemon smoke test failure on images with 3.13 kernel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126907317:03
glosolihitsujiTMO: Oh thanks sir, is it safe to add smth in there ?17:03
hallynpsivaa: ok, i think jamespage sounded interested17:03
jamespagethanks hallyn17:03
psivaahallyn: ohh, ack. sorry about that17:03
jamespagepsivaa, trying to reproduce that but I can't locally17:04
hitsujiTMOglosoli: as long as you don't break it. a malformed PATH will cause major headaches.17:04
psivaajamespage: i installed manually and was able to reproduce17:04
glosolihitsujiTMO; ok thanks mr17:04
psivaajamespage: the issue is only with images 20140109 onwards17:05
hitsujiTMOglosoli: is it just for one user you want to change or for all users?17:05
jamespagepsivaa, looking that that bug report the control port is not listening17:05
jamespage8005 normally17:05
psivaaright. when i downgraded the kernel it did17:05
glosolihitsujiTMO: I am the only one behind administrating this my very private server for hosting stuff to show others, and there is only one user which is root and I see no point of creating new user17:05
glosoliit's mostly experiment usage like17:06
glosolito deploy project, to check how it works and bla bla17:06
glosoliI am not sys admin, just some young dev, trying to play with deploying of stuff17:06
hitsujiTMOglosoli: then maybe have it in /root/.profile              as:             PATH=/path/to/new/path:$PATH17:06
glosolihitsujiTMO: aaa I see, thanks!17:07
hitsujiTMOglosoli: even just when playing around you should use a normal user with sudo priviledges. Its a much more secure way of doing things17:07
glosolihitsujiTMO: I do understand that, though if someone hacks your server, they probably have all the knowledge to go all the way through, consider is just for testing purposes, I don't see anyone interested in it, at least now, maybe I am just naive17:09
hitsujiTMOglosoli: even a tersting server someone will want to hack. they'll want it so they can run their own software on it, may it be spam software or a bot net or what not17:09
glosoliI see, it's just for ~4 days I hope it goes well hmm17:10
jamespagepsivaa, is the securerandom stuff taking longer that normal under 3.1317:11
jamespagepsivaa, INFO: Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using [SHA1PRNG] took [87,453] milliseconds.17:11
jamespageand I pushed that in by install havegd17:11
TheLordOfTimewhat's `ulimit -N` for, and why isn't it documented in the manpage?  anyone know?17:15
jamespagesmb, can you take a glance at bug 126907317:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1269073 in tomcat7 "test_tomcat_daemon smoke test failure on images with 3.13 kernel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126907317:15
jamespageit appears related to the 3.13 kernel bump17:15
smbjamespage, yeah, can have a look17:16
jamespagesmb, thanks - anything that might cause less entropy in /dev/random in virtual machines is probably relevant17:16
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smbjamespage, Ok, well just something in  a minor kernel version update... :)17:18
jamespagesmb, I'm sure you will find it easy to ID the issue and resolve :-)17:18
rbasaksmoser: your thoughts on bug 1258113 please?17:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1258113 in cloud-init "Cannot determine boot-finished state reliably" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125811317:20
semiosisjamespage: ping17:24
semiosisjamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~semiosis/ubuntu/trusty/glusterfs/fix-for-126806417:24
jamespagesemiosis, hello17:24
semiosishi!  i made a merge proposal.  it includes an update to the new (latest) glusterfs release, and also updates the upstart stuff17:25
semiosisi figured out the instance line issue btw17:25
jamespagesemiosis, I think you forgot to add the mounting-glusterfs upstart job to your branch17:28
semiosispretty sure i built & tested this17:29
semiosislet me check17:29
semiosiswow, how did that happen17:30
semiosismy change to the rules file was committed, and the glusterfs-server.mounting-glusterfs.upstart file was removed & re-added verbatim, instead of the glusterfs-server.mounting-glusterfs.upstart being added17:31
semiosisi mean instead of the glusterfs-client.mounting-glusterfs.upstart being added17:32
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semiosislooking at my working dir and i have the right stuff here... so the test build i did with pbuilder was correct.  somehow the commit/push didnt include this change17:34
semiosisi never ran bzr add on the new file!17:35
psivaasmb: the raid1 installation issue that we are seeing after 3.13 is reported in bug #126908617:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1269086 in linux "RAID1 installations fail to complete on trusty server images with 3.13 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126908617:37
