
JonathanDhi rmg5110:08
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else13:06
lazypowermorning gentlemen14:02
ChinnoDogThere is only kerchunking on w3wan today14:43
ChinnoDogAn automated way to know if you can hit the repeater would fix this.15:37
KyleYankanOR y'know - put a CQ out and ask for a signal report.15:38
ChinnoDogThat is obviously too much work for some people15:39
KyleYankanKerchunking happens by people enjoying button pressin, or errant microphones/HT's bouncing around usually15:39
jedijfor that weirdo from u of p - i think they found wan16:07
jedijfChinnoDog: make a contact yet?16:08
* jedijf monitors w3wan ..been on u of p all morning - except 5-6 was on wan16:09
jedijfKyleYankan: n2icv said 'you're cool' yesterday - i quickly corrected him16:11
KyleYankanjedijf: Thanks, I don't want any rumors to spread.16:11
jedijfKyleYankan: mailing list drama - crazy people16:12
jedijfOT not 'allowed' has created ....drama16:12
KyleYankanhah. I need to get on that list sometime16:13
jedijfKyleYankan: all you have to do is email n2icv at hotmail and ask - he likes you, you'll get link - might take a bit, but he'll ok you16:14
KyleYankanwill hop on it in 2 minutes16:14
KyleYankanAlso a old firehouse buddy is studying to get his tech16:15
JonathanDKyleYankan: testing at fosscon? come on man, we're almost there right?16:15
KyleYankani still dont know any VE's, but jedijf is a better networker than I :-P16:16
ChinnoDogjedijf is a better networker than all of us.16:33
waltmanAs part of my continuing effort to connect to Kids These Days, today's lecture on polymorphism referenced Ylvis.16:40
ChinnoDogWho is that?16:43
jedijfJonathanD: it's pretty much a done deal - testing at FOSSCON - there will be some amateur radio stuff at FOSSCON16:44
JonathanDjedijf: hardware and radio mini-track16:49
jedijfwell there are many subjects that cross - raspberry pi - sdr - etc16:51
jedijfso yeah, as i network, fosscon constantly comes up16:51
jedijfimagine that16:51
jedijfJonathanD: fedora is a VE16:52
JonathanDjedijf: is that cause you bring it up? ::P16:53
JonathanDjedijf: tonight is radio night at PLUG north.16:53
JonathanDsend em all over.16:53
jedijfJonathanD: waiting for fosscon - don't want to waste their enthusiasm - want it all to be to fosscon's advantage17:04
jedijfand gives me time to build it up17:04
waltmanChinnoDog: They're the band who do the viral video "What Does The Fox Say?"17:19
waltmanwhich you really need to watch if you haven't seen it17:19
waltmanit seems they're really a norwegian comedy duo.17:19
ChinnoDogI've seen it but I didn't remember that was their name.17:22
jedijfwhat does the fox say?17:22
JonathanDa bunch of wierd stuff that I don't really believe foxes say.17:25
waltmanit's an impressively bizarre video17:27
jedijfi love it actually17:28
JonathanDgoing to break my video again now.17:47
JonathanDgraphics broken again17:52
InHisName1There's a christmas decorated yard that uses that song, real cute to see on you tube.17:53
JonathanDcompiz working with dual monitor!17:55
lazypowerJonathanD: Congrats!17:56
JonathanDwas the fix18:01
lazypowerJonathanD: you should put that up on askubuntu so others can benefit from your work18:04
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!18:09
lazypowerGreetings SamuraiAlba18:11
SamuraiAlbaHow is it going?18:11
lazypowerForward :)18:18
SamuraiAlbaI'm debating installing email service on my Centos server for my domains18:24
lazypowerI find running my own email server for anything beyond machine messaging is a chore. So i let google do it for me19:30

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