
delti installed lubuntu-desktop, it added a "gnome" menu entry which left my ubuntu box in an unusable state. way to go guys :302:23
delthad to manually edit config files to disable auto-login02:23
MaynardW1tersping holstein02:24
deltbtw, how do you edit/add/remove the entries in the desktop-environment selection on the login screen?02:24
deltand decide which is the default for auto-login?02:24
Unit193Default should be in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ or /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf02:25
deltisn't that per user?02:26
deltshould be in my home dir somewhere...?02:26
deltah found it, ~/.dmrc02:54
holsteinMaynardW1ters: hey04:26
holsteindelt: i usually suggest, when folks come here *before* installing extra packages, to install lxde instead of lubuntu-desktop04:27
holsteindelt: i find lxde installs quite easily, and i look, and suggest that you or anyone installing packages looks to see what *exactly* is happening to the system04:27
deltholstein: good point, that was kind of stupid ..good thing i was able to fix it :D04:28
holsteindelt: i didnt see that anything was broken04:29
deltholstein: do you happen to know where to edit/add/remove the entries in the desktop-environment selection on the login screen?04:49
holsteindelt: you can remove the sessions, but the only thing that will free up is hard drive space04:49
delti just don't want a cluttered up menu with duplicate entries04:49
holsteindelt: i mean, how often do you even see that menu, right?04:50
deltanyway it's no big deal04:50
deltlike you said =)04:50
holsteindelt: you can try http://askubuntu.com/questions/111010/how-do-i-remove-some-sessions-from-the-session-list-in-xubuntu04:51
deltah, /usr/share/sessions04:53
deltexcept there is no such directory on my system04:54
holsteindelt: im sure you can sort it out, now that you know they are referred to as "sessions"..04:54
deltah, /usr/share/xsessions05:01
delti aer stipud :305:01
taifunorkanHello, seems to be, that I hosed my sources list. Ubutu Studio 12.04 LTS. PlS Help!08:51
taifunorkanI once updated the list with kxstudio, was interested in additional apps for audio. Puuh.09:12
taifunorkanNow no updates any more.09:12
xequencetaifunorkan: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/09:15
taifunorkanThis is what I tried, but made it worse.09:15
taifunorkanxequence, thanx for helping.09:15
xequencetaifunorkan: don't add "proposed"09:16
xequenceit's not meant for humans09:16
taifunorkanYes I know, a real mistake.09:17
xequenceWhat is it you tried?09:17
xequencetaifunorkan: Which country do you live in?09:18
xequencetaifunorkan: Also, before continuing, I'd just like to make sure you are really running 12.04. Do this in a terminal: cat /etc/issue09:19
taifunorkanxequence: Sources.list09:19
xequenceit's called sources.list09:19
taifunorkanOkay pls look at pastie09:20
xequencetaifunorkan: Why do you have so many 3rd party repos?09:20
taifunorkanI did it with http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/09:21
xequenceYEs, but why?09:21
xequenceAdding unofficial 3rd party repos can break your system09:21
taifunorkanI don't need, I can deselect them09:21
xequenceIs the file named correctly? It should be /etc/apt/sources.list09:22
xequenceCould you paste the output from: sudo apt-get update09:22
xequencehere http://paste.ubuntu.com09:22
xequenceOr, where you pasted before, sorry :)09:23
taifunorkanUbuntu Partner Repos. Is it okay09:23
xequenceYou get only a few things from there - if you decide to install them.09:23
xequenceThings like Skype and Adobe Acrobat Reader09:23
xequenceALl of the official Ubuntu repos are ok. proposed is bad, because it is a repo where packages are uploaded before official release. They can be full of errors09:24
xequenceproposed is only used for testing packages before release, and usually only about 1-2 weeks before release09:25
taifunorkanxequence: Here you are http://paste.ubuntu.com/6749492/09:25
taifunorkanI would like to have Skype later, no Adobe reader.09:26
xequencetaifunorkan: Looks ok. But, I personally don't see the point in so many 3rd party repos. The more you use, and the more they replace your system, the likelier it is you will have problems09:26
