
Chance_Is anyone still here?00:02
knome!anyone | Chance_00:03
ubottuChance_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:03
knome(also, people from various timezones frequent the channel, so it's always possible to have somebody around)00:03
Chance_Okay wierd problem. I have a Lubuntu splash screen, an Ubuntu login screen, and when I log in, the OS is Xubuntu..00:04
holsteinChance_: if you were messing about removing things, that could likely be happening.. if everything is working, i would just use the system "as-is"00:05
Unit193plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo or plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo is installed, same with unity-greeter.00:05
Chance_wont even ask how to fix.00:07
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Chance_is it safe to delete GNOME/Openbox and Xfce Session?00:10
holsteinChance_: i would say, anything can be done safely.. for you, i would say, if you dont need the space, just leave them along. otherwise, have backups and plan for failure, and you'll always be able to recover00:10
holsteinleave them alone*00:10
Chance_lol i guess i have OCD. i want to delete things that I dont use.00:14
holstein!mini | Chance_ you can always just start with the minimum and only add what you want00:16
ubottuChance_ you can always just start with the minimum and only add what you want: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:16
holsteinChance_: you *can* delete what you dont use, but, you need to leave what other applications need in place, or they will have a hard time00:17
Chance_okay but the thing is, i have so much stuff installed from terminal, Synaptic package manager, and the Ubuntu software center and idk where it all goes00:19
glenrockas long as you're installing it all from the repos, it goes where it's supposed to go00:19
holsteinChance_: you might want to research where things go before installing them00:20
Chance_but i do not want them anymore00:20
holsteinChance_: you should be able to use any package manager00:20
glenrockyou can apt-get remove packagename from terminal to remove it.   an apt-get autoremove will remove any unneeded turds that were left behind00:20
Chance_nevermind guys00:20
holsteinChance_: sure, and again you can remove them.. im just implying that you dont gain anything from it.. other than a little hard drive space00:20
holsteinChance_: if you want, try and ask more specifically.. "how do i remove x?"00:21
Chance_ok lets start here: how can i switch the splash screen back to xubuntu? im assuming theres a download in Synaptic Package Manager for that.00:22
holsteinChance_: its a config file AFAIK00:22
Chance_okay.. a config file.. im more familiar with Windows so im clearly lost00:24
Monkeytoemaybe someone can help me out here. I am trying to find the font used on this site so I can load it into libreoffice calc. Inspecting the element shows font-family{ consolas, monospace } ... as I dont have consolas it must be using the default monospace... libreoffice calc has no option for monospace. Here is the page in question that shows the font. The column on the right. http://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/btce/ppcbtc00:25
holsteinChance_: also, ts not so much like in windows where installed applications use resources. you can have openbox installed, and its not doing *anything* in th background00:25
holsteinChance_: this is a nice read on how someone changed splash screens http://askubuntu.com/questions/173329/what-alternatives-are-available-to-replace-the-purple-boot-splash-screen ..but its not an application that you need to add or remove. its a configuration that you changed installing and/or removing things00:26
MonkeytoeI also screenshotted the page to give an example of what the font looks like. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qt0xa3dmiw26cpm/fontexample.png00:26
holsteinChance_: also, keep in mind, you are not allowed to change anything about the splash screen in windows. all of the linux distros are able to theme and customize, and i think thats all that has happened to you. you have gotten some mixed art00:27
MonkeytoeThat was taken from firefox on xubuntu 13.1000:27
Monkeytoeanyone have any idea how I can figure out what font this is?00:27
Chance__sorry I'm back00:27
glenrockChance_: one more thing -- if you launch Ubuntu Software Center and then click the Installed button, it shows you everything you've installed from the repos.  This includes anything that was installed via the terminal, Software center, etc.00:27
Chance__i know that glenrock & that's what got me in trouble. i deleted something wrong i guess and when i rebooted, i got a mountall Plymouth error. im finally able to boot now but i have a lot of excess OS's and programs00:29
holsteinChance__: "arguably" excess.. keep in mind, reinstalltion should take less than 10 minutes. you can always reinstall, and in the future, experiement with either a live CD or a virtualized installation. in virtualbox, you can safe snapshots and easily revery00:30
glenrockMonkeytoe: try Ubuntu mono00:32