semiosisjamespage: ok i wasnt reading the diff correctly in regards to the glusterfs-server.mounting-glusterfs.upstart being re-added verbatim.  it was removed as it should have been17:39
semiosisi've pushed a new commit with the glusterfs-client.mounting-glusterfs.upstart file, the diff shows it now17:39
smbpsivaa, Thanks17:39
semiosisthx for catching this!17:40
smbjamespage, psivaa For the tomcat thing... Not really sure whether I just look in the wrong place... Where would be any kernel messages during the daemon start (if there are any)?17:43
semiosisjamespage: fixed. https://code.launchpad.net/~semiosis/ubuntu/trusty/glusterfs/fix-for-1268064/+merge/20128017:44
jamespagesemiosis, yup - got it17:45
semiosisok great17:45
psivaasmb: i could not find any specific kernel messages for this in syslog, or kern.log17:46
jamespagesemiosis, might be tomorrow before i get to upload but looks good17:49
semiosisthats great! thanks :D17:49
semiosisjamespage: this was a lot easier than i remember it being back in 201217:50
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jamespagesemiosis, uploaded - thanks!17:57
semiosiswow that was fast17:57
semiosisyou're welcome17:57
semiosisjamespage: should i set the bug to Fix Released now?17:58
jamespagesemiosis, that will happen automatically17:59
semiosisoh nice!17:59
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mndohi! I am trying to configure openldap to use ssl but these https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecuringOpenLDAPConnections instructions don't work, anyone has any pointers to put me in the right path? Thank you18:12
psivaasmb: jamespage: fyi, port 8005 in fact starts to listen in about 14+ mins after the reboot. checked once. could try a few more times to see the timing if that helps18:14
psivaarewtraw: the tomcat issue that is18:14
smbpsivaa, I think before spending too much time on those two bugs, there is currently a newer kernel which is still in proposed. Could you re-run the two tests when 3.13.0-3.18 or later becomes current. And if problems persist with that I go back looking at them.18:14
psivaasmb: ok, if that's in -proposed i could test that18:15
smbpsivaa, Yes it sits in proposed right now18:16
biggdadd73join #ubuntu18:31
rharpersmoser: looking for some help debugging maas-import-ephemerals importing trusty images from the daily stream;  right now maas-import-ephemerals doesn't print anything and returns 0; but it doesn't download the trusty image into /var/lib/maas/ephemeral18:54
Kaffienanyone here with setting up a scsi target on  ubuntu server?19:12
zanzacarMy work is finally making the switch from being a Novel server to a ubuntu server. Everything seems to be going alright but the higher ups are worried about tech support/IT support if one of us set up the server and then there isn't anyone to support it if there is any problems. Does anyone know if any Ubuntu/Linux tech support to reassure the higher ups?19:12
Kaffiendarnit i meant  iscsi.19:12
geniizanzacar: You can find out about paid support for Ubuntu Server here: http://www.ubuntu.com/server/management   ( anywhere from $320-$1200 USD  annually) . There's also always this channel where you can ask for free.19:17
smoserrharper, it probably thinks it has stuff in /var/lib/maas/ephemeral/.[something]19:19
smoserwhich it shouldnht have.19:19
smosergenii, that was a really good answer to zanzacar's question.19:19
psivaasmb: the tomcat issue is still present with kernel version 3.13.0-3.1819:21
sarnoldzanzacar: paid or unpaid, you can also files bugs into launchpad using 'ubuntu-bug'19:21
geniismoser: Maybe I should make a factoid containing the essential for future use :)19:24
zanzacargenii: Thanks I did see that but when I contacted them it doesn't seem to be for one off servers and more like larger scale things.19:25
geniizanzacar: Most times answers can be had here in the channel for many questions. Did you speak to a Canonical representative in person, or by email, etc, about your specific needs?19:27
zanzacarI have my own server at home. I think it is great, I also find this channel very helpful as well. The higher ups want to be able to pay al-a-carte for support as they seem fit. ( Mainly emergencies ). We really are a small firm ( 4 people ) using minor server needs mainly just a file server.19:29
zanzacarIts the higher up that want something to help ease their feelings about going this route. Linux to them is a proprietary weird thing that they will never be able to get anyone to work on if I left. So if I can just show them there are people out there that are reasonably trained I can move forward essentially.19:30
zanzacarI tried to look up San Diego Linux Support and I can't seem to find very many tech/computer repair places that meet my needs.19:33
sarnoldzanzacar: it's true that landscape would probably not that useful with only a single machine, but I would hope that the rest of the support and services for a single machine would be pretty straightforward if you wanted it..19:33