xequenceI would do a fresh install, then not add any repos unless you really need them09:26
taifunorkanO no, pls no fresh install.09:27
taifunorkan3rd parties, I mean audacity and banshee, would like to have, vlc maybe.09:27
taifunorkanWhy not.09:27
xequenceWhat happens when you do: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:27
xequenceall of those are available in the official repos09:28
xequenceNo need to add 3rd party repos09:28
taifunorkanSorry text in German. Pls have a look. I can translate: http://pastie.org/863193909:29
xequencetaifunorkan: I can read it09:30
xequenceThere's a conflict in dependencies09:30
taifunorkanBest friend :)09:30
xequencedid you try: sudo apt-get install -f09:30
taifunorkanYes for gimp?09:30
taifunorkanYes but wait.09:31
xequencetaifunorkan: Try uninstalling gimp-plugin-registry09:33
taifunorkanOkay, pls advice howto09:33
xequencesudo apt-get remove gimp-plugin-registry09:34
xequenceI still recommend a fresh install. Only takes a few minutes. This may take you longer09:34
xequenceA good tip is to keep user files in a seperate partition09:34
xequenceyou can create one during installation, and have it auto-mounted. You can specify your own path, such as /data, instead of /home09:35
taifunorkanSeems to work.09:36
xequenceUninstalling will always work09:36
xequenceNow, try to update again09:36
xequencesudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:36
xequencethat will upgrade your whole system, btw09:36
xequenceand don't worry about uninstalling ubuntustudio-* packages. They are only meta packages. Uninstalling them will not remove their dependencies09:37
xequenceno: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:38
xequencewe already updated the package list before09:38
taifunorkanYou mean reinstall the complete distro?09:38
xequenceno, I mean upgrade the system, like we tried before09:38
xequenceThen, if that doesn't work, I would do a fresh install09:39
taifunorkanA fersh install of complete ubuntu studio09:40
xequenceFirst, try the command: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:40
xequenceAnd if that doesn't work, then I would recommend a fresh install of whatever OS it is that you prefer09:40
taifunorkanGood. I first hat the thought I shouldn't have added kxstudio repos.09:41
taifunorkanThen I got trouble with audacious.09:41
xequenceAs I explained, that command will upgrade the whole system. Not to a newer release. Just to the latest version of packages09:41
taifunorkanYes it is working, I am jus chatting, sorry.09:42
taifunorkanxequence: I just need a pause. Are you still here in twenty minutes? The upgrade is still running.09:49
xequencetaifunorkan: I will be a bit busy further on, but it seems the upgrade is working fine09:50
xequenceIf you continue to have problems, reinstall09:50
taifunorkanxequence: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6749700/ I hope this is right? Last glance.10:20
xequencetaifunorkan: Looks good yes. But, again, it is likely you will have more problems in the future10:24
xequencebecause of the big number of 3rd party repos10:24
xequenceThey change the system. What you have now is not strictly Ubuntu Studio anymore10:24
taifunorkanCan I deinstall this ressources10:25
xequenceI don't know how, other than removing the repos, and then reinstalling all of the packages10:25
xequenceEasier, and faster to reinstall10:26
taifunorkanThank you very much.10:26
taifunorkanByr then.10:26
taifunorkanBye then10:26
xequenceHave fun :)10:26
MaynardW1tersholstein: remember our brief chat about my eeepc and upgrading to 12.0414:58
MaynardW1tersI was never able to get the install even going, I was considering trying the 13/14LTS pre release, any thoughts or opinions on that?14:58
deltHere's a good one: where is it stored which was the last session i opened? I thought it was ~/.dmrc, but changing that file doesn't seem to affect which one is selected by default.15:19
step1_Hallo, can somebody give me some help with ubuntu studio?21:16
holsteinMaynardW1ters: i do.. did you try it?22:16

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