glenrockMonkeytoe: actually, that doesn't look like it00:32
Monkeytoeyeah ubuntu mono does not have a . in the 000:33
MonkeytoeI cant for the life of me figure out what font this is00:33
Monkeytoedo you know if firefox bundles fonts?00:33
Monkeytoeor would this have to be a system font00:33
holsteini have a . in my 000:33
Monkeytoefor ubuntu mono?00:34
Monkeytoeor just viewing the page00:34
holsteinMonkeytoe: im in the terminal right now.. and i have .'s in my 0's.. it looks much like that00:34
holsteini am using system fixed width font00:34
holsteinAFAIK, its the ubuntu one00:34
glenrockMonkeytoe: maybe try Liberation Mono too00:35
glenrocki think it would have to be a font you have on your system00:35
holsteinits just "monospace"00:35
holsteinwhen i specify.. and it looks like a monospace fixed width font00:35
MonkeytoeI see "monospace" in my terminal as well00:35
Monkeytoeand that is definantly the correct one00:36
holsteinMonkeytoe: looks like it to me00:36
MonkeytoeThe weird thing is... libreoffice calc does not have an option for monospace in the fonts00:36
glenrockwierd, but Libre doesn't give monospace as a choice00:36
Monkeytoeok I think I found what is going on00:44
Monkeytoein /usr/fonts/conf.avail there is a font called 58-dejavu-lgc-sans-mono.conf ... inside that <family>monospace</family><prefer><family>DejaVu LGC Sans Mono</family></prefer>00:45
Chance__how do i auto allow root access so i can delete files and stuff..?00:47
knomeChance__, please don't.00:47
knomeChance__, use sudo00:47
Chance__im in the File System00:48
Chance__when i right click, i cant move to trash00:48
knomeChance__, there's a reason why system files aren't easily deletable00:48
glenrockyou shouldn't need to delete things that aren't in your home folder00:48
glenrockyou uninstall with the package manager and the package manager cleans up00:49
Chance__i just want to get back the default splash screen.00:51
glenrockChance__: if you execute this command from a terminal, does it give you multiple options?       sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth00:52
glenrockChance__: hopefully you'll see a xubuntu option.   select it, then issue this command:   sudo update-initramfs -u00:53
Chance__yes glenrock00:54
glenrockChance__: here's where i found that info:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2043534&p=12177312#post1217731200:54
Chance__genius! its fixed thanks00:57
glenrockwelcome :)00:58
Chance__now to get rid of this GNU grub screen and just automatically boot into the OS00:58
xubuntu768anyone active?01:26
knome!anyone | xubuntu76801:26
ubottuxubuntu768: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:26
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:27
knomexubuntu768, do you have a support question?01:31
attraperevesDoes anyone know if the Radeon HD8400 is supported  under 13.10?01:41
holstein!ati | attrapereves01:43
ubottuattrapereves: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:43
attraperevesholstein, an update from earlier about the blank screen liveCD.01:47
holsteinattrapereves: i would just install, and specify the vesa driver with a custom xorg.conf01:47
attraperevesI was able to fully boot Mint, but only after making a new xorg.conf. I believe it was using a basic driver01:48
holsteinattrapereves: copye the xorg.conf from mint01:48
attraperevesI tried the same with xubuntu, but it does not get past "Loading Extension GLX"01:48
holsteinattrapereves: you'll need to check the driver line, and make sure you have the driver installed. or specify the vesa driver there til you install the driver you want/need01:49
attraperevesso just replace "radeon" with "vesa"?01:50
holsteinattrapereves: or, install the radeon driver that you need01:50
holsteinattrapereves: as long as you know how to edit the xorg.conf from a live CD or TTY, you wont break anything.. backup the file01:51
attraperevesI have removed glx from the config file, but it keeps trying to load when I do "startx". What's going on?01:55
toshiba-netHello! How do I get Xubuntu 12.04 LTS to recognize a 128GB SanDisk Ultra SDXC card? This card uses the exFAT memory format, but there's no such package in Synaptic on Xubuntu. Any advice?03:45
well_laid_lawntoshiba-net:  have you checked dmesg in a terminal to see what the kernel thinks of it?03:47
attraperevesI was finally able to get my system to boot using a daily build of 14.04, but I am getting weird fonts in certain windows. It looks like Thai.03:53
amireldorHi. Possible bug? I've just tried to change my profile picture under Xubuntu 13.10 and the user thumbnail under the 'users and groups' is well... not a button. I *did* manage to change my picture with ~/.face.06:50
amireldorThat's Xfce 4.1006:51
brainwashamireldor: changing the profile picture via GUI will be possible starting with 14.04, you can find an overview about this new app here http://smdavis.us/2013/07/27/mugshot-quick-and-easy-user-config/10:40
amireldorbrainwash, I saw somewhere on a Xfce forum where a user was told to click the profile image button and he was like: "oh, OK, that worked!"10:47