geniizanzacar: Canonical has certification programs with Linux Professional Institute ( www.lpi.org/ ) , If you contact one of their regional people for your area, they may be able to help you find a qualified person which you can hire on an as-needed basis.19:35
sarnoldzanzacar: that's not a big surprise; I suspect most linux experts would be professional system administrators or "devops" depending upon if they like the new lingo :) -- I suspect you might be able to find someone through a local users group or stack exchange careers -- the folks behind askubuntu.com19:35
genii( alternately, get someone in the company certified by them)19:35
zanzacargenii: Excellent certified and everything. I will look into lpi.org. I would get certified but that doesn't help the company if I leave.19:36
TJ-zanzacar: For ad-hoc don't discount remote admins ... often you can get better skills and lower cost and faster response19:36
zanzacarThat is very true.19:37
sarnoldwhich is one of the nice aspects of irc :) free ad-hoc remote debugging advice :)19:38
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zanzacarI have found that ubuntu has one of the better user communities which is also the reason I am suggesting going with this over redhat or a paid for system of sorts. If only it was my choice.19:41
zanzacarThanks for all the tips/thoughts.19:49
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TheLordOfTimehow can I force a time update on a server off a time server19:54
hitsujiTMOTheLordOfTime: ntpupdate ip.of.ntp.server19:55
hitsujiTMOTheLordOfTime: with sudo ofc19:55
TheLordOfTimehitsujiTMO: do i need to worry about it not giving me any output?19:58
TheLordOfTimehitsujiTMO: is there anything I can install to automate this too?19:58
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sarnoldsome folks shove ntpdate calls into a cronjob, so if one server doesn't respond, they'll get a chance to call another one soon enough20:00
hitsujiTMOTheLordOfTime: set it as a cron job20:00
TheLordOfTimei should've read the server guide, ntpd continually calculates the drift and adjusts it, according to the server guide (12.04)20:01
TheLordOfTimewould ntpd work for what I need without me needing to fuss with cron?20:02
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: yes, ntpd is preferred if you can use it20:06
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: the discontinuous time jumps of ntpdate are best tolerated during early boot; e.g. select(2) timeouts can take longer or shorter than expected if ntpdate jumps the time around20:07
TheLordOfTimesarnold: ntpd should be fine for what I need.20:08
sarnoldyay :) use that :)20:08
TheLordOfTimesarnold: purely curious, why is the package that provide ntpd called `ntp` and not `ntpd`?20:08
rharpersmoser: I cleaned the dir out; it literally produces no output; I'm trying to just see what's happening; it doesn't appear that the ephemeral_script.py does any logging what so ever, so it's really hard to tell whats going wrong20:09
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: guessing, because it provides multiple tools around the network time protocol, and not just the daemon..20:09
TheLordOfTimesarnold: looks like ntp, ntp-doc, and ntpdate are all part of the same source package, ntp.20:10
* TheLordOfTime shrugs20:10
TheLordOfTimemaybe you're right though20:10
pmatulis_TheLordOfTime: yeah, ntpd or openntpd don't work if the time discrepancy is too large (5 minutes?)20:11
smoserrharper, i haven't looked at it in a while.20:11
smoserthat program has all sorts of improvements it could have.20:11
rharpersmoser: hehe20:11
smoseri really suspect that it is finding a cache and thinks its "done"20:12
TheLordOfTimepmatulis_: so ntpdate before setting up ntpd is not a bad idea, then20:12
* TheLordOfTime ran ntpdate prior to ntpd being installed, to grab the server data20:12
TheLordOfTimeand to update the time :P20:12
pmatulis_TheLordOfTime: i've never had to do the cron job thing.  i've only had a problem when running a guest in virtualbox20:13
pmatulis_vmware too prolly20:13
TheLordOfTimepmatulis_: ah.  considering i have three servers I need the time to be accurate for (one for IRC logs for certain channels, one for bitcoin data timestamps to be accurate, and one for webserver logs to be accurate), I kinda need it updated, so ntpd should work for what I need20:14
TheLordOfTimei did use ntpdate to update the time first though, so maybe all shall be good20:14
bekksuse ntpdate once, and ntpd afterwards.20:15
bgardnerbekks: +120:16
semiosismy launchpad karma doesnt count any PPA uploads in the last year, since Jan '13.  did something change so PPA uploads no longer add karma?21:11
Picisemiosis: You might want to ask in #launchpad (too)21:11
semiosisPici: thx, I will21:11
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