amireldorso I was wondering if maybe it's Xubuntu related10:47
amireldorand not general Xfce10:48
amireldorhere is the thread: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=12811010:52
amireldor(it's Mint's forum, not Xfce as I thought)10:52
knomemint is not (x)ubuntu11:01
knomethey are probably using a different greeter then11:02
knome(or login manager altogether)11:02
amireldorknome, it's supposed to be the same Xfce, isn't it? Xfce has it's own 'settings-manager' where I face the issue. Does the Xfce's in Xubuntu and Mint using a different settings-manager?11:14
brainwashamireldor: the settings manager is only an overview window, it displays system/user specific applications which allow the users to customize the desktop/system settings11:23
brainwashmost of them are part of Xfce, others are not11:23
amireldorbrainwash, ohhh so the "Users and Groups" there is a Xubuntu thing11:26
amireldoris the mugshot app gonna replace/integrate with "Users and Groups"?11:26
brainwashactually it's an outdated gnome 3.0 app to manage users and groups11:26
brainwashno, installing mugshot does not cause any trouble11:27
amireldorI meant in 14.0411:27
brainwashno, it's not a replacement11:27
amireldorIt seems odd to me that a new non-technical user will have to create a ~/.face image, instead of intuitively use a 'pre-packed' GUI user manager.11:31
brainwashwill be fixed in 14.0411:32
amireldorThe Gnome app will be updated?11:33
brainwashmugshot will be shipped by default starting with 14.0411:33
bazhangwhat is mugshot brainwash11:43
amireldorbazhang, this is the link he gave me earlier regarding mugshot http://smdavis.us/2013/07/27/mugshot-quick-and-easy-user-config/11:44
bazhangamireldor, thanks11:45
deltHere's a good one: where is it stored which was the last session i opened? I thought it was ~/.dmrc, but changing that file doesn't seem to affect which one is selected by default.15:22
starkdoes mac4lin/macubuntu affect performance? will it slow down xubuntu?15:33
starkhello ? :O15:37
xubuntu012help! Want to install Xubuntu on a VM app (MAC, Parallels 8)15:48
xubuntu012weird, nobody answered16:00
Calinouit's not weird here, xu16:06
Fohlenhi guys, how could I change the profile picture upon the login screen in xubuntu 13.04? I tried that already, http://askubuntu.com/questions/47186/is-there-a-way-to-change-user-picture-in-xubuntu-and-actually-display-it-on-log16:33
Fohlenit shows my pic in User Manager, but it does not upon start screen16:33
Fohlenso I assume I might need to add it somewhere, or change the approached image size (pixels)?16:34
FohlenI tried the ~/.face solution, but it seems to not work16:37
FohlenOr better said, it shows the picture in User Manager, but not upon startup16:38
brainwashFohlen: is your home folder encrypted?16:46
brainwashso it won't work16:46
Fohlenbrainwash, is there any workaround known?16:46
Fohlenor won't it work?16:47
brainwashyes, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/61637/where-is-the-users-profile-picture-stored-in-gnome-316:48
brainwashit's possible via accountsservice which is installed by default16:49
brainwashyou should copy your profile picture over to /var/lib/AccountsService/icons16:50
Fohlenthank you very much16:53
Fohlenthough, /usr/share/pixmaps/faces should also work, shouldnt it?16:53
Fohlenas in the example16:53
brainwashsure, you can move it anywhere you like and the system has access to it while you are not logged in16:54
delthow do i fix this compile / cmake error:17:33
deltERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in (some paths)17:33
geniidelt: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=FindKDE4Internal.cmake&mode=exactfilename&suite=saucy&arch=any17:37
deltgenii: thanks17:45
kblinevening folks18:23
kblinis there a way to detect audio jack events in xubuntu?18:24
kblinI'm trying to get my system to normally play sounds via HDMI, but switch to headphones if I plug those in18:25
kblinso far, I have to manually switch output devices in the mixer settings, which is a bit annoying18:25
apothecariushey guys, I have a really weird problem18:27
apothecariusi use xubuntu 12.04 on a really cheap laptop18:28
apothecariusand there seems to be a shell on the screen that receives all key input18:28
apothecariuswhenever the return key is pressed the system logs out18:28
apothecariusbtw the computer is configured to login automatically when booting up18:29
Calinouhow to make screen not shut down after 15 minutes of inactivity?18:30
CalinouI seen a bug report about that, that PM features are broken under 13.1018:30
kblinthe only thing that is consistently broken in 13.x ubuntus for me is the ability to hibernate from the GUI18:32
brainwashCalinou: you can change the timeout values via Settings Manager > Screensaver / Power Manager18:34
Calinouit doesn't work18:35
Calinouhas NO effect18:35
Calinouthat's the point of the bug report I've seen18:35
brainwashbut Xubuntu is not affected18:35
Calinouit is, I experience it18:35
Calinouthe bug report was for Xubuntu18:35
brainwashdid you disable xscreensaver or xfce4-power-manager?18:36
brainwashwell, please link the report then18:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager does not inhibit systemd from handling buttons and lid events" [Medium,Triaged]18:37
brainwashyou described a different issue18:38
apothecariushey, right now im logged into the machine via SSH how can i deactivate the automatic login after booting18:42
SysiCalinou: check /etc/systemd/logind.conf18:44
Calinoualso... I don't get it, I use upstart?18:44
brainwash+ a crippled systemd implementation18:46
glenrockapothecarius: do a less on /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:46
brainwashCalinou: can you upload the output of "xset -q" please18:46
glenrockapothecarius: does it have a username next to autologin-user18:46
apothecariusyes glenrock, thank you18:47
brainwashthe Screen Saver timeout value is >018:51
brainwashdoes changing the value via Settings Manager > Screensaver not work?18:52
Calinoumeh, it's for another PC anyway18:53
brainwashand also make sure that xscreensaver is actually running the background18:53
brainwashin the background18:53
Calinouit isn't18:53
brainwashif you don't want to use xscreensaver, then you will have to add the command "xset s off" to your startup apps18:55
XUBUIm have problems with my GUI. I pressed Ctrl + Alt + F2 then CtrlAltF7 and when I got back to the homescreen, my display shrunk. hard to explain18:55
XUBUbasically my homescreen shows at the top left, and the rest of the screen is just a solid color.18:57
XUBUfixed it.19:00
kblinCalinou: hm, you're right, I doesn't do anything for me either19:06
Calinouthat bug has been around since a long time, but it got worse in 13.1019:07
brainwashCalinou: which bug?19:14
Calinouthe power management one19:14
Calinouthe one I mentioned19:14
brainwashhow did it get worse in 13.10? if xscreensaver isn't running, then it won't override the timeout value19:17
Calinouin 13.10: clicking power button doesn't ask you before shutting down, and laptops always suspend when lid is closed19:19
Calinouregardless of setting19:19
brainwashyes, a workaround + patched version of xfce4-power-manager (PPA) available19:21
brainwashare available19:21
brainwashfeel free to test the PPA19:22
brainwashsome positive feedback might help to push this version into the official repo19:22
recon_laptell nomodeset19:23
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:23
attraperevesI am not able to get my battery indicator to show up. I have tried the setting under the power manager. Any other tips?19:24
Calinoubrainwash, it's concerning that fixes like that (also sound indicator fix) still aren't merged in 3 months after release :P19:24
brainwashCalinou: sound indicator has been fixed19:25
recon_lapthx elfy :)19:25
Calinounot for me :/ had to fix it by hand19:25
brainwashCalinou: everyone is able to contribute, the source code is open, so everyone can write patches and try to improve Xubuntu19:27
brainwashthis sound indicator issue wasn't easy to fix, on top of that, it has been broken by the ubuntu guys19:28
Calinouthere was a fool proof fix on webupd8 :P19:30
Calinouworked on all DEs19:30
elfyand when there was time and people to do more with it then it was done19:33
kblinCalinou: the sound stuff is fixed for me19:36
CalinouI fixed it by myself19:37
kblinI did that on an older install19:40
kblinbut on recent fresh installs, it was broken after the install and then fixed itself after an apt-get upgrade19:40
=== lobo is now known as Guest93060
Guest93060anyone free, have a short question20:29
Calinouask it20:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:30
Guest93060i am on xubuntu lucid and replaced pulse audio with alsa20:30
Guest93060cantfigure out how to make logout sound work20:30
Calinoulucid is not supported anymore20:31
Calinouupdate to precise, or saucy20:31
Guest93060xubuntu 12.04?20:31
CalinouLucid is 10.0420:31
CalinouPulseAudio got much better recently, and is less buggy than before20:31
Guest93060yes but once got rid of it and applied a few other tweaks my system works like a charm20:32
CalinouLucid is not supported anymore20:33
xubuntu408im not using lucid20:33
Guest93060ok, thanks anyway, i suppose i wont be needing the log out sound, i tried to install canberra but it needs pulse audio20:34
xubuntu408i was wondering if i could get some help with something20:34
Calinouthat's why you shouldn't remove PA20:35
elfy!ask | xubuntu40820:35
ubottuxubuntu408: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:35
Calinouxubuntu408, ask your question20:35
xubuntu408Disk Mount Error During Boot-Up20:35
xubuntu408ok got it20:36
xubuntu408Disk Mount Error During Boot-Up  is my problem how do i fix im new to linux so i wish i could be more specific20:39
xubuntu408thanks in advance20:40
recon_lapxubuntu408: you really need to describe what you did to install better than that.20:51
recon_lapxubuntu408: could you provide a link to the instructions you followed when installing ?20:53
johnsnowdisk mount error on boot up21:28
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:29
xubuntu704need help with fixing mounting error21:42

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